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File: 80 KB, 500x750, valter-torsleff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13802256 No.13802256 [Reply] [Original]

Valter Törsleff edition

>post thinspo
>stay hydrated
>no bully pls


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Fasting Resources:

Feel free to post questions and requests, report about your progress, and ask for support.

To get helpful replies make sure to post:
>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
>tdee and your deficit
>highest and lowest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you are going for

>> No.13802315

Vegan food is nice

>> No.13802316
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>> No.13802338

why do /fit/larp posters think they can give fitness advice here? i bet they arent even fit, just fat ugly incels regurgitating shitty fat people memes

literally kys yourselves

>> No.13802357
File: 67 KB, 453x604, BE80E532-6932-4D3F-AEDE-5C0B15F049DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chin :hearteyes:

>> No.13802360
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>> No.13802372
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>> No.13802424

Onion soup is lovely.

>> No.13802454
File: 67 KB, 640x772, 9A302A51-995B-47D7-BA12-CA71CD9AF6A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mum say she'll take me to therapy because im "anorexic" (she says this because i count calories)

what do?

>> No.13802458

If you're over 18 kindly tell her to fuck off.

>> No.13802467

does she know how to use smartphones? if no, you would need to find your own place, if yes then show her why is counting calories good for heath spamming her all day with infographics and shit, open her mind and maybe help her to also lose weight and cure her diabetes.

>> No.13802485
File: 1.05 MB, 1242x1624, FFFB09D6-0B42-4FEB-9AB6-A1B4652A3123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Valter Törsleff
My husband
How old is he now? He’s been around for a while.

Even with her rotting teeth and skeletal body, Shmegeh was weirdly beautiful and inspiring. Glad she’s ok now though.

>> No.13802491
File: 219 KB, 698x1024, 8189424454_45b576acec_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>M / 18 / 6'2" or 188cm / 165 pounds
>2500 TDEE and I'm eating at a 1000-1200 deficit

Is cardio (running and/or rowing) and calisthenics enough to go Ride-mode

>> No.13802515

ugh he's so fucking hot

he looks like he does more than that but hardcore enough calisthenics might be able to do it, if you have the right genes

that said, probably not if you're eating that little

6'1 and 147 lbs here, I'm aiming for 1200 daily and mostly just walk every day, will try strengthening my core when I'm not as lazy so I don't wreck my back further.

I reached retarded low weight last year by eating at that large a deficit, it was not worth it btw

>> No.13802600
File: 60 KB, 859x897, DqoB3JnXcAERMui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was 268 pounds started very strict diet of fasting, and only 1 small meal for dinner. Weight is starting to fall off! I'm 250 now will I make it ;_;

>> No.13802681
File: 55 KB, 540x960, 5497CD3C-66A2-4616-A88C-2B98C6B1432C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rotting teeth
they look white to me

>> No.13802688

>How old is he now?
He was born in April 1994, so he's 28 now.

>> No.13802690

Holy shit, meant to say 24, sorry.

>> No.13802700
File: 895 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181030-122357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is my thinspo her weight is 37 idk her height her insta is chy_crybaby

>> No.13802702
File: 635 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181030-122622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is so pretty

>> No.13802738

if you aint usin amphetamines u aint srs bout losin weight

>> No.13802757

doctor wont give me amphetamines :/

>> No.13802890

its like the most common drug after weed, make it happen and let ur ribs show thinanon

>> No.13802892
File: 1.31 MB, 1096x1754, A05A1AFC-36DD-4621-A02F-43D8AD44DCA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go look through her Tumblr. Sometime way back she posted a closeup picture of her teeth and they were literally brown from all the plaque buildup. Judging by her teeth, lips, and everything else she clearly had shit hygiene, which is actually normal for someone in such a critical mental state so I can’t hate on her for that.

Ah, so only a year younger than my ancient self. Good, because I was worried about being a creep lusting after a teenager...

>> No.13802920

He looks like shit now.
Rip inspo

>> No.13802971

Are you?

>> No.13803023
File: 2.93 MB, 4032x3024, 20181028_163149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im up like 6 lbs from my lw. bright side, i can sustain without starving myself and eat almost normally.

>> No.13803063
File: 771 KB, 598x600, cuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is him now, washed up and a ridiculous lefty.

>> No.13803065
File: 120 KB, 657x1200, pHgUZIq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any AGP girls here?

>> No.13803080

ur gonna get ur tranny ass hammered by tranphobic anon
i suspect laf when i hear that now but prob not

AGP is a meme made by a failed psychologist
using it degrades every trans person and perpetuates the misinformation.

>> No.13803097
File: 54 KB, 878x1024, xhvuxuwewx611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AGP is a meme made by a failed psychologist
>using it degrades every trans person and perpetuates the misinformation.
This is a normie meme.
There are plenty of us who identify with AGP. >>>/lgbt/>>10974109
People say AGP doesn't exist but then offer no explanation why I, and others, feel no major dysphoria and are mostly ok with being male but just generally feel like life would be better/easier/more enjoyable as a female.

>> No.13803111

it doesn't exist
its a fetish or you are trans; pick one
people who are into feet don't try to act like they are different people because of it

it harms transpeople. Both sides of blanchards coin degrades transwomen and only enforces the public belief that they are men in dresses
you are not even trans; you are either a terf or a ass who starts shit to start shit
no more (you)s

>> No.13803116

>Not at my goal thinspo body yet
>Meetup with girl from tinder
>i take my shirt off
>she laughs a bit while trying to hide it
>i say "what"
>she says i didn't think you were that skinny

Ive been thinking about this since the weekend. Now i don't know if i should continue or reverse all of this and bulk up and go full /fit/ mode. The girl wasnt thinspo herself but she was cute/avg college girl

>> No.13803119

did u smash

>> No.13803124

Why do you care about breeding, children are just a delusion, they are not you, you are being slaved by your hormones.

