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/fa/ - Fashion

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12560731 No.12560731 [Reply] [Original]

I went shoppinh today and I noticed clothes just do not look well! Advice please. Real picture

>> No.12560732

stop dressing like a basic bitch then

>> No.12560733
File: 1.63 MB, 2340x4160, IMG_20170625_174127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just hate it....please advice.

>> No.12560737

get undressed and post nudes

>> No.12560744

Lose weight, post nudes. Whore.

>> No.12560745

show face

>> No.12560751

you kinda look like my ex in this pic, but bitch didn't have those huge ass feet

>> No.12560769

No offense but you're too fat to be dressing like a slut. At least get to the right size before showing so much skin. All that squishiness just doesn't come off as sexy. I don't understand how fat girls even how the confidence to wear such revealing clothes, I mean when I was that size, I couldn't bare looking at my bare pudgy legs in shorts let alone, walk out into the public with them!

>> No.12560814

post feet

>> No.12560820

Go into a more expensive store. The clothes are low quality and boring. It could also be that you just don't know how to dress yourself in a way you like, or how to dress to your frame in a way you like.

>> No.12560840

you're going to have to be a little more specific on what you want advice on. Personally i think this is fairly innofensive, but that's because the outfit is so basic. If you're not satisfied with these clothes, try changing up the colors (which for me is the worst thing here) or the fit/size of what you're wearing. a lot of people overlook color but it's super super important. Also don't let people on 4chan bully you into anorexia
>inb4 white knight

>> No.12560843

hey buddy! you seem to have forgot the purpose of a trip! on 4chan a trip code is really only needed when you're identity is relevant to the post you're making! maybe it's just me, but i don't really see the point of you having a trip in this case. This isn't your blog!

>> No.12560856

You're too fat for the summer slut style.

Just wear leggings in black

And a loose fitting top over a sports bra like forever 21 has for overweight sluts

>> No.12560888

just wear loose slacker core shit and lurk till you lose weight

>> No.12560897

I'll buy you clothes if you let me be your boyfriend :^}

>> No.12560906

Try on some high heels for us

>> No.12560910

>normal weight person posts
>/fa/ has a fit and REEEEEs about them being """obese"""

>> No.12560918

>normal weight

>> No.12560921

show us more pics of your feet

>> No.12560924

>large feet
>obviously bulkier frame
>big legs
>not sure if it's the angle or a camel toe poking through
Everybody has their style, and this simply doesn't appear to be hers. She definitely isn't "obese," but stocky people will benefit from a slimmed look (anybody will, but shorter people more so).
Assuming OP is honestly asking for advice and didn't post in an attempt at showing off their body, try some tennis shoes with black leggings. A skirt with flats/ small heels would work as well. Just... no open-toed shoes. Try some exercises aimed at burning fat in your legs too, and drop fatty foods for the best results

>> No.12560931

You cannot burn fat from your legs retard, your cells don't have brains to know where to choose from, they get fat from all your body. Not saying she couldn't use some exercise if she wants to dress like that. Personally I would dress differently and embrace the thicc style though I dig it.

>> No.12560932

ameribuger please go

>> No.12560955
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>normal person posts
>/fa/ has a heart attack and chimps out about them being """"""""""""""""unfashionable""""""""""""""""""""""

>> No.12560962

the thicc meme is such a fucking joke. very rarely does it work on white women as suggested by OP's picture. she is "thicc" in all the wrong places, causing the fat on her thighs to squeeze together into such an awkward bent shape. it's so unaesthetic. there's a reason why the thigh gap meme exists. and plus if she truly wanted to emphasis her thiccness without looking like an obese burger, she could instead try to emphasis other parts of the body.

for example, since her waist isn't all too bad, a crop could work or some high waisted shorts/jeans. also there are clearly some side boob thing merging together with her shoulders, cover that shit up. so definitely sleeves. if you have big boobs, maybe try some v necks. it's all about playing at your good traits and legs just don't appear to be hers. until you have some nice shapely legs, i suggest covering those cottage cheese shapeless lards.

>> No.12560963

>try some exercises AIMED at burning fat in your legs
Doing squats won't burn arm fat because your cells can't choose. You can target areas of your body, you know. Again, dropping fatty foods will cut the tub all over too. Her legs don't look so much thick as they look chubby

>> No.12560998

clothes will never look good on you if you don't lose weight so go to gym and come back next summer

>> No.12561060

Shut the fuck up since you don't know what you're talking about. When you burn fat it takes it from all over the body at once. You can't target specific areas to burn fat in. You can however target specific areas to build muscles in.

