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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 629 KB, 1188x1466, 1398495615137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13615833 No.13615833[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I've been looking into who exactly is in charge of the fashion industry. I don't want to go off topic and make this political but essentially:
I did some research into the most influential fashion designer's and companies and there is an insane amount of Jewish influence. Some of this has to do with Jewish immigrants gravitating to the garnet industry in the early 1900s and then helping out their European counterparts once they rose to prominence in America. Anyway, lots of articles on it if you're interested (Jewish Virtual Library is a great resource for this).

I now realize lots of fashion is, for lack of a better word, kosher. It's meant to divide the goyim into various subcultures, to become radical individualists, and to spend endless money on consumer goods.

This thread is to discuss non Jewish owned fashion companies as well as good fashion that is not too individualist but is neat, good looking, and not degenerate.

>> No.13615837

right wingers will never be /fa/

>> No.13615848


>> No.13615854
File: 84 KB, 715x531, 6b982bce436becc12edf8a3a0a7ad298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right wing armies

>> No.13615856

I used to follow this guy's blog, he got rid of his account and I can't find where he posted these pls help

>> No.13615857
File: 1.42 MB, 2856x1904, 140602-F-QE361-020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

liberal (((Armies)))

>> No.13615859

shmata business

>> No.13615862

Too late
Conservatism is extremely fashionable these days because it's the counterculture and the counterculture is always /fa/.

>> No.13615876
File: 152 KB, 960x1280, German Girl WWII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conservatism is just as filled with (((chosen people))). Ben Shapiros and Donald Trumps will not save us and their fashion is not great. Fascism will save us and fascism is an aesthetic movement meaning it is also very /fa/.

>> No.13615878

you wish your faggy kind was effay

>> No.13615885
File: 1.07 MB, 662x992, Screen Shot 2018-08-20 at 7.48.22 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n...nazi scum will never be fashionable like us
t. pic related

>> No.13615923

What kind of ridiculous internet bubble do you live in where conservatism is counterculture you fucking idiot

>> No.13615933

Exactly - counter cultures are always Jewish tricks anyway. Counter cultures = Jews trying to give the goyim an identity they have to buy into. The answer to all counter cultures is fascism!

>> No.13615934


>> No.13615961
File: 54 KB, 602x414, SyrianSNP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never forget that the most /fa/ belligerent in the Syrian civil war is the one constantly called the "Syrian Nazis" by the (((media)))
SSNP is a beautiful example of fascist aesthetics living on in the Arab world

>> No.13615973
File: 247 KB, 1500x1200, 1524157153496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just make sure you're not buying Levis or from some other obvious Jewish owned company, pic related is a decent outfit.
Fuck off /fa/ggot

>> No.13615977

His tumblr is still the same

>> No.13615980

what's the name?

>> No.13616094

Herr Urst.

He hasn't been remotely interesting in years though.

>> No.13616142

Uniqlo isn’t owned by Jews. I got most of my stuff there. The military look is cool but only if you live somewhere cold.

>> No.13616144

keep living in delusion

>> No.13616163

You guys know he's talking about Zionism not "Jews" right?

>> No.13616173
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>right wingers will never be /fa/

>> No.13616185

This guy. No high fashion and in theory a stupid bowl cut but he just has it.

He is just fa. Effortlessly fa. Natural fa. He got it.

>> No.13616262
File: 176 KB, 720x900, anti-communist fighter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do leftists actually believe this?

>> No.13616279

No, that retard is just projecting.

Leftists don't value beauty or aesthetics. That translates to fashion.

>> No.13616288
File: 118 KB, 800x1200, 1532182178328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13616292

>leftists don't value beauty of aesthetics
At least try.

>> No.13616293
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>> No.13616295
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>> No.13616298
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>> No.13616300

but there is nothing /fa/ about these
its just cherry picked attractive people

>> No.13616314

By zionism I mean Jews - it’s just easier to get people to listen to you when you code it like that because all the goyim have been trained to associate Jews with innocent

>> No.13616320


>> No.13616321
File: 120 KB, 1023x768, 1524498288974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck off /fa/ggot
>you wish your faggy kind was effay
>>n...nazi scum will never be fashionable like us
>t. pic related
>keep living in delusion
>Do leftists actually believe this?

>> No.13616324

You have no idea what "counterculture" actually means, do you?

>> No.13616326

The fags in those pics are edgy conservatards not fascists

>> No.13616332

care to share any details? the most influential fashion designers and companies of the last 25-50 years are italian

>> No.13616334

National socialists will never be cool. Go back to /pol/.

>> No.13616340

My guess is that he is referring to the investors/logistics/promoters behind the designers. The people you can't anger to ensure you're design career is successful.

>> No.13616347
File: 45 KB, 750x740, 6htoujte6f311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone actually believes this
i'm disappointed but i'm not surprised
he's dog whistling his fucking lungs out, chief. i'm as anti-israel as any non-dipshit in this day and age but this guy's pretty clearly a neonazi

>> No.13616363

so, people like LVMH's arnault or zara's ortega?

>> No.13616370

Holy shit you’re retarded. I guess I’m also part of the KKK?

(((Neonazis))) we degenrrate fags who do drugs and watch porn. They’re a shame to their race

>> No.13616371
File: 33 KB, 542x554, 1534654813388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anti zionism is right winged

>> No.13616374

Natsoc, here. Niggers probably pick most of beans that go into my chocolate. I'm still going to eat the chocolate I like and not give a fuck.
As long as there isn't some kike's name on my underwear I don't care too much about who makes the clothes I wear.

>> No.13616384
File: 505 KB, 1266x1461, black-panthers-guns3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a sick ass fit. you have terrible opinions though.

>> No.13616399
File: 63 KB, 754x445, image-20170106-18644-176ytfk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeez stop whining about freemasonic assembly ass-parking positions and build on good aesthetic, good theory, and good praxis that exist in small amounts on all sides (except bougielib)

>> No.13616433

I think khakis and a polo is generally the go to look for your type

>> No.13616438
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>> No.13616450
File: 217 KB, 1024x716, Mideast-Israel-Palest_Horo-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literal anti-zionist fashion

>> No.13616472

>Black Panthers
Black Panthers are right wing

>> No.13616478

Love Palestinians and Lebanese and their fight against the Jews!

