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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 215 KB, 750x915, F001D303-58ED-489D-BCED-132D8D757390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13513961 No.13513961 [Reply] [Original]

Art hoe thread

>> No.13514198

sage thread

>> No.13514210


>> No.13514216
File: 289 KB, 1200x900, DZ0tnFwVwAED33U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're going to post an art hoe, at least post an attractive one.

>> No.13514221
File: 358 KB, 720x1280, 753C369D-A784-41A6-A760-C8CD6F37E5CA.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13514231

I'm gonna throw up.

>> No.13514233

>shitty leg tattoos

>> No.13514276

That’s definitely a dude my nigga.

>> No.13514473

Yo this girl is like 15

>> No.13514480

how about no
there's like 5,000,000 of them and they're all the same
just like art hoes

>> No.13514978

no doubt

>> No.13515140

Are you kidding me? Disgusting

>> No.13515202

no one even knows what an art hoe is at this point

>> No.13515554
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>> No.13515556
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>> No.13515558
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>> No.13515562
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>> No.13515565
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>> No.13516409

looking at this picture gave me daddy issues

>> No.13516864


>> No.13516880

Any girl who watches trash like American Dad can't really qualify as having an opinion on the arts

>> No.13516886

>tfw want to bang arthoes but dont want to invest in a relationship

>> No.13516895

don't worry they don't either

>> No.13516904

>tfw want to bang an art hoe but buddy has one and they're fucking annoying as shit

>> No.13516944

how do you meet/bang them then?

>inb4 tinder which clearly doesnt work for casual sex for any guy who isnt an 8/10

>> No.13516951

Not him but house parties, festivals, college campuses(specifically colleges with liberal leanings).

>> No.13517525

>cosplaying family guy

>> No.13517809
File: 209 KB, 232x377, 1531570959346.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a thread earlier today about a girl that was going on a date or something and people were calling her an art hoe

She had long legs and shorts, can someone help me find the thread?

>> No.13518176


>> No.13518210

I really want to hate fuck these kind of girls

>> No.13518228

these girls are the definition of daddy issues.

>> No.13518231

am I supposed to care about that

>> No.13518931

Don't be a hypocrite

>> No.13519141
File: 117 KB, 750x938, 318BB58C-BF11-45A5-965E-0404059D9994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disgusting thread

>> No.13519225

Elon Musk is a lucky man

>> No.13519287

she drew the necklace lmao

>> No.13519296

I can't tell if you're joking.

>> No.13519300

also, she's cuter than grimes fo sho

>> No.13519866
File: 234 KB, 768x1024, Art Hoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13520015

I want to spit on her face and fuck it. How the fuck can she look so smug in all her pictures?

>> No.13520017

That's a man you pathetic blind faggot

>> No.13520037

r any of these actual art hoes??

>> No.13520158
File: 1.40 MB, 1840x3264, IMG_20180714_135513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13520193

post more

>> No.13520207

she's not an art hoe,
watch your mouth

>> No.13520226

I bet you guys would love this song.

>> No.13520455 [DELETED] 


take ur clothes off

>> No.13520511
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, 636084817639894392-1665660331_spongebob.tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw want a girl that looks the part but not have the personality and issues of one for a serious relationship
Is this possible lads?

>> No.13520521

you have no idea what art hoes are supposed to be

>> No.13520623

all i get is art hoes on tinder. i dont even kiss them on the first date. which lowers their confidence so when i ask them out on a 2nd date they are begging to get fucked

>> No.13520700

what's the point of purified water if you smoke

>> No.13521143


>> No.13521160

all girls are mentally unstable

>> No.13521165
File: 99 KB, 639x960, 1516993003381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, 24
>date art hoes since high school, every gf / mostly every girl I've slept with has been an art hoe
>end up thinking all girls are shitty and annoying
>meet this qt normie, not instantly attracted to her cause she's not an art hoe
>hang more and fall in love with her
>tfw she's everything I need/want

get yourselves a hot normie, kings. art hoes are out

>> No.13521171

how do i get a normie? they all think im gay when i start talking about my fav designers

>> No.13521175

I've slept with more than a few girls who thought I was gay when we first met. You just have to not actually act gay once you start talking to her.
Even normie girls appreciate effort put into a decent fit, as long as it's not too avant-garde or some weird fringe subculture. One thing women spend a lot of time deciding what to wear is their shoes, so that's my go-to compliment right off the bat

>> No.13521186

>wearing coated denim jeans
>"omg are those leather pants?? are you gay??"


