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File: 489 KB, 1448x966, IMG_0372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12737010 No.12737010 [Reply] [Original]

How do I avoid looking like a nu-male?

Pic related

>> No.12737011


>> No.12737014

yo same I've looked the same since 2008 and now everyone looks like a subtle variation of myself. Ditch glasses for contacts and keep the beard sharp, and NEVER TALK ABOUT AN IPA OR BRUNCH SPOT AGAIN

>> No.12737120

Don't wear gay hats, no tattoos on arms, absolutely no glasses, and don't be a liberal white knight. Also, wear plaid sparingly

>> No.12737141

No fedoras
No hipster beard
No glasses
No cringe tattoos (pop culture/DEEP shit)
No vaping

Be fit
Be effay

That is all.

>> No.12737142

IPA's are great you shut your whore mouth.

>> No.12737152

shave, no glasses, no flannell shirts, no neckbeard, no woodchopper look, no tattoos, no piercings.

>> No.12737153

mostly this
tattoos are fine everyone has em these days but never do pop culture

vaping is pretty much a chad/bro thing

>> No.12737155

>no hats unless casual af
>thinner/rounder frames or contacts

>> No.12737184

Avoid the unholy trinity glasses/beard/balding combo.

>> No.12737844

>vaping is pretty much a chad/bro thing
I only ever see m'lady and trailer trash people vape.

>> No.12737850

how numale is flannel be honest with me

>> No.12737867

Don't go to /fa/

>> No.12737911

depends on the flannel. nu-males often wear white-based flannels with cool colours like blues or yellows. flannels with a black or dark greay base with dark red, brown, burgundy stripes are very acceptable.obviously don't wear them 'neatly' or over/undersize. the whole point of a good flannel is to be comfy and blend in without being wholly uninteresting.

>> No.12737928

one thing that makes me hat nu-males is their anachronistic dress sense that completely lacks patina. notice, the only people who can look normal wearing a proper hat (wide brim fedora, felt hats etc) usually have it distressed or it is genuinely old. nu-males see a hat in a shop or on the internet and are like 'ok that one' and it always ends up looking forced. it's not exactly forced of course, theyre just oo stupid to realise how stupid they look.

>> No.12737932

and jeans. buying a pair of levi's and then trying to keep them in good condition. thats not what levis are for oh my god I hate nu-males my town is slowly drowning in these idiots and their vape shop tatto parlour hybrids

>> No.12737950

I disagree about hats and "patina."
Fedoras aren't (generally) made of denim or leather, they're made of felt.
I think the biggest thing that makes them fail is matching shape of hat to shape of face.

>> No.12737968

avoid the classic nu-male eyebrow raise for pictures. It doesn't look quirky and unique and signal your special individuality, it makes you look like a limp dicked faggot who's uncomfortable having his picture taken

>> No.12737980

Shave beard, get in shape, don't listen to style tips from /fa/, except for this.

>> No.12738186

>have black glasses, trimmed beard, short hair that's starting to thin
>avoid all other stereotypes

how fucked am I?

>> No.12738220

Depends on the flannel like >>12737911 said but also the fit

>> No.12738605

>no glasses

guess I won't see then

>> No.12738613

What kind of "chads" do you see vaping, I'm on a collegeball team and not a single one partakes.

I only see teens wearing skater punk fashion,ayyyye weeeed lmao young 20s , dudes wearing Hollister shit or nu -males smoking a vape.

The athletes I hang with smoke weed on occasion, that's it. This was true through high school too.

>> No.12738697

Fedoras are cringy no matter what, perma-virgin

>> No.12738718

Yeah. I think vaping is more of a generational thing. The 25 and unders vape more than they cig, and 25 and ups vape mainly to try and quit smoking.

>> No.12739131

Hats wouldn't look "forced" to you if you were used to seeing them on everybody. Look at newsreels from the 1930s. Do the hats mostly look "forced"? Most men wore a basic fedora in all states of dress, and all walks of life. Wearing a fedora was as natural as carrying a wallet.

>> No.12739184
File: 66 KB, 614x451, laborers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From a newreel about a strike. This was a typical bunch of manual laborers. Nothing pretentious about any of them. Do they look "forced" to you?

