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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 309 KB, 1000x1000, Nothing.tastes.as.good.as.being.thin.feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13603506 No.13603506 [Reply] [Original]

/thinspo/ thread!

Last Thread:

>post thinspo
>stay hidratted
>no bully pls
Male thinspo:


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Feel free to post questions and requests, report about your progress, and ask for support.

To get helpful replies make sure to post:
>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
>tdee and your deficit
>highest and lowest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you are going for

>> No.13603518

I'm going to throw up

>> No.13603522

I like the Gothic Lollita look a lot

>> No.13603524

You are in the right place

>> No.13603525
File: 477 KB, 1280x819, 1468165488545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck out of here with that op pic why couldn't you just use one of the classics

>> No.13603526

Just the photo in the OP hit a little a little too close to home?

>> No.13603538 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 1080x824, WhatsApp Image 2018-07-21 at 01.45.25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13603543

Who the fuck is making these

>> No.13603567

I miss the old /thinspo/ when it wasn't a place for twinks to post selfies.

>> No.13603582

Just fucking use a normal pic what the fuck is that retarded shit OP my god

>> No.13603592
File: 313 KB, 1280x1281, tumblr_pbnc6aOJ6K1wkgt2co2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm upping my calories for two days to boost my metabolism since I've been loosing at a snails pace on 300 a day. Aiming for 800-1000. Man does if feel good to eat.

>> No.13603596

Why are your knees so different holy shit

>> No.13603633

>elbows too pointy 2/10

>> No.13603640
File: 31 KB, 480x384, neck-rings-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't an elbows too pointy thing, her right knee is positioned literally ten cm lower than her left one.
It looks like she grew up with some sort of brace to extend her right upper leg the way some afroamerican tribes do it with their necks.

>> No.13603643 [DELETED] 

you are adorable

hmmm why don't people like the OP pic i wonder?

everyone here is just well adjusted and interesting in being thin as an accent to their happy well adjusted lives


>> No.13603647

it's obviously the lighting

>> No.13603648 [DELETED] 

you are adorable

hmmm why don't people like the OP pic i wonder?

everyone here is just well adjusted and only interested in being thin as an accent to their happy well adjusted lives


>> No.13603653

you are adorable

hmmm why don't people like the OP pic i wonder?

everyone here is only interested in being thin as an accent, a cherry on top, to their happy well adjusted lives


>> No.13603657


>> No.13603693

do you use fitness pal to count meal calories and macros?

I ate 750 calories today (chicken breast, salad,bread, 1 latte) and maybe eat also a greek yogurt later.
My goald is to lose 5 more pounds.
My current stats is male 5'10 148 pounds

>> No.13603783
File: 24 KB, 499x499, personally offended.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Assuming someones life because they don't think a stupid pic should be the thumbnail of a thread that already has a particular style of thumbnail

>Being this triggered

>> No.13603785

How can I convince my mom that if I just lose 11 more pounds I will get a job and be fine this time?

>> No.13603880

>How can I convince my mom that if I just lose 11 more pounds I will get a job and be fine this time?


>> No.13603896

Been doing thinspo for a while now and Fasting like /fa/ told me

Now im balding. Fuk u

>> No.13603898

if you're serious about change, show her you're doing something instead of dawdling on your ass for a month. talk is cheap, especially since i assume you've made this type of promise before.

>> No.13603899

I want to shove an entire extra large margherita pizza down my throat rn
help me

>> No.13603900 [DELETED] 
File: 300 KB, 512x512, 1485759971919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now im balding. Fuk u
hamtarochan wears a wig and is bald as a chemo patient

>> No.13603905

Are there any pics of her with the wig off? I need to nightmare fuel.

>> No.13603907

thin hair is also a part of thinspo

>> No.13603911

>Are there any pics of her with the wig off?
no she is super careful about that, there are pics of her in her wheelchair and doing all kinds of other fucked up shit, but she is never without the wig

>> No.13603999


this is a sfw board

>> No.13604001

>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
F / 25 / 5’7” / 161.2
>tdee and your deficit
TDEE: ~2500 / Deficit: ~2000
>highest and lowest weight
High: 190 / Low: 118
>goal weight
GW1: 155 / GW2: 135 / UGW: 105
>preferred method of losing weight
<500 calories per day, lots of intense cardio
>aesthetic you are going for

>inb4 underageb& tells me 25 is too old for thinspo
Listen, the earlier you can get thin and stay that way, the better you’re going to age. People who kept themselves thin in their 20’s and 30’s are going to look a helluva lot younger when the reach their 40’s and 50’s than someone who stays fat and then tries to lose weight in that age range. So for any young fatties stumbling upon this post, lose weight NOW or you’ll look like shit forever.

>> No.13604039

My mind keeps going round in circles of feeling perfectly fine with eating less, realizing it's perfectly normal to not stuff yourself with food and being fine with my weight and progress and absolutely wanting to binge or fearing that I will start eating too much and gain weight. I really wish I could stop thinking so much about it.

>> No.13604046

What was wrong with that image? It was spoopy but it’s not like she was naked or covered in blood or anything.

Different poster btw, also nice trips.

>> No.13604050
File: 680 KB, 599x599, 1534320438231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calvin Herris model here, am also Harris best friend, i eat 2 ants and 5 choclate cakes every 5 months

Height: 5'5
CW: 3lbs

>> No.13604068

I've never understood pretty princess memes

>> No.13604099


Reverse thinspo af

This video also makes me wonder how I'm still a virgin :(

>> No.13604102


she's so disgusting

>> No.13604106

>I've never understood pretty princess memes
Imagine having a daughter who was always in and out of a psychiatrist's care, could not hold down even a shitty hourly job and self harmed, had an eating disorder or was addicted to drugs

>> No.13604137

Jesus christ that op pic is horrifying, i hope you mentally ill degenerates get some help. Being skinny sucks.

>> No.13604142

Rub coconut oil into hair and don't use shampoo

>> No.13604144

You are just purging the old and injured cells, your hair will grow back stronger and better pretty quickly. It's perfectly natural and something you would have known if you informed yourself before starting to do some half assed fast.

>> No.13604196

That’s one of several benefits to being born female, you can get laid no matter how disgusting or autistic you are.

>> No.13604199
File: 104 KB, 653x490, 1533320636884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw used to date a girl like this
>Even had the exact same room
Please delet it hits too close to home.

