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File: 145 KB, 1216x826, SmartSelect_20181118-053909_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13850176 No.13850176 [Reply] [Original]

Is it acceptable to wear something like this?

I love aviator sunglasses. I was looking for something to protect my eyes for the winter. The problem with sunglasses is that nothing prevent the cold wind to get behind the lens and freeze your face. The NL glasses seems like it could seal the eye sockets better. The leather sides are removable. I'm not sure if it looks cool or ridiculous though. I surely looks uncommon.

>> No.13850181

Those look gay as fuck. get these instead.


>> No.13850187

It looks decent. I wish they had it with polarized lens.

>> No.13850229

Sport sunglasses wrap around your face and do this

>> No.13850503
File: 44 KB, 641x530, More Precisely.....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can and do, however you have to be serious about it. Glasses with side-shields were developed primarily for mountaineering and high-altitude situations, so if you want to get a good pair you have to go with a company that does that.

The only company you should look at is Julbo. They discontinued their Drus, but I got a pair before that. They're fucking awesome. They have a few different models other than the Drus that have side-shields. If you want vintage design, go with their Vermonts.

If it's not what you want, then consider other brands, but just be aware that Julbo is the leader in this particular area. Anything else is essentially larping.

One alternate I also wear is one made by an independent, called O'riginals Trading Company. They crowdsource/fund, and they specialize in glasses with side-shields that are based on old styles (not mountaineering but more like steampunk 1880's Railroad glasses and so forth).

No matter what, you'll stick out, so make sure you get a pair that fits your face well, and that you style your hair and facial hair accordingly. Side shields severely change how your side-profile looks, and it also changes the perception of your head size (the more hair you have, the better).

>> No.13850616

Because I'm a blind nigga, how do I get these glasses to have lenses that match my prescription?

>> No.13850733

Haven't you ever bought glasses before?
Buy frames you like, take to optometrist and they'll replace stock lenses that do nothing for you with prescription lenses.
I looked at julbo vermonts for ages myself, but figured they'd make me too damned bug eyed.

That model shows up on massdrop alot.

>> No.13850870
File: 666 KB, 1084x610, Dathan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Julbo does prescription, as does any reputable sunglasses manufacturer. I don't know about O'riginals, but from what I understand they do it as well. Contact them and ask.

You'd be surprised about the bug-eyed thing. Have you ever tried them on? If you can get a chance, do so in person because then you'll know for sure. They're large, no doubt, but because of their rather iconic look, they tend to get a 'pass' in terms of how it fits your face compared with other glasses or designs.

In the same way that people expect aviators to be a certain size, and they always seem to look okay on people regardless of how large/small they are on the head, Vermonts are the same. If you live in cold climates, they look fucking awesome if you're wearing a parka with the hood up, but even in the summertime they're great.

Just be aware that in some jurisdictions you might be pulled over by a cop if you're driving while wearing them with the side-shields; the claim is that you are driving with impaired vision. Given that the side shields can be removed on both the Drus and the Vermonts, it's not a problem, but just be aware of this. Also, with the Vermonts, if you want to take off the side-shields, you have to unscrew the frame slightly so the lens is loose, and then carefully remove the shield. On the Drus and more modern models (like the Sherpa) they simply 'clip' on to the side of the frame, so the more modern ones are easier to remove.

>pic unrelated