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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 6 KB, 275x183, effay?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13894472 No.13894472 [Reply] [Original]

You hear about "heroin chic"
does that mean heroin use is effay? (assuming you don't look like the average junkie)
COcaine? Functional alcoholism?
what are your personal vices anons?
for me it's the the three I just listed, though I don't inject
>inb4 off topic. is x effay, shit as it is, is an accepted thread template here

>> No.13894485

Acid microdoses and Ritalin (adderal causes brain damage lol)

>> No.13894495

try cyanide, it's extremely /fa/

>> No.13894500

>Acid microdoses
no way!
hallucinogens, fun as they are, seem to have a very uncool vibe to them
I'll admit I've never microdosed. what doe shtat shit do?
could be
stimulants I think in general are. makes me think of PKD writing his bullshit for hours on end every day

>> No.13894509

thanks anon, will look into this!

>> No.13894511


>> No.13894546


>> No.13894547

Cigarettes. Absolutely terrible, yet you can't look bad smoking one.

>> No.13894558

Actual funkaholism

>> No.13894603

I've been told I look good smoking them
I thank Betty from Mad Men for teaching me
define "Actual" (Functional)
does missing classes and drunkenly texting family members disallow me form claiming that title?
does attending meetings?

>> No.13894626


>hallucinogens, fun as they are, seem to have a very uncool vibe to them

A tab of acid makes you an autist vegetable, sure, but 1/15th of a tab makes you a charismatic visionary.

Only wiggers think blunts are cool

>> No.13894637

None, substance abuse is for weak people that feel the need to numb themselves to reality
So does Ritalin in certain circumstances, both are beyond fucked and I can't believe they have the kids here popping them like crazy
420!!!!!! Dude!!!!!!!
Nicotine is a great drug but cigarettes are not cool, I'm assuming you stole a few from your dad recently.

>> No.13894640

going to get skag
pray for me that it's not laced with fentanyl
love you friends (not really, but /fa/ was my second board so I have some nostalgia)
I'd rather be on /lit///his///int///x/ right now

>> No.13894642

I'm not going to tell you to not do it since that would be fucking dumb, but be as safe as possible.

>> No.13894646

drugs only look cool if you are skinny and look and dress good

>> No.13894667

Microdosing acid is like a stimulant that you dont crash from. That said i prefer shrooms for stimmy microdosing, acid is introspective cianigger shit that will fry your brain if you dose too often, not good to take all the time unlike shroomz

>> No.13894689

Effay drugs:

Weed (only joints though you nigger)

>> No.13894692

you should mix all of them together and down a fifth, that would be so epic!!! xD

>> No.13894736

drugs aren't effay

>> No.13894750

just snort oxys instead

>> No.13894753

can confirm took adderall from like 5yrs old till end of high school and shit fried my brain

>> No.13894812
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Sober anon here. Drank and drugged for ten years, got really bad in the last five, been clean since January.

Nothing about it is effay. You wake up every day with a hangover. You ask why you keep doing this but go right back to it 12 hours later. Your nose bleeds at random times. You stop caring about anything else. You’re miserable when you’re fiending. You spend all your money on your DOC. Your family will hate you.

And you will gain a lot of weight if booze is your gig. Totally not effay.

>> No.13894819

Congrats anon youve ascended passed npc! And are now unique!!

>> No.13895005

dealer flaked so here I am only drinking
did some h earlier today so I guess maybe a break will be nice
hey I'm being safe. thank you for your concern
are shrooms really that different form lsd? I've only tried the latter
this thread was an excuse to talk about drugs. I am under no illusion that it is "cool"
going to an na meeting tomorrow actually, being dragged there

>> No.13895112

Good for you, man. I’ve lost many friends in different ways to the shit and it’s always uplifting to hear someone open to getting clean, even if it’s just going to a meeting.

I hope you find serenity, my dude.

>> No.13895164

TAAR1 agonist brain damage is overstated even when it's measurable, and really only occurs in the vast majority of people who take it when they abuse it. You're stupid if you think MPH doesn't have the same neurotoxic effect under the same conditions.

