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13705245 No.13705245 [Reply] [Original]

Why do women get to be "plus-sized," but men are overweight?

>> No.13705254

Because men change themselves. Women change everyone around them.

>> No.13705257

Since men want to fuck women they invented a nice way to say overweight to them

>> No.13705260

Just lose weight fatty.

>> No.13705262

Because women are emotional children that need sheltering from reality.

>> No.13705266

Name? Shes cute

>> No.13705272

id black her hole, if u know what i mean

>> No.13705282

Clothing websites and stores that sell plus size clothing call it plus size for men and women, i don’t know where you’re getting this information

>> No.13705336

Because our value system for women is based on how they look. If a dude is fat, it's easier to blow off because he can always find another feature about himself to feel redeemed, and this is generally what we're taught in movies, media, etc. If a woman is called fat, that generally is enough for most people to dismiss her entirely. You know how it goes, dude is fat or not that hot but he gets the girl because he is confident or whatever. But you almost never see this the other way around. If the fat girl gets the guy, it's because she lost weight and had a makeover. IDK. So maybe yes, plus-sized is designed to save the self esteem of women who have their entire self-worth wrapped up in their image.

>> No.13705363

Show me a fashion label that refers to their large men's pieces as "overweight". You can't. Your justification for something that doesn't exist just makes you look like an incel, because you probably are.

The masculine term for "plus size" is "big and tall".

>> No.13705376

>t. redditor

>> No.13705385

women in every regard are referred to as plus sized, and if you call them overweight they throw a fucking fit and right up 100 articles about why being fat is the best shit ever.

"big and tall" exist for clothing classification. you don't call a fat piece of shit "big and tall" outside of clothing. and when you call a man overweight he is just that. there is no running to jezebel to validate your lifestyle. just coming to terms with the fact that you are in fact overweight.

>> No.13705466

This. A woman can be a fat fucking piece of shit and there still will be beta orbiters that want to fuck them. Those are the men that will use cushy terms like "curvy," "plus-sized," "big beautiful woman," etc. If that weren't the case, more women would accept that they're fat and lose the fucking weight, like they all should fucking do. So at the root of the problem, once again, is men and their inability to control their fucking penises.

>> No.13705470
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>implying you can ever have too much weight

>> No.13705515

Because men are like
>hahah I'm ugly
>hahah I'm fat
while women are a pain in the ass

>> No.13705537

OP who is the girl in the image, I can't tell if she's actually fat or just got a gut from leaning forward.

>> No.13705544

I think it's Charli Howard.

>> No.13705547


>> No.13705616
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A majority of a woman’s worth is her looks, that’s the brutal honesty. No self respecting man would ever date an ugly fat chick because of her ‘personality’

>> No.13705619


>> No.13705623

I wanna stick my cock in her bros

>> No.13705629


>> No.13705649

Because there is inequality in society and by that I mean women are elevated to a higher status despite how much garbage you hear about how feminism is needed. The Western world has been feminized for the past 50 years.

You know people will believe a woman over a man, you know a woman can say all kinds of sexist things about men. You know it's a woman's "prerogative" to change her mind, while I man would be seen as fickle and weak. You know it's fine for a woman to take 3 hours getting ready while a man is bad if he is 5 minutes late.

The list is really endless. An overweight man hitting on a woman can be seen as a fat creepy guy while an overweight girl is strong and empowered. Woman change all the definitions that are negative into something positive (curvy, plus size etc.) rather than face the reality and challenge of changing which takers effort.

Now this is a male poster who has fully engrossed themselves in the feminized world without even knowing it.

Our "value system" of dismissing overweight females is largely perpetrated by females themselves. All data shows us catty and bitchy remarks are majority female on female. Magazines with women at a fashion show and people talking or bringing down the clothing the woman is wearing is by other females.

Your claim that fat guys somehow are acceptable easily by women and society and it's not seen as an issue is absurd.

One of the main arguments against Trump was his weight, for gods sake. Mainstream society would never rip apart some 70 year old female for being overweight.

Suggested reading for this total beta male:

>The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi

You need to learn reality, son.

>> No.13705664

Literal 12 year old's thought

>> No.13705682 [DELETED] 


Women devalue as they age, most men with their shit together usually become very desirable, valuable, and sought after.
Despite modern feminism, this is how society operates.

No man wants a dusty infertile older woman when he can have some peachy 20-something. Moreso if they're in good shape as well.

