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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 294 KB, 936x1875, DMC5 Front open.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13475028 No.13475028[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, thanks again to all who were kind enough to comment last week, even the harsh critiques. The jacket has finally arrived. There are lots of things to say about it.

First, these pics are 'quick and dirty', as it just arrived. So, plain white shirt, dark blue jeans, no shoes or belt or anything. Solely about fit, because that's what I was worried about the most. While I will understand the immediate impulse to say, 'why are you wearing a shitty shirt or jeans that suck?', the bottom line is that right now I don't care about that at all...this is purely about the jacket, the fit, and how it photographs.

Now, onto the jacket.

>> No.13475031
File: 666 KB, 1451x3104, DMC5 Quarter Closed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1) The fit is fucking fantastic, but there are caveats for anyone who's thinking about buying one from Soul Revolver. SR is known for building jackets that are 'slim fit'. The reputation is true, absolutely. This is an XL, but normally I wear a L in anything....but this fits like a L, and it's skin tight. Not so tight as to be constricting, but it melds to my form 'right' in all the correct places (underarms, shoulders, waist, and stomach). The taper to the waist is apparent, though not aggressive. If you're fat, you can't wear this. If you're chubby, see it as incentive to lose the belly. Same goes for shoulders; make sure your shoulders are broad enough to carry the jacket.

2) The red, as I had thought, was not as fluorescent as people here thought it might be. Other owners had told me this, providing me with pictures, but it's proven itself in life as well. So, it's not garish (at least, for my tastes). Take it for what you will.

3) I haven't yet examined the jacket in detail with regards to stitching and other matters of construction, though I plan to go through it with a fine-toothed comb later today. So far though, the leather is very good, very supple, and beautifully antiqued.

4) The hood is large enough to wear, but not too large. It sits very well on the shoulders, and provides an 'accent' rather than a 'blemish'. Again, my opinion, but thankfully the jacket supports this.

Without a doubt, this is going to be my favorite jacket for a long time. It is probably too snug to fit a suit underneath it though...it's definitely built to have one layer underneath (a t-shirt). A v-neck would look fucking awesome with this though....so we'll see.

Thanks again everyone! I can highly recommend this jacket from them...if you want something unusual.

>> No.13475037
File: 951 KB, 1704x3640, DMC5 Back Hood closed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last pic for now: sorry the top of the hood was cut off....these things happen, but you get the idea. That's as 'edgy' as I'll ever look....but at least I'm not as wide as a truck.

As a normal rain jacket, this is perfectly fine. The interior is lined with cotton/satin, but the entire hood and lapels are in the same antiqued red lambskin as the details on the cuffs. The attachment of the hood isn't nearly as offensively gothic as it could be, so that's another plus.

In many ways, it's exactly as I thought it would be. A grey leather rain jacket with details in blood red. The fit was what I was most worried about, because I never buy a jacket without trying it on first, and there are so many things that can go wrong. But I give them credit....they know what they're doing with sizing.

Thanks everyone!

>> No.13475042

>this is perfectly fine

This is one of the worst threads I have ever seen, and one of the best threads I have ever seen. I'm convinced you've got more money than you know what to do with and are just doing this for the triggering of /v/ and /fa/ but goddamn dude I can't actually be sure.

But the worst fucking thing is the "DMC5" title of the images and thread subject, leads me to think you've played your hand at a wonderful troll attempt.

>> No.13475046
File: 151 KB, 500x299, 1525452567908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>image search brings up no other results
holy fucking shit dude. I have a hard time believing this is real

>> No.13475059
File: 43 KB, 640x539, 1b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute fucking madman actually did it

>> No.13475060

How expensive was this garment

>> No.13475061

pls anon, please tell me this isn't you, please tell me you're not this fucking stupid and actually bought this ugly ass jacket.

>> No.13475063
File: 59 KB, 634x599, 2f79880bf58e8466f82325e25cdad72a6c158eee0068b7aab62a6a8e561d5c2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13475065

It was the best of threads, it was the worst of threads....

Sadly, I wish I did have all the money in the world....but no. This is something I've thought about for a long time, and now was the right time to purchase. Incidentally, what was wrong with the title? For the images, it was to differentiate them by text...and the thread subject is obvious, isn't it?

Yes, it's real. Incidentally, for those who are interested. There's one thing that disappoints me about the jacket. In the promotional photos SR uses on their website, the bottom half of the jacket is clearly leather lined....but on mine, it's cotton/satin all the way down the back. I'm a little sad about that, but it's life.

Beyond this, so far I've found a 'cell phone' pocket on one side, two handwarmer pockets on the outside of the jacket (hidden by the seams) and a 'map' pocket over the heart. I still have to examine everything else in detail, but so far this is precisely what I was looking for and hoping for.

Yes, yes, I did.

You can go to their website and check. It depends on where you live because they take into account VAT or no-VAT, and they calculate that after you put the jacket into the 'shopping cart' or whatever it's called.

Yes, it's me. I love this jacket, and there's nothing you can do about it. I can't wait to take it out tonight...

Man...you guys need to have some fun in life once in a while....

>> No.13475068

I just looked it up it costs nearly 500 USD lmao

>> No.13475072

Because in the title you have DMC5, when the jacket is from DmC: Donte's Fuckery.

I have a hard time believing you don't know that.

>> No.13475083

Yes Anon...real leather jackets cost money. Just buying the bare leather, without stitching or construction, would put you towards 400 alone. Leather jackets are expensive, if they're new and under 300 they're usually pig leather or fake leather. That's how things go.

Well, SR for a long time referred to this jacket on their website as the DMC5 jacket, so I call it that too. I am aware of the controversy regarding the reboot, and I know that officially it's only called DMC. But there's a difference between the jacket and the game. One is real, the other is fantasy. If you were present for the thread last week, you would have known that I never actually played the game, nor do I really care about that aspect. I simply found a hooded long coat that I liked, and only after did I do a little research into the origin.

It's actually rather sad what went down between the programmers, their company, and the needs of the people above them. But that's business I guess.

>> No.13475089

OP are you on the spectrum?

>> No.13475092
File: 345 KB, 636x720, 1516794055774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's actually rather sad what went down between the programmers, their company, and the needs of the people above them. But that's business I guess.