Nice try Shlomo

>> No.13616485

Why are right-wingers desperately trying to find identify with clothes? Leftism at its peak doesn't even bother with it. Stop using clothing as cope.

>> No.13616487

I'm not finding identity with clothes

In case you haven't noticed this thread is rejecting capitalists from having us do so. The thread is against the Jewish fashion industry which calls for us to be individuals by wearing outlandish and unique styles.

I am looking for a places to look neat and orderly without giving money to Jewish fashion moguls. Meanwhile millions of white people fill the void of having no identity by buying clothes from Jewish companies to fit into a subculture. We reject that.

>> No.13616488

for having us do so*

>> No.13616490

>outlandish and unique styles
>not identity with clothes
what am I reading?

>> No.13616498

So much of people who are into fashion do it because they want to stick out. All the "Xwave" threads are filled with people who want to stand out. There's nothing wrong with having a personality. When you build that personality by purchasing Jewish goods that is when it becomes a problem. When your sub-cultural identity supersedes your racial identity while the Jew laughs all the way to the bank (that is probably run by his cousin in London) that is when it becomes a problem. There has to be a rejection of Jewry in fashion.

>> No.13616500

sorry for typos - phoneposting

>> No.13616505

>personality by purchasing Jewish goods
Do Jews have magic power? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.13616511

im not even a rightist but dont pretend leftists dont have their own dress codes. piercings, tattoos, dyed hair, and remember when the keffiyeh was an actual trend? just a few things off the top of my head

he's saying "outlandish and unique" is something thats just a marketing pretense and something that he is rejecting. i still think he is hypocritical though. i also dont know who he believes these jewish fashion moguls are, like i said earlier in the thread most fashion names are italian and french, not only the designers but also founders and CEOs.

>> No.13616514

People lack identity so they fill their identity with other things. Some people become sports fanatics and buy tons of sports memrobelia and merchandise (keep in mind the number of Jewish owners in sports league). Some - and you see it a lot in cities and with young people - try to cultivate a "unique" style. Funny thing is their style is often made up of clothes from companies that are run by Jews that make a killing off of "individualists" trying to find themselves. Every guy you see wearing streetwear thinking he has a personal style actually is just buying into the latest trend. It's very rare to find somebody who has an actually unique style. The latest fashion fads are the latest money making scheme for the Jews on top.

I suggested some resources for you. The Jewish Virtual Library has some good articles on the role of Jews (positive and negative) in the fashion industry.

>> No.13616516

>dress codes. piercings, tattoos, dyed hair
Wait, I thought you guys called them SJW? What, now there's no difference between a leftist and SJW?
Apart from the Jews, you should consider that the Chinese, Japanese, Indians or in general the whole worldwide, doesn't even dress in their traditiontional clothings anymore. You should stop trying to desperately find identity with clothing. Period. Just avoid Jewish company if you despise them so much.

>> No.13616527

A leftist is somebody who believes in enlightenment values and is an egalitarian

and SJW is a small-subset of that group

It's my view that those nations you mentioned are occupied by the American empire or have to play by their rules. God damn these international fashion companies and death to international fashion! This homogenization of fashion, the turning of the world into one shopping mall, won't last. Keep in mind if the Bretton Woods system falls apart (which is looking likely) the period of extreme free trade and access to American markets that came after ww2 will largely close. The international organizations and institutions set up to maintain the Bretton Woods system will lose any power in the international order.

When that happens globalization will take a beat down especially in the cultural aspects and trade of consumer goods. Essentially, you can laugh all you want that the entire world is wearing the same clothes but it won't last forever. When America recedes countries will be in chaos without a superpower and plenty of authoritarian movements will rise that will (hopefully) create a positive trend in ethno-fashion where nations reject the Americanization of their dress.

>> No.13616533

liberalism is right wing, you fucking idiot.

>> No.13616535

I feel I should just add that if you walk down the streets of Shanghai, London, Tokyo, Delhi, etc. it's the same companies plus some ripoffs. This trend was going on before ww2 but it really took off after the defeat of the nazis and the start of the rise of the American Empire. The Marshall Plan secured Europe to forever be sucking on the American teat while consuming American goods.

Finding an identity in clothing is retarded. It's the same as trying to find acceptance through a subculture. However, using your clothes to accentuate your natural identity is what all cultures and societies have done.

>> No.13616537
File: 13 KB, 275x363, 275px-Mao-Anzug.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way before American had influence, the Chinese already deisnged a Mao suit that is loosely based on Japanese cadet uniform. If you truly want to blame anyone, blame the Meiji Restoration, Turkish War of Independence or anyone who blindly adopted the Western Dress Code.

>> No.13616536

they were literally communists who stormed courtrooms and killed cops lfmao

>> No.13616538

how is liberalism right wing? Liberalism comes directly from enlightenment values. The enlightenment is a leftist movement. All egalitarian movements are leftist.

>> No.13616539
File: 209 KB, 1500x1178, grid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i /fa/scist?

>> No.13616541

>life, liberty, and property

>> No.13616542

>A leftist is somebody who believes in enlightenment values and is an egalitarian

>and SJW is a small-subset of that group
You proved my point: Leftism didn't even bother with fashion with their peak. So stop using fashion as identity.

>> No.13616547

>muh communists!
And? Fascist view on economics is that what serves the community is best. If they wanted black socialism so be it. They were not all Marxists communists however and they had their own form of black socialism before 1968. They did move to a classist analysis eventually but the early black panthers were racialists (and that was when the aesthetic was developed).

You do make some points though and I guess it's easy to treat it like a fluent movement when there was lots of infighting

I would also make the argument killing cops doesn't make you left wing. If there was a Bolshevist revolution in 1920s Germany German rightist would have killed the cops defending that revolution.

>> No.13616556


>> No.13616559

Yeah the problem is most people are not political and since we live in a liberal democracy most people are liberal democrats without thinking. People with a public political consciousness on the left almost always dress differently than the centrists (who are by default liberal democrats).

SJWs are often liberal democrats but they are conscious about their politics. The average apolitical centrist is a liberal democrat because he defers to the default.

The hippie movement and the student movement in the 1960s as well as the 68'er movements in Europe all utilized fashion and hairstyles to set themselves apart from mainstream society.

