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/fa/ - Fashion

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13437357 No.13437357 [Reply] [Original]

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>stay hidratted


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Feel free to post questions and requests, report about your progress, and ask for support.

To get helpful replies make sure to post:
>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
>tdee and your deficit
>highest and lowest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you are going for

Last thread: >>13426379

>> No.13437363

Comfy proana/thinspo discord

>> No.13437372

>actually wanting to be anorexic
These threads are pure autism

>> No.13437376

How are these threads related to fashion again?

>> No.13437385
File: 64 KB, 600x800, FED59178-84A7-437F-ABE0-8FCE934562B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me

>> No.13437398


Being /fa/ means being skinny

>> No.13437488

whats the easiest way to make myself puke?
i can only puke after drinking a lot of alcoho, but that's inconvenient. i feel so clean and thin after puking :(

>> No.13437504

How about you just don't eat weakling, or eat GOMAD ? the sugar you probably consumed in your unhealthy meal is already processed AND AGING your body as we speak, just off yourself.

>> No.13437513

Why did you make a second thinspo thread like 25 min later you fucking retard

>> No.13437516

nice meme

>> No.13437549


what bmi?

>> No.13437679

The other thread wasn't linked in the last thread and when I searched I couldn't find another in the catalog, "retard".

>> No.13437684

Wow you're hilarious, you fuck off.

>> No.13437691

>we don't promote unhealthy habits
Literally asking how to puke yourself, don't even try, women can't be /fa/.

>> No.13437695


>> No.13437696

>>we don't promote unhealthy habits
Who are you quoting, fatty?

>> No.13437807

Lowest healthy weight is most /fa/
Few people can maintain lowest healthy weight easily without restricting.
Most people restrict better with daily check in, accountability and support.
Looking at, posting and reading thinspo helps lots of people stay on track.
I'm very new here and even I get it.
What's hard to comprehend?

>> No.13437831

>Few people can maintain lowest healthy weight easily without restricting.
Maintaining is easy once your weight stabilises and your body gets used to it. I eat normally (2000 cal) and stay at a bmi of 16. Continuing to restricting would cause further weight loss, unless you’re bingeing as well...
otherwise I agree with you, just wanted to point that out.

>> No.13437850

That is very good to know, since I'm not there yet, and you are cool to stay and offer encouragement, thank you very much.
I tried looking at reverse thinspo and it did not work so well for me plus made me a bit depressed so I will just track and look at thinspo and work most on my diet.
I have a dance class weekly but I should probably exercise more than just 1 class and 1 practice.

>> No.13437859

Good luck, it can take a while for your hunger to normalise and your energy to come back (at least a few months) both during and after dieting, so hang in there.
Also make sure that you get enough nutrients, being malnourished definitely makes you more hungry and lethargic, getting your blood tested is a good idea.

As for exercise there’s always pokemon go xp I walk 10-15km a day now just because it’s more fun

>> No.13437996

Nothing like binging before a fast and making yourself feel really gross haha

>> No.13438006

>tfw ate 3 bowls of cereal with milk and 3 slices of pizza in 1 hour after a 24h dry fast
I feel so fucking sick, I could easily purge right now, but i'm still at caloric deficit

>> No.13438062
File: 76 KB, 580x768, HqqEZe5BNg_ZRDnRyiQJAPJjsUuRCdo2efoGl4nkRNo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've posted about prolonged fasting a few times the last couple of days and got a lot of shit for it. But just now I found a subreddit called fasting where people do fasts of a couple of weeks, mostly up to a month max. What's your take?

>> No.13438065

it supports certain clothing aesthetic

>> No.13438078

Being thin is fashionable

>> No.13438103

Prolonged fasting is just fine and whoever gave you shit for it are just dumb

>> No.13438105

Water fasting of course, don't fucking prolonged fast while not staying hydrated

>> No.13438166

See a psychiatrist or psychologist. Seriously. You need help.

>> No.13438193

Most of us need help desu

>> No.13438248
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6'0 129

>> No.13438403

What is the best way to detox off sugar and transition to low carb eating, cold turkey or little by little? Maybe a water fast, then into low Carb?

>> No.13438410

You don’t want to purge, it seriously fucks your teeth up. It fucked my teeth up worse than meth did.

>> No.13438416

>New to /fa/
>"What the fuck is thinspo?"
>Check the FAQ
>Good weight: Whatever weight makes you feel and look good, honestly
>Picture of skeleton as OP

Did I find /fa/'s local crazy club?
Is this like /fa/'s version of /fit/'s nofap except more stereotypically common?

>> No.13438424 [DELETED] 

Not to sound like an overdramatic PSA (I Hope I don't at least), but he easiest way to purge is not to purge.
"Fucking up your teeth" is only the half of it. I have acid reflux and let me tell you if I didn't have it under control with meds and diet, I would be very concerned about my future health.

It will mess up your throat. Your throat, okay? The whole esophagus. That's not something you want to mess up.
It doesn't feel good. I mean... well whatever I'm talking to a wall I'm sure.
I feel like these threads just shouldn't be allowed, honestly.

>> No.13438442


>> No.13438445

>What's hard to comprehend?
>Health related
>On /fa/
>Several posts already talking about purging and the one dissenter just mentions that it fucks up your teeth and nothing about how bad it is on the FUCKING ESOPHAGUS
That's what's hard to comprehend

>> No.13438468

Hey fun fact https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/eat.20164

>Of 954 patients, 326 diagnosed with AN completed an assessment over the 20 years. The SMR was 10.5 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 5.5–15.5) for AN.

>Some studies in the literature report that AN has the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric disorder in young females.

>[...] our study confirms a high mortality rate within the AN population

>> No.13438481

>not a .gov link
not clicking

>> No.13438495

yes. this is unironically a thread for both enabling and supporting people with body dysmorphic disorder. kind of like how al/ck/ threads host both alkies and teetotalers. the fashion industry's emphasis on being tall and skinny forms the unfortunate basis for the most preferred body type here, being thin

>> No.13438507

Not every scientific study is done by a world government, cunt.
The test for how good a study it is is not whether or not its under a .gov link or not, but whether it has a good sample size, peer review, etc..
Whatever corrupt scientific journal publisher put it out there is completely irrelevant.
Go look the shit up at your community college if you don't believe it. Ask the librarian to help you find good shit and pretend you're a student or something. Depending on where you are, you might have to find a way to get a guest pass, but assuming you manage that or are already a student or find a class you can take there for other reasons, the information is right there.

>> No.13438519

Stick around, most of what is being posted is either thinspo or accountability or questions and not crazy weight related stuff (though with a very thin slant, it’s true) or shitposters talking about starving and puking that are looking for that sweet attention and shock value.