Too pure for this shithole, get out

>> No.13475093


>> No.13475097

Don't think there's any doubt about that desu

>> No.13475098

you haven't told us what guns you'll be using to shoot up your school

>> No.13475099
File: 39 KB, 225x350, char.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came here from /v/ to laugh at you.

>> No.13475104
File: 2.34 MB, 247x338, 1499170946643.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came here from /v/ to congratulate you.

>> No.13475107


>> No.13475108

I'd love to answer that question, if only I knew what it meant. Elaborate please.

Again, I wish I understood what you meant. In short, the information was simple. The people running DMC wanted a reboot with a younger character who was more western-influenced. They changed his hair, they changed his demeanor, and all that. The new character design was not received well at all by fans of the series, and even though there were some modifications after the initial premier of the look, it still failed with the fandom. But apparently this all happened because the 'higher-ups' were influencing the design team who came from a different company or something than the ones before. Did I miss anything?

Yes...is it necessary?

no no....I'm not like that.

I'm glad!

Oh my God.....

See, what's why I love you guys.

>> No.13475114


>> No.13475116

You truly are a tragic hero, anon

>> No.13475122

Please take me out on a date with that coat on senpai

>> No.13475130
File: 962 KB, 171x172, Al.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DMC 5
>Donte jacket

>> No.13475142

There's nothing tragic here Anon...I'm quite ecstatic. You have no idea what it's like being worried about the fit of something before you get it, and then to find that not only does it fit but it fits perfectly according to your expectations. That's win-win.

No. But, you can go to their website and get one for yourself. Just be honest with them about your sizing....I almost gave them measurements to confirm a 'L' instead of 'XL', because I was unconvinced that XL would be better based on the pattern. But they were absolutely spot on.

I was thinking the same thing...isn't it 'Dante'?

>> No.13475146

I've got some bad news for you.

>> No.13475150

All ears, my fren.

>> No.13475157

>isn't it 'Dante'?
No, that's the jacket of Donte, el exterminador de demonios.

>> No.13475162

lol Let me guess, directed by Senor Spielbergo?

>> No.13475166

That coat isn't from DMC5. It's from DmC, the universally-reviled failed reboot of the series.

>> No.13475172

Yes, didn't I establish this before? Hello??? Soul Revolver named it Devil-May-Care 5 Jacket years ago, and sometimes it's called DMC5 on their website, and sometimes not.

The real game of course is just called DmC, as you correctly pointed out but as I've mentioned repeatedly.

There is a real DMC5 game in development, right? Perhaps that's where the confusion may come from...

>> No.13475179

Here. Order one for yourself...they're fucking awesome.


>> No.13475185

DmC: Devil may Cry was never called DMC5, and yes, there is a legitimate DMC5 on the way.

>> No.13475192

it looks better than i though it would, fair fucks to you anon, I need to see some sick fits with it though

>> No.13475197

OP, I’m actually curious:

Why are you defending yourself? What is it you are trying to protect? Literally everyone in this thread is making fun of you. Everyone. You’re responses are akin to a teenage girl getting yelled at by her mom to change her outfit, “mom, you don’t understand! Can’t you just have some fun every once and awhile?”

Why? Why are you doing this? If you actually just wanted a jacket, you wouldn’t have made this thread. If you wanted to show off how the jacket looks like, you wouldn’t have kept typing out these posts that describe the jacket in explicit detail, as if someone out there is genuinely interested. No one is asking you what the inside of the jacket is lined with, no one is asking you how many pockets are on this horrid excuse for a “rain coat”.

Everyone is pointing at you, laughing, because you just fell face first into the mud. And now you’re awkwardly pointing out “no! No! I like the mud! Why are you guys so boring? It’s okay to get a little dirty!”
I feel bad for you man. You failed. Take the loss and move on; no one is actually listening to whatever you’re saying. Can’t you see that?

>> No.13475201

why do you even buy something when you don't even know the source material?

>> No.13475202

I know, I need to try it on with proper clothing. This was one of those cases where today I'm working at home (thank god, so I can wait for the parcel guy), so my haste was about seeing if it fit. I was worried about the shoulders, the chest, the stomach, the length to the knee, everything....and thank the gods, it all fits properly.

The shoulders stop where they should and move the way they should, the hood is large enough for my head without looking parka, the bottom hem stops dead at my knee (which I have no idea how they could have calculated), and the waist and stomach are snug and perfect.

It's a miracle, because leather fitting is known to be one of the most difficult things to get right because the material is so unforgiving. It's one thing if you have a coat too large...you can always get it down...but if it's too small, you're fucked.

The jacket as a jacket is awesome on its own...I still don't understand why people here are so allergic to it. Honestly, is it just because it's from a videogame that is universally reviled? Is that the only reason? Because as a piece of functional clothing, it's excellent so far.

Incidentally, the buttons on the first pic are reversed because I took that in the mirror (obviously), but the buttons secure tight and snug, and they even give you extra buttons in case the ones already mounted fail for any reason.

If they had more designs I liked or if my closet wasn't full of leather jackets, I'd probably order from them again....and now I understand their reputation.

>> No.13475209

>I still don't understand why people here are so allergic to it
because it looks like shit

>> No.13475221
File: 121 KB, 240x249, 1329853124114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13475224

Ah, well, you clearly weren't here last week. I made a thread last week saying that I had this jacket on order but I wasn't sure what colours go with it aside from Dante-core and greys/blacks/whites. I'm very much a beginner when it comes to understanding colour schemes in fashion, so I thought why not come to /fa/ and ask if anyone would know what goes with a grey long coat with blood red accents. I got some serious answers, along with a multitude of the type of ribbing you see here, and the serious answers helped quite a bit. There were either several Anons or one enthusiastic one (asking repeatedly) for me to come back when it arrived and let them know how things went. So, I'm back.

Surprisingly, there are people who might find my information of use. I posted as well on 'ledder jackets' or whatever its called, though I'm not sure if the thread is still up. It seems that leather jackets are simply a vague unknown territory here...something that a few of us know well and intimately but many if not most don't know beyond a double-rider from Schott. There's one Anon on that thread who has a few Soul Revolvers, and he's currently waiting for an antiqued Fight Club. Anyway, we got into talking, and I think it's safe to say that there are definitely people who can benefit from this kind of information. The point is, various Anons tried to give me serious ideas regarding what to wear with this jacket, and I'm trying to 'give back' by providing information on something that is obviously a rarity, and obviously outside of many of the normal aesthetics that Anons will delve into. People help me, and I'm trying to help them.

