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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 760 KB, 500x2410, 1510000090579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13742356 No.13742356 [Reply] [Original]

hey guys, visiting from /pol/ (no reeing allowed). is this guide considered up-to-date or should it be updated for 2018?

>> No.13742370

Lmao if you wanna dress like a republican just dress like Don Draper

>> No.13742383

As we say every time this infographic gets posted (it seems like at least once a week): don’t take fashion advice from /pol/. This shit is garbage.

>> No.13742451

This is awful, are you just trying to fuck with us. You will look like a lonely middle aged man or a small child playing dress up, there no in between here

>> No.13742461
File: 77 KB, 380x349, 1525388794348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Heheh yep, this is how you dress like an adult.

>> No.13742468

it was not even up to date when it was made. the guide should be titled "How to Dress like Chris-Chan"

>> No.13742486

>wearing a high school ring

>> No.13742488

it's not funny anymore

>> No.13742490
File: 305 KB, 768x936, tumblr_static_1003a2rxbxggg4o040c48wwk4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is /pol/ dressed like don draper

>> No.13742499

Ignore turbo/fa/gs, that guide is good except for the last part, dont read below the Clarks Desert Boot

>> No.13742500


>> No.13742502

Holy shit what kind of sad, broken man would wear a high school ring. /pol/ really is full of boomers who peaked in high school

>> No.13742506

Holy shit i didn't properly read the infograph, chris chan's shirt is literally on it lmao.

Somebody on /fa/ or leftypol made this to troll /pol/

>> No.13742521

>thinking chris chan was the only person ever to wear a rugby shirt
god, this board is infested with teenagers

>> No.13742536
File: 109 KB, 750x750, 1479472987980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rugby shirts is the apparel of intellectuals

>> No.13742539

Chris Chan also wears jeans, should I not wear them?

>> No.13742556
File: 65 KB, 736x736, eb3cc9a6f2f465a594d2a67c99ec88cd--dark-knight-waste-removal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those capris

>> No.13742587

niggas dont understand the Pareto Principle, baka

>> No.13742600
File: 62 KB, 610x612, 1519709223689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking ayn rand-level drivel is profound

>> No.13742611

Tfw 20% of the population owns substantially more than 80% of the wealth

>> No.13742637

Sure, if you want to look like a suburban boomer who's wife is cheating on him with the young guy from the gym.

>> No.13742654

absolutely not. jeans are a relic of the 20th century everyone should leave behind

>> No.13742673
File: 16 KB, 300x450, rick_owens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, take it from a bunch of guys with a real sense of fashion - you dont want to be dude who wears loafers, a button up and slacks in public.

>> No.13742677

People who dress this way think they look so good and they really look like balding 14 year olds.

>> No.13742720

Not it's still somewhat OKish guide for the kind of people that don't know what clothes to buy in order to look as non-offensive as possible.

>> No.13742739

>how to dress like like a basedboomer

>> No.13742767

Agree, except also exclude the reddit boots.

>> No.13742768

>high school ring

>> No.13742957

unironically do not

>> No.13742981

chris chan enjoys sonic the hedgehog. am I to avoid sonic the hedgehog, simply because of guilt by association? you are ridiculous

>> No.13742986

avoid regardless of cwc

>> No.13742988

how does it feel to be a neurotic NPC that's self-conscious to the point of not being able to express themselves at all?

>> No.13742992

I'm going to disregard the fact that you're clinically retarded (pol) and give you actual, unbiased advice, anon. That guide will make you dress like a sad middle aged man who takes fashion advice from men who are balding and still can't grow a beard despite being in their mid 40's.

Here's some actual advice.
1 : Don't follow infographics. If you need to be told exactly what and what brands to wear, fashion probably isn't something you should concern yourself with.
2 : Big flashy logos should be avoided
3 : Being physically fit/slim is more important than the clothing, or anything else really.
4 : Don't LARP. If you're trying to dress up like some super cool imaginary or historical group of people that you idolize (like all the people who come in here asking if things are 'fascist core') I promise you, you will look autistic and unapproachable.

Keep things relaxed and normal, work on looking good while not being over the top. Focus on the way clothing fits more so than brands or designs. Once you gain a grasp of what looks alright, then you can get creative with it. If you try to look like what you imagine to be cool before understanding what actually looks good, what a good silhouette is, etc, you're going to look at best like you have no idea what you're doing, and at worst like you may be autistic.

>> No.13743002

much better advice than anyone on this board deserves

>> No.13743010

Haha, holy shit. I just realized this guide is actually a guide to dressing like chris chan.

The rugby shirts were the clue everyone picked up on right? Could be a coincidence though. But scroll down. The Manchester High graduation ring.

Chris chan went to that school. Notice the initials on the side. "CWC" Christian Weston Chandler.

oh fuck I really hope people from /pol/ are unironically dressing like this.

>> No.13743011

chinos are far comfier than jeans while also looking more stylish and being more versatile

>> No.13743025

Sonic is bad, okay

>> No.13743054

nothing to do with chris, jeans are ugly and amerimutt

>> No.13743058

>hoodies are for trash people and the poor
you actually have to be stupid to buy into this jesus christ

>> No.13743080

>proudly announcing that you've escaped your containment board
this one is going in my cringe compilation

>> No.13743088

>these dated memes
yeesh, sorry soibois. didn't mean to interrupt the mac demarco/cuck porn discussions going on here

>> No.13743092

what brand are those quarter zips?

