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File: 160 KB, 1200x1600, germanaustrianunli_08934_11__1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12694819 No.12694819 [Reply] [Original]

Are normies capable of appreciating black combat boots or do they immediately think "nazi" when they see a man wearing them? They seem a lot more forgiving when women wear black boots

>> No.12694826

Normalized by Kanye WestTM

>> No.12694830

I wear my black combat boots all the time. I'm black though.

>> No.12694840

Don't be a pussy

>> No.12694841

youll catch some heat but unless youre a sperg they can be a positive

>> No.12694880

Yeah, I wear mine all the time, too. And I'm white. They look good on nearly everyone, I think, except I guess maybe fatsos. Wearing practical and indestructible boots in any large city is a sign of intelligence and that you don't really give a shit, which is cool as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.12695019

That's been the real appeal to them since the 60s bruh. Even the first English skin heads who popularized docs had their fair share of minorities amongst them.

>> No.12695029

just avoid wearing other items that could be considered nazi

>> No.12695035
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So my standard winter/fall uniform is
>flannel w/ dark t-shirt
>black slim/skinny pants tucked into Austrian para boots

But I've gone from long hair to a no guard buzzcut over the summer. Will I look like a total neo-nazi now? I imagine I will since everyone close to me has said I look like a white supremacist. I hope nobody tries to fight me.

>> No.12695067

Might be pushing it.

You'll likely just get shit from old people (depending on where you live).

>> No.12695079
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I wanna cop some shirts in this style but I don't know what they are called. They're western style but they're not western shirts.

>> No.12695081

>tfw will never look good in combat boots because manlet

>> No.12695108

kanye and shia pull it off

>> No.12695112

Looks like an aztec or tribal print if you didn't know that already. My grandpa had a ton of these fading away in storage.

>> No.12695139

navajo pattern

>> No.12695143

if you don't talk about ethnic cleansing you'll be fine
maybe some baggy tops if your worried idk what would make it look more nuetral

>> No.12695167

Thanks! That brings up some vintage stuff but vintage is always overprice online. Will just have to hit up the thrift stores.

>> No.12695320

where can I cop those or one that look almost the same?

>> No.12695349

What OP hopes:
>Omg look at that guy, he looks like a Nazi, but I'm not going to tell him off because I am so fucking wet I need that Nazi seed inside me.
What OP gets:
>Look at that twink wearing boots, he dresses like a girl. All he needs is the yoga pants to complete the look and with those jeans he is almost there.

>> No.12695368
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>Tfw I just like wearing milspo and lunar core and don't really care what others think about x, y, or z...

Such is life..

>> No.12695703

> or do they immediately think "nazi" when they see a man wearing them?

Depends on whether or not the rest of your fit looks nazi-ish or not. Generally just avoid too much black, avoid long coats and avoid those dodgy caps and you should look fine (ie the worst you'll do is look like a regular autist rather than a far-right autist)

>> No.12695787

I wear mine pretty frequently, generally with a bomber or tucked tee, nobody has said anything yet so you should be fine

>> No.12695830

Americans are extraordinarily judgmental and weird when it comes to fashion. The worst would be going out in Shia-military stuff. Especially the tan Nike SFBs. You will get a lot of ex-military idiots who will think that what you're doing is basically stolen valor. But it of course all depends on where you live. If you're in a hip area of a city, then you're fine. But if you're in a small town in America you will have some unpleasant conversations.

>> No.12695868
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>Wearing practical and indestructible boots in any large city is a sign of intelligence and that you don't really give a shit, which is cool as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.12695877

I was wearing black high top docs, yeezy tyvek sweats, black tee and a Rains raincoat tied round my waste (it was pouring with rain earlier in the day)

Female black friend said I looked dope but I could definitely be mistaken for a nazi/skinhead.

