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File: 260 KB, 499x332, 1473107678213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12728340 No.12728340 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>12720111

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hidhratted


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

>MyFitnessPal: "/fa/ friends"

>> No.12728366

call me a bullshitter but the best way to lose weight is to just not eat 3 meals a day and drink water

You can eat whatever you want for those 2 meals but skip the third and youll soon be the skeleton of the town

>> No.12728380
File: 48 KB, 564x752, 1482835471589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are describing intermittent fasting, which is pretty popular in these circles.

>> No.12728391

Didnt know it had a name
Thanks anon now i can google my eating disorder

>> No.12728394
File: 366 KB, 1089x459, 1480630937784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy. I'm a fan of IF also. Generally do 16:8 because of family, but, 23:1 is what I like the most.

>> No.12728397

I use 16:9 but sometimes 4:3 if i really wanna hit headshots

>> No.12728469

Is this you? If so how long did it take to get to the last picture and how much were you eating?

>> No.12728475

Girl... you have a problem. You looked great before. You look sickly.

>> No.12728493
File: 239 KB, 588x567, 1497011228867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or just be born proper like with an ideal metabolism and eat whatever the hell you want
fuck the haters, they're supposed to be offended
this isn't a game
physical superiority is either won or lost at birth

>> No.12728494

Wow! Great progress.
Do you know where you are? While she didn't look too bad before, I'd want to be the one on the far right.

>> No.12728499
File: 32 KB, 426x406, _20170903_142459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I'm 184cm at 71kg. (6.1 at 158 pounds). Most of my body looks pretty slim already but I got this annoying bulge at my lower abs. It's ruining all my progress. Help?

Doing strict keto atm

>> No.12728506

As a girl I want to say that 2nd from right is perfection when it comes to looks, 1st (from right also) is feeling better because of weight though

>> No.12728507

t. fatty

>> No.12728508

Firstly I started to make sure I'm never full after eating, that I get up from table not hungry but also not full, just neutral, from that itself I lost around 10kg, without exercising or better diet

>> No.12728511

Maybe do some core work to firm up the area, but to properly lose it there, you need to lose it everywhere.

>> No.12728525

It's really soft as well. I'm doing a bit of codework but dont want to over do the abs.

>> No.12728537

Please I need it

>> No.12728543

Don't even bother, people here are anorexic. 2nd or 3rd from left would have been perfect if they added a little muscle through sports. Dont get how you guys think baggy seeming clothes on a stick look more stylish than tightly fitting clothes on a healthy body

>> No.12728554

2nd from right is obviously perfect. What you showed is just chubby, not everyone likes being chubby. Also why do you assume thin people wear baggy clothes? I go with S that are just my size

>> No.12728564
File: 229 KB, 1161x1200, 1476067328559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. jealous

>> No.12728576

Is this TDEE calc accurate even coming from a pretty restricted diet.


So if i were to eat my maintaince according to this calc i will not gain fat? (i know you will gain weight because of water.)

>> No.12728585
File: 90 KB, 563x675, evic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>notices ur bulge OwO

>> No.12728591

keep dieting. You can't spot reduce so dieting is the only way.

>> No.12728593


>> No.12728627
File: 220 KB, 1280x960, IMG_0562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

162 kg, 5'8" manlet. Still got some ways to go

>> No.12728629

>Do you have lead bones?

>> No.12728633

I'm dumb as fuck obviously

>> No.12728636

I'm the same height, more muscular, but I only weigh 160 lbs

>> No.12728640

you look great. pls stay like that.

>> No.12728643

I've embarrassed myself once again. Why even live?

>> No.12728650
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>> No.12728652
File: 822 KB, 769x742, Retouche de photos_4OMluF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting trop last thread but whatever. Im 145 lbs , 19.2 BMI , should I lose some bodyfat to be more defined ? Muscle up a bit ? Is this /thinspo/ yet ?

>> No.12728655

You need traps and a chest dude

>> No.12728660


Yeah how ?

I've been doing pushups and inverted dips but my chest is still flat

>> No.12728663

Cable flies, diamond pushups, svend presses (my fav)

>> No.12728669


>> No.12728673

Not really. I'm not skinny. It's more dad bod than anything

>> No.12728677


Is a gym subscription needed ? Im kinda out of money rn

>> No.12728682

You can do the presses with a 20lb kettle and the diamond pushups require nothing

>> No.12728684

I love these threads
always feels good to see retards nearly kill themselves by starvation and look like shit thinking they will look good if they drop more weight
you are worse than fatties

>> No.12728688

literally everyone in this general is skinnyfat
youre all skinny
and all you have is fat not muscle
u fags eat nothing u cant hold muscle

>> No.12728689

t. fatty
what does it fell looking like shite lmao!

>> No.12728690

I love how people like you always think that not eating like a pig means starving oneself

>> No.12728705


Is this for real and not a manipulated photo?

When was the last time you've been to the doctor's office?

I've never seen a lower abdomen bulge like that go get that shit checked out.

>> No.12728710

ladies, if you were a 19 yo. 5'2 petite woman what would your ideal measurements be?

>> No.12728712 [DELETED] 


I just looked this up and you may have a hernia definitely go to the doctor.

>> No.12728716

I always strike for just flat stomach if that's what you ask about, I'm 5'7 and 115

>> No.12728718
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>> No.12728721
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>> No.12728792

>Maybe you have a tumor

>> No.12728819
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>File: 1480630937784.jpg
The newfags are out in full force today it seems.

