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/fa/ - Fashion

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>> No.13479045


>> No.13479046
File: 3.66 MB, 5560x3312, 1529531234191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/frag/ budget fragrance guide v0.1 : https://pastebin.com/eDUA4ESN

>> No.13479295

add to that list hm (edt) by hanae mori and patrick by fragrances of ireland

>> No.13479356


>> No.13479626

Thanks for the tip on Patrick; I had never heard of it, but it reviews really well. Looks like I'm out another $40. Will add the Hanae Mori to the paste because I see it discussed so often. I enjoy my bottle of the EdP well enough.

>> No.13479697

dead memes: dreamer, eros, eau fraiche, dylan blue

new memes: blue jeans and blue jeans flankers

>> No.13479699
File: 26 KB, 375x500, 375x500.17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside plebs, Hermes coming through.

>> No.13479733

>spray this on
>damn i smell like ancient wisdom and ethereal woods
>go to work
>"You smell like a prosecutor"

well ok then

>> No.13479739

LMAO fuck

>> No.13479740

Blue Jeans is the most underrated frag, it’s like a poor man’s JPG Ultra Male except way more versatile

>> No.13479750

How many times are you going to post this story you fucking loser?

>> No.13479760
File: 594 KB, 750x733, 1530135775554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but apparently once every four months, totalling no more than three times to date.


>> No.13479785

>CDNI is not recommended.

>> No.13479791

I bought this but I genuinely wish I had bought Sauvage instead

>> No.13479798

Tam Dao is so fuckin good lads

>> No.13479809

It's the same story with different words (solicitor, lawyer, beurocrat) each time you massive cocksucker.

>> No.13479823


>> No.13479858

Don't fall for /fa/
Is fuckin brilliant

>> No.13479859

Hermes replier here, that was my first time posting that. I guess other people get the same fucking reaction out of the very fucking distinct and recognizable scent, right?

>> No.13479908

More like herpes

>> No.13479932

The obvious choices are obvious for a reason

>> No.13479936

but /fa/ memes Terre d'Hermes just as much as those

>> No.13479995

Sauvage, Eros, and Hermes are actually good though. CDNI is shit.

>> No.13479997

What's the most optimal way to apply EdT?

>> No.13479999
File: 139 KB, 768x960, 13603708_1804070833158566_2131986313760039170_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CDNI is shit

delet this

>> No.13480051

Inner side of elbows, back of the knees

>> No.13480101

Eros is fucking god awful. I'll concede sauvage has its purposes, but Eros is the worst shit I've ever smelled in my life.

>> No.13480117

Cam I spray frags on my dick and balls?
My crotch smells nasty in the afternoon.

>> No.13480580

Put deodorant on your balls and pubes, not even joking.

>> No.13480581

12 sprays of sauvage on the balls and taint area works wonders. My swampass literally lures the ladies in now

>> No.13480683
File: 21 KB, 380x250, 56093Ru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have expirience with duty free shops? Are frags cheaper in dutyfree thn in average interenet store?

>> No.13480688
File: 152 KB, 962x1024, JubilationXXV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step Aside, Plebs

>> No.13480696


Not in my experience. Only advantage is that you don't have to wait or pay for shipping.

>> No.13480701

I just bought two 1.7oz bottles of One Million and The One. How’d I do bros???

>> No.13480733

Should've got 1 Million Lucky

actually don't, we really shouldn't meme this fragrance guys...

>> No.13480743

This, all I need is for everyone and his brother to start wearing this after it gets mentioned on 4chan /fa/.

>> No.13480884


Why? 1M Lucky is trash water

>> No.13480951
File: 35 KB, 600x680, grug2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes friend, you are certainly correct, it is trash water :)

Nobody buy 1M Lucky please :)

>> No.13480994

Usually I find duty free to be marginally cheaper than department store prices. I rarely buy there but on occasion I’ll be stuck at an airport for a while and go take a look, and sometimes if they have something nice I’ll pull the trigger on it.

If you’re looking for the lowest prices, the discount websites are definitely the way to go.

>> No.13481001

M8s, this General is like 25 dedicated autists and the occasional fuccboi dropping in to ask what calone will get his dick wet. No one advertises here, and we’re sure as fuck not going to be influential enough to cause a fragrance to go super mainstream.

This is not basenotes or fragrantica, it’s 4chan, the Indonesian traditional clog dancing website.

>> No.13481009

um, sweetie, 4chan chose the current President of the United States

>> No.13481029
File: 16 KB, 600x347, 67159m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy all kinds of expensive memes like aventus and invasion barbare
>this cheap shit got me more attention than every other scent comibined

take the rocky mountain pill

>> No.13481041

ultra male? nah more like le male without the dryer sheet smell.

>> No.13481091

I like Versace Eros. I do not want a "projection monster" nor do I care for the clubbing reputation. Any recommendations?

>> No.13481240

Eros, but spray less and don't go to the club. Fuckin idiot.

>> No.13481243

Spray less? Cmon, leave humanity behind

>> No.13481249

Rocky Mountain Wood, Tam Dao, or Wonderwood?

>> No.13481296

Bollocks! Please don't fall in this scam. Every frag at duty-free was expensive than Sephora where I live.

>> No.13481398

I don't like it. Too much orange.

>> No.13481429

Hey a fuccboi predicted by >>13481001 droppin in

What is a frag that smells good and could be used all year round? GIT kind of sounds like it on paper, being fresh but with a substantial body, but I'm not sure if I really like it enough to commit.

Is notino one of the discount sites you speak of?

