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File: 1.13 MB, 720x1280, 1529098064294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13446568 No.13446568 [Reply] [Original]

Based art hoe thread. Post your hotest art hoe styles. I'll dump a few.

>> No.13446569
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>> No.13446571

Everyone here usually describes "Art Hoes" to being annoying and should be avoided, but yet there's so many threads celebrating them...

>> No.13446572
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>> No.13446577
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They are so hot

>> No.13446579
File: 122 KB, 640x607, 0009494894_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanna drink fair trade coffee with them

>> No.13446584
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>> No.13446624

Is this art hoe or just a qt3.14?

>> No.13446625
File: 165 KB, 750x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic!
>I hope this is just a nice Christian girl look

>> No.13446627

Mega Art hoe check her out on insta

>> No.13446633

I can't cause I'm on a 20XX iPod from the days of yore so I can't image search, or do much really.
>link me?

>> No.13446677

They're hot as fuck but god damn are they insane

>> No.13446693
File: 144 KB, 1080x1235, 34276096_173242496860643_8357185581175799808_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is she a art hoe or just goth hoe

>> No.13446699

katya lischina? thought her insta is deactivated

>> No.13446701

would smash anyways

>> No.13447585

Mediocrity and brokenness are the core of the Art Hoe appeal. They make her seem approachable and tangible to a certain demographic because so much of her is failure embodied by anyone who hasn't had his options whittled down by low self esteem and social illiteracy.

See the art hoe look for what it really is - aposematism at work. Nature's way of telling you to GTFO. Instead of a bright yellow frog, you're presented with bright blue or green or purple hair. Just as toxic.

....Or you're presented with a self-described non conformist who can't fit in because she isn't good enough. Sub standard but trying to make up for it with an air of worldly and creative dynamism that is nothing but an act.

>> No.13447605

I just want a girl with masculine hair or bangs to shower me with affection, why's that so hard senpai?

>> No.13447608

It's not. It's a very desirable thing.

But you want to approach the issue by looking at the person. Not the pastiche of subcultural debris the person affixes to their exterior in hopes of marketing themselves and defining their identities via products and interests they've deemed 'cool' to claim they partake in.

Only narcissists do that shit. They're trying to hide how empty they are beneath the surface. They're feeding the world an image that serves their interests, even if that image is not who they are.

And IME it never is.

A narcissist cannot love you the way you deserve to be loved, anon. They just don't speak the language.

>> No.13447609

Why did you break up with that triad girl?

>> No.13447612

She HATED fashion. Insisted it was only for women. Every time i put effort into a fit, I was a Faggot.
I came to see this as a function of her own insecurity, a function of her fear of losing me. This may sound full of it, but you hadda know her to see how her personal defense mechanisms came into play. If I looked good, and we were in public... She got pissy.
She didn't read hardly anything and smoked too much, but the real issue was her unwillingness to step outside of her own social station.

>> No.13447614

I kind of regret it tho - I was really happy with her in many ways. There was nothing about myself to hide, cause she was flawed in a lot of the same ways I was.

>> No.13447616

Jesus christ imagine being this must of an autist.

Do you analyze why people wear jeans in real life as well? How lonely and sad and boring must you be

>> No.13447618

Can somebody please post the hot art hoe who’s standing up taking a selfie in her room? She was the OP of a thread here a month or two ago and it took off. All I remember is that she’s a schoolteacher

>> No.13447631


>> No.13447647

Found the Art Hoe

>> No.13447661
File: 1.11 MB, 1312x2560, Screenshot_20180616-103541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a disgust

>> No.13447667

Kill me, pls

>not knowing when you've literally transcended poe's law with your appearance

>> No.13447673

Imagine wearing do much makeup you look like a cartoon character

>> No.13447742

ahahah bugmen triggered af.

>> No.13447746
File: 2.28 MB, 4032x3024, 3F8D61F1-4A07-49D2-A731-61BD070BFAC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ex fwb from the art school I go to. Qt af in my opinion

>> No.13447751
File: 21 KB, 326x304, 1529145404112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit she looks annoying.

>> No.13447752


>> No.13447759

that sex probably stunk within a 50 feet radius

>> No.13447772

Is there anything worse than dressing in a way where people just know your political ideology. How cringe

>> No.13447773

that's just the image they want to project though, in order to disguise their awful traits.

>> No.13447776
File: 102 KB, 720x960, 23021960_1437004673074285_686568790_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was my ex-girlfriend art hoe?

>> No.13447780
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>> No.13447782

no wonder its always "ex" if youre enough of an idiot to post someone without their permission on 4chins imagine how much of a dweeb you are irl

>> No.13447784

cuz theyre pretty rare

>> No.13447799
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>> No.13447806
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>> No.13447808

this shitty thread smells like fish

>> No.13447809


>> No.13447869

You need to get laid, my dude

>> No.13447873

Febo Nijmegen?

>> No.13447875

no theyre not if u live even remotely close to a city

>> No.13447884

Don't assume.

>> No.13447890

Amsterdam Linnaeusstraat

>> No.13447897

I live in a city that has plenty of "Art Hoes." Every one of them I've ever had to engage in conversation with has been insufferable. They're genuinely hateful and petty. Not to mention the abundant insecurities. Some are kinda hot though so I suppose that's why we have these threads.

>> No.13447905
File: 49 KB, 500x500, dw shiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh respek for wimminz

>> No.13447908
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>that same old cop-out answer

>> No.13448026

Because they are hot but have a shit personality.

>> No.13448114

>FSU alum
Of course. That school has two types of people: good-looking chads and stacys in greek life, and liberal art kids

>> No.13448170

You people really like this goofy-ass chick?
>terf bangs
>sickly shade of green hair
>trendy forever 21 "kurt cobain" sunglasses
>doo doo lipstick
>tits just above her belly button
>checkerboard shorts , in the current year

>> No.13448173

damn she got fat

>> No.13448174

jesus christ her hair is horrid.