>> No.13616572

And those hippies all looked retarded and can't argue to stand for their political movement. Please don't tell me your solution to set yourselves apart from the mainstream right wing is to go full uniform, Nazi SS or not.

>> No.13616574

I don't have a materialist world view and I don't consider private property to be a right wing idea nor a left wing idea.

I consider communism to be left wing because of it's egalitarianism, universalism, materialist world view not because of property rights

>> No.13616576

The mainstream "right" are all liberals. The conservative movement is a liberal movement.

But that aside I'm not looking to dress like a Nazi soldier as if it makes sense to wear an army uniform around when you're not in a war.

>> No.13616586

>I don't have a ...
>I don't consider ...
lmfao your fucking feelings don't matter. you're worse than a fucking sjw lmfao. communism is NOT about fucking equality or whatever.

nah, fascism seizes industry and places under the control of a select few, to be managed under close state supervision

>> No.13616587

Quick thing why are people seeing the word Zionism/Zionist and immidetly assume someone is speaking about the ethnoreligious group "jew" or more appropriate the Jewish people as if they are synonymous?

How did it became an anti-semetic circle jerk of confirmation bias rather than a straight forward case of critisizing people who do humanity wrong.

>> No.13616600
File: 108 KB, 1812x1082, 1494605489163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is it's an egalitarian world view as opposed to the hierarchical world view that was present before the French Revolution. Why do you think it is the French revolution was so widely respected by Marxist historians? And true it's not strictly egalitarian only because Marx differed from the Liberals in that instead of trying to create greater equality between social groups one should abolish the social groups all together.

And yes that is a common economic strategy in fascism to nationalize some industry and supervise some private industry. However, in most fascist writing on economics focuses on the abolition of debt slavery. There are no fascist economics outside of what is considered most beneficial for the national community. To be fair Mussolini was a corporatist and Perón had his own version of it and it is considered one of the best ways to structure the economy by most fascists.

And as far as your "I don't consider" green lining - a materialist and a non-materialist will have very different conceptions of politics lmao. What is considered right wing and left wing is not universally agreed upon which makes the terms sort of useless.

>you're worse than a fucking sjw lmfao
pic related

>> No.13616605

I'm just pointing out that antizionism is not fuck the Jews

and p.s. to the people like op who seem to have actually researched history or made their own opinions that aren't based on website articles or news media that there are Jewish people who are pro Zionism but there are also Jewish people who are anti Zionism.

Saying things like the fucking Jews taking over the fashion industry is only adding to these problems and acts as a safety blanket to actual people who are pro Zionism or "Zionists".

This is the reason for all of the Nazi, neonazi, right wing labels being thrown around. People seem to think Zionism=Jewish people's and that if you are anti Zionism or have and I'll feelings about the movement at all well obviously you love Hitler

>> No.13616609

>a materialist and a non-materialist will have very different conceptions of politics lmao
yes, and one (like maybe the one that form the basis of 90% of political ideology) will be right

>pic related
your feelings literally don't matter. literally the only thing that matters is the material condition of the world. do you need a safe space to shield your eyes from your material surroundings?

>> No.13616630

>appeal to popularity
90% of political ideology are material? And didn't your ideology claim the bourgeoisie would smash the aristocratic class? Lmao instead their was a process of the feudalization of the bourgeoisie but yeah your historical fatalism which so far hasn't been correct will come to be. You have a linear view of history which is retarded and not based on any precedent. A cyclical view of history is the only valid type of history. Communists are on the same side as liberals because both believe in a linear projection of human history. Had the communists won the Cold War they'd be just as faggoty as Fukuyama was when he proclaimed "the end of history" and liberalism's final victory over it's last enemy.
>b...b...but materialism is based science
Trying to find a scientific formula for how people interact is impossible. You have to assume to much about human nature.

If you are saying identity is a feeling and should be thrown out the window maybe you should take a look at the state of your own movement. Feelings do matter because that's what get people to do stuff. Feelings and identity are based on biology and cannot be removed from the human psyche. The irrational is a major driver of human history. Materialism offers grand theories of history and politics that time and time again don't come to be (much to the shock of the rational materialist). Humans are not really rational creatures but they are very good at rationalizing stuff after the fact.

Communism and capitalism, two materialist ideologies, unified against the third position. Fascism is essentially the aestheticization of politics and a reaction to liberal democracy and Marxism. It's the natural order of things. It encompasses feelings, the irrational, emotion, and science all at once.

Also, for all your "muh material conditions" communists sure do make a lot of emotional appeals to gain support.

>> No.13616634

Also I should add a question: why do Communist movements quickly become nationalist movements? Is it because they only true way to mobilize the workers is to let them know they are doing it for their people and not for some vague notion of the abolition of class.

>> No.13616636

Okay but Zionism is concept how can being anti Zionism make you a neonazi? unless like some people in this thread are thinking Zionism means Jewish people or are using blanket terms like "the Jews" as a way to speak about Zionism.

But to be anti-isreal as you say does hint at the neonazisme ideaology of promoting hatred twords minorities.

>> No.13616637

>a bunch of kike russians globbing over half of asia and hegemonizing a bunch of slavs, mongoloids, and horsebois into a bunch of semi-autonomous states

Sure was nationalist

>> No.13616639

Yeah I wouldn't call it truly nationalist - but in order to mobilize them in time of war and in order to gain support communist movements appealed to nationalist sentiment

>> No.13616643

>arabs, kurds, whites, persians, christians, and muslims fighting together to seize land from turkey, iran, syria, and iraq

sure is nationalist

>> No.13616644

China, Cuba, Vietnam, as well as African nations in colonial conflicts are better examples

But for the Russian majority the Soviet Union clearly appealed to a nationalist sentiment

Also, in Central Asia the native population was settled by the Soviets and the Soviets were largely responsible for instilling a national identity in the various central asian nations.

>> No.13616645

are these the same soviets that get accused of holodomoring Ukrainian nationalists? lmfao

>> No.13616646

>Implying the Soviet Union wasn't a Judaization of the Russian Empire
>Implying most nationalism wasn't an appeal to Russians

But you do have a point Kruschev stopped Stalin's appeals to Russian nationalism and tried create a soviet nationalism which failed miserably and helped the breakup.

