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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.46 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12444714 No.12444714 [Reply] [Original]

literally where the fuck are the inspo threads?
idk the rest of the bit that usually kicks it off but yeah thinspo thread

>> No.12444719


>> No.12444739

if I eat 600 calories or less every day for the next month is it possible to lose 20 pounds? I'm taking a thermogenic and drinking a gallon of water a day as well.

Yes I fully expect to die.

>> No.12444780

y is being paper thin with zero muscle mass so attractive?
i want be so thin to the point of danger and feel the breeze around my limbs but my mental isssue blocks my cops one day i binge over 5000 kcal a day and purge till i feel the blood in the throat and the other day i go on cardio over 10 miles and fast all day. i know its crazy but i cant help myself. what would be the most successful method for an psycho extremist to cop the thinness?

>> No.12444925

>weigh myself yesterday
>weigh myself today

>> No.12445061

Water weight?

>> No.12445065

Stop trying to purge after your binges, start the next day normally, sure you'll probs feel gross and bloated, but purging will just set you up for another binge

>> No.12445088

>Yes I fully expect to die.
You probably dont have the discipline to last a month with that kind of diet, but its not dangerous

>> No.12445090

always take your weight in the morning after poop before you drink or eat anything

>> No.12445234
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>BMI 14
>don't want to lose more weight
>feel too guilty to eat anywhere near maintenance nonetheless because I'm so used to restricting now

Fug. I reached my goal ages ago but my mindset is still the same old "eating above ___ calories a day = BAD" and it's hard to get past that feeling of guilt and shittiness.

>> No.12445266

relatively happy with my weight around 1-2 months ago but I've put on like 8-10 pounds from exam season.
part of it is eating kinda shitty because i don't have time, but the part i want to do something about is snacks while studying.
anyone recommend anything decent to graze on that's fairly filling and not too calorific?

>> No.12445352
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>> No.12445373

I like break some rice waffles in pieces or get those baby chips that are made frome corn, they taste like nothing but they are crispy and 65 cal. Per bag

>> No.12445425

having no desire for eating out of guilty is /fa/ af desu
mirin' your bmi digits

>> No.12445441

guys how tiny are your wrists?

>> No.12445448



over the counter thermogenics are literally useless. Unless the thermogenic you're taking is DNP it's a waste of money.

>> No.12445573

I over eat when I'm depressed, and I've been depressed for three weeks now. It's fucking shit. Better than cocking up the commute home for a bunch of rail passengers I suppose.


>> No.12445589

>being this stupid

>> No.12445784

iktf. Gained around 7 pounds from binge eating whenever it hits me especially hard. Currently trying to break the habit and get back down to a 16.5ish bmi.

>> No.12445817


>> No.12445888

thanks brehs

>> No.12445994

i try to distract myself from snacking in the evening with video and stuff, but if i stay up i inevitably end up falling victim. i should really just go to bed earlier but it's so hard to break off a friendly game time because it constitutes basically all of the social interaction in my life

>> No.12446029

Be careful if you try to reach maintenance level. I once had that mind set and then I slowly started eating more and next thing I knew I had returned to my old eating habits and gained like 40 lbs over 9 months.

>> No.12446079
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not sure if I gained weight or just got used to how I look.

>> No.12446136

Such is life and suffering.

>> No.12446185 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 500x750, 71041c4f-621d-439f-b4b5-87370e35a5a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi i'm a skinny asian boy who is new to fashion. where can I find jeans like pic related? all of the american skinny jeans i've seen flap around the hips rather than simply going straight down.

>> No.12446196

you're in the wrong thread

>> No.12446200
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I could go for a nice slice of cake and carbs

>> No.12446248

>tfw thin people look good in everything and you don't even look good in color

>> No.12446308

ew wtf

>> No.12446386

wasn't there a thinspo discord?

if not someone should make one because I want something like MPA without all of the cancer

>> No.12446667

Tell me what thermogenic you're taking that 'works'. Only other worthwhile thing to take is E/C but that does fuck all to 'burn fat', just suppresses your appetite and gives you some energy.

