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13949667 No.13949667 [Reply] [Original]

How did you get rid of you hump?

>> No.13949671
File: 77 KB, 380x349, boomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here nerd it worked for me but it takes time

>> No.13949675


>> No.13949682

I swim

>> No.13949716

Good vid. Athlean-x has also some nice posture correcting vids, look it up>>13949667

correct posture is super important. A non tense neck helps to sleep better and overall feel good.
I have a good posture but still stretch daily. Basically the whole body is affected by longer sitting. Stretch your knees and back too. look for the vids and make a routine.

>> No.13949729

i can "set myself" in good posture, but over time, theres just SOOO many things to think about i end up slouching again.

>keep head up like a piece of string is holding it
>shoulders back
>chest out and up
>abs and butt slightly flexed
>wide stance (but not too wide)
>dont hyper extend knees
>oh and by the way, do all this while making it look effortless while walking
I probably forgot a few steps. and i cant even take in any external information while also remembering to do all this

>> No.13949736

Go to gym and get a backbrace, dont sit for hour straight

>> No.13949739

i have a super nice home gym

>> No.13949742

kek, the guy in the video is pretty funny.

>> No.13949781

No need to be this precise about it. I had to remind myself constantly to be straighter for a while, then it became a habit after a while. So no worries and don't overthink. A bit of slouching while walking is okay and naturally. The more important part is to be straighter while sitting. And move around. Sitting for hours super straight will just make your other muscles tight, instead of the neck.

>> No.13949804

Dead lifts, core training, yoga, inversion therapy.

Your welcome

>> No.13949818

>Dead lifts

Yeah, bad idea. Fuck up the technique and your back will suffer badly. And no matter how good you think you are, we all make small mistakes and all it takes is a few bad reps and a big weight to fuck things up.
Memelifts are not fucking worth it, if you train non profesionally.

>> No.13949822

I been heavy deadlifting since 15 (probably too early desu) and I'm 24 now with no problems. I'm short though, I'd imagine it'd be a different story if I was 6"2

>> No.13949840

I have one of those pullup bars that hang in a doorway. I’m a painter so i’m hunched over my desk a lot. Every 45 minutes or so i’ll get up and dead hang from the bar for a few moments. Helps stretch my whole back.

>> No.13949842

Sleep without a pillow, or better yet sleep on the floor

Not even joking

>> No.13949905

How long til you saw results?

>> No.13949952
File: 23 KB, 600x360, sleeping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use a rolled up towel to support the curve of your neck. No pillow at all is not ideal.

Also when on the back, put a pillow under your knees, so your back gets stretched.

>> No.13950087

who fucking cares

>> No.13950113

Fuck off wit hthe disinformation. Deadlifts are safe as fuck as long as you're not a retard.

>> No.13950114




>> No.13950374

Deadlifts are great if you have correct form. Youre too dumb to do so.

>> No.13950485

I’ve been deadlifting for years and got lazy on a single rep and have a herniated disc now.
It’ll probably happen to half of you deadlifters who think nothing can go wrong.

>> No.13951639

Lmao fuck off.
>pulled 405 x1 for the first time yesterday

>> No.13951867

>heavy lifting at 15

I'm so sorry man

>> No.13952793

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