>> No.13448178

looks like she's wearing a damn hoodie LOL

>> No.13448193

TERFs are cancer evolved.

>> No.13448211
File: 411 KB, 1280x1829, tumblr_ohxfeiVHwx1tihycdo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing these kinds of posts makes me wonder if there's a difference between the art hoes of different countries. All the women I've known that could be classified as art hoes have been nice and wholesome people who are fully aware of how pretentious their interests can be, and capable of laughing at themselves. They don't seem at all like the art hoes these threads speak of. Or maybe I'm just an art hoe myself and blind to their flaws, I don't know.

>> No.13448216

hi guys, is there a reason most of these girls are incredibly repulsive to me? it sounds harsh, but they look like personifications of disease and probably smell horrible. i'm really not trying to be mean here

>> No.13448231

some art hoes i've come across in my college fit your description, others are walking stereotypes. Although not everyone fits it, the stereotype definitely prevails where I live (dublin cc)

tastes differ my nigger

>> No.13448238

they ARE disease buckets, quite often. Liberated lifestyles and all.

>> No.13448269

You are so sad. Why are you so dripping with vitriol. Just go full MGTOW or shut the fuck up.

Also, I knew you'd puss out of our meetup. Typical.

>> No.13448276

You never emailed me back, son. And I don't feel i have to puss out, because I think we share a lot in terms of perspective and personal ethos. How's tuesday or wednesday sound?

>> No.13448283

Why are you guys so in to art hoes? I understand they have a lot of common interests (fashion, art, music, etc). But every single one I’ve ever been involved with was only interested in those things on the surface level and was really just a vapid human being. I keep fucking them because there are so many in college it’s ridiculous, but once you’ve met one, you’ve pretty much met them all.

>> No.13448296

Your statement is true only in regard to your personal experience.

I've met plenty of girls that fit the bill who are awesome people. Maybe it has more to do with the type you attract than them all being that way. Hell, even calling them vapid leads me to believe you're exactly the type of pretentious prick that attracts those people.

>They like what i like but they don't REALLY like it, they're not into it the way I am, therefore they're all the same
Generic circa 2008 pretentious hipster statement.

>> No.13448324

Does she leave the house like this?

>> No.13448390
File: 1.67 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180616-223645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 brapposting
go right ahead faggots

>> No.13448421
File: 7 KB, 300x326, 1527811040188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NYC meet up?

>> No.13448423

why not?

>> No.13448425

I never said I think less of people who are into the same things I am but not to the same extent. Nor that all girls who are into said things are all the same. I wouldn’t consider every person who has those interests to be an “art hoe”, therefore you’re correct I was speaking directly in reference to my experience with some individuals who were shallow and fit the description of an art hoe. Sorry I didn’t mean to offend you, because clearly something about that statement caused you to project your insecurity and make assumptions about someone else’s character who you’ve never met lol.

>> No.13448426

Finnish drawing fucboi

>> No.13448433

Drawing what?

>> No.13448440

OP here. The first 6 photos I posted were bait. They are disgusting LMAO

>> No.13448444

bitch looks like the log lady from twin peaks

>> No.13448459


>> No.13448468

You haven't offended me at all. I just call people how I see them, and you seem like an elitist hipster douchebag. Everything you said in your initial post was dripping with the desire to put yourself above the subject at hand. Just felt like giving you a reality check, because you being on this board and talking the way you do about others has me pretty convinced you're exactly the kind you were condemning.

projecting? You told yourself I was mad about your post to convince yourself my words carried no weight. I think we both know i'm right on the money.

>> No.13448509

alright bros im baited. this kind of person is the worst to talk to and their company is nearly impossible to enjoy.

>> No.13448537

Go to college
Stop being insecure

>> No.13448547

It's not bait. This is how he talks.

Thanks. We really needed 2 arthoe threads on top of our artbro thread. Why not a thotcore thread while you're at it?

>> No.13448576

whos that

>> No.13448579

My initial post was just commentary based off my experience with the subject being discussed. I don’t think you being upset invalidates your opinion, it’s really not that deep. And I personally would not make such assumptions about somebody unless I actually knew them. You however are quick to give a character anylaysis to anyone who makes a passive comment that hurts your feelings. Your responses are dripping with the same conceit and arrogance you speak of but if you really want affirmation that badly by all means believe that you are %100 right about your first impression of a stranger on 4chan who upset you.

>> No.13448590
File: 1.52 MB, 1080x1154, 1523573703215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you gyus just going to take turns being passive aggressive until one breaks down

>> No.13448664


anon end your life

>> No.13448761
File: 191 KB, 362x399, 1510707762222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're hot but crazy. I've managed to pull a few myself but shit gets really weird really fast.

The last one I went with had daddy issues and abandonment issues. She never wanted me to leave and always clung onto me for dear life, while simultaneously trying to find other guys to fuck. It's a journey I could only recommend if you're able to remove all emotions and just enjoy the sex.

>> No.13448815

This guy has it right.

>> No.13449133

Tfw my art hoe gf likes all of the same music i do , is kind respectful loyal rational and smokes weed with me and cuddle at night , literally perfect

I hope one day you anons will know this same feel

>> No.13449165

Who is that

>> No.13449175

i thought we post this picture to make fun of it wtf?