I do this a lot with clothing because I tend to see clothing not for the social connotations but for the simple function it provides. A wife-beater isn't a wife-beater to me...it's an undershirt. This jacket has nothing to do with a game I've never played...it's a raincoat in leather with a hood. Simple, non?

>> No.13475234

To you, and that's okay. I see it completely differently. This thread isn't about trying to convince others how awesome the jacket is. It's about letting those Anons know about the jacket (who requested me to come back). And there's a little bit of it which is also about sharing my enthusiasm for an item of clothing I've been lusting over for years, but only now decided it was the right time to get it. I can close that chapter now. At least, I think I can...I still have to go through the jacket thread by thread to make sure it doesn't need to be sent back for anything in terms of bad construction or shoddy tailoring.

>> No.13475241
File: 130 KB, 274x385, 1464893583742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13475244

I disagree, not everyone is making fun of OP. He seems genuinely nice and well-meaning

>> No.13475247
File: 17 KB, 480x336, 1453513240180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no new IP bumped
OP why are you samefagging?

>> No.13475251

>image name
Isn't his name Four Vaginas or something?

>> No.13475254
File: 1.26 MB, 500x350, Kong - expanded.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post yfw this thread

>> No.13475261
File: 444 KB, 600x600, 1530134804749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know the game
>doesn't know which is the sequel or reboot
>proceeds to order a jacket with no knowledge of which game it came from
>then defends his retarded decisions while samefagging for approvals
>wasted a fuckton of money on something you dont wear on public
>all that wall of text that looks like its written by a 13 year old
>this isn't a troll effort, its an actual idiot
/fa/ what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.13475265

Maybe I should put it another way.
4Chan has helped act as a filter when it comes to certain things. One /wt/ thread helped me to find a watch that, before that time, I had no idea even existed and yet now fulfills it's purpose superbly. You can find out quickly from people's experiences with manufacturers (if you filter out the silliness), and you can occasionally get real-world advice about why one item is better than another.

When it comes to leather jackets, these kinds of forums simply do not exist. For many people, there is one store that sells leather in their town, and most of the jackets are general designs that are not interesting with fits that are off-the-rack and usually baggy. For a person buying their first leather jacket, as an example, where in the world are they to go to to find out which online retailers are trustworthy, which ones are accurate in terms of their fit, even things like which ones offer good return policies if something doesn't fit. Then, even if things like that are established, there still needs to be information for this first-timer about what aesthetics and designs relate to what, what to wear with them, why maybe this design will be bad for their height or rotundness, etc. A lot of understanding is necessary in order for someone to find a leather jacket that not only fits them well but suits them as an extension of their personality. It would be one thing if this was only a 50$ garment...then if there was a mistake, at least it's not too bad...but real leather jackets of good quality start at around 400$ and up....so you can't really take a risk, aesthetically or otherwise.


>> No.13475271
File: 11 KB, 339x419, 1488570359054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jacket from the reboot
I dunno whether I should derail this thread or not. nobody should witness this autism

>> No.13475274

>at least it's not too bad...but real leather jackets of good quality start at around 400$ and up
do people really spend all this money just to look bad?
from where do they even get the money?

>> No.13475284
File: 45 KB, 640x480, 12345678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore him and abandon thread. If you HAVE to reply, sage it

>> No.13475286


>> No.13475287

My point is, there could easily be an Anon lurking here who likes this jacket but doesn't want to say so, is interested where I got it and for how much, and is wondering what the real-world jacket actually looks like as opposed to promotional shots on a website. They'll want to know if the service is good, if the leather quality is good, how bright or dark the red is, etc, and more importantly they'll want to know about fit especially, which would answer their own internal questions of whether or not they could wear this jacket.

So, I'm trying to be helpful because in all honesty I wish I had that kind of advice when I bought my first leather jacket all those years ago. I still have it, it was a fitting disaster and mistake, but I love it anyway because it taught me quickly all the problems that exist with leather which don't exist in other fabrics.

I don't know...this one suits me fucking fine so far...god the leather is so supple. Which one do you like?

I appreciate the vote of confidence Anon...it's okay though, after last week, I was fully prepared for this...lol

Nice try...that's not me though...I'm not Jimmy Fallon.

I'll actually be wearing this tonight, and I can't wait. To be fair though, I still have to try a few ideas, as I don't want to go recognizably Dante-core. The shoes will be the most difficult step right now....

It isn't autism....it's as genuine as John Kasich.

You'd be surprised. The fits of leather jackets can look hideous, and when poor manufacturers make this design, it can look even worse. Just search on google for Devil May Cry jacket...the ones that are not from Soul Revolver look awful, and the fits are fucking terrible.

People make expensive mistakes all the time...thankfully I've learned my lessons well, so victory continues to be mine...

>> No.13475291

My man...who is this....4chan?

>> No.13475292
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>> No.13475294
File: 65 KB, 539x480, 1483491740086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes an expensive mistake
>victory is mine
Oh my god this is fucking amazing. Of course you like the jacket because you're an actual *teleports behind u * edgelord hahahaha

>> No.13475297
File: 397 KB, 360x240, 1466736958126.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if this is genuine or some extremely elaborate troll.
Haven't been this confused in a long time.
Good job, OP.

>> No.13475303

It's okay....if I didn't like the jacket, I wouldn't have ordered it Fren....

No, it's genuine, do I need to provide a timestamp to prove it?

>Still astonished that this is as earthshattering as it seems....

>> No.13475307

but is it all /fa/ like this?
I linked this thread on /v/ because I barely post here.

>> No.13475310
File: 49 KB, 512x403, 1529785599172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's piss off OP by derailing the thread since he seems to be an actual manchild with an ego problem.

Let's discuss DMC5. what devil arms are you looking forward to?

>> No.13475312


>> No.13475314

Spear since its confirmed

>> No.13475316

Sparda that isn't gimped

>> No.13475318

As for /fa/ being like this, I'm not sure. If you are talking about shoes, then you can get serious answers. Same seems to go for things like work clothes, or suit basics. But once you go outside the box, then anything can happen.

Bless you, but it's astonishingly difficult to 'piss' me off about anything these days. Once you start focusing on your own life, and your own priorities and goals, then it's somehow a lot easier to let things be that are out of your control. At least the Anons who were posting last week will know that everything worked out okay, and that if anyone has any questions, they can always ask.

