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/fa/ - Fashion

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13649511 No.13649511 [Reply] [Original]

tell me your no poo routine

>> No.13649518
File: 98 KB, 964x912, 3a33d8aace814947d794d81293f07a24.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30 days into no-poo
>ass hurts like never before
>too scared to fart
>vomit every time I eat
>look like i'm 8 months pregnant
>can't hold back pee
>had to be rushed to hospital twice due to anal fissures
>hair still shit

wtf /fa/ you said this shit worked

>> No.13649552


I don't shampoo ever and only use conditioner like once a week. I also put coconut oil in my hair a couple times a week. My hair is dope af nigga

>> No.13649581

Sounds like you got some other health problems, dawg

>> No.13649586

How do you use your coconut oil? Normally I'd put it on at night and wash it out in the morning.

>> No.13649588

goddamn this
I did no poo for 4 fucking weeks and when I finally shat my ass gaped open
most pain I've felt in my life and my hair didn't improve at all
fuck you /fa/

>> No.13649765

How lewd. Post photos of your prolapsed hemorrhoids please.

>> No.13649788

i just use cold water

>> No.13649796
File: 8 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy quek I am queking at this right now

>> No.13649839

I really don't get this meme.

>> No.13649896

it's been 5 years since that
my anus is fine now.

>> No.13649913
File: 14 KB, 240x320, absolutelydiscusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone explain what the benefits are of not shitting? How the fuck does it affect your body so that you ignaore the side effects of keeping shit in like it going into your bloodstream?

I'm not supposed to fap, sleep with a cushion, eat soi and not I'm not supposed to shit?

>> No.13649955

4 weeks.
Poo thrice week one
Twice week two
Once week one
Only condition twice a week by week zero

>> No.13649966

it's a meme

>> No.13650369

Bristle brush every day
Use soap if it starts to look real greasy (seems to be once a week for me)

>> No.13650378

which soap?

>> No.13650380


ya I put in on before bed

>> No.13650451

>week one
>week two
>week one
>week zero

>> No.13650500

no hair, no poo. ez

>> No.13650512

I happen to use olive oil soap but I doubt it matters, I used to use dove soap and haven't had problems with other soap. Note that soap is generally harsher than shampoo, I just use it because my hair really doesn't like dimethicone and I can't find good shampoo without it that is also cheap.

>> No.13650520

>week 3 of no poo
>feel complete stoppage of all bowel movement
>normie friends and family say that I "look ill"
>my internal detritus gives me the strength to carry on
>to carry things through
>to live life
>without ever taking another poo

>> No.13650526

i have super thick curly jew hair, i started to shampoo only on sunday and wednesday nights and its holding up okay but i get really self conscious on tuesday or saturday if anyone gets close htat my hair will be greasy and smelly

but the benefit is that when the hair is greasier it is thicker and styles better. right after i shampoo, its way too fluffy

>> No.13650560

Best fa pasta

>> No.13650703

When I first saw this I actually believed nopoo was some kind of meme we were pushing on the twelve year olds to give them intestinal blockage or something.

>> No.13651070
File: 58 KB, 541x540, AC3E7189-048D-4909-B509-72BC5FBB478A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have myself to blame

>> No.13652004

can I just wash my hairs with only baking soda without using acv?

>> No.13652020

>Still doing No Poo

I thought I sorted you muppets out years ago?

Read the sticky

>> No.13652059
File: 77 KB, 380x349, t.boomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still doing No Poo....
I thought I sorted you muppets out years ago?

>> No.13652070
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>> No.13653547
File: 243 KB, 1050x1571, Skinnie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dude has the same no-poo routine as me, it works pretty well

>> No.13653638
File: 1.77 MB, 700x600, 1534782102120.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13654086

Remember to brush your teeth bros.

>> No.13654204

I went for 4 days without taking a shit, now, I never shit on the weekends. Fucking opiates

>> No.13654273

Post photos of your anus anyway

>> No.13654467

Easy anon, first of all don't eat shit because insulin sugar feeds yeast which are the dandruff and skin flakes.
Once every week I wash my hair with apple cider vinegar+warm water solution
Also raw eggs (eat them dont put the fuckin hair)
And thats it.
This: 4 year no poo meme,

>> No.13654485

I tried a lot of different expensive shampoo's but head and shoulders work best for me. I used it once around every 3 weeks when my scalp starts getting itchy. I condition every other day with argan oil.

>> No.13654495

Not much of a routine, just don't shampoo.

I just hit that bitch with the conditioner every couple few days to give it dat bounce.

>> No.13654511

The whole thing is you don't need a routine
Just rub your hands through while in the shower to prevent grease build up and you're good

>> No.13656027

Easy! I just don't eat! :)