>> No.13481437

a frag young entrepreneur could use

>> No.13481439

This feels like a meme I haven't been let in on

>> No.13481445

Should I buy chanel de bleu or sauvage?

>> No.13481472

RMW my dude
took the wonderwood pill and i regret it

>> No.13481512

I feel like BdC is 8 sprays kind of frag

>> No.13481527

Is 212 VIP Black a good boozy alternative to Le Male since the absinthe works with the mint and lavender?

>> No.13481569
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>> No.13481582

I prefer RMW too. Wonderwood is a more interesting scent for sure, but RMW lasts for fucking ever while WW is very fleeting. Also, RMW smells more authentically like a woody forest imo.

>> No.13481587

who /goingtothemoon/ here? FUCK PAJEET YOU CANT STOP ME

/biz/ stand up!

>> No.13481594

of course.

How about something that will make me smell different to the next guy?

>> No.13481604

Encre Noire

Original if you're hardcore
Flankers if you're fuccboi

>> No.13481635

When it comes to unisex fragrances do you find they tend to lean more towards the characteristics of one gender in particular?

I want to buy a couple and I'm reading about them (which obviously doesn't help much) but obviously there are things that make scents either masculine or feminine, but when it comes to unisex what exactly makes it unisex? Surely if it was more floral it might be considered feminine, but if it smells of wood and tobacco it's surely going to be considered male, right? So how can a scent be unisex if we're conditioned to think of things in terms of gender?

This is a genuine question by the way, and not a criticism or an observation.

>> No.13481649

From what I've read usually it's the amount of sweetness scent has. IE iris notes can severely hurt frag's "masculinity". Same goes for vanilla. Citrus notes are more safe choice for unisex frag

>> No.13481661

Thanks. I've been reading about different Tom Ford fragrances and because I'm new at this I didn't realise there was such a thing as a unisex fragrance.

>> No.13481666

I feel like for an average person saying "It's Tom Ford Tobacco Vanilla" wouldn't mean much compared to "it's 250 euro btw". I decided to mess with sweet borderline unisex frags (namely Dior Homme Intense) just out of curiosity: will I be able to pull it off or not

>> No.13481684

bleu de chanel

>> No.13481693


It's just a label, really. A marketing tool.

>> No.13481699

Yeah, from what I've seen designer fragrances tend to appeal to gender whereas the more niche ones tend to focus much more on how it smells rather than making it a lifestyle thing.

>> No.13481716

How do you decide how much and where to spray a fragrance? I spray Versace Pour Homme twice on my neck and it's quite strong at first, but within maybe four hours its power is seriously reduced.

Do you think I should spray more in a less obvious location or is that just the nature of some fragrances? I don't want to get something really thick and heavy and spray loads and it causes people to pass out at work.

>> No.13481733

spray again in couple of hours, some fragrances are really weak and a waste of money unfortunately.

>> No.13481735

Thanks, I don't take it to work with me so I normally don't bother.

Follow up question for everybody: How long do fragrances last in the bottle? If I were to buy something niche would it last for ten years or more, or will I have to use it or lose it?

>> No.13481777
File: 42 KB, 425x312, TTSL-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get one of these things. Cost like 1 euro from chinese webshops.
If you store them properly you can keep them for a decade yes.

>> No.13481782

I'll look in to it.

What's considered correct storage?

>> No.13481794

Link please can you vouch for these? No leaks?

>> No.13481796

If someone passes out you should stop working with basedboys

Generally you are wasting your fragrance spraying only twice. You must run your own tests to find the sweet spot

>> No.13481799

I'd never really thought about how it was wasting it by not putting enough on. OK, I'll see what happens.

>> No.13481832

i have a bottle. its good, but its also one of the most popular niche scent in existence, dont pretend youre special.

same goes for you. i dont want to hear anyone saying 'plebs' while posting anything that has 2k votes on basenotes

>> No.13481878

Dry cool out of sunlight, without big temperature qswings. So not in your bathroom etc.
Dont have a link I get them from Aliexpress search for travel atomizer and just get one with a lot of orders. Travalo has more expensive ones but my cheap ones dont leak anyways.

>> No.13481968
File: 56 KB, 845x990, eros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf I love Eros now

>> No.13481985

One of my close friends stopped hanging out with me because of this. I still don't understand how anyone can feel this way.

>> No.13481992

Both not the greatest but I'd go for Sauvage. Both very synthetic but Sauvage is less headache inducing. I can't get over the cheap synthetic ginger that Bleu uses

>> No.13482000

8 sprays c'mon.

>> No.13482057
File: 20 KB, 320x240, fg_327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blind bought original, cant stand it. I think the vetiver is too "musty" smelling to me, its just really harsh to my nose, oh well.

>> No.13482114

Is there a reliable place online to buy perfumes? Sorry I'm a noob.. and I am not sure exactly from which store to buy from (I'm in Europe btw)

>> No.13482124
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notino, prolly your best bet if you're in europe

>> No.13482139

It's one of the frags you're supposed to OWN, otherwise it will own YOU

>> No.13482149
File: 16 KB, 180x228, mop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm, I wore it on a rather brisk day this summer but ill give it another go in the fall when the weather starts getting a bit cooler, i guess. Perhaps the cold will take away some of the bite

>> No.13482170

Is ANYNODY copping 2012 Eau Sauvage Parfum on Fragnet? I copped two bottles for 50 a couple of days ago. Although the price has went up they still have them in stock. Where do they get them?

>> No.13482195

not that guy but fragrancenet.com doesn't deliver to my country. Do you know any RELIABLE forwarding service?

