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12958093 No.12958093 [Reply] [Original]

/thinspo/ - thinspo general

"We have guest at the table come help make dinner" edition

Last Thread: >>12951115

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hydrated


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Ask all your thinspo and weight-related questions here.

Please be kind to people and don't just call them a fatass or something, help them change it. It doesn't make you look worse if they also look good.

Feel free to post:
>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you're going for

Also try post thinspo pics, post your goal bodies(fictional or real), recipes and tips etc. to help and encourage each other.

>> No.12958100

Hey guys. When i go to sleep while restricting and the last thing i ate is long before sleeping time i feel so weak, like low pulse. This kinda affects my sleep. Sometimes i wake up in the middle of the night so fuking week.
Someone deal with similar problems?

>> No.12958104

Do you guys work out

>> No.12958106

this is why i separate my meals. I only eat breakfast and dinner but having something a bit before going to bed helps a ton. Do you eat meat? Salmon and light canned tuna are pretty low in calories and make me feel filled.

>> No.12958108

You should honestly. At least to tone up while losing weight if you're fat.

>> No.12958113

How do you guys buy clothes? Like, I'm average as hell but the S sizes are lose on me, even the XS's sizes are when I manage to find them. I still have a lot of weight to lose and i dont wanna lose all the clothes i have because im a poorfag

>> No.12958120

The only meat i am eating is chicken in salads. Maybe the problem is that i eat almost the exact things all the time.
1 large banana, 2 large kiwi, 3 toast with jam, light jello.
1 caesar salad as lunch (dont know how much calories i got from this, the dressing i am using is only 30 cal and the chicken, croutons and cheese are not that much)
1 vegetal tarte as dinner (280 calories)

>> No.12958122

how's everyone's weight loss going?
>7 down, 21 to go. been 8 days. cutting hard, only ~1300 calories a day. I'm, 181 lbs 6'1 male

>> No.12958124
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Is this good

>> No.12958128
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>> No.12958129

Yes, but I burnt myself out after doing it every single day alternating workouts. Now I just do some pushups/ahnold presses/chinups/curls whenever I feel like it.

From >>12955350 I stopped working out for about half a year. Lost even more weight and ANY of the muscle I had built. Started getting cold and irritable with a notable lack of energy again as I had before when I was relying on cutting through calorie deficiency alone.

Even if you want to look twinky I'd recommend doing some sort of working out so you look more defined instead of just skinnyfat.

>> No.12958131

>Maybe the problem is that i eat almost the exact things all the time.
Well boring diets do help keep weight in check. Maybe try something different from time to time. I eat fish for dinner ( usually light tuna) but it's one of the most fulling foods for only being 100 calories a tin.

>> No.12958138

also the recommended serving size is actually half a tin... that's fucking amazing for a dieting person.

>> No.12958147
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I feel bloated desu do I look mediocre be honest . I can't fix the rotation idly it won't go straight

>> No.12958149

look good, mang

>> No.12958195

I have the same lack of energy and coldness after not working out for pretty much half a year or more too.
So, what are you doing? you just cutt less calories and add workout? how much? if you burn 300 doing, lets say, cardio, you just add food equal to 300?

>> No.12958221

Starting about two weeks ago(company Thanksgiving potluck), I decided I no longer wanted to deal with the cold and lack of energy on top of the stress that would come with trying to balance food at work, Thanksgiving with family, Christmas with family, NYE, etc.

I've just been eating at my BMR(I don't feel completely comfortable doing this yet but it's entirely a mental thing) and throw in lifting throughout the day when I can. I have a pair of dumbbells in my office and at home, so I just do aforementioned lifts as I feel like. I'm already 6'0/6'1ish, 135lb, with probably a few pounds of extra skin.

I no longer track my calories(was using Cronometer religiously) intensively, but still count in my head(I'd like to try and stop doing even this.) I've got a ton more energy now and just feel all around better while still maintaining my weight. I also no longer think about food ALL THE TIME. One major thing that helped with not thinking about food all the time(on top of actually eating enough now) is just keeping yourself distracted. Sorry for the verbose response.

>> No.12958226

how can i lose a ton of weight quick and fast? already am cutting back my calories a ton, what more can i do?

>> No.12958238


Do this lmao

>> No.12958298
File: 1.74 MB, 1872x3328, IMG_20171202_132551_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the ideal weight for 5'5" (male)? over two months I've lost roughly 20 lbs and am currently at 150 which means I'm finally not over weight, but how much deeper should I go?

>> No.12958300

thanks , I honestly only could half of my dinner tonite, so I was worried, Idk if I only ate half becauase I felt bloated and it turned me off of it or what. i dont count so I might just have a surplus, I think i was eating more than I should the last couple days. anyway

>> No.12958316

ahahah your hands are so tiny wtf

>> No.12958322

just like dongald two sgoobs droompfh

>> No.12958334

>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
6'1, 125, male, 22
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you're going for
ottermode i guess. want to be less lanklet

>> No.12958340

wanna lose 30 more.

>> No.12958360

u should be at mid 130s or lower, depending on your body type

>> No.12958398

How the fuck i subsist with a BMR of 1600 cals... its too little...

>> No.12958484

I feel the same. my BMR isn't even quite 2000 anymore.

fucking efficient bodies.