Read a few rounds before you judge or get all reply happy and green text shouty, maybe?

>> No.13438534

currently around 70kg at 178cm / 5 foot 9 almost
lowest was 60kg
i gained a bit over the last few months
what is the easiest way to loose some weight
>inb dont eat
i would really like to do some excersices like sit ups how much daily should i be doing i know it´s more a /fit/ question

>> No.13438536
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>eat GOMAD
Thank you so fucking much for posting this.

>> No.13438541

>how to lose weight

Just eat less than you do. If you want to be specific about it figure out your TDEE and eat 500 cals below it each day. If you want to figure how long it will take to get to a specific weight use a sight like losertown, calculations here are rough estimates however.

I suggest not taking exercise in to account when calculating your TDEE and calories for each day because people and aps over estimate how many cals you burn a day.

>> No.13438571

the idea is not just about "image", if all you care about is your image, then thats not good, it's about living thin, not over eating, not being a slave to food....eating delicacies like meat and cheese should be luxuries, but still eaten regulary, and not in large portions, your goal shouldn't be to go to sleep "full" every night, the body should naturally be in a somewhat hungry state, and metabolising, thats a healthy body, not one that is never hungry and whenever it gets "hungry" it eats. there is no "goal" in it, other than to just live thin, and not be consumed with eating. you should enjoy eating, but not be indulgant. people who advocate b/p are not healthy, because they are indulging, and then artifically purging it out, it's a mental illness. a healthy mind, is a hungry mind

>> No.13438608
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Well said, my friend. Also, being a bit hungry makes your mind more clear. As your mission is to stay alive in order to pass your genes, your senses will be enhanced so you can find food and ensure your survival. I used this as a student and lost a nice amount of weight every time I had exams or project deadlines approaching.

>> No.13438665
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I'm so hungry my hands are shaking, so I decided to make some tea. When I lifted the roughly 1.3 kg of water and teapot, I managed to get some almost boiling water on my fingers. Pic related. It was kind of hot.

>> No.13438679

why would any man want to be skinny

>> No.13438684

Being lightweight means you don't have to carry a gigantic body with you all the time, you are faster, your upkeep isn't as expensive as a big boy's upkeep, you won't sweat like a pig, you can attract other guys.

>> No.13438706

>you can attract other guys.

>tfw my gf sometimes looked like a cute dude with ther shorthair
>I'm fine with that

>> No.13438721

Are you fasting?

>> No.13438725

Not really. I need to drink a bit tonight, so I'm restricting my calorie intake from food, so that it balances out the calorie intake from the drinks. And also walking. At least one hour a day.

>> No.13438730

How much are you even restricting for your arms to be shaking, anon?

>> No.13438734

I guess my daily calorie intake is about 1200 kcal a day, I'm almost 190 cm tall (something like 6'2" or 6'3" in freedom units, I guess), and maybe 67 kg~148 lbs, so some TDEE calculator gave me that I burn approximately 2000 kcal a day by just existing (no idea if this is true), and then a lot of walking that burns at least 300 kcal every day or maybe even more, so I guess the net intake is something like 900 kcal a day. On the other hand, I visited my parents last Sunday and they fed me licorice and ice cream, but I hardly ate anything else than those and a small portion of chicken sauce with rice. If we restrict our attention to the last 10 days, I'd say my net intake is close to 1000 kcal.

>> No.13438736

Start making healthy food that tastes good don’t worry too much about carbs if the food is healthy. as you stop eating sweetened foods like youghurt, pastries, fruit juices, sodas etc your taste buds will return to normal and you’ll be able to taste the natual sweetness of greens and fruit. Sweetened foods will taste overly sugary and sickening eventually, but it might take a few months.
If you do this it will be easy to go low carb without bingeing, or at least if you binge it will be on tomatoes And not cookies.

>> No.13438739

Sorry no. I meant my intake is like 10000 kcal from those 10 days. I didn't sleep much last night.

>> No.13438748

>1000 kcal deficit
Just fast.

>> No.13438754
File: 228 KB, 1280x960, 1280px-Statue_of_a_fighting_Gaul_NAMA_247_(DerHexer).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain why they want to be skinny instead of muscular? It's a difficult mindset to grasp for people (men) who aren't pro-ana. I understand that for girls it's the go-to beauty standard, but why not try to look like a greek statue (and be healthy)?

>> No.13438758


>> No.13438760

I don't know. I like to visit my parents, but they always force-feed me, so fasting would lead to avoiding them.

>> No.13438777

How often do you visit them? You can fast between visits, maybe do 48 or 72-hour fasts in advance, then you wouldn't really have to worry about the force feeding either.

>> No.13438783

because I'm naturally an extreme ecto with runway model proportions.
I prefer to be how i naturally am, and have grown to like it

>> No.13438795


>> No.13438796

Thanks for the advice, that sounds reasonable, I’ve got to do something, I’ve become stuck in a sugar cycle that leaves me really tired.

>> No.13438798

Oh, I thought you meant a long fast. I try to visit them once a week.

>> No.13438811

What's your goal weight?

>> No.13438822

What is your opinion on Dietland?

>> No.13438849

Lower than what it is now. Maybe 63 kilos.

>> No.13438851

Zach here. Thanks man.

>> No.13438854

I'm currently skinnyfat and eat breakfast and dinner after work since we always get something made up for us.
Would it be a good idea to straight up fast for a couple days?

>> No.13438859

what is her name again

>> No.13438861
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depends on what you want from it. I'd say try it, just to get to know yourself a little better.

>> No.13438867

naturally I am pretty skinny
I want to build some musclemass
bit after my 20th I started to get a little bit thiccer
so is try to get rid of the fat and do some more workouts

>> No.13438872

>tfw you will never habe this body

>> No.13438874

By fasting I hope you mean water fast and if so yes

>> No.13438875

I have gender dysphoria

>> No.13438879

this desu

>> No.13438880

how to start fasting? I rely on food a lot in my life, emotionally, especially. How do I give it all up and start a water fast? How do I improve my self control?

>> No.13438884

I just do it cold turkey because I lack the self control otherwise. But just start eating less and less until you feel like starting up a water fast. That's a good way to ween yourself, but if you have trouble with binging then you'll probably just fail. That's why I just cold turkey it.

>> No.13438887

same uwu

>> No.13438901
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I don't get it. What exactly happens if you, err, try to go do something else even if there's a thought floating in your head that "maybe I should grab something from the kitchen?" Do you feel worse if you don't eat? I don't get how you could *not* feel better. If you rely on food emotionally then isn't it insanely empowering to not eat? have you literally never tried that? explain plz

>> No.13438905

Some people are addicted to food and get headaches and the shakes if they don't eat. Some people could feel empty or bored without eating. It can be really tough, speaking from experience. It may sound dumb to someone but it's a real struggle to others.