>> No.13449176

BLEssed post ty anon

>> No.13449187


>> No.13449210


>> No.13449240

Why would you make fun of art hoes they are the hottest of hoes

>> No.13449256


>> No.13449306
File: 38 KB, 500x469, cosign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute based trip right here

>> No.13449321


>> No.13449351

>Seeing these kinds of posts makes me wonder if there's a difference between the art hoes of different countries

Well, in Russia they are called "винишкo тян" and it is more about being pseudo intellectual girl which pretends to read a lot of "smart" books and also drinking a lot of cheap wine

>> No.13449357

Same here but
>art hoe
I’d described her as an artist desu

>> No.13449369

Pseudo, I’m the anon who wanted to meet up with you. I texted you. Honestly whoever posted this response to you is fucking trolling and I never wanted to turn this into some group cringe fest. We emailed back and forth and I texted you. Motherfuckers obviously just trolling you

>> No.13449386

All these girls a fucking yuck. Dirty permanent sour vagins

>> No.13449396

Gotchu, was working on sound. my fault.

>> No.13449397

It wasn't a troll. I wanted to meet up, but not in a friendly way.

>> No.13449399

I'm gonna be moving to Dublin pretty soon, can you give me a rundown of Dublin girls

>> No.13449416

It's cute, you talk like you're gonna throw hands. right.

was working on sound. my fault.
Returned your txt.

>> No.13449423

Bro if you wanna wrestle strangers that you met on the internet just get a grindr acount

>> No.13449487


>> No.13449791


It's a meitu filter (app)

>> No.13449825

I’d spread her legs without even asking.

>> No.13449890

You know she fuck that dog

>> No.13449903

>respecting women

>> No.13449964
File: 5 KB, 259x194, gwm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw attracted to art hoes while i despise them at the same time

>> No.13449992

reverse image search on Google, Bing and Yandex yields nothing. looking at the file name, the picture is either from Facebook or Instagram. who is this?

>> No.13450597

>shes cute af post more

>> No.13450603
File: 328 KB, 1344x718, Screen Shot 2018-06-17 at 22.42.40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

um.. sweetie.. did you assume my gender???

>> No.13450658
File: 196 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_p4fysqcZh71r0ldx9o1_1280(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want a daddy, but I also want my father.
Not this one.
Wife the girl.
Kinda gey but I think I get it.
Where's your spine?
Yeah I reckon that art hoes from the us are generally alot more prenotions where as art hoes in Australia are more likely to be indoctrinated to mainstream youth progressive-ism.

Also my contribution form another thread.

>> No.13450659
File: 16 KB, 199x130, Twitter194075e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13450664

Are you sure?

>> No.13450719

>>tits just above her belly button
why does this get me rock hard
and that slight belly roll

>> No.13450757

>tfw only art hoe I've pulled actually unironically liked rhcp

y u c k

she rode trains around the country and was basically homeless 90% of the time until she came home to stay at her rich parents house. I assume because they always let her in on the hopes she would finally be their sweet little girl again but

>muh issues with the wolrd and the way it is

prevented that

>> No.13450770

Jesus fuck this is my crack.
How do I pull art hoes if I'm an ugly fat and poor guy f a m? It's literally the reason to live, the extremely slim 0.00000000000001% chance that I might one day fuck one of these goddesses.

>> No.13450898


>but yet

redundant you fucking mong

>> No.13450973
File: 147 KB, 768x1024, 1516052751746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that I might one day fuck one of these goddesses.
try 0%, jfc
the only way to fuck one of these disgusting slampigs is to disrespect them, dominate them, and pump-and-dump. on a primal level trust fund art hoes want nothing more than for someone to treat them like worthless animals

>> No.13450981

Her writing is some of the worst shit I’ve ever read, it gives me secondhand embarrassment. Not only that, but you’d think that for the amount of makeup she cakes on she’d at least be good at it.

>> No.13451053

>saying TERF unironically
Sorry about your penis

>> No.13451071
File: 2.84 MB, 300x278, 1529163578844.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Archaeology class last semester
>Art hoe girl sits near me
>Not super conventionally attractive but still pretty qt and with a twee af fashion sense
>Think shes giving me signals
>Find out shes a lesbian

I'm never going to get an art hoe gf

>> No.13451074
File: 344 KB, 576x467, 1507640151718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last ex was an art hoe. basically destroyed me

where do i find a new one post-college

>> No.13451112

I don't blame you Anon, it's unavoidable

>> No.13451186



>> No.13451203

They can masturbate, too. Don't matter. Just blow out that steam. Who isn't more relaxed and clear minded post orgasm? Go cry, more (also could help)

>> No.13451206

You probably hate one or both of your parents?

>> No.13451211
File: 85 KB, 736x981, 1525434982984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I respect you. Just meant more to blow off some steam. Exercise, masturbation, music, or some other artistic outlet may aid in whatever this person was keeping bottled so that they felt the need to share the unnecessary opinion :)

>> No.13451225

I appreciate that.
Thank you.

I try to keep up to date on my Production, Cardio and Wanking for that very reason. Thanks for reminding me to not take shit to heart.

>> No.13451228

Imagine telling this chick the men/women pay gap doesn't exist LMFAO

>> No.13451231

Troll her EPIC style :)

>> No.13451232

As long as there's a gap between her upper and lower lips, justice will prevail.

>> No.13451237


>> No.13451254

imagine unironically believing, writing, and posting this and completely lacking self awareness as 36 year old boomer who spends hours on this site every day

>> No.13451271

Who's her?

>> No.13451276
File: 812 KB, 671x657, Screen Shot 2018-05-27 at 5.53.02 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being a burned out second choice human masturbation sleeve at 26 or younger, perpetually doubling down on the malformed and fragmented ghost of an identity you might have actually been able to pass off as personality, if only your father had possessed some shallow approximation of how to raise a young woman with enough self respect to not wrap up her youth with a deliberately randomized rotation of soulless rutting and deeply troubling forays into degeneracy, hypocrisy and gleeful ignorance.

Imagine unironically masquerading as a creative or otherwise free spirit in the futile hopes of displacing a growing backlog of shame as mere 'youthful experimentation' or 'self discovery'.
Because that's what artists do, right?