>> No.13482199

Can we make a ban on all countries that don’t matter? I hate talking about things that live in places other than the USA.

>> No.13482204
File: 341 KB, 1920x1080, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asks random guy to film him
>lets do some pushups
>ask thot what she thinks about it
>she doesn't seem to smell anything but rates it 10/10 anyways because it's chad
>ask grandma she likes it too
>ask another girl to film him
>need to do 10 more pushups
>does 5
What the fuck did I just watch.

>> No.13482217

Probably the biggest autistic chad on youtube. Need more autistic chads to watch.

>> No.13482226
File: 54 KB, 640x480, 1528787584578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then forget about fragnet, as I mentioned notino is probably your best bet outside of NA

>> No.13482237 [DELETED] 

>autistic chad has to make it known he won't fuck your bitch


>> No.13482241 [DELETED] 

>autistic chad has to make it known he won't fuck your bitch


>> No.13482249


just literally kill me

>> No.13482252

They don't ship to Russia either

>> No.13482254
File: 31 KB, 570x875, A0AD6942-F106-4770-B2F5-2AAE0DF96EAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitches love it, The other ones in the collection suck though

>> No.13482294

Generally, fragrances that are feminine (modern-wise) are powdery, sweeter, floral-centric, or fruity. Soft rules of course. While more masculine scents tend to be tobacco, woods, smoke, musk, etc. It's not as big of a thing these days, I feel like most houses have been experimenting with a lot of crossovers/

>> No.13482307

I spray 2 or 3 most of the time, I don't see how it's a waste unless you are trying to get people to notice your fragrance from closer than arms length in my experience.

I'll do a lot more of a light projector like gucci pour homme II though

>> No.13482327

I had to stop the video for a bit when he started doing push ups again. And re-evaluate my life that I waste time watching reviews... I watched later on but...

On another note for a dude that does PUA etc, im surprised he would count that first girl. I think she just looked like she was trying to get out of there to me and would have said anything.

Anyway more power to him I guess hes making money off youtube so thats cool still hard to swallow that ferrari thing though.

>> No.13482341

What Ferrari thing? I don’t know much about him but assumed he was making loads of money from YouTube. Is there more to that story?

>> No.13482347

Said he needed money to continue his fragrance journey to expensive whatever so he set up a paetron asking for people to give him money. Few months later he made a video of him buying a ferrari.

Generally I don't think hes a bad guy and ive defended him for years I think you can tell by his mannerisms and early videos that were pretty PUAish you could see the insecure/human side of him. But ferrari paetron thing was fucked up.

>> No.13482368

No, pissed off farmers and Hillary Clinton’s complete lack of likeability chose the current President. /pol/ sat there, played with its own shit, then cheered and declared themselves kingmakers when Trump won. Most people who voted for Trump don’t even know what a 4chan is.

>> No.13482373

That’s pretty bad, but even though I rarely watch his videos (I’ve seen maybe ten) he always comes across as a decent person with a positive attitude, although I suppose that comes with being rich and good looking. I remember in one video he was telling people not to buy something because it was so expensive. That seems like a decent thing to do because it’s easy for people to get suckered in by the videos and buy things they really shouldn’t.

>> No.13482374

He’s leasing the Ferrari, he didn’t buy it. Big difference.

>> No.13482385

So he's like the Archie for perfume, nice

>> No.13482390

....so how much does it cost to lease a ferrari then? Whats more why I ask money from a paetron when at the time I believe he had just under 200k subs or something? People under estimate how much you can make from youtube. Even with as small as channel as my youtube is with 10k when I put out content a little more regularly I can potentially make a few thousand a month. Now you have a dude who has hundreds of thousands of people.. I mean come on.

Personally I dont think thats much better than people who pretend to be sick and make fake stuff asking for money. Its pretty damn shady. But besides that like I said ive been fine with him and defended him before. But asking for money for people to give him money for fragrances because its expensive.... But I mean maybe youre one of the people who donated to him to lease I guess as you say his ferrari so you do you.

>> No.13482425

Neroli Portofino. Y/N? Worth the money?

>> No.13482481

holy fuck I cringed so bad at that first girl

>> No.13482534

Robin Reliant on Mercury baby!

>> No.13482542

I really like Neroli Portofino, but it's too expensive for what it is. There are alternatives that are pretty close to it for much much less.

>> No.13482555



>buy me a fucking ferrari paypigs

>> No.13482583

Thanks. Since I posted that I’ve basically talked myself out of it anyway.

>> No.13482605

i happened to have been looking a couple days ago and it's $130 on Amazon (and sold by Amazon so it's legit) for the 50mL, which is far below crazy prices imo

just make sure you are adding the right one to the cart if you go for it

>> No.13482712

Yeah but for the same price you could get 100ml of Aqua Di Parma Colonia or Bergamotto Marino.

>> No.13482809

I'm pretty partial to Jazz Club

>> No.13482894
File: 232 KB, 978x807, 5AAFFFBA-146B-4AB7-B75A-8EBFB64B76DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn’t know
Ok kid

>> No.13482922

The entire replica line are garbage tier sub-par designer scents. Big rip off.

>> No.13482972

Then what's Jazz Club a ripoff of so I can get the original?

>> No.13483014

I need something fresh, maybe citrus or floral for the summer. Should have a good performance and im pretty young.
Help me guis

>> No.13483112

What are your go-to sport fragrances? I'm thinking about getting Versace Man Eau Fraiche for bike rides and stuff like that but I'm feeling there are better fragrances that serve the same purpose.