>> No.13616648

The point remains not that Communist states truly embodied nationalism but that they had to appeal to it to mobilize people. Mr. anon was saying feeling and identity was stupid and theories on materialism were all that mattered but if that was the case there should never have been an appeal to any fatherland

>> No.13616666

>ITT: Retards think that anti-zionism is inherently right wing
>t. /leftypol/ anti-zionist

>> No.13616669
File: 43 KB, 480x593, unnamed-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anti-zionism is a code word for anti-semite.
nazi scum FUCK OFF!

>> No.13616673

Being Anti Semitic simply means you are anti any Semitic people. The Palestinians count as one of those groups. Zionist are technically anti-semitic

Your comment is ludicrous please please tell me you're trolling

>> No.13616676

>you have terrible opinions though.
Didn't even give any opinions, stupid nigger.

>> No.13616677
File: 130 KB, 898x673, map-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.13616684

>Jews don't get a homeland... but I'm not a Nazi
I'm left wing too but this is just insane

>> No.13616713

fuckin gay as hell

>> No.13616714


>> No.13616749

"Jews don't get Homeland but I'm not a Nazi"

This is completely bullshit

The idea that If people say I’m not anti-Jewish, I’m only anti-Zionist they are still anti-Semites, because they are saying that Jews as a group are not worthy having their own nation, country or state is absolutely bullshit.

In fact, unfairly treating the group of jews (religiously speaking, as well as ethnically speaking) who are against zionism, by lumping them together with the jews who are proponents of zionism, into one group. That in and of itself is, in fact, discrimination.

point is, not all zionists are jews (not all zionists are of jewish decent/ethnicity, and not all zionists are of the jewish religion. Some zionists are neither from jewish decent/ethnicity or of the jewish faith.)

History has shown that there is little if anything that the Zionists will not sacrifice to preserve their little clique - including the lives of countless innocents, Jew and Gentile alike. And the present day actions of Zionists show that they have not changed one whit.

I'm not trying to be rude I just don't think you're fully aware of the history here, as it shows that Zionist leaders were neck-deep in creating the animosity and hostility that gave rise to the likes of Hitler, and to the Holocaust

I mean no disrespect to any ethnic group or any religion here this is about Zionism

>> No.13616756
File: 277 KB, 1024x693, 613515548-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stupid antizionist fucks, you know nobody will ever be as /fa as the great m o s h e d a y a n, this motherfucker looks like he's a straight up SS general

>> No.13616758
File: 42 KB, 612x589, 162854642-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this jew nigga looks like he straight up eats your faggy bds souls for breakfast

>> No.13616760

Atrocious. I can't believe I'm paying these people.

>> No.13616762
File: 60 KB, 640x427, 1f3efc3ee848444eae772803143d40dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this man will slap the veil off your wife's face

>> No.13616764
File: 60 KB, 486x750, 3f215f45822a4847a0278bf3d9c2a981--israel-history-jewish-history.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's gonna ram that pole so far up your ass that you cant akbar allahu no more

>> No.13616766
File: 378 KB, 1024x684, 21087291160_2744bc24d4_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga so badass he went into the vietnam war... for vacation

>> No.13616768
File: 91 KB, 800x994, 10836207_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga so good looking all he didnt even need to wink at bitches with his left eye to fuck

>> No.13616770
File: 44 KB, 750x375, D770-041750x375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga looking like the warzone is his runway

>> No.13616771
File: 20 KB, 370x288, ariel-sharon-unit-101-1425718046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga more hardboiled than any john woo movie motherfucker

>> No.13616773
File: 36 KB, 307x307, moshe_dayan_israeli_army_idf_military_leader_hero_classic_round_sticker-r88761bd5c82b44f2bd60ec972faddc2a_v9waf_8byvr_307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga won the six day war and fucked all arab nations into shame

>> No.13616774
File: 104 KB, 900x750, moshe-dayan-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant touch me fags

>> No.13616775

Fucking hell, just dress like a normal human being and conscientiously avoid the brands that you feel are controlled by le jews

>> No.13616777

>basedboy glasses
Yeah, probably.

>> No.13616781

looks like nu-hipster fashion

>> No.13616798

His instagram stories are amazing. I've been following knoch for years and it's just getting better.

>> No.13616812

>supports the idea of nationstate

>> No.13616834

There really is no right or wrong here, just a fucked up complex situation and I feel no person has one right answer. I have no stance on who should control Jerusalem. But this game of who's more indigenous and muh holy land stuff is very juvenile. I mean come of with the blood shed everyone deserves a homeland but saying "Jews don't get a homeland but im not a Nazi" is the same as saying fuck palestineians imo.

Jerusalem has been destroyed at least twice, besieged 23 times, attacked 52 times, and captured and recaptured 44 times enough with who has a fucking "right" to the land

>> No.13616943
File: 80 KB, 500x475, qvWBFw3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, the old slippery nazi, dodging terms he doesn't like. how's the sieg heiling going, fuckface?
i'm saying anti-zionism doesn't necessarily make you a neonazi. israel as it stands is an ethnostate which displaced the population who lived there before with not so much as a shrug sanctioned by the UN because the holocaust was bad (and nobody's denying that). using "zionism" to mean "ethnic jews in general", like OP is, is dogwhistling for fascist ideology, as he admits here >>13616314

>> No.13616948

It's not the established President, Senate and much less a political party.

>> No.13616955


>> No.13616956

>mystery meat amerimutts

>> No.13616961

being a milquetoast leftist backed by every media outlet is hardly what i call cool

>> No.13616962

not leftist at all by today's standards but alright mate

>> No.13616966

>every anti-Jewish movement is Nazi because mama says so
Sure thing faggot

And yeah zionism is a great dog whistle because it enables me to talk in a way people who already love our Palestinian brothers understand - funnily enough it’s an intentional mix up of terms like when you use Nazi to describe anti-Jew

>> No.13616975
File: 58 KB, 610x600, Nazis_0a8f70_2927007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"neo-nazi" is a loaded term specifically meant to conjure up the Hollywood cartoon image of some redneck or inbred with a bunch of tattoos sieg heiling with his IQ 80 friends. Anybody who does not fit this description that this loaded word carries with obviously will object to being identified with what is essentially a prison gang subculture that LARPS as nazis because they are the only white prison gang and they want to be fierce.

