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File: 22 KB, 400x600, A0F2F99E-0098-4359-8F0C-D6250BBAC57E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13308453 No.13308453 [Reply] [Original]

Pic is basically how i dress every day. I only change the colors, but they‘re always solid, at most a striped shirt.
I wear it with white sneakers. I also don‘t wear any makeup and have a rather basic hair style.
Do i have to put in more effort or is this acceptable?

>> No.13308455
File: 101 KB, 600x840, A7E89DCC-8D0D-47E2-B475-F9C161711CB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how i have my hair cut

>> No.13308460

if you are pretty, its enough effort.
if you are not, you need to put in more effort

>> No.13308462

>also don‘t wear any makeup
if you actually wear no make-up, and not just minimal make-up for a "natural look" then that's pretty cool
in every other regard you're still a basic bitch though

>> No.13308469

The issue is that i think this looks great on skinny girls, but my body is more like pic related. Can i still pull this off?

>> No.13308471
File: 55 KB, 531x687, 181914B0-DD48-4736-9E74-3FDA68445607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

Well, i do like my face. It‘s pretty symmetric and has even features.

I don‘t wear any make up. At most i‘d put on some mascara for special events, where i‘m suppoed to look „chic“.

>> No.13308472

you are beautifiul just how you are never let anyone say otherwise sweaty

>> No.13308477

sigrid go to bed

>> No.13308492

When girls say they have bodies like this it usually means they are much fatter. If you are sayng the truth it should still be acceptable, but it'll never look as good as if you were skinny

>> No.13308497

> also don‘t wear any makeup and have a rather basic hair style.


>Do i have to put in more effort or is this acceptable?



>> No.13308502

Is this reddit?

Nah, it‘s quiet accurate. I‘d say i have bigger boobs, but also a saggier belly thanks to pregnancy.
I‘m losing weight, but i still have to deal with my body till then.

It‘s also a lot more comfy honestly.
I just don‘t want to cross that fine line between simplicity and stopping putting in effort.

>> No.13308507

>I just don‘t want to cross that fine line between simplicity and stopping putting in effort.


>> No.13308512

Is there something i should do? I mean, aren‘t girls supposed to use accessoires? I only wear my minimalistic ring. I also don‘t wear long nails/nail polish or do fancy stuff with my hair. Sometimes i feel like i fail at being feminine when i don‘t do those things.

>> No.13308515

I guess i‘ve fulfilled my aesthetic end, because whenever i try to do something different it feels wrong.

Why are you screaming?

>> No.13308519

Go full rick

>> No.13308524

That would go over my budget and i would also feel seriously misplaced and overdressed. But thanks for your input.

>> No.13308531

what's the point of this thread? not posting any pics of your face/outfits/body makes it really hard to give you advice.

>> No.13308537

this post reeks of "i'm not like other girls". do you not have anyone in real life to fish for compliments from?

>> No.13308539



post pics btw, we need to check

>> No.13308552

I‘ve thought about posting, but it makes me super uncomfortable. So i thought i‘ll keep it general. As in „can a girl still look put together without all the girly clothes/accessoires/makeup/hairstyles“.

I made this thread because today i was sitting at an airport, watching people and somehow i haven‘t seen a single other person who dressed similar to me. They all had a distinct different „theme“. (The art hoe, the instagram „model“, the korean fashion girl, the cute, the sexy, the slutty, the i don‘t care,...).
That made me think and that‘s all.

Well, i can‘t get out of my body today or tomorrow and i still have to wear some sort of clothes. I‘m just doing damage controle.

>> No.13308555

Also, who‘s sigrid?

>> No.13308557

Let’s see a pic of your typical outfits

>> No.13308560

Give me a moment

>> No.13308561

Google her brah

>> No.13308564

i gave you one chance, i hope you have good peripheral vision

>> No.13308568

i'd wager you look like you're in the "i don't care category". skinny girls dressed simply look put together, but heavier girls tend to look frumpy unless the clothes fit really well.

and again, don't compare yourself to other women, or act like you're not like other girls. you just come across as self-conscious and insecure

>> No.13308596
File: 472 KB, 1460x2224, C40ECA1E-D2B3-45BF-85BA-CCCC9B5A2F3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was pretty eye opening.
Besides the fact that i found out that i have zero idea how to take a full body picture of myself, i also realized that my clothes fit rather bad. Guess i‘m blind to it in the mirror. I‘m too short for my pants, they look very weird.

