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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 773 KB, 500x2410, 1510008090579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13601269 No.13601269 [Reply] [Original]

visiting from /pol/. is this fashion guide good advice? I want to combat the wave of degeneracy destroying our civilization by dressing respectably

>> No.13601287

perfectly fine for your purposes. its funny that you believe you can combat degeneracy and push back against the collapse of society by just purchasing the right products though or maintaining a particular appearance though. hearty kek, thanks op

>> No.13601288
File: 1.89 MB, 2000x4233, 1472342022632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13601294
File: 836 KB, 286x204, 1534216949274.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus this is fucking sad. Just dress and act like a normal person you fucking virgin.

>> No.13601314

same poster from >>13601287 here again. felt like posting again because it occurred to me its also funny you are asking us for approval. dont you know our board and fashion is absolutely contaminated with queers, consumerists and degens? im on grindr every day. and here you are asking us for guidance as if we're an authoritative voice from the ether than can render proper judgment. you cant even look within yourself or to your home board for reassurance. speaks volumes to the essential sub nature of those who desire an authoritarian leader. lol, just lol. hmu on kik if you want to try being tied up

>> No.13601332

Dressing like this you'll look like a "capable adult" as the title proclaims. It means you'll be degenerate, but just in a difference sense. If you consider that image as a style guide that could benefit you, however, you probably dress so horribly that it will be a great improvement for you nonetheless.

>> No.13601344

How to be an uninteresting honkey with no personality 101

>> No.13601916

men don't wear engagement rings though

>> No.13601936

if you dress like this youll look like a boring faggot

>> No.13601951

did you really think this falseflag was the least bit believable or even funny?

>> No.13601986

something tells me the person who made this isn't married

>> No.13602068

This is from nu/pol, aka trump-supporting good ol boys just giving conservatism a new spin.
This is from old pol, aka edgy teenagers who think a decades old ideology will be their salvation while having absolutely nothing in common with the people who originally followed it.

>> No.13602102

>no wool anything
wth do these tards like being cold or something

>> No.13602108

>high school ring

Fucking burgers

>> No.13602111
File: 8 KB, 248x203, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's an infographic
>that means it must be correct
>someone wouldn't just make an infographic as a joke!

>> No.13602147

you lazy piece of shit

>> No.13602148

End yourself my man

>> No.13602199

just notice it has wranglers and rugby shirts, who else wore that consistently in 4chans history

>> No.13602220

just join the prep/trad/ivy thread, you will fit in with us

>> No.13602229


>> No.13602283

One of us One of us One of us One of us One of us One of us One of us One of us One of us One of us One of us One of us One of us One of us

>> No.13602290

Hearty kek

>> No.13602730

If you dress like this, you will easily fit in with those liberal kids, attending those liberal universities, learning all those liberal ideologies, that /pol/ triggers over on a non-stop basis. Make America Great Again! Dress Prep!

>> No.13602793

Christian ruined long sleeve rugby shirts.

>> No.13603035

>suits in not wear category
Absolutely disgusting

>> No.13603055

I don't even know what's geniune anymore

>> No.13603338


>> No.13603340
File: 338 KB, 916x647, 0_kFMqLKchWbYmU32O_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to combat the wave of degeneracy destroying our civilization by dressing respectably

>> No.13603698

I wear that more or less

>> No.13603892
File: 50 KB, 399x466, 7F692ED2-1AA9-4919-A8C6-66C20F4D2580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>striped LS rugby shirts
>being this autistic

>> No.13603919

whats wrong with wearing a high school ring? you should be proud if youve received higher education

>> No.13604007

High school isn't hard

>> No.13604090

its harder than middle school; and elementary school. American high schools have incredibly high standards

>> No.13604104

Come on you know that's a lie. Most high school exit exams if they even have them only require and eighth grade education. I wouldn't call that a high quality education especially dealing with some of the retards who don't get basic math on a daily basis.

>> No.13604152

No one is asking you, fa isn't a hivemind gayboy.

>> No.13604165

American middle schoolers are more well-developed than their peers from other nations. its simply a fact that U.S. schools are the finest in the globe

>> No.13604658
File: 848 KB, 1500x1000, Platner_NSM02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazis definitely know fashion. See those uniforms? Hugo Boss designed those

>> No.13605196

Holy shit lol what is that beast on the left?

>> No.13605420

You'll be about to troll so many snowflake libtards in these outfits. Trump youth! Sieg heil

>> No.13605458

I mean, the guide is fine, but it's boring af. There is a difference between dressing respectable and dressing like a dull suburban yuppie.

>> No.13605506

>High school
>Higher education
People who are proud to have finished high school are the people who aren't smart enough for college

>> No.13605517

w2c that white longsleeve?

