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File: 273 KB, 1653x1086, 1530415984356[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13480980 No.13480980 [Reply] [Original]

Nu-male beards are unmasculine because they hide the jaw line, much like fat does.

Masculine males have no beards, or thin trimmed beards.

>> No.13480986

t. beardlet

>> No.13480999

You dont see the irony in your pic to your post?
Kratos is the embodiment of masculinity
Yet has a beard, and a strong jaw.

>> No.13481014
File: 381 KB, 1033x563, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yet has a beard, and a strong jaw.

He looks like a nu-male pansy. This is entirely by design: to make him look more "fatherly", less grim, and to appeal to men who wear these beards.

>> No.13481017

>and a strong jaw.

How would you know that behind his shitty beard?

>> No.13481018

you can't grow a beard, i suppose

>> No.13481025

>tfw can't grow a full beard but also have to shave every day anyway

at least I'm not balding

>> No.13481033
File: 4 KB, 205x246, 1513951739562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Man's Onions

I'm still butthurt about that one. Fuck you Sean.

>> No.13481044
File: 66 KB, 1920x1080, 286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would somebody buy a game developed by a ONIONS boy

>> No.13481053

Because I am retarded. Please shame me more. I deserve it.

>> No.13481071

>Thick, manly beards have been a hallmark of rugged masculinity for thousands of years, varying by culture and time period
>A subculture a few years old makes all beards "numale"
Zeus was a numale? Kys yourself

>> No.13481073

are you some kind of homo?

>> No.13481105

It's the baby milk skin that ruins it you faggots

>> No.13481107

Why are you guys obsessed with this? Soiboys didn't choose to have maxillofacial deformity, that was thrust upon them.
How about you make a thread every day telling that bird with one leg that posts sometimes that she's not allowed to have a peg leg?

>> No.13481161

GOD. Wil Weaton's beard is so awful. If he would just shave the gross beard and lose a little weight he'd look so much better.

>> No.13481224

You realize men had beards before the creation of "numale" even existed right?

Just cause a guy has a beard doesnt automatically make them "numale" kek

Numale is a basedboyu that wears a beard typically patchy and thin to try and cover themselves or are just too lazy or cheap to shave

A normal or high test male typically have some sort of facial hair and can grow it thick and full if they want to, and yes typically fathers have some sort of beard esp during the era equivalent of Kratos's where beards are a sign of virility and masculinity

Basedboys cant do this or do it well and try to be super submissive so it looks and feels weird, like the memes we all know and love today

But to say masculine men DONT have beards is quite strange considering men throughout the entirety of history have had beards up until around the industrial revolution and when modernist technology started being mass produced

>Tdlr: theres a reason your great grandpappy that fought in WW2 had a beard and your grand pappy before that, and before that..

>> No.13481242

>can grow it thick and full if they want to
They point being a high test male doesn't want to, and wanting a beard in today's cultural climate is a sign of being low test.

>> No.13481246

All games are developed by onions.

>> No.13481260

You obviously dont live in the midwest kek
You realize the whole world isn't just LA and NY you realize this right?

This is the same kind of thinking that lead to the wonky ass election, is cause ppl think everyone thinks like LA...but they dont.

Also high test men generally do have beards or light beards or thicc stubble and are rarely clean shaven unless they're professional or a little metro

>> No.13481306

>using metro unironically
Jesus, just stay off the internet in Kansas or whatever hole you climbed out of. Most of the world is living in the present moment, not four decades ago.

>> No.13481311
File: 53 KB, 485x324, trump-political-transgender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repeating myself again it's THE SKIN that makes you look like a FAGGOT

>> No.13481360

>high levels of testosterone promote facial and body hair growth
>having a beard is somehow unmasculine
can you explain this?

>> No.13481392


>> No.13481415

Being masculine is, in part, cultural, i.e. true men know that a beard doesn't make you a man and sometimes it's more manly to shave.

>> No.13481427

>Kratos has similar facial hair texture to me
I am greek

>> No.13481433

Because we have seen him with and without a beard.

>> No.13481448

I think you are right. I think this is also where this notion of "premature baldness" comes from as well.
Men are balding as much and as early as they ever were. But instead of stern-faced dads with sun-damaged skin this time they are effeminate, pale and smooth.

>> No.13481464

No, there is definitely an epidemic of premature balding, this is primarily due to increased stress and malnutrition.

>> No.13481469

I disagree, but I'll tell you why so you know my bias. The first signs of my baldness started in my late teens. I'm 31 now.
I've got about as much hair now as my dad had at my age. Maybe Jude Law circa 2000 or something like that?
His dad was bald. His dad's dad was bald. His dad's dad's dad was probably bald.

>> No.13481470

Yes but you see guys with like NW3 in their early 20s, that's premature.

>> No.13481474

In my experience the front sides came out almost all at once sometime around age 20-21.

>> No.13481477

Imagine being this fragile

>> No.13481483

That's normal and should be expected, it might not even be indicative of balding. Norwood 3 is far more severe.

>> No.13481487

Sounds like someone can't grow a beard. Stop gatekeeping dumb shit like this. Stop caring so much about what other people do with their bodies.

>> No.13481499

In all seriousness what am I suppose to do when my chin and jawline are just tier but my beard when grown out is pubey and patchy? Do I just have to own having a baby face?