I guess if i posed like that it would be kind of close. It was hard enough to find a pic that was somewhat similar.

I suppose that‘s true. Looking at the pic myself, it does look frumpy and like i don‘t care. What can i do to avoid that, besides working on my body?

That might be because i am self-conscious and insecure.

>> No.13308599

lmao fatty.

>> No.13308602

Lets see the back

>> No.13308604

I think i‘m done with posting pics.

>> No.13308611


>> No.13308622

ignore him he's the worst poster on this board on long

>> No.13308625

Why? Aside from the weight, the biggest problem is the fit. Even big people look decent if the fit is right. And most people forget to see how shirts or pants fit them from behind because they only look at themselves in the front in the mirror.

>> No.13308638

I do try to find clothes that so somewhat fit me, but it is extremely difficult and i honestly have other things to do than shop for a pair of jeans for 7h.
My body is just fucked up and whatever i wear, it looks like shit. I have no idea what i could do different so i might as well just give up.

>> No.13308649

That’s why you gotta post the pics brah, the expert (me) is here

>> No.13308652

Can you give me some advice based on the pic i already posted? Then maybe atleast the front might be a tiny bit improved.

>> No.13308659

Someone have the pic?

>> No.13308673

Get pants slightly, I mean slightly looser from mid thigh down make sure it tapers. Crop the pants a bit over the ankles.

If your pants are too tight, you will feel fat. If they are not cropped they will stack at the bottom and make you look stubby. Bring pants to a tailor to get this done.

Same with your shirts, get something boxy if you need to and take it in slightly at the waist. Female shirts typically have that semi hourglass shape so if you don’t have that it’s look like it’s hugging your waist way too much and you’ll feel fat again.

ok girl now let’s see a pic of the back

>> No.13308684

Ok, so no very slim fitting pants and crop them just above the ankle to avoid stacking. Got it.

You think the issue with the shirt is that it‘s too tight? I feel like i‘m wearing a tent if it‘s lose fitting.

Thanks for your advice, it‘s very appreciated. I have to put the baby to bed now, but i‘ll take a pic of the back when i‘m done.

>> No.13308693

>You think the issue with the shirt is that it‘s too tight? I feel like i‘m wearing a tent if it‘s lose fitting.
Tight in the wrong areas

>> No.13308695

It should be loser around the hip and chest area?

>> No.13308706

Tight around chest if you got big tiddies, show them off. Not so tight around around everywhere else. Look at the pic of the girl you posted. Tight in the chest and just loose downwards

>> No.13308707

self-confidence and self-worth can be really hard to develop. i'm still trying to get there myself.

i think the best thing you can do to improve how you feel about yourself is to acutally improve yourself. even if you dont think it'll be a big deal, going through the motions of self care can be a big help. and by self care i dont mean watching netflix and eating ice cream like some people think. i mean self care in its truest sense, such as eating healthy, exercising, having positive social interactions and developing personal skills and hobbies. be kind to yourself and know when to put yourself first so you can be a better mother/wife/friend/sister.

>inb4 i dont have time
reflect on how much time you waste every day. we're both wasting time posting on 4chan and surfing the web. but 10 - 20 mins of exercise does make a difference. taking the time to eat fresh foods and homecooked meals does make a difference. it's about keeping your true values at the forefront of your mind. good luck anon

>> No.13308721
File: 500 KB, 1428x2265, 9C10AC4D-FC44-496A-AB56-66AF92AB4DBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, i see.

Here‘s a pic of the back with different clothes.

>> No.13308725

I’m glad i never have to look at myself from behind.

>> No.13308727

do i look like i know what a jpg is?

>> No.13308738

Seems aight, those pants are no good.