>> No.13605520

I might be taking b8 right now, but no he didn't. The uniforms in question were designed by SS-Oberführer Prof. Karl Diebitsch and Walter Heck. Boss merely produced them in his factories

>> No.13606530
File: 138 KB, 980x653, a962b7c97777a3c4bec38a4c50786d4a0756324a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can see Mr. Hugo Boss' personal touch on each of these haute couture uniforms. Nazis should be proud of the fact that all of their uniforms were 100% designed by the legendary fashion icon Hugo Boss

>> No.13606628

Definitely not the best guide. Also you combat the wave of degeneracy by creating your fucking political organizations, or killing degenerates and minorities, not by wearing Clark's Desert Boot or ugly polo.
Don't you fucking dare to wear polo, i'll fucking kill you. You need to COMBAT degeneracy, not SUPPORT it. Polo is degeneracy.

>> No.13606631

who are you trying to impress with this shitty bait?

>> No.13606642
File: 136 KB, 546x700, 1527170903881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13606655

>he actually has this image saved on his pc

>> No.13606656

Go back to pol and talk about how jews are making your pizza more soggy or whatever

Just don't wear clothes that don't fucking fit. Make sure your jeans won't sag without a belt, get shirts slimmed down so there isn't a ton of fabric around the waist, stop wearing t-shirts with literally anything on them.

Nike, Levis, """"Bonobos"""" are s o y companies

>> No.13606751
File: 100 KB, 1032x774, 1505573075279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't respect the National Socialist Movement, the vanguard of the White race in America
see you on the dotr

>> No.13606771

>a high school ring
what? is this some american thing?

>> No.13606996

Most Americans wear high school rings, yes

>> No.13607771
File: 143 KB, 1024x745, deruntergang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice bait but everyone knows Nazi fashion is shit tier compared to deutsches kaiserreich

>> No.13607773
File: 2.00 MB, 1200x1600, 8b175ed49fb115b8650482f9178fa9ff5634f5a038493216e2246c498134bc5b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks good OP. What do you think of my battlestation? Is it effay?

>> No.13607803


TLDR: wear what suits your face and body. if your skinny fat with a chubby face. wearing a suit is going to make you look ridiculous

>> No.13607816

Not true, only the jocks and rich kids do this.

>> No.13608851

They are all so fat, not effay at all

>> No.13608897

>made in usa
Ok buddy, this list is dead wrong. Nearly every brand mentioned is not USA made. Even if you dress ONLY to this list, you'll at best look like an average prep.

>> No.13609261

freedom isn't free

>> No.13609270

>The Chad Wilhem
>The Virgin H*tler

>> No.13609316

Ahahahahahahahahahaha FUCKING RETARD

>> No.13609330

>Paul von Hindenburg
Back to /his/ with you.

>> No.13609364

The Chad von Hindenburg
The Virgin LZ-129 Hindenburg

>> No.13609366

Brainlet confirmed

>> No.13609381

hahahahahahahahahahahaha this can't not be bait

>> No.13609417



>> No.13609422

>those creases
whats up, Mr. FBI

>> No.13609426

The creases are because he got it from aliexpress, dum dum. Did you expect this guy to have the blutfahne in his mom's basement?

>> No.13609463


>> No.13609583


"fewer than twenty people"

>> No.13609703
File: 664 KB, 2048x2048, 1532627229952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that 21-year-old boomer who dresses like a grandpa because of /pol/ memes

>> No.13609830

It’s such a weird guide, because it’s trying to be preppy, which is a very athletic and youthful look, but it lacks a lot of what makes preppy youthful so it just goes full dad/autism core

>> No.13610624

Dressing up in dad's clothes

>> No.13610656

>rugby shirt
>high school ring

This shit has to be satire. It goes from Chris-chan, to preppy high schooler, to dadcore.

>> No.13610827
File: 37 KB, 600x600, 1534042021890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you subscribe to National Socialism, I seriously hope you don't dress like that. The image of polo and khaki was ruined by Richard Spencer's entourage, so you can throw that away. Dressing up like Chris-Chan, really?

National Socialism has underlying tones of homo eroticism, prioritizing the ideal male figure of someone who is fit and able bodied. So why don't you encourage fitness on your board, work out and I guarantee no matter what you wear, whether a white t-shirt or polo, you'll appear proper. When your ideological followers consist of generally unattractive, out of shape freaks who would've been the first to go in the eugenics program, it becomes ironic.

I'm assuming that image was created for Americans. National Socialism cannot gain a foot hold in this country or any Anglo country for that matter, let alone those who were occupied by the Reich. It's an ideology centered around Germanics, obsessing over their past outside of Roman borders. I've read Mein Kampf, Hitler slanders and degrades all other European peoples aside from Germanics and Nords. You're a fucking mockery, Italian Fascism has more of a basis in reality given their stance on race and nationhood than Germanic-Pagan larping.

>> No.13610877
File: 19 KB, 222x293, 185449654536556468965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13610896

Even the most ghetto niggers in the country are able to graduate anon.

>> No.13611203

When the race war comes I'm gonna steal that wallscroll and cum on Reimu's feet
Watch out

>> No.13612371

Don't you dare