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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 120 KB, 1000x1000, Rhett_and_Link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14012840 No.14012840 [Reply] [Original]

>raw denim, always CUFFED
>red wing boots
>thick plastic glasses

>> No.14012848

Those guys aren’t that bad.

>> No.14012859

>go on /fa/
>get told I should cuff everything
>”this looks great actually”
>a few years later
>LOL nu-male

>> No.14012861

caps with brand logos on them

>> No.14012863

>common projects
>talks about "art hoes"
>japanese americana
>workwear when you're an office wagecuck
>drain gang
>mac demarco soft boy aesthetic
>listens to post-black metal
>posts instagram fit pics

>> No.14012866

Imagine being so insecure you post on a an anonymous hentai forum to try and rally up other anonymous spergs to feel better about your sad life.

I don’t wear or like any of the shit you listed for the record. But I guarantee at least half the dudes you see wearing it are less pathetic than you.

>> No.14012877

Nu maleism is largely to do with the mindset, attitude and beliefs
I wear red wings and occasionally cuff my jeans and I am right wing as fuck

>> No.14012888
File: 18 KB, 1200x800, 765E5ED0-DEF6-4BFF-AD79-E51618806B62.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wear red wings and occasionally cuff my jeans and I am right wing as fuck

>> No.14012889

sounds like exactly what a śoyboy would say

>> No.14012896

>and I'm right wing
Hows 5th grade going for you pal

>> No.14012915

it's almost as if you should just do what you want

>> No.14012940
File: 166 KB, 1200x799, these are the people calling you cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am right wing as fuck
pure soi

>> No.14012945

the one on the right is insufferable

>> No.14012947

The right one has the worst case of insufferable onions face possible.

>> No.14012968
File: 102 KB, 717x960, 20FEED17-EAB0-420B-8A14-B0EA3368975B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14012976

Just because you’re right-wing “as fuck” it doesn’t mean you’re not a numale. Yeah sure there’s more leftist numales than right wing numales but that’s not the deciding factor broyo

>> No.14012979

nah that's sadboy/man thot, distinct from nu-male. slightly less normie but slightly more annoying

>> No.14012981

sorry bud, all of that is soi.

>> No.14013015

I really want to hate these guys, but I can't. They keep the s o y to a minimum and they understand comedic pacing well.

>> No.14013054

god i fucking hate these two soya boys
every fucking time i check the youtube trending tab they're there with their gaping mouths

>> No.14013058

Army of meth babies LOL

>> No.14013063

That mf can get it any day of the week

>> No.14013075

leave gmm out of this :(

>> No.14013143
File: 322 KB, 975x521, 20190115_115150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nu male gape

>> No.14013157

Something I’ve noticed about s o y boy fucks is that their clothes are always pristine. Like they’re always tryna look like they’re straight out of the faggot catalog. If you’re wearing raw jeans with holes an patches, tastefully dirty worn work boots and a heavy flannel or worn work jacket, you’re not gonna look soi. Unless you have the beard and glasses then you’re fucked

They all think they’re so woke but really they’re just perpetuating the stereotype of what a “man” should be by subscribing to an aesthetic that is classicaly masculine

>> No.14013159

do you know where you are?

>> No.14014164
File: 80 KB, 667x1000, rhett and link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skinny jeans and high tops.

>> No.14014214

>Nu maleism is largely to do with the mindset, attitude and beliefs
>I wear red wings and occasionally cuff my jeans and I am right wing as fuck
And you even provided a personal example, impressive.

>> No.14014219

oh lawd he comin

>> No.14014234

common projects are onions boy "grails"

>> No.14014235

I just started to check this place out and haven't found anything useful at all yet, but why the hate for Red Wings? I've been rocking some Iron Rangers for practical reasons for two years and they're slick and comfy. Most boots, particularly black ones, that are steel toed look like dogshit.

>> No.14014243

you won't find anything useful here. /fa/ is a shithole full of morons shitflinging at each other.

>> No.14014260
File: 14 KB, 250x350, 1497449788407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thick plastic glasses
>Actually got a pair of thick plastic glasses for my newest prescription because I figured I'd get with the times or some shit.
>Hate them but learned to live with them because I kept getting complimented about them despite the fact I'm still salty they block my peripheral vision real bad.