>> No.13803130

don't change you appearance for other people. You live in your body 24/7; other people occasionally see it
If she doesnt like you because she doesnt like how you look she may be kinda shallow

>> No.13803132

yeah but she made me feel lowkey self conscious about it. Not enough that I really cared, but enough for me to bring it up in here. Like should i get skinnier or bulk up. An actual question.

okay guy remain a virgin while I'll be enjoying myself

>> No.13803133
File: 166 KB, 1125x778, 1481402416904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh trannies
Ok snowflake. Keep telling me what I feel isn't what I feel.

>one roastie does something
>considering changing his whole outlook/body
This is what you get for being a degenerate using tinder and engaging in hook up culture.

>> No.13803136
File: 66 KB, 800x524, 2016-07-12 20.09.16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13803138

Sensual pleasures are just the start of suffering, I don't enjoy or suffer anymore.

>> No.13803139

she said it jokingly but the fact she said it means she meant it. She still swallowed my cock though so idc but still, she got me thinking about it.

>> No.13803140
File: 57 KB, 383x640, fuck off copyright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13803142

r u happy with how you look?

>> No.13803146

yeah. but i also always wanted to bulk up like christian bale in american psycho. I just never attempted because I was thinspo all throughout high school/was a long distance runner.

>> No.13803150

and i didn't mean self conscious as in i hate my body, but should I go fit mode rather than thinspo? I would love my body either way, but if girls prefer fit then maybe ill go that route. I don't mind either, but i would say majority wins in this case

>> No.13803154

basically should I go full chad mode. I already get tons of matches on tinder, but i feel with a bulked up fit body i would match with basically any girl I want

>> No.13803164

Stop being such a homosexual, christ.
Some girls like x, some girls like y.
If you're already getting "tons of matches" then what's the big fucking deal.

>> No.13803167

sometimes i don't match with the girls I want to hook up with the most lol

>> No.13803169

Don't rely so heavily on dating apps then????
Jesus h

>> No.13803215

its so easy though. I just sit in my room and swipe. Talk to them for a bit. Once we have a mutual standing we just meet up/hook up

Picking up girls in real life is more annoying. I do so through clubs etc, but its a bit less straightforward. You have to figure out whether they're feeling you or not, and sometimes they're just being nice ect. Or you don't know if theyre already seeing someone ect. Tinder you know theyre single/seeking relationship/hook up which is an advantage. And being in college town with 30k students, theres plenty to choose from.

>> No.13803243

and when i say clubs i don't mean dance/party clubs. I mean clubs as in college clubs for sports/my particular interests

>> No.13803263

would it be weird to move to a college town even though I'm not in college? Tinder in my area sucks

>> No.13803264

Here he looks like an actual human being and not some unrealistically perfect, photoshopped elf god. God forbid he be normal-looking like the rest of us.

>> No.13803265

rent is expensive. better off moving to a (bigger) city, but not ny; no one finds love in ny

>> No.13803515

seriously, how the fuck do you guys have managed to stop binge eating? I've been on this fasting/binge eating cycle for more than 3 months now, I can feel my stomach and bowels fucked up, i need to stop right now.

>> No.13803531

no im in the ideal weight range for my height. I just want to be in the lower end instead of the high end. I eat under 1500 calories a day

>> No.13803542

>muh feelings
kys yourseld degenerate kike niggerfaggot

>> No.13803563

you dont have it in you yet to be a fasting chad, better off restricting at a 500 cal daily deficit and going from there

>> No.13803590

Yeah, I noticed that, I can't handle fasting. I'll just do a keto diet, maybe one meal a day.

>> No.13803641

cut af

>> No.13803646

Keto is kind of a big meme, just do OMAD at as high of a deficit as possible.

>> No.13803648

You look great, I'd save this for my folder but I steer clear of outies, good job though.

>> No.13803697
File: 51 KB, 640x490, 1538200125030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else is involuntarily thinspo? I'm too caught up in university, work, and other mundane shit to even think about food beyond drinking water and having something light

>> No.13803698

>Keto is kind of a big meme

>> No.13803809

Shit, she's really cute, anon.

>> No.13803882

It's not so hard, when I started fasting I didn't binge eat all that much except when I was bored. While fasting I tried to stay focused on something or I would start thinking about food. Longest fast I did was of 8 days, just pure water.

>> No.13804010

Anyone interested on running in group? I'm sick of being alone in this shitty disorder. I'm from Chile.

>> No.13804023

like another anon said, you can still gain weight on keto. fats are generally high in calories. OMAD worked for me but it still counts as fasting. if you're too addicted to food try having only diet sodas, sparkling water, veggies or fruit so you minimize the damage.

>> No.13804312

>5'9 (175 cm)
>125 lbs (56.7kg)

am i thinspo?

>> No.13804377
File: 418 KB, 1920x1684, IMG_p2hgm7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current Physique:
6'2" 183lbs
Ideal is ~160-165lbs

I burn around 3500 calories a day, so I really just need to not shovel food into my mouth constantly and that ought to do it.

The goal is to be a <5% bf adonis

>> No.13804465

>Current Physique:
>6'2" 183lbs
>Ideal is ~160-165lbs
>I burn around 3500 calories a day, so I really just need to not shovel food into my mouth constantly and that ought to do it.
>The goal is to be a <5% bf adonis
why are you here tho

>> No.13804486
File: 951 KB, 500x452, ducccc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

running in group?