>> No.13617007

i understand that but i'm not a big fan of fascists in general so i think it's good that calling fascists 'neonazis' makes them mad
>because mama says so
yours, she said it while i was fucking her. surprisingly conscious for having raised a little cumfart like you

>> No.13617025
File: 136 KB, 563x422, 829F9E78-60F5-491C-AE9C-6BDC01DBD698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder for the people in this thread that anti-zionist=/=anti-jew
If your view is that all jews are zionists, you are just plain wrong.

>> No.13617033

>trolled those fascists epic style xD

>> No.13617039

Thanks for the input retard. I'll make sure to call you guys neo nazis from now on

>> No.13617043

>see mom i didn't even give him a (You), that fascist got fucking owned! #Resist

>> No.13617070

I don't get it?
Fucking thank you

>> No.13617136


>> No.13617138


>> No.13617142

Lol you men admiring >>>/pol/acks

>> No.13617149

Lol the reason Orthodox Jews aren’t zionists is because it’s not yet god’s will

They reject the political structure of Israel but they’re still Jewish supremacist

>> No.13617153

Damn how will I ever recover?

>> No.13617154
File: 28 KB, 717x402, 1533252932793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>become radical individualists, and to spend endless money on consumer goods.
That's a good thing you commie fuck. You want to live in a farm and give everhyting you make to the goverment? You absolute retard.
How in the fuck everybody being a slave to a totalitarian goverment is /fa/? You people are so fucking stupid. Being forced to do stuff for others is literally the opposite of effay.

Also jewish people own a lot most of all big businesses because christian fucks literally forced them to

>> No.13617162

first time on here?

>> No.13617163

So, so glad that these post-election redditors are colonising every board. Listen OP I want you to ask your mother about "anti-zionist fashion." Tell her you want to be based and redpilled

>> No.13617166

>everyone who disagrees with me is a redditor!
>you're all newfags!
>u-ur mom lol

>> No.13617167

>living just to spend money is good
>being a slave to consumption is great but having a duty to a people is evil
Ladies and gentleman I present to you the foremost American intellectual

>> No.13617168


What first time here
Rede deutlich, polacke

>> No.13617169

Reddit is a Zionist website.

>> No.13617170

You're not understanding the word jew references the Jewish people a ethnoreligious group. Zionism is a political movement. Same as the more well isms like communISM, activISM, marxISM it is entirely political and is complex. You can be for Zionism, anti Zionism, agree with only parts, etc.

point is, not all zionists are jews (not all zionists are of jewish decent/ethnicity, and not all zionists are of the jewish religion. Some zionists are neither from jewish decent/ethnicity or of the jewish faith.)

>> No.13617172

>I am looking for a places to look neat and orderly without giving money to Jewish fashion moguls
So you're a communist? What's so bad about owning stuff? You're stupid, money isn't the root of evil, tribalism is.

>> No.13617174


Schwätz nicht dumm, Dreckspolacke
Deine Mutter lutscht Judenschwänze und dein Vater wird zu Diamanten gepresst und für Spitzenkurse verschekelt

>> No.13617175

>being a slave
How am I a slave if I chooce to buy stuff? Nobody is forcing me to do it, I want to. You want me to give away that freedom and for what? Fucking communism?

>> No.13617176

I understand there are some Orthodox Jews who aren’t Zionists and some secular Jews but they still do their harm.

I’m intentionally bending the word to be code for Jew so it’s easier to talk about Jews to people. For some reason “Zionist media” or “Zionist controlled industry” sounds better

>> No.13617177

Quick reminder that israel is literally a /fa/scist state

>> No.13617179


Are you an animal? What are you even trying to say lol

For you possession is the root of all evil, for me it's not. Buy microchips and drink water for dinner, weißer Müll.

>> No.13617180

Owning stuff is not evil
Reckless consumption void of any meaning is evil
Valuing commercialism and the freedom to be a pariah (individualism) over your ethnic community is evil

>> No.13617181

Itt: Subhumans with deficitary dna

>> No.13617184


Owning stuff is evil, it destroys you. Trust me. Kill yourself, there is better spirit

>> No.13617185

I’m not a communist dude - but you sort of are a slave because you’re working your ass off for a system in place to replace your ethnic community just so you have money to buy (((their))) products

Freedom for freedom’s sake is retarded and it’s always a guide for degeneracy and social breakdown. You’re not really as individualist as you think when in order to build an identity you have to consume certain goods

>> No.13617188


You are a communist dude I see it in your eyes

You are a fascocomunnist, you are a faggot

>> No.13617189

>killing yourself
>owning death
Sounds like ownership to me ;(

>> No.13617191


Money is evil and things as well

Shoot up heroin for maximum comfort

>> No.13617192

>tribalism is the root of all evil

>> No.13617195

Nah I almost completely reject the Marxist view of history

>> No.13617197

>when /fa/ has better political discussions than /leftypol/ and /pol/

>> No.13617198

I get it, you're a plain racist so I'm not going to reply to you anymore. Ethnic community my ass.
Yeah, a racist and a communist. Go to russia, it sounds like your fantasy world. Even gays are outlawed there! Fuck freedom, lets all be a slave to the goverment

>> No.13617200

This nigga eating beans!

>> No.13617202



What is it called when you want all the other people to die so you can get everything

Assholism xD

You stink, kill yourself

>> No.13617203

>pursuit of ethnic prosperity is evil but only when it comes to white people

>> No.13617204

Cock in your butt

>> No.13617205



You are so stupid that you stink

>> No.13617214

>gets btfo
>autistic sperg-out ensues

>> No.13617225

I’ve never seen such a Jewish statement in my life lol

By tribe is how people organize - people consume goods to make up for their lack of tribe and they start to tribalize into subcultures and trends. You are denying human nature.

And Russia is not an ethnostate they are an empire and rule over non-Slav people

>> No.13617227

>so you can get everything
Yeah that’s not

>> No.13617229

Nah, just a /fa/ggot

>> No.13617230

You've got a cute clit

>> No.13617234

*not the point at all

Boomer please try to understand that your libertarian world view has never succeeded because nobody really has interests in destroying their tribe for markets

>> No.13617243

>you nazis will never be as aesthetic as this jewish military dude, he looks like a straight up nazi!

>> No.13617245

>You are denying human nature.
True and I do it on purpose. Human nature is evil. Power hungry and cares for no other but his own. Tribalism is the sole reason behind every genocide and war.