>> No.13483270

so? it's not what he wants. why skip out getting what you like just because you can get more of something else? 50mL lasts a good while anyway unless you bathe in it everyday

>> No.13483314

This. If it's what you want then get it! Ignore all the poorfags itt who tell you that there's cheaper alternatives or worse, clones, to buy instead. In my experience you can buy all the alts/clones you want but in the end it's only a matter of time before you give in and buy the one you wanted to begin with.

>> No.13483395

Why are there only w2c for samples in the sticky?
Where do I buy actual frags when I can't find them at macy's? I know fragrancenet for US and fragrancebuy for CA but that's it

>> No.13483396


I'd agree if we were talking about something unique that cost a lot, but in the case of Neroli Portofino I just don't think the price is justified. It's not that it's amazing and spectacular and so different to anything else that it justifies its cost, unlike some things in that price range.

>> No.13483411

Fragrancebuy now ships to the USA, and they have a very broad selection at mostly fair prices.

For brands not carried at Macy's, look at Sephora, Nordstrom, and Saks. Luckyscent has you fully covered for niche lines. Keep in mind that you're paying full retail at these places.

>> No.13483416

Never heard of Saks. Is that a southern thing, or is it an abbreviation for somewhere I actually am familiar with?

>> No.13483434

at some point you have to stop being dependent on this thread and start using google and calling customer service

>> No.13483435

Saks Fifth Avenue

it's a high-tier department store found in most major cities

>> No.13483437

Saks Fifth Ave is a high end NY based department store with outlets in major markets. We have two locations in the Los Angeles area, I don't know about where you are. It's where I have to go if I want to test the Dior Collection Privee or Bond no. 9 lines in person.

>> No.13483442

Google "Saks" and read the results you fucking faggot cocksucker

>> No.13483448

ball saks lel

>> No.13483462

They mean rip off as in they are overpriced.

>> No.13483472


>> No.13483620

RMW for summer. Tam dao for fall/spring, WW for winter.
>Wonderwood is a more interesting scent
> RMW lasts for fucking ever while WW is very fleeting
I would say the exact opposite
>RMW smells more authentically like a woody forest imo

>> No.13483632

You're certainly unique if WW lasts longer than RMW, generally most people have pretty shit luck with WW. It's honestly the only reason I skip it, personally.

>> No.13483790

Molecule 04

>> No.13483972
File: 26 KB, 600x600, item_XL_7041814_4963171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just love this shit

>> No.13484068

Ok then recommend me a jazz club alternative that isn't a rip off price wise.

>> No.13484120

Rasasi Hawas

>> No.13484318

Is the original A* Men a nice frag to contrast with a leather jacket and boots? Or would Fahrenheit with its petrol like smell be a more rugged option?

>> No.13484420

Does anyone have any experience with Aura by Jacomo? I was led to be wary of frags from early 00's, but on paper it looks like something I'd want to get. Don't want to have a full bottle of a shit perfume sitting on my shelf though, so, any opinions?

>> No.13484422

>Is the original A* Men a nice frag to contrast with a leather jacket and boots?
It's a crazy plan but it might just work

>> No.13484426

the most rugged and fitting option would be no fragrance. i would recommend knize ten though if you are determined

>> No.13484561

nigga do you know what "contrast" means?

>> No.13484570

The one, much better quality smell.

>> No.13484575

Anything more mainstream? I wanna go to a fragnance shop and try it out before buying, this one is not even available in the online store of my nearby shop

>> No.13484585

Then just go to the shop and ask the guy for fresh citrus summer scents. Try Bvlgari Aqua Amara or Marine, Abercrombie Fitch First Instinct, Perry Ellis 360 red.

>> No.13484586

he also asked for a rugged option

>> No.13484770

which would /frag/ prefer as a cheap daily wear for work/school/running errands, when you aren't really planning to go anywhere interesting: Guerlain Aqua Allegoria Herba Fresca or Guerlain Homme L'Eau Boisee?

note: it doesn't really matter to me that Herba Fresca really rides that unisex and line and may seem feminine to some people

>> No.13484790

I own L'Eau Boisee, it's a great scent. Can't comment on the Herba Fresca, but the lime is REALLY limey, which I really like. I feel like I haven't smelled many good lime scents

>> No.13484801

what is the eros of womens fragrances

>> No.13484811
File: 1.58 MB, 1425x2000, Eros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf I love Eros now

>> No.13484833

Well that was easy

>> No.13484848


>> No.13484870

Today I purchased:
Oud Wood
Acqua Di Gio Profumo
Dior Homme Eau for Men

I’ve had the last one on all day and I love it.

>> No.13484900

Nice ones, I can't find DHE in department stores here.

>> No.13484902

Have you ever tried oud wood before? Because I didn't like it at first, but found after I'd worn it for a while I loved it.

>> No.13484922

For what it’s worth I’m in the UK. I got it in John Lewis.

Only once. At first it felt like it was going to get a bit annoying and be too pervasive, but it really settles down and I really enjoy it. Definitely not one for the warmer months though.

>> No.13484937

any thoughts on L'Eau Boisee vs. Terre d'Hermes Eau Tres Fraiche?

>> No.13484940
File: 33 KB, 720x514, iris-flowers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gimme your best iris scents, /frag/

>> No.13484956


>> No.13485041

Prada lhomme honestly

>> No.13485061


Dior homme, dior bois d'argent, chanel le pausa, armani figuier eden

>> No.13485069

Oud wood doesn't last long.