>> No.12446725

>tfw after doing water fasts every other day with 1 meal a day I can't eat as much as I used to, which was basically hippo amounts
I feel so good thank you /thinspo/

>> No.12446774
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>tfw you're situated in your daily fast and your mouth gives a sweet taste

>> No.12446779

dat feel. I get a shit taste in my mouth, I'm lucky sugar free gum doesn't break it.

>> No.12446856
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>> No.12446858
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>> No.12446862

>water fast

>> No.12446977

I do 24 hour. Like I'll have dinner the night before and not eat till dinner the next day.

>> No.12447010

What simple excersises should I cycle through? I like to do pushups when I get out the shower, what else should I encoperate?

>> No.12447223

Fuck, I ended up drinking like 6 beers with friends again. I need to get a real hobby.

>> No.12447238

Wtf is encoperate

>> No.12447243
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Thanks man, and yeah desu, I don't even feel like I'm "depriving" myself with my diet and mentally, I could easily go on like this, but I'm scared of any potential health risks that come from going below BMI 14 and I don't want to look like a complete skeleton, so I'm trying to at least hit my BMR everyday with extra calories from sweets and other high-cal things.

Yeeaaah, that's what I'm scared of. I know I could always just lose the weight again if I really wanted to, but it's still a scary thought, especially now that I finally feel like I like my body type. I guess the good thing about obsessively weighing myself and being paranoid as fuck is that there's really no chance of that happening for a while, though.

>> No.12447251
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Hey /fa/ I know most likely the answer to this question is gonna be go with a nutriologist but I wanted to know your honest opinion. As of now I;m broken and dont have much money desu, I got over a year and a half of a ton of depression went from 92kg being 1.90m tall to 148 kg. I need desperatly to loose weight because of health reasons and because my selfesteem isnt good at all is it true that water fasting and cardio jogging is the best combo to loose fast weight?

>> No.12447259

Well yeah if you're exercising to burn energy and not eating anything then you're gonna drop a lot of weight quickly. Whether or not that's a healthy thing to do or a sustainable habit are separate matters though.

>> No.12447367
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v tiny

>> No.12447435


>> No.12447518
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>tfw i purged again and loved how less guilty it makes me feel

how soon will i get throat cancer?

>> No.12447522
File: 367 KB, 932x1920, Snapchat-1254893378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw I am Auschwitz mode even though I eat more than 2000 calories a day
>pic very related

>> No.12447540

your either gay or woman if you gain weights for taking 2k a day
high tes blocks storing fats

>> No.12447555

Then it means that I'M A MAN MAN MAN MANLY MAN
I shouldn't be Auschwitz mode if I eat 2~4k calories a day I should at least be skinny fat

>> No.12447565

>tfw fear of emotional and physical intimacy outweighs sex drive
>tfw no qt thinspo gf never ever

>> No.12447571

your a big guy

sex is overrated anyway

>> No.12447577

>that feelio when your prime years and all of memories are cleaning toilet

>> No.12447579

I am 6'2
That's probably why I'm a fucking skeleton

>> No.12447613

do you have good skin?

>> No.12447651


>> No.12447660

my bmi is 17 and i was able to blame it on being forced into inpatient but that was 2 months ago and i've barely lost anything.... please give some encouragement and tips for eating lower cal esp regarding lack of energy?
haha same :-( tfw can't have a fulfilling lesbian relationship cause my ex fucked me up :-( tfw use sex with men as self harm :-(

>> No.12447667

>my ex fucked me up
what the fuck did she do to you ? I'm curious about your story.