>> No.13481505

>Men are balding as much and as early as they ever were.
>tfw shitloads of people I know are balding. And among them there are people that are balding while their parents/grandparents have heads full of hair

>> No.13481524

he looks so much cooler with the beard

>> No.13481555
File: 359 KB, 720x720, sketch-1530442835424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe it's the whole cause and effect phenomenon that happened with fedoras, cigars and whiskey. Men doubtfoul of their masculinity dabbled in things traditionally perceived as masculine completely missing the point that these things don't make one masculine by default. Then everyone caught on and acts such as these are thought of as lame attempts at being masculine when performed by traditionally unmasculine looking individuals.
Such is the case with beards. The case is even stronger considering a beard can also hide a weak jawline, something considered unmasculine. But when one does not need a beard apart from aesthetic reasons (practical reasons would be to keep warm during the winter, something not needed when one works in offices that have central heating) and said aesthetics happen to be shit (eg patchy beard) then that's where most find it funny and lame. I have a full beard at 19 yet shave daily. It just boils down to rocking whatever you have been given. Posting jaw ib4 you /fa/gs start talking shit.
>tfw greek and completely straight hair

>> No.13481581

I think it’s lack of muscle desu. All onions boys have soft bodies

>> No.13481588

As long as you look capable of murder, who cares? OP's pic is hard as fuck.

>> No.13481624
File: 7 KB, 300x168, 1512001652731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I am actually not greek at all but 100% nordic
Want to swap textures?

>> No.13481660

only intelligent poster ITT

>> No.13481686

decent point, beards don't look right on unmasculine men.

Stubble is better than either imo

>> No.13481694

As a long bearded guy with no chin I can say at a certain length the beard actually seems to stop hiding your lack of chin. Somewhere between stubble and short beard is ideal.

>> No.13481696

>true men
good to know that this is defined by you, and of all barometers, whether he chooses to grow a beard or not

>> No.13481752 [DELETED] 
File: 167 KB, 308x394, FAvn7hC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure i'm going bald, pic related is shortest my hair has ever been. Will i make it lads?

I can't grow a beard.

>> No.13481760

If people fuck with you just use your psy powers on them, Eleven.

>> No.13481949


>> No.13482044
File: 15 KB, 644x800, 523723213412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nu male beard only is nu male if the following variables are present:
-no brow ridge
-no zygomatic bones
-onions chin and ramus
added bonus shit points for glasses and patchy beard...

If you put the same nu-male beard on someone with a masculine face it probably will make them look shittier but it won't make them look onions.

>> No.13482055


Jesus why do you respond to bait

>> No.13482063
File: 181 KB, 776x836, ijL5Seg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a thin patchy beard and growing one is onions

On the other hand, a thick beard makes even the weakest of chins look good

Also more than a half of this board is too young to grow anything more than a few hairs on their face, so no wonder beards are so hated here

This is an example of a bad beard

>> No.13482068
File: 24 KB, 605x471, CcF7s7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dad of a chad

>> No.13482463

Trips of truth

>> No.13482469

>Falling for the No Man's Onions meme
Literally Peddit

>> No.13482561
File: 65 KB, 1000x667, shutterstock_449990041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first photo when you look up "man with beard"

>> No.13482597

looks pretty thick, though I assume it's bad due to the thin stache and no lower lip hair?

>> No.13482626

beards tend to make you looks like a gay bear in the millenium

>> No.13482636

dumb truth poster

>> No.13482840

this meme is so retarded...
if you are and look masculine, you will look masculine with or without a beard

if you are a basedboy, you will look onions with or without a beard

>> No.13482851
File: 379 KB, 824x1085, kratostache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have gone with this instead

>> No.13482857

Was just about to post that strong stache + stubble that still shows off jawline is the way to go, especially in summer heat

>> No.13482883

XD so quirky

>> No.13483288

>This is an example of a bad beard
hardly fair since you took the picture of an hideous ugly and fat guy to illustrate a bad beard.

>> No.13483307

Left unironically looks better

>> No.13483320
File: 1.93 MB, 235x240, 1525387915260.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13483639

>not sporting a stubble
You guys just never learn. Go browse lookism for five seconds, will you?

>> No.13483640

>big beard makes splanchocranium look bigger
How is this a bad thing now?

>> No.13483643

Wow nigger

>> No.13483654
File: 578 KB, 688x715, 1minute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

understandable have a nice day
(fucking retard)

numales created beards and nobeard, guess we should remove our jaws

>> No.13484235

his terrible looks wouldn't be an issue if he wasn't such an irredeemable fuck

>> No.13485385

itt: beardlets

>> No.13485584

Terrible post.

>> No.13485605
File: 193 KB, 1066x600, pol brainlets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13485649

Good job, it even hides his incel midface

>> No.13486976
File: 100 KB, 500x375, Georgians-orthodox-christians-from-the-Ruisi-Urbnisi-bishoprics-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13486981
File: 104 KB, 560x830, hijackers110905_560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is where not having a beard gets you

>> No.13487388

I have a beard because my jaw line is shit.
If I had a better jaw line I would just shave it all off.

>> No.13488763


>> No.13488802

based sympathetic anon

>> No.13488810

Why is this website so fucking stupid hahahaha how can a guy with a good jawline not look good with a beard? You think jawlets grow the nice beards? The ones with full projection? hahahahaha what a stupid board this is. No, beards look attractive on anyone, even Henry fucking Cavill and Jamie Dornan look 10x as erotic with one.

>> No.13488816

There's nothing sexy about kissing a guy with bare lips, genius. Mustaches are hot, and beards are nice to rub. It's the secondary sex characteristic loudest in men, equivalent to a woman's boobs. So basically you're just making a post expressing how cuckolded you are and proud.

>> No.13488866 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 320x240, rugged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember when cartoons said beards were cool