>both are beyond fucked
Messing with your acetylcholine receptors is fine though. Interesting.

That difference is all placebo. People cannot tell the difference between acid and psilocin when they don't have access to a clock.

Listen to this anon.

>> No.13895180
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>You hear about "heroin chic"
>does that mean heroin use is effay? (assuming you don't look like the average junkie)
Stay the hell away from this and other hardcore opioids if you value your life. Tired of burying kids. You won't escape looking like a pathetic junky.
The 80's were over 30 years ago. Nobody likes dealing with hard edge cokeheads in a business environment.
>Functional alcoholism?
The age of the 3 martini lunch has past and most workplaces have fit for duty rules. That said, there is nothing wrong with washing a slow Friday afternoon down with a beer.
>what are your personal vices anons?
Coffee to get my through the day. Cognac to take the edge off at night.

>> No.13895198 [DELETED] 

cringe and niggerpilled

>> No.13895231

Having done drugs is kinda cool. Actually being intoxicated is never effay and youre just embarrassing yourself by dumbing down your brain to be a big idiot temporarily

>> No.13895234

nothing better than an armchair doctor on an ivory tower

>> No.13895249

>Actually being intoxicated is never effay
Yet you have a bunch of kids on this board taking romantic depictions like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas as gospel.

>> No.13895257


>> No.13895259

That's because they haven't seen someone seize to death in their arms choking on their own saliva. Don't get me wrong, media involving substance abuse can be really cool, but that's because it's fiction. Most people come around eventually.

>> No.13895265

You're preaching to the choir here. Cousin choked to death on oxy years ago. Most of these kids would be looking for a different toy if they actually saw stoners stoned.

>> No.13895283

Shrooms (Acid's nerdy)
Nicotine (in a prole way)
Alcohol has always been fashionable
I'm predicting Crack is gonna have a comeback in the next 10 years so get on that

>> No.13895290

>I'm predicting crack is gonna have a comeback
I'm curious why you think that. I seriously doubt it will, ten years ago general cocaine use was cut by almost half in the US but deaths are still rising. Opiates and their derivatives are the main issue and I think both use and death will continue steadily rising for at least the next decade.

>> No.13895294
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PROTIP: if you want to take pre-workout, make sure you actually DO workout. Using it as a booster anywhere else will make you look like an angry asshole.

>> No.13895304

>be most attractive friend I'm aware of in my entire network
>be most fashionable
>am actual heroin addict
I don't recommend it
but its true

>> No.13895321

whew, glad you don't recommend it, I was literally about to pick up and tie off
weird flex

>> No.13895437

no drugs are effay
>waah but muh heroin, saint lauren Paris and jazz music aesthetic
fuck off

>> No.13895478

Crack is a cheap, potent stimulant, and I have a bad feeling about the next decade so I think the budget stimulant market is gonna pop off.

>> No.13895578

protip: youre only the third thing, degenerate faggot

>> No.13895596

Microdosing doesn't cause hallucinations you sperg, at least read up on it if you haven't tried it and want to pretend like you have.

It's dope as fuck, and a huge money saver at festivals, since you don't have to buy overpriced drinks all day.

>> No.13895652

Sugar n tobacco

>> No.13895950

well I obviously have a problem
more with alcohol than drugs but my friend goes to NA so I guess that's where she's taking me
my life is falling apart so yeah, I don't want to go on like this anymore desu
thank you for your words of encouragement anon

>> No.13895951

christ you are irritating
maybe in burgerland coke is unfashionable but it's still very popular here

>> No.13895955

I said hallucinogen. I know microdosing doesn't fucking cause visuals faggot
>at least read up on it if you haven't tried it and want to pretend like you have.
where did I pretend I've microdosed. I literally said I fucking haven't

>> No.13895977

I only do cigarettes (effay), alcohol (can be effay) weed (NOT effay) and dabbled in some other things but I don't really count that. I think amphetamine/speed seems effay, it's pretty glamourized in Sweden under the name "tjack".