>> No.12958489

stop being short

>> No.12958724

1200 here ...

>> No.12958743

I sprint and power run up steep hills with a heavy backpack on and do some calisthenics in the morning/evening. Some days out of the week I’ll do a full on workout in the mornings followed by a good meal. Honestly it’s really important to keep your body from looking too fragile. I do so much cardio that I never really put on much muscle. Also helps with energy levels :)

>> No.12958748

exercise dude, you look so puffy

>> No.12958752

I swear these threads are just used by you guys to post low-key nudes

>> No.12958826
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>tfw I don't feel like I have the right to post in /thinspo/ if I binge

>> No.12959057

150 lbs isn't considered overweight for a 5'5" male? The fuck? I'm 6' and I haven't entered the 150s my entire life, and that includes when I didn't even try to watch my weight and ate everything I wanted to.

>> No.12959282
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>been doing really well
>2 weeks straight restricting hard
>feeling good and positive
>broke 2 month binge cycle
>finally weigh self again
>realise I still haven't lost weight for months

why am i like this

>> No.12959283

>BMI of 18.5

How do I make the jump to underweight? I'm close, I can feel enlightenment looming a couple kilograms away

>> No.12959308
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have you heard of the whoosh effect, anon? depending on how hard you restricting, you should be losing, it just may show up all at once instead of interval weight loss

>> No.12959362

Can confirm, this happens to me quite often. Plateau for a couple weeks and then instant a kilo or two less.

>> No.12959364

>tfw thin everywhere except face
>tfw too cold to go running

>> No.12959383

I'm less worried about the cold and more worried about how everything is full of snow and shit

How are you supposed to go run if the ground is slippery?
You will break your thin neck

>> No.12959409

if you dont have any non-slip shoes, spray adhesive some course sand to the bottom of your runners

>> No.12959422

>tfw gaunt face
>auschwitz upper body
>gigantic thicc beyonce legs that wont leave me no matter what i do


>> No.12959430
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i been planning to eat 1200 cals a day, 3 meals a day but i ate 2000 before lunch impulsively.

a strict schedule helps, like i used to stay up too late and now always sleep between 9-midnight, so i figure it works w food too. life is better on a schedule.

>> No.12959440
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you foolish anon, eat coconut oil as your main fat source to raise your metabolism

if you don't upkeep your metabolism, eating less may make you gain MORE weight

>> No.12959453
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ok. be nice, fellow anon...

i eat whenever i'm hungry, not too much, that's how i keep my metabolism high =}

>> No.12959543
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>> No.12959564

Just go water fast you retards, low calorie restriction just wastes your muscles and makes you feel 10x worse. Additionally it screws up your metabolism.

>> No.12959599

I'm now taking 70mg of Vyvanse daily cause I'm a fat sack of shit.
How many calories should I eat a day/how often should I work out to lose as much weight as possible without killing myself?
Dr. said between 1400 - 1600 cal to lose 1 lb a week. I want better results.

>> No.12959625

Redpill me on water fasting
how do i do it

>> No.12959678

>Drink only water for 3-10days ish
>Hunger peaks ar day 2, then disappears
>If you exercise lightly, like walking a few hours a day you won't lose much muscle
>You'll be less hungry than when restricting
>Break the fast slowly so you don't just bounce back up

>> No.12959680

How much do you usually lose on a water fast? Can I do it for two weeks?

>> No.12959683

afaik you had your last scoop already. rip, fatso.

>> No.12959691

yeah. i do think thats it, plus i havent been going well. i think i only undid half a day at least. i just knew i should've stuck to measurements instead of weight because it always messes me up not seeing progress even when I can rationalise it.
42kg, 5'5

>> No.12959694

Depends on the person, since 1lbs of fat is 3500 cal you can expect. 5 lbs a day, but obviously that's just a rough estimate.

Depending on your weight you can go for 2 weeks yes.I've heard the advice that you should fast until your hunger returns again.

>> No.12959703

>5 lbs a day,
What the fuck, that's impossible

>> No.12959708

Fucking retad there's a . There

>> No.12959710


>> No.12959731
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>> No.12959737

It's impossible to lose five pounds a day

>> No.12959763

0.5 not 5. My phone moved the The "." but I thought it would be obvious. Apparently not

>> No.12959777

Your stupid as shit lol

>> No.12959780

Says the guy who can't read, just great

>> No.12959845

Says the girl who can't type, just great

>> No.12959849

just kill yourself my dude

>> No.12959853

I ate so much today i don't even wanna fucking face myself and browse this thread. I will see you guys in maybe the next 2 fitspo threads.
>tfw ate probably over 2000 calories and it's only 2pm
>tfw can't count calories because they're homecooked meals and i don't know the amount
>tummy feels like a brick
>realistically under 2000 calories but still want to die

>> No.12959859

I'm skinny but flabby at the same time. how the fuck do i fix it?

>> No.12959870

I ate like 5k calories at my company's potluck Thanksgiving and another 5k calories at my family's Thanksgiving. Haven't gained a single pound. Just eat less the next day or two.

Lift, or do HIIT.

>> No.12959871

180sm 67kg wide shouldered northern male
Am I thinspo?