>> No.13438906

If you start feeling ashamed whenever you do cheat eating, to me that looks like the problem's as solved as it'll ever be. From there on it's a matter of using your frontal lobes; motivation will be there if you manage to think, instead of reacting to ~bodily urges~. That's the hard part, there's no trick.

>> No.13438907
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ow, I never knew that, that sucks

>> No.13438926

completely stop eating sweets and drinking anything with calories; it may be tough at first, but after some time you get used to it and stop being addicted to sweet shit

not only did I lose 15 kg this way, I also got better taste in food and drinks (realised that good tea or the occasional fine desserts are actually much tastier than soda and mass-produced chocolate bars)

>> No.13439018

fasting is one of the best and easiest ways to lose weight, the science checks out. idk why but fasting triggers normies and fatties worse that 100 calorie diets

>> No.13439032

Tomboys are pretty hot desu.

>> No.13439041

based truthposter

>> No.13439052

fasting wouldnt make you that hungry

>> No.13439082
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Because I am 5'7 manlet and having a greek-statue build would make me look retarded. On the other hand, becoming absolutely thin would make me look like a child

So I guess being pretty skinny but relatively muscular would give me my ideal body, something I'm comfortable with

>> No.13439125

post routine

>> No.13439177

how 2 fast when u need to take meds with food

>> No.13439179

take with food usually means the drug can cause nausea on an empty stomach. ok to disregard in most cases

>> No.13439227
File: 45 KB, 500x750, 0f993b2065eb966acf7348278fa96633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound like you could need to learn to think for yourself
if you feel like you have to have food with meds, then accept to have one daily meal and make sure to make it small, protein rich and potentially fibrous if you're into that, and eat it with a vitamin pill because why not. I'd also make sure to make it sort of into a pleasant ritual. I feel like often when people don't eat so much, and food becomes a sad necessity, they don't enjoy it and they don't taste it and make sure to really feel as they get fuller. But take it as an opportunity to practice that, and don't feel like you have to finish the plate.

>> No.13439309
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anyone bipolar find that restriction/fasting triggers a hypomanic mood swing? I haven't been able to sleep more than a few hours a night and I'm dropping weight at a nice manageable sustainable rate, but I have to really control my impulses. I almost bought a 5k backpack yesterday and thought people on the metro were signaling me to stop the train bc the oxygen is running out. I'm stable enough to know thats all bullshit but jw if anyone else can relate

>> No.13439316

>18 / M / 110
What clothing should I wear so I don't look like a skeleton?

>> No.13439358

Why would you want that, just exercise if you want to get big and healthy, nothing worse than ill fitting clothes.

>> No.13439360

>not stating your height

>> No.13439368

Ah this thread again.
gains preserved

>> No.13439474

5'9 1/2

>> No.13439476

why would you break fast with sugary shit food you fucking retard

>> No.13439502

Don't bully people

>> No.13439512
File: 534 KB, 2640x2200, ectomorphs dont have to look like shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is a poor example because it's male and you are female, but its really hard to google for this shit.
Any way, you will look wayyyy better with muscle than without.
Muscle ========= definition
You need to do steroids. Just exercise and eat right and your body will turn the weight gain into muscle gain. If you don't drug yourself up, you WON'T end up like a weird Olympian athlete.

Just because some people will become more muscular than you does not mean you need to go the opposite way and starve yourself into worse proportions.
Exercise is natural. Exercise is something humans were getting for thousands of years as a nomadic species.
You will not look worse because of exercise and even IF you do, even IF you start getting so muscular it starts being weird (which still isn't that off-putting) you can stop and lose that weight.
Its not like you're going to do 10 push ups for 1 week and suddenly you look like a fucking man.
It takes years to become a monster.

Your body will be much better off with developed bone and muscle and yes, weight training exercises do improve your bones. The muscle you gain will keep your look from ageing as fast, even.

>> No.13439516
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You need to be thin to be /fa/ and let me tell you I'm fat. 236 lbs at 6'0'' male. I can try hard, real hard, to look good, but dressing like shit thin always looks better than dressing like a art-house musician fat. Unless you've got a ton of money, in which attractiveness becomes secondary

>> No.13439520

>You need to do steroids.
Fuck my ass
I meant to type you DO NOT need to do steroids
Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.13439525

If he shaved that neck beard, trimmed his eyebrow and got a haircut and actually wore clothes he would look okaish skinny, isn't like those muscles can do a lot for his lack of taste.

>> No.13439529

>You NEED to do steroids

>> No.13439544

I also fucked up with the whole exercise is natural Fuck now I need to explain that too.
Okay, so you do get exercise if you're going for skinny and exercise is natural but... have you ever wondered why you're body wants to eat?
Its simple. Under ideal circumstances that we don't really live in today, your body would be gaining weight. Expecting intense exercise in the future due to our genetic history, your body will assume that when you're not exercising, you need to store excess gain so you don't starve.
But if you eat a lot and exercise right, you will gain muscle.
If you gain a little fat in the process, that's fine. After all your body really does need some amount of fat especially if you're female, but that's why you cut after a bulk.However, something tells me you won't need a cut for a long ass time.

>> No.13439550

vomiting is really bad for like all other aspects of your body. try a little exercise when you feel gross (a few crunches maybe). that helps me a little

>> No.13439561

I gained 25 kg in a month. In 4 month can i undo some damage?

>> No.13439562

What the fuck

>> No.13439564

I hope you can get to your goal weight soon :) but remember to be healthy and safe while doing it

>> No.13439565

I hope you're staying healthy

>> No.13439566


>> No.13439568

I've gone cold turkey to do it a few times but considering I've slipped up it might be better to go little by little. your tastebuds forget about sugary stuff after awhile and fruits and vegetables taste so good

>> No.13439571

eat something

>> No.13439579

Thanks for distracting people from my clarification.

>> No.13439581

I hope things start going better soon

>> No.13439583

Soon I will be cute

>> No.13439584

Cold turkey but have some other shit for flavor like vaping, coffee, tea, etc.

>> No.13439588

how to make myself look more /fa/ while being only a 5'4 female? im working on losing weight but it doesnt look as good since im so short. im around 106-107 lbs and i just look kind of lanky

>> No.13439592

i believe in you anon

>> No.13439599

Thank you!

>> No.13439612

>25 kg
It will take time. I really hope you're actually obese and not starving like so many people ITT after just gaining enough weight to look good and be healthy.

>> No.13439613

How are skeletons supposed to dress in the summer? I despise showing my arms. I feel most comfortable with an oversized hoody but it's far too hot out for that.

>> No.13439620

I'm 5'10 and 65kg and I want to get rid of my disgusting belly and sidefat, where do I even start?