>> No.13475320

Bike better be a devil arm

>> No.13475321
File: 104 KB, 304x636, mystery niggas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope there's another devil arm like Ifrit and Beowulf that lets you punch the shit out of everything. A God Hand sequel would be nice too.
On another note, who do you lads think this guy is?

>> No.13475328

Now I understand. I took a brief trip over to /v/....okay, apologies about my thread title. I had no idea that it could be confused with a thread about the game in development, and thus would be improperly placed in /fa/ instead. That all makes sense now (though someone could have kindly pointed it out to me).

That's fair enough, even though my title makes sense logically, 'from a certain point of view'...

Okay, time to have a look in detail. If you guys want a pic of something specific on the jacket, let me know...and I'll see what I can do.

>> No.13475331
File: 159 KB, 500x500, 1511024247004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You write like you actually have autism.

>> No.13475333
File: 64 KB, 682x682, 1528162386274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP doesn't know
>he probably doesn't even know he cosplays as a gay pornstar and dentist
this might be the only time I had fun on /fa/. reminds me of the /fa/ meetup and everyone was a twink in a trenchcoat

>> No.13475348

So, before I forget, here's last week's thread:


As far as I know, I have never been diagnosed with anything like that. I'm normal.

I'm glad you're having fun! At least this thread isn't increasing the clinical depression that seems to appear on this site once in a while...

>> No.13475349

WHAT is that in his right hand? Too thin to be a sword or knife.

>> No.13475357
File: 59 KB, 455x279, 1528739812025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I'm normal."
>buys a school shooter coat worn by the edgiest motherfucker in the universe
Whatever you say.

>> No.13475358
File: 11 KB, 120x152, 43562773443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check the previous thread
>everyone knew what a faggot OP he is and proceeds to derail him
>he STILL acts arrogant
this keeps getting better and better

>> No.13475361
File: 426 KB, 1000x666, 1465518409117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if this is trolling or not, but it's hilarious.

>> No.13475360

>I'm normal.
>buys a jacket from a literal 2edge4u character
>acts like one too
this can't be a coincidence.

>> No.13475363

Absolutely tragic

>> No.13475367

The school shooter coat actually was addressed in another thread by an Anon who wanted to wear a leather duster, specifically 'wear it to school'....sad. I'm not like that.

Yup...they tried and failed.

It depends on your perspective. Remember, you wear the jacket, the jacket doesn't wear you. If you are confident enough to wear a jacket like this, then it's always possible to get cut on them edges...

I'm glad!

You'd be surprised...that's the second time that's come up, but I'm over the moon right now. So far all the details of construction check out...nothing out of place, and the stitching is definitely well done.

>> No.13475368

>Nice try...that's not me though...I'm not Jimmy Fallon.
post screencap faggot

>> No.13475373
File: 118 KB, 1100x714, five hundred fucking dollars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he payed THIS MUCH for this shit

>> No.13475377

you guys weren't around for the first thread. he is definitely not trolling. trolls dont bother to reply to every post. they don't effortpost. they also give up after the first thread and change to a new larp

>> No.13475381
File: 692 KB, 1280x806, 1529887593743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP you have no idea what you have done to yourself so i'll spoonfeed you. this is what you got from
the guy you got the jacket from is an edgy guy who thinks everyone's wrong but himself, and the creater acts just like that with the same attitude as yours. the character also stars in gay porn SFMs and used in a chinese dental ad because the devs were fucking retarded to include their models with genitals. on top of that, the jacket you bought is one of the styles to avoid in the /fa/ sticky http://tuxbell.com/index.php/Common_Style_Mistakes

In other words, you fucked up in so many ways you aren't even aware of and proceed to jerk your egotism without even realizing what you have done to yourself and your wallet

In other words

>> No.13475386

In other words, you made my day*

>> No.13475388
File: 172 KB, 442x509, 1512600110171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13475398

The mods would know, so there's no need.

Yes, and it was worth every pfennig.

Thanks Anon!

no no, I know what happened, in brief. Since actually purchasing the jacket, I took the time to look up a few playthroughs of the game, just to get an idea of what was happening. Then it became clear that everything about the character design was 'controversial'....and then the background stuff came into play as well.

But, as I noted in the first thread, the jacket actually has nothing to do with the game, at least in my life. I've said it many times before, but I'll say it again (as it's probably the first for this thread): my social circles do not know the game, but they know I like leather. From their perspective, this will just be another leather coat that LeatherAnon wears. It'll be more unique in terms of design than they have ever seen before, but beyond that, it won't have any other connotations. Furthermore, as a rain jacket it makes sense practically for me as I live in an area that gets rain, rather unpredictably, and sometimes in force.

Regarding the 'dressing like a fictional character', well, I disagree here. I'm not dressing like Dante, I'm simply using his coat. Though I am well aware that Dante-core works with this coat, I plan on actually wearing other things that should work with the colour scheme, so really, it's not a big deal. I appreciate your advice though, but it's unnecessary...all that was solved in the last thread.

Oh, thank you. The delivery of my jacket made my day, so win-win!

>> No.13475400
File: 260 KB, 777x763, Donte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13475401

holy shit I assumed it was one of those shitty 200-300 dollar coats

>> No.13475402

Not even mad, this is the best it could possibly have turned out. It actually fits decently. You won't be able to escape the particular vibe that a leather coat gives off of course, but obviously you don't mind that.

>> No.13475406

OP what are you doing? you do realize 4chan X can detect samefagging right?

>> No.13475407
File: 21 KB, 264x256, 485625DC-6F1C-4C84-BFEB-04011A48FFCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP ACTUALLY DELIVERED, I assumed he was a troll

>> No.13475408
File: 18 KB, 777x274, fc03efd018ac0b5e2390c139a3ef3a09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats a new IP

>> No.13475414

So, some things about the jacket for those interested.

1) the Union jacket patch is distressed, and in colour. I know this will piss off some purists that it should be black-and-white, but I love it in colour here. Very good execution.

2) the jacket checks out in terms of build quality; no loose threads, no overstitching to correct errors, and hardware like zippers and buttons are secure and professional.

3) due to the weight of the jacket, it hangs very very well and reliably, it's not too light and it's not too heavy, though it's definitely a larger width/gauge of lambskin than my other long jackets.