>> No.13485074

iris silver mist

>> No.13485081
File: 65 KB, 1000x1000, Dior Homme Eau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dior Homme Eau
I'm really interested in this, haven't had the chance to sample it yet. Seems like a good choice for what I was looking for, a warm weather frag more interesting than the average aquatic/citrus, with good or above average performance.

>> No.13485087

Is Chanel Platinum Egoiste a decent spring / summer frag?

>> No.13485095

I’m really enjoying it today. A hint of coriander there too.

It did for me. I got a good six hours+, with it lingering for a few more. One of the longer lasting scents I’ve tried in fact. Maybe I’m weird.

>> No.13485192

Good to know then.
GV and TV are my fav.

>> No.13485200

I found TV a bit too rich for my taste. My personality is more understated and I feel Oud Wood complements that better.

I really want to try GV, but I’m not too worried because I have enough light summery fragrances now.

>> No.13485227

Personally i think i prefer boisee, but I'm biased because i own the original Hermes, so owning the fraiche flanker kinda seems like a redundant purchase

>> No.13485245

Got an old bottle of Jubilation XXV on my right arm, a new bottle from Fragnet ony left. The new bottle is almost gone after 6 hours and the old one is still strong as hell. What the shit is going on here? Afaik JXXV isn't on the >reformulation Boogeyman list so could it be because the old bottle was sitting around longer?

>> No.13485338

L'eau Boisee smells more refined imo

>> No.13485402

Nobody is safe from reformulations

>> No.13485411
File: 527 KB, 1267x810, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats your guys opinion on this scent?

>> No.13485416
File: 56 KB, 1500x1500, pinaud-clubman-after-shave-lotion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick question, why isnt this your daily?
>intimate sillage
>4-6 hour longevity
>masculine "just out of the shower" smell
>layers well weth basically anything thats not candy flavored
>literally $8 a bottle

>> No.13485421

Keep it exclusive to after a haircut

>> No.13485425

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Dior Fahrenheit. The scent is extremely avant-garde, and without a solid grasp of theoretical perfumery, most of the notes will go over a typical wearer's head.

>> No.13485434

Le Labo Iris 39

>> No.13485531

i love iris-based frags that are not too feminine. for number one to try i'd put l'homme de couer by divine. it's a civilized and discreet woody-iris frag that's elegant but easy to wear.

other quality iris frags that stood out for me were: iris bleu gris by mpg (citric in the beginning but tamed by the iris. a bit dry overall), iris de nuit by heeley and iris silver mist by lutens.

i havent tried belles rives yet but i have faith in la parfumerie moderne

>> No.13485532

Terre>Boisée>>>>>>>Terre Fraiche
or to put it in words if you need a fresher version of Terre for warmer weather, Guerlain did a much better job than Hermes themselves.

>> No.13485578

Top 5 meme fragances atm ?

>> No.13485600

Personally I never saw the parallel's between terre d' hermes and L'eau boisee other than some vetiver

>> No.13485607

Tell me about iris de nuit.

>> No.13485719

1. Sauvage
2. Eros
3. Terre d'Hermes (and flankers)
5. Dior Homme (and flankers)

dead memes: YSL La Meme de l'Homme and Memeventus

>> No.13485724
File: 74 KB, 960x1280, cartier-declaration-l'eau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my old cheap daily work beater is running out and blind-bought pic related based on reviews and comparisons to scents i have experience with (and, most importantly, it was cheap)

did i fuck up?

>> No.13485738


did you spray them equally? I have old and new jubilation and they are identical to me

>> No.13485818

Jesus are you on 2006 internet?

>> No.13485826

yes, that is a legit web site. give it all your credit card info, ssn & birthdate, etc.

>> No.13485846

Yeah, actually the one that lasted longer is actually from a 5ml decant so the atomizer probably actually deposited less than the new bottle. I don't buy into >reformulation stuff but is it possible it was stored improperly or something? Bought it from fragrancenet.

>> No.13485849

So there fragrantica and basenotes reviews of Molecule 04 are dotted with what seem like hyperbolic, over the top anecdotes about how the stuff lasts forever and how it overpowers a fragrance cabinet or bedroom for weeks at a time.

I've had my bottle for about ten days and ever since the first spray, there has been a distinct scent of robo-sandalwood all around the cabinet where my bottles are kept. Sometimes when I enter my house I can catch a whiff from the front door, about 30 feet away. It overpowers the ambient collective scent of a more than 200 bottles in an enclosed space, all by itself.

There are eBay sellers who offer generic Molecule 04 at double the concentration of the original. I'd honestly look for/ request single concentration as double seems like it would be overkill.

>> No.13485853


I decided to test them again when I made that post so I've had both on my wrists for an hour. They smell a bit different, actually. I'll report back on longevity in a few hours.

I'm not exactly sure about the science, but maybe it's possible some of the perfume/top notes evaporate over time and the resulting juice is more concentrated. Perfumes definitely change/go bad over time but it's hard to say if that would affect longevity.

>> No.13485875


Now I'm not sure if they actually do smell different. Seems like the one I smell first smells stronger. Feels like the top notes from the vintage have disappeared quicker, though.

>> No.13486003
File: 32 KB, 400x575, 75209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts? I found this brand in some hush-hush boutique store in NY. Fell in love but have since moved away and can't find them anymore.

>Is luckyscent trustworthy?

>Has anyone tried this brand before?

>> No.13486031

>Is luckyscent trustworthy
are you fucking serious? it's easily the most legit place to buy frags online. and if you happen to be in L.A., they have a b&m storefront called Scent Bar

>> No.13486037

it's not really Declaration without cumin

>> No.13486116

It seems my newer (weaker) one smells more like incense at first compared to the old one. I also experienced what you did, where the one I smell first is stronger, but the old one is definitely sweeter.