>> No.13439624

what about thin flannel shirts over tshirts? can be worn with shorts or longs and arent as hot as hoodies.

>> No.13439632

Check the sticky.
No seriously. It's really helpful. Probably the most helpful sticky on 4chan.

>> No.13439635 [DELETED] 

Okay I don't have the same issues as you guys, but I do have very hairy legs for a man (and personally hate it), so I'll just ask what about keeping the legs cool?
I only know to wear shorts.

>> No.13439636 [DELETED] 

Wait I'm retarded.
I'm deleting this.

>> No.13439646

Eating a lot.

>> No.13439657

Please, dont be harsh. I am taking antidepre and having a fuking hard time.
How i cant stop this cycle of shit!

>> No.13439663

Please go to /fit/ and not /fa/. You won't be any happier trying to get help from pro-anas.

>> No.13439673
File: 28 KB, 540x540, 6e3cb559fe39d4828b55debb91b3a6d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must know the basics. heels, not too many horisontal cuts, similar color shoes and leg wear
apart from that, just own it. office appropriate, cutesy, colored, monochrome, tight fitted, loose, don't matter. I'm almost as short as you and I don't follow any rules except I know heels and tight jeans or tights make a world of difference

>> No.13439674

How many calories does walking actually burn? 185cm 85kg here. 250kcal for 5km in an hour ok estimate? Some other anon told me I'm super wrong, but it doesn't seem that farfetched to me

>> No.13439678

im so sorry anon. maybe you should try to get food off your mind for a while and focus on other things and rely on them to feel good until you can handle another 'fight'.

>> No.13439741
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>> No.13439743
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>> No.13439749
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>> No.13439754

I Thru Up In My Mouth When I Saw The Thumbnail!

>> No.13439769
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because it looks good in clothes

>> No.13439775
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>> No.13439777
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>> No.13439782
File: 49 KB, 500x589, fc44ff1a8ecd63c8f1e23c22ec66ae5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13439783

who else pinching and pulling their skin to check whether they've gotten more fat all the time as a retarded bad habit

>> No.13439785

Anybody have any tips to get rid of a gut? Skinny everywhere else but there since I used to drink a ton. I know not to drink calories and that I need to do a lot of cardio, but has anything else worked for people? Trying to do as much as I can. Any help is appreciated.

>> No.13439786
File: 148 KB, 1920x1080, 1443644771492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do. I also keep touching the back side of my knees to make sure I can feel a cavity-like thing there.

>> No.13439853

I am trying thanks anon>>13439568

>> No.13439854

Is it true that a female with big breasts will never have a perfectly skinny body?

>> No.13439872

Girl on the right lookin hot af, kill the fatty tho *lost cause*

>> No.13439880
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>> No.13439918

I binged and feel fucking guilty and awful as fuck. I guess tomorrow is a new day at least, and my laxatives were still working most of it went right through me at least. I still feel like dying though

>> No.13440008
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>> No.13440021

this is literally my ideal body type, any tips on what you did?

>> No.13440036

No, being buff is muscular. That applies for females too.
Being an anorexic is not fashionable. Everyone that supports being "skinny" has body dysmorphia. Low bodyfat =/= being skinny

>> No.13440041
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>> No.13440043

Eat nothing and hate yourself.
The key to anorexia.

>> No.13440045

Being buff is fashionable*******

>> No.13440050

what if you're just naturally skinny? do you have body dysmorphia then?
and anyways it is fashionable.. it always has been

>> No.13440052

if anything body lifting is on lines of body dysmorphia because you're changing how your body naturally looks because you want to look different

>> No.13440079
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I'm male, 6'4 & 155lbs.
I do a lot of exercise though, I've played competitive basketball since I was 10, and am now 21.
I've just never done any sort of weight work, always just cardio and bodyweight stuff.

My body, with exercise, and eating as much food as I want to, looks like I do now, so I don't think about it too much

I'm not necessarily opposed to putting on muscle, but I don't think I would want to become anything more than ottermode style
pic related is me
i also don't know where to start in terms of gaining muscle

>> No.13440153
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why the fuck do you guys want to be skinny this shit is a curse

>t. 6'2'' 140lbs skelly

i hate myself every day

>> No.13440156

Eat smaller portions

>> No.13440161
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why do you lay down on the floor at restaurants zach?

>> No.13440212
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Am I thinspo?
I always think clothes would look better on me if I gained a little weight/muscle

>> No.13440225

You’re a rectangle. Rectangles aren’t thinspo.

>> No.13440265

This. I have a 18 bmi and I fucking hate it

>> No.13440288

Maybe isn't your bmi, maybe you are just ugly, you can try and hit the gym, but you will end up looking like the vegan gainz dude

>> No.13440305

p thinspo but some weight gain might help too

>> No.13440309

try /fit/ but I wish you the best. make sure to stay healthy

>> No.13440311

I hope you feel better about yourself soon

>> No.13440360

realize that one of your parents or siblings is probably a narcissist who is covertly draining away your energy

>> No.13440368

You have to learn that being hungry is not a bad thing, and you can't lose weight unless you are hungry for s decent time every day, just mildly hungry, then you eat something small, and the hunger just goes away gradually once your body is back into correct equilibrium.

>> No.13440423
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>zero calories
>zero carbs
>kills appetite completely
>speeds up metabolism
>makes you really cool

Why don't you snort coke, /thinspo/?

>> No.13440427

Because speed is cheaper and better

>> No.13440433
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bosting this again
>6' 5"
>cigarettes, taking walks everyday, chipotle
>light stuff at home (push-ups, sit-ups, etc) haven't properly lifted in a while
>lighting in my mom's room is good :P

>> No.13440449
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It's not nearly as effay though.

>> No.13440459
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>mixed coke and adderall XR
>washed it down with beer
>took a xanax 12 hours later to calm down, forgot about the adderall
>left my friend's house to get food (walking)
>got a salad from panera
>tried to eat it
>couldn't taste anything

my first time doing coke

>> No.13440462

and of course what I logically did next was get up and very noticably spoon the rest of the salad (I took one bite) into a trash can outside

>> No.13440498
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>used to be normal happy college kid binge drinking all the time
>introduced to coke
>use that shit all the time while binge drinking
>develop bad anxiety and panic attacks
>even after going clean for 1+ years I still get anxiety attacks randomly

>> No.13440543

If it looks good in clothes, than why does the brands in the /fa/ sticky who try very, very hard to make their shitty clothing look good use muscular mannequins?
Stop starving yourself.

