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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 515 KB, 1818x956, WIN_20180201_10_06_38_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13119470 No.13119470 [Reply] [Original]

hey /fa/ can I ever look good in clothes w big bobs? they just seem to tent everything and they're a huge distraction.. Should I just cut them off?

>> No.13119477

knoock knees

>> No.13119478

Yes cut them. Ugly bobs anyway

>> No.13119482

yeah you def need reduction surgery

oversized fat bags are gross

no homo

>> No.13119485

You should cut 3/5 of them off

>> No.13119487

in a few years these gross things will drop to your navel

>> No.13119492

This sounds like a pretty good compromise.

>> No.13119493

serious question, can i choke you?

>> No.13119500

large boobs, sadly, are not effay

>> No.13119512

Anon I dont think you know what knock knees are, plus the pants give my legs a weird silhouette.
considering this
not my kink dude :|
u wish

>> No.13119544

>not my kink dude :|
I'm afraid you don't have a choice

>> No.13119565

ugly nigger

>> No.13119567

real talk

>> No.13119568


>> No.13119570

Fuck off dude. What's your problem?

>> No.13119582
File: 578 KB, 624x527, 6d0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao Im p sure anyone expects this from 4chan, didn't think anyone would actually care

>> No.13119591

You could at least be more subtle like this
Blatant racism is extremely unoriginal, thoughtless, and unbecoming

>> No.13119596

>implying we give a fuck if a nigger stops posting here

>> No.13119599


bundle package

>> No.13119600

please put my head under that shirt

>> No.13119603

>implying we give a fuck if a nigger stops posting here

I wonder what site I'm on.. Not 4chan? If that's your best attempts in trying to boot me off then I suggest you try and track my IP and physically stop me bud xd

>> No.13119612

I think it would look pretty good if you weren't wearing clothes.

>> No.13119613

If that's you in the picture, then I don't see what the issue is. They're no gigantic. I wouldn't really bother with it. Just dress how you fucking want.

>> No.13119619

tits or gtfo

>> No.13119623

>Give me attention, I have boobs

>> No.13119656
File: 175 KB, 374x535, Joans_engagement_ring_in_the_new_girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go joan holloway/sweatermeat-core

>> No.13119664

>im a nigger whore, give me attention (and i know ill get it since this is 4chinz)
the post

>> No.13119678

Dont cut them unless they hurt your back wtf..? Big milkies is kryptonite to most guys.

>> No.13119685

Finally. Someone had to say it. Illiterate bitch.

>> No.13119692

You look good, don't listen to these autists

>> No.13119717

doubledown on the modesty and go sweaters and long skirts. wear a bra and bralette to smooth out the sillhouette, the one your wearing prints weird and is distracting. I like that top, and you have nice arms. good luck OP!

>> No.13119882

You do realize that white-knighting a bait thread on a chinese cartoon image board won't get you laid, right?

>> No.13119891
File: 97 KB, 549x563, 1510232203238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have boobs. I must want attention
You know what the word illiterate means, right?
The irony about this post is that mindset would attract this kind of behavior and you're doing nothing but contributing to it haha, if I wasn't black with big boobs and it was just a random picture of some asian with big boobs you probably wouldn't say this haha
Thanks for actually saying something useful

>> No.13119893

Im gay tho

>> No.13119894

Boobs are cute as fuck. I'm always jealous of thin girls with big boobs and I'm a straight CIS male. I just think it's very aesthetic

>> No.13119909


>> No.13119989

I feel like the boobs are in the way of my fashion tastes :|

>> No.13120051

good idea

>> No.13120053

this isnt your usual thread whats up? you usually post a pic of your face with heart emojis pretending youre someone else in order to get compliments online. in this day and age social media and likes are a bigger deal than they should be so feel free to keep seeking validation online from strangers but i hope you learn to love yourself one day

>> No.13120074
File: 48 KB, 720x696, grr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I catfishing myself? And Im an average 4chan poster, if you would actually give what im requesting instead of being so vain and such a moron maybe I would actually stop posting here ffs

>> No.13120077

why tf are you here?

go away and live a normal life

>> No.13120084

>they just seem to tent everything
Yes and it looks hot. Seriously, there is no need to cut down on those assets. I'd be all over those tits.

If you want to lessen the tenting effect, get clothes that are form fitting and tight. This will not only stop any tenting effect (which I actually think looks hot anyway especially with the shirt tucked in like that), but they will emphasise the breasts and look more shapely.

And this is a good idea too >>13119717

>> No.13120085

i meant that you usually post the pics pretending to be another anon who admires you in hopes of getting more attention. im not sure how you thought my post pointed towards my vanity, but one more time: learn to love yourself

>> No.13120091

>i meant that you usually post the pics pretending to be another anon who admires you in hopes of getting more attention.