>> No.12959881

JESUS christ kek. Is the
>eat like shit one day
>fast all day next day
meme really not a meme? It can't possibly just negate the effect and have you stagnate at no weight gain or loss. I imagine you still gain initial pounds for consuming all of those cals and then the one day fast not being slimming enough to counter it

>> No.12959951

dont worry, it was obvious. we're just surrounded by morons.

>> No.12959993

Lol you're stupid as fuck if you think you can lose fifty pounds in a week

>> No.12960046

Weight doesn't really move day by day, that is also why weighting yourself daily is not useful as you'll probably see the progress weekly (it doesn't happen timed like a machine).
What I mean by that is you'll see water retention and food weight the next day when stepping on the scale but most definitely no weight gain, think about the about of calories you eat as an average by week.

>> No.12960077

I don't binge eat like that on a regular basis. It's just this time of year being what it is and me being a former lardass it's bound to happen, so I just compensate for it on other days of the week. Calories in, calories out.

>> No.12960082


It is a meme. don't believe his lies


>> No.12960084
File: 16 KB, 558x272, 4.4 pounds in 5 days.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wanted to share my food log for the last few days. Red is what I swallowed, green is what I c/s'd, white is my weight, p is piss, P is shit, [spoilers]M is masturbate[/spoilers].

Take the c/s redpill.

>> No.12960092


>> No.12960124

I prefer my balanced, tasty diet redpill
>fapping everyday
enjoy your low test and probably porn addiction

>> No.12960140

one time I didn't sleep and drank 3 litres of red bull and I went to a lecture and my uni had a cinema and during the lecture the lecturer showed us the video for evident utensil on the big screen and i freaked out and thought that the chick was like an actual angel or something and then i saw a porn called something like this chick will out fuck any pornstar and the chick kinda looked like the chairlift chick and shit just spiralled out of control

>> No.12960155

how do u water fast when u got a legit job and responsibilities/physical work all day every day? I used to be thinspo desu in school and now i'm doing moderately intense physical work for 8-12 hours a day (music stuff, brain intensive and requires decent physical performance but isn't intense enough to be considered exercise) and i feel like fasting isn't an option unless im willing to underperform. what do i do ? ?

>> No.12960166

u eating dutch babies
is that legal

>> No.12960283

That’s fine by me

>> No.12960389

keep losing?

>> No.12960393

>can of beans
my sides

>> No.12960398

he said ". 5 lbs" which I'm guessing means "half a pound"
it's pretty obvious that you are not going to lose five pounds in a day

>> No.12960400

my stupid what?

>> No.12960406

Lol no one said that, moron.

>> No.12960409

he said your shit is stupid i think

>> No.12960411

>how do u water fast when u got a legit job and responsibilities/physical work all day every day?
You don't.

>> No.12960417

oh. well i agree, i havent pooped today.

>> No.12960418

you don't even have to fast. you're in the position to just 'eat healthy' fasting is for people with free time and for people with mental disabilities to be frank

>> No.12960420

Why is this thread filled with idiots and trolls? The last thread was much comfier.

>> No.12960424
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In which ways does lack of sleep impact weight?

>> No.12960425

this picture makes me extremely nervous that he is going to fall

>> No.12960430

Why is this thread filled with soyboys and women? The last thread was much comfier.

>> No.12960447

1/2 in the bag. life sux cos i don't wanna hate myself for being a fat shit and don't wanna hate myself for throwing away my career trying not to be a fat shit. i eat two 'healthy' meals a day, sometimes one, and still feel like i'm gaining weight. i want to blame it on moving countries but i'm pretty sure it's just me being lard

>> No.12960450
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>wants to be skeltal
uh oh

>> No.12960455
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>be born male
>really like how thin girls look
>wish i was one
>no matter what i do, i will literally never EVER be one
Girls are so lucky.

>> No.12960461

same dude

>> No.12960462

back to /r/eddit boys

>> No.12960465

Assuming you have a feminine frame and face, why not just transition? Lol ezpz

>> No.12960485

I take like 250mg of tyvanse and eat like 600 cal lmao

>> No.12960549

how else are u supposed to see how thin someone is and their body fat. seeing someone's body in its base form is important to people to see and compare and yes to a certain extent feel proud about their body

this is thinspo not cringe spo

>> No.12960555

how many hours did you spend awake?

>> No.12960581

nah not that many, only like 40, i think it was mainly the caffeine
i've since found that if you don't have caffeine your body just gets on with it after a while

>> No.12960588

40 hours is a lot
I pass out at 24-30 (only use coffee tho, I'd probably last a lot with energy drinks)

>> No.12960704

>wanting to be a girl

>> No.12960791

Help me I've fucked up, I've gained a bit of weight how do I get back into it, I feel like I'm slipping

>> No.12960798

Hey bonganon!

>> No.12960967
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>> No.12960968
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>> No.12960973

>tfw not hungry even though I want to be
What the fuck is wrong with me? I just had a nice big meal why do I want to finish it off with a snack?

>> No.12960976
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Why are you dressed like a 14 year old white girl?

>> No.12961242

Rather be 6 feet under than 5'5" tbqhf.

>> No.12961428

140, almost there. cute face. terrible shirt.

>> No.12961491

86 kg -> 77.5kg
I guess that's enough

>> No.12961500
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170cm/55kg can i ever be effay /fa?