>> No.13521313

more pics of her? she's the kind of girl i'd love to choke and pound her against a wall

>> No.13521321

>"hey everyone, I fuck. HARD."

keep dreaming pwussyboi

>> No.13521326

never said I'd actually done that, just that I'd love to. so you're right. I am dreaming

>> No.13521341

sorry for shitposting then, fren
you gotta try it at least once. especially when it's a trashy art hoe that you actually kind of hate

>> No.13521803
File: 533 KB, 512x512, shake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13521819

yes because they'll likely end up either intentionally or inadvertently fucking up your life.
these threads should be b&, its just promoting their bullshit. sage

>> No.13521823
File: 28 KB, 520x397, Beatings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think of the scummiest men you can. This is the female version.

>> No.13521849

matched with this art hoe on tinder. should i take her to a punk/goth show or just coffee instead?

>> No.13521867

well, it is an art ho after all

>> No.13521872

when they ask you if youre gay just say no you dumb faggot

>> No.13521903

the show probably

>> No.13521921

whenever i bring dates to parties or shows guys hit on my date while im in the bathroom or getting drinks but coffees also a lame date

>> No.13521929

why not just fuck on the first date and ghost. it's tinder

>> No.13521932

i dont do that anymore. the girl got mad at me and hinted i was manipulated and abused her. so i only fuck on the 2nd date
its a show at somebodys house and i already know most of the guys

>> No.13521941

On one of her Instagram stories she was like "I don't know how I have so many followers."

I don't know, maybe because you're attractive and post pictures in bikinis and low cut shirts?

>> No.13521960

link to her insta?

>> No.13521973



>> No.13522077

Are you blind or just retarded?

>> No.13522107

what do you mean

>> No.13522142

shes not even an art hoe anymore. literally a normie

>> No.13522152

I mean she's ugly as fuuuck

>> No.13522449

Anon, >>13515554
is daddy issues. >>13515562
is just a hot chick finding an aesthetic trend she thinks will make her life better.

>> No.13523112

no she isn't

>> No.13523291


>> No.13523567

None of these girls are what /fa/ tells you they’re usually neurotypical normies who wore aeropostale in highschool they just dye their hair now

>> No.13523582

>having a literal swastika on your forehead
Inglorious bastard

>> No.13523586

You gotta be social and non-autismo before those are viable options

Doubt anon is

>> No.13524298


>> No.13524309

If this is Nick go fuck yourself

>> No.13524313

this fucking board is absolutely awful

>> No.13524331

Oh shit wtf how do you know my name?

>> No.13524334


>> No.13524654

dyed cropped hair, mom jeans XDD

>> No.13524724

did u know that van gogh ate yellow pain t? hahahah lul xd he's such an inspeeration!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.13525284

I'm in love

>> No.13525981

>get rated 8/10 on /soc/
>can't even get art hoes
what am I doing wrong

>> No.13526076

You just gotta get out there bro. I see qt arthoes with beta boyfriends who are way below their league all the time.

>> No.13526121
File: 658 KB, 1048x1325, 20180718_045343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does she post here?

>> No.13526297

You guys can be over 21 this style is repulsive.

>> No.13526551
File: 75 KB, 1080x1350, @devonleecarlson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all yall niggas are dumb as shit. and are tasteless niggers.

>> No.13526732
File: 66 KB, 750x1334, Image-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i mend this conversation and fuck an art hoe, please ignore my sped response

>> No.13526739

what makes you think she would

>> No.13526741

you cant. you posted way too many syllables in your first message. your desperation is palpable

>> No.13526759

fuck man

>> No.13526856

well baited, anon

>> No.13527527

art hoes dont wear rick

>> No.13527946

post male art hoes for inspo

>> No.13528001

what the bait. her name is Audrey Wollen. Look her up lol.

>> No.13528053

i want to fuck this girl in the ass

>> No.13528064

art hoes dont use bumble

>> No.13528184

>you posted way too many syllables in your first message
I thought that this concept was some bullshit I had come up with in my head.
fuck texting it's too complex

>> No.13528465
File: 759 KB, 1035x1286, 20180719_012549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are fashion design majors considered art hoes?

>> No.13528488
File: 1.83 MB, 275x154, ew.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13528523

>you posted way too many syllables
Wha kind of fucking bullshit it that?

>> No.13528631

holy shit just say 'you too' nigga?????

>> No.13528650

90% of fashion design students are art hoes

>> No.13528768
File: 216 KB, 900x1200, CZDSTY8WkAgSkxT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13528770
File: 246 KB, 1080x1080, DUfWei6VAAAoPFx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13528976

/fa/ggots don't deny they like ugly ass hoes, so at least they're consistent I guess

>> No.13529125

>Fall in love with art hoe
>She's a basic thot
>No fun allowed
>Hates my friends
>Stop pursuing her
>Go to Uni
>Fall in love with normie
>2 year relationship still going strong
>Everything I wanted and more

Basic hoe got with my roommate and it was one . of the most self destructive and retarded adventures i've ever seen. She fucked our female RA to spite him, then got back with him twice.

