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/fa/ - Fashion

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12892708 No.12892708[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

tfw /fa/ is basically /b/ rn

wtf happened?

>> No.12892780
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gamergate, the election. it's not good

>> No.12892805
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> people mainly come here for entry level advice so most threads are shit and could just as easily be posts in fuccboi general
> people post one sentence replies trying to be smarmy with nothing constructive to contribute
> threads keep devolving into alt-right shitposting
> few threads about inspo, brands/designers, or serious discussion
to name a few things. if you want it to change you should make a point of contributing to / contributing threads that are worthwhile.

>> No.12892812


>> No.12892816

reddit happened

>> No.12892842
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seriously though I don't want to come across as overly negative. I'm not happy with how /fa/ is right now, but I'm still pretty sure most people come here because they're genuinely passionate about clothes/fashion/style/whatever. pretty much anyone could make a thread right now and fill it with something fashion related that they're excited by, and they would probably get some decent replies. there's no reason not to except for apathy.

>> No.12892844

I made a shirt thread. Please come comment.

>> No.12892856
File: 108 KB, 683x1024, tumblr_mu0o5ji5Zo1qj3a0vo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> body dysmorphia threads
nobody cares that you're bald. nobody cares that you're fat. nobody cares that you're under 6'. learn how to deal with your low self esteem and carry yourself with confidence or fuck off and die.

>> No.12892864


>> No.12893145

3/4 of the active threads are wigger/nigga based or street wear or tech wear Asian weirdness . pretty sure this is being done on purpose just like all the blacked slide thread on pol.

FA is an alt right board. any alt right "shitposting" u see is reactionary in response to the black lefty pol shills who are trying to Mae this a civic nationalist jewified garbage board with no actual European Fashion roots. high fashion is European don't forget that. beauty naturally is white and European

>> No.12893681

you are the problem

>> No.12893704

this >>12892816 is what >>12892805 means

>> No.12893710
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>> No.12893759
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> alt right is fine, the problem is the blacks asians and jews
the alt right actively steers discussions that were about fashion into the same 3 arguments about politics and race. nobody except the alt right wants to hear that shit.

>> No.12893780

>implying /fa/ is an alt right board

You honestly need get a grip of you life. You're a toxic human being, I feel sorry that your head is this fucked as people are a product of their environment but you need to stop taking your insecurities own out on other races.

>> No.12893787 [DELETED] 

>if you want it to change

There is no hope. Imageboards are beyond saving at this point. The whole point of imageboards is anonymity and lax moderation. Years ago self-moderation worked because the influx of new users was low enough that the posters could keep them in check by telling them to follow the board culture or get out.

But then social media and smartphones happened and there are so many new users that the old users couldn't do anything anymore. Everyone just comes here for low effort posting and instant gratification. Which is why memes are so popular on the internet right now: they are easy to make and easy to digest.

The only solution would be for moderators to start moderating for post quality but that is not something that could be clearly defined and it would also go against the whole imageboard philosophy.

>> No.12893793

>tfw you're new and post your newbie questions in fbg and get ignored
Do I need to add provocative images or something?

>> No.12893827

link to post?

>> No.12893834

>alt right
>complaining about reactionaries

ahahhahaha ahha

>> No.12894901

sorry but choose, either:

Intelligent sophisticated White Autists with hopes of becoming leaders in their own fashion community


brain dead nigger banter and twenty "where do I cop xyz nigger Jordan Yeezy shoes" threads per day

>> No.12894903

this is a fashion board and you managed to use the word 'nigger' twice in one post. god you alt right kids are more fucking annoying than bronies

>> No.12894906

The first

>> No.12894931

again, either choose Reddit, or choose 4chan. faggot

>> No.12894940

I like how it is now, where it's not dominated by alt right but it's still ok to be alt right here. alt right doesn't mean nazi it means free speech and freedom of expression . fashion is about expression and individualsm. not trying to be a wigger and copying everyone else and being a hype beast

>> No.12894955
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Wtc pants and shirt

>> No.12895284

hordes of supreme-tier teenagers from reddit fashion boards

>> No.12895309
File: 507 KB, 588x617, 1504373639459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ is just kids that read the first chapter of das kapital and just "get" how communism is superior and try to be underground but are too autistic to get a tumblr.