Go read the sticky at /fit/ at least

>> No.12561091
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Yeah the shorts don't suit you. Both the waist and leg are too high.
Your body type would better suit something a bit more conservative and vertically elongated like pic related.

And don't listen to this faggot. I would massage and suckle gently/10.

>> No.12561093

I shoulda also mentioned, go up a size or two. That tight fit constricts your hips instead of accentuating them. Gives you a cylindrical shape instead of hourglass.

>> No.12561107


Why are young women these days such attention whores?

I get that reading gossip magazines isn't going to expand your conversational ability, but fucking hell it's pathetic.

>> No.12561119

Get the fuck out of here fucking attention whore you look fine

>> No.12561124

Being A) A grill and B) Not 30kg you were almost asking to be savaged by the faceless monsters of /fa/.
That being said I think you look cute, but if you were looking for actual supportive/constructive advice I'd try another forum.

Good luck kid. Run while you have any sense of self worth left.

>> No.12561127
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>> No.12561146


> moving the goal posts

>> No.12561149
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I feel you anon, theirs so many ignorant fuckers that think they know more than they actually do and there everywhere. Makes me sick.

>> No.12561151
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>> No.12561173


>> No.12561175

become a cardio bunny and problem solved

>> No.12561186
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You can trust this guy OP

>> No.12561353


Do not lose weight your legs are way better than some skinny bitch's

>> No.12561370

You should start running or lifting, tighten up those legs a bit and for fucks sake work on getting nicer calves. Cheers!

>> No.12561383

>being this hopelessly uninformed about the human body

>> No.12561385
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this. may sound harsh but goes for both penises and vaginas.

>> No.12561427

Lose weight

>> No.12561439

Get fit. Not saying you have to lose weight, just get a fitter body

Also don't wear high waist jeans. It doesn't suit you too well

Upper looks cute tho. Nothing wrong with that

>> No.12561593


>> No.12561618

We can't see her face but her skin is white.

>> No.12561739

one other thing that the rest haven't said already is that you're in a zara, ofc it'll fit like ass unless you're fit asf
try different stores or designers if your budget allows to figure out what suits you

>> No.12562119

Would blow raspberries on fat tummy while you rub your giant Hobbit feet on my balls.
Clothes are awful, tho.

>> No.12562172

Don't listen to these virgin /fa/ggots, I'd wine and dine you, not even fedora.

>> No.12562181
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>> No.12562190

Fat people are never effay, go back to fattit.

>> No.12562192

OP is clearly asian from her skintone and hair color

>> No.12562199
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itt, a bunch of beta's getting hard over stocky overweight pussy.

>> No.12562215

>asian with those giant ass feet
Must be Japanese with family in Hiroshima that are descendants of the Gojira clan.

>> No.12562240

It's so sad that I can tell youre American because people here actually think being overweight is "normal"

>> No.12562253

>spot exercises to lose weight in "targeted areas"
>drop fatty foods

>> No.12562258

>not even fedora.

Too late faggot

>> No.12562259

That's not moving the goalposts, that's false dichotomy
>you can only be fat or Auschwitz
>Would you like your steak blue raw or burnt to a crisp today, sir?

>> No.12562287

Are you dressing like a whore for any particular reason or is it just that you have no personal-pride?

You should wear a nice feminine skirt/dress for the summer and not a pair of slut-shorts.

>> No.12562294

the thicc meme is a meme only for gay niggers.

stop being a gay nigger.

>> No.12562296

Why are you posting the achievements of my German ancestors?

>> No.12562302

75% of americans are overweight or obese, their perception of what a normal human body is has become completely skewered from reality. OP is hovering at a BMI between 25-26 and she's short, making ever pound that much more obvious. Shorter people look better at a lower BMI, it's a basic well known concept in the domestic fashion industry.

>> No.12562314

You failed to achieve anything since the jews are still around in large numbers. Do it properly next time.

>> No.12562332
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>> No.12562373

nobody knows what you're talking about you gimp.

>> No.12562567

I don't care about how "effay" a girl is because I want to fuck them.

>> No.12562699


>> No.12562714


Yet you still got triggered

>> No.12562745


>> No.12562746

>your bodytype
she's fat, faggot
she needs to lose weight

>> No.12562749

Are you implying we are samefagging? I'm from America too. Our view of a "normal" weight is warped here because literally everyone is fucking fat.

>> No.12562751

OP is chubby and if you don't think so you're part of the problem

>> No.12562770

OP is definitely a fat fuck
but the america is le most obese nation meme is forced by filthy foreigners and europeans who are obsessed with the Best Nation™ in the World™

>> No.12562774
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>> No.12562785

when taking advice from people on /fa/ remember that a large portion of the posters on this board are attracted to twinks, "women" with cocks and skeletons. The average person would probably disagree that OP is a fat disgusting whale. The outfit is boring and basic and doesn't suit you but you're not really fat at all.