>> No.13804497

ive been on an EC stack for months and physically feel no desire for food and as long as i dont have food after taking a dose im good but mentally i still have cravings both for emotional stability and also probably fats and oils that my dumbass brain is crying about.

>> No.13804631
File: 120 KB, 1242x808, 1540762591566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just binge ate, fuck me lads.

>> No.13804710

Where do I find pants like in that pic?
The smallest i can find near my size is 28x32, and that still fits loser than I'd like it to. How do you get pants that show off his thigh gap and slim legs without having a tailor?

>> No.13804719

we've all been there friendo, take the mental satisfaction from the binge and carry it over to start a new day of fasting/restricting

>> No.13804825

go for a 10k run

>> No.13804893

But if I manage to stay under 600 calories on keto will that be more efficient than a normal high carb diet right?

>> No.13804981
File: 425 KB, 750x834, B2878E96-CE6A-4B4A-934B-2FE021B02C55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre fat and your stats are shit

go back to fit and read the sticky

>> No.13804994
File: 16 KB, 240x210, DC3744CE-DB0A-4817-B624-EDAAA261F74E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I’ve been eating nothing but Greek yogurt and esspresso since January
>went from 180 lbs to 110 lbs

>> No.13805121

>been eating 800 cals a day
>plateau for a week at 118 lbs
>eat 1200 last night
>wake up 120 lbs
I know there's no way I actually gained 2 lbs overnight but my stupid monkey brain still wants me to freak out about it

>> No.13805128

post body
water weight
stop weighing yourself everyday

>> No.13805148

your insulin levels will be more stable so youre less likely to binge, and your body will burn stored fat for energy more effectively
but 100 grams of cashews is already 553 calories....

>> No.13805190
File: 722 KB, 814x598, 2016to2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry to post pics of not skinny person but can you guys help me get thinspired
first TWO pics are when i started college, 5'8 and ~150lbs DDD/squats, right is now at ~200 (!!!) same height and bra/bigger ass. that ~2yrs was the only time in my life i was not fat, i feel like my set point is ~175lb
been inadvertently gaming/fasting the past 5 days but im finding it hard to get motivated to lose weight as i dont feel like it looks much different. i would love to just lose my pooch and thunder thighs but i still had those 50lbs ago (most effay i can get would be bimbo bod... not gonna lose curves). any advice?

>> No.13805208

Go bimbo bod and meet me then

>> No.13805233

I want to play with those massive titties

>> No.13805294
File: 243 KB, 1671x1460, sticc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'11" ~115 lbs
How do I get out of skeleton mode.

>> No.13805300

with those milkers it doesnt even worth going for thinspo gurl, dont be such a fool.

>> No.13805431

stop eating duh

count calories/restrict

>> No.13805463

Are you a male or a female

>> No.13805544

Literally just eat more, that's not hard at all.

>> No.13805690

any tips for doing well (actually doing) on fast days other then willpower

>> No.13805696

>those milkers
Don't lose weight

>> No.13805701

I just listen to music that inspires me all day, and avoid to do things that would usually trigger my eating habits, e.g. watching tv shows. But it's different for different people.

>> No.13805709

sounds good. u are right; i typiclly eat more when idley watching something instead of browsing 4chan, reading etc.

>> No.13805879

I usually just play vidya or watch series, keeping you distracted is good enough.

>> No.13805885


>> No.13805993

Post pic im curious. Im 5"11 too and when i was 120 i was still completely skeletal. Im at 130 now tho

>> No.13806031

You don't even need to lose weight. You are perfect.

>> No.13806036

Just wanted to tell you that I came to this picture.

>> No.13806119

kinda.. i wish i didnt have to try. but my arms are mostly skinny just cause i have no muscle :l

>> No.13806187
File: 865 KB, 1663x3006, 20181031_091404-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13806206

I thought I was skeleton mode tf

>> No.13806218

Disgusting kys

>> No.13806608

can't tell if pigion ribcage or shadow but u look good, mix of /fit/ & thinspo

>> No.13806618

Concave chest, basically the opposite of pigeon, and thanks <3

>> No.13806693

I don't go on fit ever and my bmi is well within the normal range.

>> No.13806700

Binge thinner

>> No.13806702
File: 8 KB, 228x221, 1489278086563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally all of my body fat is on my face, stomach and manboobs

why are my genetics such fucking garbage, whats the point of this shit if my body is just going to pack on fat in literally the worst placesi

im 6 feet tall and 160 how much fucking farther am i gonna have to go just to look normal

>> No.13806805
File: 189 KB, 1080x1063, Screenshot_2018-11-01-06-19-45-000_com.instagram.android.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 163cm & 53-54kg. I started eating a bit less in September (my weight was about 58-59kg then). How much do I have to weigh to achieve this?

>> No.13806825

current: 194
goal: 140

is this achievable

>> No.13806830

beging of year: 160 lb
current: 135
goal: 120

why do my legs still look gigantic? rip will my short legs will forever look stubby? should i be running more to lose leg fat? or what are other good exercises to lose fat in the legs?

>> No.13806831

totally achievable just dont lose too fast, stick to max 2 pounds per week even if you go hardcore

>> No.13806836

genetics are a cunt

>> No.13806846


im looking into keto, lets hope this works lads

>> No.13806881

45 ish?