Good thing I didn't no guard shave my head like I wanted to

>> No.12695935

As a normie, kind of I guess, I just think "obnoxious norwegian metal dude"

>> No.12696038

yeah even if people don't take OP for a nazi they'll still think he's some kind of weirdo
you can't look not autistic in boots like these
celebs may be able to pull it off but in general they can wear whatever they want, also a whole entourage of normal looking people around them allows them to dress rather freakishly
OP is probably some introverted, skinny, pale teenager that will look like an edgelord in those boots

>> No.12696100

I wear mine all the time at my University, and have never had anyone give me shit for it. Just wear them and if anyone does give you shit for wearing them, you've got the perfect shoes to stomp them with. Win win.

>> No.12696119

Post inspo

>> No.12696677

What are the best sleek looking combat boots that aren't SLP or Dior?

>> No.12696693

Mind posting a fit? That sounds more like hipster garb where I'm from.

>> No.12696768

You sound like every woman that has ever worn docs.. a dyke

>> No.12696813

Don't be insecure, if you like them then wear them regardless of what people could think. No one's gonna' say or do anything about you wearing some black boots, man. You'll look good in them, fuck what they say.

>> No.12696826

They're Austrian paratrooper boots my dude, cheap as chips and 10/10.

>> No.12696864

absolutely nobody thinks of nazis when someone wears black boots. Doc martins have been a thing with edgy teenagers for a while

>> No.12696892

Austrian paratroopers or some cocorrans(however thats spelled). I went with the Austrian memes.

>> No.12696895
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>orange tips on shotgun and pistol

>> No.12697227

there was a weird point in my life last winter where I was seeing this really sweet Chinese girl and I used to wear a black long coat with black boots and I had a messy ceaser undercut, people thought I was a neo nazi but I live in a left wing part of England, the sheer difference between the two of us was very odd and I broke up with her because I felt like a peado despite her being older than me

this has almost no relevance to what you were asking but it just reminded me of that story so thanks

>> No.12697232


>> No.12697650

oh shit id on pants?

>> No.12697660

Me and my girlfriend wears them , except i am indian and she's korean so it's hard to get Nazis from us

>> No.12697663

Just put a punk patch somewhere on your person.

>> No.12697665

Can a womanlet wear combat boots?

>> No.12697666
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>> No.12697761

yap for sure

>> No.12697941

you can try thrifts i have one similar to this i always see stuff like this there

>> No.12697987

If anything, they're now worn by lefty uni students. Not because they're looking for a fight, just because it's a fashion. You'll be fine.

>> No.12698013

I'm a dude...

>> No.12698076
File: 391 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170821-125039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like those quite a lot desu. Know if they're tts?

>> No.12698093
File: 94 KB, 448x669, 1480152109946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already got some docs but I kind of want a pair of Austrian para boots now. Am I autistic?

>> No.12698580

they look like shit

knowing him they're some military garb that he's taken in to make tapered

>> No.12698582

It may be a combination of the fit and the angle but you look like you have a really long torso and short legs. It's not a flattering silhouette

>> No.12698614

C++ core

>> No.12698623

Guidis tend to run a little small but if you're TTS they'll stretch

>> No.12698708

Where can I buy the austrian paratrooper boots in the best quality possible and in larger sizes?

Having US 14 size feet makes my boot selection hard but these seem sleek and not too clunky so they're my best bet.

>> No.12698720
File: 90 KB, 700x466, IMG_1757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not him. That's just your standard skinhead we see all the time in Blighty

>> No.12698869

i work in a grocery store out on the floor and wear the exact ones in op's pic at work and elsewhere very often, with black skinny jeans tucked into them. i have long hair too so lots of people just assume im a metalhead, though im really not but it's understandable. have never gotten any flak after owning them for 8ish months now, just some compliments here and there.

my main concern was encountering spergs who think i'd be appropriating the military for wearing them. surprisingly, i actually had a vietnam vet say they look nice and he commented how similar they were to what he wore in the war.

>> No.12698913

most vets tend to be cool dudes

>> No.12699034

I have these boots. People have complimented them. It just depends whether or not the rest of your outfit makes you look like a nazi. Are you gonna wear them with super skinny jeans, suspenders and a shaved head? you might look a bit nazi. I wear slim fit rolled up jeans with them and a tshirt or short sleeved shirt tucked in.