But yeah follow my advice. Show off the tiddies if you got them and all the ladies in the office will be jelly, and you’ll see promotions

>> No.13308752

I‘ve been trying to do exactly that since years, but there‘s still no improvement. I can‘t even pinpoint a reason that doesn‘t sound like a lame excuse. It just seems like it takes so much effort that the result isn‘t justifying it. I mean, i do run twice a week. I do go to pilates once a week. i go for walks every day. I eat one reasonable portion of balanced food 3x (for example oats with strawberries and milk for breakfast, chicken breast with brown rice and salad for lunch, eggs and carrots for dinner). I never eat sweets, i don‘t drink anything else besides water and unsweetened tea. I don‘t drink alcohol. I really don‘t get why the fuck i am so fat and out of shape. It‘s frustrating and stressing me out a lot. I have been counting calories and i don‘t eat too much. I have weighted it out and writen down every morcel that enters my mouth. Sometimes i feel like just giving up. It is taking up so much energy and time and i get zero reward for it. I still feel and look like utter shit and there‘s no end in sight.

>> No.13308760

Alright, thanks for taking time to help me anon.

>> No.13308765


>> No.13308771

Drink coffee and take over the counter mood pills

>> No.13308778

hmmm...that's really peculiar. are you ABSOLUTELY sure youre correctly logging in how much food you're eating? do you know your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE), which is dependent on your height, weight, sex and age? you need to eat 500 calories below your TDEE every day for a week to lose 1 pound. don't factor exercise into your TDEE cause an hour of walking only burns 100 calories. generally eating whole foods like fruits and veggies and grains will keep you fuller and healthier on fewer calories

try that again and if you dont see results see a doctor, you might have some sort of health issue like a thyroid problem. weight gain is based on the laws of thermodynamics; you cant make something out of nothing. fat is stored food.

>> No.13308780

I drink green tea for the caffeine, i don‘t like the taste of coffee.
I‘ve had ssri‘s and all it did was make me even fatter. I also don‘t live in the usa, there‘s no such thing as „over the counter mood pills“ here.

>> No.13308786

Take caffeine pills and find theanine pills

Just pop those and you good.

>> No.13308789

I‘ve been on fit for about 7 years now. Believe me, i know almost everything about diet, exercise and what not one can know.
I‘m religious with weighting out my food if i do it.
i‘ve asked my doc and all he said was „eat less carbs“. Which is ridiculous, since i have tried eating no carbs, little carbs, moderate carbs, more carbs, it makes no difference. I only lose weight if i go radically low with my daily cals. Like 500 cals a day or less. But i obviously can’t sustain that for long and i have zero energy and am in a constant crappy mood. Which is not an option.

I‘ve also had my hormones checked lately for different reasons and they seem to be alright. Idk, i‘m so fucking tired of this.

>> No.13308792

I‘ve took fat burner pills for a long time (with caffeine and all that shit inside), no effect besides making my heart race and feeling dizzy.

I guess i can try finding theanine.

>> No.13308801

Nah nah, not all that other garbo inside. Can get the pure caffeine pills. The caffeine suppresses appetite while the theanine improves your mood. Just make sure you know when to eat.

Also ask your husband to increase the frequency of deep internal massage sexing. Gotta do it more than once a month girl.

>> No.13308812

Meh, i‘ve also tried pure caffeine pills. But i can try again. I just don‘t like how i feel when i‘ve consumed caffeine. Restless and jittery but not more energy.

Wtf do you mean with deep internal massage sexing?
We have a lot more sex than that, thank you.

>> No.13308823

The theanine is suppose to work with the caffeine so you don’t feel like shit.

When you sexing you need to work up a sweat. That’s your work out.

>> No.13308828

Hm, alright, i‘ll try it. Thanks for the tip.

That‘s not always the case but definitely more often than once a month. I just don‘t like to focus more on the cardio than the sex. That seems to be kind of missing the point.

>> No.13308837

you’re gonna have to post real pic of you because >>13308492 is right

>> No.13308840

I have.