>> No.13806950

ignore these damn betas telling you not to lose weight. just restrict cico as possible and work out if you don't want to be superskinny

>> No.13806956

who is unironically here because of hedi slimane or had their ED’s/BDD indirectly caused by him

>> No.13807035

thanks for advice. of course the base plan would be cico/working out, but im mostly concerned about target areas (stomach, thighs) and im not willing to lose 50lbs again if those are only gonna be mildly reduced. im asking of any techniques that can specifically improve those areas, like "spot reduction"(apparently a myth, but my bodybuilder friend told me about some drug that reduces fat locally), toning, or decreasing muscle mass of thighs. i guess this isnt /fit/ but if anyone has experience with proportion manipulation separate from total decrease in weight it would be greatly, greatly appreciated

>> No.13807038

Stop eating and drinking alcohol you fat american shit

>> No.13807041

Ice poseidon?

>> No.13807043

according to who flabby amerifat?
(provide citation)

>> No.13807080

Assuming that you have next to no muscle that's pretty fat. I'm the same height but 15lbs thinner yet I think I still look fairly disgusting nor do I have visible abs. As you seem to already be on the brink of despair, it's a long ride and you should consider hopping off before it becomes too addicting.

>> No.13807161
File: 746 KB, 1270x750, DAE7598B-B7EE-4D04-A0A2-995CDA9CC896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it safe to lose more than 8 pounds a month?

>> No.13807172

What to do with gyno? Nipples are ok when they are erected...

>> No.13807189
File: 102 KB, 720x720, 1541079588729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went from left to right in 5 months of being lazy after getting a gf

Getting back into it though ppp

>> No.13807209

kpop tier

>> No.13807214

Chu mean right now?

>> No.13807218

no youre fat and disgusting
wtf happened?
european date style

>> No.13807243

>tfw anxiety attack last night and binged on McDonalds afterward
>had been doing ~900 for a few months now
>made a joke off hand about throwing it all up
>roommate takes me seriously
>says she’s actually been really worried about how I “never eat”
I’m not even underweight. And I don’t even actually purge anymore, I haven’t since college.

>> No.13807244
File: 494 KB, 1200x1600, 05ACB27C-7470-4A70-915A-F4C0852797A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i fix this?

>> No.13807245

take it as a complement
i wish my parents would complain about me being meticulous about my caloric intake and desire to weigh less

>> No.13807285

Stop eating.

>> No.13807292

Is your family a healthy weight? Because I feel like they’re less likely to see it as an issue, while fat family members think you’re starving once you drop below 200. I’m 5’5 130 so like I said it’s not like I’m underweight. My mother always threatens to force feed me when I’m home, but everyone in my family is fat, and she said this when I was 50 lbs heavier, too.

>> No.13807331

ive been 45 at 162 and i looked noticeably thinner than that. i think person in pic might not look very thin in other poses btw. i guess that look with a height of 163 cm would be around 47-48 kg

>> No.13807337
File: 396 KB, 750x560, 63ED3DE2-7E0A-4855-A7EF-2A2DD0C2EBF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No theyre not, theyre fat. They already have a problem with me counting and restricting. But i want them to be even more concerned or be influenced to also lose weight

>> No.13807339

im average weight for my height


>> No.13807466

are ECA stacks worth it or should i try to get DNP

>> No.13807475

why the fuck would you get DNP? And nobody uses aspirin in a stack anymore boomer

>> No.13807476

Holy shit this is almost exactly me, right down to the height and weight

My mom isn't fat tho, she's just Mexican

>> No.13807492

My family is black. So, there’s a similar minority habit of trying to overfeed kids there.

>> No.13807519

45 ish

>> No.13807601
File: 21 KB, 372x540, 0FB34018-C9FC-42D6-857E-FC7634A6B628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stuffed my face full with Halloween candy literally all day long yesterday, but was down 2lbs on the scale this morning (weighed myself yesterday too). Can anyone explain this?

>> No.13807662

thank you!

>> No.13807776

>My mom isn't fat tho, she's just Mexican
what does this mean

>> No.13807827
File: 35 KB, 250x329, gallery_143147_12585_34919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13808024

At what weight is a 4'11 female skinny? I feel like even at 90 pounds I don't look super skinny or thin enough despite fitting in kids clothing and size 00..

>> No.13808050

I'm Mexican as well and people here will often try to force feed you if you are below a 100-90 kgs, it's fucking insane that they think this is anyway near the normal weight, they are delusional. I'm close to 170 lbs right now and my mom is already telling me I should stop because I'm "too skinny", even though I still have some fat in me.

>> No.13808073

Is this real holy shit

>> No.13808086


>> No.13808089

looks weird

>> No.13808121

>slim pants too wide on hips
>skinny pants perfect on hips but too tight on lower leg

ok since i lost 15 pounds, i've been going nuts trying to find jeans or pants that fit properly. Is DIY-tailoring the taper and waist something realistic for a beginner idiot?

seems kind of simple as long as i have the right tools and measure properly. Am I underestimating something under the the cost of that machine?

>> No.13808129

try to loose calf muscle
idk how tho; trying to do so myself

>> No.13808208
File: 99 KB, 450x672, LynnVR12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13808277
File: 223 KB, 1910x1273, 1540496598457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any advice/experience in losing muscle but staying toned ?

I'm looking to lose some bulk on my shoulders and chest area but not sure what to do.
Like what to eat ? Should I still lift?

>> No.13808291
File: 444 KB, 1418x1418, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anon redpill me on keto diet?
How is it superior to the old balanced diet?

>> No.13808347

you fucked up

>> No.13808394

yeah goyim do keto instead of counting calories

>> No.13808406

I mean if you're not anorexic just let her honestly,the therapist laughing at her will probably vaccinate her in case she get another stupid idea like that in the future.