>> No.12699261

Yes. It's just that the boots you're wearing are ugly and as a result people associate you with a nazi rather than some dude who wants to hop on a new fashion trend.

>> No.12699289


>> No.12699367

I'm proud of ralphieboy for catching a good popularity wave

>> No.12699487


>> No.12699521

>he dresses for normies
neck yourself faggot

>> No.12699543

>communist extremists are starting to stab people for sporting undercuts
Yes, OP is such a retard to avoid being targeted by terrorists.

>> No.12699653

Pretty sure they are Julius, but idk why you'd want those particular ones, Julius makes much nicer gasmask cargos

>> No.12700068 [DELETED] 

IF on jacket ?

>> No.12700070

ID on the jacket?

>> No.12700292


How long was it since you talked to a real human being?

>> No.12701071

Guidi or dries van noten if you want designer

Corcorans are kinda chunky desu, they've got a high toe like red wing iron rangers

>> No.12701575

yeah no

>> No.12701580

don't believe anything paul joseph watson or /pol/ tell you senpai

>> No.12701656

A mutual straight white male acquaintance of mine is currently undergoing complete social ostricization because a few keen observers noted that he hadn't explicitly denounced white supremacy/the alt-right on social media. He responded by making the point that white supremacists make up such a small percentage of the American population that requiring people who distance themselves from the movement by default is a waste of everyone's time. Someone or a few people evidently tried to get him fired for what he said, although it didn't work.

Granted, I have never explicitly made an "I hate nazis" social media post and I still haven't caught this wrath, but I don't think it's unreasonable to want to exercise some caution nowadays, particularly depending on where you live.

>> No.12701769

high school fag. I bought some tan shia boots last winter, I definitely got weird looks but a few compliments too. Gonna buy austrian memes this fall/winter, looking forward to some nice fits. Honestly I try not to let any weird looks bother me.

>> No.12701797

You sound like a faggot.

>> No.12701802

Honestly if you are tall dark and handsome you can wear whatever. Wear boots like these under that description and normal fags will say "oh, he's so artsy".

Anything else though, they will probably assume autism, or edgelord.

>> No.12701818

People don't care about you as much 4chan users seem to believe. As long as you're not wearing literal swastikas while wearing these its fine. Just dont be gay and don't wear super skinny jeans with them, slim works. I think these look super sweet, I love them.

Also, dont wear them *every* day..

>> No.12701825

>How long was it since you talked to a real human being?

If you think people will see a man wearing black boots and think "Nazi" you are definitely projecting with this comment.

>> No.12701826

I bet your niggers give you shit for that lad.

>> No.12701841

*white men

I wear these all the time and just get strange looks from fellow black people

>> No.12701857


Are you a cracker black person or a traditional nigga?

>> No.12702801

You fags think you are way more noticed/important IRL than you actually are

>> No.12702982

best place to buy those kind of combat boots with decent quality/price?
can they handle some rain or light snow (nothing crazy)?

>> No.12703282

This. Don't be so mean though.

>> No.12703307

What does that even mean?

>> No.12703312
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>can boots designed for prolonged warfare withstand light rain/snow?

Yes, but still take care of them. If you want surplus, Austrian para boots are the big thing right now; also, Varustreleka has Norwegian unissued boots for around $140, Corcoran makes some excellent ones in the US for around $150, and Altama makes some limited runs of theirs from time to time. Just don't cheap out for some Chinese made ones or ever trust McRae

>> No.12703388

How do the Austrian paratrooper boots run? Should I size up? Size down?

>> No.12703393

It's a drop in the bucket, my dude

>> No.12703554

/r9k/ here, trying to into effay. these appeal to me-- what kinda wardrobe should i build around these? skinny black jeans + heavier jacket? how else can i shake it up
thx :)

>> No.12703605

So someone asked to him to denounce white supremacy and he wouldn't?