I deny the fact that I'm a human. I'm just bunch of toughts roaming and surviving in this society of ours and I'm here to enjoy it, not to reserve it for anyone or any race.

Yes I'm a faggot and pretentious. I know everhyting you have to say to me Heinrich.

>> No.13617246

By it's very nature, and definition, conservatism can never become "counter-culture". Conservatism is all about maintaining the status quo, protecting the System and all it's social institutions, embracing the concepts of submitting to hierarchy and powers of authority, and embracing other "Traditions" concerning making things "the way they were".
Individuals proclaiming a political bent as fashion is neither effay, nor political. They just want to be in on the trend of the moment.

>> No.13617249

staged photo op. Never been in combat.

>> No.13617252

Communist thots in a communist shithole. They'll go librul the second they get to a civilized country.

>> No.13617253

This is why America isn't great anymore.

>> No.13617255

Patriotic Americans practicing their 2nd amendment rights.

>> No.13617256

They literally aren’t communist though they’re from Azov batallion and they are fascist

>> No.13617257

How has nobody mentioned anti-zionism is a staple of left wing ideology/

I fucking hate liberals

>> No.13617259

That's not fashion. Palestinians are too poor to get into fashion. They get whatever's cheap or donated to them.

>> No.13617260

Yeah literally this - I have nothing against the Huey Newton gun club as a fascist

>> No.13617263

calm down hobbes

>> No.13617276

Haha zing ‘em :p

>> No.13617297

Great so at least you admit your ideology will always remain a theoretical ideal and not a practical solution as you will never ever get the masses to stop themselves of their nature

>> No.13617299

True, neither will you. I enjoy my life, do you?

>> No.13617300

And? Does that change the fashion aspects?

>> No.13617303

Who sponsors Azov?

>> No.13617304

>I enjoy my life

>> No.13617309

Yes, not really right wing either.

>> No.13617317

Based on what?

>> No.13617320

>not right wing

And fashion is good Or bad depending on combat?

>> No.13617338

Wait wait wait, I thought Democrats hated Jews too now right? Or do they just hate Israel? What about people who think Jews should be able to have their own nation but also hate American Leftist Jewish ((()))? Cause ((())) hates Israel now it seems, which just confuses me further

>> No.13617347

>Also jewish people own a lot most of all big businesses because christian fucks literally forced them to

Yeah, it’s totally the goys fault we committed mass usury the past 1500 years

>> No.13617348

SSNP shouln't be forced into this right/left sceme because it will not fit.
Started as a movement which oriented itself on the early National Socialism, economically left, then had various turns and allegiances with a lot of organisations, including Lebanese commies and actual right wing Christian parties and now fights alongside socialists in Syria.
It changes fashion aspects in the way that it isn't really right wing, still she looks fine.

>> No.13617352

Left wing antizionism is further left than democrats are.

>> No.13617359

why would you have to recover? she's the one who's gonna have to walk funny

>> No.13617395

A nationalist party based on national socialism is right wing - many right wing movements are “economically left wing”

>> No.13617397

and the USA funded Al Qaeda
Guess that Al Qaeda are liberals

>> No.13617399

I guess I do agree in many cases the right/left label is retarded and meaningless outside of people trying to associates movements with their side or another side

What I should say is they have fascist policies which I like and support

>> No.13617409

how the fuck is anti Zionism right wing lmao

>> No.13617411

>right wing is monolithic
Many right wing movements worldwide oppose Jewry in all its forms, including zionism.

>> No.13617414
File: 103 KB, 900x594, rus_pl_ЖЕНСКИЕ-КЕДЫ-VANS-AUTHENTIC-QER5U8-15987_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vans sole

>> No.13617440

underrated post

Folks really ought to stop blaming their weak-willed decisions on the extraneous affairs of Zionists and start addressing their own slavish tendencies. The real victims are the ones who don't have the potential, or whose potential capabilities are precluded, from opposing them and their terror, such as animals and chlidren. Better yourself without wasting yout energy on petty diversions and you will better your enemy.

>> No.13617481

Alright, then post some cherry picked communists, I'll wait.

>> No.13617482

>don’t focus on who’s in charge goy
Why not do both, Shlomo?

>> No.13617494

I'm pretty much a socialist and don't like Zionists though, not very right wing.

>> No.13617505

This has been the most autistic thread in the history of /fa/, maybe ever

>> No.13617513
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>> No.13617520
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>> No.13617535

What’s his insta?

>> No.13617558

why did people start blaming the jews in the first place? it was something about them only being able to loan out money hundreds of years ago.

>> No.13617561

No. Nationalism is not intrinsic right wing and national socialism is heavily influenced by German left wing scholars.

>> No.13617568

It's basically tribalism and pushing different ethnic, religous or cultural communities into a fixed positions, like Jews into high finance Gypsies into thieves and wandering artisans.

>> No.13617575

SSNP is not egalitarian and does not have a materialist worldview and they don’t extol enlightenment values

The origin of right and left had to do with the enlightenment and the reactionaries

>> No.13617579

up until modern times, jews have been forcibly removed from every country they have ever inhabited

just some food for thought

>> No.13617580

>being this bluepilled
>lol it all has to do with Jews being able to charge interest
>the Jews have been expelled from almost every country they’ve been a part of it’s always because of blind racial hatred of course
>the Talmud does not give the Jews permission to do as they please to the host society if it benefits the Jews
Jews rock!

>> No.13617581

>The origin of right and left had to do with the enlightenment and the reactionaries

I don't get what you mean. It was more like monarchists and anti-monarchists in the beginning.

>> No.13617584
File: 134 KB, 587x581, 7956A7AC-4245-48BA-87AE-843554EDCE1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to go straight in some screen caps.
It’s shit like this and the cancerous arse-blasted replies that make this board and site in general a laughingstock

>> No.13617587

And gypsies too. A bit more bloodthirsty monarchists, it would have happened with protestants in catholic lands too, and vice versa.
Is there a gypsy conspiracy?

No. The foul element in Jews isn't judaism, it is huckstering and ursury, taking advantage of their financial positions.