>> No.12728887


Thanks mate, cheers

>> No.12728899

Nice assumptions. I love well-fitted clothing on a thin body. Not everyone loves baggy clothing. That's just a specific style.

>> No.12728984

Nah homie it's really soft. It's annoying as fuck tho. Makes me feel fat 24/7.

>> No.12728989
File: 47 KB, 621x502, 1462550346110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else live with their family here?

My mum is constantly making big unhealthy dinners for the whole house and never giving me smaller portions despite always requesting. She gets really upset when I skip lunch and is constantly making comments about me being too skinny (5'9 140lbs) and thinks I have some sort of eating disorder because I want to lose my remaining skinnyfat.

If I was living alone I would be so much thinner by now, how do I get her on my side?

>> No.12729008

Move out faggot

>> No.12729047

im a student living on 300 a month

>> No.12729067

Finally down to 142 pounds at 6'2, bmi at 18.2 and still am a little chubby. What the fuck am I supposed to do?

>> No.12729070

>142 pounds at 6'2
>still a little chubby

>> No.12729071

Go full ana

>> No.12729080
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>> No.12729085
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>> No.12729089
File: 44 KB, 256x256, caratb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me. I have the same problem. It's very hard. We really have to decide what we are going to eat before we sit down.

Weekends are pretty awful too because my dad likes to go to breakfast, so I end up doing IF during the week and then get dragged to breakfast on the weekends.

>> No.12729090

in a similar boat at 132 - 6"

>> No.12729094
File: 59 KB, 806x640, 1502719855181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not appetizing. Do Americans really eat that garbage?

>> No.12729096

>how to spot an smerican 101

>> No.12729112

how do i kill the skinnyfat demon?

>> No.12729115

I see a few solutions here:

>Eat the food, but exercise a lot
>Make your own food
>Offer to help her cook and make some healthier options
>Vomit it up

Do you have examples of the types of foods she makes? Is the rest of your family overweight?

>> No.12729116

I'm just after dinner, makes me want to throw up. Even if I would be hungry, it looks so greasy it's disgusting

>> No.12729118
File: 3.24 MB, 3264x2448, 1480388124074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'10 and barely 135 here
chest wider than my hips are, I eat anything I fucking want
I guess metabolism is key, couldn't gain a pound if I stopped being physically active

>> No.12729121

Just make sure you're the one putting the food on your plate so you can decide your portions.

>> No.12729127

thanks for the tips

>Do you have examples of the types of foods she makes?
sometimes she makes good meals but a lot of the time it's breaded chicken and chips or pizza or other generic fast foodish meals like that
>Is the rest of your family overweight?
not to be point of being noticeably fat but yeah, I'd say they are on the heavier side

>> No.12729128

I got no real mirror at home and all the other pics have my face on there, I think the belly still stems from the time I was a heavy drinker.

>> No.12729131

You aren't magical. You might eat junk food, but you aren't eating enough calories to be heavier.

>> No.12729138

This. I eat a lot of junk food but I still don't consume enough calories for it to make me fat

>> No.12729140

wtf is wrong with your torso it's disgusting do you even lift bro

>> No.12729149


I just looked at the photo again, that's not normal bulge from being skinny fat. Go get your self looked at man.

>> No.12729151

burgers aren't junk food
its bread, meat, cheese, and vergies
its a fucking sandwich

>> No.12729157
File: 101 KB, 539x468, american-bear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>burgers aren't junk food

>> No.12729182
File: 1.56 MB, 3264x2448, 1495337848068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which fucking part of a burger is junk food?
is the bread, the meat, the cheese, or the vegetables?
which btw are delicious when combined

>> No.12729186

>Burgers are not junk food
The most American sentence I ever saw

>> No.12729188

It's highly processed, and has excessive ammounts of fat, sugar and salt, regardless of any vegetables. You americans are generally clueless of nutrition

>> No.12729191

bread is junk food

>> No.12729204

>shitty white bread
>shitty processee meat
>one slice of tomato or sweaty lettuce
>fried drenched in oil and dressing
>not shitty fast food.

Yeah keep telling yourself

>> No.12729208

American yellow cheese is a junk food too. Also meat in this burgers is far from healthiest

>> No.12729216

American here. He's just confusing junk food as any snack food that's unhealthy for you. It's a common misconception here to think of junk foods as chips or cookies from a box. He doesn't think a burger is good for you, just that it's a meal not a snack.

>> No.12729222

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door, /fatspo/ is two blocks down.

>> No.12729223
File: 176 KB, 600x734, pepe-scooter-amerifat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American cheese isn't even cheese, it's "cheese product"

>> No.12729232
File: 14 KB, 318x397, 23-46-05-59d994ee200bc008d6b8f34bc6f48477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea how they can eat that instead of normal cheese

>> No.12729234

if it's really soft then it means that the fat molecules are getting less dense, lose fat means you're closing to losing it

>> No.12729239

I've spent a lot of time in America. That cheese product does melt very evenly, so I can see why they use them on cheeseburgers or cheese dogs, but yeah it's pretty disgusting.

>> No.12729240
File: 91 KB, 500x623, tumblr_onqnmy66Js1rivxa1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody else take "fat Metabolism" pills?

Do they work?

>> No.12729248

>I've spent a lot of time in America.
I'm sorry to hear that.