At least I lost another 10 pounds, which brings me to 50 pounds lost in total, almost to 170 boys.

>> No.13604374

My stommy hurt after drinking a lot of tea :( at least it's preventing me from eating

>> No.13604393

at what bmi does ovulation stop?

>> No.13604395

How can you be this blind? It’s clearly not

>> No.13604403

Bmi is garbage, it depends on your genes, health, body fat percentage, stress and so on.
You can lose it at a bmi of 20 if you exercise a lot (not even an unhealthy amount) or have it at 15 if you eat well and keep your weight.

>> No.13604412

Get a blood test to see if you have any deficiencies anon.
You can lose hair from just stress, so maybe you’re completely fine and it will stabilise itself over time, but it’s better to check.

>> No.13604498



>> No.13604516

>5'11" male
>go from 180 to 135 back to 180 over the course of 4 years 140 to 180 took a year after turning 21
Alcohol abuse aint no joke senpai.

>> No.13604519

I’m >>13604001
On the same boat. Alcoholism is a fucking bitch.
You ever been to an AA meeting?

>> No.13604531

Nah, Im trying to taper off right now. I was having a bottle of whiskey like every 3 days. Down to a beer per night. Ive been exercising and developing other hobbies to keep my mind off of it.

>> No.13604546

I know it sounds scary but I really recommend AA. It’s a good way to make a friend or two so you can help each other stay sober, kinda like a gym buddy. You also hear a lot of interesting stories and perspectives from people who’ve been sober for 5+ years.

I avoided it for 3 years because I thought I had everything under control but I wish I had gone much sooner.

>> No.13604576
File: 63 KB, 540x422, 1532791430891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I just become fat? I can't stop thinking about food all I want to do is eat, food brings me joy. Or should I just start doing opiates or meth or something?

>> No.13604579

random AA person here

I can vouch for it helping and not being as bad or weird as you would think it would be. I have made a few nice friends.

>> No.13604584

Why don’t you just learn to make healthier choices that fit under your TDEE? Healthy food isn’t limited to salads and rice cakes. Learn to cook, find some recipes you like that aren’t loaded with 5 lbs of carbs and butter and there’s no need for you to become a lardass.

>> No.13604609

Who the fuck eats salad? That's what fat people do for a week and fail. I eat pretty well been at my goal weight (118) for only 3 weeks now. I am just getting really bad cravings recently. I have had a voracious appetite lately but have kept it under control. I'd rather eat than have sex . Alright I need to fuck off and stop posting but I can't stop thinking about food.

>> No.13604615

I don't understand this; I never gained weight from my alcohol abuse. Always dipped a little but always stayed the same weight (6'4, ~140). But yet, I know tons of people with the same problem but they're clearly overweight/beer gut/dad bod, whatever.

Congrats, tapering sucks but it's necessary. I'm 4 weeks dry myself. Get ready for sleepless nights, even with exercise. That took almost 3 weeks for me to get over.

>> No.13604620

What have you been eating to maintain? If you’re getting cravings it obviously means you aren’t satisfied with your current diet.

>> No.13604629

You probably ate less on the days you drank. Weight gain is caused by going significantly above your TDEE over an extended period of time, so clearly that’s not what you were doing.

>> No.13604637

Some tips for hunger

>Eat more fat, pure butter even.
>Fill less with high carb foods.
>Coffee, with, or without butter
>High Protein
>Gum, with sugar alcohol, not aspartame, saccharine.
>Do not look in the fridge at night, just don't, please.

>> No.13604644

>coffee with butter
Um, what?

>> No.13604649

It is alot more common than you think.

>> No.13604662

Sounds disgusting.

>> No.13604670

Actually breddy good

>> No.13604673

Unsalted butter taste very sterile, and bland. In coffee it just taste smooth. Though it is more then taste. Fat, and coffee is the best way to stave off hunger for long amounts of time. Maybe heavy cream would work as well, so you could do that. From personal experience, I have not ate since yesterday night.

>> No.13604676

Which was every day., for the most part. Yeah, my TDEE was ~1800 and I was probably eating one big meal at lunch of around 900 and then liquid dinner.

"Bulletproof" coffee; it's a trend with very little hype.

>> No.13604688
File: 783 KB, 557x546, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

| Sex - Male | Age - ?| Height - 185cm | Weight - 65kg | Bmi - 18 |

>> No.13604694
File: 401 KB, 473x538, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why you steal my photos?


>> No.13604741

Your style is wack, and fake, you can be better then this.

>> No.13604771

get a few more cheap script black ink trash tats, that's very original

>> No.13604772

>get a few more cheap script black ink trash tats, that's very original
He should get something deep and meaningful, like "love beauty" or "dance like nobody's watching" so it won't look silly like other people's do who go in for the cheap tats on the arms fad

>> No.13604774

"Love like you've never been hurt."!

>> No.13604775

oh shit that's classy

>> No.13604819

seriously wtf, she must walk with the weirdest limp

>> No.13604912

>OP hit a little a little too close to home?

no i honestly just think it looks ugly and gross lol

>> No.13605024

I have a problem going into my fridge throughout the day and snacking on condiments. Like, squirting a little bit on the tip of my finger and sucking it off. Also eating small spoonfuls of creme fraiche or sour cream a couple times a day.

How do I stop?
>inb4 throw them away
I still live at home so they aren’t mine to throw out.

>> No.13605061
File: 94 KB, 283x464, thinspooooooooooooooooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucked up the past few days
>controlled myself today
forgot how much better it feels to eat less
thin is the most /fa/ healthyfags fuck off to /fit/

>> No.13605075

one leg is bent retard

>> No.13605109,1 [INTERNAL] 


lol, do you know what the third dimensions is?

Look away from the screen, you'll notice it.

>> No.13605103

How do I control hunger?

>> No.13605109

Ya'll are literally anorexic

>> No.13605122

water is literally wet

>> No.13605131

you're literally cute :3

>> No.13605138


>> No.13605140

you're welcome cutie uwu

>> No.13605143

so are we bfs now or something

>> No.13605146
File: 35 KB, 533x399, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah sure, here's a picture of me

>> No.13605149

eh no thanks I like thinbois

>> No.13605163
File: 5 KB, 243x207, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually dont sus /thinspo/ threads but omg that OP pic

>> No.13605200

ok fine, your loss bitch.