>> No.13617600
File: 176 KB, 964x635, F059F5A4-9195-4C52-A89D-0ECD294BF767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah it has nothing to do with racial characteristics
Gypsies are less honest and more lazy than the average European. Just the way it is. They have had lots of time to assimilate but they chose to remain insular and thieves. To this day they live in essentially slums

>they live in slums because of racism
Actually it’s because they don’t take care of their community. European populated towns and neighborhoods with the same average income as the gypsies slums are taken care of. In Slovakia gypsies literally just throw trash out the window and never clean it up. Try to tell me that’s white people’s fault they can’t makntain their own communities.

>> No.13617602

Yeah and the anti-monarchists were enlightenment thinkers who were opposed to natural hierarchies

>> No.13617608

There’s no gypsy conspiracy because gypsies can’t even maintain their neighborhoods, they could hardly hold an international banking system. To compre the gypsies to the Jews is laughable.

And yeah Protestants and Catholics were rightfully suspicious of each other because groups vye for power.

And it’s not all about usary. As soon as Jews were let out of their ghettos their intellectualism started eating away at European values. Never forget the Nazis burned Jewish written sexologist books and conservatards decry this

>> No.13617609

>Try to tell me that’s white people’s fault they can’t makntain their own communities.
I don't. Tribalism is what keeps your society from being degraded. I do think it should be done in such a manner that other peoples aren't forced into shitty positions or empowered to work against you, like the high finance does.

>> No.13617614

I agree but I also realize any group will have to maintain a survival strategy. If a minority group’s survival strategy puts the majority group’s in trouble then the majority has to react for its own good

>> No.13617630

Sure. I don't believe that a Jew is intrinsically bad, but the combined influences out of the Jewish community must be stopped by pulling the root. Which is at least the end of most Judaism happening outside opf synagogues and private homes.

>> No.13617728


>> No.13617763

The odd thing is, this whole military/heritage/industrial/khaki shit can as well be worn by far-left jews

>> No.13617800

Nah, they melt if they wear nazi shit

>> No.13617890

i don't know, ask every civilization throughout history lmao

>> No.13617913

Absolutely excellent post OP
I couldn't agree more and would like to contribute but I don't know enough unfortunately
Will lurk in anticipation

>> No.13617993
File: 182 KB, 1125x612, 10291107_526199340822213_7622945822052056112_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sellner is effay

>> No.13617998
File: 49 KB, 852x480, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13618000
File: 73 KB, 768x510, 4fc8deae6030377f4ab736820b6419f0e1949060856a5438676e5262ef75f08b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

male and female identitarians tend to dress well or just wear their identitarian gear

some of it I think was designed by sellner himself and it's pretty good for casual wear

>> No.13618004
File: 55 KB, 800x503, 800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

undercut seems to be the hair style of choice for many

>> No.13618010
File: 753 KB, 980x600, tanktopthegoldenlionrunestone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Golden One has some clothes that look normie enough to not draw attention but can be a good dog whistle

>> No.13618012

This is so autistic. /pol/ fags on /sci/ denounce math proofs written by Jews and /fit/ poltards are becoming carnivores because they think veganism is a Jewish conspiracy for population control or something's which for some reason translates into taking up the exact opposite of veganism (why not just stay an omnivore?). Being a pol fag is a full time job huh?

>> No.13618015

cool strawmans, lefty/pol/ retard

>> No.13618020
File: 76 KB, 792x528, C-4i15MW0AEJkDh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like what Nordfront does

a simple black and white combo and it's neat

>> No.13618023

>Being a pol fag is a full time job huh?
Apparently being a faggot on 4chan is too

>> No.13618033
File: 288 KB, 1024x683, 533030054-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A simple shirt with a good looking symbol on it and then some plane trousers and black or earth color shoes are the best bet for casual wear if you have a normal body type

If you are muscular I think pic related is a great option (not the exact items but the basic gist)

all black can be a good look - it's neat and clean. Just be aware of your shoes and make sure that there's not Jewish influence in the company leadership.

>> No.13618088

So? left wing is also against Zionism.
that doesn't make anti Zionism specifically right wing

>> No.13618210

Im confused. How is defending those you love and care about a bad thing? How is acting in the benifit of your family and people a bad thing, let alone evil

>> No.13618223
File: 66 KB, 600x573, f413_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the classic go to look I would recommend to anyone that wants to dress to express a political affiliation.
Just make sure you dress the leather properly if you don't want semen stains on it, but you probably do.

>> No.13618252

thankyou for using nation correctly
love you

>> No.13618264

You know, you do sound awfully villainous. Just a sociopathic monster who cares for nothing but his own enjoyment and entertainment. Pure evil if ive ever seen it, and the nerve you have to call others evil shows just how blind you are to your own reality. Please exit this website, it’s already edgy enough, does not need your edge

>> No.13618376

I agree - I was responding to the argument that anti-zionism can't be rightwing

>> No.13618378

this is an outfit for sexual minorities.

>> No.13618446

nice work genius

>> No.13618493

fucking manlet lmao


>> No.13618589


Rhodie fashion.

>> No.13618611

>who cares for nothing but his own enjoyment
I do feel empathy and care for lots of people but I think that the world is so rotten that there's no help for it. It was fucked at the moment free will started to exist. Unlike a nihilist, I don't think it all should be destroyed and be built again. I think it shouldn't exist at all. Therefore these political "movements" are pointless. This is the reason why I might seem evil to people like you. You might see a future that can and should be chanced, I see no future beyond my own life. I still oppose nazism and other forms of totalitarian communism because that shit is deadly and I'm afraid I might have to experience some sort of revolution in my life time and that would suck major ass.

>> No.13618657

>Courteney Boot Company.
all the boots look like shit

>> No.13618673

You're insanely stupid if you actually believe this. If the majority of people want to change then they make up the dominant culture, anything else would be considered counter culture. Not to mention the facts that most modern conservatives don't want things to stay the same, they want them to return to an older, more traditional way of life.

>> No.13618780

Lmao okay Ezekiel Goldbergstein calm down. Might I suggest you check em?

>> No.13618785

nice cognitive dissonance

>> No.13618787

Zionism is a nationalist movement. You are a brainwashed cuck and I'm ashamed that you consider yourself a leftist.

>> No.13618874

Sad, I was for once waiting for an actual reply but alas you decided to type that pointles bull and post it

>> No.13618883

please google the conservative revolutionary movement before you make yourself look silly thank you sir

>> No.13618896

imagine typing out all these walls of text for no one to actually care about what you're saying

>> No.13618904

>ITT OP realizes he's racist.

>> No.13618916

>Still taller than your average Asian
>Still doesn't effect averages
>Contributes to his race in ways beyond hwites
Manlets who are extraordinary men are high value.

>> No.13618920

I write these wall-of-text autistic postd mostly to sort out my own immature ideas and to hone my english which isn't native language for me. This time I was just surprised by a couple of intressing counter points and was hoping for more. It's therapeutic for me.

>> No.13618921

>Implying I didn't realize that a few years ago

>> No.13618931

Alot of it has to do with people being upset at a lot of the things Zionism has caused throughout it's history. The promblem Is these people haven't actually read any books or done any substantial research who think Zionist=Jewish and through out stupid uninformed phrases like "the Jews" as if it's some corporation not a group of people's

>> No.13618935

Cool. I am open in my hatred of Jews though so I guess it doesn't really matter. Nice pic by the way.

>> No.13618942

Make your own clothing you stupid fucking teenager

>> No.13618973

what are these boots

>> No.13619022

Because eventually you'll fight another "family" just because your "family" is somehow better and more deserving than the other.

>> No.13619066
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>> No.13619089

those are literally jacked from french army and hunting jackets lmao

>> No.13619149

Zionist does not mean Jewish you replied to the wrong comment I think

>> No.13619155


I follow him on insta. Doesnt post pics on his acct but his story is very interesting and posts all the time on his actual story. lots of good stuff

>> No.13619265

>look goy, you're just like us

>> No.13619296

leftypol is just a bunch of larpers scheming on how to take down the legendary hacker known as 4chan

>> No.13619303

National Socialists were fah, Anti-Comm death squads are fah, Fascists were fah, Black Panthers were fah, Left-SR bombchuckers were fah but I say again, not because of haircuts and uniforms. It's the anti-materialist, revolutionary and spiritual attitude of these "for our people" movements that are appealing, as big "fuck you"s to globalist, liberal imperialist and materialist society.

>> No.13619336

Get a load of this guy hahaha

>> No.13620343


>> No.13620344

The Cuban revolution was nationalist movement you simpleton. As was the Chinese and Vietnamese. Educate yourself you Nazi fuck

>> No.13620347

>So just let theater family steamroll yours goy, preferably allow that family to be Jewish

>> No.13620882

Wear shit with no branding and buy used/thrift
Alternatively sew your own shit

>> No.13621305


>> No.13621375

tell me what’s /fa/ about these fucking frat boys.

>> No.13621383

conservative president in office. people like ben shapiro and gavin mcinnes are internet celebs. foxnews and breitbart are hugely populat. it’s not counterculture, mate.

>> No.13621403
File: 144 KB, 950x534, https---blueprint-api-production.s3.amazonaws.com-uploads-card-image-362345-2777bee1-4032-44fc-9dac-4e076058f6ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13621406
File: 55 KB, 800x600, CwLsEEOUIAARKV9-800x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazi fashion is admired wherever it isn't demonized

>> No.13621409
File: 886 KB, 2500x1875, nazis-chic-is-asias-offensive-fashion-craze-456-body-image-1423697981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazi Chic is a popular style in Asia. Because Nazis don't equal the devil incarnate there they can draw inspiration from their style.

>> No.13621412
File: 69 KB, 656x366, maxresdefault-656x366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Asians enjoy it why can't we?

>> No.13621422
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>> No.13621604
File: 96 KB, 637x473, regulars-enjoy-dining-outrageous-gear-nazi-cafe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13621618

wear a burka or keffiyeh and there won't be any radical individualism left. it might happen before you realize

>> No.13621666
File: 502 KB, 929x840, dagestan-people-traditional-costumes-dagestani-north-caucasus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retarded assertion - individualism != Burqas even in muslim countries

kike be gone please

>> No.13621785

Look up the term "useful idiots" and consider your values.

>leftists trying to meme

>> No.13621823

The truth.

>> No.13621874

If you guys want to start up another thread, I think those should be stressed :
>we are not /pol/, and we are not antisemites, but we strongly oppose globalization and the state of israel
>we have left and right wing sensibilities. American politicians have done ther best to convince people that politics is a two way street, with two sides opposing. the reality is more complex than that. Show an antizonist jew to your average antifa, and he wouldn't be able to compute as his two-way system is too simplistic.
>israel is a racist state(as in, a state that recognizes the purity of one race and uses this pretext to justify their actions) and a lot of people around the world are boycotting it for it's often unfair use of violence against local people (palestinians) and the influence it has in the US (+the gazillions of dollars it receives from the state)

Simply, our european mentality (yes, even you americans) is redirecting us naturally to quality over quantity, and away from the bourgeois search for quantity. And further than just in fashion.

The revolution takes place in every purchase you make. Buy quality, long lasting products. Adopt a slow consumption, fix your stuff, support your local industry, don't fall into trends !

>> No.13621875

how do i find pants like this?

>> No.13621897


>> No.13621975

Lol fag

>> No.13621986

your stupid as fuck. israel is fucking great, fuck the palestinian muslim dumb fucks, they're nothing but savages - don't believe me?. Come live here and you will find out. all you anti-israel shills have never set a foot in israel or palestine, you're just talking out of your ass.

>> No.13621990

fuck you you cuck

>> No.13621991

liberalism is left wing but not all egalitarian movements are leftist.

Fundamentally the left believes in equality of outcome, where as the right believes in equality of opportunity.

If you want it to be simpler, the right believes you should be able to do whatever you want, where as the left believes whatever you do shouldn't matter.

>> No.13622040

>all right wing governments are totalitarian

You know that right wing is about having small, deregulated governments right? That's what the republicans constantly push for. Less government interference, and less tax. More individual freedom. Anarchy is the end goal of the far right.

Communism is the 'ultimate' left wing ideology, so you can imagine how totalitarian and controlling they want to be. They will literally turn you in to a slave given the opportunity.

>> No.13622054

modern fashion is entirely consumerist and therefore right wing.

>> No.13622061
File: 17 KB, 360x531, Mosley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel free to go back to r*ddit and leftypol then. Bye Bye.

>> No.13622166
File: 1.02 MB, 640x1136, 04F9B35C-5ACC-4904-ACFD-C799DAD74FA6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13622173

lets not pretend leftists are not also consumerists