Youre projecting quite hard, I mean im never that desperate and seeing how thristy people here can be it shouldnt be too unbelievable that someone compliments me? Look at the posters in this thread and look at my replies and you'll see Im not samefagging.. Even in other threads ppl just want to say smth nice to me you autist

>> No.13120098

Do you have any photos in sweaters or dresses? I concur that going the Joan route is probably the best bet.

If you're having back pain consider reduction but otherwise they look decent, honestly, already.

>> No.13120099

you can lie all you want, but just learn to love yourself

>> No.13120112


>> No.13120121

Lmao okay believe what you want bud ill take it as a compliment I suppose

>> No.13120123

Nope no sweaters or dresses at all..

>> No.13120124

no definitely do not they look great

>> No.13120128

this isn't a typical 4chan board, we do have a lot of genuine girls here asking for genuine advice

>> No.13120130

That might be a good fashion option to try, then. Kinda strange you don't have any already.

>> No.13120132

Ehh well im broke and my parents havent updated my wardrobe since 2011 so that might be why, and I couldnt get a job until now since im finally of age

>> No.13120135

Well fair enough. Could thrift some stuff in the meantime. Usually some good stuff for your sweater puppies there.

What would you say is your best outfit currently?

>> No.13120147
File: 87 KB, 439x654, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What would you say is your best outfit currently?
the fit in the op desu...

>> No.13120169

You should invest in actual pants or jeans for one. If those are the best pants you have then rectify that. The shirt isn't half bad. Maybe a little too loose.

>> No.13120170

Thanks ill try

>> No.13120171

Seriously post some other fits. You might be surprised what people like.

>> No.13120199

Nope I only post fits i think suits my style and i dont really have many of the clothes for that so ill wait until i can actually buy stuff xd

>> No.13120281


>> No.13120289

Fucking what

>> No.13120292

>>13120289 is me
You retard there are 28 poster ITT you fucking loser

>> No.13120293

post unclothed tits pls

>> No.13120304

of course you can + you have a cute smile.

>> No.13120387

Turtleneck with actual pants would look dope, my dude

>> No.13120395
File: 197 KB, 600x880, ttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13120424

Your pants are the problem in these pics, not your bobs, sweetie.

>> No.13120431
File: 66 KB, 577x711, 1510391655374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're gunna need a to see these warlocks

>> No.13120472


>> No.13120474

but.. theyre my favorite anon :(

>> No.13120478

why is this thread alive

>> No.13120479

Keep your boobs please. I'd like to see more of them though so I could judge more accurately.

>> No.13120489

honestly if it wasnt derailed by the autism and more advice was given it wouldnt be so bad

>> No.13120506
File: 167 KB, 1020x1020, 1517538009452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your butiful the way you are, your bobs and vegana are your best qualities.
I really want to fugg a black girl DESU, how do It? Any tip and tricks?.

>> No.13120530

>Tfw couldn’t get this much attention if I tried
Nice OP

>> No.13120549

I get everything I dont want and nothing I actually want

i.e very minimal advice and more trolls and ppl saying anything else disregarding the topic

>> No.13120565

*Catch genital herpes so you don't worry about getting genital herpes anymore.
*(If you're white) Just approach them and ask them out.

>> No.13120576
File: 245 KB, 947x1205, 1479821130362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you have to be such a cunt Cletus? We're all trying to survive in this harsh world, your not the only one being fucked in the ass.

>> No.13120579

Check this out:


Admittedly this page doesn't appear to discuss genital herpes. Only Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and Syphilis. This article discusses genital herpes:


>> No.13120592
File: 17 KB, 517x668, FB_IMG_1509837177333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op here, thread is closed.. thread officially dead.. all im have to say is thank you.. thank you all for being the biggest morons on the internet

>> No.13120606

I'd probably go the sexy librarian route. For the tent concern maybe a hoody zipped 1/3 of the way up would work, or tie a sweater around your waist. High-waisted pants/skirts?

If your back isn't hurting, keep uncle bob close to your heart. Please no cut the milkies. Also, get a bra that isn't so bulky, or better yet, get rid of your bras altogether.

>> No.13120614
File: 105 KB, 500x669, E4E0899932794D12B0A8E9B181FC6A3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So everyone has herpes except White people right? Using "minority" to describe hundreds of different races and culture's is fucking retarded and short sighted.
You don't belong, go back to snapchat or whatever the fuck boring normie's use now.

>> No.13120634

>You don't belong, go back to snapchat or whatever the fuck boring normie's use now.

o gosh anon I wish I was as cool as you

>> No.13120640

You did not even look at the links.
If you want to have a discussion about it then have a skim through them and then get back to me.