>> No.12447711

she was very manipulative and learned all the right ways to attack me (i have bpd so i'm very volatile) to make me break down. she told me to kill myself a few times, once only like a month after an attempt. she made (still makes, were still kind of friends because i have attachment issues) a lot of 'jokes' (very thinly veiled insults) about my body and appearance because i'm better at starving myself and will always be thinner than her and it enrages her. told (tells) me i'm worthless and no ones first choice especially not hers, lies about me to make it look like she's the victim, is briefly gentle with me to ensure i'll keep coming back and always be a viable fallback plan and then goes back to treating me like shit so i crave her affection even more.
she's fucked up in her own ways obviously, narcissistic, depressed, anger problems, but i resent her for what she's turned me into. she stole my confidence, my personality, and broke them and gave me back the pieces and laughed in my face. but resentment is very close to love and so i'm still hopelessly enamoured.
sorry for blog posting. thanks for asking though, feels good to talk about it :/

>> No.12447724
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>> No.12447738


>> No.12447752
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i'm expecting it too anon
best of luck, we can both still change
but purging is addicting as hell

>> No.12447780

fuuuck....this is why I'm scared to date. good luck to you, I hope you are gonna break free from the damage she has inflicted upon you.

>> No.12447813

nearly choked on my gum lool

>> No.12447816

don't be scared to date, not everyone is like her. i got unlucky, sure, but that doesn't mean you will. finding companionship and love with another person is beautiful and fulfilling and everyone should experience it. just keep your eyes open and learn the patterns of people who want to hurt you.

i will maybe get better, and maybe i won't. sometimes i think 'why do i love her? the version of her that i loved is dead now' and that kind of helps, but i'm too messed up to let go of her.

>> No.12447960

she's so cute

>> No.12447980

i feel you, fami. it's hard to get out of a relationship. i broke up with my gf 5 months ago even though i should have done it like 9 months ago. i didn't want to be lonely again but shortly after our breakup it was obvious i made the right choice. sending love your way, anon.

>> No.12448057
File: 96 KB, 668x891, IMG_0323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'2'' 137 lbs

Want to gain some more weight so I can have a healthy BMI.
But at the same time, being a spooky skeltal works well with my clothes.

What do?

>> No.12448073

Find some guy who's losing weight and swap clothes.

>> No.12448499

Are you a fanta?

>> No.12448502


you might be out of fashion soon

>> No.12448521

i cant stop eating mayonaise with every meal what do

>> No.12448544


>> No.12448622

1 tbsp has 80 calories
that's not really much better

>> No.12448644

just throw the mayo out?

mayo is disgusting, honestly.

>> No.12448815

>tfw only have like 1 pair of pants that fit now but still a good 10-20 pounds from my goal weight

guess im wasting $20 on some shitty h&m jeans that won't last a month

>> No.12448833


Get a belt, silly.

>> No.12448841

is that you? how do you keep your skin so white? mine is really dark and annoying

also have any of you stupid bitches ever heard of myproana. i think y'all need to take a trip there!

>> No.12448866

at this point, myproana is mostly fat girls who think that aspiring to be a normal size instead of overweight somehow denotes having an eating disorder

>> No.12448872

been there done that, start by bit
took me months (and still feel guilty but way less) and now im eating close to twice as much as i used to allow myself but still not gaining any

>> No.12448884


>> No.12448934

Does anyone know how to target thighs. I have big thighs but a slim body. I've recently started running and I'm vegan. Thx

>> No.12449089
File: 68 KB, 576x1024, thinspo lol.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i doing it right? do i get all the approval yet?

>> No.12449094

You look healthy, keep trying.

>> No.12449113

I know it doesn't get much more calorie dense, but a wee bit of peanut butter seems to be perfect appetite suppressant, for me anyway.

>> No.12449194

>ate all my calories at 6am

why am I like this?

>> No.12449201


anyone know what is the minimum BMI?

>> No.12449231

There is none in the final bill, but a doctor can deem them too thin. Retouched photographs have to be labelled as such.

I have mixed feelings about it. My main complaint is that if addressing people that are unhealthy in terms of being too thin, then what are they doing about those who are too fat? Sure being fat is rarely a modelling problem, but it is in other forms of media. Maybe fat people shouldn't be on tv, for example.

>> No.12449290

>then what are they doing about those who are too fat
Seriously? I can assure you that one of the main aims of ANY primary prevention program is obesity. Please don't build your opinions based on things you don't know.

>> No.12449380
File: 687 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o thoughts on this? what's wrong with her, obviously ed. I think it's cos she has a wide torso.