>> No.13308861

i think you should call up NASA because this sounds like a scientific miracle. maybe the solution to world hunger. if your homones are balanced and you are eating less than your body needs in a day then you need to be losing weight because your body will burn the stored fat for energy. i'm very skeptical of your claims because again, you cannot be storing or maintaining fat unless you are you're eating more than you need.

>> No.13308868

I‘ve been anorexic as a teen, then bulimic. I think i seriously fucked my body up, that‘s why.
Ofc i have days where i eat too much. Bit i also have days where i eat even less than that. If it was as simple as calories in/calories out, it should cancel each other out again. I know fit claims otherwise, but i‘m not so sure anymore. Maybe that works if you‘re male and have a normal metabolism that you‘ve never fucked with before.

>> No.13308898
File: 26 KB, 500x335, 1433785165757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen here baby girl. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting

>> No.13308906

Wow so innovative

>> No.13308907

>When girls say they have bodies like this it usually means they are much fatter.

also style mentioned is only alright fit healthy/thin women, period

>> No.13308912

What would be a better alternative then? I can‘t escape my fucking body, believe me, if i could, i would.

>> No.13308913

I had some of these symptoms (especially having low energy) and turned out to have an iron deficiency, which I now take supplements for

See a doctor, tell him about your symptoms and tell him that you don't think it's depression (unless you do). Get your blood tested too, you could also have a nutrient deficiency!!

>> No.13308923

I do have issues with low iron, but i get injections once or twice a year and also take supplements. Last time i got checked (3 weeks ago) they were alright. I have low vit d, but i mean, it‘s just been winter, so i‘m not surprised.
I‘m outside for atleast 3h everytime it‘s not very bad weather, so i guess i‘llbe alright. I also supplement it with my daily multivit, but it‘s provably not 100% of what i‘d need in one day.

I‘ve tried to tell my doc that he needs to check better, but you know how it is. Like everyone else he just thinks i‘m lying and am actually never exercising or at best doing some lame „jog“ and gobbling down a bag of chips when no one‘s looking.

>> No.13308931

sounds dumb as shit but confidence is key.
You can wear mad loud pieces and people will compliment it for being confident. The basic clothing you mentioned make you look like you want to hide, just not stand out n any shape or form. It's cool you feel good without makeup tho.
Just try different sorts of clothing, I don't know what you like. Think about going all black but then wearing a bright jacket for example. Try things, you will find very effay outfits you will love sooner or later

>> No.13308933
File: 97 KB, 560x349, please-miss-may-i-have-some-more-coochie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13308935

That makes sense. It‘s just that even if i had the perfect body, that would be what i would go for. I like simple and straight forward stuff, not just when it comes to clothes. I‘ll try on some bolder things next time i get the chance.

>> No.13308961

sounds like the contents of a screenshot from r/fatlogic

>> No.13309087

I don't think it's very appealing. It's not about effort, it's about looking good.

>> No.13309194

OP's fat tho

>> No.13309197
File: 164 KB, 1150x697, redditproed2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like you're just lying to yourself

>> No.13309306

I saw the pics, she kinda THICC 2bh

>> No.13309324


>no make up
>no accessories
>boring ass hair/clothes
>no nail polish/nails
>probably white

God you sound fucking disgusting. Like the girls in my university classes that I fucking forget. As an 8/10 male you just sound gross. I don't care how confident you are, your face is busted without makeup. You probably don't get hit on my attractive dudes a lot, hence this thread

Fucking paint your nails for gods sake

>> No.13309356

yeah OP is way too insistent that she's magically exempt from basic biochemistry and physics, rather than admit she probably eats way too much

>> No.13310225

This. I keep seeing a lot of unattractive girls putting a lot of effort in their outfits to compensate for their ugly faces.
I guess it helps to bring attention to them selfs or otherwise they would go unnoticed.

>> No.13310429

Are you croatian and your name starts with M?

>> No.13310965
File: 90 KB, 320x320, 1514569387586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


or i can just check an archive

>> No.13311090

>As an 8/10 male you just sound gross.
As an 8/10 male you just sound gross.

>> No.13311109

i checked the archive and it was pretty gross. i cant believe a fatty loike OP has no ass