4) you may be surprised to note that the undersection of the hood (that looks like a bat's wing) is actually a separate piece of leather attached outside....so in other words, if you cut it off, you'd have a continuation of the back section of the jacket going all the way to the hood. I wasn't sure if it was vented like a normal rain jacket or trench coat, but now I know it's definitely not vented. No problem, and no complaint from me...just an interesting observation.

You can get a shitty 200-300 dollar coat, but they won't be made of leather, they'll look like shit (compared to mine which looks like a million bucks), and the fit will also be likewise inaccurate.

Well, as I said, the vibe isn't the problem, because most of the people I know don't know where it would have come from. You have to understand...DMC is not famous where I live, nor do I hang out with people who play videogames on a regular basis. They have other hobbies, and grew out of videogames a long time ago. I agree with the fit...if I were wearing something other than my house-clothes, then it would look even better. The jacket is definitely form-fitting though...the fewer layers underneath, the better. If I have a chance, I'll take another pic with better clothing later...but time is starting to press. Thanks for the vote of confidence though!

>> No.13475419

I was under the impression that the mods can detect samefagging...hence my response above. I don't samefag...someone was pretending to be me (though it should be obvious from how they use language that it wasn't me...)

Yes, I promised I would. Believe it or not, there are people in this world whom you can rely upon.

I don't know enough about tech...does this prove that I didn't samefag? I hope so...because it certainly wasn't me. Just someone disgruntled that they didn't get a coat too....

>> No.13475422

>drop five hundred dollars on a silly video game jacket to look ridiculous online
>drop five hundred dollars on a Rick piece to look ridiculous online

honestly what's the difference

>> No.13475427
File: 174 KB, 960x960, 1524031323112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what 4chan has been missing for a lot of time. Genuine autists who don't give a fuck about what normalfags think about them.
Congrats OP, today you were not a faggot.

>> No.13475428

Yea that post is not you unless your being a naughty boy and resetting your router/phoneposting

>> No.13475444

Who's Rick?

Also, one last thing about the jacket, for those that are interested.

5) grain of the leather is surprisingly uniform. Normally when you buy a leather jacket that is either pre-distressed or antiqued, they'll simply give you shitty leather quality because all the flaws will be hidden by the distressing, so you can't tell. Flawless leather (like what you'd find on a woman's expensive purse) is more expensive, naturally. This coat uses nearly flawless lamb in every panel...I haven't seen a panel I haven't liked yet. For my first jacket from Soul Revolver, I can honestly say that I'm fucking impressed. Sure, you guys can hate the design...fine. But if you're interested in a leather jacket, give them a serious thought. Their normal designs are fine, a little boring at times, but if you want something that doesn't stick out, then at least I can say that their Italian factory is excellent.

Thanks Anon. I don't give a fuck about normalfags, because (as I mentioned in the previous thread) I live in a city where people dress any way they want, and no one says 'boo'. If I go downtown with this on, it's nothing, and on certain days of the year it's considered conservative and boring. So, that's okay. I fully understand that it's not like that in many parts of the world, and people need to take their surrounding society and culture seriously when it comes to fashion. But for me I've been lucky...no one cares about being different, so it's not a problem.

Yeah, I'm still not that advanced either. Such is life.

Did you guys see how quickly the 'ledder jackettes' general dies after a post or two? I had warned the Anon who created it that it might be a dead end, because leather just isn't interesting to a lot of people here, or if it is, they don't have many jackets to compare and contrast unlike shoes or t-shirts or whatnot.

>> No.13475451

One more thing. I just looked at the /fa/ catalog, and now I REALLY understand why my topic title is offensive to those in the gaming community.

writing 'It's here /dmc5/' can be read literally as 'The Game Devil May Cry 5' is here...as in, the game is released. Fuck. I had no idea it would read like that, it never occurred to me All I meant was that the jacket that Soul Revolver calls 'DMC5' was here....fuck, I'm really sorry about that. Complete unintentional fuckup.

>> No.13475453




>> No.13475464

You should talk to your doctor about looking into getting an autism diagnosis my friend, for real.

>> No.13475469

So can you post a fit of what you'd actually wear the jacket with?

>> No.13475479

There's no need. What makes you think I have autism?

Well, haven't gotten there yet. Tonight I'll probably go with something very simple; black v-neck shirt, black jeans, black boots. Very simple, and if I don't like it, I'll trade the black jeans for the dark blue ones in the pic, as they seem to work surprisingly well with the colour scheme and bring out the blue of the Union Jack. It's supposed to be cool tonight, with a (you guessed it) chance of rain. Also, I'll be going out for drinks, so there's no need to dress any differently than that.

Once I have more time, I can actually try on a few possibilities that are outside the obvious solutions i.e. more colours.

Also, thanks to a suggestion by an Anon in the previous thread, I'm thinking seriously about getting a pair of dark red leather boots....probably something more formal than not, though I'm not sure. Like high-top brogues, you know what I mean...though I don't know the proper name for them. We'll see.

>> No.13475486
File: 216 KB, 482x436, 1528375389385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought that thread was some golden bait but the absolute madman actually did it
probably the best thread on this piece of shit board since frank thomas
op i take back all the shit i said about you before, this timeline is too great

>> No.13475495

You seem to know about leather jackets, which brands are good for poorfags?
Also, I know you haven't the DMC games but you should anyway (not the one that has your jacket, play DMC 3 and 4), they're really fun.

>> No.13475511

>What makes you think I have autism?
The way you write, your fashion sense, your complete lack of self-awareness, and the fact that you thought buying this jacket was a good idea.

>> No.13475513

Thanks Anon! I appreciate that. If I can help others who have helped me in the past, then it's all good.

First, on the DMC games. I don't play video games, and to be honest I haven't played them since KOTOR. It's not a bad thing, it's just that I have other things in my life now that I spend my free time on that are as thrilling and competitive. Please understand, it's not a critique of videogame culture or anything like that...it's just that my life has moved in a different direction. It happens to everyone.

Regarding the brands for poorfags...in all honesty, there are problems with the premise of this question.

1) Leather is an expensive material. As I mentioned above, just buying the leather directly from a supplier in the form of 1x1 meter skins is fucking expensive (as it takes at least 20 skins or so to make a normal sized jacket, more skins if you're being anal about the quality of the piece). One long coat I have I contracted out to my tailor to create, and he's still working on it, but the point is that the skins alone cost over 500$, and that's solely for the skin alone, without any stitching or anything.