>> No.12739188

Woah.......... reallly........ proving a point......... here........

>> No.12739223

Do I sense a bit of sarcasm here, as if the picture proves a point about "patina"?

I could have posted a bunch of businessmen with much cleaner hats, and the point would still be that people who spend time outdoors have reason to wear certain kinds of hats.

Fedoras and similar things went out of fashion when people started driving more and walking less (and were unaware of the cancer causing effects of sun).

Anyone who walks still has reason to wear such a thing. Enjoy your skin cancer with the basebal caps.

>> No.12739738

Only wear them when necessary for driving or reading from a distance. Get to know people's silhouettes and specific details that are visible from a distance

And remember, this is the fault of the leftists. You wouldn't have to do this if liberals weren't such memes

>> No.12739783

If you're the type of person who stops wearing prescription glasses he actually needs and walks around half blind, simply out of fear of being mistaken as a nu-male, you're a faggot of such legendary proportions that even the term "nu-male" is too masculine to describe your candy ass. You can hide behind your redpilled persona all you want but no one needs glasses to see that this is the epitome of insecurity. Imagine being this cucked by imaginary liberals that you actually handicap yourself.

FFS if you need them to see properly, just put them on your dumb face and let people think whatever they want.

>> No.12739816
File: 77 KB, 640x640, would you like noodles with your swag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can still wear glasses, anon (assuming you need them); just steer away from the obnoxious, thick rimmed meme frames that the nu males wear
idk maybe something like pic related

>> No.12740476

>A thread about how to avoid looking like a nu-male

>just b urself

>> No.12740492

nu-male is a phenomenon that goes way beyond looks, and by not wearing glasses you actually need to see, you're in fact increasing how much of a nu-male you are by being an image obsessed, insecure little shit. No self-respecting man would voluntarily go through life seeing everything blurry just because some other asshole with a curly moustache "ruined glasses".

>> No.12740528

>see numales
>don't look like them
there you go

>> No.12740559

You can get glasses that aren't nu male glasses. Not everyone who wears glasses is a soyboy, but almost all soybois wear glasses.

>> No.12740576

you got it backwards. you ditch the beard, keep the glasses

>> No.12741184

Stay Clean shaven, the only time a dude can pull of beard in this day and age is if he is going full vikingcore

>> No.12741268
File: 63 KB, 750x592, sarjahukuttaja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get your fashion inspo from convicted murderers, pic related

>> No.12741299

Lol it's all about grisette, lambic and berliner weisse now you mong.

>> No.12741612

Alternatively just get glasses thay make you look like a nazi scientist. Lindberg makes some good shit.

>> No.12742352

based. my old hometown's boy. almost bought furniture from him, if they hadn't been so shitty

>> No.12742763

Me on the left

>> No.12742781

Dont have any facial hair, get contacts, work out; dont have a gross potato-fat body, dont wear graphic tees, dont be left-wing/liberal, dont alk about video games, anime, tv etc in public

>> No.12742782

>liberals are memes
What are we supposed to call the pepe pin, white polo, khaki chinos wearing white national kids if not memes?

>> No.12742785

So...what glasses are nu-male?

>> No.12742789

Viking here. The candy ass /pol/ imports don't distinguish. They consider all beards nu-male.

>> No.12742938

Avoid consuming anything that contains estrogen or xenoestrogen type compounds. A big part of what makes a numale is the subtle feminine features that stand in contrast with the beard. If you have excess estrogen turning you into a bitch, masculine attributes will just make the feminine ones stand out that much more. A beard is fine as long as your hormones are in proper balance.

>> No.12742968

In my city I see two types of people vaping. There are young chads who hang out at specific bars and are always vaping outside on the sidewalk. Then there are the dweeby mallcore neckbeards who hang out near vape shops or maybe gamestop.

>> No.12742974

wire frames are the new hipster glasses

>> No.12742976
File: 97 KB, 768x768, jpoftlg1EnU9N3I4p6rAL58qffSXX6IyfpBE1m-b67k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i assume the soft feature is the main reason for it?
pic: a tranny.

>> No.12743111

Umm...so you just nailed my nautral asthetic. Worn glasses since I was 6, have had a beard in some way or form since I was 17, and since I started to badly recede I've been doing the Bruce Willis and shaving that shit to stubble. Right now wear Oakley Marshal frames and my beard starts at the glasses line and is about 4 inches off my chin. What's wrong with this look, exactly?

