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File: 42 KB, 400x497, 1205_scene_punx_137243802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13693017 No.13693017 [Reply] [Original]

pic semi-related, I dress like that on average, just without the ridiculous hair

>> No.13693025

>Without the ridiculous hair

>> No.13693030

ouch! fair critique though

>> No.13693039

I know a dude that begs for a living, dresses all punk, listen to punk, lived during the punk scene here and is homeless. Is he also a poser?
How punk do you have to be to not be a poser, full homeless crust punk?

>> No.13693045

this guy just doesnt get it

>> No.13693053

Well I mean, the Ramones tee the tryhard hair and those pants, yeah. But the over the top image isn't that far off.

>> No.13693056

im gonna go on record here and say that I don't even own a Ramones tee

>> No.13693094
File: 76 KB, 700x394, Minor_Threat-700x394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

miss me with that poser shit

>> No.13693099

the pants are wack

>> No.13693140

Hey look its fat mike

>> No.13693146


>> No.13693154

as lame as it gets

>> No.13693221

that hurts me

>> No.13693243
File: 633 KB, 497x727, Screenshot_2018-09-19 PETER-PRICE-Teenagers-Punk-1970s-RAY-STEVENSON-Siouxsie-Sioux-1970s jpg (JPEG Image, 1000 × 727 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats what original punks wore in the 70s except for the ramones tee. theyd probably call the derivative music that came up in the 80s and 90s and its fashions poseurs. ill grant enough time has passed the looks feels more like cosplay but anyone who goes with the original style is less of a poseur than folk-punk crusts

>> No.13693364

Every "punk" I've ever met has smelled like shit and didn't put any effort into the actual style.

>> No.13693418

I liked punk a lot in my teens and early 20s, but I could never be assed to spend the amount of time perfecting the look like sewing patches, attaching spikes/studs, and the huge time investment getting your hair right. It astounded me, how much effort people put into looking like they don't give a fuck. I always had a buzz cut, band shirt, blue jeans, and docs. It was dead simple to dress.

>> No.13693470

hey!, I smell decent, and I put some effort into my style

>> No.13693475

I probably haven't met you then

>> No.13693487

yeah probably not lmao

>> No.13693772

Its takes nearly a dozen merit badges to do punk right

>> No.13694072

Damn, wish I could find a decent let her jacket at good will like OP pic

>> No.13694208

Yeah, when I got mine, totally a stroke of luck!

>> No.13695392


>> No.13695417

Why are zoomers and fat twentysomething lesbians so obsessed with punk

>> No.13695427

On topic - I like using certain elements here and there to spice things up. Full trve mode is kind of meh. Especially daily.
Off topic - I hate that so many people, especially girls are dressing like metalheads, but literally doesn't even know a single rock song.

>> No.13695779
File: 1.86 MB, 1020x1024, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody willing to share battle jackets? Looking for inspo before I start my next one.

>> No.13695782

Tryhard & gay

>> No.13695857

I want to start a battlejacket but I don't like 'extreme music', I don't know if a synth pop jacket really has the same credibility

>> No.13696106

tryhard, probably still in high school, punk "fashion" is a joke at this point
there's a reason hardcore punk left it in the 70s where it belonged

>> No.13696392
File: 39 KB, 400x535, 7150d4b57f7d2089e1e56bbd6fab21e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13696403

I like it so that I know who to avoid when walking down the street. Fucking disgusting, lazy, dirty ass punks always asking for money for booze.
not even /pol/tard or anything but punks are worse than homeless people

>> No.13696452

t. onions virgins

>> No.13696453

aw god damnit they censored S O Y



>> No.13696649

As someone who used to be really into it, it's fucking stupid and contradictory to the punk ethos.

>> No.13696688

I was into punk when I was a teenager, back in the early 2000s. Made a studded biker jacket and everything.