>> No.13705708

because women actually can gain weight in the right places, it's not best for them long term but it's how it is.
men cannot gain weight in a way that makes them more attractive except for muscle

>> No.13705715

look at strongmen, they are fat but still considered a good body

>> No.13705748



You literally don’t go outside do you. These are the ramblings of someone who formed all of their opinions on the internet

>> No.13705757

People like you should be killed for the good of all men. Having a size 40 be good for a 40 inch chest is the best we could hope for from an off-the-rack jacket.
But fags like you are what makes manufacturers think men in "vanity sizing" as well. That's why you need to go.

>> No.13705758
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this picture makes my benis hard.

>> No.13705765

You're stuck in the idea that men are shallow while women are... I don't want to say deep because that usually means something else. While women are *not* shallow.
In truth women are just as "shallow" as men but they are even more discriminating, their list of must-haves is longer than ours.
And none of this is bad, by the way.
Fat men can, in theory, still get women. But almost all fat men are just invisible to women - the fat dudes getting chicks have had to develop serious value to get around that. Such that a guy like that should just be able to drop the weight, anyway.
Go outside and you see fat, ugly girls with normal dudes way more often than you see fat, ugly guys with normal women.
If it was so easy for fat dudes it should be the other way around - it clearly isn't.
All the time I see fat hog girls with men that are actually attractive! I guess they're probably poor, or something.
In actual fact it's very reasonable for men not to want to be with fat women because fat women are less fertile and make weaker babies. They also "program" babies in the womb to become fat.

TL;DR - all fat people should be killed.

>> No.13705808
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some men can be overweight and still attractive if they got a big chest and shoulders, some girls dig that, just like some guys dig chubby women
of course landwhales are disgusting in both ways

>> No.13705810

this, it's all about where your fat distribution is
if you pack fat in your upper body you're okay
if you pack fat on your thighs and gut, you're fucked

>> No.13705836

>all fat people should be killed.

>> No.13705845

This is right, insofar as we're talking about "plus-sized" as a marketing term to sell clothes to fatties.
Everyone I know in real life calls a whale a whale. I guess the exception is if you're trying to sell things to them or fuck them.

>> No.13705849

>The masculine term for "plus size" is "big and tall"

>> No.13705855

i feel mogged

>> No.13705878

Actually never thought about this before but, it’s because women are all about the “self love” and positive reinforcements so we don’t feel bad about ourselves shit. When in reality they should feel bad about themselves for their unhealthy lifestyle choices that got them to be that fat in the first place.

But if everyone just started saying “fat” instead of “plus-sized” like they do for men it’d be an outrage cause they’re not respecting women for who they are and letting them be themselves.

I know some women can’t help being overweight and it’s in genetics but they’re the ones who are doing everything in their power to be healthy and not get fatter because “it’s the 21st century, I can do whatever I want!”

>> No.13705901


>Why isn’t everyone as miserable as i am?

>> No.13705908
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lobsterfuckers out in full force today
don't you guys have rooms to clean?

>> No.13705914


>> No.13705921

There is no such as 'can't help being overweight'. These are people who eat good then have 4 slices of pizza for lunch. Stop cutting people slack. I am overweight, I've lost over 100 pounds and I'm still a fat fuck. People should not be able to live like this, it is miserable and I'm actively changing it. We need more fat people ashamed of their body, who will be motivated to lose it and be healthy. Instead we tell people eat what you want, do what makes you happy when in reality we are just rationalizing peoples shitty life choices.

>> No.13705922

>Fragile fat fuck cope

>> No.13705930

Plus sized is also used for men in clothing web sites I've seen, so it's not used only on females, although the fat acceptance movement does focus on women, the reason that the writers of the articles would give you is because we leave in a patriarchy where women are valued for their bodies, so if you go against the "normative" thing you're fighting patriarchy. The real reason why fat acceptance focus on women is because they're one of the two possible publics who would believe that they are totally right in being fat slobs, fat models are shown in media that is done for women, like fashion articles, while the other possible public is fat basedboys manginas, less numerous than fat women and expend less on clothing, so no real reason to cater to them.

>> No.13705964

The average frustrated feminized chumps first response mirrors that of women. Shame. A shaming tactic.

>haha bro you a virgin
>hahah loser
>hahah get out the basement

Women use the shame tactic all the time, perhaps you are too far plugged into the feminized society you are even incapable of seeing that basic truth.

There is no substance here. It's a simple tactic to deflect. Those heavily plugged into the feminized matrix are the hardest to release.

>> No.13705975

was your mother or father dismissive in your childhood?
I think that explains your social autism, incel

>> No.13705983

You're engaging an another shaming tactic.