2) Then you have to add in the problem of which company you trust, which design do you like, etc. Then on top of that is where they are based, how much extra tax or shipping you need to pay, etc.

3) Finally, you have the issue of fit. Just because it's an expensive jacket from a trustworthy company doesn't mean that it'll fit YOU well. Reputable companies that are high end do custom measurements (usually sleeves, chest, waist, and back length), but for some companies with some designs, it's simply 'large/medium/small'.


>> No.13475531


The bottom line is that buying a leather jacket should be seen as something you have to think rather seriously about and be honest with the jacket maker about. A leather jacket, if well cared for, will outlast you, and is something you could pass down to your children if you have any that are around your size.

So, I'll say this. If you want to experiment with leather jacket style, buy something in fake leather. Usually you can get them at department stores for under $200, and they'll last 1 year if you wear them in the rain hard, before they start to crack and then shred (the outside is made of plastic to resemble leather, so when it shreds, it shreds like old plastic bags). Then at least you'll know if a style suits you or not. Not everyone can wear a double-rider, nor can everyone wear a long coat.

Next, if you've figured out what style you like, then I'm afraid you have no choice but to either save up or look at vintage stores. You can still get a vintage leather jacket for $300 or under, but the problem is you have no idea of the provenance of the piece, how well it's been maintained, what problems it might have inside the lining, etc.

My brother has an awesome vintage car coat from the 70's and it fits him like a dream. But I've never gone vintage because of my proportions (I can do off-the-rack medium for my body size, but not off-the-rack large, yet my arms are more suited to large than medium).

Would you be opposed to spending 500$ on a jacket Anon? Honestly? Because if you're buying new, that's about what you're looking at. Some people call it an 'investment', but I don't think you should look at it as such. You're spending money, likely money you will not get back even if you resell it. And why would you, if it fits like a dream and is an extension of your personality?

tl;dr. If you go low budget, you're getting fake leather or vintage real with potential problems. If you go real leather, it's about 500$ or above.

>> No.13475544

No idea or not if this is supposed to be a bait thread but all I can say is that practically all of the kids from /v/ in this thread seem genuinely underage. Coming from someone who literally got linked to this thread from the DMC thread on /v/, you might be the actual autists if you cant tell that OP couldnt give a lesser fuck whether or not the coat is from DmC or "DMC5". As for whether or not it looks good or what would go well with it, I dont know much about that other than that at least OP has the body shape to pull it off instead of looking like a skinnyfat weeaboo. It looks extravagant because of the colors but if you look fine otherwise and arent wearing hentai shirts and sandals I doubt it will look bad

>> No.13475549

OP please, it's too late to try salvaging this.

>> No.13475551

Hmm....well, I still don't understand how those things make me Autistic...but if you're capable of giving a proper diagnosis, then perhaps I should take you seriously, Doc....

One other thing. What style are you looking for? When it comes to jackets under $300 or so (so, fake leather in the modern sense), there are MANY brands that do this, and I think the first place to check is the local department store. You'll notice, for instance, that right now the double-rider (think of the bad guy in The Walking Dead with the baseball bat with spikes who's in all the pics on /tv/...I don't watch the show, but you know who I mean). This style is atrociously popular right now, in men's and women's variations, and you can find them in budget jackets for under $200. They're not real leather, the zippers might fail after a few months, and so on and so forth. But if you want to experiment with that style, then why the hell not.

Similarly, you could go for something far less complicated like a cafe racer (a simple motorcycle jacket style that has the zipper down the center, a collar that is buttoned, and usually only a few pockets but mostly just a simple garment)...this is much more common, much easier to dress with, and far more versatile.

Or you could go with mid-length car coats that are 70's style (like the Fight Club Jacket), or other variants of any of these. Hell, you could even go the aviator style route (popular with soft rock musicians) or flight jackets (like what the President of the US wears)....it all depends on what you want to experiment with and what will suit your body shape.

It's a tough question you ask...because companies sadly are not equal to each other or to themselves within the range of faux-leather....

>> No.13475553
File: 158 KB, 1235x558, 1502568603375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you genuinely stupid enough to think that he gives a fuck about the character itself beyond the clothing?

>> No.13475559

>posting from another computer just to defend yourself
Sad, and I don't know, you sounded pretty excited about it in the thread title.

>> No.13475565

Thanks Anon! I'm sorry you got linked to this on /v/....another Anon said he did that further up in this thread. As I mentioned, it was my mistake to title the thread the way I did, as I had no idea the repercussions. It was a literal title in response to my thread from last week...nothing more. I agree with your assessment, but moreover I'm glad you agree with mine that my body can pull off the coat. It's taken a few years and hard work to get to this point where I'm not too chubby....and though I keep working at it, it's a constant challenge. So, thanks.

Haven't we already established that I don't samefag?

I appreciate your vote of confidence Anon. I can understand however the incredulity of some of the Anons here regarding my purchase....it's so outstandingly strange to see someone do something like this, especially with a character who is as universally hated as the rebooted Dante.

I guess I would feel the same if someone was telling me how awesome Han's new jacket was from TFA, even though as a character he's entirely lost. But that being said, I always try to look at the piece of clothing for itself, not for the societal associations it might have. But that's just me.

Oh dear....I'll let you all sort it out. Or maybe the mods can...I don't know. But there's no reason to fight about this...

>> No.13475570

So what's the price point in which you are actually getting something decent? I'm looking for the typical biker jacket btw.
Funny enough I bought a cafe racer from Zara for 60 € and it lasted me 3 years, so yeah, I don't get very rough on my clothes.

>> No.13475571

Now THIS is a coat

>> No.13475575

>best video game thread and it's not even from /v/

>> No.13475578


Jesus Christ cut your fucking fingernails

>> No.13475582


>> No.13475586

Well, it depends on what your purpose of the jacket is. If you're not riding a motorbike and you don't require actual protection against road rash, here's what I can tell you for sure. Also, bear in mind I have NO experience buying cheap leather jackets, because I kinda skipped that step of experimentation because I thought I knew enough (of course, I didn't).

Typical biker jacket: does this mean a double-rider? (i.e. asymmetrical zipper, lots of pockets, turned-down collar with snaps, etc.) You could probably try Zara again because the style is in vogue right now. But I've seen them everywhere....as in, just walk into a large department store, go to the men's clothing, and check out every brand you can find (Levi's, Tommy Hilf, etc.).