Just stick with thin frames, lads. Shit ain't worth it.

>> No.14014265

Holy shit cringe

>> No.14014272 [DELETED] 


They have a perfect silhouette and are practically speaking the highest-tier work boots available.

>> No.14014281
File: 16 KB, 236x236, b76b59287644b3701327c0b07ca65797--wing-shoes-black-denim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iron Rangers have a flawless silhouette and are practically speaking the highest quality work boots available. They're also the only safety toe black boots I've ever seen that aren't just awful.

>> No.14014283

I can tell what the fat ones voice sounds like.

>> No.14014294

yeah u just shot urself in the foot with this post bud

>> No.14014413

sure, if you're heading to your interview at the circus lmao

>> No.14014433

that fat kid is actually pretty based. mafia-boss core

>> No.14014437
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>> No.14014568

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was just moving to LA that fucked up their style. If not for that they'd probably still be wearing carhartt and bootcut jeans

>> No.14014639
File: 222 KB, 1280x720, 1537845312344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>red wing boots

>> No.14014647

I like it

>> No.14014700

fucking right wing soimale cux

>> No.14014791

their content is comfy

>> No.14015248

Reddit likes it

>> No.14015252

V neck sweaters are domesticated male dress

>> No.14015292

>move to LA
>become gay


>> No.14015302

If he was about 60% as fat as he is, it would be perfect.

>> No.14015309


Should I get some zip up tactical fat boy boots instead? If Red Wings are popular it's because they're clearly the nicest boots made.

>> No.14015391

goddamn, moz is such a cutie

>> No.14015399

morissey is anything but bugman. even if he was full blown soi he looked too good to fit stereotype

>> No.14015408

found la soya boya

>> No.14015412


>> No.14015465

>shitting on one of the last 2 geniune dudes with a huge youtube channel
yeah, lemme see what you call essential and aesthetic, post face

>> No.14015512

>geniune dudes
>huge youtube channel
>essential and genuine aesthetic

Do you have Pearl Jam on vinyl?

>> No.14015617

you forgot vasectomy

>> No.14015698

Well, you may not be a libcuck but that just makes you an incel

>> No.14015778

hating on drain gang. I feel bad for you

>> No.14016296

>japanese fashion
>posting about arthoes
>softboy aesthetic (duh)
>vintage carhartt jackets
>getting triggered by things and activities usually considered to be manly, calling them unmanly

>> No.14016298

Is being chad actually the soiyest thing ever?

>> No.14016369

Why is this constantly posted to demonize right-wingers? There's plenty of disparaging stuff out there and you choose the one picture with the next orson welles.

>> No.14016401
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>> No.14016478
File: 60 KB, 962x640, Common-Project-Achilles.w710.h473.2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you basically lose all your manhood wearing this

>> No.14016481

our right or their right

>> No.14016486
File: 854 KB, 2008x1338, 1449405851743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget about these too

>> No.14016542

I'm going to put mine on right now.

>> No.14016723


>> No.14016739

why do people even like tese? its basic, boring and hardly fashionable

>> No.14016748

nice shape, basic, goes with everything. the only reason people get their panties in a bunch about these is because they're expensive compared to their wage

>> No.14016771

Jesus that kid on the far left is like 10 years old and already balding

>> No.14016778

>High quality basics

>> No.14016781

>it goes with everything
they're not even expensive. they're just boring and screams "i can't dress so i wear these tasteless sneakers to play it safe"

>> No.14016798

people own more than one pair of shoes, it sounds like your taste is pretty bad if you feel so strongly about owning a basic sneaker

>> No.14016826

You'd be right if I didn't own basic sneakers, but I don't give a fuck about the most basic sneaker of them all. No one gave a fuck about rod lavers until tasteless cunts thought a high quality version made them worth buying

>> No.14016886
File: 448 KB, 240x320, 1530124097176.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice Kingpin cosplay

>> No.14017486

All good till about DG

>> No.14018163
File: 313 KB, 640x615, 6815EA6C-731E-4BDA-B2AD-16A271004717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moz gives me big bone

>> No.14018167

Well they are white sneakers so they are very easy to pair with everything, they’re hardly tasteless, getting your Calvin’s in a bunch and insulting people who wear them won’t make people change their minds

>> No.14018176

oh boy I hope this post was "ironic"

>> No.14018178

the fat guy looks fucking cool though you gotta hand it to him

>> No.14018179

I want to stab them both

>> No.14019135

Eric Cartman?