>if you are not a feminized male then you are an incel, a woman, hater, you have issues!!

This reverts to my original point that women have the upper hand in society that the mere critique of them meets this response from absolutely feminized beta males. Still, you are a victim and I recognize that. if you actually want to address any of the points, go ahead. If you want to keep repeating basic shaming tactics you are truly wasting your time.

>> No.13705988


>> No.13705991

lmao youre a beta twink if you really think women have the upper hand, faggot

>> No.13705992

Perhaps as an example, if a female made such a post regarding men you would probably applaud her, you'd never call females who complain about men (which is pretty common) some kind of social outcast.

That alone shows a power imbalance between the sexes. Feel free at any time to actually prove a single one of my posts to be factually or socially incorrect.

>> No.13706004

I'm a masculine alpha in my 30's actually and have wrote many articles for the monosphere for many years alongside behavioral psychology between the sexes in modern feminized western society.

Once more, if you believe what you say address it or my points instead of baseless ad homs which shows you have no real argument. Look how you almost religiously defend women while making the claim they are somehow lower in society then men when your defense of them itself shows different. Lol it's almost too absurd.

Lower people in society can be attacked and ridiculed without anyone defending them. In Western society that is men.

>> No.13706009


Where is this pasta from

>> No.13706014

Every reply has absolutely no refute. That alone shows normal people that you must be wrong. If you believe in what you say why resort to avoiding the question. The past 50 years of the West have been feminized, you've grown up in this, it's very difficult to take a step back and actually analyze things. Releasing men from the feminized matrix is what I do.

>> No.13706015

who is he?
and what is mogged meme on /fit/

>> No.13706041

>I'm a masculine alpha in my 30's actually and have wrote many articles for the monosphere for many years
So what you're saying is that you're actually gay?

>> No.13706050

Are you an NPC with the same replies?

I'm straight. I have slept with over 100 women. I was in the PUA community 10 years ago and moved on to the behavioral psychology aspects or finding out why things work.

I can guarantee the people replying to me are virgins though who repeat the mantra of "just be yourself, bro" to other guys.

>haha incel woman hater
>women will like me now because I am a "good guy"

Actually, they wont. Unplug yourself from the feminist matrix. Have an open mind. Give it a shot, give some reading material a chance.

>> No.13706055

this whole post is cringe

>> No.13706060

that "plus size" term is only for self esteem
i know a lot of fat guys and trust me most of them are so funny and social.
with that makeup and bullshit unachievable beauty standereds for women its all fucked for fat and ugly girls or even for normal girls too
i feel so bad for not so beautiful women desu. this fucking capitalist industry exploited their sex so bad

there's a depressed loner fat grill in my class and roaties in my class often make fun her, i wanna beat the shit out of those bitches.

>> No.13706061

>every reply female shaming tactics and white knighting

Yeah.. you are totally not plugged into the feminist matrix.. no eye roll here...

You're a true nice guy, you. Not like all the "other guys" you are so unique. Oh wait, that mindset is what the majority of guys have lol.

You are the male equivalent of the "not like the other girls" female with the same colored hair and tattoos.

Let me help you. Let me change your life.

>> No.13706117

Actually you're more of an npc for thinking that anyone on 4chan actually believes in mainstream feminist ideology. It's literally the lamest thing in the world to be or have been a 'PUA'. Dedicating your life to proving you're not gay is the saddest thing in the world, and all of the manosphere writing is some of the dumbest shit in the world. Every faggot pua thinks they're some kind of modern plato writing about their enlightened understanding of society in their shitty blog. You're all just mediocre losers who think having put their dicks into as many diseased, wet holes as possible makes them experienced in life. You're not a fucking behavioral psychologist lmao. You're a loser who writes a blog on how to manipulate chicks into sleeping with you. Just more opium for the pile. A man who sleeps with as many women as possible is as worthless as a woman who does the same. I know you don't think so, because muh men can still pairbond derp herpes, but it's true. Any man with a brain realises that after fucking like three or four drunk chicks, not triple figures.

>> No.13706137

no one cares virgin

>> No.13706140

>Actually you're more of an npc for thinking that anyone on 4chan actually believes in mainstream feminist ideology

Yeah that's why people are talking about how women are not equal in this thread any any notion to go against that is met with an aggressive attack.

>It's literally the lamest thing in the world to be or have been a 'PUA

Shaming tactic.

>Dedicating your life to proving you're not gay is the saddest thing in the world

I enjoy helping people get out of their feminist upbringing and being set free.

>and all of the manosphere writing is some of the dumbest shit in the world

Shaming tactic once again.