>> No.12961542


>> No.12961568


>> No.12961587

now im confused

>> No.12961590

you look average and unappealing.

>> No.12961602

looks like you have wide hips. i would avoid the skinny calf looser thigh taper and get a tighter thigh looser calf. will balance your calf and thigh much better

>> No.12961608

thanks for the advice, will look for it next time.

>> No.12961667

I'm skinny but not toned at all. how do you put muscle on without bulking though?

>> No.12961733

C&sing is such a fucking meme. I Chew and spit on fucking breakfast and i get ulcer city n my mouth. Realistically and scientifically for u not to completely fuck up your acid balance in your stomach you have to for example end up swallowing at most half of your bagel while spitting the rest because you NEED to swallow something after you chew. Thats why gum is banned in japan. it's too harmful

>> No.12961751


>> No.12961753

thx genius

>> No.12961756

because you crave taste not food

>> No.12961759

Gum isn't banned in Japan anon...

>> No.12961767

what? why would anyone do that? just eat less. its not difficult

>> No.12961788

dumb fuck i'm stating facts

>> No.12961799

This. CSing in an amateur caliber will fuck up your throat, teeth, stomach, and mouth-lips. CSing even with some moderate knowledge still can have disastrous side effects as it has to be done with 100% thought out plans and absolute knowledge of the subject. It's true that the mind and body will feel full if you just chew all of your food and spit it out, that much is true. But the way almost everyone does it will mess with you in irreversible ways. I think through trial and error i came to the conclusion that you genuinely have to swallow some, if not most of the food you're planning on spitting out... you just can't chew and spit it all as you're guaranteed visible blisters and acid enamel.

From my experience i have been doing a version of OMAD, with technically two meals a day. I pick which one i will CS: being breakfast or lunch (no food after 3pm). The way i CS is i take the breakfast or lunch and in my mouth i split up eat bite into halves so it makes a gross half ball of chewed shit and i just spit out roughly half of what i put in my mouth. It works out to a 50-50 swallowed and spat overall meal. And like i said, anything as low as 49-51 will leave your stomach ill.

>> No.12961846

Eat 300 under maintenance and get lots of protein in while working out.

>> No.12961923
File: 208 KB, 1828x2936, GxYVe8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6', 135 lbs, male, 19
>highest weight: 150
>goal weight: 130
>preffered method of losing weight: not eating a shit load of food like I usually do
I don't have a goal aesthetic so here is a pic of me from a few day ago so you guys can shit on me of u want

>> No.12961952

I'm late, but try cutting out carbs. When I did this I pretty much never felt hungry unless my stomach is empty and growling, but this can be quieted with some water.

>> No.12961958

Every fat person I know gets 5 hours of sleep per night. I don't know how it affects your weight、but it definitely does.

>> No.12961970
File: 461 KB, 800x1200, adolf-hitler-9340144-3-raw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I can eat as much junk food as I want and still be slim.
>tfw won't be able to pass my good genes because of socializing is boring for me lol

>> No.12961975

It's nothing to do with your genetics. You probably just aren't eating as many calories as you think. You are most likely still damaging your body, just not gaining weight

>> No.12961976

Ur v cute senpai

>> No.12961992

>soyboys and women
that's all /thinspo/ is and has ever been, boi

>> No.12962001

>because of socializing is boring for me lol
t.beta incel
Nice cope

>> No.12962012
File: 2.90 MB, 500x540, 1490561970326.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're not fat because you don't eat many calories
Fat people actually believe that.

>> No.12962015

are you retarded?
I mean sure, I'm not accounting for exercise, but in general that is the case

>> No.12962026
File: 46 KB, 446x467, 1489420379371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are "people" who eat food before their stomach grumbles
they aren't even hungry, they just fucking stuff their face for no reason

fattycaust when?

>> No.12962031

maybe I have superior metabolism,have you heard of this term ?

>> No.12962048

>superior metabolism
there isn't enough of a metabolism variance in the population for this to be a solid reason. At best there is 5-10% variance.
You aren't eating enough calories to become overweight, its very simple.
>implying anybody else couldn't eat junk food and stay slim
Calories brainlet, its that simple. I could eat Mcdonalds every day for a year and lose weight, its not impressive.

>> No.12962073

being weak is not effay
I will fight 6 of you at once

>> No.12962076

No one here wants to fight you fatty

>> No.12962089

i'll use you as a xylophone

>> No.12962177

Well I think you are right.
Sorry for my uneducated post

>> No.12962194

I'm not mad anon, it's a very common misconception, one I use to hold myself until recently.

>> No.12962232
File: 1.51 MB, 960x540, 1512406514954.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Body of my dream girl.

>> No.12962244

That bottom is disgusting. Please tell me those 80s panties and suits aren't in now.

>> No.12962246

*bottom meaning the clothing obviously, i'm not bullying her butt which is very good.

>> No.12962284


I personally like 80s bikini's. I think the high straps on the waist are very chic.

What don't you like about them?

>> No.12962295

Wtf is up with ur traps

>> No.12962305

oh my god, she's mine now sorry anon. give upo her fucking name or i';ll kil lyou

>> No.12962334

what shoes

>> No.12962336

They make butts look larger, for one thing. That girl has a great butt, yet that bikini makes it look really tall. It also runs along the hip bones, which I think are highly aesthetic without anything messing their view. Finally, they remind me of those tacky 80s pinup posters I used to see hung in mechanic shops as a child.