Imagine being triggered by a description of one's own degeneracy that's so accurate it raises doubts that you though you'd squelched last year.
Imagine facing that reality every day, imagine the fear of one's own shelf life looming large enough that "36" is the keystone of a hastily assembled ad hominem pastiche you consider passes for reasoned debate.

Imagine being spent, used, unwanted, post-wall, infertile, unfulfilled by little else than non-committal penises. NOW STOP.
You don't have to imagine those things anymore because you are a powerful and majestic woman who don't need no man unless their BAC is hovering around 2.5.

Imagine having purple or blue hair and a useless degree. Imagine telling minorities how to live from the safety of your ivory SJW tower. Imagine getting BTFO by that loser who writes multi-layered vitriol off the cuff that annoys you bad enough to assume it demanded effort on his part.

I'm 38, you fekkin cat lady in training

>> No.13451285

if you were projecting your inner decay any harder it would be a jojo stand

>> No.13451287

>arthoe broke my heart

>> No.13451291


>> No.13451292
File: 261 KB, 788x1200, 712af8b6d9467658e08b58c0b2e53220e06d306f2834172cf47b98c5ec5bfbb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13451295

tfw no art hoe gf with fat milkers to kiss n suck while we listen to post-punk bullshit

>> No.13451301


>> No.13451344
File: 23 KB, 332x443, F12EC491-007E-4793-88AD-776FBC56F570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This cutie is really sexy.

>> No.13451358

d a m n b o i

>> No.13451363

who is girl?

>> No.13451364

aconitemercury on instagram just followed her recently what are the odds

>> No.13451368

What I'm getting out of this thread is that "art hoes" are average-to-ugly chicks that wear stupid clothes.

>> No.13451384

This is going to sound edgy as fuck, but i think i finally understand the male impulse to rape

I look at her and feel two things at once:
1. Utter disgust with ther personality and full knowledge she's a horrible person who i would gladly throw in the gutter
2. Sexual attraction

The only clear reaction to that combination of feelings is rape. It satisfies both the lust and the rejection of her humanity

>> No.13451390

YOOOOO Doo Doo lipstick made me laugh way too loud

>> No.13451407
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>> No.13451408
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>> No.13451409
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>> No.13451410
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>> No.13451412
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>> No.13451417
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I'm done gents

>> No.13451441

my goodness

>> No.13451444

You should genuinely seek help

>> No.13451453

What if I told you the average person (regardless of gender) is a vapid human being who is only interested in anything on a surface level, and your complaints about the art hoes you've met have nothing to do with them being art hoes?

>> No.13451458

falsely accusing the poster you're responding to of being upset doesn't make u any less wrong

>> No.13451473

go to a bunch of smaller shows wherever you live. like just small enough that you can socialize in between sets

the house show scene where I live is cool too except I usually end up seeing the same 20 or so people after a while

>> No.13451559


>> No.13451648
File: 228 KB, 1022x862, _tv_ - Television _ Film » Thread #73680224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13451650
File: 346 KB, 888x928, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1528241832738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13451656

She broke a lot more than just that
But I understood the evils of liberalism for the first time, so I thank her in an odd way.

I don't need to project shit. my soul is rotten and diseased. Duh. IDGAF. I'm open with that shit. The more you hide, the worse you really are deep inside.

Start using condoms.

>> No.13451718

She looks loike shit now.
I bet that Hedi Slimane is not going to use her as model at Celine...

>> No.13451720

Nice copy.
Learn how to make your own posts.

>> No.13451733

Agree or disagree, props for using a 5 dollar word like that. One of my personal favorites.
Also deep down I believe that part of the arthoe fashion mentality is rooted in insecurity of their body type. The hallmark of arthoes, at least all the ones I've seen in person and on tinder, seems to be shitty glasses, shitty hair, a shitty baseball cap, and those dumpy denim sweatpants that they wear way above their hips to compensate for being unfit and having a bad body type. In essence their visual aesthetic is the equivalent of making a joke about oneself in a self deprecating manner before a bully has a chance to mock: dressing badly on purpose to compensate for other physical shortcomings as well as image issues.

>> No.13451753 [DELETED] 

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/P0RWkdsRpK7ss" width="480" height="390" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/happy-yes-P0RWkdsRpK7ss">via GIPHY</a></p>

>> No.13451754


>> No.13451785

This is true indeed, but i fear the consequences of actually thinking like that in an actual social situation. I usually hide my powerlevel pretty well and want to keep it like that as i'm surrounded by art hoes.

I also think that your statement is true for the male art hoe equivalent. The aesthetic is mostly rooted in narcissistic insecurity and being unable to fit in. That seems like most of /fa/ tho.

>> No.13451795

>In essence their visual aesthetic is the equivalent of making a joke about oneself in a self deprecating manner before a bully has a chance to mock: dressing badly on purpose to compensate for other physical shortcomings as well as image issues.

It's also a great way to lie at yourself about the way you look. It's a way of saying "of course I look ugly, but if I actually tried, I'd be beautiful, I'm just not interested in trying."

>> No.13451812

this is Kate Winslet in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

>> No.13451825

Good point. In fact it might have more to do with this than what I said.

>> No.13451856
File: 1.88 MB, 729x394, disk2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget that old dragon, The Male Gaze. GenderBots have to learn a lot about that nefarious Male Gaze in their commie liberal arts classes - the insufferable marxist poseurs are always screaming to their charges about the dangers of being objectified sexually (in a world, no less, where their own repellant, smug fat asses couldn't get themselves objectified by a taxidermist).

So not trying can be (and is) written off as a STUNNING and BRAVE subversion of the OPPRESSIVE male gaze. Them art hoes are actually fighting back against the patriarchy while doing fuck all! Ingenious, because allowing yourself to decay is now the cornerstone practice of an ethos that's supposed to be of vital importance.

>> No.13451864

I love how op starts a bait thread with disgusting looking girls but you retards can't even tell (because art hoe are inherently disgusting) and take the thread seriously. Wtf is wrong with leftists? Is it that they lack self awareness?

