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/fa/ - Fashion

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12862521 No.12862521 [Reply] [Original]

will the Art-Hoe wave end? or is it here to stay?

>> No.12862525

what's up reddit

>> No.12862529

hi :D

>> No.12862544

how many fucking threads of this horseshit do we need

>> No.12862581

nobody likes gross anorexic girls

>> No.12862583

I do

>> No.12862585

you're nobody

>> No.12862597

That's an insult to gross anorexic girls to assume they are art hoes

>> No.12862599

squares > rectangles

>> No.12862643

I hope not. OP's pic arouses me greatly

>> No.12862664

who is this semen demon

>> No.12862717
File: 182 KB, 1056x1126, Screenshot_20171026-161208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12862733

I unironically do.

>> No.12862735
File: 227 KB, 390x389, 1489384081927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah what window are you viewing in?

>> No.12862743

five more

>> No.12862975

they will never die, they will just seek out new styles

fuck this thread we already have enough art hoe discussion

>> No.12863614

>art hoes
>mall rat hoes
>valley girl hoes
>heroin chic hoes
>goth hoes
>gangsta hoes

bitches gotta hoe about sumpin.

it's all a matter of style

>> No.12863625
File: 296 KB, 540x542, tumblr_owfrs58VJv1uy040uo1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12863643

is /fa/ only now discovering american apparel employees circa 2012


>> No.12863704

somebody invented a stupid meme name for it, so now we get to have threads

>> No.12864124

>american apparel employees circa 2012
>walking into an American apparel within the last 10 years

>> No.12864172

AA (RIP <3)'s peak started in like 2008-09 so...

>> No.12864203

I hope not.

>> No.12864220

Hopefully art hoes never end. They're usually pretty attractive, but chads prefer the sporty types, so they're pretty much the most attractive demographic of women that a reasonably smooth yet below average looking guy like myself can get with. I've only ever slept with art hoes and wannabe hippies because they're easily conned into dating below their league. Also, despite their attempts to appear tough and sassy, they're the most submissive sexual partners you can find. For the same effort it takes to bag a 7/10 Facebook-tier Stacy you can easily find an 8/10 Tumblr hoe who won't shut the fuck up about Harry Potter.

Long live art hoes.

>> No.12864253

What? 6 arthoe threads at a time too much for you?

>> No.12864267

>smooth yet below average looking guy like myself can get with
Except art hoes exclusively chase chads or dirt bag musicians.

>> No.12864286

My prediction is that it will evolve/merge into simple whorehoe. Whores are eternal so their style is also eternal, not to mention a useful uniform for identification purposes.

>> No.12864380

>Hopefully art hoes never end
yikes this was posted by a flyover state suburbanite

art hoe cult is literally poseur central

>> No.12864382


anybody not living in bumfuck nowhere wants to vomit at the thought

>> No.12864516

>Harry Potter
You have not been fucking art hoes, you're fucking the type of nerd that dyes her hair

>> No.12864544

hopefully fucking never. They aint different from regular womyn. They all have the same wiring no matter the style.
And its definitly much more attractive then LE HAIR BUN AND KIM KARDASHIAN YOGA PANTS xD
If you disagree you're a cuck

>> No.12864545

you're nobody

>> No.12864572

my experience is the exact opposite. arthoes always surround themselves with model looking guys here

>> No.12864607

If you're a good artist (the more mediums, the more azz) you can rail endless waves of these chicks. Just don't be all wilguen about shit, ya creeps

>> No.12865036

Whenever I see high waisted shorts or jeans or pants I assume and secretly hope the girl has a pretty nice bush going on

>> No.12865175

dude extreme bush is best

>> No.12865314

I hope so. All the art hoes I know are just as vapid whores as the opposite end of the spectrum with the sororities.