>> No.12729251

I'm not. America is easy to pick at but overall would prefer to live there than my country of Spain.

>> No.12729254

i think is important to note the difference between a fast food burger and a burger youd prepar at home or order at an upscale burger place

>> No.12729257

there's no such thing
at 30+ years old, 5'10 135lbs... I am able to maintain a ghostly physique this thread here promotes
I am in the right place alright

the big question here is, not how much you eat, which is clearly not enough, but how much do your drink?
personally not am I always hungover

>> No.12729258

>Do they work?
Pills that work for weightloss either make you shit yourself if you eat certain kinds of food or make you die from overheating

>> No.12729264

only crack and heroin work

>> No.12729301
File: 2.14 MB, 4032x3024, 20170903_145220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there, I am 6'3 and weigh 180.
I've noticed I have a really weird body shape (skinny arms and skinny chest but gut, big legs).
I feel like I am of good size except for my waist.
Anything in particular i should do? I will try intermittent fasting soon, but i want to know if there are any other methods out there to getting rid of that weird fanny-pack/love handle fat.

>> No.12729313

you can't spot reduce fat
eat at a deficit

>> No.12729316

I had a nightmare that I ate one of those big chocolate chip cookies and a giant chocolate muffin. Lol what the fuck is wrong with me.

>> No.12729319
File: 2.05 MB, 4032x3024, 20170903_145252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because of my weird body shape it seems as though I suck my stomach in when I stand straight.
I also have a big butt because of all this and it's unsatisfactory.

>> No.12729321

How do people even lose weight with anything below 20:4? 16:8 sounds like something any normal person would unconsciously do.

>> No.12729324

That Anon could have been using 4chanx if that was actually them. But yeah that's definitely not them.

>> No.12729336

Yeah.... 16:8 is a bit of a boost. You don't get the breakfast calories, and it doesn't start the hunger until later, and you get the morning fast benefits. Most people if they eat breakfast they get hungry sooner than if they don't. So, it still helps and it's more normie, which keeps you off the radar if that is important. Start doing 20:4 and that means pushing around either lunch or dinner which can raise red flags, or just socially messes with you.

I do 16:8 maintaining, then mix in some 23:1 when the scale starts going the wrong direction. I agree when losing 20:4 - 23:1 is the sweep spot.

Depends on the person too.

>> No.12729366

how do i remove body hair as male without having ingrown hair and red dots.. tried shaving my chest once and it was awful..

>> No.12729370


>> No.12729381

You're right. I've been doing 20:4 for a few weeks now. Ever since I arrived to Uni it's been hard since people usually invite me out to dinner or eat late at night when my eating window usually ends at 17:00. So on certain days I've been doing 17:7 or 16:8.

>> No.12729384

don't use dull razors

moisturize after

>> No.12729412

i have never seen fat look like that. and i live in america so i've seen every kind of fat bulge at the pool/beach. you should get it looked at. even if it's not a tumor it can be other things. it can be soft and still be a big issue

>> No.12729463

Yeah this is the only time it makes sense. It's a melting cheese and doesn't taste good outside the context of a burger. We do make good cheeses here, but those are almost always in the style of European cheeses.

>> No.12729468

Heroin somehow makes women fat. Great weight regulator for men though!

>> No.12729470


>> No.12729473

this, it's horrible, moving out in two weeks though

>> No.12729678

yeah, it works

the last amphetamine bender I had I didn't sleep or eat for close to 4 days
eventually I forced myself to eat a sausage butty and it tasted so fucking awful that I haven't had sausage since

had a tonne of fun though
need to do it again some time, while I'm still young(ish)

>> No.12729754

today i weighed in at 94 lbs (42 kg) and I could probably cry from happiness
my highest weight was 125 at 5'0, being the sort of person who'd make those 600~ calorie chocolate chip cookies for one without knowing what sort of damage i was doing to myself
I wonder how I never got to the overweight spectrum, but I think I caught myself in time.
we will all make it /thinspo/

>> No.12729851

compared to what?
I get you all have eating disorders and are picky about food, but this paradise of perfect food straight out of the garden of eden doesn't exist

processed food is fine, it's not as good for your body over the long term as unprocessed or less processed food, but it won't take years off your life or stop you from doing things

if you want to compare everything to an idealic version then nothing is good
not even your vegan, organic, soy, whatever else bullshit

just get off your high horse is the take home message
you're not a connoisseur of fine dining, you're just a twat with an opinion like everyone else

>> No.12729862

look it up

>> No.12730023

What the actual fuck?? I'm 118 lb and the same height and you look much better.

Any idea of your BF%, I think my shitty diet and lack of exercise is ruining me.

>> No.12730026

yeah ive read some do 600-700 cal diets
thats killing yourselves

>> No.12730041
File: 436 KB, 2048x1536, 18837088_1388103794600740_925254316913079902_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads are such shit. Not everyone here eats at such a deficit. Where can I actually go to find thinspo? Particularly for girls. It seems like this thread is just butthurt men from /fit/ and homos.

I've eaten burgers. I've even regularly eaten at Five Guys and maintained a low weight.

Eat this shit in moderation, do exercise. Eat your vegetables. Good god.

>not even your vegan, organic, soy, whatever else bullshit
All of that is trash. Especially soy and vegan.

>> No.12730089

only thing i dont eat in moderation is pussy, how u doin?