>> No.12449388

Thats defiantly a fucking dude
wide shoulders, narrowish hips and a dick (or a fucking gigantic clit)
no doubt a dude

>> No.12449411

That's the shape pubic hair takes when it's grown out. but you wouldn't know that would you big boi

>> No.12449420

Start with 16:8 IF, eating 500+ cal under, and hit the gym if you can. Probably the best/healthiest start to losing a lot of weight fast.

>> No.12449421


I think she just has an unusual body fat to muscle ratio. Also she seems to be straining for whatever reason; maybe she needs a piss.

But, yeah, get that lass a pasty.

>> No.12449425

If that's you, all you need is a little on the chest, shoulders, maybe biceps if you don't wanna go full t-rex mode. Back would help too, but makes you look thicker very quickly, so avoid if that's a dealbreaker for you.

>> No.12449429

She is trying to flex her abs but she doesn't have any, just bad obliques

>> No.12449439


Yeah, that sounds about right.

She's not got a bad body, just a touch... sinewy. Also, grey underwear never looks good, on woman or man, come to think of it.

>> No.12449480

should i start ephedrine? one of my good friends is telling me to. idk

>> No.12449598


Not this guy, but bump. In kind of a similar situation, but think it's because of the cardio (run 3miles a day 5 times a week)

>> No.12449845

I've been asking this question in the last couple of threads and have never got a response. I have overdeveloped quads from years of basketball and powerlifting, and now that I've leaned right out and look thin again (75kg @ 6'2), my quads are a little disproportionate for the rest of me. Too big at least for /fa/ long legs thinspo thighs,

What i've been doing is 16:8 IF, restricting, lifting 3x a week (no legs) and cardio 2-3x, seems to be helping but still a long way to go.

>> No.12449879

found a way not to eat.

suck on a lime. your front teeth are gonna hurt for 2 days.

>> No.12449915

i ate 500 cals daily and 1500 at weekends for 4 months and lost 14kg, so i don't expect you to die

>> No.12450184

fucking anorexia general
you're all sick in the head

>> No.12450187
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Being sane is boring :~)

>> No.12450285


you don't get responses because every day people ask it about 5 million times hoping to get any answer other than "lose more weight"

but they don't, because there is no way to target any part of your body (especially if exercise doesn't help). you just have to lose weight.

>> No.12450348
File: 95 KB, 1000x1000, Sexy_vegetable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, who here has anorexia, Who's fat enough that their doctor told them to lose weight, and who here is healthy?

>> No.12450380

Bmi 21 girl here. I plan to lose 10 kgs more.

>> No.12450386
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Cut her the fuck out of your life, tell her never to contact you again, and get a restraining order if she does anyways.

Shits serious business. I have an ex who's pretty bad, and the best thing I ever did was wake up one morning and never see her since.

>> No.12450423

17.1 boi. my weight doesn't change. i just want clear skin ;_;

>> No.12450427
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Technically "normal" according to my doctor, bmi is 24, but im disgustingly chubby.

>> No.12450596


>> No.12450629

22.9 boi. Last year went down from 27.5 to 22.1 and then started hovering where I am now. I want to go down to at least 19 but its hard to get back into it.

>> No.12450726

healthy, bmi is 18
some parts are still chubby

>> No.12450851
File: 58 KB, 500x750, 1491744123123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never fasted before and i want to try and fast tomorrow because i feel like shit at the moment. Any tips for a first timer? Is Coffee ok?

>> No.12450906
File: 52 KB, 604x604, 1484948485772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drink water, a lot of it
coffee is ok as long as you don't add teaspoons of sugar

>> No.12451059

I'm 18 hours into a water fast, thinspo. How long is safe? I am a 25 yr old male. 65kg, 177cm I am aiming to drink about 2.2L of water a day.

>> No.12451066

One year?

>> No.12451072

you wut

>> No.12451075 [DELETED] 

at least a month

>> No.12451077

My girlfriend has put on a bunch of weight recently. Her BMI has gone from roughly 21 to 26 in less than a year
I want to help her but don't want to be a dick about it.
Gentle ways of encourage healthy eating and exercise?

>> No.12451079

at least a month

>> No.12451083

Is that really safe at my weight? Won't my body run out of fat to eat within a week or two? I'm only 6 kg from what I consider my ideal weight...