>Every faggot pua thinks they're some kind of modern plato

Projection hard here. It's about understand male and females. About why men think women want the good guy and are confused why women go for the opposite of what they say they want. Also how women's "equality" and liberation via feminism has changed the mindset of Western men making them effeminate beta males. Why also studies show us after all that women are more unhappy than ever. There's nothing Plato about understand all of this.

>You're all just mediocre losers who think having put their dicks into as many diseased

Projection add shaming tactic. Are you a robot?

>You're not a fucking behavioral psychologist

Yes I am. My main area is people with personality disorders.

>You're a loser who writes a blog on how to manipulate chicks into sleeping with you

Projection add shame.

>A man who sleeps with as many women as possible is as worthless

Goes on to rant about what "real men" are not understanding his rant is based on his feminized upbringing.

>haha bro real men do this
>real men get women flowers
>you are just so not a real man you don;t do x and x

You are deeply plugged into the feminist matrix, my man. Pick a book up and give it a shot. That's all I ask.

>> No.13706142

You wish that were true to detract from your own pain. let me help you, friend.

>> No.13706149
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lol at this reddit post, like a fucking formal logic robot. Yes I'm shaming you dumbass, you don't need to tell me that. I'm shaming you because you're a fucking dork who belongs back on his reddit containment board. I'm not interested in 99.9% of women. I don't give a shit unless it's to make fun of how they dress.

>> No.13706160

You are shaming me because shame is a female tactic and you have a feminized brain. You don't have the ability to think "Hmm maybe I should learn a little and see if there is anything to this..." you jump straight to shame. You claim women are below men in society yet any perceived criticism of women makes you jump to their defense and puts you on the attack. You wouldn't do that if women didn't have the upper hand and you have to ask yourself why you do that.

>> No.13706164

No I'm shaming you because you're a complete delusional retard. I spend most of my waking hours online, heard it all and seen it all, and it's all stupid.

>> No.13706168

You realize you are calling somebody a "dork and retard" while professing you basically exist to make fun of women and spend your life online.

Your self awareness is, well, wow. There is no unplugging this one.

>> No.13706174

Dude, stop. Just go back to theredpill where you belong. You don't know it because you don't really have any self-awareness, but everyone reading your posts is cringing.

>> No.13706183

>but everyone reading your posts is cringing.

Of course, I am very aware of that. Unplugging people from the feminist matrix is one of the hardest things to do. You'll fight it in every way and employ all the feminist tactics to shut it down. If one person isn't totally shut off and gets curious and investigates then that's good enough for me. You are not the enemy right now, the feminist matrix is but some of you can be saved.

>> No.13706187
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>I'm a masculine alpha in my 30's actually and have wrote many articles for the monosphere for many years alongside behavioral psychology between the sexes in modern feminized western society.

oh god lmao

>> No.13706191

Cuz muh feminism nd muh girl pwr

>> No.13706203

>shame tactic

>haha loser
>omg cringe
>like lol
>just like, respect women, bro

What a feminized beta brain. AFC right there.

>> No.13706207
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I'm not a feminist you fucking retard lmao. We're cringing because you're an autistic guy in his 30's rattling on about how he's alpha and awakened, and how everyone else is asleep, on a board that he's not at all familiar with. It's not even the fun kind of cringe, it's just sad.

>> No.13706212

that post never said anything like that though. the amount of insecurity seeping through you projection sounds like a personal problem.

>> No.13706213


Get help. You don’t have to be this miserable and paranoid.

>> No.13706219
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>> No.13706221

Is he wrong though? Definitely cringy, but idk if you can't say the nig has a point.

>> No.13706227

You're not an active feminist no but your whole worldview has been defined by the feminization of the West over the past 50 years. Your responses are typical responses from a feminized beta male.

Your typical response can be summed up as:

>any man that critiques women
>employ shame tactic
>that's like soo cringe

Do you believe in the Arab world critique of females would make the other men shame you? Of course not, because they haven't had the feminazation the West has. You're a feminized beta male but too plug in to even recognize that. Your replies are not new, unique or different. They are textbook beta male replies.

>haha bro you are insecure
>you have problems bro

T-totally not a basic shame tactic with thrown in gaslighting

>you think women have the same rights as men
>omg you crazy are you ok do you need meds

>> No.13706230

he speaks truth, it seems like he just came to realization and doesn't understand that there is also grey area of everything. time will balance it out. you can never go back to be bitch boy tho again.

>> No.13706232

Oh look I just predicated this response here about the getting help part:


See how obvious the beta male feminist brain is?