>> No.12703704

Personally I would have just done it but his point was that it's completely ridiculous to assume everyone is a white supremacist by default and only allow them innocence if they first denounce the movement

He's kind of aspie, don't read too much into it

>> No.12703892

I really like this style, but it seems to have fallen out of favor with fa generally, but that doesnt mean you cant go for it. I have a few pics of similar style if you'd like.

>> No.12703901

Are you a white black person or just a black person lad

Tyler the creator or chief keef

>> No.12703903

How do I stop these from squeaking? When I walk in them the right boot squeaks.

>> No.12704023

There's a boot general for a reason

Take the leather 'insoles' out

>> No.12704076

They don't make para boots in my size, unless you guys can help. I wear a size fifteen.

>> No.12704782

Where's a good place to get some Austrian paraboots from?

>> No.12704823

my main concern is going full mil surp when i start wearing these (already looking at those parkas)

>> No.12704847

Is it possible to do this style with a heavy wool coat without looking like a fascist cosplayer

>> No.12705034

Southwestern pattern

>> No.12705476 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 470x454, 1450420343999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much would any of y'all be willing to pay for size 13 Austrian memboots with new vibram insoles , $70?

>> No.12705478

how much would any of y'all be willing to pay for size 13 Good Condition Austrian memboots with new vibram outsoles , $70?

>> No.12705560

Kommando Store?

>> No.12705665

Aw why you selling senpai? I remember you getting them originally in a boot general

EBay or random surplus websites

>> No.12705686 [DELETED] 

I've been doing some soul searching and I'm more of a work boot guy. I'll post in the boot general I guess when I put it up for sale and the price is basically the price of the outsole. $70

>> No.12705690
File: 1.58 MB, 1836x3264, IMG_20170824_172318842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been doing some soul searching and I'm more of a work boot guy. I'll post in the boot general I guess when I put it up for sale and the price is basically the price of the outsole. $70

>> No.12705695

post pics yo

>> No.12705700

Why'd you decide to resole them? The good condition ones I've seen from KS all have great soles. Mine look barely worn.

>> No.12705713
File: 465 KB, 480x800, 1475594234575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres some pics, hope it's what you are looking for.
I've been easing into milsurp for a while so I get what you mean.
I would have to see the coat to tell.

>> No.12705716


>> No.12705717
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>> No.12705719
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>> No.12705721
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>> No.12705725
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>> No.12705731

I own the boots, not the coat unfortunately. But I'd like to go surplus because I'm a poorfag

>> No.12705732
File: 66 KB, 720x720, 2017-08-24_17.46.54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting each boot desu.
The heel was worn in the back it was probably good for a three more months and then a resole and I though yeah for the heck of it.

>> No.12705740
File: 71 KB, 720x720, 2017-08-24_17.52.55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

litteraly the sort of damage is this but its shallow and is pretty much cosmetic

>> No.12705747
File: 61 KB, 720x720, 2017-08-24_17.57.25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats it.

>> No.12705748

Is this troll? Can you really be so autistic you have to ask about wearing boots in public?

>> No.12705783

TOO skinny. Holy shit dude.

>> No.12705790

These Austrian memes look way better if they look worn, one of the very few boots this applies to

>> No.12705799

Why do parkas look so bad when zipped up

>> No.12705804

Is the parka from ivan? Is the sizing accurate? Is this the 2005 pre/post?

>> No.12705832

No this is a different parka, not sure which

>> No.12705836

where can I get a pair?

also have a shaved head kek

>> No.12705987

>not writing 'sole' searching

Oh well. Decent price though so you'll probs find someone to buy them

>> No.12707148

W2c good soles

>> No.12707578

Put babypowder between the insole and sole

>> No.12707674

I'm just black take that how you will.

>> No.12707680
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>> No.12707755

holy shit your skinny

>> No.12707777

are these the austrian para boots? please tell me theyre not because this guy looks like a clown

>> No.12707791
File: 1.57 MB, 719x1111, 1487629736737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice get

>> No.12707880

Its hard to tell but probably, they dont look that bad if you arent a skeleton, also sick quads famo

>> No.12708186

This good

>> No.12708190


>> No.12708201