>> No.12730148
File: 2.76 MB, 500x281, 6e7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i-i-is t-t-that y-y-you?!

>> No.12730158

yeah youre alright
you seem normal skinny not sick looking skinny like most of people here are/want to be like
you can come to /fit/ no homo btw

>> No.12730198
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>> No.12730201
File: 39 KB, 442x641, 1504204468794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many days can I work out in a row? Can I do it everyday? If not, how many days inbetween do I need to have a break? Ideally i'd be looking at 5-6 times a week if I can

I just calisthenics stuff with weights, nothing too hardcore or punishing or anything

>> No.12730237
File: 25 KB, 657x527, 1498396518124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls giv me a (you) I would feel so happy if I knew a qt gave me (you) ;3

>> No.12730308
File: 68 KB, 504x650, baryshnikov in jeune homme et la mort by max waldman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else watch ballet for thinspo? And because it's great.

>> No.12730329

This is a Brandy Melville model, are you all high.

Yeah, the best compliment I've received was when someone asked me if I was a ballerina.

>> No.12730339

IF isn't an eating disorder

>> No.12730342
File: 36 KB, 657x527, 1499957275934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y-you just had to ruin it for me

>> No.12730348
File: 96 KB, 736x736, 7a53de8afed8167b9cc7e0a3f7327b4d--brandy-melville-photoshoot-friends-pictures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another point, though. What's with all these Pepe posters? And the stuttering?

Maybe you could get a cute thinspo girl if you stopped this nonsense.

>> No.12730351

nah noone browses /fa/ in my country long distance dont work
and i dont think thinspo girls are that qt ;3

>> No.12730371
File: 111 KB, 498x750, tumblr_nqkcldPNVF1se2fn7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you want an average to big girl while you're thin?

Anyone else noticed the trend where these thin af guys are dating heifers? Looks really gross.

>> No.12730382

im not thin? im normalish going for /fit/ goal is bearmode with big back and traps like tom hardy but taller

>> No.12730391

piss off you dumb roastie whore. you're taking one set of comments as though it is generally what's recommended on this thread.

>> No.12730399

Sorry, I didn't know.

Whewie. You have to admit, though, these people come in here all the time and say this like everyone in here is dying or a bag of bones or telling people to only drink black coffee and eat a carrot.

Are you upset that there's a girl here or what.

>> No.12730403
File: 53 KB, 510x532, 1472979283565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone else noticed the trend where these thin af guys are dating heifers?
No, not really. There are just more fat girls than ever and betas can't get reasonably fit girls. Women can get a date by literally just standing in a bar, men it takes some effort. So fat chicks can get boyfriends.

>> No.12730411

there are women here all the time, in fact previous polls have shown majority are women, you're just annoying in addition to being obviously new to 4chan in general.

>> No.12730423
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>> No.12730426

Might be just skin

>> No.12730427
File: 117 KB, 372x351, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop trying to get my goat.

You say "no, not really" but then explain how it's happening. Maybe trend was the wrong word, my fault. I meant more of how in today's society, it's more common to see a couple where the man is thinner than the woman. Not even just fat, but the women look totally bulky. I think I mentioned this in a previous thread, but dem hormones.

>> No.12730435

honest question no bully plz

Do thinspo girls want a thinspo guy? Or a guy that's at least muscular enough to pick them up/man handle them? thinking otterbox mode

>> No.12730448
File: 292 KB, 1400x1400, 1424812167245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think women on average are actually fatter than men now. So there are just more fat girls than fat guys. This is especially bad with blacks, where nearly 60% of the women are obese (not just overweight, but actually obese), and hispanics are pretty bad too but don't remember the figure.

If I wasn't about to go to bed I'd go into my rant about how fat people should be taxed for their healthcare, and unhealthy foods should be taxed (a sugar tax), and so forth. These savages aren't going to get healthy without force. Raising cigarette prices, and other anti-smoking measures such as package changes, warnings, and banning advertising, have worked. Smoking is way down in the US. Now we need to do that for unhealthy foods - especially the obvious ones.

>> No.12730506

>looking for bulimia binge videos
>all teenage girls
>their "binge" is 3 chocolate biscuits
>each biscuit is eaten in tiny bites
>takes over 15 minutes total
what the actual fuck
my binge is like 3 days worth of food and it's gone in 30 minutes, with purges inbetween
their chewing and lip smacking is giving me a raging hard on for some reason though

>> No.12730570

what kind of exercise y'all do? I'm starting to get decent results from diet alone but I'm reaching skinnyfat territory quick. should I start lifting or doing cardio, or both?

>> No.12730577

bigger guy

>> No.12730590

I started out doing exercises to target certain areas, didn't work at all for me besides i guess hip muscles from leg lifts, I think those did get bigger.
now I just ride my bike as cardio. walking feels kinda weird unless I'm going somewhere specific.

>> No.12730595

Fuck that would explain it ;_;

>> No.12730713

Few people do it for a little of time just to lose weight and then maintain it with eating better

>> No.12730812

IF is not an eating disorder unless you already have an eating disorder. It's the natural way for humans to eat actually, since we are optimized to last long periods of time without food. Although, those of us with anorexia or bulimia can use IF in destructive ways.