>> No.13706234

I actually had a teacher in high school that watched what she ate, coached the track team (and did their workouts), ran marathons, hiked weekly And was still severely overweight. It was quite strange.

>> No.13706238
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>> No.13706240

She probably ate a lot. I'm pretty active and don't really lose all too much weight. But i eat like 4-3k kals a day. Love me some mac and cheese.

>> No.13706243

Your whole narrative in this thread is gaslighting though

>> No.13706246

He's not wrong that society panders towards women, but who the fuck didn't already know that? That doesn't excuse saying and behaving in straight up delusional, autistic, cringe posting. People like this trick you into buying into their ideology because they hook you with basic ideas that go against mainstream thought. They say enough things that aren't 'wrong' to keep themselves and others hooked on an all-encompassing worldview that ultimately isn't really correct in the first place. Yeah, women are acting like sluts, say something we don't know. Just because you say the exact opposite of something that's even more stupid doesn't mean you're right.

The fact that he posts online (and probably behaves the same irl) in the most delusional, cringe-inducing way is actually a fucking great indicator of how wrong he is. Your brain should have its sirens going wild to avoid being around this guy or having anything to do with what he thinks. It's incredibly lame and not at all tasteful, which is immediately an indicator of it lacking quality in the first place. It's not that women aren't worthless thots, it's that everything about this guy is wrong, from the way he acts, goes about life, thinks, writes, speaks etc. Everything is vulgar, anti-social, and totally lacking self-awareness. Your instincts are so much better than your 'rational' thoughts.

>> No.13706248

i wonder what that coochie smell like

>> No.13706250

Reminds me of what a joke female bodybuilding is. Either they're so skinny and weak it looks like they don't lift, or they become they become obsessed with adding assfat and end up weighing 165lbs or more. And the millisecond they turn 23 they hit such a wall and just look fat

>> No.13706256

No it isn't. Nobody is mental here or has those issues. What they have is a misunderstanding about women in Western society which was brought about by the power that women do have.

Women have all the rights of men in the West. They are not some oppressed 2nd class citizens. In most areas of life they have an advantage from who gets believed in domestic violence cases, who gets custody of the child and shorter prison sentences etc.

So overall men are less equal to women. The inequality notions rely on false narratives to outright lies such as a gender pay gap which isn't true.

Women are trying to push for arresting men who even whistle at them. if that happens will women also be arrested for whistling at men? Of course not. Equality has been achieved but it's going in the other direction now.

>> No.13706258
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>Your responses are typical responses from a feminized beta male.
Yeah, you think? Actually, you're the one who's incapable of talking directly to a person. You keep hiding behind strawmen (I'm 100% all for making fun of women all the time) and the idea that anyone calling you a faggot must be shaming you. Why do you care so much about being 'shamed'? That's exactly how women talk. Do men EVER talk or accuse someone of 'shaming' them? NO, dumbass. You're fucking crying about being shamed while claiming to be a 'masculine alpha' - proof that you really are a faggot.

>> No.13706261

Women literally have to exist and there will be an interested party. Whether they're skinny, fit, shredded, chubby, obese, retarded, missing a limb, a movie star - they'll make someone's dick hard. It speaks to the desperation and to the fetishes of man but also to the arrogance of women.

For example, I'm into fat chicks for the sole purpose that they get my dick harder than skinny girls - this is despite the fact that being fat is usually an indicator of poor character. If I had the choice, I'd strictly be into skinny, fit chicks but that's not really my conscious choice to make.

>> No.13706266

I don't care about being shamed, I thought that much was obvious, I am merely pointing out the fact you do try and shame anyone who says anything against women no matter if it is true. That is a learned behavior from a feminist viewpoint. I am simply trying to release you from that.

>> No.13706270
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>I don't care about being shamed
Whatever you say bud.

>> No.13706271

Exactly. They are hardly some oppressed abused underclass who have life so tough and hard. Pointing this out though makes feminized men go into a rage and attack mode. Half the time it's because they think that is the way to get some pussy and then are left scratching their heads when the asshole bangs her instead.

>> No.13706281

Take a risk. Pick up the book I mentioned as a starter. The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi. I guarantee you'll start reading and nodding along.

Or stay safe and believe yourself to be 100% correct and if you are happy with your interactions with women, then no problem.

>> No.13706283

I read all of that shit when I was a teenager and thought it was edgy and redpilled. Now I'm just embarrassed that I had anything to do with it. You're in your thirties and still into it, that's really fucking sad.