That being said, leather jackets are seasonal, so you won't find them in the middle of summer unless the store is getting their fall collection ready. Similarly, you might find a good price during spring when they're getting rid of inventory to prepare for the next design season.

You have to understand, fake leather jackets are from my point of view all equal or equivalent glimpses of the untrue (to quote Hitchens). Because they are easy to get, and because of their cost of material, they're all the same in terms of quality, so you won't find a tremendous difference because companies don't spend money designing and manufacturing high quality fake leather jackets.

If you want a typical biker jacket, I would honestly suggest looking for something vintage, because it'll allow you to get real leather that is already broken in and looking used (leather always looks better used than new), and you'll be able to get it at a reasonable price.

I'm sorry I'm so useless on that, but honestly;fake leather and low-budget leather just isn't my area of expertise. If you wanted to know about jackets from Vansen, Schott, Wested, Soul Revolver (a little bit now), or Belstaff (from the Malenotti era), then I could tell you more.

>> No.13475593
File: 102 KB, 2000x2136, frank thomas compass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the best thread since Frank Thomas

>> No.13475602

>The fit is fucking fantastic
No it fucking isn't. This thread is fantastic though. Too bad I'm too low on the spectrum to read all your full spectrum tldr posts.

>> No.13475608

Somebody needs to start compiling screencaps.

>> No.13475609

It's fun, I guess, but cosplay only. The lack of a right sleeve is all you need to know.


Yup, the thumbnails are long today...but as I said, I'm working from home right now, so no need to be 'fresh'.

It's okay...these were fair questions and concerns. Hopefully my response was helpful.

I'm really sorry, I'm trying to find something of use to tell you.

How about this. In my area, a vintage clothing store can sell you a real leather biker jacket in decent condition between 150-200$. It'll be beat up, it might smell, and it might have a stain or two on the lining (or the lining may be shredded in the usual places like the armpit and the bottom of the back). At least at a vintage place you can try it on and see how it fits.

If you go to a department store for the same budget, then lots of designers make them but they're all fake leather. Again, you can try them on, and you can treat them as an experiment such that if you buy them and then regret it a few weeks on, at least you didn't drop too much money.

If you want to get into serious jackets that will last, then you have to establish a few things. First, the budget will be around 500$+. Second, you need to either have the opportunity to try it on before purchase or you need to know your size and measurements accurately (with clothes or without clothes, depending on the manufacturer).

If you're going for a typical biker jacket, try vintage first. That's the best place to start, and it'll also give you an idea of what size works well for you. Normally leather biker jackets are sized by the chest (40 regular, as an example), and depending on the design, it might have extra long sleeves (which are crucial if you actually ride) and stuff like that.

If you want a 'fresh' jacket in this design, then I'm afraid you either do fake leather for $300 or less, or you go professional with Schott for $750+. Does that help at all?

>> No.13475610

try and fold the sleeves back so that they're at your elbows, will look better.

>> No.13475612

How is it not? There are no bulges, it conforms to my body precisely in all the right places, it ends in the right places in terms of cuff and knee. Furthermore, you have to take into account that this jacket has spent the past 2 days FOLDED IN A BOX as it was shipped to me....it'll flow better with time.

Tell me, where does it look odd?

>> No.13475614

I've been preserved before...I'd be honoured to be preserved again.

>> No.13475617

Yes I meant the perfecto jacket, and yeah it seems like a better idea is to save a little bit. It just hurts more saving 700 for a jacket than saving 200 € for some quality jeans.
Thanks for the help anon.

>> No.13475622

Hey OP can you take a pic with the jacket and wish me a good day?

>> No.13475624

Who hurt you?

>> No.13475629

Can't wait for you to be memed to death with FUCK YOUs when you go out and be recognize your faggy jacket.
You're gonna be someone's prom date, you ugly sack of shit.

>> No.13475630

this is exactly what he wants you fucking moron
What are you going to do with it anyways post it to /r/4chan you fucking cancerous faggot?

>> No.13475633

You know what, I like it. Good on you OP

>> No.13475637

The thing is, it's really tough what you're asking for. It's like saying, 'I want to spend 20 bucks on a pair of jeans'....at that point, almost anything goes, because it's all the same.

Here's what I'd suggest, if you were me doing this the first time.

1) Go to a few high-end stores that sell leather jackets that are 'fashion' leather jackets. Like, 800 Euros and up. Try them on, and see what sizes work for you with this perfecto style. Find out what length your arms are, and what length sleeve you take. Find out what general size (medium, or size 40 or size whatever in the European specs). Also, when you go to try them on, make sure you wear clothing you INTEND to wear with this style of jacket. You have no idea what the wrong clothing can do to the look of a jacket...the jacket may suit you, but if the shirt underneath is too long or the trousers too baggy, it can throw off the whole thing and make you think the jacket is shit.

Then, once you've established that the perfecto style actually looks good on you, and you're honestly happy with it, then start looking in the vintage stores, trying to emulate the same perfect fit but with far less at your disposal. If you have time, then you can find something that works.

Lastly, if that doesn't work, then there are a few 'real' possibilities. Schott and Aero do Perfectos, and they're awesome. Schott's is good, but lately their general patterns are kinda fucked (stomach area is way too generous, the sleeves are slightly long, and the body is too long), but Aero is usually dead on. Other manufacturers are okay too, but try starting with Aero or Schott, and Schott if you want 'the real deal'. It'll cost you, but if you know your sizing is good to go, then you'll be buying a jacket for a lifetime.

My oldest jacket I got almost a decade ago, and I've worn it so much that 250pounds was worth every penny. Think of it that way...it'll be with you forever, and if you wear it a lot, it's worth it.

>> No.13475639

this is the jacket from DmC not DMC5

>> No.13475643

DmC is a good game.

>> No.13475645

Have a great day Anon! My pics are above with the jacket, and I don't have time to set up to take anymore. That being said, I hope you accomplish all you want to do today, and that by the end of the day you can say to yourself that 'I'm better than I was yesterday' or 'I have grown more today as a person'.

Don't worry Anon...it's honestly okay with me.

I wonder what it's like to be 'memed' to death...Perhaps that's what happened to Rose....

Not really...it wasn't my intention, though it wouldn't be the first time.