>> No.12562789

seriously just take a look at one of the most consistent threads on thisbe board: fucking /thinspo/ aka masturbate to people with eating disorders.

>> No.12562792

Dont listen to eurocucks, they're only attracted to black men

>> No.12562795
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>> No.12562796
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She's fat. She should lose weight and thank us later.

...and yes, Americans are fat as fuck and have a warped sense of body image.

t. Ameribro who lived in Europe for over a decade.

>> No.12562803
File: 288 KB, 1250x1430, nice meme faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12562805


>> No.12562806

daily reminder that according to polling methodology weightlifters and athletes can be considered "overweight"

>> No.12562809

28.8 is overweight

25 and above is overweight

>> No.12562821

the point is Ameriga isn't le fattest country in the world by far and the meme is forced by obsessed faggots
also what are athletes and weightlifters

>> No.12562827


>> No.12562832

are you retarded?

>> No.12562836

Hey bud I just tell you what the internet tells me

>implying weightlifters can't be overweight

There's a difference between being obese and weighing more than you should

>> No.12562838
File: 50 KB, 600x727, 10532953_747182768657834_7247348351979820002_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one here gives a fuck about most of those countries. America is the country proclaiming itself to be one of the fashion capitals of the world, with places like Hollywood making it seem to other countries that it's full of hot fit people when that's not the case at all. Most of this board is american, and when pointing out why a bunch of american beta cucks getting a boner over a fat chick isn't effay, all you fags can do is scream that murica isn't the fattest country in the world.
So fucking what? It's still a country with a majority (70%) of deluded fatasses, and a fuck ton of millennial douchebags who've grown up thinking fat women are the norm just because they're the majority.
Being overweight isn't effay, it will never be effay and anyone who thinks it's anything remotely attractive is a deluded beta pig fucker that needs to be locked up for the mental disorder known as zoophilia.
Pic related, what an actual acceptable amount of fat on a female actually looks like.

>> No.12562846

and theres a difference between being overweight and having too much fat
that's all i'm pointing out

why are you so flustered? are you perhaps obsessed? all i'm saying is if you care so much about fatties there are better places to focus your attention. coincidentally, our fashion industry isn't overweight; if you had a country with a population a quarter ours you'd know about heterogeneity

>> No.12562848

Love this pic from Hedi's diary.
Btw, here's some inspo, is perfect for you:

>> No.12562856

why is everyone so obsessed with America

like I don't care what irrelevant country you come from but why are you constantly namedropping mine

Anyway OP could lose some weight but she looks white/asian so I would bend her over and plow her as is.

>> No.12562871

I do have a place to post about my hatred, it's called fatpeoplehate
Any person who doesn't hate fat people by now since the obesity epidemic started is most likely fat themselves.
Being overweight means having too much fat. Bodybuilders and the like use other means to get an accurate fat percentage, but BMI works for the majority of people because most people are fucking bodybuilders. They've also done studies that shows that BMI UNDERestimates fat percentage, since it was created during a time when most people were a lot thinner and active on average.
Stop excusing or justifying your fat fetish.

>> No.12562878

Because as your neighbour, I have to constantly hear about how fucking great you faggots think you are.
Also you'd fuck it because you're most likely a fat fuck yourself given the only 1/3 chance of not being one.

>> No.12562879

>you're most likely a fat fuck yourself
Jokes on you I'm fit. Like I said she could stand to lose 15lbs and be a skeletor like /fa/ wants but she's not "fat"

>> No.12562880

>thinking i like fat people
do you know how to read? I know literacy isn't that high in the third world but you can at least make an attempt

>> No.12562884

hi, mexico! how's that wall fund-raising going?

>> No.12562889

You're all anons I can't fucking tell who's said what.
And canadaland is mid-tier land, and a hell of a lot better than shit-tier america
Try 30 lbs, her waist is as thick as a man's for god's sake.

>> No.12562898

you responded directly to my post faggot
illiterate and also dumb; sasuga, anon-kun

>canada is better than america
how's that freedom of speech and governments being able to take away your children if they feel you're not proLGBTQ+ enough? how're those tax rates? how're those chinks in toronto treating you?

