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/fa/ - Fashion

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12893537 No.12893537[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do anti sjws have the worst sense of fashion?

>> No.12893628

They both dress like absolute trash.

>> No.12893633

1. Because people who know how to fit in don't make anti-mainstream social media posts.
2. Because fashion is almost by definition transgressive and the opposite of conservative.
3. Because you see what you want to see. The majority of people who don't like SJWs wear dadcore and staples and look just fine but nothing more.

>> No.12893636


>> No.12893647

actually pretty damn accurate and insightful. not bad at all anon.

>> No.12894519

Because a venn diagram of anti-sjws and neckbeards who wear cargo shorts and fedoras is a circle.

>> No.12894609

Conservatives usually have more traditionalist values. They like dressing in their fedoras and trench coats and polos because they're old school.

>inb4 fashion fascists

>> No.12894668
File: 62 KB, 1024x890, IMG_3385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, most white people are anti SJW. SJWs are a vocal minority that wormed their way into things like blogging, academia, films and media etc, most of them are mulattoes or Jews. The majority of whites, especially white men actually find it repugnant but will get fired if they point out the lunacy of the modern left. Generation Z(yklon) is actually comprised of a huge amount of extremely anti SJW and PC culture kids, that's why SJW humour seems like old people trying to stay up to date with the kids.

Another great thread, have my upboat good sir :)

>> No.12894725

Fashion can be perfectly conservative. It's about a style. If the new right had a style, it would probably be relatively norm core, prep/Bizcaz, or athleisure. Something similar to todd alquist from Breaking bad, milsurp, jeans, boots, just well fitted. There's no reason to say that you can't be conservative and fashionable.

>> No.12894735
File: 421 KB, 2048x1364, Alt righters are literally subhumans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12894738
File: 533 KB, 1536x2048, Your Typical Republicuck Numale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12894743


Lmao 1940's nazis and young republicans are conservative yet they dress "well". why cant fucking neckbeard anti sjws dress well too?

>> No.12894754

insulated sterile lives free of any defining conflict. it's the same on both sides, kids who don't have other more valuable facets of fulfillment.
social justice is mainstream and vice versa for anti-sjw's. no surprise which one would dress better.

>> No.12894774

I don't know

I have hung around Identity Europa and The Right Stuff members, and other right wingers. They all dress like shit.

I think its because they have been severely alienated. They have lacked proper socialization and cannot connect or suspend their belief in da joos to understand popular modern trends or clothes. Much less, they cannot understand how wearing ill fitting walmart clothes or graphic t-shirts with memes isn't appropriate.

>> No.12894784

what's it like being mentally handicapped?

>> No.12894803

imagine being this far out

>> No.12894804

Bullshit you have, the IE guys I know are almost autistic about presentation - good haircuts, tailored clothing, constantly in the gym, actually do well girls, and most of the online figureheads are either well groomed young men or married fathers, not to mention the number of pretty hot girls putting out content. Which state are you in that you "hang out with these guys", faggot?

>> No.12894808

>alt righters
Alt-lite at most, le based magapede XD atheist plebbit crowd, not a single swastika amongst them.

The correct term is Cuckservative.
I bet he doesn't even wish the holocoast was real.

>> No.12894812
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Not an argument samefag

>> No.12894834
File: 3.96 MB, 2560x1824, charlottesville-va-tourches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alt-right chad meme

>> No.12894850
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Your point? Still mad leftist chicks were creaming themselves over this guy?
Half of these men are more attractive than the average guy of their age, which is impressive considering these are the absolute vilified vanguard fringe of this political movement, and any attractive person with clout and influence wouldn't want to have their face associated with a rally

Braver than you lol

>> No.12894853

>WW2 Iron Cross pin
>Not the same damn thing

>> No.12894858

Rampant, excessive social justice spread through social communities and created the subconscious threat that if you do not adequately agree with its core tenets, you will be ostracized from the group. Obviously, this disincentive doesn't work as well against people who are already on the fringes of or removed from most social groups, and people like that also don't tend to dress very well, although it's up in the air if that's causal or just correlated.

>> No.12894878
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I don't know, it's difficult to call them true outsiders, most Alt Right are just disaffected young men and women who desperately want a community but cannot sacrifice their principles and completely blend in to the current suicidal spiral. They don't want to be outsiders, they're not recluses or misanthropes, so they're forming their own communities and youth movements, which have all the trappings of an actual community, including a renewal of interest in fashion and appearance, hence things like dress codes at rallies, Chad Nationalism and Liftwaffe jokes and irony, and an actual post ironic obsession with (European) pusher of beauty and virtue.

It's really fucking fun and high energy, and it's just snowballing - the establishment is studying us to counter us, but they simply can't provide convincing counter arguments to traditional values, venerating ancestors, feeling solidarity with your people, rejecting blind consumerism and unabated globalism and wanting your homeland to be recognisable in 100 years.

We're coming boiks, join us or rot

>> No.12894880

*pursuit of beauty

>> No.12894930


by leftists you mean alt right cucks?

>> No.12894993

I call bull shit. Especially IE has exacting standards of grooming and fitness. Where and when did you hang out? 1488 brother, let's go make the red pills, hail hortler.

>> No.12895006

because someone who actively posts against feminism on Facebook or whatever probably is autistic or at the very least unpopualr/anti-social. Most people don't really like SJW's but they hide their power level and know not to sperg out on social media.

>> No.12895016
File: 220 KB, 1536x2048, 1510117347067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek from another thread

>> No.12895035

That's a photoshop lol, still funny

>> No.12895045


>> No.12895046
File: 36 KB, 252x291, IMG_3898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes fellow white people I am too an Alternative Right member and it is true what you read on Huffington Post, we are all neckbeard virgin antisemitic evil Holocaust denying gefilte who get no shiksahs and hate our greatest ally, oyyyy

>> No.12895111

dis shite gave me asperg

>> No.12895167

holy shit...

>> No.12895192
File: 87 KB, 645x773, 1454556702231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know. i wish they didn't. it is embarrassing.
every time fashion as a topic comes up on /pol/, the mouthbreather brigade comes out in full force. any jean less than bootcut is too skinny and gay and degenerate, and god forbid they not be cargo pants. any form of layering that isn't a cheap, untucked dress shirt from walmart under an ill-fitting off-brand sweater is for hipsters. that disgusting wannabe southern prep meme picture of all the fratbros in their matching blazers and different colored short shorts is unironically good. they all think they're classy and preppy but if they truly were they wouldn't be posting on /pol/.
i try to defend /pol/ but there are some things i just can't defend it on, fashion is one of them. really most arts.

>> No.12895207

None of that is fashionable though.

It's just boring dad-core.
Conservatives are inherently unfashionable because of an adherence to tradition in their values, which does not play well with the concept of being fashion forward.