>> No.13706299

Yes, I am sure you did.. considering the 3rd version is pretty recent. You're obviously still a teenager. I've also hung out with Roosh and many years ago I went out with Mystery. Most of the people helping younger men are older. You make no sense.

>> No.13706331
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sauce on female in pic related

>> No.13706357

You are aware of honour killings in the Muslim world, aren't you? The concept of the - yes, critiqued - woman that brought shame on the family and must die? And of course this is the result of mostly men trying to avoid shaming by again mostly other men in their environment.
Plus the concept of shame is downright biblical, not something invented by women.

>> No.13706393

Shame in this context is used by women to maintain power. They often use it on each other.

>oh you like that girl.. she's a slut

By shame I mean when a man questions feminism and women in Western society the usual response by the average beta male is to try and then shame the person by calling him a loser or saying it's cringe and thus maintaining the power balance women have over men.

Feminism in the Western world is a form of extremism just as Islam is in the Muslim world including honor killings. Neither are desirable. There must be balance which the West had but has lost over the past 50 years.

I mentioned earlier there are some women in government power trying to pass laws to make wolf whistling at women a misogynistic hate crime and for you to be charged for it. That is extremism. Any critique of women they want to deem hate. That again is extremism on an Islamic level, almost a blasphemy style law.

Will there be laws for women to be locked up for misandry? I doubt that and even to make a statement will bring, you guessed it, calls of shame towards you calling you pathetic and a loser.

The overall fact remains.. women are not oppressed in the West. They hold the upper hand.

>> No.13706447

Your timeline seems completely off.
Half a century ago there was no balance whatsoever. Obviously you hate the social changes that happened since 1968, which I guess you are referencing, but everything you write has, I have to say, a certain stench of a gigantic persecution complex which doesn't seem healthy. So some women (in the US, I guess?) see cat calling as harrassment and try to find legal ways to stop it. You have a democracy with checks and balances, such a law doesn't just happen overnight, others can chime in and say, nope, too much. Plus, just as an observation, your Supreme Court leans quite heavily right anyway, and new nominations will not change that either. There is no victimization of men going on there.

>> No.13706457

Two things?

Is she actually fat or is this a forced "plus-sized" position that exaggerates her gut/stomach roll?
Also, is her face photoshopped onto this body?

>> No.13706487

Women are not happy in their current roles, they were more happy in traditional roles. I am against 3rd wave radical feminism.

Your post shows you are sucked into this that you don't find it absolutely shocking that a law could be implemented in which women can call the cops and say a guy found them attractive and whistled at them so he must be arrested. That's extremism.

Laws do happen like that because most men have been feminized who don't even think that's extremism and anyone who opposes it will be shamed as a woman hater.

Feminist terms such as "mansplaining" are sexist in themselves and totally divisive. Your average 3rd wave feminist with purple hair is nothing but an aggressive male hater.

Still, going off point, the fact once again remains that women in the West are not oppressed or unequal to men.

>> No.13706507

So, while your last sentence is right, you want to be some great saviour not just of men but also of women (really need a citation for your first claim btw), and do that by going backwards??
Also, have you actually whistled at a passing woman? Like, really? Why does it mean so much to you, that women could say, no, don't do that, I don't like it, stop or legal consequences?

>> No.13706529

Women love to complain about men. How awful we all are, how we're all creepy, sex addicted freaks who constantly hound women in the streets.

Women want consequences for this kind of behavior. Well as an above average man, I get approached by ugly girls too. It makes me feel AWKWARD and UNCOMFORTABLE (notice the strong language for someone approaching me on the street to chat).

Should women face the same consequences? if an ugly woman bothers me, should she face consequences?

I notice you set up a false dichotomy with
>progress is giving women more freedom
>backwards is making women feel uncomfortable

basically, your feelings do not matter. you may feel otherwise, but in the grand scheme of things - your thoughts and emotions are completely worthless to the universe, humanity, and society. if you never existed, nothing would be even slightly different in the world.

>> No.13706536

I want men to wake up to the realization they have been feminized. It has given women an unfair advantage, especially in the dating field. It is simply evening up the playing field. There are so many men depressed, lost or even killing themselves over women or walking around with false notions of being mr. nice guy which leads to their failures.

In fact if they were actual men, women would be happier too. Women are not interested in the feminized beta male they have created.

I want this obsession with extreme feminism to end that women are so oppress and have it sooo bad. It is lies.

There are many sources that state women are very unhappy today. Feminism also has little support among women too but it has infiltrated universities and government.