>> No.12730813
File: 116 KB, 684x1286, thsp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beards should accent your jawline if groomed properly, it should only make you look fat if you have a huge bushy one or are letting your neckbeard grow. i usually keep mine better taken care of than this but can't find any pictures right now

from my experience, thin girls don't want thin guys, i mostly seem to attract gay men and gay girls.

some girls i've been with have been insecure about me being skinnier than them, and for thinspo girls if anything they want large men who make them look even smaller by contrast.

>> No.12730832
File: 43 KB, 480x480, DHaiDiBXUAAcFBZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So guys, I have a question about IF. I've been doing it for the past four days with relative success, although I haven't quite beat the binge urges yet.

I try not to eat over 700 calories a day. Yesterday I ate 1200 and burned 500 off, and today I ate 1500 for no reason and was too tired to burn it off, so I'm fasting tomorrow.

But this is what I was wondering, on the days where I actually eat, what hour should my eating window start? Originally I was doing 20:4 and fasting until 4pm, but I would end up way too hungry and more likely to binge. So now I'm doing 18:6, which is a little easier, but the binge urges still don't fully go away. Is it better to break the fast at 12 or 1 instead of waiting until 4? What will help me lose weight faster?

Also my stats are 167cm and 70kgs. I managed to get down to 56kgs a while ago but depression and bad habits made me gain it back. I know I'm a fatass already.

>> No.12730836

>dat failed spoiler
I hate that some boards don't let you do this. What is the point.

>> No.12730844

With your logic, shouldn't there be an anorexia tax too, since most anorexics end up in the hospital and become a burden to their families the same way obese people do?

>> No.12730949

skinny fat

>> No.12730962

Hey, I just calculated and got 7.9% but I don't know how accurate that is. I do twice daily calisthenics -- nothing hardcore, just planks etc -- which possibly helps. Also tbf I did take that photo from a flattering angle

>> No.12730974

Ps, if it's any consolation, I'm a hideous ugly fuck who can't leave the house due to severe anxiety

>> No.12730977

How do you cope with hunger? I have little willpower to refuse eating when slightly hungry.
Gum? Water?

>> No.12730981

Raw, unsalted peanuts. A handful a day keeps the cravings away

>> No.12731064

Fuck man go get that thing checked doesnt look normal

>> No.12731093

I see a money hungry bitches dating fatasses a lot more.

>> No.12731115
File: 1.20 MB, 2048x2048, 0825172226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me. 6 foot, 43 kg

>> No.12731155

Are there some bodyweight exercises you can do while you are losing weight to have more defined muscles at the end ?

>> No.12731159

Anorexics that end up in the hospital are anomaly compared to 1/3 of the population being obese.

>> No.12731203

Im 5'11 and I weigh 152 pounds but that's not how my body looks what the fuck

>> No.12731244

What does your body look like?

>> No.12731245

Get medical help asap

>> No.12731286

Are those scars?

>> No.12731288

That's just sad. I'm 5'7 (170 cm) and 115 (52kg) and I'm underweight. I know that you love being thin but you should get 15-20kg more, honestly

>> No.12731335

can i drink unsweetened tea (green or black) on fasting hours when doing IF?

>> No.12731339
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>> No.12731345
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>> No.12731539

i know you can drink green. black i'm not sure about but it should be okay (:

>> No.12731546

yea, as long as you keep it under 30 carbs. The main point of IF is to allow your body to enter ketosis mode, which is when you burn fat. This happens when your body hasn't had any carbs or a max amount of 30 carbs. So you're safe, but double check if you want.

>> No.12731584

Maybe try just regular IF 20:4 for a while? Eating every day. Less likely to binge I think.

Another suggestion would be to do longer fasts. The first 3 days are the hardest, so alternate day fasting to me would be a nightmare. With a longer fast you do the hard part and then it gets easier.

Watch this:

>> No.12731596

What's your bmr then?

>> No.12731649

i guess nows the time to be thankful im only at the 3rd pic weight instead of the 1st. still fat though

>> No.12731675

I was also thinking this. Literally learn to hit the gym.

>> No.12731733

must be trap in pic, nasty.
just realized most in this thread are traps and fembois. sad.

>> No.12731782

I could brake you in half lol

>> No.12731791
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You basically just have to not eat everything on your plate. Is this some kind of social thing? Do they get angry or something?

>> No.12731798


Maybe it is an illusion, because you have no mucle, stranger.

But try cardio though, that helps.

>> No.12731816

Why would you need spoilers on a fashion board?

>> No.12731870

Meme reasons.

>> No.12731957

Fuck those thoughts of giving up you get when you're so hungry you wanna cry.

>> No.12731961


>> No.12731984

>tfw hungry and bored
I think this is a guaranteed way to break your fast.

>> No.12731988

just close your door and lie in bed with a fat glass of water and dont get up

>> No.12731989

I'm 1m76 for 49 kg and this is litteraly the only place where people say it is not a problem

>> No.12731995

It's a problem

>> No.12732042


>> No.12732052

i dont eat more than twice a day and drink a shit ton of water, have lost like 60 pounds lol

>> No.12732086

I just ate a 140 calorie granola bar. Whatever.

>> No.12732099

Thanks for showing me this video, it was pretty relaxing. The comment section is cancer though. Probably Americans who think going more than 2 hours without food is the end of the world...

>> No.12732112

Bulimiafags, how exactly do you guys purge? Please explain the preparation, procedure, etc. because everytime I try nothing ever comes up and I just end up with fingers full of saliva.

>> No.12732116

Yeah, to be expected. Glad you enjoyed.