>> No.13696832

it's always the hardcore kids with something to prove

>> No.13696963

No, there was a lot of the original surviving sound. Plus some of the 80s stuff expanded enough to be interesting and unique.

>> No.13698534

In 2018 talking about punk or punk fashion is fucking lame

Fuck 20th century subculture way past it's usefullness and has been whored out a long time ago.

>> No.13698943

because they've been told that "the man" is putting them down
and by "the man" they mean "the patriarchy"

>> No.13699007
File: 703 KB, 1253x1920, BADBRAINS13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it weird that I think 80s hardcore is effay? I know its a simple outfit but there's something about it that I like.

>> No.13699013

Go for it, that sounds like it could be really cool.

>> No.13699020
File: 20 KB, 512x512, el hefe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

underrated post

>> No.13699812

fuck punks. they were always leftists and stupid.

>> No.13699818

Where I live punks are disgusting retarded drug addicted leftists who beg all the time

>> No.13699820

Don't get a battlejacket if you don't listen to any bands you fucking retarded poser

They look like shit anyway

>> No.13701591

Only posers worry about being posers

>> No.13701634

It's clearly based on the rapist singer of The Casualties

>> No.13701994


You're not alone.

>> No.13702263

this, the over the top stuff like spiky hair and plaid pants did not age well

>> No.13702284

>Is he also a poser?
Yes. Sounds try-hard as fuck.

>> No.13703418

if you don't have the hair it probably looks like shit. its like selling a painting that is 80% done.

>> No.13703601
File: 928 KB, 479x758, japanese_skate_punk_wearing_doc_martens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't dress like you're out of the cast of SLC Punks! without the hair, looks silly.

I wear a pair of smelly, patched-up pants, I have a lot of band tees, some pins on my leather biker and I straight-lace my Docs. That's about it. Hardcore-folk dressed better, and we all fucking know it.

>> No.13703751
File: 3.52 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20180923_105423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't think there would be a thread like this, I've had this guy for a few years now it's been changed alot and it's still not done. Too lazy to finish it but it's whatever. No it doesn't smell and it's clean, febreeze and rain works magic

>> No.13703757
File: 3.86 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20180923_105405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13703761
File: 3.14 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20180923_105337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13703763

i saw some 5'6 glasses wearing dork with misfits and dead kennedys patches on his pleather jacket, suffice to say it looked pretty pathetic. you have to match your clothing otherwise it just looks like an autistic larp

>> No.13703764

used to be one, the true punks are the poor af ones who can't really afford any of this shit unless they got it from an older sibling and wear band shirts from concerts they actually went to.

>> No.13703767

it's for kids and 30 year old boomers so I wouldn't worry about it

>> No.13703835

Hey im only 28

>> No.13703848

Please take your time, learn to sew, take some pride in your colors, dont just slap anything on ito as fast as you can.
Diy is not an excuse to make crap

>> No.13703867

It's not a real thing, it's just what humans who can't mature choose instead. You can reject whatever you want and find a way to live the way you want, it is America after all. You are NOT required to rage quit life immediately and sit around smelling bad and begging.

>> No.13703875

I know a twentysomething lesbian (or whatever, make your own rules its 2018) who has an etsy store thing called "The Patriarchy". I love Philly.

>> No.13703997

how are you poor af and still have money to go to shows to buy merch there?

that being said, it's just so much fucking cheaper to buy shirts at shows, 8-15€ for a shirt that would be like 25-30€ at a record shop. same thing with patch/shirt-trading groups in Facebook, I've found so many shirts and patches there.

>> No.13704030

that's not crap it's the way punks like it

>> No.13704071

Well, punk is not about revolution. Punk is about drinking cheap beer and fucking under a tree. And sometimes sleeping there, lol. Thus, the clothes have to be quite durable, dark-colored and worn-out to hide stains. So we have jeans, black T-short and black leather jacket.