>> No.13451867

That's august west

>> No.13451874

Yes. They operate according to group identity structures that pretty much abolish the individual in favor of the group. This is why Stalin told the German High Command they could go fuck themselves and please, shoot my son, when Germany called him with the news that they had captured Stalin's own child on the battlefield and hoped to trade POW's.

Stalin said Fuck That, Shoot Him. And hung up.
Because Identity on the individual and family levels is anathema to the communist. Stalin wouldn't even pull his own son out to a place of safety during war. That son HAD to fight, and if he died, so be it. It's good PR. Helps the group identity remain solid too.

>> No.13451876

poetry sempai, st8 poetry

>> No.13451887

>to being annoying and should be avoided
That's just women, but they're still fuckable.

>> No.13451889

I really appreciate that. I've been dicking around with different ways to pack sentences with shameful imagery and allusions while maintaining a rhythmic deliverance of ad hominem interspersed with objective truth to keep the dyke off balance.

chained together in proper cadence, a steady barrage of disgust and condemnation eventually brings the liberal face to face with what a piece of shit they know that they are... even if it's only Deep down inside their hearts.

>> No.13451901
File: 80 KB, 1537x434, Poet77_preview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's called Poet for a reason

>> No.13451915
File: 2.78 MB, 1080x1303, IMG_20180618_155304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13451920

>This is why Stalin told the German High Command they could go fuck themselves and please, shoot my son
BASED. Stalin was a 20th century Alexander

>> No.13451925

she's in front of the sort of shit tagging that only drunk white hipsters will debase themselves with from the safety of their brew pub shitter.

This is how you know she's real as fuck. Because she appropriates culture second hand. It's as if she was a blind and famished baby bird - she only has to engage with cultures that have been pre-chewed by whatever beta orbiter strike force it is that's taking turns holding our beers from within the cool, comforting darkness of the cuck shed they've so painstakingly built themselves.

>> No.13451936
File: 1.45 MB, 1080x1068, IMG_20180618_161239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ur killing me senpai

>> No.13451940

Now you've done it lmao

>> No.13451996

Another takedown.

>> No.13452174
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>> No.13452176
File: 937 KB, 1080x1073, IMG_20180618_161306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we have the rare opportunity to see the art hoe in her natural habitat.

>> No.13452179
File: 1.72 MB, 1080x1340, IMG_20180618_161324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13452188
File: 30 KB, 400x384, 1498349204919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-these are yours, anon? Are you still with her?

>> No.13452190

again with the shitty graffiti.
Hiipsters do this a lot. I sometimes wonder if they live in east brooklyn just so there's a lot of graf around - in case a selfie is needed.

>> No.13452192
File: 645 KB, 978x1006, Can you not.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13452194

Are girls like this only good to look at online on an Indonesian basket weaving forum? Or do they have something going for them IRL?
>t. really attracted to art hoes and goth hoes.
>t. go to art university where there's only like 5 art hoes

>> No.13452198

They’re a combination of attractive and off putting. Some of them smell super gross. A lot of them are slutty.

>> No.13452210

it depends; if you belong to the average demographic of said philipino coupon hoarding forum and are borderline or even full on /pol/lack you will most probably hate them

also as per the usual it seems as if in burgerland people with their certain, lets call it 'subcultural traits' are overexaggerated and hard to take in general, that may apply with art hoes as well. in yuropooristan its okay, to me personally at least

>t. cuck whose main target audience art hoes and similar creatures are

>> No.13452219

This thread makes me feel very sad for you guys.

>t. happily married to pure Christian wife

>> No.13452223

>Live in europoor land
Damn, this fills me with hope.

>> No.13452376

still pretty bangin tho

>> No.13452436

>current year
>being Christian
Does your wife or pastor know you're on 4chan? Allah knows.

>> No.13452608

it was cool until you mentioned girls being "post-wall" and infertile after 25. incel detected.

>> No.13452651

Not incel, just embittered.

>> No.13452675

you don't, you just understand your own impulse to rape.

>> No.13452691

ugh I just feel bad for this girl

>> No.13452757

I think I hate art hoes because I live around Queen and Ossington in Toronto and they make up 90% of the population there. I always seem to offend them at the bars and I'm not even edgy.

>> No.13452774

holy shit this. just got back from a date with one. said i triggered her when i barely said anything during the date while she yapped for 30minutes.

>> No.13452777

I fell in love

>> No.13452818

What movie?

>> No.13452823

Well, at least you don't believe a word you're saying.

Why did you put so much effort into it?

>> No.13452831

None in particular. See the game "That dragon, Cancer".

To illustrate the pointlessness of structuring your life around a belief system and because the flexible nature of "truth" is ind of hilarious.

>> No.13452837

I mean, what's the movie of that pic that you posted before here >>13451856 ?

>> No.13452840

Well, at least now you know that what you say isn't true.

It's Ghost in the Shell (1995)

>> No.13452851
File: 1.82 MB, 500x336, disk14.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh dear, I don't remember. I was building a library of computer anime gifs. See?

Always - I'm usually going overboard for the sake of illustrating why not to. My biggest pet peeve is extremism. No matter where it's coming from.

>> No.13452858

Final word - there's something to be said for replicating over emotional responses to social media simply for the sake of illustrating how little worth you attach to the POV and struggle that is being ascribed to whomever your opponent is.

>> No.13452880

Fox and grapes.
Love to hate.
Would hatefuck if they could.

>> No.13452885

kek that was prob her inspo

>> No.13452890

> in order to disguise their awful traits.
More like a self-defense mechanism to appear interesting "Look at me, I'm so crazzzyyyy, wow, such edge. Are you interested now?"
That's how they try to make up for lacking a personality.