>> No.12743176

dont you mean how to avoid looking like a cuck?

>> No.12743186
File: 115 KB, 254x256, spurdoschwurbel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wearing any glasses at all makes you a hipster

>> No.12744178

Shave your head and get /fit/
problem solved

>> No.12744181

Wear contacts.

>> No.12744672


Fuck is a nu-male?

>> No.12744698

So many times this. There is nothing I hate more than when bearded numales talk about what "real men" do. The massive irony of it is that these 6'2 bearded lumbering fatties are massive pussies. They are usually cowardly, very sensitive, and are generally not threatening. Then they write posts about how they cry at the movies or are scared of spiders despite being burly bearded men like its supposed to be surprising. They are huge fags (not in the gay sense) who think they are big and scary.

>> No.12744706



>> No.12744713

A left wing faggot who loves apple products, refugees, some expensive coffee special, kale and feminism.

>> No.12744768

I love refugees and feminism, but i hate apple products and i like cheap black coffee. am i a numale?

>> No.12744769
File: 48 KB, 720x540, nigga-you-gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anachronistic dress sense that completely lacks patina
What an insufferable faggot you are.

>> No.12744783

Sounds like you need a leather trenchcoat to complete the look, m'faggot

>> No.12744787

Just a faggot and a moron

>> No.12744797


Double that. Faggot. And moron. Grow up.

>> No.12744802


Oh. We just call them faggots where I come from.

>> No.12744803


inject testosterone

>> No.12744849

wow, homophobic much?

>> No.12744857

Nah dude my normal look is prep core to southern frat

>> No.12744859

This is 4chan everyone is a closeted homo, it's just posturing

>> No.12744863


I'm not homophobic. I'm gay. But nu-males are faggots.

>> No.12744868

but i'm not a nu-male, anon. i'm just a feminist :)

>> No.12744882

don't grow a beard and don't wear fedoras

if you grow a beard, don't be betamale

numale is more a personality than a style

>> No.12744887


And what is a feminist? To you?

>> No.12744897

you know what kind of glasses he means

>> No.12744916

someone who supports women's rights, senpai

>> No.12744951

That guy just looks like an Asian nu male though

>> No.12745037


And what rights would those be?

>> No.12745073


Like abortion? Who doesn't support abortion? I support abortion make me a feminist?

>> No.12745193


Come on, you know all of them are under 5'6

>> No.12745711

you forgot a weak chin, premature baldness, poor posture, and a skinnyfat upper body. any combo of these in addition to your list makes for a textbook nu male

>> No.12745720
File: 42 KB, 443x332, IMG_1313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesnt matter, just dont act like a numale and you'll be fine.

>> No.12746299

A buzzword

>> No.12746383


>> No.12746406

Glasses are unforgivable, regardless of the frame. Get contacts if you really need them.
Some people can pull off facial hair. If you use /fa/ you aren't one of them. Stay clean shaven at all times.

>> No.12746425

i'm in a frat and all the chads/bros have been using an iPhone like vape called the juul

>> No.12746430

Fuck that, I'd rather be labeled a nu-male than replace glasses with contacts. Nothing beats the convenience and comfort of my glasses and I'm too shortsighted to go without corrective lenses.

>> No.12746669

Its slightly more acceptable because you shave your head, but if your frames are the thick rimmed kind then you look like a twat.

>> No.12746692

Nah, I'm bisexual, and that poster is still a faggot

>> No.12746693

No, bad genetics shouldn't count.

t. chinlet

>> No.12746703
File: 241 KB, 664x517, marceli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is nothing more nu-male than replacing your comfy glasses with inconvenient, eye-hurting contacts for the sake of appeasing your insecurities
nu-male is a state of mind, when the fuck will you guys learn that

>> No.12746732
File: 96 KB, 1200x399, marshal-ox8034-satin-black-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are my frames. Would tortoise shell be more /fa/?

>> No.12746920
File: 154 KB, 500x265, tumblr_mabjl1h4zN1ry10fwo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate that eyebrow raise bullshit so much.