>> No.12962348


>> No.12962358

what is c/s?

>> No.12962372


>> No.12962377

not him but im in college and i eat/ ate a lot of cans of beans
if i pour boiling water on them its like 10 minutes and that shit is done, the only dishes you gotta do is a spoon

probably too much salt but i would only eat one can a day (and nothing else) so that's all fine

you know you make fun of the homeless for eating this stuff, until you realize how practical it is

>> No.12962408
File: 19 KB, 300x254, disappointed rippetoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tone up

>> No.12962416

chewing and spitting

>> No.12962492

cute as hell

>> No.12962559
File: 1.75 MB, 400x169, fugazi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's some rookie fap numbers right there. Need you to get that up at least 2x.

>> No.12962610

>started comfort eating again

>> No.12962611

lol i used to chew and spit chinese food back in the day

>> No.12962617

>doesn't log calories

>> No.12962634

you need to keep eating to keep your energy up throughout the day, or else you'll fall asleep

>> No.12962640
File: 1.47 MB, 1760x2544, anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw opposite

>> No.12962650

>age 16
uh oh

>> No.12962716

Still fat as hell

>> No.12962740

yikes. that kinda makes her unnattractive. imagine how dumb she is lmfao. also why the fuck and how the fuck is she so fierce walking at 16 yrs of age.... is this potential a next superstar?

>> No.12962756

uh oh is right, she looks like she is 24. poor thing.

women are highly sexual at a very young age now, they get exposed to lots of that on tv and internet. innocent teen is gone, now you have child, innocent loli, impending whore loli, then they hit puberty and go full throttle cock carousel

>> No.12962758

187 cm, 69.5 kg, how the fuck do i lose my fat ass?

>> No.12962763

sit on my face

>> No.12962770

well fellas..how do i tell you..
im a male (male)..

>> No.12962775

even better

>> No.12962777

eat less. look into intermittent fasting to make it easier. basically you gotta be a little hungry.

>> No.12962779

>>12962756 To be fair, adolescence was a sociological construct created in the 19th century to cut back the workforce. She wouldve been considered an adult back then. Another thing is, hormones that they put in the plants and meat to make them grow bigger and better produce. That is what triggers premature puberty. It's because of this that elementary school girls have training bras.

>> No.12962781

(nu) male

>> No.12962791

holy shit. i literally feel bad. she looks amazing but i still feel bad. taking all of that inside your head at 16. at 16 i was a chubby retaard working at dairy queen

>> No.12962817

I was stretching my neck to keep my face out of the pic so they look weird lol
Nothing special, just 1461 monos

>> No.12962936

face is ugly, body is cool

>> No.12962981

lmao you guys realize that most people in fashion and entertainment start modeling, acting, and singing in their early teens, sometimes even preteen years?

She's fine, everyone ages and matures differently. I'm sure if you looked like her at 16 you'd be modeling instead of being chubby and working at dairy queen.

>> No.12963005

>everyone ages and matures differently.
too bad for the people that mature that early because they look 40 at 21

>> No.12963046

>tfw losing weight in my face is making it sag and making me look old

I'm 23 and look 30

>> No.12963068

I'm getting triggered by that bad fake tan.

>> No.12963133

shut up anonymous

>> No.12963142

forget the exact terms and such but in short, you need sleep to regulate metabolism

>> No.12963328
File: 297 KB, 1366x2048, slp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here bought slp jeans?
How's the quality?
I'm size 26/27 in many jeans and don't have time to run down to soho and try em on yet, if anyone has any info on how they fit (tts, difference in years) that would be super

Or on the other hand, any other designers to check out in size 26/27 jeans? Dior?
I've been buying april77 for the last few years - but I just recieved a pair that is exactly the same as a pair i bought four years ago but is somehow larger. Need some alternatives

>> No.12963569
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>> No.12963574
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>> No.12963602

I think adolescence as a sociological and legal concept should be abolished. Because with this world getting meaner, we cannot afford to waste time keeping our children "pure" and innocent. We need them to be functioning survivalists.Innocence does not stop children from being bombed, raped, or beaten to death. I'd rather that my children know about marriage, sex and divorce from kindergarten, and know how to dismantle a gun rather than just be cute and giggly.

>> No.12963622
File: 1.72 MB, 3376x5984, nudie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 115 pounds and Nudie jeans fit perfectly.

Here's a fitpic with them on

>> No.12963632


I also have a pair of women's slp d02s in size 26, which are absolutely too skinny for me

>> No.12963654

no offense dude, but you are the exact definition of a soyboy right now, need to loose the overly round bodyparts, and when you achieve the ideal body you are probably gonna look kwel to pulling off that type of outfits

>> No.12963671


>> No.12963684

well that's a runway i would attend to watch

>> No.12963731
File: 898 KB, 189x212, 1502008697794.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I cured my snacking habit

>> No.12963757

I feel so bloated, what can I do to stop it

>> No.12963759

if you don't eat a lot, you'll be tired and sleep a lot. if you eat too much or too much at a time, you'll sleep a lot.