>> No.13895987

100% not. Don't get me wrong, I love one every now and again but not effay.

>> No.13896137

drugs are not effay imagine spending money on drugs and always out your mind and when you aint on them having withdrawal symptoms and acting like a nitty

>> No.13896158

No drugs are effay desu. I was a daily user for a good 6/7 years and my life was a complete mess. Rather, my life is still a complete mess.

>> No.13896224
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Imagine being addicted to a thing that makes you sick and ill in the long run and wastes more than half of your wage. not /fa/

>> No.13896236

Imagine sniffing her asshole and drinking her piss

>> No.13896239

for fuck's sake, nothing is "effay" and drugs aren't cool.
weed is boring, and coke especially is shit and expensive.
if you do drugs, just OCCASIONALLY do mdma, shroom or other psychedelics. these at least are worth the lost neurons

>> No.13896246

MDMA, Benzos, LSD

>> No.13896255
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>im a heroin addict im but like really cool, my life is just like in that one movie about trains or something

>> No.13896259

Lol which one are you, the one who thinks the thoroughly studied class of NDRIs determined to be safe are "beyond fucked" or the one who thinks abusing MPH won't damage dopaminergic systems?

>> No.13896261 [DELETED] 

MDMA is just really shitty, overpriced meth.

>> No.13896272

MDMA is one of the most overrated drugs on the market in my opinion. It just feels like meth, but instead of inciting hyperfocus it clouds the mind. As far as entactogens go, it's not great. The substituted benzofurans have some real gems in their class don't bind so harshly to 5-HTP2B. Would rather just plug meth.

>> No.13896335

i can tell you untested ecstasy pills sure aren't

t. ruined my life with one dose

>> No.13896340

Story ?

>> No.13896345

tell us what hapenned

>> No.13896353

took it last year, couldn't sleep for weeks and it fucked up my vision. i have constant static / visual snow and am extremely sensitive to light. i also got tinnitus and cant think properly. i still dont feel like myself.

>> No.13896357

fuck, sorry anon. Have you confronted the faggot who sold it to you?

>> No.13896364

got it through a friend who bought it from someone
we took the same pills together and im the only one who got fucked up from them so idk

>> No.13896370

Same thing happened to me anon. For what it's worth I did get better, took six months. I still have static though

>> No.13896425

How FA is opium, and should it be smoked, drank, or eaten?

>> No.13896434

>does missing classes and drunkenly texting family members disallow me form claiming that title?

>> No.13896442

Coke is deffo effay.
Selling it is deffo the fashion.

Drinkin seems pretty effay, as long as it’s red wine or whiskey.
Drinkin is fun tho, don’t let fa/gs ruin that.

Smoking cigs is effay but not weed.

Get drunk, stoned, while your drop acid then get coked up in the morning
Don’t be effay, be fun.

>> No.13896444

Heroin isn’t effay, but the look sure is.

Fake it till you make it anon

>> No.13896446

shoot it up faggt

>> No.13896673

cut half that sentence and youve described a girlfriend

>> No.13896723

Never done meth but by reading about people experience with meth and mdma online all i can tell is that either you have a peculiar reaction to it, or what you swallowed wasn't mdma. Mdma is obv often mixed with other cheaper amphetamines so there's that

>> No.13896795

Asshurt and cringepilled

>> No.13896799

good post

>> No.13896804

This guy gets it.

Drug addicts detected.

>> No.13896865

Here in England the only people i really see doing coke are all chavs, so it's not just in the US.

>> No.13896881

drugs can only be /fa/ if you're already /fa/. if you're a fat greaseball sweating bullets as he corners somebody in at a party talking about how crazy DMT is, you're not making any points.

but if you're a cute artbabe wearing a black dress with a quartz hanging off your neck wafting the joint smoke away from your face talking about your ayahuasca retreat while sonic youth plays in the background, yeah you could make it.

ya gotta have the points to make the points.