>> No.13605202

sounds like my first girlfriend lmao

>> No.13605216
File: 8 KB, 220x184, apu sad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanie, I am not a bitch!

>> No.13605226
File: 408 KB, 750x747, 6CCEEA73-E677-4A6A-80C4-6F0A960F6F44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP’s pic reminds me of every girl I follow on Instagram who likes anime and kpop

>> No.13605236
File: 111 KB, 720x960, throw up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13605259


>> No.13605309

Coffee, and when you eat it should be nutritious with and healthy fats making a large portion of the meal, and protein. Going to the fridge is a bad habit, that I liken to shopping addiction. You have to go to the fridge to overeat, don't even take the first step. Go when you have that empty feeling, if you have not already eaten your daily nutrient rich meal. If you ate right the hunger should not be that painful.

>> No.13605320

I find a high-fat diet to keep hunger down. If you're eating pasta and bread you'll have a hard time supressing hunger

>> No.13605339

Carbs do not pay back their caloric density satiation. You can eat one meal a day if it has fat, and protein in fair amounts. Carb rich food is only good in so far as it gives nutrients in the forms of vitamins, and minerals, it shouldn't be the bulk of diet.

>bro science coming in
Carbs are stationary foods made to service the needs of community lacking plentiful animal foods. Thus we see the use for them in long endurance sprints, that we needed to hunt prey.

>> No.13605349
File: 50 KB, 493x306, Screen Shot 2018-08-16 at 11.27.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A girl I know just posted this on Facebook

Is she onto something

>> No.13605355

>high fruit diet
lol, if you look into why we ate fruit in the first place you wouldn't be eating fruit for weight loss

>> No.13605356

she only eats fruit?
>sounds just about retarded

>> No.13605357


>> No.13605380

I'm raw vegan and eat 90% fruit. You will lose a lot of weight at first however most people don't do high fruit diet for weightloss, but more for healing the body and detoxing it from excess waste/toxins that have built up in the body over the years. You honestly have about 20 pounds of waste in your colon alone if you have never detoxed before. I personally did raw vegan for my hair and skin. Blackheads cleared up and I reversed my hair thinning. Thats why I did raw fruit. You will lose weight though as well. I never did dry fasting though. Just longer water fasts

>> No.13605388

>raw vegan
>90% fruit
even more lol
>reversed my hair thinning
sounds like bs, just like veganism turned FullyRawKristina's brown eyes blue

>> No.13605389

hi anon, another fruitarian / raw vegan here. high fruit diet is the best! you feel like a whole other person. takes a while to build towards though, I used to yoyo every other fortnight back to cooked foods, but usually atm I'm pr good doing high raw fruit stuff.

>> No.13605402

is this real?

>> No.13605430

One thing I learned is most hair loss is due to diet. Raw fruit will help your lymphatic system and get more blood pumping to your head stopping hair loss. For me not only did it stop, I also got back the hair I originally lost which I wasn’t expecting. Also use hemp oil on my scalp like once a week and let it soak for 6 hours. Also no longer use shampoo with chemicals. Use all natural dr brokers hemp baby unscented pure Castile soap about every other 2 or 3 days. I wash it with water everyday though because I shower everyday

>> No.13605437

Dr bronner’s*

Also fruit only might sound like it sucks at first but you get used to it. Also helps my gf is raw vegan as well. I’m 26 as well if any of you are wondering

>> No.13605438

dr bronners? yeah yo sounds like a good cycle. doing coked foods rn, but wanna get back to raw as it messes my digestion up.

>> No.13605444

Yeah some raw vegans are into the whole iridology thing. Although the concept of it is cool, I don’t follow believe in it. I’m actually part of a group chat I joined for fun a while back and the guy that runs it charges $50 for personal eye readings. I think it’s laughable because he always just regurgitates the same shit. But I will say and stand behind that raw fruit can help with hair loss because it worked for me. If it didn’t I’d still be eating pizza and ice cream

>> No.13605449

Yeah Dr bronners. Idk why it spellchecked to brokers. But yeah raw fruit, hemp oil treatments, and chemical free shampoo did it for me. Also cut my body fat down. So if anyone is looking to cut weight easily, I’d say whole raw fruits is the way to go. It has to be strict though. No cheating otherwise you’ll just fuck up the whole process

>> No.13605735

>tfw mother now joins me for every meal with the sole purpose of watching me eat
is it over lads

>> No.13605919

coffee, cigs (if u smoke) and many vegetables and fiber in general

>> No.13605947

you arent actually eating 300. if you were you're guranteed to be dropping weight because your body needs far more than 300 calories just to continue to exist.
anons on here need to stop being delusional and spreading misinformation.

>> No.13605966

the only real solution is to find another source of joy in your life than food. food is just fuel. ofc you should enjoy eating when you eat healthy food, but you shouldn't only be thinking about food. if you only eat when truly hungry and stay busy with your goals and hobbies you'll be happy AND thin

>> No.13605979

water is a chemical

>> No.13605984

stop being underage. problem solved

>> No.13605985

Your face is a chemical

>> No.13606002

haha wow thanks anon suddenly i have enough money to pay rent for an apartment here in the city

>> No.13606168


>> No.13606187

youre mom is a chemical

>> No.13606245
File: 680 KB, 1440x2560, IMG_20180817_091329_927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey y'all, quick question. I'm not interested in thinspo because I'm already too far off the deep end with working out, but I'd like to make my legs smaller. As you can see, my calves are massive from doing too many squats and biking too much in college. I read that endurance running can help, but I've been running my ass off for the past year, and I think they've actually gotten bigger. Am I just fucked because I'm a 5'7" manlet?

>> No.13606320


calves are weird, there is no way you got calves like that without being 100lbs overweight for a year or doing roids, they are the hardest place to add mass and one of the hardest places to lose it once it is gained

but it's not like you just did a few squats and wound up with calves like that.

>> No.13606324

You need to do lots and lots of cardio that doesn't train your lower legs at the same time.
Swimming is a very good option.