>> No.12746934

You sound like some really bitter faggot that got bullied for wearing glasses as a kid.

>> No.12747008
File: 155 KB, 652x784, 1430752304486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C'mon dudes this isn't that difficult.

1) find a full body pic of the a typical nu-male
2) write out a list of everything about him, clothes, accessories, hair style, piercings, everything
3) embody the exact opposite of these things
4) ????
5) good pure conservative gf!!

>> No.12747011
File: 70 KB, 400x600, 1430748796982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12747276

The nu-male is an attitude, not a look. The beard, glasses, etc. are just some commonly recurring traits, but as long as you don't act like an estrogenized holier-than-thou loser to an extent it shows on your face you should be fine.

>> No.12747328


These killed me. Anymore?

>> No.12747350

Shaved head,
Doc Martens,
cargo pants,
black jacket.

>> No.12747371

Basically any of these features, even when combined, can be worn or espoused by a normal person.

What makes someone a nu-male is the fact that they're a pompous, hipster pussy.

>> No.12747382

He's right though streetwear is shit

>> No.12747398
File: 354 KB, 1273x2002, nu-male breakdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.12747633

>supporting abortion for any reason other than limiting the birth rate of blacks in America

>> No.12747652

>Wearing Hollister
I feel like Hollister has probably even be dead in flyover states for years at this point.

>> No.12747661

The "Metrosexual" of the 2010s

>> No.12747662

This. Ponytail undercut hipster look like fags, but so do streetwear plebs, but at least the hipsters probably don't listen to shitty pop music and mainstream rap.

>> No.12747668

>akchully its /pol/

>> No.12747881

>tfw my ex left me for a numale who is your post, personified.

He told me he'd beat my ass if i didnt give her money for an abortion for a baby that im certain wasnt mine, later was seen on facebook talking about he cries everytime he watches toy story 3.

>> No.12747886

half of those can't be helped, youre a retard

try and fix that

>> No.12747911


I've started shaving every week now due to the plague of defective nu-males.

>> No.12747919

tortoise shell is almost always more fa imo but the glasses's design is kinda shit tbqh senpai

>> No.12747936

Oh I wouldn't be getting the same design. Been looking at a few on warby parker but a lot of their stuff looks douchey as hell. Any tortoise shell suggestions?

>> No.12747974
File: 836 KB, 626x631, chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think its more of a facial characteristic thing than anything else listed here. Even without any of these other things compounding the problem for numales there are just some people whose physiognomy is inherently beta and nothing can really be done about it. Obviously you can avoid wearing marvel graphic tees, hipster glasses and lose weight/get fit, but some people just naturally look like the archetypal redditor numale, and its all in the face. It has to do with the jaw, ratios, canthal tilt etc.

>> No.12748033
File: 115 KB, 1100x619, 160104164534-zinedine-zidane-1-super-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>trim beard
>ditch fedora
>embrace the bald
>stop talking about feminism
>burn your "i'm with her" shirts
>burn your "i'm still with her" shirts
>stop posting on reddit
>stop making ironic facial gestures at the camera
>have some opinions
>stop being a faggot

pretty simple OP

>> No.12748925
File: 41 KB, 293x270, lol (71).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who doesn't support abortion?

>> No.12749694

Ya know some people just want a cheap and healthy alternative to smoking death sticks.
>inb4 much popcorn lung

>> No.12749765

Leave Docs alone, most numales wear red wings and cheaper brown boots. Leave my black Doc Martens 1914s alone!

>> No.12749769

just realized that was describing the anti-numale, skinhead core. thanks for vindicating my choice in footware

>> No.12749877

does estrogen make your nose thinner?

>> No.12749899

No, it's about sours, gose's, and the like

>> No.12749992


>> No.12750020
File: 75 KB, 614x1024, 20uu2c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12750069

nail edit?

>> No.12751342

From what I've read here, it's a mythical being, so not looking like one should be very easy.

>> No.12751489

that probably looked cool in the 60s when you could beat up wussy middle class mods and break mirrors off their vespas. but today just ridiculous, no matter are you a fat middle aged dude or not

>> No.12751616

that guy looks ridiculous. there's a way to rock tall doc martens, and its not that way.

>> No.12751623

Being a middle aged skin is really the only way. Anyone younger than 40 is going to look like a poser.