>> No.12732142

Is there a way to get a broader pelvis so your legs are more apart. I have ultra thin legs but they are very narrow which looks kinda strange for a man

>> No.12732184

I used to purge. It really isn't worth it at all. It fucks up your teeth and eventually leads to bloating which defeats the purpose.

>> No.12732188

we don't need spoilers we need surprise boxes

>> No.12732197

That's because you're a lot weaker than they are. Gain some self control my dude.

>> No.12732200

Not the purgeanon, but why does it cause bloating?

I can't imagine puking up my food, I got sick a few weeks ago and puked and it was miserable.

>> No.12732204

Post link

>> No.12732207

Going to have a cheat meal today. I want to have an eggplant parmesan sub which I haven't had in over a year because my they fucked up my order and drenched my sandwich in gallons of oil. Should I take that risk or just buy two slices of pizza? (Stupid question, I know)

>> No.12732208

you remove your skinny fat buy exercising and toning and lifting weights.
dont be afraid of becoming Arnold by lifting weights a few months, won't happen I swear

>> No.12732214

yep but not from anything cool

>> No.12732389

Really enjoyed the video. Thanks a lot!

>> No.12732397

Why anyone would actually aspire to be a binge/purger is beyond me.

>> No.12732413

they aspire to be thin, the method to achieve that varies

>> No.12732460

I get that, just that binge/purging is probably the worst method imaginable. Not to mention counter productive. You can still gain weight even after purging.

>> No.12732568
File: 59 KB, 640x426, Bild 2017-08-30 kl. 17.16 #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> chug a bottle of water
> eat the food, chew it a lot and drink 1-2 cups of hot tea in between bites or water but tea makes it easier
> cut your nails, toilet seat up and line with tp to minimize backsplash
> STAND UP and bend over toilet (this is where most movies get it wrong, no squatting by the seat like when youre sick you gotta stand up and use gravity for your service)
> wet two fingers with warm water, let the tap run if you arent alone to cover the sounds
> stick em down your throath and wiggle
> ???
> sweet sweet relief

more tips
> milk and ice cream is like puking clouds, do recomend
> some say carbonates drinks makes the puke easier, but i fins it too acidic but works if you are going to eat something hard to puke like bread
> bread, peanut butter and chocolate is not for beginners
> if you dont drink enough during you will choke
> wash face but do not brush teeth until at least 20 mins after, rinse mouth with baking soda solved in water to prevent teeth damage
> but you will loose your teeth anyways
> will probably get heart attack and die

>> No.12732584


This is most of this thread (website even) including me

Need to put muscle on to offset the high amount of fat on your body, this will reduce your gut and love handles. Kinda stuck with the big butt though

>> No.12732597
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If i'm skinny fat will I lose fat if I just continue to lose weight? I'm doing weights and calisthenics and shit and it's making a change but my ideal goal would be low muscle AND low fat, a human twig basically

>> No.12732639

go for the sub

>> No.12732665
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If you aren't eating at a surplus you aren't going to really gain muscle whatsoever. It helps you to still retain some muscle, which is a good thing, when people say low muscle they really mean some muscle, because actual low muscle looks skinnyfat and terrible.

>> No.12732696

>t. fatty

>> No.12732702

lift and cut, go to /fit/

>> No.12732712

Fair enough point, what does low fat AND low muscle look like though?

>> No.12732726
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>> No.12732771

Doesn't really look that bad

>> No.12732772

thanks for the laugh

>> No.12732781

spoken like a well adjusted individual
I'm glad you don't know the torment of an eating disorder

>> No.12732819

Yea I got the suicidal card instead of the I throw up my food card. Lucky me.

>> No.12732925

You can see his gut as he's bending over. That's bcuz no muscle.

>> No.12732946

can anyone answer my question at all pls?

>> No.12732990

if you're starving yourself and losing muscle because of it, will lifting weights make yours arms smaller or will it retain the muscle there beter>?

>> No.12733017

they aren't exclusive

>> No.12733028

it will help maintain the muscle

>> No.12733049

I think your body will try harder to retain muscles that are being used, but you'll also be burning more calories.

>> No.12733071

It wasnt my intention to imply that they are

>> No.12733103

Also an anterior pelvic thrust will give the impression of a braaapft tier ass. This can be corrected over time via stretches and calisthenics

>> No.12733113

Thrust? Tilt, is what I meant, obviously

>> No.12733161 [DELETED] 
File: 2.17 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot from 2017-09-04 17-36-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating and drinking near an hhkb
you are making my palms sweaty anon

>> No.12733164

>eating and drinking near an hhkb
you are making my palms sweaty anon

>> No.12733168

What should be my gw if I'm 5'3"

>> No.12733190


While this is pretty extreme, this is quite common during heavy/rapid weight loss. Happened to me. Just keep going maybe start doing some ab excessive. Even if you don't it will probably level out.

>> No.12733200

Excellent keyboard choice my dude, typing this on a happy hacker myself

>> No.12733211

Chubby? Hahahaha you fucking deluded idiot

>> No.12733215

I'm a man with a juicy ass. how do i get rid of it

>> No.12733223

Fat American

>> No.12733232

What's with the meme that people with big asses fart a lot? Is it a spiteful thing made up to feel superior to people with big asses? This isn't bait, I just am curious where and how this started.

