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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 145 KB, 650x975, Bermudas-style-for-men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13334951 No.13334951 [Reply] [Original]

is there a name for this style?

>> No.13334956


>> No.13334974
File: 66 KB, 683x1024, black-and-white-short-sleeve-shirt-pink-shorts-grey-derby-shoes-original-10737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it not functional?

I tend to pair neon color shorts/shirts to plain white or go full white and flashy bright blue loafers

I tend to pay attention to the materials of the shoes/shirt and go for noticeably good materials/leather

do people here favor more youth fashion?

>> No.13334993

bad bait

>> No.13335001

Whoop di scoop di poop core

>> No.13335011


>> No.13335036

not bait

you think it looks bad and this is an insult?

I thought it might be "prep" or something

>> No.13335060

>not bait
>I tend to pair neon color shorts/shirts to plain white or go full white and flashy bright blue loafers
shiggy diggy

>> No.13335066


>> No.13335084


>> No.13335159


also fair

any advice for looking less frat or more tasteful?

>> No.13335211

Avoid bright colours and loud patterns; if you do want them, have one loud ‘statement’ piece. Don’t wear vineyard vines. Don’t drive a Jeep.

>> No.13335242

Gay lumberjack dad?

>> No.13335321

I'd never even heard of vineyard vines. I looked them up and dear god

also fair

>> No.13335566

instagram prep


>> No.13335685

mutt core

>> No.13335692


>> No.13335991

That’s not frat

>> No.13335994
File: 156 KB, 750x791, wVZknBR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.13336022

>Websites tell me what to wear.

>> No.13336061

The r/malefashionadvice

>> No.13336108

That guy with the polarized shades actually lookin pretty dope

>> No.13336658
File: 482 KB, 3110x2073, cpt6aor9d51z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that I'm trying to be defensive but I'd like to profile the people that think this looks bad

is this you?

>> No.13336761

Yeah. If you're over 30 it's "I'm reliving my frat years". Under 30 it's just "douche"

>> No.13336773

kind of the case

are 30 year olds supposed to dress like old out of shape men like they're at their job all the time and trying to hide their gut behind sport jacket or something? I don't get the complaint, though I am certainly trying

>> No.13336837

yeah its me on the far right

>> No.13336949

Nope. I honestly can say I don't dress like anyone in that picture.

>> No.13336971

do you mind posting a pic of your style? (not personally unless you don't care) but just like, the type. the pic I posted is obviously banter, but I'm trying to get a picture of other people's opinions based on their demographic

>> No.13337047
File: 106 KB, 1200x848, getty621images-541808549jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dress a bit like an Allman Brother, but toned down slightly. I'm also a bit older than the majority of /fa/. I'm not really opposed to a smart casual look for younger guys, I just feel like this Vineyard Vines/Summer in Nantucket Prep look is a bit played out. I feel the same way about the PNW hipster Americana workwear look, too.

>> No.13337076

okay, I can see the reason you might think that about me

I'm mostly just trying to not look like someone living in an obese crime ridden slum

I'm still tooling around a bit

is it the fact that fairly classy things like loafers are trickling to the underclass at target via cheap looking pleather in order to ape people that aren't poor that rubs you poorly?

I'm not sure anyone can escape the treadmill dragging everything into shit. once one thing is played out, poor people are going to move onto another thing to drag into the mud (e.g. they've already turned velvet into a black drugs/rapper thing)

>> No.13337078

Boring prep faggot that tries to model himself after pictures of douches

>> No.13337087

fair. I am not prep nor do I particularly like them. I am simply trying to not look like the the criminal underclass in my area. do you have suggestions?

>> No.13337107

I dislike disposable clothing/fast fashion in general regardless of what style it's emulating. I fell into the Target trap when I was younger and eventually realized it just wasn't worth it to fill my closet with cheap crap that was going end up getting tossed out in a year or two anyway. I started building a wardrobe around stuff that I both enjoyed wearing and I knew would last, which is part of how I got into the 70s rock look (that and I just legitimately love a lot of 70s rock). It's not a look that is sold by mall stores other than some repro band tees so I had to start actually shopping for and not just impulse buying clothes.
I know that younger guys don't have a lot of money, which why when my younger guy friends approach me for /fa/ advice I advocate building a small modular wardrobe built around versatile basics rather than a closet full of low quality mall goods that emulate more expensive styles.