>> No.12963876

I hope you never have children

>> No.12963884

actual useful data! thank you

My weight is around 110 ish give or take, any other jeans you've tried and liked?

I want to own some hedi era stuff but don't wanna drop a few hundred on something that might not end up fitting, sad

>> No.12963931
File: 138 KB, 700x933, goblins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

srs business i've been sized out of p much all clothing brands for about 5-10 lbs now.

I'm maintaining at 5'5" 86-88 lbs

Is it worth it to gain back to a BMI in the 15s at least? I'm like mid 14s right now.

shit SUCKS!?

>> No.12964002

wow more? you are so hot. You could gain 10 lbs and be just as skinny and probably not at risk of dying lmao.

>> No.12964112

>5'5, 120 lbs, f, 19
>preferred method: fasting, ritalin
I'm d-down 7 pounds guys...when do I start feeling good about myself?

>> No.12964140

when you read this and receive my virtual hug

>> No.12964141

yr a dancer. yr boy tunes ands types. I love that boy

>> No.12964263

well, if almost nothing is small enough for you then gain a bit. maybe you just need to find new brands. because you could be small enough that you can fit only a certain brand, and then you become more unique because only a few people can fit that brand right.

>> No.12964314

>tfw measurements are now 28-29 x 36
Pretty sure its not even possible to find a pair in this size

>> No.12964323

What would be a good thigh circumference at 5’8”? Similar heighted ppl what is yours?

>> No.12964352


You're describing the normal neurohumoural response to hypoglyaemia.

>Eat more.thread

>> No.12964360


The only part I agree with is not hiding information from kid, but that's easier said than done in my experience.

>> No.12964413
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Does ritalin make you cranky?

>> No.12964416


>> No.12964421

Hannah posts are hilarious because she always asks some kind of question, and then never engages in conversation with the people who respond. I think she either forgets she posts, or just loves the (You)s.

In case you do read this, try Top Shops and Gap Kids.

>> No.12964443

Damn what a cutie, truly a beauty.

>> No.12964460

I'm about 187cm and my weight is 66kg. Should i lose any weight and if yes how many?

>> No.12964474

>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
174cm, 62kg, male, 22
>highest weight
>goal weight
don't know, when I'm thin, probably 52kg
>preferred method of losing weight
caloric restriction, IF
>aesthetic you're going for
not being fat

>> No.12964488

How exactly does low calorie restriction cause muscle loss but water fasting doesnt?

>> No.12964587

>5'2, 142 lb, ftm (hrt+mastectomy), 22
>167 lb
>120 and I'll see from there
>Eating below my TDEE, which is 1800. I usually eat 1100-1500 daily

Is it weird that I really want to fit into clothes from the boys section?

>> No.12964616

>Binged for a few days and gained about three pounds
>shat out about two pounds in the last two days

Thinking about abusing laxatives from now on

>> No.12964653

Shitting it all out isn't going to counter the fat gain.

>> No.12964654

whats ur height

>> No.12964694

>steadily losing weight
>binge so bad I gain weight back and then some
>clothes don't fit
what the fucks the matter with me :^(

>> No.12964706

what does this MEAN
i'm still okay on H&M on occasion and I've been able to thrift some jeans, but it kinda sucks that everything is oversized so I'll try and gain a bit. i always try to up my intake for a few days, then get freaked and overcompensate in the other direction
or maybe it was night, you absolute pissbaby. i haven't come by in forever for a reason and that's people like you.

>> No.12964741

I know I've told you this before, but I just feel so bad for your parents having you as a child. The rehabs and therapists, the drama, the attention whoring and self harm and weigh ins. What a fucking disaster.

>> No.12964797

>only ate unsalted peanuts
>my body really can't process nuts
>shit them out whole

I really don't see the problem here

>> No.12964827

seriously dude
i haven't been in therapy or anything in nearly a year, nor have i hurt myself. in the time i spent away i got a lot of my shit together.
like i said i've maintained here for a while and i'm ready to gain a bit back so i can have a better quality of life

>> No.12964849

Don't "dude" me, hannah. Your bmi is in the 14s, you're a fucking mess. Gain some weight so your parents can have their matzo ball soup in peace. Your sister of course will be eating all the cookies, try to snag a few from her.

>> No.12964885

My stomach has been twitching a bit lately. Like, below the belly button a ways..center. Am I going to die?

>> No.12964896

What's the word on diet ginger ale?
I've heard that diet sodas can reduce your metabolism despite having zero calories but that also sounds kinda bro science-y
I know ideally I should just have water but I quite drinking alcohol recently and having a glass or two in the evening really helps keep away cravings

>> No.12964899

Is this some weird samefagging self deprecation going on here?

>> No.12964902
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>180 cm
>56.4 kg
Am I thinspo yet?

>> No.12964907
File: 34 KB, 540x360, tipsy hoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is zero cal booze a thing yet?

>> No.12964919

You are fasting when you're eating. Fasting means you're a) not taking in any calories
b) stimulate hormones that help with breaking down fat cells. Not to mention, people who sleep the right hours and in the right way often are more energetic in the morning and need to rely less on breakfast to give them energy. Do make sure you drink enough water in the morning though to start the day off hydrated.