Art hoes, not even once.
She had a great ass though.

>> No.13529139

Can you guys stop
Its getting gross

>> No.13529214


>> No.13529235

You start

>> No.13529242

i follow this cunt on twitter, she posts nudes

>> No.13529262

>of the most self destructive and retarded adventures i've ever seen.
i want this so bad. every art hoe i date breaks up with me after 2 weeks.
what did your friend do differently to keep them around.

>> No.13530106


>> No.13530156
File: 135 KB, 1080x1080, 31255976_335228943669205_1473666539830902784_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's an average Insta thot. Not very attractive.

>> No.13530182

Art hoe = ugly but thicc girl with too much makeup a bad haircut and fuckawful tattoos

>> No.13530186

Yiff in hell

>> No.13530200

what does that answer even mean?

>> No.13530255

You gay man

>> No.13530262
File: 126 KB, 640x640, 36507950_197862424212601_4378624054811164672_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's gonna be such a milf.

>> No.13530264
File: 21 KB, 320x320, 22280021_139121966708765_24420063058591744_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone posted a pic once before she went full arthoe and didn't do over-the-top makeup. She's pretty average. She has followers because of ass and tits.

>> No.13530266

whats her insta

>> No.13530291
File: 817 KB, 593x749, 562367179723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13530292

just help me fix this ffs

>> No.13530351

what were you trying to do tho? was that a joke or some sort of people have fake hair in 2018 commentary?

>> No.13530357

i was hungover and sent it at 6am man fuck

>> No.13530379

lmao how can you be this stressed over a single message

oh wait i forgot you're using bumble hahahahaha no hope

>> No.13530432

because he's a retard that thinks getting a message equals a success on a dating site.

>> No.13530453

You're fine dude. Literally nothing wrong with that response besides that it was a little eccentric/weird.

Own that shit and you'll have bitches falling at your feet. Confidence matters more than any individual thing you say, ever.

>> No.13530464

dude no...saying a random confusing sentence isn't attractive, it's just weird.

>> No.13530632

Well, first of all, through God, all things are possible, so jot that down.

>> No.13530700

so coffee > invite to show while having coffee > go to show > fug

>> No.13530796

>not an arthoe
>best pic in the thread

Makes you think.

>> No.13530890


not posting in the thread at all and saging are practically the same thing. this isn't reddit where you can downvote threads.

>> No.13530922

>he doesn't know what sage in all fields does

>> No.13530925

It erases 4chan, right?

>> No.13530936


it does nothing newfag

>> No.13530946


>> No.13531009

yeah they have sex with you for art

>> No.13531011

don't tell /ic/

>> No.13531240

you guys really are autistic. she's trying to be clever and witty. she's interested. if she wasnt she'd ignore you or give a one word reply.
>t. girl

>> No.13531507

how do i recover

>> No.13531521

Lmao, I married an art hoe and have three children by her.

>> No.13531533
File: 17 KB, 540x304, really bruh cmon].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire thread fucking smells.

>> No.13531551

smelss like ligma

>> No.13531569

its not bullshit. a more extreme version would be if she sent a message like "hey whats up" and the reply was like two paragraphs long about himself. its not that bad but his mistake is along the same principle

>> No.13531572
File: 47 KB, 320x240, idontunderstand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does anyone find this unnatural heavy make up look attractive? Are these people trying to look as obnoxious as possible? Are they all being ironic? Is everyone here being ironic? Is everyone actually aware of how awful it looks and having a laugh?

>> No.13531753

Your major has no bearing on art-hoe status, although they are correlated. There are plenty of (female) art majors who aren't art hoes (probably often the one's who are more into traditional art), and plenty of art hoes that major in non-art subjects or even don't go to college at all.

>> No.13531951
File: 183 KB, 717x880, vcpPZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying women have thoughts, subjective experience,and an internal mental life

>> No.13531976

I'm a 20 year old virgin I'd fuck any girl

>> No.13532261

Post link pls

>> No.13533067


>ywn experience this true love

>> No.13533075

Art hoe, by its definition, has to be slim. Fat/thicc art hoes don't exist. This is scientifically proven fact.

>> No.13533168

its a popular look mate
there're def some normie ladies that have picked up on the trend

>> No.13533171

the first one is quite the rush
hope little virgy anon gets a smooch

>> No.13533174

stop with these shit threads, you underage faggots

>> No.13533177

This, I also don’t get it.

>> No.13533178

at least she's different
a lot more than can be said for the remainder of this thread

>> No.13533201


>> No.13533223


>> No.13533245

that's retarded, it's a tumblr thing so everyone is fat and bi/trans

>> No.13533250

Why do you fucking seppos come up with this shit?
Tell us more.
Ty for the advice

>> No.13533261


>> No.13533268

It's unironic. They're just stacies in disguise trying to imitate Kim and Kylie's (moreso Kylie I think) but they lack the skills and facial aesthetics to pull it off descently.

