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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 37 KB, 540x405, CapvdZjUcAEdaBL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13045530 No.13045530 [Reply] [Original]

no excuse for looking like this in 2018

>> No.13045534

Look alright to me.

>> No.13045537
File: 49 KB, 397x1024, 1236-0+v_aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do we continue to have threads on this style when people on /fa/ are actively still dressing like pic rel

>> No.13045545

Better than 90% of WAYWT fits

And they are friends, do you have friends OP?

>> No.13045556

Don't like far left, middle is okay I don't like the hat, I like that girls jacket and seems qt

And they have the power of friendship

6/10 checks out with me lame thread anon

>> No.13045565

t. faggot in OP pic

>> No.13045698


I sometimes wonder what these people will be doing 10 years from now...

>> No.13046558


>> No.13046582

You don't know if their friends, could be people that must met through couchsurfing and will never see each other again

>> No.13046595
File: 38 KB, 640x360, FDA-Directs-Reducing-Nicotine-Level-In-Cigarettes-To-Make-Less-Addictive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the clothes aren't even the biggest meme in this photo

>> No.13046603

Demonizing cigarettes is the biggest meme of them all.

>> No.13046604
File: 256 KB, 500x500, tumblr_olgkmojsIs1tydz8to1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See a dude dressed like this
>Dump my Natty Daddy all over him
>"Hey what the fuck?! What the fuck is your problem?!?!?!"
>Say nothing and just walk away while singing "This Old Dog"

>> No.13046619

You smell bad

>> No.13046621

haven't been here long time but really?? this is how u kids dress nowadays??
(sorry not wasting my time w waywt threads - too cringe)

>> No.13046627

So dressing like an art hoe (the most popular trend of the kids these days) is not acceptable? Maybe you just can't pull it off.

>> No.13046631

look at me im a massive faggot

>> No.13046637

Nice to meet you, A Massive Faggot. My name's dad.

>> No.13046640

Mac deMarco core=/=art hoe

>> No.13046662

I'd argue they combined together sometime early last year, so I'd agree that the traditional hipster and DeMarco-core styles are now dead

>> No.13046666
File: 248 KB, 580x563, A6DDE677-BA02-43EB-9461-C0F17E890765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dress like this.

Wouldn’t consider myself fashionable though, just like some of Hedi’s work at SLP.

>> No.13047137

Dam can somebody ID the jacket in the middle?

>> No.13047139

Why don't you guys call it Mac deMarcore

>> No.13047149

thats politically incorrect my friend, I hope you go to hell :)

>> No.13047152

so bored of normcore /Seinfeld extra wave

>> No.13047178

Because that's fucking gay anon :)

>> No.13047200

this aesthetic is trash if you're over 19.
if you're under 19 you dont belong here

>> No.13047213

*listens to mac demarco once*

>> No.13048136

girl is qt and it's good fashion if you aint got a lot of money to spend

>> No.13048145

w2c middle jacket

>> No.13048422
File: 119 KB, 800x746, IMG_8862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting the whole meme

>> No.13048460

it's boy pablo now grandad

>> No.13048472

Both are dated.
But the first slp Hedi collection was the fw13 while mac Demarco became a meme in 2012... Mac is way more dated then Hedi's slp.