>> No.12964936
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>filthy japanese goth punks

kys my dude

>> No.12964957
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>> No.12964960
File: 138 KB, 621x1104, kl;k;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
5'8", 128lbs, 29 inch waist, Male, 23
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
Drink 10 bottles of water a day, no snacks or junk food
>aesthetic you're going for
I just want my abs to be visible

>> No.12964985

no, there used to be a lot of oldfags that bantered back and forth similar to this.

t. three year /thinspo/ veteran

>> No.12965046
File: 163 KB, 270x480, SaraCummings.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow she's so pretty.

Checking her instagram it seems like she's into that "I'm transitioning to male look" though. A little disappointing. But I'm still infatuated.

>> No.12965068

her last name is cummings? christ.

>> No.12965071


It's not that uncommon of a last name.

>> No.12965073

I know, it would just suck to be a girl in high school with the last name cummings, especially an unique looking/attractive one.

>> No.12965117

I'm cold a lot but I'm still overweight. I didn't think that happened until people got to an underweight bmi.

>> No.12965118

I was freezing starting from bmi of 22 down. I do IF and find I'm colder in the morning than the PM.

You just gotta layer. Better than sweating I guess.

>> No.12965191

> 5-10 lbs now.
i'm within this range at your height and i still manage to find stuff that fits me except jeans. where are you shopping?

>> No.12965195

This is going to sound weird but potatoes. I have one or two small ones with a meal and they fill me up for hours and satisfy my appetite too. They're really good for dinner. I don't have an appetite the next day until late into the afternoon.

>> No.12965197


>> No.12965214
File: 41 KB, 657x527, 1503517529073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my mum says i'm a potato..

>> No.12965237

My gf and i have tottaly different weightloss styles and it’s making mine harder. What should i do?

I usually try to avoid having food around, especially bad food. And eat 2 small meals a day to lose. Anything extra means a ton of cardio so i try to stay in the right calorie range.

She on the other hand binges chips and then just fasts for a day or two.

I have such a harder time resisting qhen food is around. Especially when i’m high which is often with her.

Now she’s losing tons of weight and i feel stuck. Sometimes i wonder if she relies on my gluttony.

The worst part is that my diet was really really strong until i met her but i like her a lot otherwise.

>> No.12965244

you have no willpower, you are a pathetic junkie and deserve to be fat.

>> No.12965269

Buy a fucking jump rope

>> No.12965286

Do intermittent fasting, OMAD.

Stop getting high, what a waste.

>> No.12965352

well i know i'm sized out of urban outfitters, dresses hang like SHIT on me. obviously shirts are fine but the dresses are a problem in general

i also thrift a lot and none of that flies anymore. i tend to wear oversized anyway when i can.

>> No.12965406

Working out is a shitty way to lose weight and it takes a lot of effort. Just become a lazy pothead for a few months and eat hardly anything, the weight just melts off you. I've seen so many people start smoking pot and thin right out, but they're also eating way less too. Probably not the healthiest, but it works.

>> No.12965414
File: 104 KB, 750x805, IMG_2732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I lose more weight? I'm 6'1 and weigh 168 pounds. Last time I checked.

>> No.12965418

wew you're me

130-135 lbs doesn't really look all that different desu

>> No.12965428

Maybe ~10LB. You look good.

>> No.12965464

>binged for 2 months
>successfully restricted for 3 days
>may have finally broken out of binge cycle

feeling hopeful. fat, but hopeful.

>> No.12965469

every time I smoke pot I get a really bad case of the munchies. maybe pot isn't for me.

>> No.12965472

5 foot 7, im a manelt, I know

>> No.12965581

>Working out is a shitty way to lose weight and it takes a lot of effort
you fucking imbecile. are you for real? working out is essential to a healthy body and soul because it keeps lazy dipshits like you from rotting away on your couch. you wanna get thin? you need to work for that, wow what a shock.

>> No.12965598
File: 230 KB, 500x281, Akko_cry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a single day for four days i didn't purge, is this it guys? how fucked am I? I try my best not to, I really do, but eating MORE in that specific moment just feels so right, and i promice myself not to purge, and then my tumtum is heavy and aching and it vomits almost on its own. advice pls
>inb4 just don't eat
>inb4 just keep it down

>> No.12965623

don't restrict tomorrow and eat like a normal person. B/p cycles are hard to stop so focus on regular eating. Just make sure you don't go over your BMR

>> No.12965630

Remember to stay hydrated

>> No.12965694
File: 107 KB, 680x448, 852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thenk u

>> No.12965714

>Working out is a shitty way to lose weight and it takes a lot of effort

in what universe is this logical

>> No.12965732

what the fuck go eat a onion u faggit

>> No.12965733

Completely new to thinspo but I have a bmi of 17.2 but thicc thighs good or not

>> No.12965785

Nah happens to me all the time, in other places too like side of neck and inner thigh

>> No.12965825

let's see what's up, girl.

>> No.12965840
File: 57 KB, 540x795, tumblr_mvwes2CQij1snpp4jo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know if this will make sense but eating less makes me want to eat less. When I successfully fasted 2 days with exercise I had no urges to eat after the 1st day. But now, when I fast for hours, workout, and eat light, Im always craving more food.

