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/fa/ - Fashion

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13644479 No.13644479 [Reply] [Original]

Vaping is so passé. It's all about the unfiltered cigarettes, which are undeniably /fa/.

>> No.13644485

this is an undeniable truth and didn't need its own thread. kindly kill yourself

>> No.13644509
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I buy a pack of these a year cause I enjoy the flavor.

>> No.13644514
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>> No.13644517

I like vaping in my home, because I don’t want to destroy it with smoking. But I only smoke unfiliteded cigarettes, I roll my own from home dried tobacco.

>> No.13644660

its more fa to just not smoke cigarettes at all tbqh

>> No.13644710

This is really wrong.

>> No.13644784

you forget this board is filled with preteens who still think smoking is cool. smoking looks cool/sexy/effay is the person is cool/sexy/effay dont delude yourself into thinking smoking will magically turn you effay or have fun being yet another victim of big tobacco propaganda

>> No.13644999

>when you start a retarded addiction to be effay when you never were in the first place

the absolute opposite of /fa/

>> No.13645078
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>giving yourself cancer because you think it will look cool

>> No.13645140

Secondhand smoking is the most /fa/ thing.

>> No.13645164

Please, please stop saying stuff like ennui and passé. The cringe is unbearable.

>> No.13645256

smoking would be way more /fa/ if there was like a 0.001% chance that you just straight up fucking die, it's laced with poison you're dead boy
this you cant run when you get older and cough more meme is just kinda lame, plus smell

is passé passé?

>> No.13645916
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>tfw everyone smonks digital tobacco but you still roll analog ciggies

>> No.13645930

>not rolling your own cigarettes
>being a neet retard who either doesn't buy things or just doesn't do it himself

>> No.13646241
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>Not buying whole leaf 100% organic non gmo tobacco and rolling your own cigarettes

>> No.13646287

Fucking this. Yesterday l felt what seemed a lot like nicotine poisoning in the middle of a concert. Diziness, feeling queasy, cold sweats. Had to sit down 10 minutes after l first noticed it or l would have probably passed out. It reminded me how precious life is and that looking "cool" isn't worth going through something like that again, not to mention the potential lung cancer or heart disease.

Also, non-smokers never think you look cool/sexy/effay. To them, you just stink.

>> No.13646301

I quit smoking, because somehow it didn't look cool on me.
I'm also schizo-bpd tho so it might just be my self esteem

>> No.13646320


I don't want you faggots to suffer to lungs diseases

>> No.13646394

This is TRUE! Gmo turn plant into Chinese plaskits nature is very better guys!! I mean have you read those chemical names? BiG sCaRy!

>> No.13646412
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>> No.13646911
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>giving yourself cancer because you KNOW it will look cool

>> No.13646920


>> No.13646974


>> No.13647747

>eating non gmo food for 99.9 percent of human existence
>start eating gmo food with truckfulls of pesticides and antibiotics dumped on them
>pretend that "lol humans are immune to everything because modern medicine"
If a bug wont eat it because it's toxic, does that really make it safe for me to eat?

>> No.13647802

It's effay to not worry about the future

>> No.13647828

Are you a bug?

>> No.13647831


>> No.13647997

but WHERE? Can they be ordered online, or could I ask my local tobacco shop to order a carton special? My grandpa used to smoke these but can't find them in the states, and can't afford a trip to either France or North Africa to cop a carton :(

>> No.13648053
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smoking is cool when you're like 18 - 25
at a show or the bar, once in awhile
if you actually smoke it isn't cool and you become a degenerate real quick
same with drinking and all drugs really

>> No.13648065

Your mom

>> No.13648115


>> No.13648212

you nailed it my man

>> No.13649427

Nicotine patches are more effay