>> No.12751626

no please, I wanted ones from 2012, but my current glasses look nice and I've had them forever.

>> No.12751629

i am homophobic and i sincerely think gays should be killed

>> No.12751635

Relaxed fit pants and a t shirt that is a normal size.

Tight clothing has been the worst fashion trend, ever. It's like the mark of the hipsters and numales.

>> No.12752152

if you're skinny, gain some weight and lift some weights. I don't think anyone thinks poorly of a guy who looks like he lifts, even if he's balding, wears glasses and has a beard.

>> No.12752162

Is that why /fa/ has worn the tightest clothing possible for almost a decade?

>> No.12752168

as someone who can't see and refuses to touch my eyeballs, i have been doing pretty well at only wearing my glasses when absolutely necessary for like 10 years

>> No.12752169

>I don't think anyone thinks poorly of a guy who looks like he lifts, even if he's balding, wears glasses and has a beard.
Well, except /fa/.

>> No.12752196
File: 1.32 MB, 446x344, 1504855596586.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends.

Are you
>above average
>masculine to some extent
>self aware

Or are you
>below average or just ugly
>insecure, lack confidence in your fashion sense
>just give off "beta" vibes in general

It boils down to that. If you look good, you could essentially wear anything.

>> No.12752587

I just bought a pair of jeans from there for like $20. Probably wouldn't spend any more that that tho.

>> No.12753533

Reddit nigger cunt!

>> No.12753727

So you're saying that fedoras went out of fashion because people forgot about cancer


>> No.12753753

properly done skinheadcore is very very effay

>> No.12753763

only nu males care about looking like nu males

>> No.12753885

I swear its in the eyes. I don't know what it is but I can see dudes dressed like a nu-male or have a beard going and thick rimmed glasses but they still don't give off the nu-male vibe.

It's the face/eyes I think, nu-males all have a permanent shit eating grin or condescending look to them and the eyes of a child.

>> No.12753892

nu-male detected

>> No.12754156

This. As many others have stated, nu-male is an intrinsic personality type. Style choices are simply a symptom of the weak, conforming nature of a nu-male. In theory, a nu-male could avoid looking like one if they eschewed that style but it wouldn't make any difference to the way they acted.

Arguably, you could say someone like Tom Hardy often displays the aesthetics of a nu-male (beard, hipster glasses, tight clothing) but he obviously isn't one and you can tell by the way he acts. Nu-males copy people like Hardy because they see an actual man and try to emulate that, so it seems that if you want to avoid being a nu-male, just try to be your own man and whatever that entails.

>> No.12754172


>> No.12754231
File: 67 KB, 747x376, 1504734621460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12754259

The cancer-causing effects of sun weren't well-known by the public until the 1970s or so.

>> No.12754291

Dude, I can avoid all of it, but I need my fuckin glasses :(

>> No.12754671

you gave him the money, didn't you?

>> No.12754739

at what point does having glasses and a beard become nu male? seems like a very broad demographic to slap such a specific steretype on

>> No.12755124

There's no point to any of it. It's just the reincarnation of "hipster." It's a new buzzword for the same connotations.

>> No.12755127

>lol (71).png
post your other lol

>> No.12755558

sharp haircut, sharp beard, dress like joaquin phoenix in suits with shades

>> No.12755567


Hit too close to home there eh, behind-the-times nu-male?

>> No.12755660


That some reddit-tier advice for cringe fits you're slinging there my dude

>> No.12755871

In the US? Around half the country. This applies to women too.

>> No.12755907
File: 83 KB, 925x842, 1505259697462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. in denial nu-male

>> No.12755912

up bibba

>> No.12756237

Ye but try some other kinds of beers aswell plz

>> No.12756317

How does /fa/ define a nu-male?

>> No.12756327


that guy must get shit in his beard everytime he eats

>> No.12756862

That's the fucking whole point of the thread, m8

>> No.12756978
File: 77 KB, 1199x675, 13-3-9807712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That could very well be the case

>> No.12757187

is this supposed to be like attractive

because he looks like a fucking mutant honestly

>> No.12757193
File: 209 KB, 700x939, 70s-men-fashion-211__700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I avoid looking like a nu-male?
By dressing like pic related.