>> No.13533294

should have just said, "thanks, I grew it myself"

>> No.13533301

how is she trying to be clever and witty by saying "nice hair"? you have a really low standard for women

>> No.13533950


>> No.13533955

yeah no shit dude now how do i make it right

>> No.13534042

lmao it's way too late, she must be your only match if you're still hung up about it

>> No.13534415

they always seem to have big beefy pussy lips

>> No.13534456


>> No.13534553
File: 27 KB, 500x339, 8ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine working your ass off for 20 years to put a roof over your family and dinner on the table then walking in to your daughter's room and she looks like that, decorated your property like that, dresses like that, listens to shitty music, spews her opinion on shitty music on the internet to strangers like that.

>> No.13534584
File: 385 KB, 476x442, cebub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying girls have personalities, and their desperate veneer of whatever it takes to look "cute" somehow correlates to it.

>> No.13534588


>> No.13534934

huge milkers tho

>> No.13534960

Seeing how you'll never breed, that's something you'll never have to worry about.

>> No.13534965
File: 154 KB, 760x950, 1456378459281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lads if youre in the UK, get your birds to primark. they're really pushing the art hoe aesthetic right now and there was so many art hoes in the liverpool store today. diamond dick

>> No.13535014

I don't have a bird

>> No.13535019


>> No.13535021

is your last name start with b?

>> No.13535045

Does anyone know the tumblr of that one art hoe from that deleted thread which had thick thighs and bangs, and was wearing a blue bathing suit? An anonymous from that thread said she looked like rei ayanami

>> No.13535181

tampered with eyebrows=art hoe

that's the lore, kid

>> No.13535345


>> No.13535352

that deadass looks like slutty Lauren Mayberry

>> No.13535379

>tfw camgirl gf is buying me v-bucks

>> No.13535979

get one then take her to primark

>> No.13535996

What the fuck does that first part even mean? Why would your brain even jump to the idea of that being something anybody would even consider saying?

>> No.13536117

Digging the shirt. Where'd you get it?

>> No.13536526


>> No.13536592

Go to Primark and meet one lad

>> No.13537317

Is she bajoran????????

>> No.13537450
File: 104 KB, 872x685, 1531289185100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13537541
File: 217 KB, 1242x1543, 85ba1f373709c79c9717bb75c62d8a61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13538212


>> No.13538353
File: 1.21 MB, 1840x3264, IMG_20180723_003739_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from tonight. Not v art hoe, but here is a pic.

>> No.13538364

you look like you'd vote for bernie and push a guy into an open relationship

>> No.13538418

take that back in the name of bad brains and dg

>> No.13538459

I know, everyone says I look like a vegan too.

>> No.13538473

wanna make out

>> No.13538482

that's a goth hoe

>> No.13538521

so cute. can I see your face though

>> No.13538530

jokes on you I am and it's horrifying

>> No.13538542

if you want me to eat your pussy for a while lemme know. thanks

>> No.13538548

Same girl? If yes name?

>> No.13538884

But this is a fashion board not /soc/

>> No.13538971

ligma nuts

>> No.13538999

Gonna need more details about the thread if you expect me to find it
Do you remember the OP, any other noteworthy posts?

>> No.13539185
File: 2.04 MB, 1628x1200, Screen Shot 2018-07-23 at 9.08.35 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this art hoe or just hoe

>> No.13539236

Just hoe

>> No.13539313

More like smegma

>> No.13539319

soulless dead eyed whore
what a walking pile of waste
yet they'll have a happier life than me

>> No.13539365

oh my bad, i read it wrong and for some reason thought anon was the one who said nice hair

>> No.13539372

why do all girls of /fa/ stand like that

>> No.13539415

yeah but you're cute

>> No.13539422
File: 62 KB, 740x740, 29540965_1938578949507853_892062563269290050_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13540044
File: 137 KB, 997x441, tumblr_mguilubm2o1rgiv1fo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pigeon toes are make you look cute tee hee and legs fair apart and hips pushed back makes your legs look thinner/thigh gap and waist more defined. pic related: nearly any female within normal weight can fake a thigh gap using this method

>> No.13540085


nothing to mend so far
solid funny response
wait for her to answer, don't be needy

>> No.13540623

women have been plucking their eyebrow hair for centuries...probably even longer

>> No.13540640

imagine throwing a bucket of water on her and watching her go full wicked witch of the west

>> No.13540693

Link doesn't work...

>> No.13540902

my bad it's sodarncutebrand.com

>> No.13541115

Thanks :)

>> No.13542153

Imagine writing this.