>> No.13486129

thats kind of scary. its like synthetic marijuana they sell at gas stations thats like twenty times as powerful as regular mj

>> No.13486209


It's been about four hours now. Strangely my new stuff is still projecting a lot of sweetness and I don't get much at all from the vintage. Just a bit of the drydown. I wonder if my vintage juice has gone bad. That said I think I sprayed a lot more of the new stuff so it's not very conclusive. I've also been resting my left wrist (new stuff) on a cool surface, which might explain why the vintage stuff seemed stronger early on and is now almost gone.

>> No.13486252

i know you havent got a lot of replies but im reading them with interest. im halfway through a bottle from... 2014? was happy to read that there was more incense in your new bottle.

>> No.13486268

What's meme about Dior Homme?

>> No.13486279


There's two of us, these are me:

Some people say jubilation has been reformulated, some don't. I'm leaning towards the latter and we'll probably never know for sure since there's so many variables that can affect how a fragrance smells. Something I recently bought smelled completely different on day one compared to day two.

>> No.13486314

it and its flankers seem to have been posted about more than usual in the last few /frag/'s

>> No.13486345

That doesn't make it a meme, whoever wrote that is a dumbass.

>> No.13486346

I'm the other JXXV poster. I don't think it's reformulation either, but I think something else might be going on. I'll give it a few days and try again.

>> No.13486391

yes it does. what do think "meme" means?

>> No.13486427

You need to lurk more faghot,. Learn the board culture or go back to plebbit you jackass.
>inb4 I've been here for x years

>> No.13486430

I’m of the opinion, personally, that 9 times out of 10, when someone claims a scent has been reformulated, they’re just an autistic dipshit who doesn’t know what they’re talking about and doesn’t understand that there will always be some level of inconsistency between batches.

>> No.13486437

Only redditors talk about “board culture”. Just sayin’.

>> No.13486438

Dior Homme is not a meme I don't know what the fuck you are on about

>> No.13486515


At this point (~6 hours later) nothing has really changed since my last update. On a side note, the code profumo that I sprayed (on my lower chest) about 10 hours ago is still going strong. I'll probably be lurking these threads still in a few days so I'll be interested to hear your thoughts again.


A lot of it seems to stem from nothing. Someone will make a post on a forum or mention reformulation in a video/review and people will leech on and be fiercely believe something's been reformulated, spreading bullshit even more. And old people who think their memory of scents from when they were young will be perfectly accurate and cry that everything is watered down. Also all the misinformation that spreads about IFRA regulations. When Amouage changed changed the cap from white to magnetic, people started complaining that they were reformulated. Why would they bother to do that? Doesn't even make sense.

>> No.13486589

I've ordered from them before and they're legit. Yes that's just what the site looks like.

>> No.13486789
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Only literal boomers trying to sound 'hip' say just sayin'. Just sayin'.

>> No.13486836

What is a general consensus on the new amouage imitation? I've tried most of the amouages and this is the first one I'm actually considering to buy. ( second favourite is memoir, the rest is just meh for me)

>> No.13486853

Didn't you like lyric?

>> No.13486854
File: 24 KB, 500x500, ebay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How legit are most "ebay fragrances"? Is it even worth it to try and buy off Ebay, I feel like most might be scams

>> No.13486859

Unfortunetely no , although I can see why it's considered one of the best rose fragrances. And it comes from a person who really enjoys rose in fragrances but idk I would just feel weird wearing it I suppose

>> No.13486915

Which Amouage should I try? Jubiliation, Epic, Memoir and Interude all seem to be incense heavy

>> No.13486932

all of them.

>> No.13486963

it's like a lighter and less oriental iris silver mist. dry and light iris supported by powdery violet notes (not too sweet, just enough to make the frag unisex) and earthy carrot seeds. the drydown reminds me of dior homme. the longevity is good but it's a discreet frag. i would not recommend it if you like monster projection

dia man and ciel

>> No.13487192

>doesn't like incense

>> No.13487275
File: 35 KB, 644x483, endy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

name some classically masculine scents, like Penhaligon's Endymion

>> No.13487355


>> No.13487382

If you want contrast try dior homme intense or valentino uomo intense
Trust me it works

>> No.13487453

The opposite of tough guy clothes is Flowerbomb by V&R

>> No.13487538

not sure what you mean by "ebay fragrances" I've bought somewhat off ebay and never had a problem.

>> No.13487541

as with everything else on ebay, only buy from sellers with a ton of good feedback

>> No.13487734

Is Dior Homme Eau For Men worth blind buying? Can get a pretty good deal on it.

>> No.13487810

Where's the deal

>> No.13487812

It is good, I enjoy it better than prada l'homme. Performance is nice. If you live in a warmer place get Eau, if colder go for the original Homme.

>> No.13487840

I find Prada L'homme a bit feminine. Is Eau also like that?

>> No.13487845

It lacks all the floral notes that l'homme has other than the iris of course. I would say it is more masculine than prada.

>> No.13487852

Okay thanks.

>> No.13487903

Don't think my mum would be happy stealing her Flowerbomb anon, I bought her a small bottle for Christmas and now she wants more

>> No.13487915
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It smells like two stroke mix, dirtbike exhaust, old rotting wood, and grass. I love it

>> No.13487936

If my mum smelled like Flowerbomb I'd fuck the shit out of her m8

>> No.13487943

>t. christian dior

>> No.13487964

She's a married woman, leave her alone!