>> No.13808409

fuck off
keto is pretty good but really if you wanna loose weight the only thing that matters is kcal in, kcal out. the rest is down to your preference :)

>> No.13808413

This is actually good advice lol, if you're not anorexic then the shrink will say so.

>> No.13808414
File: 143 KB, 633x758, 1391837059617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I lost 14 pounds in a couple weeks just by being heartbroken

feels bittersweet

>> No.13808420

Don't store offer simple tailoring like that ? Maybe it's just in my country but stores like H&M and shit can do basic tailoring if you buy their clothes. I don't know the word for it but they would shorten the leg length of my jeans and stuff.

>> No.13808455

uniqlo hems pants for no extra charge unless the pants are really cheap then it's $5 extra. Beyond that, i am not aware but there's typically a stitch-it or similar service shop in a big mall

>> No.13808505

extremely high reps, lower your weight, and cut a bit below maintenance

>> No.13808517

Im 160 and weight 50 and i dont look like that idk you should try doing some planks end some abb workcout cause even when i was 48 i still have a little belly

>> No.13808662

>samefagging this hard
fuck off to /fit/ with your meme diets

>> No.13808740

I'm 170cm and around 50kg but my legs (and especially thighs) have too much muscle from years of swimming and running. How can I get rid of this? Being bedridden isn't viable, do I just keep losing?

>> No.13808875
File: 2.18 MB, 4032x3024, 75E10B73-0D20-4C3A-B6D0-23959F012397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, F/23years old/5”3/119lbs. Just would like some thoughts and support. I want my body to be like a muscular ariana grande, Do i have a lot left to lose or just a bit? Could i strut around in instagram thot clothing and look nice?
I used to be 130lbs and this is the smallest i’ve been. I would go to /fit but they’re all weird assholes and i like you guys. My mom’s jealous of me losing weight and keeps telling me i’m fine, but i just want some extra oomph

>> No.13808884

you look great rn, but you wouldnt be unhealthy if you lost more. Make sure you keep it under control, dont get an ED

>> No.13808885

Thank you, my self esteem has been all over the place. I love exercising and really want muscles. having an ed would be really bad for that, so i’ll make sure to keep it in check. I’ll lose a little bit more then.

>> No.13808931

You look really good to be honest, but if you wanted to go full thinspo I think losing that belly would do well, your thighs are super hot and I would love to get choked by them so no need. You might want to try fasting if you can, it has helped me a lot.

>> No.13809091

So question for you guys.
I'm not this chick but I have 32 DDD's too and I'm 5'4" and 130 lbs.
Is there a way to lose weight fast without getting saggy tiddy?

>> No.13809093

Yer a Harry, wizard.

>> No.13809095
File: 72 KB, 487x750, 1525388160404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because hes cutting, nigga jeez
gains goblin

>> No.13809353

Don't lose it and let me kiss those milkies.

>> No.13809369

are you guys blind? >>13808875 is nowhere near thinspo. she needs to lose about 15 - 20 lbs if she wants to be thinspo and even then she wouldnt be underweight. she has a straight up gut and flab all over her thighs and arms.

>> No.13809376

every model. cute girl. guy who looks like valter. anybody in any of these industries: fashion, art, music. are all ridiculous lefties. stop pretending you can be an edgy rightwinger and fashionable at the same time anywhere in the real world

>> No.13809477


>> No.13809498

You look like shit

literally stop eating piggie

>> No.13809828

If I want to lose some bellyfat and get a bit slimmer without having to count calories, should I cut out milk and sugar in my coffee and stop drinking alcohol and eating lunch?

>> No.13809877

Just count your fucking calories you lazy shit

>> No.13809918

It’s a general problem here
Too many of the guys are ugly fatties who will drool over any and every female and insist they are beautiful no matter what. Somehow it’s even skewed so that when actual thinspo girls post they get called dangerously skinny and when normal-chubby girls post they’re told they’re thinspo and losing any more would make them anorexic

>> No.13809970
File: 207 KB, 750x797, B497D72F-BBF4-447E-B977-88C4A34DB2B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why wont they go back to where they came from?

>> No.13809994
File: 684 KB, 1000x2018, 1482807102606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a handy pic for redistribution.

>> No.13810127

thinspo for 4'11 is 65-70ish

>> No.13810229
File: 88 KB, 1024x769, 7C35E536-386D-4418-B354-14C005256F62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i thinspo?

>> No.13810266
File: 2.66 MB, 4656x3492, 1102181540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not particularly /fa/ or attractive or anything, but thin nonetheless. I often suspect creative or fashionable people as overcompensating for something they feel themselves lacking. Not a criticism per se - just an observation.

>> No.13810329

Yeah dude, fuck being creative, being conservative is the new punk, pay your taxes.

>> No.13810348

Ha, nah, I think you misunderstand. I meant that the genesis of a lot of people's ambition seems to be their perceived shortcomings. For instance, HP Lovecraft fell quite short of his dream of becoming an astrologist, and yet his fiction is fixated on the cosmos and natural sciences.

It's just interesting, is all.

>> No.13810362

Yeah, fuck dreams, let's just obey the state, you are not compesating aren't you, pay your taxes.

>> No.13810366

I mean, like I said, I'm not making a critical statement. It's just interesting to me how people become the way they are.

>> No.13810382
File: 944 KB, 1265x1432, 7&#039; idl fa 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eca stack is safe, legal and effective if used sanely

>> No.13810496

where tf do u get e

>> No.13810616
File: 222 KB, 1152x2048, F33DE861-7378-402D-A092-48F3D6A0B135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13810629

Anyone else here row?
Just got into it. Is it good for getting thinnn?

>> No.13810630
File: 63 KB, 750x675, 002F3F4B-F1B7-4878-AAEC-35636469CF73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>13810629 yeah if you eat less

>> No.13810751

Damn. Would lick you head to toe. Among other things.

>> No.13810771

god. i look like this but a tad bit skinnier. problem is that im a lil bit darker :((((8
i wish i was white omg

>> No.13810796

I want to lick those pits.

>> No.13810833
File: 167 KB, 896x1080, 1508287387029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got the image that explains the EC stack?

>> No.13810993

How do I lose weight without feeling weak and lightheaded? I used to get out of breath easier as well.
I'm 5'2 and my lowest weight was 97lb, now I'm 115lb but I want to go back.
When I was tracking what I ate, I was eating anywhere between 850-1200 calories.

>> No.13811014
File: 1.57 MB, 3264x1836, 20181029_150020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to work out

>> No.13811060

Feeling weak and lightheaded is unavoidable

>> No.13811070

how is it physically possible to be tired and fatigued from a lack of food with a healthy BMI? it doesnt make sense.

>> No.13811078

What are your stats?

>> No.13811097

5'7"/5'8, male, last time I weighwd myself was in June, but my mom got did of our scale so I dont know if ive gained or lost. I go through periods of restriction and binging a lot. but for the past week I've been having around 2000kcals a day baring a few cheat days

>> No.13811137

oh yeah, last time I weighed my self I was 97lbs/44kg

>> No.13811156

Based, I have the same height and 45kg is my ugw, so your post actually motivated me so i'm doing 48 hour dry fast this weekend, fuck it.

>> No.13811161

thats just how it works

drink coffee or diet coke to keep yourself feeling full while eating less

>> No.13811163

are you dumb. a dry fast??? i drink at least 2L of water a day

>> No.13811165

Yeah, I know, I just want to lose weight asap.

>> No.13811176 [DELETED] 

Original poster of this
In addition to a restrictive diet, I used to workout for and hour and a half everyday and went for l walked everywhere whenever I could...so that extra weight might've been from building muscle. My initial weight was 130lbs.

>> No.13811188

>>13810993 (You)
Original poster of this
In addition to the diet, I used to workout for an hour and a half everyday and went for walks everywhere and whenever I could...so that extra weight might've been gained from building muscle. My initial weight was 130lbs.

>> No.13811210

I meant, I was 97lbs when I used to diet but I've let go now and ballooned up to 115lbs. I wanna go back to 97lbs without the fatigue.

>> No.13811247

mummy milky

>> No.13811296
File: 34 KB, 500x645, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to start a 5-7 day fast. I fucked up bad over Halloween. Wish me luck.

>> No.13811298

does anyone have a picture of someone going from skinny fat to true thinspo? i'm curious what it looks like because i'm skinnyfat and have never been truly thin, so it's hard to imagine what i'd look like

>> No.13811392

That guy looks so shit now, it's depressing.

>> No.13811413

>lost an unnoticeable 5 lbs
>girl at work says, "you're losing so much weight dude!"
No idea how the fuck she even noticed lmao

>> No.13811417

>tfw no 4'11 gf
All I want in life desu

>> No.13811463

literally who wants midget gf

>> No.13811469

>118 lbs
fuck i want to go back to 112 and work on losing again. i don't feel skinny anymore, i feel horribly average and hate the fat on my chest and back, and how my legs spread when i sit. I hate lying down and having a stomach to fill what should be an empty space between my hips. I hate seeing skinny people and being jealous. I'm still pretty skinny, but i wish I felt like it.

>> No.13811577

pls dont, i want to believe i can get a bf ;_;

>> No.13811590

>tfw 5'4
>123 lbs
>even at a "healthy" weight like that i still have a large stomach and fat thighs and arms

>> No.13811601
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's 40 and writing comic books. I think he looks just fine.

>> No.13811637

It’s probably a combination of having low muscle mass and a small frame.

>> No.13811831

about 2-3 years of severe calorie restriction and multiple skin removal surgeries.

>> No.13811841

that's cause you're chubby but not overweight
i'm 5'2" 103 lbs and i still have a bit of belly and thigh fat

>> No.13811843

you're underweight so you're better of toning up instead of starving yourself into unattractive skelly mode. muscle will make you look and feel slimmer

>> No.13811897
File: 1.41 MB, 1500x1022, Sketch 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi anon, here's my thoughts at least:
You're really lacking in muscle at the moment; your body has no sharp angles or curves, just a soft roundness. And this is slightly more the case for your lower body than your upper body. You seem to put on weight kinda evenly across your body, maybe more on your torso and upper body than your legs.

Just weight loss would (probably) look something like the "just skinny" sketch. With thin but shapeless arms and legs, and still some roundness in the stomach area from a lack of muscle. I'm guessing that you want to avoid that.
So your main focus shouldn't be losing weight.

You say you want to be like a muscular Ariana Grande, I agree that it would suit you well.
If you start lifting you could get close to the "skinny and strong" sketch with a few months~1/2 year of work.
That doesn't mean you won't have to put in real work though.
You might lose a few kg, but not a lot. Weight wise the skinny sketch is a lot lower than the fit one.

As for your moms comments: you probably do look very normal with normal clothes on. But as you say, Instagram thot clothing would look unimpressive on you atm.
So yeah: eat healthy, avoid refined sugars, go to the gym, (fit can help you with the details) you'll get there anon.

Just as a note: The camera angle makes your upper body look bigger btw, so take that into consideration,
you're going to look more balanced irl than you do in this picture and the sketches.

>> No.13811967

> F, 18, 5'5, 200 lbs
> chonky
> eat Ritalin like candy and go full mia
> drop to 110 lbs in 7.5 months
> muscle mass is impossible to hang on to
> energy is even harder
> get Ritalin upped
> body is in survival mode so no more weight is lost
> permanent scarring on heart
Anyway that was a year ago and I weigh 160 lbs now
Is it effay to kys

>> No.13811989

wtf is wrong with you
why would you ruin your throat and teeth like that?

>> No.13812007

Clearly rapid weight loss by extremely shitty methods is bad for you. Strange that
What’s your point anyway?

>> No.13812219

good work anon, i wish you would do this for every chubby or skinnyfat person that posts here

>> No.13812244

If you do Intermittent Fasting you will lose the bodyfat that annoys you, while retaining the muscle. Just make sure to keep the caloric deficit low, so that you don't go full anorexic tier and actually lose muscle. With IF it is gradual weight loss and muscle retention or even increase in muscle mass over fat mass.

>> No.13812249

You're posting in a thinspo thread so you probably do have an eating disorder. People here call everyone who does not suffer from body dysmorphia a /fit/LARPer or fatty who is projecting. Peak defensive mechanism

>> No.13812396

I'm 5'7 and 138lbs.
Would dropping to 110lbs be a good goal weight?

>> No.13812423

Thanks, hopefully it helps her.

>> No.13812426
File: 345 KB, 917x853, skny 1535419246052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alternatively, just drink coffee and take a bronkaid and baby aspirin before breakfast and lunch.
Ease your way into it, and take two days a week off to recover or you'll fuck yourself over.

>> No.13812843
File: 2.34 MB, 3668x3264, 35436939876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


can i make it bros

>> No.13812871
File: 8 KB, 310x163, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the average adult male requires about 2700 calories per day

>> No.13812902

literally who thinks that

>> No.13812912


>> No.13812913

no mine

>> No.13812915

Talk about baby face.

>> No.13812924

youre actually pretty cute anon (^:

>> No.13812979

Concepción? I'm in.

>> No.13813015
File: 506 KB, 595x1101, IMG_20181103_191201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why am i so short / where's my thigh gap god fucking dammit / i can't even find decent pants that fit me and that belt is horrible / i think i gained a kilo or two during the last weeks i'm not really good with scales so i can't know for sure AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

how's been your day anons?

>> No.13813017

looks like u have a thigh gap

>> No.13813023

what the fuck is wrong with you all? you purposely want to look like anorexic twinks?

how tf is that aesthetic at all? lmao at your shitty genes if your jawline isn't chiseled with marble by 10% BF

>> No.13813040
File: 31 KB, 564x564, 1529604795244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, personally I don't mind looking more like my personal prefence dictates and more like the lanky piece of shit I feel I am. you're not the first to ask, nor the last one to.

Really? I mean, I can see a tiny tiny tiny gap when my shoes are by their side, but I'm hoping to get to something like >>13802892 I'm kind of curious of what his stats might be. Thank you nowadays, I guess?

>> No.13813058

i hope you realize you're mentally ill and need help, anorexia nervosa

you're starving yourself for a thigh gap, visible ribcage and don't even have abs, fucking lol

>> No.13813061

Thank you for your kind words. I'm well aware of my situation.

>> No.13813101

>I'm kind of curious of what his stats might be
He's 189cm so he's basically naturally thinspo, but we can do it, he's also my ultimate goal.

>> No.13813124

Had a few raisins and a few glasses of water today, but I'm craving indian food really bad right now. Your legs look fine.

>> No.13813132

Forgot to add, 20 years old B)


thanks for the compliments I guess ^^

>> No.13813144

shut the fuck up you fat jealous cunt
he looks fine . literally kys back to /fit/

>> No.13813171

post body or leave nigger

>> No.13813180
File: 420 KB, 735x1166, 20181103_154835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skinniest jeans I could find. I'd like to go thinner but hey for 12 bucks these are pretty good

>> No.13813189
File: 74 KB, 526x567, 1519244854359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, they look good man. what size are they + your stats? I envy your legs.

>> No.13813274
File: 14 KB, 450x676, 5222633990020_001_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is pretty rare found ultra skinny jeans for chicken legs likes us.

I dont know where found this kind of jeans pic related.

>> No.13813416
File: 1.38 MB, 1280x735, tumblr_o8bi06mpit1v8rrbko1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought some new clothes but at lower sizes so i have a irl goal to look good on them and its one of the biggest motivators ive had, sucessful diet here i go

>> No.13813420

I've finally achieved skelly mode, is wearing only sweaters alright?

>> No.13813429

pls post pics i need some motivation rn

>> No.13813436

become tripfag so i can mire u pls

>> No.13813455

>degrades transwomen and only enforces the public belief that they are men in dresses
thats called reality hun

>> No.13813591

Has anyone tried smoking weed for weight loss? I've been smoking heavily for about a week now and lost almost 2kg. (still restricting obviously) I usually drink a lot of black coffee to get rid of munchies, but you can also get a strain that doesn't increase your hunger.

>> No.13813609

>Who is elias

>> No.13813638

is it too late to get into slp aesthetic? seems like most ppl are over it and only diehard hedi fans still try

>> No.13813858

looks ftm kek

>> No.13814132

i have a 3 course meal booked with my workmates on Saturday and I'm only just trying hard to be thinspo.
Should I just eat very little and drink nothing but black coffee all through the week?

>> No.13814267

ice age is not facist/alt right
do your research

>> No.13814410

ive been fasting for 8 days and gained a pound over night... explain?