I have never whistled at a woman nor do the vast majority of men. I do not believe if some idiot wants to smile and whistle at a woman it should be a crime though. That's an incredibly slippery slope. Jail men for whistling? For comments? For critique? That's not a free nation, that is Stalins communist nightmare in which nobody can say or do a thing without being taken away.

I am not talking about repeated harassment after being told to stop, there are already harassment laws in place. Simply walking past a woman and whistling though to face legal consequences? That's madness.

>> No.13706542

>Women love to complain about men

Good point. It's normalized for women to say all men are assholes or all men are bad guys. You can find many dating profiles in which women put all the men they meet are bad and prove you are good unlike every other male.

Could a man put this? Can a man speak openly about how all women are bitches and sluts? Nope. he would be a misogynistic hateful loser creep then.

The proof is all aound us that women can say and do what men can't and then they claim to be oppressed...

>> No.13706558

that my friendo is a jewish trick

>> No.13706561

The female world is run on the concept of beauty. The better looking you are as a woman the more control you have over men. Ugly women (feminists) are constantly trying to degrade the idea of beauty so that a 500 pound morbidly obese whale who doesnt shave her legs is pushed upon society as beautiful.

Men run on logic. Men arent allowed to have emotions, if they do feel bad about being fat they keep it to themselves. A man will do the logical thing. Lose weight.

Beauty doesnt matter in the male world, you can be ugly as fuck and still be considered a man. Masculinity is more like a set of actions you either learn or are inherently born with

>> No.13706563

So, this proposed law you dislike so much, is it specifically cat calling or approaching and talking to people? Because those are two different things.
And no, that wasn't a false dichotomy. You stated, that women in the West (by which you always seem to mean the US) are not oppressed or unequal. Ok, I generally agree. But then you wish for women back in more traditional roles and state they are unhappy nowadays. a) again, citation please, and b) yes of course going back to what it was like half a god damn century ago would make women uncomfortable. Hell, it would even make men uncomfortable. Do you really want rigid gender roles back? As if it was women alone that effected that change. If men hadn't been in favour of leaving that shit behind, we'd be there still.

>> No.13706587


>Man doing the logical thing and going on 4chan to complain about le evil feminists preventing them from getting laid.

>> No.13706590

There are 2 people talking to you, that wasn't my post.

>is it specifically cat calling or approaching and talking to people? Because those are two different things.

Neither should be a crime. If you approach a woman and she says she is not interested, you leave. If you continue it is harassment. The act of approaching or telling a woman she looks good should not be a crime though.

How would people even get together in say a bar? That's insane.

>by which you always seem to mean the US)

I mean the whole West, not just the US.

>But then you wish for women back in more traditional roles and state they are unhappy nowadays

I want women in any role they choose. Not forced roles. Jordan Peterson goes into how women are more unhappy now. Plus data shows us when when have freedom of choice they naturally fit into a gender role and often a more traditional one.

Only do gender role gaps close when the genders are forced into roles and given quotas. I advocate freedom; you advocate the opposite. Your thought process falls scarily all the time into a communist style world.

Women have achieved equality now. Feminism is just trying to divide people and take equality in another direction. Women are creating hate for themselves with feminism. It's a divisive hateful ideology and it;s like 20% or less women actually support it despite masses of media/mainstream celebs pushing false lies.

>> No.13706595

still, no one cares virgin

>> No.13706598

Logic and no emotions. Sure.
And then there are the daily twitter shitfits of the current leader of the free world.

>> No.13706606

she was a secret eater or something
even hyppthyroidism would only make you gain 10 - 20 pounds, and that's fixable with medication
honestly people can be fat or whatever, it's their life, but no one should be forced to find someone attractive

>> No.13706609

Nah I love women who work an average job yet due to company culture, the media, and women's inherent need to consume - believe they are fulfilled.

You don't even know what it means to go back half a century ago. You've never submitted to a man in your entire life. In fact your daddy submits to you, the only way you've known.

Empty headed hoe.

>> No.13706615

What the hell happened in this thread??
Anyhow, I would like to stick my penis in this woman.

>> No.13706616

jordan peterson?

>> No.13706621

So you are both old and gay?

>> No.13706633

You are a dumb bitch

Never submit to a man.

Make daddy submit to you. This is the natural order.

>> No.13706637

In western capitalist societies feminism only benefits rich white women. Lower class white women and women of color dont give a fuck about feminism. The whole push to improve the wage gap is always something pushed by like rich white ladies who wear pant suits and demand there be more women ceos (white women of course)
The whole purpose of feminism in the west seems to basically absorb women into the capitalist structure and make it so that women have the power to exploit the poor and drone strike browns in the middle east too.