>> No.13896888
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but only if you look like you can bench atleast 225

>> No.13896891 [DELETED] 

niggers detected

>> No.13896910

It probably was a normal pill with a high amount of MDMA in it. MDMA can seriously fuck people up long term if they have a genetic predisposition for it, it's an insame amount of stress for your brain.

>> No.13896934
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bud is for nigs
concentrates, high quality glass and cartridges are proper kush intake

>> No.13896937

Someone convince me how smoking weed from my vape isn't the most fa drug
If you dont know.
>little to no smoke
>adjustable temperature
>higher temperatures give couch lock but lower temps gives active high
>don't have to buy stupid dabs can put normal weed in mine
>smaller than your iphone with its case
>while smoking it keeos my hands warm

>> No.13896940

Can I still smoke cigarettes if I squat 400

>> No.13896944
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good concentrates + cartridges are superior

>> No.13896993

Caffeine is the most effay with the least harmful trade-off.

>> No.13897222
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I like my drugs like I like my clothes. Designer

>> No.13897332

>booze makes you gain weight
not if you do it right. i limit my solid carb consumption to all veggies and keep 750 calories free. plenty of room for hard alcahol.

>> No.13897361

>not if you do it right.
There is no 'doing it right'. Yeah of course you can skip a meal or eat very few carbohydrates during the day just so you feel less guilty when you drink and convince yourself you're not an alcoholic. But it's not just from a caloric or macro standpoint though. Alcohol can permanently damage your metabolism, and it probably already is. By the time you're older you're going to be way more fucked up than someone who didn't drink everyday.

>> No.13897362
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Portable herbal vaporizers

>> No.13897378

because it isnt destroying your life

>> No.13897384

>he thinks you can be addicted to acid
>at least read up on it if you haven't tried it and want to pretend like you have
yet you also think that microdosing is for recreational use
retard alert

>> No.13897386

if you have metabolism problems just eat more/less to compensate.

>> No.13897390

x, speed, acid

>> No.13897398

where do you guys get xanax from if your doctor wont prescribe them?

>inb4 college campus
im not going to go to a random campus and start asking random people where to cop xanax so please dont suggest it

>> No.13897400

what part of the country are you in

>> No.13897402

>taking drugs multiple times a week
.crack is a potent stimulant

There is some smart anons here but the rest of you seem underage with no real world experience nor innate knowledge about the subject matter.

Do some research.

>> No.13897412


>> No.13897419

RC benzos or try the deep web

>> No.13897424

Go to any club in a """hip""" part of town, or buy online

>> No.13897439

how would i deliver it somewhere that isnt traceable to me

>Go to any club in a """hip""" part of town
im looking to get benzos specifically because im too autistic to do stuff like that

>> No.13897445

Nah man, a lot of that is cultural perceptions clouding people's experience. They expect a thing from a drug and don't notice everything there really is. This combined with discrepencies in dosage response, routes of administration, and yes cut product, results in people asserting dissimilarity. You can tell a MDMA dose from a Meth dose, just as you can tell both from Amphetamine, but they are all remarkably similar. Meth, in my experience with it, is a midway point between speed and xtc.

Speaking from a recreational dose here. Methamphetamine acts a lot on the sigma receptors which makes its effects exceptionally dose dependent over its cousins.

>> No.13897447

underage b& please

>> No.13897467

Have it delivered to any address or property that you're not associated with, if you don't want to go to a club then go to hit up some corner boy or literally ask any white teenager that's out late

>> No.13897474

Ayahuasca retreats are literally the epitome of autism.

>> No.13897487

being autistic and anti social doesnt mean im underage

>> No.13897499

>how would i deliver it somewhere that isnt traceable to me
>how do my parents not find it when it comes in the mail

>> No.13897506

>Not wanting to be caught buying illicit drugs makes you a child
Leave the dude alone

>> No.13897508

>implying i dont live in crippling isolation
you understand that there is a law enforcement element here that will arrest you for possession of illegal narcotics yes?