>> No.12733295

Genetics, sorry dude

>> No.12733340

I'm pretty sure it just has to do with fart fetishes. People who are into farting also seem to like big asses.

>> No.12733350

Probably better question for /fit/ but I don't see a probably with working out every day. Better to have a rest day and not do the same things each day.

>> No.12733380
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hows this bois?

>> No.12733467

Thanks for input, my idea exactly, either do it every day/near every day but something different or day on day off but more of the "same" stuff. Wonder which would be better. And I usually don't go on /fit/ because they're easily one of the most deluded, bitter, unpleasant and unhelpful people on this website, and that's compared to /r9k/

pretty fucking jelly m8

>> No.12733468


>> No.12733471

/fit/ was a mistake

>> No.12733597

Yeah you're right anon, that does make me feel better :)

>> No.12733656
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>> No.12733666

2nd was peak female body
3rd was ok along with 1st
but 4-6 are just fucking destination:auschwitz
Fix up.

>> No.12733667

...that's a trap, isn't it? Or am I becoming paranoid?

>> No.12733832

ty bb's helps out my need for attention and shit like that.... no but seriously ty

>> No.12733958

We don't care about the opinions of people who prefer chubby bodies, if you haven't noticed.

>> No.12733970

jesus how hard does she have to try for attention

>> No.12733993

near a whole bunch of other shit too, doesn't mean I don't wet wipe my hands before touching it. I've manners

good for you, jap tech quality is where it's at
currently in the market for keycaps
I mean the default's fine, but since I can... why not spice it up

>> No.12734031

lmao best thing I read today.
I bet you're the type of person that wonders why eating 1800cal a day doesn't make them lose any weight.

>> No.12734036

>>Vomit it up
nigga is this bait

>> No.12734053

what keyboard is that..

>> No.12734054

I think this is a symptom of an ED

>> No.12734091
File: 1.07 MB, 4032x3024, 1494939257816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this bait?
or are you ignorantly unaware of the the happy hacking keyboard which exclusively made in and shipped from japanland since they got a patent on those topre switches

>> No.12734166

That's becuase being thin is a masculine thing

>> No.12734172

It is chubby. I know that in America you are considered chubby only after you get too fat to see your knees but it's not America

>> No.12734183

From what I understood BMR is Basal Metabolic Rate, how many calories I have to consume. I just checked it out and got 1387 calories/day

>> No.12734206

>happy hacking keyboard
strong shill

>> No.12734245

no one is naturally thin or fat you retard. it's all a matter of habits. no "naturally thin" person eats nearly as much as they think they do.

>> No.12734248

if that were true, then why do thin men look more feminine or androgynous than their fat or muscular counterparts? thin women also have a delicate femininity about them.

>> No.12734269
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Anyone know of the effectiveness of cycling? I've been cycling several miles every day and eating less than 900 calories most days, sometimes fasting, yet I'm still not losing weight very quickly. I've been stuck at 122 for almost a week now (5'7 male btw.)
Pic isn't me, just my goal.

>> No.12734277

I think anon was being sarcastic.

>> No.12734291

glad to know that. it was the most absurd statement i'd ever read.

>> No.12734306

How much is "several" miles?

>> No.12734389

its all uphill but I always go at least five miles and I go every day.

>> No.12734408
File: 5 KB, 130x250, 1472795807756s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I'll ever be thinspo. I have a really hard time focusing on my work when I'm fasting. I drink lots of water but it only helps for 20 or 30 minutes. I've lost some weight but I'm not skinny enough to be happy.

>> No.12734423

Try eating more fat instead of carbs

>> No.12734434
File: 23 KB, 645x773, uberfeel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw lost 10kg since April

My only achievement this year

>> No.12734449

Proud of you anon!<3

Me on the other hand.. I've gained some weight but I'm positive I'll be able to lose it all hhhhh

>> No.12734508

>You can eat whatever you want for those 2 meals but skip the third and youll soon be the skeleton of the town
Except that if you eat enough calories in those 2 meals you'll gain weight. CICO is the only way to lose weight, whether you realize it or not.

>> No.12734582

I'm 5'7 and currently 52kg, how am I doing skinny boys?

>> No.12734648

any tips on bod like urs m8? I have the same sort of 'outline' so to speak (small waist, hip bones, normal/wideish shoulders) but i'm skinny fat lol

>> No.12734669

My main goal is losing weight to get a gaunt face quickly. I know you can't spot reduce fat, and I also know losing weight fast isn't the same as losing fat fast.

What would people suggest, I am happy to give anything a go. I should mention I am not fat, just have a bit leftover under my chin that I would like to get rid of.

>> No.12734827


>> No.12734910

I'm in need of a book about binge eating or hunger control

>> No.12734923

I'm surprised you haven't been losing. I got really thin by cycling. Maybe your fast is fucking you up.

>> No.12735056

probably muscle gains making you weigh more. you should track your measurements as well as your weight to have a better idea of your appearance. the 120s can look pretty thinspo on people with lean builds.

>> No.12735066

I ate a total of 1500 calories today. If I burn off 1800, will I weigh less tomorrow?

>> No.12735160
File: 23 KB, 390x365, THUMBSUP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you run into someone you haven't seen since last semester and they say you're looking healthy

>> No.12735166

>will I weigh less tomorrow
You'll have less body fat tomorrow, you could weigh more because your weight fluctuates by like 3-5 lbs based on water retention. Also if that includes calories from exercise your math could be thrown off, calories in food are much more accurate than calories burnt in exercise unless you're hooked up to an oxygen sensor.