>> No.13440554

There could be many reasons for having “a gut”
Are you skinny fat? Your arms and legs will look skinny because of the lack of muscle, but your waist will not. Do cardio and strength.
Do you have abs? If not it’s just that your guts are literally spilling out. Do ab exercises
Does the fatness seem to come from hidden fat? It could be IBS or some food intolerance that makes you bloated and not fat, could also be a lot of internal fat though. Fin out what you can eat and can’t, ask your doctor.
Is it you’re posture? Having an anterior pelvic tilt will make it look like you’re bloated.
Is it just stubborn fat? You might have a low body fat percentage, exercise and all but for some reason still have a fat waist, you can freeze it off professionally if it’s bad.

>> No.13440606
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>*Teleports in to ur diet*
>heh nothin personell fat

>> No.13440622

if she isn't genetically blessed, mine went from a c-cup to an a-cup with my ed

>> No.13440630

i'm not starving myself i am naturally skinny lmao

>> No.13440633

Hey thinspo I'm so glad to finally see so many people with their hearts and minds in the right place. I'm sure all of you are in the same boat as me, trying to overcome the flesh conspiracy and I just want you all to know you are not alone. I will take the plunge as the first to risk revealing my true intentions to my flesh eyes tonight. If my flesh takes me, then I will at least know that I die tonight without regret and that you won't have to feel alone any longer.
Yes, its true; The flesh conspiracy binds us all.
Just like all of you, I am taking a stand and saying 'no' to "my" flesh and guts. I know my true form is a skeleton, and I know some day there will be a day when we are freed of our flesh bags, freed to frolic in the fields, white bones glistening in the sun metacarpal-in-metacrapal singing songs of spooks into the night together as one. I want to thank all of you for letting me know that I am not the only one.
I am not the only one who disdains my shameful body enforced on me by the cruel hands of the flesh illuminati.
I am not the only one who destroys my esophagus knowing that all the medical problems that come with it is just the flesh fighting against me.
I am not the only one who refrains from exercise, knowing that its only what my flesh wants.

Tonight, may we stand rattling in defiance, and if anyone takes the fall for removing this skin made curtain it will be me. The flesh lords cannot stop us all if we act now

I probably won't make it back to this thread tomorrow. Thank you so much my skelly bros. Now, go forth and defeat the flesh lords.

>> No.13440778

Brought up the idea of fasting to my parents and friends. They looked at me weird.

>> No.13440780


>> No.13440795

168cm 75kg, looking to drop to at least 15kg.
Do you guys think it will help my looks in a significant manner or will I keep looking like a chubby asshole? So far I've only seen how it works out for people 170cm and above.

>> No.13440806

>looking to drop to at least 15kg

good luck losing 60kg.

>> No.13440807

>tfw no thinspo bf to watch the world cup with

>> No.13440809

Fuck lmao
I knew I fucked something up.

>> No.13440833

15kg is a lot of weight and would certainly make you look much better and slimmer. 60kg isn't that low for your height so perhaps you would still look a bit chubby but either way you are overweight right now so dropping those first 15kg would be an amazing start, definitely go for it. Once you are there you can decide if you want to go even lower.

>> No.13440898

I am afraid I might not have the willpower to reach my goal weight anymore. I had gone up to almost 53kg(height is 157cm) for the first time after Easter holidays and realised I was starting to get pretty chubby so I managed to drop off weight mostly by fasting and now I am down to 46kg. I would like to try and reach 42kg, mainly because my thighs still look pretty fat and I want to see if there will be any difference but it's not going very well. I can hardly hold a fast anymore, longest I have managed in the past 3 weeks was 48 hours and even eating at a deficit seems hard. Most of the days I end up eating around my TDEE, sometimes a bit more. At the very least, I have not been gaining weight but I am hardly dropping any either.

>> No.13440926

I'm planning to go about it by doing a week long water fast and then segueing into a low calorie diet. Gonna combine the fast with exercise if I don't feel too weak.

>> No.13440943

haha you reap what you sow fucking druggie

>> No.13440983

What should I break my fast with today? Don't really have anything in my fridge

>> No.13440995

Keep going.

>> No.13441003

Coffee is all you need.

>> No.13441020

i'm a straight edge health goth

>> No.13441176

I prefer MDMA desu. using it for its original purpose :3

>> No.13441362

cause i´m too poor for that

>> No.13441368

such wow

>> No.13441377

skinny faggots. try going to the gym, eating a high calorie diet and get ripped.

>> No.13441402
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>> No.13441529

Welcome to the PLATEAU.
If you don't change the way you approach your weight loss - you're here forever!

>> No.13441704
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I need tall boy thinspo. I knowing what a tall skeleton looks like would help my motivation.

>> No.13441850
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>> No.13441888

do some pullups

>> No.13442110
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Gotta cut first, brah.

>> No.13442189

why not just do keto+if you faggots

>> No.13442234

Got any olives?

>> No.13442238
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i don't know how to get coke in my city anymore and i'm too stupid to order it online

>> No.13442388

on myfitnesspal 45 min of walking burns roughly 100 calories for me (5'2, 108). you would burn more if you're taller or fatter. the website has a good calculator for various exercises where you can enter your height and weight for an accurate estimate

>> No.13442591
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This would be funnier if some of us did not indeed absolutely feel imprisoned by our excess flesh.

But hey, it’s inspiring me to make an actual manifesto against the prison of the flesh lords, the flesh Illuminati of lies that deny anything besides lowest ‘normal’ weight and minimum healthy BMI is best to promote health, long life, the best we can be.

>> No.13442641

Fix your head tilt forward
Train your

>> No.13442661

How do you fix forward head tilt?

>> No.13442718
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>using coke while binge drinking
You're lucky you're still alive desu. One or two drinks is fine, but heavy drinking with blow is already really dangerous, let alone during a binge. You really should have been more careful with that shit, that's how like 90-something percent of coke overdoses happen fampai. Oh God I hope you're taking good care of your heart now too, cocaethylene is cardiotoxic as fuck. I hope you're alright now but holy shit dude

>> No.13442729
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>> No.13442741
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Anyone starting now, reporting in daily or weekly?

>> No.13442745

not the anon you are replying to but i legit had some kind of cardio event on coke. it was when i started seeing halos around every light i realized i had too much. i rode it out on my own, stupidly, my brain was coked up so i wasnt thinking straight enough to just call 911. i looked up cardio tissue death on wikipedia the next day. jesus

>> No.13442777

>using coke while NOT binge drinking

does anyone actually do this? coke + alcohol are a mandatory mix in every single circle i've ever seen it used in

anyways yeah it's dangerous because at the point in the night you're obviously wasted as fuck you do a line and it literally feels like you're sobered up to square 1, which means you can drink triple the amount you normally d

>> No.13442787
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to finish my last part thanks for the consideration i had a huge slew of blood work done after this period of my life to make sure everything was still okay in my system...