>> No.13897518
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>Tired of burying kids. You won't escape looking like a pathetic junky
In five years of heroin use i've never even seen or heard of someone i've met who's had an OD. On top of that there's naloxone nowadays, i've picked up some today to reassure my family and because i don't use as often these days and it's more risky since it's more likely to mess up the dosage when reducing tolerance by increasing the time between consomptions.
Also the "pathetic junkie look' is a myth. There are people of all ages and background who have to deal with heroin addiction. I've met a cadre sup who was on a 3-5g a day, her husband was a construction worker (8g). I'm a painter. With my GF (bookseller) before we broke up and respectively reduced massively to once a week for me and stopped for her we used to take 1-2g a day each. We absolutely rocked the post-hardcore aesthetic.
>Switch jacket for a long black coat for the winter on pick related + earings/ear plugs

>> No.13897533

i wouldn't worry about it

>> No.13898620

kill your local drug dealer.

>> No.13898707
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The world is bizarre enough without drugs.

>> No.13898767

Me too although I’m still a chipper. Also one of the fittest in my friends.
Also the only one who has tried to commit suicide and the poorest.

>> No.13898770

Don’t think you were given MDMA dude
There is a very distinct difference between the two

>> No.13898776

How the fuck in anyway is MDMA between speed and meth. You are a retard

>> No.13898804

Mdma and meth are not similar at all retard. This is coming from someone with very extensive experience with both drugs. A lot of md is cut with meth, and shit gear almost has no md and is entirely amps caffeine etc. You thought it felt like meth because it was meth idiot

>> No.13898859

My hometown had a small crack problem before I moved.

>> No.13898890
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>white drugs can make you physically addicted and overdose
>black drugs just make you relax for a little bit
Really makes you think

>> No.13898918


Listen to this guy. Basically sober for years now. Cigarettes is the last one I want to quit, also the hardest.
I might have a drink every now and then, but usually don't even finish it. Still like the taste, don't like the feeling of not being in control 100% anymore. Expensive hobbies too, especially coke.
Feel better, look better, honestly am a better person now.

>> No.13898935


Crack never left, at least over here. Young succesful people, students, their parents.

>> No.13899048

Coffee + Ashwagandha

>> No.13899072

It's to calm them down after they go out shooting other black "people"

>> No.13899540

let me light up a backwoods bro
it's lit bro
fuck off that shit is gay

>> No.13899553

weed is definitely not effay
it's a nice drug but it's for "influencers" and hypebeasts
acid isn't really effay either honestly
xanax (or really any pill) is effay because of the look. i'd add mdma to the list even if it is a party drug.

>> No.13899587

underrated comment
take the /bachelorpill/

>> No.13899607

Weed is for everybody. Living in Colorado i’ve seen it all - from 18 year old white drifters, the cholos from Aurora, the homeless of 5 points, the asians from Lakewood, the suburban house wives of highlands ranch, the rich old cunts from cherry creek, even my own grandma - using weed in one way or another. So no, it’s not /fa/, but it has no business being tied to any specific demographic.

>> No.13899651
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I've done heroin it's just sad like most other drugs. I just stick to shrooms, coffee, and Wine/Hennessey (only if I'm getting laid I'll drink).

>> No.13899656



fuck off

owo so epic

>> No.13899718
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>> No.13899830

based zach

>> No.13899881

Lol, why does this offend you so much that you feel the need to resort to personal attacks?

I can only speak to my experiences, and I'm not the only one who has ever said this. Also I always test what I don't make myself. I'm going to guess that you've never made your own ice outside of maybe some shitty shake and bake recipe. In fact, I will openly question as to if you've ever gotten your hands on proper >90% material. So why should I defer to your "experience" with cut product that you probably never tested? Save your bandwidth and stop shitposting.

I didn't say that there wasn't, in fact I said so much that there is a noticeable difference. I said, however that they are also very similar. They are both highly efficable triple reuptake inhibitors that hit the same binding sites at the same receptors to modify transporter behavior. The primary difference is in agonism strength and the binding strength for the individual binding sites. Now as we cannot reconcile our internal experiences outside of grave generalizations, this knowledge empowers us to make assumptions about these internal experiences. I know pharmacological determinism (or less pretentiously, you feel what I feel) is a really popular concept, but the initiated should know it's really a false paradigm. With both of these in mind, is it truthfully far fetched that I may experience MDMA as a "cloudy minded meth"? If you reject either of these notions, I'm not sure what else I can say other than to reassert my experiences as my own.