(i do love canada's nature though. unfuck your shitty government already i want to move to the yukon)

>> No.12562899

if she lost 30lbs she would be a walking plank lmao

>> No.12563000

nothing really looks good on you when you're chubby

its the sad truth
luckily it will be easy to lose 15 or 20 pounds

>> No.12563024

Haha, yeah righ, I know they are big, but that is natural since I am 6'10 you, sorry

>> No.12563028

Haha, yeah righ, I know they are big, but that is natural since I am 6'10, sorry I cannot do anything about it >>12560843

>> No.12563033

Thanks for your the advice

>> No.12563037

nice thanks :)

>> No.12563040

I like that cardio bunny thing, haha thanks

>> No.12563041

holy shit i think i know u. did u just move?

>> No.12563044

Not asian, you are correct

>> No.12563048

sad but true...

>> No.12563060


>> No.12563074 [DELETED] 

Op is definitely not asian. no asian would get to that size and be unaware of how overweight she is to have the courage to even post on a Swiss bread kneading blog asking for 'help'

>> No.12563076 [DELETED] 

plus her skin tone is totally off, there are no yellow undertones, she looks like a typical pasty white girl

>> No.12563108

Never used one myself but could you explain the harm in someone else using one? You and I are still anonymous, why do we care if he isn't?

>> No.12563128

nigga is this rivington's younger brother?

>> No.12563133

To be fair whenever I go outside I see mostly fat people.

>> No.12563141

just because you tuck your nasty gut into those H&M shorts doesnt mean youre anywhere near fashionable. Lurk more, I know you wont because you just came here for easy validation from desperate virgins.

Post in the fuccboi general next time

>> No.12563149

What country do you hail from, OP?

Can't tell you what to buy if we don't know if you're American or not.

>> No.12563179

It's because you look like shit.

Take care of yourself basic ass bitch.

>> No.12563181

I keep coming back to this thread and masturbating to OP this is the 4th time what do I do

>> No.12563678
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>> No.12563681
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> you're not really fat at all.

>> No.12563846

>unironically being a canadian
argument summarily discarded

>> No.12563907

You're thick ass hell girl, I would fuck u for days.

>> No.12563919


>> No.12563925
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>> No.12563940

>The average person would probably disagree that OP is a fat disgusting whale
No, the average AMERICAN would disagree. Why do you think you're the only country on this site? Just because you go outside and 50% of the people you see at any given time for fat as fuck doesn't mean its normal to everyone else here. How hard is it to get that through your thick skull? American culture is centered around fat acceptance because it keeps you buying shitty processed foods.

Anyways stop bumping this godforsaken thread.

>> No.12563953

>how's that freedom of speech and governments being able to take away your children if they feel you're not proLGBTQ+ enough? how're those tax rates? how're those chinks in toronto treating you?
All good. How's the crime rate, terrorism, school shootings, expensive healthcare and shit education?

>> No.12563974

>shit education
>all the best and most relevant universities in the world are American
how cute

>> No.12563978


Mandatory viewing


>> No.12563989

5/5 bretty gud
clap clap clap
bretty gud

>> No.12564004

How expensive are those shorts?
$429 ?
That is your problem.
You should get tailor made denim shorts.
Sorry I can't help with the measuring...

>> No.12564404

You are fat

>> No.12564415

please be my girlfriend

>> No.12564416

low test faggots: the thread

>> No.12565283

confirmation bias

for every fat attention whore there's ten "normal" women lurking

>> No.12565299

All women are attention whores.

It's how they have value in society/gain power in a tribe

>> No.12565301

oh yeah because 4chan is society

online is anonymous until you reveal you're a female.

>> No.12565313

fuck off I asked first.



>> No.12566025


>> No.12567374

>"how do i look better?"
>dont be chubby and wear clothes that fit
This is a great thread

>> No.12567521
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>> No.12567538


>> No.12567547

If you're OP you just stole my heart

>> No.12568478


>> No.12568733
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>tfw pants still fit but shirts don't anymore

>> No.12568742

delet. pls

>> No.12568771


>> No.12569013

Fat fuck

>> No.12569029
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>> No.12569056

your geographical knowledges clearly isnt up to par. oxbridge is in the UK...

>> No.12569276

lmfao that's the first thing you notice?

>> No.12569668


>> No.12569671

If you can't afford a gym membership try running around few laps around your house

>> No.12569677

everyone has their own body shape. With yours, I would advise shorts with a higher waist if you really want them to be that short. I would also advise against crop tops that show that much midrift. For your, only show a little bit, maybe an inch or a half an inch.

Oh no honey, not that top. If you really want those shorts, do a tighter top; long and tightso you can tuck it in.

I'd still smash though.

>> No.12569684


loose top + short shorts combo just makes a woman look like a trashy mess. I really wish they'd all stop doing that.