>> No.13814411


>> No.13814414

try counting calories

>> No.13814418

you gained fat from the muscles your body is breaking down

>> No.13814914

your floor isnt completely level

>> No.13815102
File: 2.31 MB, 3264x1836, 20181104_143030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do you guys find mens pants smaller than a size 26??? I cant seem to find any :/

>> No.13815133
File: 323 KB, 2048x1365, 1538868223090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate nigger music and death grips but mc ride looks so cool. it's hard to dislike him.

>> No.13815679
File: 67 KB, 640x396, 36840480-EE64-4A44-B52D-6B7069E3ECA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people treat you better when you look skinny(male/female)?

>> No.13815706

not skinny but yes they do
i used to be

>> No.13815712

>waist too thick to ever reach femboy proportions
It's over.

>> No.13815714

My friends treat me the same way, but I am way more comfortable around them when I'm skinny, when I'm feeling fat and bloated I completely avoid physical contact, I feel really insecure about everything.

>> No.13815729
File: 444 KB, 2016x1512, soda angelwings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is femboy proportions

>> No.13815790

Thanks mang

>> No.13815793

No, that boy has a slim waist
I have a thick waist, as thick as my hip.

>> No.13815798

That's feminine though.

>> No.13815801

No it isn't

>> No.13815804

oh i mixed up waist with hip

>> No.13815901

How do you all have so much self control?
Everyone in here talks like they're so good at sticking to diets and not eating and working out but I struggle so fucking much.
How do I into willpower?

>> No.13815919

/fit/ anon here. All my bones protrude (hips, ribs, and collarbones) despite weighing 180lb at 6'3". (I'm bulking btw).
stats: ohp: 70x5, bench: 135x10, squat: 315x10, dl: 315x10

>> No.13815923

lmao reddit spacing

>> No.13816052

I'm not him but I don't even go on reddit and I space like that

I think it looks nicer

Also starting my watermelon fruit fast tomorrow

Going a full week eating only watermelon

>> No.13816069

they/we dont, but 1 day every so often dont do much aslong as you dont do it everyday you will be fine

>> No.13816079

i don't really like eating as much as the idea of eating for some reason. i end up feeling full after only eating half my food. sometimes while cooking i lose my apetite. also i hate sweet things
basically i just eat very small amounts of whatever i want and so i don't end up craving things

>> No.13816466

i won't publicly gaslight them because i saw what happened to sammy 'gunz' hyde, but i know a fair amount of people in the "industry" who are either right wing, right leaning, or at the very least edgy. some of them even browse here. the difference is they arent autistic / aren't on an anonymous imageboard and understand what would happen to them if they are publicly outspoken with their politics.

there's more out there than you think.

>> No.13816482

You gotta change the way you see food and ease your way into not eating as much so that it'll become a habit overtime so no willpower needed after a while.

>> No.13816500

That’s because altright/fascist are autistic terms. They’re certainly not fucking lefties.

>> No.13816569
File: 157 KB, 540x960, Фото 05.11.18, 14 53 33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm female, 19, 167cm/5"6, 46kg/102 lbs which is my highest, but skinnyfat with 30+% fat. I'd like to have 15-20% body fat, pic related is ideal.
I plan to do IF 16/8 ~1k cals (current TDEE is 1.3k cals), swimming 3x/week, walking at ~100-120 steps/min lol. Is this realistic?
My gw is 40kg/90lbs (damn Twiggy) but I don't think that's achievable.

I also need to fix my posture, any helpful tips for that? Would swimming help?

>> No.13816779
File: 398 KB, 750x745, 44ADD894-6729-4E5F-9627-D47987EDF781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im bulking btw
why are you here fatty?

you only put on 2-3 pounds of muscle a year btw so bulking is a meme

unless youre on gear. stop bulking

>> No.13816807
File: 74 KB, 760x500, C52D2F23-C2DE-4FB9-A075-65415F7E5CC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rember To the Bone?
that was a good movie

>> No.13816870

Can you elaborate on this?
How am I supposed to see food?

>> No.13816879

Sorry I should've worded it better, I meant changing your relationship with food.
Like cutting off your emotional ties with food (eating for comfort, pleasure eating)
and only eating for sustenance. It'll make sticking to the diet a lot easier.

>> No.13817226

see food only as a necessity to keep you alive and never a reward.

eat the bare mininum

>> No.13817255

thinspo is the ultimate cope

>> No.13817260

I'm 5'7 and fluctuate between 115 and 120 pounds. I'm shooting for the andro/femme boy aesthetic but don't know where to go from here. I know for sure that I need to fix my eyebrows to look more andro but where can I buy clothes that aren't baggy? Even my aeropostale skinnies arent that tight. Since I'm not very tall should I just cop some stuff from the women's section?

>> No.13817269

Any recommendations on losing weight and maintaining ottermode?
would a rigourous bodyweight routine 2 or 3 times a week be enough?

>> No.13817381
File: 185 KB, 500x357, 78860320-0FF6-464A-91A0-9F92EA818C62.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he eating chicken rice and broccoli every night in hopes someone will love him

>> No.13817384

women/children's section

>> No.13817411

nazi larpers get off our peaceful thinspo-threads

>> No.13817587
File: 122 KB, 372x540, valter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would Törsleff even make a casting with his physique? And this go for all thinspo models.

>> No.13817831

fashion isn't looking for chad mcBuff, they want good silhouettes to wear their cloths that let the cloths take center stage. Having unconventionally attractive models makes it more relatable.

>> No.13818247

don't worry anon, I'm same height and have a bf
there's plenty of guys who like smol cute girls

>> No.13818258

Do you have any tips for accomplishing this?

>> No.13818740

waterfast asap.