>> No.13900030
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>> No.13900034

imagine thinking this is not only funny, but funny enough to post

>> No.13900048

Did I Offend You?

>> No.13900092

use canada post flexdelivery, idiot

>> No.13900113

Libtards trolled EPIC STYLE
Remember to LIKE & SHARE for more content like this

>> No.13900140

I only do coffee, alcohol and weed. I'm scared of the rest, no matter how effay they are.

>> No.13900143

No I Just Didn't Think It Was Funny, It's Something A Fifteen Year Old Would Find Cool After Stealing A Bear And Smoking A Joint

>> No.13900153

how the hell would you steal a bear???

>> No.13900157

Samefag or equally retarded to Write Like This

>> No.13900170
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>> No.13900188

Imagine using this many words to say something that only takes one or two sentences

>> No.13900219

thanks anon, very cool!

>> No.13900235

>I'd rather be on these faggy boards
Lol leave then faggot

>> No.13900290

pretty impressive shop

>> No.13900334

I believe being reductive helps no one. That being said, checked.

>> No.13900347
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medically prescribed doses of adderall

I take 20mg in the morning, get my Uni work done, then chill with lil art-hoe qts at night. I used to be depressed constantly and had horrific discipline, but now I feel unstoppable in becoming anything I put my mind to.

>> No.13900368

>Have ADHD
>Be nonfunctional without meds
>Meds completely diminish my affect after a month
What an absurd existence I have been given.

>> No.13900377

Nice, hopefully the drive you have now is worth the brain damage in the future

>> No.13900378
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>> No.13900386

pregabalin is based and epic

>> No.13900399

[Citation needed]

>> No.13900428

>inb4 Jew media

Don't get me wrong, Adderall and Ritalin are very powerful and can be very beneficial when properly used. But they can be very damaging especially to a developing brain, and since you said you're in university I'm going to assume you're under 25, which means your brain is not done developing. It's much more dangerous as a child though, that's why it pisses me off that doctors write scripts constantly for kids here.

>> No.13900430

is this /pol/ paranoia are do you have legit science behind it? meds have helped me get out of a terrible place.
sorry it hasn't worked out well for you. I take both lexapro and adderall for depression, though.

>> No.13900437

gonna read this stuff when I get back from class, thanks

>> No.13900449

>/pol/ paranoia
Not in the slightest, I'm definitely not trying to spread misinformation, nor is this some kind of treatise on prescription drugs. In my post directly above yours I was saying that drugs can be very beneficial when used correctly. I just think that it's beyond absurd how readily they are given out to the youth. I believe everyone should have ultimate freedom to consume whatever substance they want, I just think they should be careful and not blindly take something because their doctor told them to.
No problem :^]

>> No.13900473

I know little 12 year old kidss that are getting prescribed adderol left and right. its pretty concerning

>> No.13900518

well I went to an na meeting and it was the most uncomfortable meeting of my life
Been drinking, going to get gear, if I can't ill get coke
/fa/ is absolutely one of the worst boards on the site

>> No.13900591

I note the only respectable source here is the pubmed article and I'm noticing a few problems with it.

1. Amphetamine does not bind to any transporters. It's primary mode of action is full agonism of the TAAR1 receptor. The intro of this paper blatantly makes a few leaps on this blind assumption.
(PMID 22037049)

2. The paper uses a few studies as the basis for the claim of neurotoxicity, and all of these are in regards to high doses being frequently administered to rodents. We've known that high doses of amphetamine are also neurotoxic in humans for a while. The key here is high doses, as the primary action of amphetamine's damage to dopaminergic systems is astrogliosis induced by intense oxidative stress. The primary concern with dopaminergic and serotonergic damage is that they tend to be reliant on hyperthermia.
(PMID 27626044)

Additionally, I'm seeing this paper list dextroamphetamine's N-methylation being a notable source of street meth which is funny to me.