>> No.13487980

hello /frag/, what is the best minty fragrance?
I want to smell like a walking mint candy

nightmare mode: no eros because the mint note lasts for a very short time and is too lightweight

>> No.13488013


I haven't tried it personally but kryptomint might be what you're after.

>> No.13488037

Does any of you guys wear a watch with a leather strap? Do you clean it or what?

I used to just wear nylon straps that I could just wash but I've gotten a really nice suede one now and I'm concerned about it starting to smell vile of all the different frags.

>> No.13488060

Yeah I'd go with Kryptomint, Ultra Zest if you want something to go with the Mint

>> No.13488200
File: 6 KB, 284x177, 1528591956797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually just got kryptomint yesterday, don't buy if you want a "sexy" frag but I would rec if you are looking for something subdued, minty, and almost laundry-like

>> No.13488236

heres an idea. dont spray that wrist.

>> No.13488286

>"sexy" frag
that's almost every frag according to Jeremy

>> No.13488295

anybody have luck with "mixing" fragrances?
by that I mean spraying two frags at the same time and letting the scents mix in the air

>> No.13488329
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Anyone had opinions on this?

>> No.13488360

another out of the box idea for him: spray the forearm

>> No.13488371

I accidentally mixed Tuscan Leather with a t-shirt that had Mugler Cologne on it. Smelled like someone sprayed air freshener in an ashtray.

>> No.13488393

It's called layering, I put on Lyric and Tam dao today because sandelwood+rose sounded pretty good. Seemed pretty ok, not sure.

>> No.13488512

You must not layer! It’s disrespectful to the artisans who train their entire lives to create perfect fragrances. These people are artists who create masterpieces. You wouldn’t paint over a Picasso!

>> No.13488601


>> No.13488603

layering is pretty damn expensive in a hobby that is already pretty petty as it is imo. But for what its worth of more known layering blends the tuscan leather and aventus combo I have gotten compliments on and works well.

>> No.13488627

It's really good. Smells like a more floral A&F Fierce

>> No.13488644

*spins toward you menacingly*

>> No.13488852

that's a good trick

>> No.13488865

I’d 100% feel threatened if Jeremy spun towards me with a dead pan expression.

>> No.13488890
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>> No.13489129
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Give me some scents to wear to pic related. It's gonna be hot outside (~80-100 degrees) and I'll be waiting in lines surrounded by anime nerds. Indoors should be air conditioned but look at that crowd. More interested in having a defensive scent bubble than picking up sweaty geek girls, also.

>> No.13489134

AHSEE or Hawas 100%

>> No.13489137
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>> No.13489156
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I bought this from Amazon when there was a pricing error, only $30. They tried to cancel but after chatting with customer service the said they would honor the error. Just got it in today. Shit smells musty as fuck. I can't believe the same guy who made TDH made this.

>> No.13489157

he's only popular because he's Chad

>> No.13489453

>a hobby that is already pretty petty as it is imo
how is a luxury hobby about making your nose feel good petty at all and why are you even here?

>> No.13489610
File: 35 KB, 154x250, C498B552-629E-47B6-AFCF-B87AB1E5E81D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your boipucci winks when his hunter eyes meet your prey peeperballs
I-its ovulating
Quick put it in!

>> No.13489619

But he's autistic.

>> No.13489719
File: 65 KB, 900x900, 263021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts? will be wearing it for most occasions

>> No.13489762

Thoughts on Mugler Cologne?
It's pretty damn cheap. Worth getting?

>> No.13489774

Absolutely, price wise it can't be beaten imo. Obviously it depends on how much you like traditional barbershoppy cologne type scents but I'd say it's the best value for money fragrance in that genre.

>> No.13489822
File: 552 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180704-141935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thought on this? Sampled this at Sephora today but im a total newbie at fragrances

>> No.13489981

does Penhaligon's Quercus really smell exactly like CK one? i tried a sample and really liked it, but would rather not if that's the case

>> No.13490043
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Fell in love with the edp, but the edt is on discont for far less bucks is it worth?

>> No.13490101
File: 53 KB, 1600x900, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me 21 yo very broke in uni having LDR
>has a qt 18 yo gf who likes perfumes
>but the only perfume I ever tried was AXE so don't really know much about frags and shit.
>qt wants Versace Bright Crystal but couldn't because she's having an even worse financial condition.
>hence wanted to buy this cuz in love
>visit store and found it a bit expensive because utter poorfag.
>returns home sadly
>search online
>buy it instantaneously because why not.
>gets it wrapped in nice gift packaging.
>happy that gf will be happy.

>gf receives me at airport, we meet after 6 months.
>we back at her home
>I give her the gift
>she opens it and suddenly cries in my arms.
>I too cry because the gift is not that expensive at even initial cost but that means so much to her given my condition.
>we hug each other so tight, we barely can breathe
>Next morning we wake up and she applies it.
>"Anon this smells different, where did you get it?"
>J-just here and there!
>"let's wait for the dry-down maybe it's reformulated"
>literal laundry detergent after 5 min.

And that's how I vowed to never buy frags online.

It's been 5 years to that shit and we still laugh over that.

>> No.13490122
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>90% off

>> No.13490200

You can a 100ml of edp on fragrancenet for like 65

>> No.13490242

It's was probably fake man

>> No.13490277


EDT has as much longevity as a fart in the wind

Not that the EDP longevity is very good to begin with - but the EDT is worse.