>> No.13452894

Or simply, they use that approach to set a very high benchmark for what constitutes egregious GTFO behavior. Their mental "illness" demands you enforce your own boundaries with more flexibility.

>> No.13452896

t. when the defense mechanism kicks in

>> No.13452901
File: 243 KB, 1920x1080, 1518443560270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd hit it. She looks like the kind of fun time gal who'd suck you off if you gave her the time of day.

>> No.13452906

The Smiths were a legit good band though despite the faggotry

>> No.13452908

>I look at her and feel two things at once:
What's that? One part of you wants to treat her right, all nice like, and the other part wonders what her head would look like impaled on a stake?

>> No.13452916


i dunno, this sounds right, and perhaps was correct at the nascent appearance of such a look, but no i see normal women trying to be chic adopt the look.

>> No.13452920

Imagine telling her you can see her nipple.

>> No.13452922

But isn't that just great. The only positive thing i can find in art hoes, hypebeasts etc. Is that i can personally divide them in sections, so i don't have to bother with all the toxic fish in the sea.

>> No.13452931

You're mistaken. People want to fit in, so they dress like the groups they feel they belong to. It's not that they're wearing political statements, just that those groups they appropriate tend to have certain political sentiments in common, for one reason or another.

Most people don't dress to make statements, but rather simply to fit in, and in doing so they have their statements made for them by others.

>> No.13452937

PI whats your opinion on drug use?

>> No.13452950

Moderation in all things. Don't be an addict. It's not shameful if you are, it's just boring to hang out with.

If you haven't STARTED using cocaine, Xanax or Opiates, do yourself a favor. Never start. Never.
It's not worth it. To introduce that chemistry into your brain is to pit your logic and free will against 100 million years of neurological evolution (all of which is rooted in the pleasure and reward mechanisms the drug is gaming directly). Why bother?

Understand that people get high in all sorts of ways. my dad gets high on fucking chicken wings. I see the same tells I do in satisfied junkies. Not as pronounced. But still. EVERYTHING is drugs. EVERYTHING is a chemical illusion.

So distance yourself from it all, and don't take shit too serious.

>> No.13452955

I blend xannies and heneiken together and then buttchug them. I do this all while hitting refresh on /fa/. SJW cuck whores are too entitled to buttchug benzos. They might blackout, lose control of their tongues and say something offensive that might exile them from the rest of their libtard herd.

That's why feminism is bullshit. Women want to be treated equally and say they can do anything men can do, but when you pass them the benzo beer butt bong, they fall apart, along with their imaginary wagegap.

>> No.13452959

Hello again. I see that I check out here.

Have a good evening.

>> No.13453092

Who is that?

>> No.13453117

eh, cokes not so bad. I've done a lot of things man. I think you're right about opiates and benzos, though. Only because the withdrawal keeps you in their clutches long after you can't get high off of them anymore.

man, PI, this is the exact opposite answer I expected out of you. Normally people with your philisophical outlook write them off as degeneracy for vague and unformulated reasons. Rejecting them without a thought or reason, or even parroting blatantly false information they were fed.

It kinda depresses me man, to see how many aspects of your POV I can relate to. If this is what your heart breaking has done to you, robbed you of your patience and compassion, maybe I'll stop entertaining the idea of romantic relationships. No point if it just embitters you and breaks you down to the point that you spend your life venting that frustration on the internet.

Besides, the kinda girl I want doesn't exist. Even if she did, she would have literally no cause to even be aware of my existence, let alone wish to have a close relationship with me.

>> No.13453279


>> No.13453307

I am a big NO on coke after seeing that while it ain't inherently fucked like xans or dope, it DOES foment degenerate, sketchy ass behavior.
As far as most people's personal moral compass is concerned, Cocaine is poisonous. Coke just makes people do the lowest shit ever for some reason. Definitely wouldn't get involved romantically with a coke user. NO. That's just... Red flags.

I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with drugs and I'm surprised you assumed my stance would be the opposite - After all, drugs are just molecules with quirky atomic configurations that can pass the blood brain barrier and then go on to mimic various neurotransmitters.
WE are the shitty end of that equation. Hell the drugs are usually waking up something that was already there to begin with - just repressed or undiscovered. It's not a gram of blow that was seen stumbling through williamsburg once a year and starting shit with Oregonian transplants and make believe cowboys. No, no no no. That was this dude who couldn't hold his shit together and so ended up letting the void carry him away.
That was a self cuck, that was misplaced rage and helplessness. That was not about a white powder on special order from satan herself.

Sadly, you're right about being hurt. I didn't just have my heart broken though, please understand that. I was systematically disassembled with surgical precision and cold calculations for over a year. I was torn to pieces, robbed, accused, defrauded, betrayed, cucked AND heartbroken. She took the time and effort to brick all my devices, delete 21 years of recorded music - My life's work - and then CONTACT ME to rub it in. And that's just the start. Man, what a fucked up scene that was.

At the same time, I strongly doubt your luck is the special breed of awful one needs to invite a sociopath into one's heart and future. I really just... got a bad roll. That's not normal and I think most people here would've been devastated & hurt just as bad.

>> No.13453313

Jesus fucking christ. Have you ever heard of the beauty of brevity?

>> No.13453318

Have you ever considered that autonomous entities occupying the same space as YOU might have their own dialogue and agenda, of which you are no part whatsoever?

>> No.13453344

Your dad fucks chicken wings?

>> No.13453349

You felt the need to explain to us what drugs are. Come the fuck on man.

>> No.13453355
File: 1.09 MB, 311x175, There_Are_Many_Levels_To_Things_Like_This.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't talking you, for you, of you, in response to you or about you. You get that? Can you contextualize my response within the framework of the questions and attitudes set forth in >>13453117


>> No.13453357

i cant stop laughing at the thought of you typing this out and posting it for some reason

>> No.13453359

Not everybody is so enlightened. IDK coke never gave me problems. I like to chain smoke DMT. Only drug ever gave me trouble was cannabis when I started college and was a dumb kid, and recently ketamine. I can barely control my intake of that stuff when its around. I've smoked meth, snorted heroin, etc. Nothing gets me going like a healthy bump of special K tho.

I dunno man. I just dunno. On some level I welcome that kind of betrayal. It's a complex issue for me. On some level, I want that, and on another level I know i DON'T want that. I could see something like that coming about 5 miles away... but I'm just content to ride the tide and see what happens. I wouldn't do anything to stop it. Maybe I want an excuse to vent malignancy or something. I've met borderlines and narcissists, I'm friends with quite a few of them. They're just wired different. There's no such thing as objective evil, these people are just different.

I dunno. I'm different from everybody I've met. I confuse the hell out of BPDs and NPDs,by they're own confession. I believe them, they're consistent in trying to figure me out in their subtle reading ways. Considering their pathology sees them have a higher capacity for reading people and manipulation, I find it mildly amusing. I can practically see the gears constantly turning in their head, gaining no traction. Maybe what I'm looking for a girl with the same alienation complex I have. It explains my fixation on punk chicks.

We've talked before. I may not agree with all of your politics, but I can appreciate your continued and unapologetic existence on this board in the face of white noise naysayers. You are a valuable part of this board.

>> No.13453362

whats the next tier above art hoes

just wondering dont you ever get tired of these SJW ass girls

>> No.13453369

true artists.

black bob with blunt bangs, living in a loft and has art galleries featuring her work multiple times a year. smart, but distant.

Above that? The kind of girl who sits in a executive position in a secret society's table. Imagine the kind of woman who's at the dimly lit table in a otherwise completely blacked out room in the Illuminati's HQ.

In my opinion at least.

>> No.13453373

she's legitimately a 2/10

>> No.13453380

>I'm having an aside on a public imageboard. Can't (You) understand?
I'm sorry for reading your DM's. I'll try not to in the future.

>> No.13453382

I really appreciate you taking the time to offer a thought out response. I like that we can connect despite disagreeing. Tha's proper.

I agree with you on BPD's and NPD's., and I've never heard it put like that. Totally a wiring thing, and seeing how morality is so often just a social
benchmark or a diplomacy tool... It's something in particular that's wrong, in all of the cluster B types. It's precise and it's missing, like someone forgot to config part of them during the install phase.

At the end of all this shit, however messy, I've reached a single conclusion about the ordeal. I've come to see it as one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Pain and misery and money and rep aside, that shit woke me UP, man! I go out of my way to not be cynical with people but man do I read tells like a book now. Speech patterns & changes in pitch over the course of a sentence? It's so obvious now.

I might be a couple years before I can trust again, I don't know if I'll ever give myself to someone in the way I did to her. Not important, tho. This debacle has left me impervious to various emotional and psychological manipulation techniques that I estimate have affected my behavior and choices for the majority of my life/.I believe that it's not enough to bow out of a scene you don't agree with on a personal level, because whatever is going on that you so disapprove of, it's only a matter of time before the shit pops up next to your front door. Deal with it. Face your shit.

Yo, you mention K?? Medically administered ketamine therapy cured me of clinical depression, forever.

K is a very interesting drug, it makes veteran neural paths plastic once again, which means unlearning shit behaviors is more doable. I notice you like drug experiences that distinctly transcend reality the construct. That tells me a lot about your inner life. Transcendence is alluring.

Haven't had an SSRI in over 14 months. I haven't replaced it with K, either.

I'm free.

>> No.13453404
File: 2.67 MB, 1920x1080, 1527915451368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think political, moral and philisophical essentialism are cancers of the modern age. Nobody is willing to engage with the other party any more. They mark you as an "other" and that's it. You're just blocked out from them. I guess that's just pawns being pawns, always looking for the other side.

I honestly don't share the idea that there's something wrong with cluster bs. It's super self-serving and pretentious to say this, but I always feel like an antagonist in a Kafka novel. To me, these people are like oranges. There are apple kinds of people, and pomegranate, and all kinds of different fruit. None better or worse. Just different. They have their own internal routines unique to their species, and individually each one has their own tics, like a biological hash. And it all comes down to what part of the psyche are amplified. Almost all DSM illnesses are just normal parts of the mind being overpresent and overpowerful and causing distress.

I know what you mean about the small things in a person's mannerisms. I've been conscious of these my whole life. It's something I was tuned into and cognitively aware of since I was a small one. The ease of which I move through life when I give even a smidgen of effort tells me that I am a completely remarkable specimen to begin with. My days are spent only longing to find a mate I am comfortable with and trying to figure out the intersections of my alienation and my emotional intelligence. Depends on the season, really. In the spring and summer I long for nothing more than a similarly alienated woman, so that's what I'm focused on currently.
It's a struggle. I wish there was some kind of formula or special set of actions, and not just raw luck of the draw.

Ketamine is interesting. It's not long for antidepression treatment though. Scopolamine is looking to be just as effective and is one of the least abusable drugs out there.

Congrats man. I'm glad to hear you're in a better place now.

>> No.13453666

lurker here id be down as long as it wasnt in midtown or some shit like that

>> No.13453678

you are obsessed dude

>> No.13453689

So how should I approach it? Go super douche misogynist? Rape face? I too would like to fuck one of these girls, something about em makes my willy happy.

>> No.13453806

No shit the first six girls are all DISGUSTING. This was a bait thread you absolute retards took seriously.

>> No.13454011

No other girl will ever let you eat pizza and touch her but

>> No.13454038

>my soul is rotten and diseased
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you're one autistic cunt my guy holy shit

>> No.13454059

satisfying opinion tripfag

>> No.13454206

I know what you mean man. I really like it her and I thought she's pretty cool, but once when we talked. Holy shit, the insecurity, self pitting, kinda put me off.