Those problems being noted, your assertion is unfounded here. There is nothing to suggest that long-term use of amphetamine at therapeutic doses damages dopaminergic systems, developing brain or not. What you are claiming would make huge waves in the pharmacology community. The prevailing theory of long-term side effects that ADHD meds have on children is based on the effects it has with hormone levels, as well as the complications that arise from malnourishment from anorectic properties. You must also consider what constitutes meaningful neurotoxicity and what doesn't. DXM, for instance, is neurotoxic enough that a few months of heavy abuse will result in permanent and extremely obvious reduction in cognitive ability due to toxicity to glutamergic AND serotonergic systems. This does not hold true for reduction in amphetamine induced dopamine striatal terminal reduction, which often goes unnoticed because this system is notoriously plastic.

Eat right, sleep well, don't abuse your meds.

>> No.13900611

god bless you anon for breaking that down, that makes a lot of sense in the context of that other anon's worries

>> No.13900654

I had to chop this post up a few times and I'm on mobile, so apologies for some of the bad construction of some of the sentences.

We have been using amphetamine for almost a century now, its one of the most thoroughly studied psychiatric medicines and has a reputation for being incredibly safe, efficable and simple. A lot of the cultural fear around it stems from the same place that fear of psychedelics comes from, which is a can of worms that I really don't want to get into. But this one is different because its addictive or "harder" or synthetic or whatever crap new age hippies say to put psychedelics on a pedestal these days.

I rub shoulders with a lot of people who work adjacent to pharmacology and are heavily steeped in the academia. I have a bit of a fascination with studying pharmacology in my free time, so I have quite a bit of insight on this matter. I try to bring a little bit of that insight to threads like these. Please do not take my posting as a spunout university student trying to justify his habits, this is just a subject I read a lot about and I like spreading the knowledge.

>> No.13900815

Can weed be /fa/ if you're using an oil vape?

>> No.13900849

Clinical depression was super fukken effay back in the early 90's. Then everybody started eating Prozac by the fistful.

>> No.13900878

snorted some heroin
the NA meeting was awkward as fuck, that will not be repeated

>> No.13900912

nah, smoked bud is casual, dabbing is for fucking burn outs.

>> No.13901037
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>ITT: The drugs I use are the most effay!

>> No.13901247
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Lasagna. You start off thinking you'll fix a bad case of the Mondays, but you end up fucking up your whole life.

>> No.13901252
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post of the year

>> No.13901290

You know that black tar heroin and brown heroin exist right?

>> No.13901319
File: 1.37 MB, 3264x2448, 1C7232A2-AD05-4002-97A9-8031A6C6226B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fa, snorting is always the most fa ROA. Shooting it up is homeless junkie territory. If you’re not a complete fuckhead you can act extremely confident without being a cunt. Cocaine still has a ‘cool’/‘high class’ vibe about it.

Makes you look gross on it as you will be itchy, personally my skin also breaks out during/afterwards, pinpoint pupils can also look inhuman. Not very fa except if you want to be edgy. No one will find shooting up fa but you can snort or smoke it which is more fa (I snort... anyone tell me if I’m able to smoke number 4 China white please because I’ve heard mixed things online)

Honestly the media have done a great job of making it seem disgusting (which it can be). But if you aren’t shooting up or staying up for days on end it can be somewhat fa in similar ways to how coke is.

Pretty fa if you’re young. Take too much and you’ll just look like a mess though

Pretty fa especially recently as Kanye and shit talk/sing about it. Probably pretty big in art ho groups

>Acid, shrooms, dmt
Pretty nerdy desu

Pic related. My gross pinpoint pupils

>> No.13901348

Why are you up past your bedtime?