>> No.12965856

What is the thing with onions? Heard they are a new meme on /fit/ but I dont really go there anymore

>> No.12965883

i find that if you can find anything that ties or is adjustable, those work best. what's your waist measurement?.i've also resewn buttons on things to make them tighter.

if a store has a petites section, that works, too, or higher end brands. UO is lately aimed towards thicc girls with more curvers anyway, i can't wear their stuff either unless it's tailored right. what style of clothes do you like to wear? you could always try some asian brands.

>> No.12965895

Am guy

>> No.12965906

I've been so good today guys.I did the thing where i wasn't keeping track of cals which eventually made me eat virtually nothing. It's so much better to not obsess about "ok today i can eat X amount" or "i can eat X if i fast tomorrow". I just cruised on my day and drank water whenever i got the rumblés.

Also Can anyone do a quick calorie count for me
>half pita loaf
>some feta cheese maybe 4 little blocks
>2 hot choclates (which i'm assuming were heavily creamed or something because they are heavy and thick so i probably got a lot of calories from these sadly)
>1 black coffee

>> No.12965916
File: 79 KB, 841x797, 1511761320272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw got even more depressed and stressed than usual
>stopped browsing thinspo and making thinspo threads
>started stress eating and overeating junk food
>dream body and goal weight get further and further every day.
>the cycle just repeats

i-i'm never gonna m-make it... am i...? ._.

>> No.12965918
File: 33 KB, 500x375, tumblr_nldkk5OiiM1r06i7jo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is turkey okay? I have the option to eat a small piece for dinner tonight. I heard its the most lean meat, and I could use some protein

>> No.12965921

get an fitness app like LoseIt to do it for you

>> No.12965926
File: 91 KB, 1080x1080, 21480062_698254640374407_4618499752114257920_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow is this her? just checked her insta shes amazing

i actually like the look shes got

>> No.12965943

Turkey is absurdly lean, like fish levels of calorie per ounce.

>> No.12965960

C-can I purge just for today? I lost control again :(

>> No.12966023


>> No.12966037

There was some research that suggested onions gave you a %300 (% given may be blown way out proportion) test boost or some shit like that. I think this started on /fit/ where as soyboy started on /pol/
Now everyone eats raw onions, drinks white monster and doesn't listen to music.
none of them are making it

>> No.12966039

yea your flabby and fat

>> No.12966042

don't even start this lmfao. Onions unironically boost estrogen a disgusting amount.
>start fit memes saying onions give test
Simple shilling like this can be dangerous and often times isn't funny. Eat normal amounts of onions kids ie. like twice a week in some well prepared meals.

>> No.12966051
File: 243 KB, 800x531, LADYGUNN-SaraCummings_54660007122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, she's so cute.

>> No.12966053

but i wanted to start a conversation with my /thin/niggers. also i'm eating a fucking dark chocolate bar while browsing this thread i'm a mess. Hello 290 calories

>> No.12966055

>m still okay on H&M on occasion and I
lol it's funny because H&M is almost the only place that fits me also . they just have a smaller thinner size system but not in a Asian way, just in a thin way not length . I've found different local design houses that do actually fit well also that were from Sweden

try looking fir Swedish design houses in your mall in the upper scale

>> No.12966060

There was a thread the other day of a guy posting his raw onion juice he was drinking, how fucked is he???
Garlic is another thing they like but not as much a onion

>> No.12966066

it doens't just give you estrogen per say haha but like for example some other foods we actively know CAN give you extra estro like Soy shit. what'll happen is an onion will BOOST the estrogen gained.

think of it as an item with only an effect of
"50% gain from estrogen buffs"

>> No.12966122

yes, i found thats true. what the fuck i do know? i cant fast with this problem anymore or restrict.

>> No.12966212

oh smart thanks! i guess once i gain a tiny bit, i'll see if i can find anything, and if not, i'll learn to sew.

I haven't checked my measurements in a while bc i'm fairly comfy with my body and don't really care about such things, but i'm wearing my 24s and they are loose on me right now, so maybe a 22-23? i need to check again. my tits are gone which is a big factor in no dresses fitting.

i'm almost completely monochrome, really like structured pieces these days and fun silhouettes. currently. Alexa Stark has some nice designs, I wear a bit of CDG and Hedi-era SLP. Currently trying to draw unwanted attention away from my legs since they and my face are my biggest giveaways that i'm too skinny! So I've been wearing fun wide leg pants and mom jeans.

will do! H&M is Euro sizes so it figures. I remember loathing how I was a 0-2 everywhere but like a 6 at H&M for a while. Now I'm small there, too.

I'm going home to SF in a few weeks and I'll enjoy spending all my money downtown.

>> No.12966272

Dude I'm literally the same way, I've got the most scronny upper body imaginable but from the waist down I'm a fat fuck. God I hate being so disproportionate.

>> No.12966315

>gum is banned in japan

being this retarded.

>> No.12966320

what are you trying to acheive?

and no offense just curious - you like guys or girls?

>> No.12966322

Hop on over.

>> No.12966413

Idk what to tell you but man I love Little Witch Academia

>> No.12966501
File: 662 KB, 1774x2847, FullSizeRender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im 5'5 and currently 47kg aiming for 42kg. (103 pounds, 92 pounds)

>> No.12967289
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>> No.12967316

pretty good desu