Men do have emotions but we arent allowed to express them because women perceive it as weakness and not an alpha who can choke her while he fucks her.

The female world is run on emotion really. Instead of solving thier problems they want to talk about them.
Like a bunch of faggots

>> No.13706640

Oh come on now, you don't know Jordan Peterson? He's meme status now but an actual clinical psychologist. He has the data about women, gender roles, how happy they are.

I guess to most people that makes him cringe or a woman hater lol..


>> No.13706698

>it would even make men uncomfortable
we're doing the same shit we did 50 years ago

>> No.13706704

So you've never talked to your parents or grandparents about life back then? And what is with you and submission?

>> No.13706849

Absolute nonsense until the tldr

>> No.13706855

what if you wanted to inherit her kingdom?

>> No.13706861

Studies consistently show that women value status in men while men value looks in women.
It's less important to our self image.
Plus fat guys are jolly, fat women are sassy.

>> No.13706873

what an absolutely soul destroying smile. don't know if I will ever recover

>> No.13706911

She must be angling her face just right so that it doesn't look chubby, either that or she's just skinnyfat with skinny arms/face but plump tummy+legs. Either way I'd nut in her, what's her name?

>> No.13706923


>> No.13706932

fat bitches all have a magic angle that makes them look not fat. never trust a photo.

>> No.13706964

I used to always tell myself that my preference is nice tall skinny model-tier gfs but for some reason these types of thicc girls make my dick go crazy. Maybe it's my instincts telling me that they're more fertile. Either way, I want to have hot sweaty sex with that girl and pump her full of children. Am i insane??

>> No.13706966


That’s a really long winded way of saying “I don’t understand endogeneity”

>> No.13707041

This girl is fat. She has a clear surplus in food. Your penis is telling you that you could knock her up and she wouldn't need your support to survive. Impregnate and flee; as opposed to the traditional male method of reproduction where you have to invest time and resources.

Fat girls are evolutionarily made to become single mothers

>> No.13707044

>Either way, I want to have hot sweaty sex with that girl and pump her full of children. Am i insane??
Sure, you're insane if you want to have sex with a chick with a model-tier face and a nice body with just a little chub that's very exposed on the photo due to her posture

>> No.13707167

why do you all want to fuck her, can't we just be friends? I'd kill for a friend

>> No.13707608

we all have friends but no gf

it's not that you're a bad person but we have plenty of friends and are looking for the missing piece in our life

>> No.13707622

Women like to lie to themselves.

>> No.13707627


>> No.13707632

i have no friends but a gf

>> No.13707634


Threads like this are the reason the majority of y’all don’t and won’t have girlfriends

>> No.13707638

fuck off faggot

>> No.13707654


Imagine getting this mad over the existence of Texas

>> No.13707667

Husky, bear is the term

>> No.13707686

>implying you're from texas and not some twitter posting faggot

>> No.13707697


This is such a weird thing to get mad about.

>> No.13707699

i would cave your fucking skull in if i ever met you irl

>> No.13707702

this, so much this!

>> No.13707706


I hope your day gets better

>> No.13707710

>if you pack fat in your face and neck, you're fucked

>> No.13707712

listen to me. i agree with you. if you want to get your point across you have to do it in a funny or memetic way, not with logic or rational debate

>> No.13707733
File: 25 KB, 750x556, that_4_am_feeling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have friends or a gf.

>> No.13707737


>Mfw this shrill incel’s ranting is “rational debate”

>> No.13707743

This guy is a fag but the south WILL rise again

>> No.13707748

wanna be friends?

>> No.13707751


>> No.13707852

t. fatty

>> No.13707948

Novelposters ruined this wholesome fatty shame/fap/shamefap thread.

>> No.13708947

Is that really all you can respond with?

>> No.13708960

Now you're just trying to divert the topic. He addressed every point you made, yet you continue to feel attacked

>> No.13709470

charli howard mein negers

>> No.13709484

Wew, her eyebrows are past cute

>> No.13709517

I want to spill my cummies for her. :3

>> No.13709631

why do man get to have body hair but women are getting criticized for that ?

>> No.13709644
File: 596 KB, 519x655, 8837589542a189ce6ed2a30a3d625bba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13709652

don't browse /fit/ but I'd hazard a guess that being "mogged" is being emasculated by another man's physique.

>> No.13709731

because women can have fat and still be sexy while a man with fat is nasty

>> No.13710048

Why her bros? You gay, dude?

>> No.13710478