>> No.13337133

I actually don't have anything disposable. I'm pretty careful about the materials/build of the things I buy.

I'm not sure if other people actually notice the difference (probably only for shoes)

do you think normal people notice? it'd be a shame if they think my stuff is cheap trash, but I'm not sure if they think its cheap trash, or if they think I'm pretentious

>> No.13337153

Most people out of school age are really too caught up in their own shit to worry about whether your loafers are leather or pleather. I object to cheap clothing because it's a long term waste of money and resources. It's just a pointless and wasteful cycle that traps people into chasing the next temporary fashion goal.

>> No.13337199

you're probably right. I think people have only ever noticed on dates

I think people DO notice if you're just chasing trends that even target has caught up to, and then poor people imitate poorly. I'm trying to avoid this

>> No.13337257

This again why I usually advise simplicity and versatility for younger /fa/gs. I dress the way I do because I'm an old man (by /fa/ standards) so I've made a life and my clothing has changed to reflect it. I might look like a dirt bag, but I'm a pretty self-actualized dirt bag. You're young (so I gather anyway) and you're life could still head in any number of directions so an adaptable wardrobe is to your benefit.
The other advice I usually give is don't let your look write checks your personality can't cash. Once you do that you start blurring the line between an outfit and a costume.

>> No.13337275

That fucking neck must be photoshopped

>> No.13337314
File: 314 KB, 640x508, AAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is stupid OP, the people posting in it are stupid. That's a fine look and girls love it. It's contemporary yuppie (as was hinted at here, albeit in a hostile manner >>13335084) and it's perfectly fine and fashionable.

You're really better off never asking this board for any serious advice, opinions or facts. Treat this board's opinion on fashion like you would treat /tv/'s opinion on movies or /v/'s opinion on video games. They want to pretend like they are above acceptable fashion trends amongst normalfags, but in reality it's just a bunch of retards pretending like they are in the same league as the people in Milan, without realizing the majority of the fashion they idolize is literally post modern expressionist art. Most of the remainder are trolls memeing or retards buying into the troll memes. The chance that you'll actually get good advice is evident in this photo >>13336658

Notice how only 2 people there don't look like raging tryhard faggots? One of them is Dylann Roof for fucks sakes. You're legit better off going to plebbit and asking for their shitty opinions.

>> No.13337339

not super young, but I'm definitely an adult and not a manchild

by the check cashing thing and your personality I'm assuming you mean "back it up"

but do you mean as in, if I dress like the OP pic you advise me to have a good job and drive a nice car, or people are going to think I'm posing? or do you mean have charisma under the outfit?

I have the charisma but I don't necessary live any lifestyle people might associate ith the outfit (e.g. greek life, yachts, nice cars) and I'm trying to avoid people slapping a type on me if possible. I'm just trying to look educated and not like a slob

or maybe you mean both? if you have any advice on putting together an outfit but avoiding the 'thing' about it that encourages people to make assumptions about me, I'd really appreciate it

thanks for the help

it is

dylan roof is in the corner too if you didn't notice

>> No.13337350

fresh outta kohls

>> No.13337367

thanks anon. I kind of figured all of that

but they are probably right about one thing, and that is about trying hard to look rich, or looking like a kid. I'm trying to avoid both and look like someone transitioning into their 30s but not turn into a complete dad

this guy >>13335994 has a point. I'm not super suave in terms of clothes, so I think I could have ended up buying something like this if I hadn't been more careful. I'm still not sure, precisely, the reason these guys look like children and the OP pic looks good, desu. but I think I've managed to avoid it. I'm just trying to figure out the reason and be conscious of it

in any case, thanks

>> No.13337619

Is it allowed if me and my family have spent summers there since the 70s?

>> No.13337628

Actually wondering who you think is the other guy
the asian in the middle?

>> No.13338984

No, you will be arrested by the fashion police and sentenced to 20 years of working at Payless Shoes. It is a very serious fashion crime and the authorities do not take it lightly.