>> No.13901364

>snorting is always the most fa ROA
>Cocaine still has a ‘cool’/‘high class’ vibe about it
>anyone tell me if I’m able to smoke number 4 China white please because I’ve heard mixed things online
Yes you can definitely but it's much weaker like that, so smoke at least a quarter ounce so you really feel it, hopefully you won't live
>Pretty fa especially recently as Kanye and shit talk/sing about it
>Acid (CIA), mushrooms, and DMT, arguably some of the only street drugs that are good for your body, are nerdy
>Pic related. My gross pinpoint pupils

What a stupid fucking post. I would say hopefully you'd mature by the time you graduate high school, but since you're acting like a fucking burnout I doubt you will. Thanks for sharing your completely boring points on substance, people like you motivate me to stay clean. Please fuck off and don't post again until you're 18, if you're alive by then that is.

>> No.13901410

father john misty is constantly microdosing acid and he is as effay as they come

>> No.13901444
File: 484 KB, 1920x1268, Hiroshige-53-Stations-Hoeido-54-Otsu-MFA-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did heroin earlier today, was great. got ripped off trying to buy heroin even for recently lean. furious.
fucking cunts
he is the first person I think of when I thin of microdsigin that sheen main reason I ithnkitis shite, becasuenithnk he is a faggot of thehighestmproportion. he literally commmmmment s on stereogum articles. faggot. n he is effay buy no means

>> No.13901524

stimulant-induced psychosis isn't very effay... trust me

>> No.13901536

Why did so many people get butthurt over this? lmao

>> No.13901804


>> No.13901813 [DELETED] 

>yet you also think that microdosing is for recreational use

It sure as fuck can you retard.

>> No.13901819

>yet you also think that microdosing is for recreational use

It sure as fuck can be used for recreational purposes.
Who the fuck said it can't be?

>> No.13901833

MDA and MDMA are completely different drugs you retard.

Yeah fuck off with that shit. Doing drugs cuz your favourite artist talks about it is the dumbest shit ever.
Do some actual research before you judge a drug.
(But 2CB is pretty safe, said to be like a combination of low dose MDMA + low dose LSD - it's a psychedelic so expect to trip)

>Acid, shrooms, DMT
>pretty nerdy
You just listed some of the safest drugs out there and said they're "nerdy".

Yeah don't do that. Sooner or later (probably sooner) you'll get addicted. Heroin addiction isn't fun or /fa/

>similar to coke
Holy shit I'm beginning to think your whole post is bait.

>> No.13902126

obviously its anything u can snort thats effay, personal favs: amphetamine, mda crystal and 4mmc
also mdma pills are fine

>> No.13902432

Coffee, marijuana, potatoes
Everything else is harmful to the body and psykhe and thus life-negating

>> No.13902462
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>still using cocaine/lsd/heroin/mdma
>not being addicted to one if the following in 2018 A D

>Synthetic Weed
>PCP laced blunts

>> No.13902491

I like acid and shrooms. I am kind of a nerd t b h

>> No.13902538

Glamourized would be an overstatement min vän, tjackhora is like the term crackwhore in Sweden, inconspicuous tiny CBD vape while microdosing acid from a vile is the most fa

>> No.13902630

I smoke tons of CBD and I like it
dont know if thats fa tho

>> No.13902687

Dark web. And I'm not even from the USA.

>> No.13902715

The most /fa/ thing you could do is be yourself, anon.

>> No.13903298
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Distance running and frequent anal sex

>> No.13904078

I have one of these. Convienent and effective? Yes. Effay? Not even remotely.

>> No.13904147

The majority of this board likely doesn't engage in social interaction on a daily basis, and as such, prefer crackhead drugs they can order over the internet over drugs that have an established social ritual attached to them

>> No.13904385

Yikes, I'd report this so it would be deleted out of embarrassment, but I got trips so I'll leave it

>> No.13905074
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Caffeine. Cocaine is one hell of a drug, don't even think about it. At some point, it becomes less about feeling good, and more about escaping something. Now look at me, I'm just another faggot refreshing this board every couple of minutes.

>> No.13905086

Heroin and coke, but only if you are Auschwitz skinny. That's it tho, maaaaaybe you can make cough syrup cool but you gotta have a lot of confidence