>> No.13454229

Fatalie is based af. Anyone got more pics?

>> No.13454235

you realize that was an idiomatic phrase, yeah?

>> No.13454236
File: 1001 KB, 480x480, 1456267031599.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im down

>> No.13454247

Her nudes are disgusting

>> No.13454372

I find this difficult to believe

>> No.13454392


>> No.13454394
File: 1.94 MB, 282x501, 1527822444590.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i remember

>> No.13454632

Who is this? How is she famous?

>> No.13454716

Where her lips at lol

>> No.13454834

go outside
stop being so up yourself

>> No.13454873

Because they're the supreme cuties for depressed, Omega art students like us.

>> No.13454891


>> No.13454961
File: 5 KB, 180x279, 2015-07-06-23-18-48-1992030010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make my dick hard

>> No.13454999

You still down?

>> No.13455015

she's not a hoe, just a dumb scag with parents who support her retarded behavior while she's young.

>> No.13455020

All women are vapid you beta faggot. Grow up.

>> No.13455096

What'd Clairo do to you?

>> No.13455127

They're pretty too look at until you date them for 1 month+ and the craziness overpowers their looks.
It gets to the point where you're so turned off by their personality that you find them disgusting. Then when you break up with them, one week later you see their most recent picture and you get feelings all over again, forgetting how crazy they are.
They are walking succubi and should be avoided at all costs. DO NOT PURSUE. If they approach you, be friendly but DO NOT PURSUE and DO NOT TAKE THINGS PAST A FWB RELATIONSHIP.
I was on Tinder for two years or so and experienced many of these specimens. I repeat, do not pursue.

>> No.13455145

Is this like an Eastern European art hoe? I actually really like the aesthetic - its kind of like a combination milfcore librarian with art how hipster chick. Also I bet slavic art hoes are at least genuinely more into art and intellectual culture than Anglo-american art hoes, because all the slavs I've known (which is quite a few) tend to have more general knowledge of and respect for classic literature than Anglo-Americans (even if they arent even actually into literature).

>> No.13455175

did you get chlamydia from an art hoe? because i feel the same way after getting chlamydia from an art hoe

23 tho here

>> No.13455195

No. Worse. I caught acute apathy.

I honestly wish I could impart the danger of an entire subculture built on appearing AS IF.

>> No.13455197

>Sub-Squire strat
>no truss rod cover
>glued ash fretboard
>that fucking action

Jesus fucking christ this killed my boner

>> No.13455213

This whole fucking thread is SHIT. All these girls are THOTS. If you're attracted to this kind of girl off yourself. The fits aren't so bad tho

>> No.13455246

sounds like we should both go to therapy. i just lift my feels away nowadays

>> No.13455257

I cut my flesh on the blade of a bad memory until it is too dull to break my skin ever again.

>> No.13455264

I take it you're a virgin.

>> No.13455272

>not knowing the meme.

>> No.13455286

>going anon to reply to yourself

>> No.13455305

idk who you are but i'm down to meetup in nyc whenever

>> No.13455328
File: 28 KB, 459x137, Screen Shot 2018-06-19 at 11.14.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat a dic, see the pic

Sure, ok. Yeah.
I take it your daddy didn't hug you enough.
Get over it.

Name a time and place, I'm pretty empty on the schedule till friday.

>> No.13455334


>> No.13455357

we're all masochists here have u not figured that out yet???

>> No.13455396

i'm actually out of town for the next week or two but you got an email or something and i'll be in touch

why are all my friends /fa/ posters

>> No.13455402


And probably because we're all such niche scumbags, ya know? Not many of our kind left.

>> No.13455424

not the anon you replied to, but did you date a triad girl for real? where/how did you meet?

>> No.13455434

help I want a /fa/ bf. how do i become an art hoe

>> No.13455435

Oh man someone asked me this before, Leme find this thread


Starts there. Oddly enough the coolest person I ever dated, I never shoulda left.

>> No.13455437


>> No.13455594
File: 64 KB, 360x408, Twitter3076b1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god I wish that were me.
>t. Neet who has issues with porn

>> No.13455595

Nigga's be like.
>>huh duh incels are bad
Fuck of cunt

>> No.13455598

Roastie detected

>> No.13455608
File: 14 KB, 363x360, 1523403984490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Besides, the kinda girl I want doesn't exist. Even if she did, she would have literally no cause to even be aware of my existence, let alone wish to have a close relationship with me.

>> No.13456153

Them be fighting words wow shit man

>> No.13456166

300! There. It's fucking dead!

>> No.13456178
File: 113 KB, 1080x1350, goodgod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only it was that simple.

>> No.13456193

Sorry. Your blog will have to move to the new arthoe thread.

>> No.13456194

Holy shit I'm suffocating
nicely done

>> No.13456199

thru insta - @kingscountylighthouse

>> No.13456281


>> No.13456322

In the thread you said to hit you up on IG to talk to more, do you have an e-mail? I'm currently writing something tangentially related to underworld crime, would love to talk to you.

>> No.13456328

I list my IG because my email is on it. \
I know a fair amount regarding your topic, and I've never spoken about most of it. This is exciting.

hit me on the gmail and I'll give u my cell.

>> No.13456473

>what a wholesome interaction
this can't be real

>> No.13456531


>> No.13456553

I'd honestly love some Sam Hyde vs Art Hoes content

>> No.13456591

prove it

>> No.13456599
File: 461 KB, 953x720, T H I S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13456634

This guy has it right, everyone who disagrees is a millennial faggot who doesn’t want to face the music

>> No.13456636

Nah she was just an uggo

>> No.13456726

Nice copypasta, fag

>> No.13456744

what the fuck is happening in this thread?
go back to your human people board already and quit the romancing >>>/soc/

>> No.13457569

Transcendence.Mutually felt experiences.