That and some closet nazis that watched too much Jordan Peterson and think dressing like an autistic niggerloving 15 year old is "self improvement".

>> No.12896231
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>> No.12896250


>> No.12896594
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I agree, but are there any sites/forums that had the same quality that /fa/ had a couple of years ago?

>> No.12896680
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>TFW r/mfa turns out to be better for talking about fashion than /fa/ is now.

Man have the tables turned.

>> No.12896869

Cringe. Fuck off man

>> No.12896891

you grew up

>> No.12896898
File: 49 KB, 460x215, dreamdaddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every board is just /b/ with a theme. It's all trolls, shills and roleplayers. 4cheddit is a joke.

>> No.12896899

As if users here have enough knowledge about the big world and word Fashion to contribute at all. FE, when there's a runway thread (fashion weeks don't even get a sticky), people cant or wont explain themselves.

>> No.12896904


>> No.12896907


>> No.12896913

/fa/ was never right you fucking newfag

>> No.12896952


>> No.12896967

ah my bad, i thought that referred to acutal physical ailments

>> No.12897169

thanks samefag.

>> No.12897872

>m-muh identity, m-muh race
Fuck off you alt-right snowflake. you are literally just as bad as the sjw's. 2 sides of the same identity politics coin.

>> No.12898266

t. confused mutt

>> No.12898763

>/fa/ is just kids that read the first chapter of das kapital and just "get" how communism is superior and try to be underground but are too autistic to get a tumblr.
this is so unbelievably inaccurate

>> No.12898766

malefashion is decent, mfa is absolute shite

>> No.12898770

It's very very surprising when someone shares a culture clicks with someone with the same exact culture right?
t. chink

>> No.12898817
File: 50 KB, 645x729, 1507980956268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this sentence

>> No.12898828

I don't expect countries with forced '''diversity''' to understand my sentence

>> No.12898840

typical polfag deflection; focus on learning how to speak english buddy

>> No.12898851

Alright, enjoy your 'diversity' while it lasts

>> No.12898863

Faggots like you who keep pointing their finger at reddit instead of the userbase of 4chan happened

>> No.12898868

imagine actually being this fucking stupid

>> No.12898891

>> people post one sentence replies trying to be smarmy with nothing constructive to contribute


>> No.12899163

no social media ended forums like that
sufu was kind of the last good one and that became a total wasteland years ago.

>> No.12899198

>but I'm still pretty sure most people come here because they're genuinely passionate about clothes/fashion/style/whatever
Well they're fucking immature and dumb. This place is definitely not into actual style like it used to be

>> No.12899465

People have ALWAYS come here for entry level advice

Hell I'd say even moreso in the past when people used to hand out "/fa/ infographics" like candy

>> No.12899720
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>le reddit scapegoat

i can tell alot of reddit has come here but that is faaaar from the reason its so shit, its only a minor reason

>> No.12900342

this is what virginity does to you, nice

>> No.12900400
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Unironically this

>> No.12901340

this is correct, this is also why fa has never been good too many soyboys bugmen queers fags and numales who fear masculinity

i wish mart had come back instead of that retarded opining faggot poet

>> No.12901343

>start thread
>someone inevitably calls someone else a nigger
>newfag gets offended
>alt right shitposting ensues

>> No.12901892
File: 126 KB, 894x527, Screenshot (51).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>troll thread created
>immediately turns into alt right meetup circlejerk

>> No.12903173

shut it nigger

>> No.12903395

artist pls

>> No.12903619

ooga booga where da whyte wimminz

>> No.12903928
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Low age = Low amount of knowledge + low income
Anonymity --> more prone to behaving like a asshole

>> No.12904033

>getting mad at the use of niggers on 4chan

you're the problem

>> No.12904187

Tbh that words been used since the creation of 4chan. Samefag, poorfag, richfag, nigger, it's just a part of the language spawned here

>> No.12904194
File: 33 KB, 213x255, 1489998847280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alt right means freedom of expression
>"look what that degenerate nigger/sjw/lgbt is doing"
>"purge when?"

>> No.12904258

You're an insufferable faggot and this is coming from someone who is on the same side of the isle as you