>> No.13704109

>8-15€ for a shirt
A real punk would never spend so much for, for a minute, a fucking T-short. He would buy alcohol instead, lol. What they wear is a promo T-shirt. Ant to look it less fucked up, they use (handmade) patches, paintings, scissors and pins and so on.

>> No.13704110

>Ant to look it less fucked up
*And to make it look less fucked up

Sorry, autism intensifies.

>> No.13704115

Wrong, punk is a fashion movement first and a music wave second, all other things are just personal bs degenerates associate with it that they like to do

>> No.13704116

if you also replace the ridiculous bondage belt and pants with some jeans then this could be a look, yeah

>> No.13704119

Sex and seditionaries clothes prices (what adam ant, sex pistols, the clash wore) were insanely high in the 70s

>> No.13704121
File: 18 KB, 480x480, upthepunx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13704126

literal poser core in the middle. god people like you will never get it lmao. punk isnt about conforming to some certain alternative look or anything.

>> No.13704127

I'm not a neat person, I do take my time with it I'm just not good at it. It's still in progress though, thanks for feedback

>> No.13704133

fuck off faggot

>> No.13704150

there is literally no such thing as punk without poser

>> No.13704193

It was mainstream back then, so there were rich kids buying those clothes. Even Rotten and his friends used what they had, just look at their pictures.

>> No.13704198

Said a poser, lol.

>> No.13704216
File: 75 KB, 807x525, svin-v-sadu-1989-by-valery-potapov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's how a real punk looks.

>> No.13704221

The Sex Pistols was manufactured punk.
I.e poserpunk like Green Day and Rancid.

>> No.13704227

They still started the whole scene in the UK

>> No.13704251
File: 768 KB, 200x147, 1339812433113.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Led Zeppelin
>ska punk
>edgy black meal

>> No.13704344


>> No.13704592

based hardcore is the real punk

>> No.13704615

yeah based off what their managers told them to do/wear based off the u.s. punk scene

>> No.13704793

I still like punk but all these lefties/SJWs make me embarrassed about it.
Is it even possible to still be/dress punk even if you don't agree with lefty politics anymore? I'm itching to start a new battle jacket but I don't want to look like some antifa cuck with punk patches. should I just go metal/blackmetal/goth?

>> No.13704895

Don't want to make a battle jacket per say but does anyone know where to get a similar type of leather jacket for reasonable price?

>> No.13705186

If you buy a knock off schott, you might as well not even wear a leather jacket

>> No.13706376

It definitely is possible. When I was into punk, I just wanted to be edgy and destroy myself with booze and drugs and vandalize stuff and mosh and fuck disgusting punk sluts. Super edgy degenerate, I know. Punks are pretty cringey. Anyways, I always brushed off any political stuff.

>> No.13707845

burn it and try again

>> No.13707889

unless you plan on selling all your stuff for herion dont bother wiht this look

>> No.13708314

>fuck disgusting punk sluts
Did you do it behind trash containers?

>> No.13708436

Guess we should start going back to the Renaissance era clothes

>> No.13708453

>everybody look at me, im so rude and complicated

same shit with scene kids in 00's

>> No.13708525

So like, which website did you overpay for all these on? What a hodge podge of shitty patches of cliche bands. Led Zep Op Ivy? Mayhem? Fucking lmao. At least choose a genre and be cohesive. It's very obvious how hard you're trying.

>> No.13708549

Patches with a group logo are only good for 12-15 yo teens. At 16 you have to have your own group. Or at least do not have that shit in your head.

What about musicians in T-shorts with logos, you say? Well, they just making money from that, silly.

>> No.13708562

Whatever. Look at Sid in "Swindle", why is he not wearing, like, BDSM clothes? The manager could dress them up in whatever he wanted.

>> No.13709660

don't start a battle jacket, but start putting patches from bands you like on a jacket, battle jackets are something associated with hardcore scenes, so you wouldn't be making a battle jacket, just something inspired by them.