>> No.13606336

You're right m8. I did regular leg workouts for years and now my calves are huge.

thanks i'll try that. my gf swims a lot so maybe she can teach me. currently i can only swim enough to not drown but it's extremely inefficient

>> No.13606341

>not skipping leg day

>> No.13606354

I wish I had lmao

>> No.13606477

>I've been running my ass off for the past year, and I think they've actually gotten bigger. Am I just fucked because I'm a 5'7" manlet?
what is your bodyweight

>> No.13606637

pectus excavatum
it just makes your rib cage stick out more than usual
as long as your male ratio (shoulers to waist) is maintained (hit the gym every now and then, faggot) you'll be fine
abs might be hard to obtain but not impossible.
don't work out too much chest, the pec insertion is quickly sub optimal. focus on shoulders a bit more and let the pecs catch up accordingly
baby steps

>> No.13606659

Hello thinso. I'm not a regular. I'm a 5"2 male and weigh 60kg, which is too high for me since a lot of it is fat. One thing I will mention is that I did try being vegan for about 6-8 months and it became very easy for me to lose weight those months, even while eating a lot of food. After being vegan for that long I made it down to about 50kg and as soon as I started eating meat I jumped up to 60.

>> No.13606680
File: 184 KB, 594x934, 1376260132280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5"2 male



>> No.13606736

I'm this guy >>13606659
and this is fucking gold I bookmarked it for later lmao

>> No.13606868

>trying to fast
>father goes out and buys 2 steaks, then offers me one
fuck you dad

>> No.13606973


just stop buying food completely and spend it on rent then

problem solved

>> No.13606984
File: 109 KB, 750x741, 1531162630440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good thinspo meal?

>> No.13607035

Cabbage soup is really good. Cut cabbage in small spoon sized pieces, boil with diced tomato and chicken broth (and garlic if you want). Salt and pepper to taste, or use any other spice you want.
You can eat as much you want of this really I really like it.

>> No.13607078

Do you have to be below 18 BMI to be thinspo?

>> No.13607092

Yeah you do
You can look good at a bmi of 18 but being thin or good looking isn’t the same as being thinspo.

>> No.13607175

holy shit

>> No.13607419

starting fast today, currently on hour 17. im going at least 36 but want to go to 48. if all goes well I'll be at 72 in no time!

>> No.13607462

Post body?

>> No.13607474

What is JD’s/Zach Braff’s Body type weight for a 5’’10 male?

>> No.13607560

Why the fuck would we know?

>> No.13607578

This is the most autistic manlet photo I have ever seen.

>> No.13607582

Well today I went to an amusement park with family. Ate a lot of shit. Before going we went to Wendy's, I had the cheapest, smallest burger with some fries. Was at the park for like 5 hours, then we went to pizza place. Hungry from walking, i ended up eating 4 pieces (sliced into 12 instead of 8, more like 2.5 normal pieces). Was about 1500 calories. I feel gross now, might have a salad or something and be done eating for the day

>> No.13607590

like 140-150. Lean, not thin.

>> No.13607605


>> No.13607731

Parents take me out to eat at a buffet

They tell me, “you better eat your moneys worth”

Force me to eat multiple plates

>> No.13607744

maybe they've got a fetish

>> No.13607765


>> No.13607781
File: 82 KB, 750x604, dcgillo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do i have to PEE SO MUCH

>> No.13607782
File: 114 KB, 680x559, 1517655243116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you guys count cooking oil? If I use a tablespoon of avocado oil for a batch of lentils that will last me 4 - 5 days should I just retroactively divide that tablespoon by the number of times I ate it? (Or just plan the portions ahead of time I guess.)

>> No.13607794

you don't rly need oil though. if you crave overt fats eat like avocado or smth.

>> No.13607835
File: 459 KB, 900x584, JakebyKaty-7_900_584_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are wiry arms and prominent veins /fa/?

>> No.13607837

I've been cooking oil free for a couple of years, I am just curious to see if it'll add any flavor to my meals. For some reason I find eating overt fats to be a chore so I just want to see if this would be an easier way increase my fat inake.

>> No.13607842
File: 33 KB, 309x403, aalord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have a spoon of olive oil on top of main meal each day
Feel like a lard arse for it


AA scares me
most of my calories come from alcohol

>> No.13607850

>wiry arms and prominent veins

you mean sinewy and vascular

>> No.13607853
File: 309 KB, 900x1200, w7uespz769x01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it depends

>> No.13607869

lmfao that one ripped bald dude thats present in every group

>> No.13607871

it'll add flavour sure, but I find oil messes with my complexion. idk dude maybe look at ground nuts or seeds? better for digestion

>> No.13607873

John is unironically the most effay one in this picture, probably would have looked better at chemo weight.

>> No.13607877

I've heard that before actually, maybe it has something to do with the omega 6 to 3 ratio? Idk. I'll give it a go, one dish won't kill me. And yeah I put some seeds in my oatmeal I'll try to buy some more nuts or ground flax.

>> No.13607881

good luck anon. it could be due to ratio, but even avocado can make my skin super oily. I think it's lit due to fat content in the body.

>> No.13607903


>> No.13607909

nice gap hon

>> No.13607968

Holy crap you make me feel better about myself

M/5'10/140lb aiming for 130

>> No.13607981

learn how to stand up for yourself? all you have to say is "no, thanks that's enough for me" and then repeat as necessary

>> No.13607995

I tried to say i was full after my 2nd plate but they weren't having it. They made me go get another final one but with a bit less food this time. Then after that my dad went and got a plate full of desert. He made me eat two apple cinnamon donut churro things with vanilla ice cream on top.

I literally threw up in my mouth a little bit then swallowed it again on the ride home i was so full.

>> No.13608001

they didn't make you do anything. parents are just people. they have as much power to make you eat that as any other random person in the restaurant. you're just a weakling that has no respect for themselves.

>> No.13608015

how long do i have to starve myself before i get sunken cheeks

>> No.13608024

McCain looks pretty good right here IMO, was this after 2008? I never saw him look this good during that campaign

>> No.13608037

are you for real? look at his arms, and how old he looks in general. it's from 2017

>> No.13608065

just use like tbsp of butter, easy to count, taste better and is actually safe for cooking unlike most plant oils

>> No.13608071

>adding plant oil during cooking process
>claims butter is safe


add oil to meal after it's cooked, during cooling process.

>> No.13608076

>butter isn't safe
let me guess you're an anti-saturated fat anti-cholesterol faggot.

>> No.13608079

oh I don't particularly care about my own health, but treatment of animals in dairy industry is certainly not "safe", leading ultimately to their untimely murders.