ECGs, stress tests, echocardiograms - all came back fine luckily

anxiety and panic attacks are no fucking joke though i always thought they weren't a 'serious' disorder before but they literally feel like you're having a heart attack and are going to die

>> No.13442822

Google it. There are hundreds of results for correctional exercises to fix forward head tilt.

>> No.13442826

Cokeheads are the brainlets of the drug world.

>> No.13442839
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There's a difference between having a few drinks with blow and getting completely wasted taking shots inbetween snorting lines, dumbass.

What a waste of trips.

>> No.13442846

>having a few drinks with blow and getting completely wasted taking shots inbetween snorting lines

this is a really fine line

getting wasted and peppering in cocaine throughout the night is an absolute commonplace in downtown nightlife urban cities

>> No.13442868
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Just finished day 2 of my water fast. About to go to bed. Want to keep going all day tomorrow and break it Friday morning. Been feeling really lightheaded though even with a lot of water. Also supposed to go to a concert tomorrow. Idk if I should keep going or just break my fast tomorrow morning

>> No.13442916
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>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
f, 20, 5'4", 100.3lbs
>tdee and your deficit
I don't really count, but I'd say around 700 cal/day
>highest and lowest weight
highest ~120lb, lowest 95lb
>goal weight
no idea anymore
>preferred method of losing weight
exercise and fasting
>aesthetic you are going for
I just want to look long and pretty.

>tfw no matter how much you diet or exercise you'll still be 5'4"

I feel your pain. What said, >>13439673 especially tight jeans and heels.

If that's you, you're gorgeous. If you're going to do physical activity (jumping around/dancing at a concert) or especially drinking, I recommend breaking your fast. I refused to break mine during finals week and passed out in the middle of an oral presentation, so be careful. Especially if you're already lightheaded.

>> No.13442939

>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
f, 20, 5'4", 100.3lbs
>tdee and your deficit
I don't really count, but I'd say around 700 cal/day

why do you people feel the need lie? if you're eating 700cal a day you'd be 80lbs in a month. you seriously think that in a month you're going to be a bmi of 14? quit being so delusional and attention seeking, you're already thin, no need to lie about that shit

>> No.13442945 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13442946

whoops dropped the wrong image

>> No.13442957

>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
f, 27y, 1.63m/5'4", 60kg/133lbs

>tdee and your deficit
1587cal, aim for ~500cal deficit

>highest and lowest weight
HW 67kg/148lbs (2011), LW 38kg/84lbs (2015)

>goal weight

>preferred method of losing weight

>aesthetic you are going for
I mostly just want to be skinny again, I like to look somewhat androgynous. I always wear skinny leg black jeans, black t-shirts (sometimes black button up shirts), Doc Martens, and lots of chunky rings.

>> No.13442974
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>> No.13442975
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Check postpunk on tumblr

>> No.13442987

wtf was that

>> No.13442995

I sincerely hope your pic is unrelated for "post punk"

>> No.13442997

Okay, my fellow /fa/ggots & /fa/ggettes. Who wants some evidence-based advice on how to lose weight and stay (more or less) healthy?

>> No.13443001

gonna redpill us on eating less and exercising more? you're really smart anon, pls tell me more???


>> No.13443004

Well, nope. I thought you would want to know what diets are "better" than others. How many macros should they be eating (roughly). OTC meds to supress hunger. How low is too low and few other tips, but I suppose you know it already. It's not like my job is helping people lose weight.

>> No.13443012

that isn't a real thing lol, calories in/out is all it is period

>> No.13443013

anyone that isn't a retard knows that keeping a balanced diet, yet low calorie is the best way to lose weight and proteins will keep you fuller longer. granted there are tons of retards on this board, so you may have a market

that being said, it really doesn't matter what you eat or what drugs you do, all that matters is eating less

>> No.13443016
File: 468 KB, 500x669, tumblr_nlo22jxM7u1qkfaxvo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is unrelated, there was a boys thinspo page on tumblr with name postpunk (if I recall right), but strangely I can't find it anymore. Pic from album.

>> No.13443017

You sound upset.

I don’t count exactly, but it usually falls around there. I’ll have a big orange for breakfast, raw salmon/avocado/rice with onions sauce and wasabi for lunch, and then a protein shake for dinner. Sometimes I’ll skip breakfast, sometimes I’ll have an ice cream cone or something as a snack between meals. Usually balances out to 600-800 cal.

Maybe I have a slow metabolism. When I was limiting myself to under 500 a day, I dropped to 95 fairly quickly but never below it- I also felt super sick and my hair started falling out. Some people just lose weight slowly I guess.

Kind of related, for everyone else with low cal intake, how do you deal with the headrush that comes with eating? I get so dizzy after having lunch sometimes I need to lie down and hold something. Occasionally the corners of my vision go.

>> No.13443020

damn thats a serious amount of fluctuation you've had

>> No.13443021
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> evidence-based advice
I want that. I'm ready for the redpill

>> No.13443022
File: 225 KB, 580x819, muhmetabolism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh metabolism

you know that if you'e actually eating ~700 a day you'll be in the hospital with organ failure within a two months, right?

it's fine if you've only been restricting for a few weeks, no one here will judge you, in fact we'll laud you, just don't pretend that it's something that you've kept up, because that obviously isn't true

>> No.13443023

To be fair, I got down to ~40kg on my own, and then got to 38kg using crystal meth. Effective way to lose weight, but I'm not going back there because I don't want to end up perma-psychotic.

I've pretty much struggled with major weight fluctuations my whole adult life. My goal is 40kg, but desu if I could guarantee no more fluctuations ever I'd settle for 45kg-50kg.

>> No.13443027

fug that's some serious stuff. I've found that getting onto a proper sleep schedule really helps to regulate your diet.

>> No.13443032

getting some lowkey Sade vibes from that pic

>> No.13443037

And then there’s this delusional fattie.
You can literally not eat anything for a month and be weak but fine

>> No.13443040

I’ve been working on my sleep, trying to get 8-9 hours a night. Started counting calories again, aiming for ~1000 a day. I don’t count exercise because I want to keep my eating habits consistent and I like to keep my exercise varied every day. I’ve started having something small for breakfast (like a piece of wholemeal toast or a banana) and then having a protein and vegetables at dinner. I want a steady, sustainable weight loss.

>> No.13443041

Anyone else get disgusted by their bloated bellies when they are full of gas? I feel so fat eventhough I know why I have a big belly at the moment.

>> No.13443042

well...no if you're already at a 17 bmi and don't eat for a month you're probably lose your period if you haven't already and lose bone density/electrolytes/vitamins. and once again drop weight to the point of hospitalization if anyone cares about you.

an doctor that hears of an underweight woman not eating for a month is going to commit her for being fucking insane

>> No.13443044

lay on your back, bring your legs to your chest and kick back and forth like you're swimming/cycling, it'll get the gas out

>> No.13443049

yea i hate this feeling. not eating the last couple hours before bed helps

sounds legit. i pepper in some coffee throughout the day, if you're willing to get back into that stimulus life

>> No.13443054

I mean duh- 700 cal is at a deficit to what I’d usually consume because I’m trying to lose weight right now.

It’s not a diet plan if it’s what I normally eat to maintain. Why would I even be here for that? That’s why I mentioned that maybe I have a fucked metabolism, since 500 cal/day brought me down to only 95 but still made me really sick.

This sounds unrealistic. Source?

>> No.13443062

I normally have about 3-4 coffees in the morning, and then switch to green tea in the afternoon. Peppermint tea after meals, and camomile tea in the evening. Plus 3L of water during the day.

>> No.13443086

I sure am glad I live alone. This makes me look like an idiot. Thanks for the tip, though. I can feel it moving.

I ate 2 apples before bed.

>> No.13443100

I had appendicitis three months ago and was terrified that I would show up at the ER and they'd say it was just gas. Did the "lay on the back and bicycle" thing for almost an hour to make sure. also GasX or the equivalent is not a suppressant, rather it gets the gas out, so try that next time

>> No.13443103

I'll just bicycle like that. Are you ok now?

>> No.13443108

yea that's legit. 3-4 in a few hrs might be a little much, but sounds like you have a serious plan.

>> No.13443109

called my parents at 6am terrified that I'd be fucked over in terms of medical bills with something like gas or period cramps (i was due for my period that day). walked to the ER about a mile and a half away and they had me set up on morphine within 5 minutes and then moved me to the real hospital after running a shit ton of tests and was in surgery approx 12 hours after admission. have three tiny scars and I'm good

overall it was a pretty shill experience. appendicitis is p meme

>> No.13443111

chill not shill lol

>> No.13443113

That's good to hear. Stay well, anonette.

>> No.13443115

first surgery always feels sus

>> No.13443120

i've had many surgeries/hospitalisations before that

>> No.13443134
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>> No.13443150

just got my bmi under 18 for the first time

i look great and feel like absolute shit

>> No.13443163

Lol noob

>> No.13443178

How do I get rid of fat around my jawline? I'm already slightly underweight and have very little fat on the rest of my body, but my facial fat just won't go away. The only other fat deposit is around my waist, but it's less noticeable there. Should I get my cortisol levels checked? I read that high cortisol can lead to this. Is there anything else I can do? Please help.
m, 26y, 178cm/5'10", 57kg/125lb, 18.0 bmi

>> No.13443183
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No way to spot reduce fat, you may want to give mewing + jowl exercises a shot

>> No.13443219


>> No.13443321
File: 5 KB, 426x200, dgryjrtyjtj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on day 12 of fasting. On day 6, 8 and 10 I had 100 grams of edamame beans with salt and olive oil and apart from that I snack sea salt and a couple of läkerol a day.
My muscles feel weak and I'd really like to move up to getting something like 15 grams of protein on a daily basis, along with 10 grams of fat.
My progress looks like pic. I'd love to drop another 6 pounds before I break the fast, but I'll probably end up breaking it in 4 days because ~excuses~. I'll see it as an opportunity to build, and minimize my carb intake.

>> No.13443364
File: 477 KB, 720x960, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally feel like im getting towards the body type i want

>> No.13443562

it's not a true 12-day fast if you ate, dummy. you should have water, coffee, tea, and sugar free gum/mints only or you'll start feeling shitty. you broke your fast on day 6, did a one day-fast on day 7, and did another one-day fast on day 9. now you're on day 2 of a fast.

the whole point of fasting is to allow your body to use up its excess fat, if you consume food it stops burning your fat in favour of the food. if you have enough excess fat you can do extended water fasts, if not keep them short.

>> No.13443565

it's obviously water weight

>> No.13443573
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>eating food at all
>not water fasting for 30+ days while drinking salt+potassium water for electrolytes
You niggas will never make it.

>> No.13443629

I hope to be a skelly by September :3

>> No.13443672

Me tooo

>> No.13443691


>> No.13443753

I wish more people would include their bmi along with height/weight. It gets annoying having to google it every time.

>> No.13443776

A friend of mine asked me to go to his pool party in three days but I still have some fat on my belly.. If I fast for 3 days would I lose some weight? I have never fasted for more than 1 day

>> No.13443781

>23m, 6'3, 140lbs, ~17 bmi

Went trail running last weekend and picked like 6 ticks off me, now I think I have a bull's eye rash forming on my stomach. Not the first time I've had Lyme, but I'll probably drop to the 120s if I do have it again.

>> No.13443783

when was your last period /thinspo/?

>> No.13443787

i once pissed blood out of my dick after a coke binge, does that count?

>> No.13443803

I wish I was a real girl :(

>> No.13443805

may 31st

>> No.13443848

yeah ate some fruit this morning. Didn't want to break it with a heavy meal since my friends wanted to go eat before the concert and I knew not eating would draw questions since none of them understand fasting and the benefits

>> No.13443860


>> No.13443864

Apples and almonds

>> No.13443897

today, goddamn
my bmi is 16 btw

>> No.13444060

same desu

>> No.13444063

never because i am a girl (male)

>> No.13444201

You'd lose some weight, but keep in mind - spot reduction is a myth.

>> No.13444205
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its not like i was far off even

>> No.13444270


You got shut down anon. I use my plate. Never had this issue.

>> No.13444284

someone guesses why eugenia cooneys face doesn't look like your typical anorexia patients? I honestly think she has some other health issue.

>> No.13444389

it's 6:30pm and i really want to eat some chips with french onion dip. if i can make it to at least 9 i think i can pull off a full day fast.

great male thinspo

>> No.13444396

I think I will have a tub of ice cream for dinner tomorrow. They are about 1500 kcal so I won't go over my TDEE.

>> No.13444401

you should just chew and spit it, the best part of ice cream is just the moments when it's in your mouth anyways

>> No.13444415

I literally can't stop eating

>> No.13444418

Not really a problem unless you are already fat.

>> No.13444454
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Reminder that's your body speaking and only once food is out of your bod you'll think clearly again

>> No.13444464

Anybody got information/are interested in modeling?

>> No.13444600

>tfw 5'8 154lbs
wtf that weight is so low... is it gonna take me that long to be skinny? ;_ ;

>> No.13444623

>tfw it's cold as fuck and all I want is get comfy under my blanket while eating junk food and watching movies
Fuck, this is so hard, the craving will stop after a couple of days, r-right?

>> No.13444677

f, 5'11(180 cms), 190lbs(86kgs), bmi 27
i'm going to attempt my first fast ever starting (((right now i guess)) and going for the next three full days. does anyone have any tips? I normally struggle with self/portion control and over eating out of boredom, but i feel ready to jump start some new eating habbits.

>> No.13444807

holy shit guys i think im going to make it and i still feel great and oddly motivated to get my life together

a full day water fast. this is my first time ever going through with it all the way.

should i eat some chips at 12am to celebrate?

>> No.13444810

try to keep busy to forget about eating. get a list of content to consume that'll keep you entertained. drink water. think about the time you overate and felt disgusting. do not watch mukbangs.

>> No.13444818
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nothing wrong with craving comfort and warmth. grab some tea, invest in a microwaveable heat pillow and enjoy yourself some 0 kcal comf.

>> No.13444888

>breaking fast with shitty empty calories

>> No.13444919

im craving it.

how about honey roasted almonds?

my head is starting to hurt. should i make a turkey sandwich for protein?

>> No.13444929

>thinking every single meal has to be nutritious and you can't just eat things because they taste good on occasion

>> No.13444934

That's not at all what he said what the fuck.

>> No.13444939

should i eat a banana and almonds before i go to bed? i just took an advil bc my head hurts and body feels weird :/

>> No.13444941

yeah it is, they said the poster shouldn't bother eating the tasty food that they really want- on occasion obviously because it's after a fast- and they were told "no, don't because it's not healthy enough"

wtf is that bullshit? life doesn't have to be all whole oats and veg. eating some fucking chips to celebrate, nothing wrong with that

>> No.13444995

cute height

>> No.13445009

Its not so much that it gets easier it's more so the fact that when you do eat that junk food you hate your self and feel gross... It's enough to stop you from doing it again for a while

>> No.13445034

Nigga do you even know how the fuck to properly break a fast? If you dump a bag of chips on an empty stomach you'll feel like shit. They aren't the easiest things to digest.

>> No.13445086

i can't decide whether this is sarcastic or not

>> No.13445102

Not just this you could put alot of weight back on because your body wants to store some fat

>> No.13445110

Not how it works

>> No.13445121

not being sarcastic!

>> No.13445142

100% how it works. It's the same with cleansing also. Like it or not you body wants to store fat. It's why you need to watch what you eat after. How is this news to you?

>> No.13445150

You don't have to worry how you will break a 24-hour fast at all.

>> No.13445177

I might just be making stuff up, but I'd imagine you wouldn't want to spike your blood sugar after fasting by breaking it with junk food rather than easing back into eating with simpler foods.
Maybe it doesn't make a difference for weight loss, but for your actual health
.. I think

>> No.13445185

Cleansing? You mean like some gay detox shit? Whatever fag

>> No.13445268

who dis

>> No.13445277


an orange is 100 cal being generous, a poke bowl with sauces is 400 cal, and a protein shake is 200 cal so it checks out.

>> No.13445317

immediately discount your opinion.

that kid just wanted some ships after not eating for a day or two

>> No.13445319

>They aren't the easiest things to digest.

if you can't stomach a bag of chips you have serious stomach problems

>> No.13445324

dude...they're trying for 24 hours, it won't affect their body at all. plenty of normal can go a day without eating

>> No.13445485
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Is it worth it to continue? Will my facial aesthetics improve or will it be for nothing except skeletor.

>> No.13445535

Shave your facial pubes.

>> No.13445620

Yeah, shave and try to work on your selfie expression, it’s making you look like a jersey shore cast member.
But I think you could look very good with a few more pounds lost.

>> No.13445629
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I was walking around my home with my belt open, and suddenly I noticed how my jeans had fallen below my gentleman sausage.

>> No.13445860

Binged on ice cream today, time for at least a 72-hour fast.

>> No.13445875

I went from BMI 17 to BMI 12 for about a year cause of some kind of eating disorder and then started having binge attacks 1,5 months ago, now I'm back at BMI 16,7 something. How the fuck do I stop the binging now, I want to stay this way and already binged on 4000+ cals today.

>> No.13445912

is it normal to lose a small amount of bone mass in about 3 weeks, with 400-500kcal deficit?

>> No.13445948

How do you know you are losing bone mass?

>> No.13445971

my sister has got the scales with the electric current thing? all the times ive measured before its been 3.3kg, consistently when i wasnt trying to lose weight, but today it was 3.2kg. i know its only a small change but it is weird because its always been constant. i know the scales arent the most accurate, but over time they can still track progress.

>> No.13445987

If it's based on electric current, all the conducting and resisting stuff inside your body can affect it. Besides, it is sufficient to have like 3.25 kg drop down to 3.249 kg in for that to happen, but this is inside the margin of error for such an indirect measurement.

>> No.13446009

thank you. ill wait and see if it goes back up/changes anymore and if it keeps going down ill just do more exercise with vitamin d + calcium.

>> No.13446031

Are any of those apps and sites that measure the calories you burn with cardio reliable at all? I am not planning to start eating back the calories I supposedly burn but I jog and walk a lot so I would like to have a general idea of how much I burn.

>> No.13446039

I use a app called MyPlate. You can track the calories you eat and it will track your steps to tell you what you burn. It will also remind you to update it when you eat and you can know if you are over or under your goal.

>> No.13446047

Fuck, I binged. Ate about 2100 kcals (350 caloric surplus) and yeah, I feel like shit again. I have no self-control, for fuck sake. Sometimes I just think about giving up completely.

>> No.13446053

>350 caloric surplus
Just don't eat tomorrow.

>> No.13446060

Idk just remember that feeling next time you want pizza. It gets to the point where the thought of that much food makes me feel sick. You can always make up for it tomorrow

>> No.13446087
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fat fuck here 360+ pounds.
What should I do.

>> No.13446090


>> No.13446092

Count calories. You burn like 4000 a day just existing so it'll be really easy for like a year.

>> No.13446101

so just water right.

>> No.13446165

i went from a 38c to a 32b lol

>> No.13446175

My weight's been almost at a halt the last three days so I was getting worried that my metabolism's gone to shit.
Turns out it was just god tier poop. Can't wait to weigh myself tomorrow. Maybe it's going exactly according to plan.

>> No.13446176


>> No.13446246

let me cook for you anon! :):):):):):):):):)

>> No.13446341

cook him a glass of icewater

>> No.13446351

How many calories do you think a person that weighs 220 at 5'6 burns during a seditary day?

>> No.13446354


>> No.13446366



>> No.13446402
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s/o to ur tiddies
sad that my boobs dont look like this

>> No.13446517

there's no such thing as a detox/cleanse. you liver does that shit

>> No.13446523

first stop drinking caloric beverages like juice and soda, stick only to water and unsweet tea and coffee. that should already make a big difference. when you think you feel hungry chug a glass or two of water. if you can start eating only when hungry you're on the right track already.