>> No.13120662
File: 944 KB, 500x320, tumblr_nmwwiePxkA1tv3dejo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This place was made by losers for losers, my post was a compliment, you're attempt at putting other me down is tacky and lame and I honestly don't know why you're even here in the first place.
I will, I wouldn't even be surprised, I more garbage black people that any other race and this is coming from a minority, I know what you're talking about but I still don't completely agree with you, there's a lot of decent blank people out there, you're not particularly alone by the way, I know plenty of other minorities that despise them.

>> No.13120668

Okay look I will give you a TL;DR of the second link. It says about 48% of black women in the USA have herpes. Almost a coin flip whether or not a black girl you see has it.
The first link shows black women are very much more likely to have STDs than any other group.
In both cases this data comes from the USA's Center for Disease Control.

I don't believe the CDC is run by /pol/, do you believe they are presenting bad information?

My only claim was that if one wants to bed black women it would be helpful to catch herpes because then you would not be put off by the fact it's almost 50/50 that they have it.

>> No.13120670
File: 22 KB, 251x231, 1515797954924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This place was made by losers for losers

If only you knew

>> No.13120692

This is rude and I don't have herpes, please just let this fail thread die in peace. I honestly wish I can just my race for a day just so I can post here without this much disturbance -__-

>> No.13120704

You having herpes or not has nothing to do with helping this anon I was talking to lay pipe in black women.
I would recommend you go and get tested for STDs because another common feature of these reports is the black women with STDs claim they were unaware that they had them.

>> No.13120716

People here are rude, that's kinda their thing. Don't let it bother you, they're a bunch of stupid faggots anyway. If you can't take an insult you should stick to reddit.

>> No.13120729
File: 34 KB, 480x630, 1515815041889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not new here lol im aware theyre rude but that doesnt mean i cant point that out, i not offended or anything its just annoying bc this thread was raided by autismos.
I dont have herpes or any std you absolute mongoloid

>> No.13120731
File: 2.04 MB, 720x720, rubber_dog.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem like a decent human being, I get a ton of shit for my race too, don't sweat it, things will change soon.

>> No.13120735

So you got tested recently and the results were negative?

>> No.13120747

Id its possible for me to have herpes then you should have it aswell using your logic

>> No.13120760

It's unlikely that I have it because I didn't last time I got tested.

>> No.13120779
File: 360 KB, 666x542, vvvv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13120795

>says she's not bothered
>still responds to trolls
you're perpetuating your own cancer.

>> No.13120804

>oh no i have boobs what should i possibly do with these uwu this sucks pwease help me with outfits xd
>stahp asking for nudes and being rude i just wanted advice
lmao bitch you're on 4chan, go post on reddit if you're actually affected by this low tier trolling.

>> No.13120815

no ones askinfor nudes and i never complained about whatever u just said and im sure u never read the thread, i only responded to two people who turned this into a politically incorrect thread and ignored everything else
im replying since he had to bring up smth ive been trying to dismiss to get on topic

>> No.13120828

>being this new

>> No.13120869

>Derailed by autism

This is a shit-tier thread that doesn't deserve to exist.

Straight Fuccboi general material.

>> No.13120876


>> No.13120906

>inb4 tumblr jpg
I didn't get it from tumblr
>inb4 you're not red pilled
I was "red pilled" at some point before
/pol/ turned into reddit 2.0, A lot of new people came in and ruined the memes and made a mockery of what it was, I can't for the life of me take anything they say seriously, everything is a conspiracy every other poster is schizophrenic and low IQ.

>> No.13120947

Form fitting (not low cut) shirts and dresses

Classy, not slutty, the more form fitting the better

>> No.13120962

Don't modify body to suit clothes, dress the body to it's best advantage.

>> No.13120965

exactly this what the fuck OP you're going to be scarred for life just because some turbo autismo on 4chan told you so

>> No.13120966

Really saggy and gross tits there OP! Nasty!

>> No.13120973

>thought /fa/ would be more normie
>it's not
no fair

>> No.13121088

You havent seen boobs before huh

>> No.13122200

I thought you were a man with gyno
Now I'm not inretested

>> No.13122210

show us them oonga boongas

>> No.13122213

this image gave me flashbacks to chat roulette when I was 12

>> No.13122236

You even know where you are?

>> No.13122246

I'm not gonna bother reading whatever's happening in this thread, but to anyone facing a similar problem as the original post, you need get searching on instagram for inspo. It may take some looking, but there's a shit ton of bloggers with a shit ton of body types so believe me you'll find your people eventually. Identify things that you like in their style and try to incorporate them into yours.

Also, i think that shirt is prtty cute actually but the pants might be creating an awkard fit.

>> No.13122534

10/10 good post, thx anon

>> No.13122609

Go ask plebbit instead, this site isn't for attention whores, roasties, or niggers, and you're all three

>> No.13122634

unironically this. stop making threads about yourself when all this can be asked in fuccboi general

>> No.13122646

op here, youre boring and so is reddit