>> No.12735271
File: 50 KB, 449x690, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't get over the shaking feeling that i'll still overweight, you guys look so good and no matter how long I fast, I will never look like that.

Pic related.

>> No.12735650

What did u guys eat today?
I went IF and ate a crunchy roll at 6 pm

>> No.12735673

Banana in the morning - 100
Ramen with 2 eggs - 560
Cottage Cheese - 100
Normally I eat 1400 calories which is 1000 under my TDEE but I've got some weed withdrawal right now which kills my appetite so I can diet harder.

>> No.12735745

olkb masterrace

>> No.12735838

I'll start measuring too. I don't look very thinspo, I have a little gut that I loathe. Could it be from water weight? I drink a fuckton of water every day (about a full glass every hour that I am awake.) Could it be that my extra weight is coming from that?

>> No.12735844

Wow, pls site a source on that, I didn't realize that metabolic rates varying between persons was disproven. Educate me anon :^)

>> No.12735967

Make your own dinners. Vegetarian burgers are pretty inexpensive. Fry 'em up in some avocado oil and a bit of Worcestershire sauce.

>> No.12735997

>avacado oil
why, just why.

>> No.12736036
File: 22 KB, 252x332, IMG_1221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which side do the legs come from now?

>> No.12736188

It's fukken good for you.

>> No.12736316

It can be achieved, you just need a bit of willpower at first

>> No.12736528

so atm im skinny but eat just starch so im pretty pudgy
im gonna start swimming next week, will this tone me up?

>> No.12736545
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When I was loosing weight I used to get anxious too when my weight plateaued, but the way I would calm myself down was that I hadn't gained any weight. Just don't do anything crazy with the diet that you can't maintain.

Don't go to any parties soon either
Don X

>> No.12736812
File: 117 KB, 1080x720, tumblr_og6etwvxS11ug1lz9o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so I'm having black coffee through the day and in the evenings i have a meal with my family, i try to keep it under 500 calories.

Will i loose weight? Approximately how much will i loose weekly/monthly? I don't move around too much, just go about my day at uni.

I'd like to loose around 15 kg

>> No.12736854

At least you have good facial aesthetics anon
>tfw no matter how thinspo you get you'll always be hideously ugly

>> No.12736878
File: 938 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20170829-104111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll try to stay calm, it's just a bit frustrating to plateau for so long while working so hard.
And I spend all day browsing forums with people with no friends so I don't have to worry about parties.
goodbye, my love.

>> No.12736929

i know metabolism is a thing and all but most of these "i can eat what i want and i can't get fat :^)))" types don't consume nearly as much as other people (speaking from personal experience)

>> No.12736972

6'4 skinnyfat here, is /thinspo/ something I should go for or /fit/?

>> No.12737058

Which ever you prefer. I think being thin at that height looks great but it's really up to you. A buff guy at 6'4" would look pretty alpha.

>> No.12737061

Nigga that's a fucking tumor.

>> No.12737068

>I've manners
Kill yourself

>> No.12737118

Other anon here.
They really don't. Both look masculine in their own way, thin women look boyish because of it too.

>> No.12737129

Both as in thin-muscle. Fat is a disease on men.

>> No.12737139

Can someone explain to me what happens when you do IF, as opposed to eating the same amount but spread out over a day? I'm doing it involuntarily now because of school/work, 1 huge meal just fits so much better.

>> No.12737206 [DELETED] 

If you can eat over 1700 calories in one meal you are probably a massively fat fuck. I doubt I can go over that even if I eat fast food that day.

>> No.12737240

Tfw had to stop drinking coffee because can't sleep with caffiene combined with empty stomach.

>> No.12737257

sleeping pills man, and a shot of vodka.

>> No.12737295


Should I have surgery to shave my bones down? They're too fat and I can't stand them.

>> No.12737386

Does smoking cigarettes help to loose weight?Im eating only launch and smoke like 10 cigarettes and drink like 1-1,5 litres of water or sometimes juice

>> No.12737470

clearly you've none

>> No.12737504

Appetite suppressant. So yeah kind of. Doesn't increase metabolism or burn calories though.

>> No.12737660
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>> No.12737772

TFW can't bulk up for the life of me

guess being /fa/ is better than /fit/, r right guys?

>> No.12737988
File: 233 KB, 768x1024, 1495077772861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no
not unless you lace it with either meth, crack, or dope
only literally daily hours of physical labor and/or gym can burn off that excess energy
but beware.. the gym is for fags
only real life adventure can mold you a proper physique
you're going to have to put more pressure on your back than an egyptian slave hauling obelisks
life is fucking beautiful
and to reach it's peak, to witness that feeling for yourself... you're going to have to pay with blood and time
it's worth it though
commanding respect is what life is all about

>> No.12738221
File: 295 KB, 1280x960, IMG_0566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw thinspo body but ugly, disgusting, troll-tier face

>> No.12738237

Which bones?

>> No.12738250

>tfw go to gym and is fag
trust the gypsy lady anon

>> No.12738296

I've eaten nothing since breakfast besides tea and some vitamins am i gonna die in my sleep

>> No.12738310

I know this feel too, anon. It's even worse when you're a manlet.

>> No.12738322

no. you will eat before you starve, and if you are drinking and use vitimins you can fast till you run out of bodyfat