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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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13840103 No.13840103 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck do I afford decent fits?

What's your day job, /fa/?

>> No.13840108

IT consultant. I make more money than I know how to spend.
I don’t buy that much clothing because I have to dress biz core for work anyway.

>> No.13840111

There's A shortage of people in the trades in Canada OP. Youll make genuine good money but it's a bit more of a dirty job

>> No.13840410

buy coke off dream sell irl

>> No.13840416

part time retail assistant, still can't afford decent fits :/

>> No.13840427

Translator. It's great and I make plenty to spend.

>> No.13840431

I work in a sweat shop and just take the clothes lmao

>> No.13840476

I deliver newspapers by foot, on a gap year and it pays unreasonably good so I guess it's ok.

>> No.13840480

Dem Christmas tips mane enough for some R I C K

>> No.13840491

gotta get me the most orthopedic ones for the deliveries.

>> No.13840509

what language

>> No.13840519

English to French.

>> No.13840608


>> No.13840612

I work in the warehouse for an upmarket fashion retailer so I can get up to 50% off some things if I keep an eye out.

>> No.13840624

this. i buy lsd for $2-3 a tab and sell it for $10 to retards for some easy cash

>> No.13840630

what's life like as a warehouse guy? i just became a student again and am looking for part time work and there are a few warehouses recruiting near me

a friend said they work you fucking hard and you have to meet picking quotas and shit. is it really that bad? i thought it would be chill and ez

>> No.13840667

what is dream

>> No.13840698

Wellfare and being a neet living with parents. IDGAF

>> No.13840760
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I'm a "graphic designer" at a small company. Pay is pretty shit so my fits are pretty shit but all my money goes to drugs that make me not care either way

>> No.13840796

I unironically have a sugar daddy. And yes, I'm male

>> No.13840799

Day trading. Honestly i dont see why youd do anything except out of passion. The payout is better than literally every normal job

>> No.13840804

how into? hear it's nothing but losses unless you really know what you're doing

>> No.13840829

This I short stocks or trade options, the 70k payouts for some calls/puts are nutty. Don’t ask me about the losses.

>> No.13840831

Theres several approaches.

When i started out i played the long haul, holding for months for minimal gains (~12% on a few hundred) but i switched to penny stocks for a while. They fluctuate between 1c and 2c each day so the potential for huge gains and losses is there.

>> No.13840834

...what about the losses

>> No.13840836

W2c sugar daddy
Also, are you gay or just in it for the money?

>> No.13840843
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im laying contact cable in a subway

>> No.13840844

Nothing. I spend maybe £30 every 2 or 3 months until I find a permanent job.

>> No.13840845

You can look more than decent for like no money. Yeah, designer is ideal but I'm poor as hell and just thrift most of my stuff and still pull shit off. Learn how to tailor your own pants so you have more options and so you can emulate the fit of higher fashion pieces and you're golden. Also look for designer stuff to resell and trade up when you're thrifting, it's surprisingly easy to find.

>> No.13840846

Bartender. Everyone treats you like a celebrity, you get to bang all the qt 21 year old girls that host one night a week, make good money. 10/10 career choice.

>> No.13840858

Sounds pretty comfy

>> No.13840861

Head of maintenance for a vacation house company in a ski town. Pay is breddy gud and I live largely debt-free so I keep a greater percentage of my income.

>> No.13840884


>> No.13840895


>> No.13840919

dark net market

>> No.13841118

where'd you learn the fundamentals? Im just following what others do on forums (not biz) rn.

>> No.13841135

I did 2 broadening units in uni before i quit, they sort of helped. For me the fundamentals are about looking at figuring out whats going to happen based on real world stuff. I mainly invest in tech stocks because i find them easy

Diablo mobile announced - wait for it to dip, buy sell when it normalises
Amd releases ryzen - buy @ $4 and sell at $16
Apple due to be the first trillion company - buy immediately, sell as soon as they hit 1 trillion
Buy amazon

>> No.13841137

Isn’t it annoying that you always have to work whenever all your friends wanna go out and have fun?

>> No.13841151

Having friends isn’t fa

>> No.13841219

alright so your'e not actually looking at chart trends and other witchcraft. That's the shit I wanna get in to

>> No.13841264


>> No.13841434

u should upgrade 2 coke n heroin u sissy, 1k a day

>> No.13841504

has anyone here been a neet since their teens

>> No.13841508

does he fuck you?

>> No.13841592

Me, dropped out of hs at 17
But I just started learning about affiliate marketing. I heard it's not hard to get into and you can make good money out of it

>> No.13841625

ive gotten to know some very unsavory types of people who deal harder drugs. i'm very cool with them but im afraid of what they'll do to me if i get into it

>> No.13842320

I'm a cook and just shop at thrift stores. You can find nice shit if you go the the rich neighborhoods.

>> No.13843009


>> No.13843018

Software engineer. Have about $3k I can do whatever I want with in a month.

>> No.13843020


>> No.13843027

Cheeky cunt

>> No.13843028

You're saving most of it and investing a portion into a fund, right?

>> No.13843030

Software Engineer
my workplace doesn't have a dress code. so i pretty much cozy wear everyday

>> No.13843032
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Just started working the medical life as an RT, ended up going nights just to make a lil more. The sun was never my friend anyway

>> No.13843065

i need off of the hamster wheel /fa/

i quit my retail job because i was fucking sick of it and started studying towards a medical degree, when i qualify i'll be earning £30k starting with potential of up to £80k with a few years of experience but i'm scared i'll hate it

should i start a business or start day trading or some shit
i only have £8k worth of savings and assets total

i'm scared of life but i just want to make it lads.

>> No.13843072

have Chinese parents and bookmark hypebeast

>> No.13843088

I draw and sell commissioned anime porn

>> No.13843092

this is actually me, I work in a sweatshop for underwear and socks and I can take some and also get 25% off in the shops on top of sales as well, it's great but the work is suffering and everything hurts

>> No.13843110


>> No.13843407
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I walk dogs sometimes and sell drugs to scum as I am going to school again in my late 20s. About 5 years ago I was working at a museum. My last real job. My only job I ever had. I liked it I guess but I messed up and started fucking this 16 year old intern. Long story short the staff found out and I almost went to jail. Was obviously fired and havnt had a job since. I cant really put that job on my resume can I, so I am fucked and been depressed ever since. I just want to write but I suck at it. I want to write stories. I am going to a dumb liberal arts college for english that won't get me anywhere. I just wanted to read classic literature at school but all we are talking about is gender fluidity and cultural Marxist post modern bullshit and I want to die. I just wish I could have money to live in a small house alone forever and just write my stories. I spend some of my financial aid on sick fits and live with my parents. I wish I was more intelligent.

>> No.13843499

Rent out or flip houses. Depends on the neighborhood

>> No.13843504

teach me

>> No.13843508

supply them, they will buy off u

>> No.13843526



also partying with the industry crowd means you always go to afterparties that have better drugs, better alcohol, and tons of girls, and you can hang out in bars afterhours.

>> No.13843532

living the dream


jk get therapy brah

>> No.13843546

what did you just say you twat?

>> No.13843812

your spelling and punctuation is superb, you are smart anon.. youre lucky you got 16 year old puss too lol, right on!

>> No.13843822

Yeah plus I can always buy whatever I want. Will get a raise soon too.