>> No.13490333

Buying online is fine if you aren't retarded

>> No.13490410

The Autistic Chad


>> No.13490426
File: 1.20 MB, 3264x2448, 790F0F09-5C39-4463-B16C-FD96736D0062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my samples in today. How’d I do, lads?

>> No.13490440

I like Creed Viking with either Dyptique Tempo or Amouage Beach Hut, personally.

>> No.13490457

Oh, so that's where all the ISO-E Super went. I was just looking for some.

>> No.13490463

I think you'll like it.
Just an FYI, though, the fragrance was named that for the types of people it will attract.

>> No.13490850

Rojafags, which three of his scents should I try first?

>> No.13490924

I’d say Enigma, Vetiver, and either Danger or Scandal.

Fetish is worth trying if you like spicy, animalic, leathery scents.

>> No.13491014

Is Habit Rouge EDT a mature scent like most Guerlain scents? Or can I wear it as a youngish guy?

>> No.13491047

I'm also looking at getting Man Eau Fraiche. Is there a better option I should be considering?

>> No.13491077

I keep seeing that Elysium is a meme, that it's like Bleu de Chanel only niche.

If I actually love Bleu and don't take the comparison as a put down, should I give Elysium a look?

>> No.13491078
File: 237 KB, 1640x1093, https _hypebeast.com_image_2017_07_comme-des-garcons-concrete-eau-de-parfum-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't stop smelling this, it's so fucking unusual and like nothing I normally wear.

Read that it's sandalwood based but I don't get that at all. The rose oxide gives it a vaguely flowery note but not overly so, mixed with metal, then the floweriness just seems to stop and give way to something approaching wet plaster to me. Bizarre but accessible and pleasant, but just weird enough to make it really stand out.

>> No.13491103

I actually like Elysium quite a bit. I got a bottle of the extrait off FragranceBuy pretty cheap a while back. It is fairly “designer-esque”, but much nicer in my opinion. I think it smells more like a mix of Bleu and Aventus or maybe Cedrat Boise. A lot of citrus and very prominent cedar. I also get a little bit of what smells almost like a nice, sweet raspberry in the drydown.

It’s clean, versatile, overall very nice. It also has huge longevity compared to similar scents. I get 8-10 hours easily and it lasts forever on clothes. I do think the comparison to Bleu is overblown, I wore Elysium on one wrist and Bleu EDP on the other and they are fairly different. The only real question is if it’s worth the price. Personally, I wouldn’t buy it at full price, but from FragranceBuy I think it’s worthwhile.

I’d say it’s definitely worth trying if you like that kind of scent. It’s the best in its “class” in my opinion.

>> No.13491109

Just blind-bought Bentley Absolute and Lalique Equus EDP. How disappointed will I be in my search for the ultimate wood frag?

>> No.13491113

petty in the sense that a good smell is a good smell. Mixing 2 things that smell good, when just one fragrance would most likely be enough.

And yes I do think the hobby of collecting fragrances is fairly petty in the grand scheme of things in the world of course. Most people would be fine just owning a few fragrances. Most fragrances have the potential to get compliments as long as they arent to out there smelling in the first place. Let alone mixing 2 expensive ones. So at that point its generally just for you isnt it?

>> No.13491120

kek, no one could've say it better

>> No.13491126

Too mature don't buy. It smells old ladyish

>> No.13491130

Nothing will satisfy a shitty attitude like that. You should of just bought wonderwood.

>> No.13491144

replace your bed with a pile of cedar chips

>> No.13491150

Rocky Mountain Wood, Tam Dao, and Wonderwood are next on my list if these don't do it for me. I started with these cause they were cheap as hell but highly regarded.

>> No.13491258

are there any major differences between Tam Dao's edt and edp versions?

>> No.13491313

Thank you for your detailed thoughts. I'm really tempted by your take on Elysium as Bleu, Cedrat Boise, and Aventus-likes form the core of my fragrance rotation. Fragrancebuy is where I've been browsing the Rojas and where I'll probably buy when I'm ready. I agonize over which version to choose between the cologne perfume and the extrait. The 100ml cologne looks like a great deal at less than half the price per ml.

>> No.13491353

I didn’t like the cologne as much. I think the extrait is more complex and nicer overall. The cologne also has much less longevity. It’s not bad, but I’d definitely recommend the extrait if you can afford it. It’ll probably wind up lasting a lot longer too, since you don’t need to apply as much and won’t need to reapply over the course of the day.

>> No.13491420

great bottle

>> No.13491443
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>Lalique Equus EDP
Awaiting your thoughts on this.

>> No.13491455

Will report. Payed for the $4 shipping on fragnet so should be here in a few days.

>> No.13491461

ah yes, typical jeremy

>> No.13491512

Jeremy’s not pushing himself up. He’s pushing the Earth down.

>> No.13491594

are we already recycling Chuck Norris jokes?

>> No.13491625


KOUROS - 6 sprays at least. you'll have a 10ft force field around you at all times.

>> No.13491627

I have questions but this thread is about to die, where's the new one??

>> No.13491641

Wow its never been this late before I blame the idiot from the last week

>> No.13491643

Its been this late many times before
>t. 1 of the 25 autistic regulars

>> No.13491650


how many of us only visit 4chan for this thread? Maybe I'm the only one

>> No.13491651
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>making a new thread before bump limit on a slow board
no reason for a new one until this hits page 10 tbqhwy

>> No.13491654

I've unfortunately planted my roots here on 4chan, like a big oak tree. This thread is the only reason I come to this board.

>> No.13491699


>> No.13491717
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New thread: