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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 135 KB, 677x376, tights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13959455 No.13959455 [Reply] [Original]

GF uses very sexy miniskirts with tights underneath that makes her legs look really nice but sadly flatten her ass (nothing sexier than being able to see the buttcheeks clearly formed under the thin miniskirt fabric).
I bought her a pair of stockins but they turned out to be really low, so not really wearable in public and not as sexy as they reach up to the middle of the thigh and with a big band that I guess works for gripping (kind of cheap in a slutty manner).
I want to buy her stockings but reach up just under the buttcheeks (left picture) but look just as regular tights from the outside (right). I've been unable to find something like this on the internet. Do this kind of stockings have a special name? do they actually make them?

>> No.13959493

idk but that looks hot.
skirts are so superior than trousers on women in literally every single way

>> No.13959507

>the plebeian hillbilly

>> No.13959514

learn to greentext, newfag.
anyway, skirts are superior. trousers, especially jeans, on women look like shit

>> No.13959532

Sorry, but meme arrows are not for quoting. I understand that your first contact with the symbol was on reddit or in gradeschool math. Have a nice day lumberjack.

>> No.13959611

xdddd get with the times grandpa we wear joggers and eat ass now xdddd

>> No.13959632

sauce on the left pic?

>> No.13959671

Just have her wear regular stockings with a tight garter belt.

>> No.13959677

Also thought about this, but it will be noticeable under the miniskirt, so again, not to be worn in public.

>> No.13959683

I've been here for 7 years and this is traditional greentexting

>> No.13959685
File: 153 KB, 600x739, butt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was actually considering something like this but I thought that this will be noticeable as well

>> No.13959687

Nah you can pull them all the way up to your ass cheeks. I wear them in the fall with thick stockings and nobody can tell they just look like tights.

>> No.13959708

You can buy tights that don't constrict on the butt, they look like an 'anime tshirt' if you know what I mean.

Just ask in a store that sells tights, describe that you dont want it to squish the butt.

>> No.13959754

You'll just have to buy a bunch and see which one fits best with her skirt length

>> No.13959823

Hey faggot, how much money are you willing to pay to get these stockings for your cross dressing fantasy?

>> No.13959981


>> No.13960802


Thank you for your responses. So basically they don't make high to the buttcheecks stockings?

>> No.13960865

they do, you just have to find them

>> No.13960962
File: 59 KB, 287x718, stockings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



This is the highest I can find on amazon. Still I would prefer that silicone strip wasn't as wide, it can really be seen with short skirts.

>> No.13960970

t. been here for three months

>> No.13961025

there's one of your problems. dig around on google. i just googled "above the thigh stockings" and "over the thigh stockigns" and turned up this website


although there are more socks than nylon stockings some of them are close enough to stockings for your fetish purposes. there were some other online stores that came up too. your second problem is you are just digging around randomly when women are of all different heights. know the inseam you are looking for. that website linked above has things with inseams longer than most guys have for pants (i wear a 32" inseam). search for the precise length you need in addition to tinkering around with keywords. also i have the sneaking suspicion you are a girl (male) looking for gear to wear yourself. even if you aren't it'd be worth lurking >>>/lgbt/ to see where the fembois get their thigh highs. they'll easily be the same inseam as you or your gf.

>> No.13961037

Those ultra long socks are made for amab bodies so watch out in case they might not fit your gf

>> No.13961047


Thank you for the feedback. I would have no problem admiting that I crossdress if I did in an anonymous site like this, but that is not the case. This is for my gf and as you can see I'm not familiar with purchasing items like this. Anyway, I appreciate your help.

>> No.13961079

Imagine the smell

>> No.13961089
File: 34 KB, 549x550, mmmmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13961153

are you retarded? you just need to find a pair that fit the way you want. it's like you're complaining that all pants are too short because you tried one pair that's made for someone shorter than you. stop being "women's fashion makes me completely forget all logic because i'm a guy xD"

>> No.13961179
File: 156 KB, 1134x2016, answer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like these? Got these at Coop which is a Scandinavian convenience store

>> No.13961180

Not sure. I'll need to see another picture of them, with high heels, of course

>> No.13961181
File: 69 KB, 540x960, answer2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the package. I'm tall tho, around 175 cm so they might be too tall for her :p

>> No.13961183

i'm gonna need a closer look, m'lady

>> No.13961199

nasty nails, cut that shit

>> No.13961205


>> No.13961255

Hot as fuck

>> No.13961275

yo bitch real tight

>> No.13961292
File: 478 KB, 1837x1655, gay not gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omgod, please be my gf

>> No.13961396

what's it like to have a girlfriend?

>> No.13961458

Sucks, stupid. I don't recommend it. I've been in 3 LTRs and the last one will be my final. In every instance my gf became emotionally dependent on me and hated me at the same time. That's not contradictory, you inevitably resent someone you are dependent on. Most times I tried to insist on taking space or being more independent this seemed to trigger some kind of panic response and rather than getting the time I wanted, it would initiate a weeks-long discussion about whether or not we were breaking up, if I wasn't attracted to them anymore and so on. I mean I would say something like "I need a few days to be by myself" or "I think you should open up to more people about this stuff than just me." And that alone pushes all kinds of abandonment buttons I guess.

I have loved my time since breaking up with my last gf, I have so much time, space, and freedom to think and do what I want when I want. When I give gifts, give attention, or go out with people they say they appreciate it instead of being angry at me for not doing it enough. It's weird, for some reason when you rub genitals all the things you do as a friend are no longer a surplus or a generosity, they are obligations and expectations.

People will respond "you just haven't found the right person" or "you are the common denominator in your failed relationships, you are responsible for those problems." The latter has some truth. However, weighing how I feel being alone versus having a girlfriend, I will go with the fulfillment and freedom I feel being alone than continue to cross my fingers for the "right person."

>> No.13961476

I miss it

>> No.13961501

thoughtful and considered response and one I presently agree with.
The frustrations eventually outweigh the benefits I find. Then it's terminal.

>> No.13961502


OP here. Thank you so much. Yes, that's what I meant. Do you know if they sell them without that wide silicone strip?

>> No.13961503

have you thought about not dating fucking retards? it's completely your fault.

>> No.13961509


>> No.13961517

Some of it is my fault but not that way. Dating someone un-self aware would be an upgrade. Intelligent people are the most neurotic, leading to the dependence. This is rampant among my smart guy friends too, they all want a mommy gf.

>> No.13961526

lel you're seriously saying that everyone you dated is too smart and that's why they're assholes? there's a very popular forum, you'll find a bunch of highly intelligent people there for you to date. and take your fedora with you.

>> No.13961544

That's not what I'm saying at all, nor did I imply anyone was an asshole. There's no moral fault in becoming emotionally dependent on someone

>> No.13961551

So stop dating emotionally dependent women? Seems like the obvious solution.

why the fuck are you giving gifts to anyone until you're at the one year mark anyways? a gift over ~30 bucks is for someone you've dated for at least three years

>> No.13961567

Can you be any more insecure? Jesus dude..

>Anon dated three smart people that turned out to be neurotic in similar ways
>LEL go back to plebbit you fedora

>> No.13961569

You've obviously never been in a long term relationship.

>> No.13961572

>being surprised that type A females are neurotic

literally the same as dating gym bros and being confused why they're tuff guys

>> No.13961576

been in many, i figured out not to be with shitty people...shock horror, you can drop some one after a couple dates if they're a shit person. guess you saw tits and pussy and figured that's good enough

>> No.13961585

>been in many
probably a good sign that you're doing something wrong yourself lmao

>> No.13961614

I don't believe you. You would know how complicated long term relationships can get. It's not as simple as lol just dump them.

>> No.13961627

I don't believe him either. He categorically separates people "shitty people" and "shit person" as if there is a clean division between them and everyone else in the world. If he had been in a relationship with anyone long enough to discover even the best and most compatible seeming people have baggage, dark and toxic sides and destructive patterns of behavior carried from childhood his view wouldn't be so reductive. Now that I think of it, he is literally the person I predicted would respond "you just haven't found the right person" in my first post.

>> No.13961628

nigger, why not? it's just a chick, you're retarded if you combine finances or introduce her to your family before three years.

if you started spending money on a chick before yr married, you've been duped.

>> No.13961630

>most compatible seeming people have baggage, dark and toxic sides and destructive patterns of behavior

this is not normal. not all people have these issues, wtf if you think that this is just par for the course

>> No.13961634

you shut up they pretty hot.

that's what keeps them up unless you want garter straps. ask her. she's got to wear it lol.

>> No.13961642

You're just a fool anon and you're talking out your ass.

>> No.13961644

The fuck are you trying to say? You're all over the map. First you say "you shouldn't date retards," implying I should date smart people. Now you're saying there's no surprise "type A females are neurotic," implying I shouldn't date anyone type A. Then you introduce odd arbitrary rules about gift giving and prices. I give gifts to my friends because I want to share something with them I think they'd like, not as some transactional slide-rule calibrated gesture. By the way your rule about the threshold $30 belies you have yet to hold down a full time job.
Everyone has baggage. Whether that's from previous relationships or being fucked up in their childhood by bullies or parents. Some people have it better off than others, but those who get it good end up sheltered and entitled, that's their baggage and dark side.

Go ahead though. Tell us at length and in detail about the perfect partner and relationship you are currently in that has absolutely no issues, how neither of you have any baggage or ingrained destructive behaviors. Tell us about the last conflict in your relationship and how you resolved it.

>> No.13961687

Coop isn’t a convenience store you brainlet

>> No.13961698

Yes there’s a moral fault in becoming so dependent that you hate people. Wtf dude why would you think there wasn’t?

Stop enabling this maladaptive behaviour, if 3 of your girlfriends have been like that you’re the common denominator.

>> No.13961699

>"you shouldn't date retards," implying I should date smart people.

are you autistic? "you shouldn't date retards" isn't literal advice against dating developmentally challenged people, it means don't date people that you have nothing in common with and that are gold diggers. no person needs high value gifts within the first few years. you spend money on your girls instead of going dutch and then suddenly complain that they're bitches/ huh...i wonder why

if you're unable to figure out what "don't date dumb chicks" means, then maybe you should get checked for autism. it's not normal to continuously run into fake ass bitches that have no personality and want yr money.

>> No.13961701

>it would initiate a weeks-long discussion about whether or not we were breaking up

Lol could you be more beta. Why would you ever have a fight with your gf that lasts more than 20 minutes? You're calling her dumb, but look at yourself.

>> No.13961704

>fucking on the first few dates and expecting to find a respectable partner
Why set yourself up for failure?
Or just admit already that you only want to fuck around and that you’re too immature for real relationships

>> No.13961717

that's like saying that you have a beat up honda civic that drives well, so there's no reason to save up for a 2018 camry. fine, it works, but eventually you're going to be 30 and driving a beater and it's not going to be "cute" any more.

if you want a proper woman/wife at 30 you best have the experience for it. going through first relationship quarrels because you never had one at 30 is pathetic.
same reason why dating someone at 30 that has never had a job, but has 100k in the bank is a shit decision compared to someone that has had multiple jobs but only 50k in the bank.

face value is nothing compared to life experience

>> No.13961719

Presumably to solve a difficult relationship problem you have. Then again that shouldn’t be done by fighting anyway.

A better question though, why would anyone ever have a discussion about breaking up over getting a tiny bit of personal space? If that kind of fight lasts a week then the relationship is functionally over, regardless of whether they stay together or not.

I don’t get this dude, he seems to be abusing himself by proxy of shitty women

>> No.13961721

Couldn't even think to say anything I didn't already say in my post. Great job.
Are *you* autistic? I never took your advice literally. Nothing in any of my posts implied I was dating gold diggers. It's hilarious you think any gift more than $30 is "high value" jesus christ. I spend $300 a month on food and fill my gas tank every week with $50. Do you honestly, sincerely believe $30 is "high value?"

Your reading comprehension and projection just gets worse as your post goes on. Nowhere did I say I spent money on my dates. I never complained they were bitches. You fabricated this whole cloth.

You also didn't resolve your apparent contradiction. You said "don't date dumb chicks" but then in another post you are basically saying "don't date type A." Do you believe type A people are dumb then?
Nowhere did I call my exes dumb. You can't even keep up with your own responses. First you replied "you're seriously saying that everyone you dated is too smart" and now you are thinking I believe they were too dumb. Make up your mind.

Second, discussion ≠ fight. Talking out a relationship definitely takes more than 20 minutes. That goes relationships with family too, not just romantic relationships. Alpha/beta dichotomy is stupid but since you are evidently a terminal brainlet I will speak on your terms: avoiding confrontation is beta. If you can't talk or listen to anyone for more than 20 minutes you a zoomer in need of medication. The prognosis is worse if you are actually older.

Instead of refutation, every post you make unintentionally add to the evidence that you have not been in a real long term relationship.

>> No.13961725

he's convinced himself that all women are drama whores and that week long fights are normal...i tried to tell him that he has shit taste...but...

he didn't believe me that most women don't actually expect expensive gifts when simply dating...but he knows best i guess. sucks to be him.

>> No.13961729

> Tell us at length and in detail about the perfect partner and relationship you are currently in that has absolutely no issues, how neither of you have any baggage or ingrained destructive behaviors. Tell us about the last conflict in your relationship and how you resolved it.
Still waiting on this by the way, my guy.

>> No.13961730

didn't you say all yr exes are shit?

all of my exes are great, we never fought...or sorry "discussed relationship issues for an hour and then had silent treatment for a week"

>> No.13961735

That's not at all what what I've concluded. Never did I generalize about "all women," nor did I say week long fights were normal. Again, you are fabricating this whole cloth. Also have no idea where the fuck you are pulling that second idea, nowhere did I indicate I believe women expect expensive gifts when simply dating.
Nope. Try to actually read my posts instead of whatever you are doing, which seems to be letting your eyes roll over them vertically and making up whatever makes you feel superior. Absolutely nowhere did I say anything about silent treatment, for example. 100% your projection.

>> No.13961743

I think you misunderstood what I tried to say here
I didn’t mean stay virgin until marriage, or don’t initiate relationships unless you know “she’s the one” or anything like that.
I literally meant don’t fuck on the first few dates.

If the girl can’t accept that you want to get to know her for a few months before dicking her then that says a lot.
Why wouldn’t you want a women that can be reasoned with and who isn’t loose? Isn’t that good?
Don’t expect to get good women if you pick the ones who will fuck strangers just because they’re “dating” them.

>> No.13961744

>nor did I say week long fights were normal

>In every instance my gf became emotionally dependent on me and hated me at the same time. That's not contradictory, you inevitably resent someone you are dependent on. Most times I tried to insist on taking space or being more independent this seemed to trigger some kind of panic response and rather than getting the time I wanted, it would initiate a weeks-long discussion about whether or not we were breaking up

dude...you have shit taste in girls, just admit it. normal people don't casually talk about girls like this. normal girls aren't like this.

>> No.13961746

Nowhere did I say I believed that was normal. That kind of problem is exactly why I'm no longer in relationships with them.

>all my exes are great, we never fought
Tell us more about this though. Why did you break up if you never fought?

>> No.13961747

But you’re giving up on relationships because of them?
If it’s not normal then why won’t you pick the first decent and suitable normal person you can find and stick with them?

>> No.13961755

He sounds like he hasn’t though through his views very well though, like this is all coming form a very emotional and fed up place.
Not that I don’t get that, those relationships don’t sound fun but the solution honestly seems to be to man up and take responsibility by choosing better girlfriends and trying to avoid doing stuff that enables dependency

>> No.13961758

Nope. I'm no longer interested in relationships because I have enjoyed being alone more than being in a relationship. Again, if you actually read what I wrote instead of flying off the handle at whatever you halfway comprehend you'd already know that.

As to your second question, lol. Just lol. You think that stuff came up during the honeymoon period? If you think believe there is a clean difference between "shitty" and "decent and suitable normal," and that difference can be discerned within a couple dates that's proof positive you haven't been in a serious LTR. I'm going to ask for the third time now, tell us about all your frictionless relationships. How long were they, and why did they end? Being in a relationship and never fighting seems fantastic. Anyone else ever experience that? A relationships with no fights?

>> No.13961781

I’m not that anon you’ve been talking to btw. So this is the first time you’re asking me, not the third.

I didn’t say there was a clear line, but why the fuck would you want to tread that line even if there was?

I said you should at least chose a girl that can be reasoned with and who won’t fuck strangers. As in rule out the worst ones. That a good start, isn’t it?
But you won’t even do that. Why?
Are you not capable of the self control it takes to not fuck during the honeymoon period?
That seems to be a small price to pay for a significantly better chance of finding someone half decent. Of course it’s not a magical test.

As for being in a relationship and never fighting, that is NOT good. Not fighting doesn’t mean that there isn’t anything to fight about, it just means that everything gets swept under the rug to rot in silence till it eventually gets too much to deal with.
If your goal is to never fight I’d suggest you get one of those dolls you can fuck.
Otherwise aim for a woman who won’t throw stuff at you and break shit when fighting, and who is capable of calming down after 10~20 min so you can talk about the issue in a (semi)calm manner and solve the problem without beating around the bush for months or years. That’s how fights should go. That’s good fights, they make your life better.
Obviously the same goes for you.

>> No.13961802

ITT retards fighting on the internet