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/fa/ - Fashion

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13954891 No.13954891 [Reply] [Original]

How you holding up /fa/?

>> No.13954895

had a bad christmas, half my stuff is gone and i might have to rebuild my wardrobe

>> No.13954901

Pretty good, bro. Got some pieces I'd wanted for a long time as Christmas gifts. Now I'm spending time with my gf and her dad and listening to Led Zepp.

>> No.13954913
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>half my stuff is gone and i might have to rebuild my wardrobe

>> No.13954916

What happened senpai

>> No.13954922

pretty meh
got a new job thats easy af and pays well
but both of my fwb dumped me to get into relationships literally in the same week
matched with 3 girls on tinder that are dtf but they live hour away and im too sad to drive that far

>> No.13954935

suitcase got stolen at the airport and the boys in blue dont give a fuck about it
my stay was for the holidays only anyways but i brought a lot of stuff with me with some old pieces i inherited that i cant just re-buy

>> No.13954945

Pretty shit. Made some bad choices these past 4 months. Now I'm directionless and alone. On the plus I won some money recently. Gonna buy clothes I'll probably never wear.

>> No.13955193

>matched with 3 girls on tinder that are dtf but they live hour away and im too sad to drive that fa

Real feels. How about relaxing for a while and maybe focus on finding a gf?

>> No.13955242

got through Christmas only by being drunk literally the entire time.
Been working out and its starting to show physically.
but still feel deeply alone.

>> No.13956451


>> No.13956496

A little worried because I have a lot of new responsibilities and typical living issues to deal with, but overall I had a great Christmas because I had dinner with all of my local family for the first time :-)

>> No.13956512

The woman I love will never love me back. She is with another man as I am typing this. It crushes me every day.

I always thought of my cigarettes as my only true and reliable friends. They do what they're supposed and then burn away to leave me with my thoughts in the end. Last night someone stole my fresh pack and I live in New Zealand so it will cost me (broke) a small fortune to feel sane again by buying another pack.

I got nothing for Christmas. Not even a call.

Fuck this gay earth. I've decided that I'm going to end it all if I'm alone again on new year's.

>> No.13956519

would you believe me if I told you I have the same exact experience?

>> No.13956524

People think life's all about misery and desperation and death and all that shite, which is not to be ignored, but what they forget is the pleasure of it. Otherwise we wouldn't do it. After all, we're not fucking stupid. At least, we're not that fucking stupid.

>> No.13956584

>How about relaxing for a while and maybe focus on finding a gf?
yeah thats the plan.

>> No.13957097

good luck senpai

>> No.13957115

can't fucking decide what to do with my hair and i have already scheduled my hair being cut tomorrow

fucking kill me

>> No.13957117

doesn't insurance cover stolen shit like this?

>> No.13957125

>ughhhhhhh fucking kill me because of my hair ughh
stop acting like a woman and get a buzz pathetic zoomer

>> No.13957144

regrowing my hair after a buzzcut, gained some weight over christmas so that sucks, also my current situation with my gf is kinda shit and its making me really depressed. Cause of this and to me unknown reasons ive been feeling like absolute shit lately, proably the worst this year

>> No.13957146

i am ugly so i need a good gimmick, bear with me
at least I'm not a tfw no gf fag

>> No.13957150

I just want a kid anons i dont really need companionship. I just need to know one of my own or two are out there

>> No.13957170

It’s going alright, I’m quite enjoying my Christmas vacation and not really looking forward to returning to work but oh well. I got a comfy jacket and new watch for Christmas and I like them both. Love seeing my family and friends for a bit too.

>> No.13957215

id still like my shit back tho
i cant tell insurance how the birthday gift i got from my brother years ago cannot be replaced

>> No.13957242

Lifts have stagnated, changed my major, things aren't going good with gf and all these thots want my D

and I don't really care

>> No.13957293
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Sad Christmas. I usually spend it at my grandparents but there town burned down and now they’re like 2 hours away and I don’t have a license. Grandpa is still in the hospital since thanksgiving. Mom lives in another state, waaaay to far to visit. Sister and bro in law went to visit bro in laws family. Dads entire side of family doesn’t celebrate.

Co-workers keep asking me how my Christmas was

Feels bad man
>inb4 reddit spacing

>> No.13957361

Not too bad. I thought this was never gonna happen to me but I'm like 3000usd in debt on my credit card and I make like 2000 every month

>> No.13957376
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> I'm directionless and alone
>Gonna buy clothes I'll probably never wear

These are the real /fa/ feels

I need to write five essays for my finals, two due in a week, the other three in three weeks, 2,000 words each. Had the whole holiday but I've been drinking, and feeling too depressed and anxious to start

I can't start because I'm anxious, and I'm anxious because I can't start. Going to play some Chet Baker and smoke

>> No.13957518
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mum has blood cancer

>> No.13957538


don’t get so hung up on bitchez

>> No.13957540


That's heavy man - sorry to hear. Don't be afraid to talk about how you're feeling. It can do real damage to hold everything inside - Even just writing it all down somewhere is better than nothing.

>> No.13957856

I have depression and a bad cocaine habit. My girlfriend broke up with me like 6 months ago and I'm still not over it. I'm scared that soon I'm going to go off of the deep end

>> No.13957878

>I can't start because I'm anxious, and I'm anxious because I can't start.
Most relatable sentence I’ve ever read on this wobsite

>> No.13957889


meh. my wife is really sick after an appendicitis gone wrong, and I hate all my clothes. I'm probably just going to start drinking again.

>> No.13958225
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>> No.13958301
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help your wife fucko dont start drinking and lose your shit while shes ill lets go man you got this anon

>> No.13958307

on christmas morning i tried turning on my car to cruise the empty freeways to my parents and the bitch has a terrible misfire which i haven’t been able to fix yet, so pretty bad.

>> No.13958368

Decent. I am on a trip with my sister and dad. I can't stop reflecting on my life and everything that's going on in my life. I have many ideas and plans that I'm working on and I just hope they work out in the end. I turn 21 in March, I'm going to make sure I don't see myself as a failure then.

>> No.13958973

This. I'm just tryna start my child army T B H F A M

>> No.13958983
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Dog my gf left me 5 months ago tomorrow and I low key think about it every day. I never talk about this with my friends because they always just say the same things like "you just gotta stop thinking about it bro"
yeah, if only it were that easy
>tfw we made plans to get coffee in a few months and tomorrow will be the 5 month anniversary of that conversation

>> No.13958995

Not well, bruh

>> No.13958999

I work with my ex, who is the front of house manager at the resteraunt I’m a chef at.
She’s about to turn 30, I’m 22, and she said she ended it because the age different was too much (after being together for a decent amount of time already).

In any case working with her is extremely painful & requires copious amounts of marijuana, both on and off the clock, to cope with.

Doesn’t help my grandma (dads side) died a week after she broke up with me in November, and I’m going to her funeral in a week.
Oh yeah.

My other grandma, moms side, had a stroke Christmas Eve and is still in the hospital recovering.
So Christmas basically didn’t happen this year.

>> No.13959001
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most depressing christmas i've had in my life. only thing that's been keeping me together is the woman.

>> No.13959018

Not well. Yet again, I feel like it's all pointless. As far as fashion goes, yeah I dress better, and it made fuck all difference. I still want to die.

>> No.13959050
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This August, I fell in love with a woman 18 years older than me while staying in a mental hospital, and we said that we would say goodbye at the strike of New Year's but neither of us are prepared to do that. I feel like I've fallen into a fantasy, and we fulfill each other's deepest desires, but I feel it won't last for very apparent reasons and it kills me.

Currently, I'm drinking myself into a coma to reconcile being away from her while she's with her family. I know that I won't see her again until New Year's Eve, so I'm trying my hardest to muster the words I will use to convince her that we can still be through the year. This all feels completely unreal considering so few people experience real-life scenarios like this, and I have no guidance on what to do from anyone. I just don't want to lose her.

>> No.13959061
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this past year has been an incredibly wild ride for me bros
im 5'8. i used to be overweight as fuck back in february. i was a borderline college dropout and was super depressed working a super shitty part time job.
making a long story short, i started going to the gym in may and im now down to 126 lbs and confident in my appearance for once. still want to lose more weight though as im still insecure, i think because i used to be overweight made me extremely insecure about my body and i feel like ill never truly be happy with it. but nonetheless im very proud of myself for the progress ive made. ive also got a s/o now that im very heavily invested in and hes got great taste in clothing. we like the same music and clothes. i bought him some shoes recently and he loves them. additionally, im moving out in a month to go live on campus at the uni ill be attending full time.
we'll all make it, /fa/. ive learned a lot from this place and i have all of you to thank for helping aid me on this journey. i love you guys

>> No.13959097
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Im 20, I got a decent job recently after moving halfway across the country because my mom passed abd I went to be with family. After a year of being out here I have a car and I picked up a couple of hobbies but I have no friends whatsoever. Im wanting to start college in the Fall but I got real depressed Junior and Senior year and I finished with like, a 2.0 or something so Im scared about no schools taking me. The holidays themselves were okay but I miss my mom.

>> No.13959141
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>She’s about to turn 30, I’m 22,

>> No.13959447

same asshole that was too oblivious to realize I was being abusive to my exes
Christmas was cool though got a new prime lens
just guilty a lot!

>> No.13959454

I asked a woman out for the first time and she said yes so I was ecstatic for a bit. Then I found out I didn't get the job I interviewed for and can't move out from my parents' place for the foreseeable future. Then I found out my cousin who is two years younger than me is getting engaged which makes me happy but also makes it very apparent that I've not lagged behind socially. Is being a 25 yo late bloomer /fa/?

>> No.13959477

It’s going great for me.

Got a lot of fragrance sample boxes a designer shirt and lots of money and gift cards for Christmas. I’m about to go shopping today since I took the day off work.

>> No.13959482
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I feel depressed and have to start therapy soon. I just learned my dad has cancer. This year I didnt really reach any goals I set for myself..
I just hope the next year gets better boys I cant go on like this forever

>> No.13959490

give community college a try. i love you anon

>> No.13959501

I completed my Master's in structural engineering from a top US school a few weeks ago, all my friends got the in-town jobs I applied for despite me having better grades and similar work experience than them. I also cannot get a girlfriend and am looking in all the wrong places, online dating has become truly terrible. It seems that no matter how much I work at bettering myself or how much I've achieved it isn't good enough. I'm sure I'll look back on this time and appreciate the anger it has begotten, but until then I'll be bitter.

>> No.13959663

pretty good I guess. I should probably lose weight and get fit. I'm tired of stuff being tight and being winded by a flight of stairs

>> No.13959742




i'm not a surgeon kek. it's the unknown, her fear, and her supreme bitchiness that is making me want to down a handle right now,.

>> No.13959756

Fairly positive my hairline is receding which is just great

>> No.13959758

u getting drunk will only make ur wifes situation worse. think of helping her not urself

>> No.13959882

>all my friends got the in-town jobs I applied for despite me having better grades and similar work experience than them
>also cannot get a girlfriend and am looking in all the wrong places, online dating has become truly terrible
All of that attributes to a personality problem that you have yet to realize. Work on yourself

>> No.13959909

I feel. I knew me and my gf had to end because I was going to college and we didn't want to do long distance. I thought we'd at least be able to be friends though. She doesn't want anything to do with me anymore. Says she felt like I was just using her the whole time. It's hard coming to terms with the fact that you're just a huge piece of shit

>> No.13959914


She sounds like a head case, good riddance. There's nothing wrong with getting something from somebody as long as you are giving in return, and the relationship is not just built on codependency.

>> No.13959955

dont say that about her

>> No.13959987

Not good, you faggots gave me BDD because I don't look like a chad SLP model

>> No.13959994

after browsing here for 5 years i finally dress well but i already missed my whole life. now i have to decide whether ill be a lonely officecuck or a lonely homeless person.

>> No.13960029
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gf of two years broke up with me last week. said we grew ‘too comfortable’?? smelled bs so i did some digging and her best friend told me she cheated on me about a month ago.
pretty heartbroken but i’m going to a party tomorrow so hopefully i can use what i’ve learned on /fa/ to score and get over my bitch ex

>> No.13960030

Do what you want I guess pussy

>> No.13960133

> getting married at 23

Don't worry anon, that's not the norm and I'd say it's way too early. You're doing fine.

>> No.13960396

While I won’t deny that the sex, at least for me, was great, despite being the younger one, it hasn’t made moving on easier.

I fell for her really hard. I honestly saw a life with her and do love her.
Which had made it so I’ve had to try and avoid any contact with her outside the few days a week we work together.
Hasn’t been easy, especially because I feel like there’s a negative energy between us now.

She wanted to stay friends, but with how strongly I feel about her, and given what’s occurred in the past when I’ve tried to stay friends with ex’s (let’s just say nothing good) I knew that for both my own emotional sake and hers as well, it was better if I distanced myself as much as I could.

I just wish there was another solution.
I’d be willing to give up all other future plans if it meant that her and I would be together. But I don’t think that’s gonna happen, and I fear that she thinks Ill of me for avoiding her.

>> No.13960402

Realizing that the friendships I have with women will never be true friendships. Not because I secretly want relationships with them, I dont, but because every outside observer will think I secretly want relationships with them and immediately lose respect for me, and that these women, because women are awful, will pick up on and absorb that lack of respect. Now I'm feeling silly for having put all this time and effort maintaining several platonic friendships that I probably should have just let end when the university social clique did. Which is a bummer because that's like half of my friends.

>> No.13960437

>I just wish there was another solution.
A final solution maybe?

>> No.13960439

>said we grew ‘too comfortable’??
Lol dumb bitch thats the dumbest shit i ever heard

>> No.13960442

Finished chemotherapy 6 weeks ago. Somewhat afraid of cancer coming back and sad that I still look like crap to go out with girls (been lonely AF). On the bright side I am looking for work in a bigger city so I might start to live a way better life soon.

>> No.13960463

No amount of clothes has brought happiness. Not even self esteem.
I just feel stuck in a loop I can't escape.

>> No.13960468

Holding up? With my arms anon i am holding up stuff with my arms mostly dishes and clothes.

>> No.13960720

sorry to hear that anon

best of luck

>> No.13961204

I mean, if trump, Putin, or Un launch the nukes, you won’t see my whining.

I’ll stand outside and welcome them as they crash into the planet, incinerating myself and the vast majority of everything I’ve ever known & loved

>> No.13961407 [DELETED] 

I gave up about fashion a recent time ago. I realized that nothing fits well on me and never will. I dress like a homeless man from now on and I no longer about what people say about my clothes (I just spent time inside my house or in school). I'm just here to appreciate how many people from this board are so beautiful and stylish.

>> No.13961423

I gave up about fashion a recent time ago. I realized that nothing fits well on me and never will. I dress like a homeless man from now on (I recall don't care about since I only spend time at school or home). I'm just here to appreciate how many people from this board are so beautiful and stylish.

>> No.13961440

Sort of optimistic since I was diagnosed as bipolar and am just starting meds (not sure if they work yet). I definitely won't miss having bouts of crippling depression where my emotions and personality completely vanish, only to have to relearn who I am and limp back into healthy social life once I "wake up" after 5 months. Hopefully the meds and therapy save me

>> No.13961464

New job starting in a week and it's a joke how underqualified I am. Have anxiety out the ass right now. Only positive I have rn is that Rogaine seems to be making my hair thicker and microneedling is pretty gud.

>> No.13961648
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>get head
>realize antidepressants have killed my dick and I embarrass myself

>> No.13961745

>opportunity to lose virginity
>can't maintain erection every time I get it up because gay porn ruined me
JUST cant even enjoy women

>> No.13961761
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I’m indian

>> No.13961767

where abouts in nz bro

>> No.13961769

sending some prayers your way anon

>> No.13961771

hey man me too
as long as you dont look fob youre fine

>> No.13961779

Buy a small gun, but not any ammo. Put it with your luggage every time you fly, and declare it. Airport will always try to find it.

>> No.13961782

all three of us man.
no amount of good aesthetics fills the void.

>> No.13961783

thats a shitty one man, i feel for ya.
most clothes are just material but when its an actual gift by family, its more a idk connection to family that you dont always get to appreciate.

>> No.13961785

i took acid for the first time and had a good trip. realized i was being a phony to impress people who still didnt respect me but only used me for their gains. cut off 4 friends in the last two weeks.

>> No.13961787

also kinda dislike my wardrobe. dislike black shoes. and im ready to experiment again. gonna focus on creating the lifestyle i want. and living it up. have a good idea on what i wanna study

>> No.13961788

Im once again alone, listening to sad songs

My best friend is a fat piece of shit who has destroyed his back via back diet and sitting inside all day. I have been avoiding him for the last week or two cause idk how to talk to him about it, and i know that it makes me a bad person, i just dont know if i can be a better man and help him through this.

For the most part i dont even feel sympathy because he continues to do this shit to himself, but at the same time i feel like im partly responsible for not just putting him in his place and forcing him to make the right decisions.

>> No.13961794
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How much does the guy weigh? /fa/'s version of fat seems to vary.