>> No.14019148
File: 1.10 MB, 1411x1194, virgin master race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14019243


>Nu maleism is largely to do with the mindset, attitude and beliefs

Where do you think you are

>> No.14019267

Onions responce

>> No.14019273

>checking the trending tab
Literally why? Is there ever anything other than late night trash, nu male trash and shit for kids?

>> No.14019298

What is the definition of "alt-right" and who describes themselves as "alt-right"? I've only seen them made fun of, even when I look on /pol/. Is the alt-right real or is it just a media psyop?

>> No.14019300

*Bulbous salutation

>> No.14019331

It used to be real but turned into media bullshit when the media started talking about it. It's very much the non-meme Kekistan in that way.
It's basically just ethnonationalists.

>> No.14019342

Stop forcing this "onions" meme you fucking faggot

>> No.14019372

Based as fuck.

>> No.14019378
File: 15 KB, 644x800, ryfw9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

common projects
Acne studios
Norse projects

If you own anything from these then you should feel bad

>> No.14019379

Well, that's how mafia works

>> No.14019391

>t. spic or hadji

>> No.14019393

sweet goatee
partisancore for sure

>> No.14019396

yes they are and the fact that you think they aren't, yikes

chickity check yourself before you wreck yourself

>> No.14019397

why do white people bald so easily?

>> No.14019410

Redpilled but not based. Get some better fashion sense, you're supposed to show how right wingers are the better people. I'm right wing and i dress like a comfy Japanese person.

>> No.14019412

All the cringe shills and projecting onions cucks here bashing on the red pill lmao

>> No.14019417

What the heck are "red wings" and "cuffed jeans" anyway?

>> No.14019418

Jesus fucking christ, what's the stance called on the right justin bieber looking motherfucker?

>> No.14019419


>> No.14019423

Zipper Man, I believe.

>> No.14019425
File: 85 KB, 832x498, Dr.Robenis_=DDD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know wad I will gall it hereafder
Hands near benis sdance :DDD

>> No.14019431

Their numbers ranged into the thousands, like maybe 5 or 6 thousand called themselves alt-right. Now it's a blanket term for everyone who voted Trump or hold some conservative opinions libcucks disagree with.

Total meme word and i always laugh at the morons using it unironically.

>> No.14019440

Nice quote you tranny degenerate.

>> No.14019452
File: 465 KB, 1200x799, mafia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want that söyboy dead ya here me? DEAD!

>> No.14019620

Hell yeah

>> No.14019627


>> No.14019633

kekus maximus

>> No.14019634

Based Ice Cube quoter

>> No.14020203
File: 272 KB, 830x709, SmartSelect_20190117-185259_Clover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BASED Iron Ranger poster, truly clowning on the competition

>> No.14020299

this is /fa/. a trend can just start and a week later everyone will say it peaked in 2014 and call you a beta faggot flyover state dweller for not knowing 2026's fashion trends already

>> No.14020302

they're still all bugmen normie socialist dweebs. all objectively uncool

>> No.14020344


>> No.14020385

Glasses boy is cute

>> No.14021142

Every sensible child will know what this means

>> No.14021146
File: 64 KB, 708x800, DW_GUpoVoAA1JNl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nike Killshot 2

>> No.14021157

good effort

>> No.14021168

It's a very real thing. They're all over /pol/ and were quite prominent during the Trump election. They even have their own spokespersons that frequently make it onto nation wide television such as Ann Coulter, Steve Bannon, Milo Yiannopoulos, and many more. Pretending like it's not a real thing is only done by alt-right teens that are embarassed by the stigma of being incels.

>> No.14021695


>> No.14021747

based and redpilled

>> No.14021753

>overly coiffed hair
>bideo games
>pallor from always being indoors
>slightly overdressed in a prissy way
>sad attempts to ape the superficial aspects of "traditional masculinity" without actually living it
>conflicted feelings because you think you're supposed to be "woke" but you can't fully embrace everything that implies
>alternatively self-hate because you think you're supposed to be a glorious nordic ubermensch but irl you're actually just a flabby nerd who posts online and goes to the gym sometimes but never talks to anyone

>> No.14021760

>wearing jackets indoors (bombers, harringtons, etc)
>classic "manly" fade haircut
>retarded samurai topknot haircut
>fucking Allbirds
>discomfort cause your family back home in the midwest thinks you're a fag, but your coworkers in california don't seem to as far as you can tell

>> No.14021771

>thinking about trying crossfit
>learning to code on the side
>electric skateboard

>> No.14021776

he looks like a fucking alien jesus christ

>> No.14021778

>tfw no gf
>either pants that fit too tight like you have no balls or baggy ugly slim jeans
>yellow teeth
>not looking ppl in the eyes
>standing up weirdly straight and stiff to look "manly"
>strong opinions about politics based on "reason and logic" that you only feel comfortable talking with people online about
>graphic T shirts
>collared shirts with patterns on them

>> No.14021798

>watching Game of Thrones
>reading lots of news online
>buying beer brewing kits

>> No.14021803

are your political opinions based on emotions?

>> No.14021808

are you guys describing yourselves or what lol

>> No.14021818

>>collared shirts with patterns on them
it took around 130 posts, but finally, ive been hit and sunk

>> No.14021821

any human being that thinks their ideas are based on "reason and logic" is delusional

field notes from living and working around the common california numale for 5+ years
of course I inevitably do some of these things too

>> No.14021831

i would pay to see the kind of schizos like you

>> No.14021837

Fuck now I'm thinking about this seriously

I think the essence of numale-ism is the identity confusion inherent to young (especially white american) males

Often visibly expressed through clothing

And the inherent disdain/distrust people (including us and the numales themselves) feel towards such confused individuals

confusion about gender roles especially

They end up trying to project a calculated image instead of just embracing who they are and the clash is obvious and grating

>> No.14021842

try going outside sometime

>> No.14021854

i never met anyone who browses chan regularly and i know a bunch of stem nerds
it feels like you dont even realise how deep youve gone

>> No.14021859
File: 417 KB, 755x561, bronotcool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Secret about all of 4chan in general

Everyone here is a stark contrarian after years and years of neglect by mainstream society/the "kool kids".
Once something becomes popular, no matter what board it is, it becomes ostracized. This site was casually leftist/atheist in '08 like plebbit was/is but then as liberalism became the retarded unquestionable mainstream it became hard right.
Applies to anime and manga I don't care how much the "average joe" consumes anime if it was every mainstreamed (like, used in big corp' ads like meme culture is) the anime boards and manga boards would collapse.

As to what you posted
>raw denim, always CUFFED
>red wing boots
>thick plastic glasses
is just basic workwear nu male core is anime/vidya tee shirt loose pants that are too long, un trimmed beard and general obesity

>> No.14021872

>still posting a shopped img

>> No.14021877
File: 38 KB, 362x346, jkflda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>thick plastic glasses
but they're the most comfortable type. and the nose piece don't break whenever I fucking slam my head into the wall accidentally.

>> No.14021885
File: 77 KB, 1000x1000, round.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go round

>> No.14021964


We're in free flight, bro! Or was it free fall?
I would say, in the past two decades men have come under increasing pressure to dress well. It used to be "wear something decent as not to look poor" while now one's fit has to have taste, brand savvyness, and an individual sense of style. The young feel it and try hard. Add a shifting cultural landscape and your clothes suddenly have to mean something. No wonder most in the 18-27 age group seem conflicted in their (self)image. Just figure it out by the time your 30 and it's all fine.

yeah, nah
as mentions of doxing and other lulz in the media referring to this pocket snooker club piled up, the troll was fed. thi is all

>> No.14023036

lmao, 4chan was never "leftist"

t. been here since 2006

>> No.14023093

4chan didnt become neo nazi friendly until like 7-6 years ago.

>> No.14023110

They’re really not. Not the most effay couple of lads but way more entertaining than most other normie shit. My ass even ended up on the wheel of mythicality segment after only one video submission lmao

>> No.14023128

so before you were here?

>> No.14023300
File: 4 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protip: that's just how 30 year olds dress.

We all bought "muh quality" shit like gitman Bros plaid shirts and Japanese kaihara produced denim when we were your age and they still look brand new.

Meanwhile everyone under 25 has this shirt and a pair of vans old skools

>> No.14024083

that kingpin actually kinda reminds me of ben shapiro

>> No.14024087

didn't they start their show back in NC? they already looked like tools then. or am I remembering wrong

>> No.14024091

>right: lvl. 1 crook
>left: lvl. 999 mafia boss

>> No.14024382

>Making fun of 40yo men who do Youtube for a job
Pretty sure these guys have a better life than anyone in here, unfashionable (generic) as they may be.

>> No.14024549

Somewhat feminine?

>> No.14024984

based as fuck

>> No.14024988

The only thing that I've seen 100% are a sure tell sign is the plastic glasses (from Warby parker) and the beard. Bonus points if they're bald or balding, but those two things are always on point.

>> No.14024993

balding is simply genetic

how can a thing you havent chosen be a sign of your mentality

i am under the impression you simply summarize everything that makes a male unattractive as "nu-male", which is retarded for obvious reasons

>> No.14024995
File: 128 KB, 750x937, airport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, people dislike these on /fa/ in 2019 because they're popular and everyone recommends them (for a good reason). This is a 4chan board, if regular people like them and they're popular it's bad.

Other fashion communities have no problem with Common Projects or similar simple sneakers. /fa/ recommended them heavily a few years ago too. But hey normies like them so we gotta make fun of them right guys?

>> No.14025019

Its called fashion for a reason.

>> No.14025027

this is actually what they (incels) do lol its just insecurity at its prime have you noticed how the people who critizice something never post themselves? never show by example what is good "taste" according to them? it's because they lack it, hardcore. they lack attractiveness themselves. Thats the incel, thats the character they are.

>> No.14025028

best thing i've seen in months.

>> No.14025033


>> No.14025202

I want a late 40s/50s revival to happen, I'm tired of jeans, sneakers, hoodies and technical jackets

>> No.14025730

>did the nu-gape as a joke when a friend took a photo of me
>unironically look 100% onions
Should I just end it?

>> No.14026331

people that wear their tongues like that are not ready to be a part of society

>> No.14026340

youd get sacked if you wore those on site

>> No.14026343

>watching Game of Thrones

cmon this one is unfair

>> No.14026353


>> No.14026359

coping fat manlet
wah wah! Picture make me angry, because they ugly! Neck yourself
Being attracted to a retarded manlet. Cringe from me
>Dude! that's manly as hell!
You have to go back

>> No.14026366


>> No.14026409

Red Wings are probably the best boots you can buy in their price bracket, shitting on them is just straight up contrarianism.

>> No.14027185

Hahahahaha. the only reason why I comeback to this shitty site is for autistic shit like this.

>> No.14027186


>> No.14027223

Rhett is cool, Link is king of soi

>> No.14027246

they look like offbrand shows youd find at target lmao. have some persobality, sheep

>> No.14027260
File: 508 KB, 1200x759, 4050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sneakers, jeans and jackets are peak 40s/50s youth fashion.

>> No.14027303
File: 590 KB, 750x1075, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> how can a thing you havent chosen be a sign of your mentality

>> No.14027409

>raw denim, always CUFFED

No opinion on it.

>red wing boots

Don't have a pair. I use Chelsea Boots though.

>thick plastic glasses

There was a time (4 to 5 years ago), where every optician only sold variations of those. I shit you not, that was the only reason to this day I own plastic glasses after rocking those ultralight ones for years.


Had to grow one because I look too young without one and I can't afford to look young in my line of work.


They're great in winter if you wear them under your sweatshirt.

3/5. Meh.

>> No.14027505

>something is in style
>get surprised when several years later it is no longer in style
you DO understand how trends work, right?

>> No.14027509

now that i see it, youth fashion actually hasnt changed much, you could easily dress like this today without standing out

>> No.14027533
File: 813 KB, 1002x857, 1547527626657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14027555

Surely they are all on the right

>> No.14027592

Is that Kingpin?

>> No.14027684

Master race

>> No.14028531

vernaculis to the far right

>> No.14028568

Fuck you bitch red wing boots are the only work boots I own that don't break down with normal use.

>> No.14028598


>> No.14028724

>Had to grow one because I look too young without one and I can't afford to look young in my line of work.

>> No.14028994
File: 238 KB, 400x350, 17f49c8cc1f744801b0c842e599f64849eb72d33cadbe4879879688d1c380d3e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