Thanks...I love it. Honestly, I'm still surprised it looks this good. Check Google...there are lots of disasters when it comes to this jacket made by pakistani imitators and cosplayers who can't size worth a damn....

Oh dear....shall I repeat what I've said before?

>> No.13475653

only good thing about it is the gameplay(which is far worse than 3/4) and some of the art direction
it's mediocre at best

>> No.13475654
File: 65 KB, 736x986, Fail 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post a few examples different to mine, and you'll see what I mean about fit and finish. I don't know who makes these jackets, but they're all awful for one reason or another...

>> No.13475657
File: 68 KB, 800x800, Fail 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this idea came from one of the prototype designs, where the hood was zipped all the way back. Still, the red is awful...

>> No.13475660
File: 62 KB, 1275x1500, Fail 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13475663

Go back to /v/ faggot

>> No.13475664
File: 5 KB, 150x150, Fail 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is particularly ghastly, and is the reason why I eliminated the colour Yellow from the palette early on....

>> No.13475667

I bought this one for a cosplay anon, is the look decent?

>> No.13475671
File: 328 KB, 400x626, 1499222228028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Mac

>> No.13475677
File: 61 KB, 750x1125, Fail 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one. The model is fine, and the drape and proportions are okay. But the jacket itself still has problems, and the colours are still Halloweenish.

Anyway, my point I think stands that this Soul Revolver iteration of this design is by far the best executed, and for Italian lambskin I'd say it's a reasonable cost (not a great deal, but you're not being ripped off by any means).

1) it's pleather (so, fake leather). Already a no-no; you can see that it's fake leather especially in the red-bits.

2) For cosplay, I'd say it's fine. I wouldn't wear it in the rain.

3) Ultimately it still comes down to how it fits you. If it fits you like a second skin, then by all means....God knows that we all have seen what happens when a 10 dollar t-shirt looks like a 50$ one simply because it fits excellently.

No matter what, leather is all about fit. Nothing else matters or has as much bearing on how good or terrible a leather jacket looks on you as fit. My last pic here is this in spades: the fit is fine, but the jacket is still crap. But at least the jacket looks better than it would on someone it didn't fit...you know what I mean? The fit increases the perceived value of the jacket.

90's, everything is too large, with dad-core tummy and fat jowels. Would not imitate.

>> No.13475691

This one actually looks close to the one in game

>> No.13475699
File: 77 KB, 500x700, 1527565699785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13475704

I give them bonus points for the detailed stitching, but they lose those points for using fake leather as well as not having a red interior. They also lose points for having a long coat design being zippered....that never looks right (it always reminds me of the back of a hospital gown....) But that's just me...

>> No.13475708
File: 39 KB, 504x450, 1499034047712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't cop officially licensed Devil May Cry clothing
lmaoing at ur life

>> No.13475717

>free shipping NOW through Mother's Day!
>through Mother's Day!
>Mother's Day!
Hey Mom...look what I got...aren't you proud of your son?

God...so much about that jacket is wrong....
>yes, believe it, I said that. I SAID THAT!

>> No.13475733
File: 1.39 MB, 1110x2034, 1524756496874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Nero effay?

>> No.13475736

Well, you're probably asking the wrong McFly. Given that the consensus is that I'm somewhere between 'hopeless' and 'anti-/fa/', you probably shouldn't be asking me...

>> No.13475817

>not liking the Duster
confirmed for not having the taste, OP

>> No.13475846


>> No.13475944

Ledder is still up. Drop by and share Dante!

>> No.13475952


>> No.13475970

Sfms & Chinese dental...not a gamer Anon please elaborate for the lulz plz?

>> No.13475998
File: 546 KB, 820x662, 1529297959499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to protect your simile jacket bro!

>> No.13476006
File: 998 KB, 400x224, 1530218488782.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The character model was ripped from the games files and is now used mostly for gay 3DGC porn, and a chinese dental company used the most in a illustration about the importance of bushing your, webm related

>> No.13476018


>> No.13476032

Honestly, the fit is trash in the game/art itself. It looks likr the character squeezed into his GF's clothes. Doesn't even look like it would close. Only in a video game would this look passable. So you're already buying something unnatural.

Dusters and trench coats are usually slimming. Yours actually makes you look wider. Maybe your actually fat, but the lack of buttons or details, and a taper or cinch makes it you look like a giant fat rectangle.

The arms or way too long. The cuffs are at your knuckles, yet the sleeves are still bunched.

TLDR It will always be autistic school shooter core, but minor detail changes could have made the silhouette far more flattering and no so formless.

>> No.13476045

Is this before or after you fuck a lookalike of your mom?

>> No.13476053
File: 13 KB, 320x213, rick-owens-ramones-sneakers-02-320x213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please OP get these and wear with your leather coat in the next thread

>> No.13476106
File: 33 KB, 300x367, 1523344518604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for sharing again, this thread is very wholesome too

i want to thank you guys too, i cant imagine being so much a virgin that i care about the integrity of video game but its really fun to watch

>> No.13476143

all me btw

>> No.13476183
File: 406 KB, 539x532, 1529345630797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

came here from /v/ just to call you a faggot OP

>> No.13476192

>DmC jacket
>calls it DMC5 jacket
Yeah this is a ruse of massive proportions

>> No.13476202

It's Demifiend from SMT: Nocturne

>> No.13476214

>Who's Rick
>the greatest poster on /fa/ in years doesn't know Rick Owens

That's it guys, time to throw away the Geos.

>> No.13476256

God what a faggot

>> No.13476271
File: 317 KB, 564x477, 1529357440458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13476292

>Who's Rick?


>> No.13476315
File: 433 KB, 1000x1000, 1526165135606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi OP. I came here to laugh at you

>> No.13476329
File: 432 KB, 1936x1936, 1512253535187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you

>> No.13476335

lol. op and this guy are on the same level, in terms of how they will be perceived by the general public

>> No.13476382

The surge of generic anime reaction images...v has truly arrived.

>> No.13476399
File: 298 KB, 466x526, 1529632410978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/irgin here

nice done op, you absolute madman, you really did it

>> No.13476477

faggots from /v/ and the general public are about as far apart as you can get, get over yourself

>> No.13476484

Chill out OP

>> No.13476503

why does this guy sound like hes from reddit?

>> No.13476508

this board is pretty much a subreddit

>> No.13476515

you first gaywad

>> No.13476588

Put me in cap pls