>> No.13608081
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>are you for real? look at his arms, and how old he looks in general. it's from 2017
better there than here in 2007

>> No.13608082

Oh it's the vegan fag again. If you can afford to be a vegan, you should be able to afford good butter and not factory farmed onions-fed trash, you won't be using much if you're /thinspo/ anyway

>> No.13608083

hoog me dad

>> No.13608085

you obv don't appreciate people's motivation for going vegan.

>> No.13608087

Nobody cares

>> No.13608088

I don't because veganism is fucking retarded, anti-nature scum

>> No.13608099

; 3
>calling someone anti nature
>literally commits crimes against the environment on the daily.

keep supporting that animal agricultural complex, anon.

>> No.13608102

>animals don't kill other animals

>> No.13608106

>implies mass murder of sentient animals through industrial practice is somehow equatable to a carnivore hunting out of need.

gw there.

>> No.13608117

just binged hard, about to go throw up
why do I do this

>> No.13608129

it's okay anon, don't feel bad. just think about next time, and some strategies you can take to improve.

eating disorders are hard to manage.

>> No.13608152
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>> No.13608159

yeah that looks pretty good for an 80yo.

>> No.13608162

>add oil to meal after it's cooked, during cooling process.
Why? I would rather bloom the spices in oil.

>> No.13608164

um, animals have long been recognised as sentient, even amongst carnists, what's your point here.

>> No.13608169

you run the risk of trans fats if you overheat the oil.

maybe look at soaking spices in oil overnight before you make your meal?

>> No.13608181
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>um, animals have long been recognised as sentient

>> No.13608191

I am just not going to use oil then, fuck it. I'll stick to my nuts and grounded seeds.

>> No.13608192

I barely eat anything, I just have this thing once every few months where I want to eat until I cant eat anymore. I feel better now, thank you for your kind words.
stay hydrated!

>> No.13608196

that works too. gl w your loss anon.

>> No.13608200

; 3 is coffee a water?

>> No.13608206

yes :)

>> No.13608209
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Same to you

>> No.13608372

i've never been able to make myself throw up
it is the back of your throat you want to rub right? because it takes a really long time for me to feel much of anything let alone start gagging.
am i doing something wrong or do i just have a really weak gag reflex?

>> No.13608381

Make sure you're actually full and just drink a crapton of water before, mid and post meal. Try to spread your fingers to really stim your gag reflex, use more than 2 fingers, try to arch your fingers so that they hit the top of your mouth, and most importantly, have fun!

>> No.13608387

bulimia is no fun anon. try and look at your eating habits instead of focusing on purging.

>> No.13608408

i find this so strange, have you never had the flu or been really drunk?

>> No.13608412
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>> No.13608414

the only factual part of this post is that most people don't do high fruit diets for weight loss

>> No.13608421

er I do it for ethical reasons, but weight loss is a nice additional bonus. it's like trees are thanking us for not harming them by letting us look pretty.

>> No.13608423

you can do it for all the 'ethical' reasons you want just don't cite some 'detox' with 'toxins that need cleansing' bullshit to justify it

>> No.13608425

oh but it really does purify your body. that's a real thing. even a week on fruit will help flush stuff out of your body you didn't even know was in there.

>> No.13608426

show me some actual studies with results that suggest a fruit diet will 'purify your body'

>> No.13608428

I don't need to kill lab rats before I act on something anon, I work on intuition and experience. enjoy ur death worship masquerading as pursuit of knowledge.

>> No.13608431

>I work on intuition and experience
this is called cognitive bias and the reason why religion and other bullshit exists that gets in the way of humanity's advancement and understanding of world around us

i hope your sugar diet gives you diabetes

>> No.13608434

um my own life experience and perception is somehow a cognitive issue?

okay anon w/e.

you're more likely to get diabetes from eating eggs and meat desu, we lived on fruit for millenia as a simian species so our bodies are actually optimised for processing it.

>> No.13608442

im F 5'5" 125lbs

how much and how fast can i lose weight by fasting twice a week and restricting/ eating below 1,200 for the rest of the week?

>> No.13608446

>life experience
you're probably in your early 20s or late 10s, you don't have any life experience
>you're more likely to get diabetes from eating eggs and meat desu, we lived on fruit for millenia as a simian species so our bodies are actually optimised for processing it.
you already admitted you don't know anything and rely solely on your feelings, don't keep trying to grasp for straws to back up your claims

>> No.13608459

wow bitter much. I'm actually a little older than you're estimating.

I also read studies but don't promote animal testing, as it's inherently cruel.

high egg and meat (esp processed) consumption leads to high cholesterol, which is a leading cause for developing type 2 diabetes.

but I'll be over here in my perfect fruit body, enjoying a life free from diseases. enjoy ur rapidly aging meatprison, with inevitable boomerism approaching as you find yourself unable to maintain the required fitness routine to counteract your unhealthy diet.

>> No.13608462

Use your brain for a minute and count the calories you eat versus burn? Are you really this helpless?

>> No.13608466

you want to look at how much you can lose sustainably instead of rapidly. I've lost 10kgs in a week on a liquid fast (tobacco water and coffee diet, no foods) but gained it within another fortnight due to yoyo dieting.

look to lose something like a pound a week over a long period of time, to reach your gw. it can seem frustrating to wait that long for your ideal body, but you'll build good diet habits that will lead to maintaining your desired weight.

>> No.13608467

the only reason you're not putting on weight is because you're using so much energy every day reminding people that you're vegan and you're better than them because of baseless and unscientific reasoning

>I also read studies
you clearly don't.

>> No.13608471

I actually didn't mention veganism once, nor did I pass any kind of judgement. I know what kind of body and condition the averaage fruitarian is in, compared to a s.a.d. diet follower.

it ain't good anon. it ain't good on your side.

>> No.13608481

you're right, i just used the tdee calculator and some simple math and it puts me at a 9k calories deficit for the week the only hard part is finding out how much weight i can lose by that. they claim that 3,500 cals = 1lb a week but that is obviously leaving out so many other individual factors and can't be accurate
i've been seeing steady results but ultimately going back up dude to water retention mostly. not sure when i'll start burning actual fat

>> No.13608482

>i'm raw vegan and eat 90% fruit

the sooner we stop people like you promoting these stupid fad diets while claiming they perform miracles the sooner people might actually start leading healthier lives and eating better. you are the reason why the word 'diet' has such negative connotations tied to it

>> No.13608488

don't stress about water retention, it's not something to worry about long term. if it helps then average your weight over a week or longer to get a more stable idea of your current level.

remember that whatever your weight is now is actually a reflection of what you ate / didn't eat several weeks ago, the body doesn't process food immediately.

so run your diet strat for a month and check weight then.

>> No.13608492

also you know studies don't just have to be performed with animal testing right? a ton of dietary studies use focus groups of actual people and if you're happy enough to be on that fad diet yourself i'm not sure why you'd be opposed for people to be on it for study purposes

>> No.13608493

um I'm perfectly healthy and while I'm not claiming "miracles" on a fruitarian diet I can certainly attest it's made me feel the best of any food program I've tried.

that post wasn't me btw I responded to it. I identify as fruitarian.

>> No.13608498

ofc, I'm happy to reference studies that used willing volunteers as the population. however a lot of health studies do still use live animal testing, and ultimately the creatures are exterminated at the end of the examination.

>> No.13608500
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this is your reward for understanding that you can google these things.


3500 per lb is pretty accurate for the average skinny fat person looking to lose weight.

>> No.13608503

so why don't you reference any study using willing volunteers that shows what you claim about the fruitarian diet?

>> No.13608506

because it's a troll, you mong. quit responding, it's just shitting up the thread

>> No.13608514

um because it's super niche? it's p hard to find a large sample of vegans in terms of statistical relevance, let alone fruitarians.

look at jain in india though, they have great longevity and practice a high fruit vegan diet.

like plant sentience there's been little formal study done, as it's not really commercially viable research.

also :

not a troll.

>> No.13608530

thanks, i keep the averaging method in mind

i'm already aware of this site, it's helpful but limited

>> No.13608558

so you're aware of how to calculate your TDEE and you can count calories, yet you ask a forum "hurr durr i'm retarded how much longer til i'm thin" what do you want? validation? you're average weight. at least post a fucking underwear pic if you want people to call you pretty. you sound pathetic and straight up retarded

>> No.13608593

you sound mad

>> No.13608608

they hurtin'

>> No.13608872

I use this one.


It's the most detailed one I've been able to find, with a few different options for bmr calculation - still not as precise as I'd like re: exercise.

>> No.13608954

I am 74kg and 186cm. How much weight can I lose in 8 weeks?

>> No.13608983

Based zinger

>> No.13609022

thanks anon!

>> No.13609023

Sounds like your average zoomer female.

>> No.13609025

I weighed 170 lbs at the beggining of summer, but I've dropped down to 150 lbs. Sure my cheekbones look way better but I've clearly lost some muscle mass so I look fucking tiny.

>> No.13609037

>/fit/ is healthy
lol, only a minority. The rest of us are bloatlords, roiders, body dysmorphic aesthetic fanatics with unrealistically high expectations who will end up as roiders, people who unironically believe GOMAD is a good idea, gymcels, the product of a single mother household or a household with not to much of a father figure, drug addicts, DYEL shitposters, all of this is just to name a few.

>> No.13609627

>Try to spread your fingers to really stim your gag reflex, use more than 2 fingers, try to arch your fingers so that they hit the top of your mouth
How long am I supposed to keep doing this? I was trying for half an hour or so, I gagged a few times but all that came out was a little bit of saliva.

>> No.13609706
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what is your exercise routine like?

>> No.13609723

Personally I just close my eyes and focus on it, takes about a minute of finger shoving before any major action

>> No.13609739

God fucking damn it

I wanna eat her ass while she's making pancakes

>> No.13609753

Also make sure you're not on your knees while doing it, make sure you're standing and bending over a bit, just enough that you don't introduce any major kinks or folds in your tubes. Foods like pizza and chocolate or anything that compounds into thick masses when wet are really hard to get up, a bit of soda and lots of water help a lot

>> No.13609758

Depends on how many calories you restrict.

>> No.13609760

Ate like shit yesterday, basically ate carbs all day. Ate 3 eggs, some turkey slices, and some cheese today. Drinking a huge pot of tea rn

>> No.13609792
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>being that thin just to have the face of your average fatty

>> No.13609837

Would it be bad to eat only greek yoghurt and omelettes for a week or two? I can make ~400 calories meals with those.

>> No.13609839

You’d probably get tired of it after a few days.

>> No.13609848

Maybe of the omelettes but I love greek yoghurt.

>> No.13609856

>Ate like shit yesterday, basically ate carbs all day.
Same. Ate 1500 calories worth of McDonald’s and chocolate, then somebody ordered a large Domino’s pizza last night at my job and I had two slices. So I went over 2000. :/

I stepped on the scale this morning and was only up 0.2 lbs which was surprising.

>> No.13609865

I was up three pounds. I should take a huge shit tomorrow and be back to what I was yesterday morning if I don't fuck up

>> No.13609871
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fucking goals

>> No.13609974

It’s creepy when big-boned women like that try to be thinspo. She should aim to be fit instead.

>> No.13610029

kak e kote

>> No.13610041

M / 22 / 5'11 / 145
High: 170 / Low: 120

Satisfied with my weight at the moment.

>> No.13610210

>tfw can't keep any food in the house outside of the freezer or else I will binge

>> No.13610429

reverse thinspo someone? Pls

>> No.13610439

Made an awesome breakfast this morning after a 36 hour fast. super filling, tasted great, and for only 800 calories.
Tomorrow I might try making some banana pancakes and see if I can get away with having a satisfying breakfast for 600.
I lost about 2 kilos since May and then gained 1 back, want to get down to 52.
stay hydrated

>> No.13610451

>current stats:
M / 19 / 5'8" / 168
>tdee and your deficit
I only know kj so 12000+ / 10000
>highest and lowest weight
High 180 / Low 150
>goal weight
>Preferred method of losing weight
Eating very little and cardio
>aesthetic you are going for
Thin I guess

>> No.13610458

Weight gain?

>> No.13610463

What the fuck dude

>> No.13610464

yeah and fatties doing mukbangs/just existing and acting all smug, fake confidence
love these

>> No.13610509

/fph/ on /fit/
On youtube:
Amberlynn reid
Nikocado avocado
Joey's world tour
Foodie beauty

>> No.13610580

chicken, rice, broccoli
once every two days
water at all hours

>> No.13610584

I too stuff everything easily snackable in the freezer. Most of the groceries I buy are for recipes that require at least 30 minutes of preparation.

>> No.13610586

Cooked shrimp dipped in tomato salsa.

>> No.13610599

>current stats:
2100 due to upbringing of high sugars
>goal weight
45kg, especially to get rid of the thick muscular legs
>preferred method of losing weight
fasting and cardio
>aesthetic you're going for
Unfortunately too old and masculine looking to be cute/feminine, going with androgyny.

I agree with >>13604001, age is a huge factor for females. Might as well give up for being close to Christmas cake age.

>> No.13610613

Instant soup with a lot of water

>> No.13610690 [DELETED] 
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anyone here does keto?
Does it work for you?

>> No.13610695
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Does anyone here do keto?
Does it work?

>> No.13610714

Has anyone experienced hair shedding from fast weight loss? How long did it take to get all of it back?

>> No.13610715

I don't do keto, but do typically eat a high fat diet. Fatty foods like eggs, non-lean meats, butter, etc are typically very fill compared to high carb foods and makes fasting much easier. I can eat like 3 slices of pizza and be hungry in an hour, or I can eat 3 eggs and be full for hours

>> No.13610722

whats with your front

>> No.13610728

whats wrong with it

>> No.13610760

So you are gonna chub, not show your face, and then not show your butt, or cock!!!

Though yes, I have been losing about a pound a day, or so. It works, but it I am eating under 10 - 15 carbs, or less.

>> No.13610795

chub? my dick was flaccid

>> No.13610799

growers > showers
also would suck, but you gotta have foreskin

>> No.13610808
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Now you are gonna brag about your dick! fuck you. Show me your cock, have some humility.

>> No.13610816

sorry blue board no can do

>> No.13610823


>> No.13610829

reminds me of breatherian bullshit with the last bit.. yikes

>> No.13610830

yep she’s probably a fruitarian

>> No.13610842


is that fruit only and fasting? Been looking into raw fruit diet. Currently eat like shit but want to start on this vegan shit once I get back to school in two weeks. I'll be living on my own again so my parents won't be able to do shit. So I eat whatever I want

>> No.13610856

that sounds more like fruitarian. breatharians are supposed to live on air alone, dude.

>> No.13610858

good luck on your vegan journey. at least a couple vegan /fa/-olk here and they seem p friendly.

>> No.13610860

Air? so they just fast all the time? they don't eat?

>> No.13610861


I've no idea! I don't know how it can be sustainable, fasting is only rly recommended for like 14 days max then you gotta think about body eating itself.

>> No.13610863

yeah, there either liars or they die in a few weeks

>> No.13610866

Thanks. I'll let you know how it all goes. I already cut out dairy few months ago and my skin has improved. I never tried vegan before, but I'll def do raw vegan, because substitute crap seems disgusting to me. Like veggie patties and shit. Plus I love fruit anyways, so fruit diet seems like I'll actually enjoy it. Just need to start and stick with it for at least a few weeks and see how I feel ect. Curious to see what will happen. Skin, body, and hair wise.

>> No.13610869

yeah I just looked it up and apparently they live on air by deep breathing meditation and absorbing sunlight and converting it to energy.

>> No.13610882

yuup. I'm not saying it's not possible that this can happen, but it wouldn't be easy to pull off. basically superhuman levels of ability.

>> No.13610884

yess, raw vegan is best vegan. it might be difficult to transition at first but your body will start to adapt and you'll feel way better. just maintain high fruit intake and don't fxck w too many nuts or seeds.

>> No.13610893

goodluck /fa/ggot

i give you a week tops before you quit

>> No.13610895

aiming for a high fruit diet immediately is optimistic, as the body takes time to adjust to a raw diet. just try using fruit as a snack w occasional monomeals, but don't push yourself to attain some arbitrary level of diet synergy, from experience it's a lot easier to progressively grow towards your desired level.

2yr fruitarian here.

>> No.13610898
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>definitely person on left that isn't disciplined enough to give up junk food
>tries to tear vegans down because they're fat pathetic lazy fucks

>> No.13610902

fruitbody best body

>> No.13610908
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goodluck anon. I'll be rooting for you. I'm actually starting a 50 day green juice cleanse tomorrow

>> No.13610917

What if my diet is 90% right with 10% of the left, meat is great protein and one glass of beer a day is relatively good for gains and I think vegans are fags honestly. The vegans I’ve known somehow slung their vegan ideology into every conversation. I have not met a self proclaimed vegan yet who didnt have a holier than though attitude.

>> No.13610921

nice hon, hope it goes good. you can do it! just remember you're doing it for your ideal body, and its longterm health.

>> No.13610922

meat sucks as a protein, the body is actually only barely capable of digesting it. seeds nuts and beans are far more bio-available in terms of nutrients, and don't leave nasty flesh chunks rotting in your digestive system.

>> No.13610929

when the fuck did thinspo become vegan central

I'm tired of you fags ruining every thread

>> No.13610932

damn, how long does that take to prepare?

>> No.13610934

But I eat cashews, almonds, and pecans throughout the day, I just enjoy a nice cheeseburger once in awhile and chicken/turkey breast is delicious and mostly nutritious with lettuce, tomato, and a cucumber spread.

>> No.13610936

not >>13610908 but juicers are pretty easy to use. juice production is quick and cleaning is okay w modern machines.

get into juicing for cleanse stuff, my body's p much adapted to fruitarianism so I'm not super into greens, but it can help babby vegans kick their dead food habits.

>> No.13610940

if you're eating for taste taht's one thing (but vegan meat subs are getting out of the uncanny valley, for chicken look at sunfed or like 90% accurate chicken fibre repro) but meat is only recommended dietarily in m o d e r a t i o n, which basically means it'll kill you if you make a habit of regular consumption, esp in large amounts.

fruit on the other hand (and vegetables but I don't fxck w those) can be eaten to excess, with only positive longterm affects on the body.

>> No.13610958

>meat sucks as a protein
are you LITERALLY retarded

>> No.13610962

um. no?

who has classified red and processed meats as class 2 and 1 carcinogens, respectively. this means processed meat is as likely to lead to cancer promotion as smoking or working with roundup.

even chicken and fish are improperly digested, leading to bad digestion and food fatigue.

>> No.13610985

>veganism is natu-

>> No.13610993

not him but proteins are long chains of amino acid residues which takes alot of time for your cells to transform into energy. It will keep providing energy for a long period of time in comparison with glucide from fruits that cells transform into energy very quickly. Unused energy will then be transformed into fat and stored.
Fat is situated inbetween glucide and protein as for length to transform into energy when consumed.
Also vegies are not perfect either, Broccoli, apples, onions, oranges, strawberries, lemons and mushrooms all contain acetaldehyde, a natural by-product of oxidation and a known human carcinogen.

>> No.13611000

duh, talk to me about complex and simple carbs. the point with fruit is the body is optimised evolutionarily to digest it. it breaks down fast and provides quick energy, benefitting the body.

as meat is not a long-term part of our biological diet (think over millenia) our bodies can barely cope with it, leading to undigested protein sludge chilling out in the intestine, causing toxification of the digestive biome and triggering hormonal changes in the body.

this is without mentioning the cancer risks from a poisonous gut floral system, which is a Very Real Thing™, just look at rates of colorectal cancer in standard american diet populations compared to say whole foods vegans (or raw vegans) and you'll find the rates are out of control.

>> No.13611005

quick energy doesn't benefit the body if you dont use it because it is turned into fat.
Also during our evolution we ate rotten meat as scavengers so it cant be worse than that. And who is against increases in estrogene/testosterone.

Also how can you compare 0.5% of the population to the other 95.5% and claim there's less cancer in one than the other

>> No.13611010

we certainly didn't eat it out of choice, only desperation. the optimum diet for a simian bodyform is that of a frugivore.

the world health organisation and many other health bodies have declared that a vegan diet is optimal for health, and discouraged the consumption of animal products as a corrolary

>> No.13611022

Yet, eating meat is what allowed us to increase our brain size.

Being vegan is good but the optimal diet would be eating insects since we cannot eat grass and monoculture isnt better than pissing where you drink

>> No.13611029

if eating meat leads directly to increased brain size, why a ren't carnivores the most intelligent species on the planet?

it's not as simple as you're making it out to be.

veganism is a moral baseline from which to improve your internal perspective.

insects are consumed intermittently in the wild by numerous ape species, but are simply an accessible protein source in a jungle, given the apebody we share with them is effectively useless at catching prey animals without tools.

in the developed world we're privileged enough to (on average) possess access to numerous plant-based (seeds nuts beans) protein sources, so insect consumption seems like nothing more than a strange paleoperversion.

>> No.13611041

god damn it another thread turned into a vegan debate... Sad!

>> No.13611045

yeah dang v*gans trying to help people reach their ideal bodies.

fxck them rite

>> No.13611050

took me less than an hour to do everything. i wasnt keeping track bit Id say like 45 mins

that was to wash all of the fruits/veggies, then juice it all, then clean the machine.

Like >>13610936 said, juicing is very fast. Id say faster than making a smoothie. But since I did juice a shit ton, it took a good 20 to 30 mins. But still quicker than the amount of time I'd spend making breakfast, lunch, or dinner, since this juice is all I'm consuming

>> No.13611056

so if i do this ill lose weight? currently a skinny fatty that honestly has no real desire to workout

>> No.13611061

; 3 if you buy organic you can save time on washing produce. minimal dirt is good for the internal biome.

>> No.13611062

when did this vegan meme even start. I swear it never used to be this bad. now it fucking plagues thinspo

>> No.13611068

maybe it's a super good diet for weight loss and body health?


also this many vegans and little hype on eco.

t. plant based dieters.

>> No.13611072

most of it is organic. i still like to wash it all before putting it in the juicer though. I even bought a filter for my water, even though it comes from a well on my property and not city water. Just to be safe

>> No.13611075

hmn, don't get too 'tistic about water purity esp if getting from a local acquifer. the microsediment contained in spring water is useful to the body, which is why it's discouraged people drink purified (distilled) fluids, as they're basically negative within the body (leaches nutrients)

>> No.13611086

this. going vegan honestly isn't even hard. Its funny/sad seeing all my friends try to eat healthy yet still gain weight while at college. Then theres me who's actually getting leaner and stronger now that I started hitting the gym. I got some friends hitting the gym too, but theyre still all covered in body fat/pudge. Meanwhile I'm lean af. also sad seeing friends that actually used to be goodlooking freshman year, guys and girls, but now look washed up/beat due to weight gain and poor diet. Me, I got better looking, and I was pretty good looking to begin with, not model tier, but I have improved my looks with overall leanness and nicer skin

>> No.13611094

Damn, didn't know that desu.... A girl I know, who's vegan has one, she highly recommended it to me, so I splurged. Actually invited her over to my house to test the water after I got it, then we smashed after. So it definitely isn't a total lost

>> No.13611100

o wo; bonus yogafag secksu.

just check what it strips out of the water, you might have a really good source in which case you could try flick the thing to someone that has a tap connection.

>> No.13611142
File: 634 KB, 2048x2048, 3F453AE9-58B3-4775-819B-C87A83541DB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys how are you c:
I am losing again because I am leaving bulimia behind me at last but I am at a clinic so I can't workout or eat what I want during the week
But it looks like I might be getting out soon enough
anybody want to follow me on instagram aaaahaha

>> No.13611145

whats your insta?

>> No.13611146

Eggs and avocado and some almond milk coffee, satiates for the whole day

>> No.13611149


>> No.13611228
File: 124 KB, 484x510, 1534346868807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no ass :(

>> No.13611286

I miss it too honestly :(

>> No.13611294
File: 48 KB, 500x542, 1534321496200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop cutting your stomach plz

>> No.13611302

anyone else get dreams of eating a bunch of food and then immediately regretting eating the food so you wake up and realise you're ok and then go back to sleep to have the exact same dream but with a different dish?

>> No.13611307

try a different diet

>> No.13611314

Yes holy fuck

>> No.13611691

>You honestly have about 20 pounds of waste in your colon alone
lo fucking l

do you really believe this

>> No.13611795

>get gf
>lose 65 lbs
>plan big trip with gf
>time passes
>she dumps me a few weeks before the trip
>still going by myself

it all comes tumbling down bois
if anyone wants to make a fatspo gen I'm in. i give up

>> No.13611893