>> No.13743161

Is he still alive lol? I thought he died after he got that infected piercing and started fingering it

>> No.13743195

I laughed more than I should have at this

>> No.13743236

The stuff in the guide are entirely normal clothes for adult employed men, try going outside bro.

>> No.13743244

That's just her vagina growing you bigots

>> No.13743269

this pic has to be a psyop to discredit and trick /pol/ idiots into looking like shit

>> No.13743270

muh made in USA garbage

>> No.13743388

it's totally up to date dude! just remember not to stray from the guide!!!

>> No.13743498
File: 7 KB, 250x230, baee8afe5429608adb8bfb30b74c0929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complains about dated memes
>proceeds to post the soi and cuck memes

>> No.13744103

holy shit lol what?

>> No.13744110
File: 42 KB, 486x341, 1485019507723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using the word drivel

>> No.13744118

>A man should only wear 3 rings in his lifetime: a high school ring, an engagement ring, and a wedding ring

An engagement ring? Why, so you can show it off to your mother? What man wears an engagement ring?

>> No.13744147

Since when did drivel stop being an English language word?

>> No.13744192

it's on his list of "no-no" words, shame shame shame

>> No.13744195

fuck off retard

>> No.13744215 [DELETED] 

Hey mods if any of you reading this you're a bunch of fucking incompetent subhumans I know you're not out doing anything on the weekend so do your job or ban me you lazy faggots

>> No.13744222

This is how liberals in Maine and Connecticut dress. Stop appropriating our culture.

>> No.13744376

>person X did A, should I/not?
Imagine being this easily influenced EVER. lmao

>> No.13744438
File: 74 KB, 500x674, arnoldsuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this dude is tight though

>> No.13744512

you do realize 80% of the population is functionally retarded right?

>> No.13744526
File: 110 KB, 657x539, 1516606474127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the bourgeoisie actually does all the work. and the people that don't actually produce anything tangible with their work should reap all the benefits of everyone's work

>> No.13744544

thats not what I said, actually

>> No.13744591
File: 65 KB, 480x364, aaaaaaa8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll wear the boot one day anon

>> No.13744627

its not too bad all things considered
If you are actual /pol/tard, I have literally zero respect for you unless every item of clothing you buy is made in us tho
dont buy rugby shirts and light wash denim thats awful advice, change the lightwash to black
this also doesn't touch outerwear so youll likely look like a retard wearing whatever windbreaker over this but w/e

>> No.13744634

>The stuff in the guide are entirely normal clothes for adult employed men
>Rugby shirts and stone washed Dad jeans
So you're employed as a carnie or what?

>> No.13745295

Middle America

>> No.13745783
File: 100 KB, 1032x774, 1505573075279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that guide
Jesus Christ /pol/, this is a new low

>> No.13745799

He got a taint piercing and as with most of them, especially with someone of his hygiene standards it went really, really bad. It got infected to the point a massive yellow hole opened up between his ballsack and arsehole and he believed that it was a vagina because he’d been doing meditation where he prayed for one. Eventually he posted a video of him putting his filthy fingers in an already massively infected genital wound. Thankfully I don’t have the webm but if he didn’t die from it I’d be truly surprised

>> No.13745816

Chris chan is alive and well:

>> No.13745834

>dress like Chris-chan
What the living fuck?

>> No.13745844

Didn't you know? /pol/ is reddit refugee teenagers who worship e-celebs on Jewtube.

>> No.13745880

Work doesnt make value, if a low IQ nig bakes a mud cookie he isnt producing anything most people want but Bill Gates gives people the ideas that makes lower IQ people more value.

>> No.13745894

wtf is a high school ring?

>> No.13746048

You liberals should read your own shit, even Adam Smith knew that productive labor was what produced the wealth of nations

>> No.13746052

you’d better have at least two kids in order to dress like this. but, in my experience, autism makes successful mating difficult.

>> No.13746782

>buy everything on ebay

Who the fuck even uses Ebay anymore except for scammers and scam victims?

>> No.13746948

fascists reeeeeee

>> No.13746970

>implying fits these retards wear wouldnt look good on someone with a model face and frame

>> No.13746973
File: 224 KB, 1200x3075, 1533981822932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm wondering who is triggered by these threads

>> No.13746978

>is this guide considered up-to-date
t. /pol/lack

>> No.13747024
File: 31 KB, 500x500, 1535118482762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one's triggered by this shit, it just looks silly and is clearly satire bait

>> No.13747025
File: 2.00 MB, 2000x4233, Pol guide to male fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least post the official guide ffs

>> No.13747048

why are you on a fashion board if you're an /r9k/ style body dysmorph?

>> No.13747084

at least 50% of pol posters migrated from reddit between brexit and the 2016 election. thanks for the newfags

>> No.13747160

Who says I am lmao, heres your (you)

>> No.13747162

>Someone was butthurt enough to make this

>> No.13747207

Hearty chuckle

>> No.13747218


>> No.13747579

How am I supposed to afford an SLP teddy just to impress /pol/?

>> No.13748063

t. board ruining diapershitter

>> No.13748073

>implying this wasn't written by a teenage Reddit refugee