>> No.13961795

roughly 6'2 150kg
give or take 5kg

>> No.13961799

I will say what ever I desire kike

>> No.13961817

Jesus fuck that guy is suffering, he wont last much past 40 at that weight.

It's not your job to put an effort into him, the guy has to stop binging. He knows more then you or I what hes doing and what he needs to do to reverse it.

He needs good motivation to lose weight. Something like an article of clothing that makes him feel confident. For instance maybe he needs to lose 10 pounds to fit snugly into a new jacket but once he does its a night and day difference.

Once he gets the taste of weight loss hell fuel himself, the problem from there is relapsing.

>> No.13961962

lmao i will try it next time

im home again, the suitcase never left the airport, i got it back but i need a new one since the monkeys there broke the lock for some reason
im going semistable into 2019

>> No.13962066


>> No.13962160

Fuck me, that’s huge.

>> No.13962186

I was 169kg at 6”4 there’s still hope for him(85kg now)

>> No.13962209

fucking how

>not having your credit limit set at 1k

>> No.13962320

i have a hard time caring about anything so idk the last 4 years have been a blur

>> No.13962372


Either Stalin youth or Hitler youth, senpai

>> No.13962520

I have about 2 pulls left in my thc pen and I don't receive my money until the 1st of January.. I won't be high for 2 days and I don't want it to suck.. :(

>> No.13962778
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I wanna fall in love anons. I wanna experience what it feels like to care about someone, or to get hurt.
I had my first kiss last summer but I stopped messaging her after finding out she was going to move. I have 0 friends that are girls, besides a uni acquaintance who I barely talk with even though we're together almost every day.
I used to think that not having a gf wasn't a big deal and that it was just the peer pressure talking.

But now I'm really starting to feel alone.

>> No.13962800

good luck anon stay healthy

>> No.13962803

if you're still in school, then chances are you're still going to grow to a point where clothes will start to fit you better. hang in there and keep looking for stuff that suits you

>> No.13962836

I reconnected with a girl I used to like, one of my best friends who I shared a lot with over the years. We went out for a night and we ended up making out at my place even though I have a girlfriend. (No sex thank god I'd never be able to forgive myself after that)

She knew I had a girlfriend but now has completely burned all bridges with me because I'm a horrible person for doing it and has claimed she'll "never message me again".

I know she's just being a crazy cunt about it and I got off easy that she's not telling people since we have no mutual friends. But I still feel fucking empty inside after losing a long term friendship over a single mistake.

On the bright side I'm looking forward to my grad school acceptances coming in because I know that's another chance to start again with new people.

>> No.13962841

>i just had my first kiss tee hee
gayest fucking post ever

>> No.13962849

This is actually a strangely good idea has it worked for you on the past?

>> No.13962949


good stuff brother...

>> No.13962975

I know this girl is into me but whenever the conversation slows down I just leave it sit for a few days until she messages me again. I don't even know if I like her or I just like attention and considering it could be the latter makes me feel really shitty. Like I want a relationship but if I can coast by getting attention I'll just settle for that. Why don't I care about anything anymore /fa/m?

>> No.13963009

i hate how i feel when im not on adderall or caffeine. just a constant wave of intrusive thoughts of people no longer in my life. MAKE IT END

>> No.13963232

I wrote that because she was my first intimate experience with a girl and I let her go, I wasn't boasting

>> No.13963781

hope it gets better

>> No.13963841

same cuz years of adderall this the worst shit man :(

>> No.13963845

just found out my grandmother is going into hospice, probably passing within the week. visiting her tomorrow
shit man

>> No.13964270

gained 10lbs this year. seriously considering smoking to kill my appetite but i don't like cigarettes and dont wanna fuck my teeth or skin.

should just be working out but im a lazy piece of shit

even at a lower body fat, the clothes i want (dont even have, poor) wont fit right because tits and ass, and going on T (can't because poor) will almost definitely give me serious acne and shitty hairline. and even if i dont transition, i'm still a shit-tier dyke

and as much as i appreciate tits and ass, i'd rather kill myself than dress to accommodate them

there's a gun shop down the street and i have a clean record but i'm a huge pussy. exit bag is unreliable and extra pussy but i'm getting desperate.

this actually just happened to me, too. funeral in a few days
feels like a luxury to have been able to say goodbye.
after seeing how in disoriented and in pain they are, the death is kind of a relief
good luck anon

>> No.13964271

depression relapse

i cant lose the weight i gained from stress eating/depression

i dont think ill finish 2019 desu