>> No.12451215
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Can I get some thin motivation ?

Also any othermode body type inspo ?

>tfw no qt thinspo gf to motivate me on my journey and to cook healthy meals together with

>> No.12451269

Introduce her to OMAD. Introduce yourself as well, if you've not.

>> No.12451297

Go to previous /thinspo/ threads, they contain a link to the tumblr where you'll find good male thinspo. The fag who made this thread didn't bother with it.

>> No.12451301

https://thininspo.tumblr.com/ if you're feeling lazy

>> No.12451333

From what I saw the majority is female.

Also possibly motivation in the form of words and advice

>> No.12451341




>> No.12451353
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To me "fat" is the invocation of degeneracy. This main source of inspiration is quantified of disgust and repulse toward that very reprehensible physical state. Make it your forethought.

>> No.12451357


Well, that's retarded. But being able to skip without your ankles exploding is nice.

>> No.12451361

>just fuck my enamel up

>> No.12451437
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Whatever works.

>> No.12451930
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Is that why you're anorexic

>> No.12452059

>eat up and between 700 and 1100 calories in one week
>lose like 0.5 pounds

what the fuck fuck, /thinspo/ why is the last stone the hardest? I used to eat this little before and I went from 11 to 9, what should I do now?

Adding in exercise (cardio and calisthenics) should that help? and dropping to 611 calories

>> No.12452072


Anything but water is off limits according to Rhonda Patrick

>> No.12452073

I chuckled

>> No.12452077

Is Rice okay to eat guys? really running out of stuff to eat here, since I can barely cook and fry everythinf, which i'm cutting out. Leaves me
little to what I can actually cook. I know spaghetti is probably not good to eat

>> No.12452079


No, just make sure to eat potassium supplements and lots of zucchini.

>> No.12452083

>just ate 8 Milano cookies
>still under for the day
It's days like this that make me happy I eat 900 under maintenance

>> No.12452084

nothing wrong with rice, brown rice has more fiber so you'll feel full longer

>> No.12452087

Never been diagnosed but my bmi is 16.4 and I have a very bad relationship with food and eating. My highest ever bmi was 18, and I was doing a lot of strength exercise at the time so I still looked almost the same.

>> No.12452091

Okay thanks, i'll try replacing white rice for brown!

>> No.12452104

you could also check out some raw food reicpes. There's a lot of bullshit in the rawfood community but a lot of the recipes are oil free and low calorie

>> No.12452112

I wanna start intermittent fasting, should I just go alternative day instead of 5:2 if I have the motivation?

>> No.12452114

I have exact the same height and weight and I am also trying to gain weight I'm turning 19 in June. How old are you ?

>> No.12452117
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Is starvation mode just a meme?

>> No.12452122


>> No.12452124


>> No.12452133

Question for Fems or Non-queer homoseuxal men when dating men are you attracted to <18 BMI

>> No.12452136
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>non-queer homosexual men

>> No.12452157

nah it's real, didn't you see how fat those auschwitz survivors were

>> No.12452163

girl here. <18 BMI boys are fucking hot.

>> No.12452167

got any inspo of that?

>> No.12452289
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>> No.12452290

Generally no.

>> No.12452297
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>> No.12452455
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>Non-queer homoseuxal men
Doesn't queer mean homosexual?

>> No.12452465

I think anon meant actual men (with penises) who are homosexual.

>> No.12452483

So it was a typo? A women who likes men would be straight.

>> No.12452517
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>Question for Fems or Non-queer homoseuxal men
reread this

>> No.12452571

What are some workouts that target abs only. Cause a lot I find I can feel my legs burning as well and they're already way too big.

>> No.12452580

Planks and leg raises

>> No.12452651
File: 84 KB, 629x649, IMG_3733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting my 500 cal diet today after finishing my 1000 cal a day diet. Will I be okay eating maintenance Saturday and Sunday though? Or should I just stick it through?

Pic related isn't me--just some inspo.

>> No.12452661

I hate to tell you this, but in the last 2-3 years the world went insane on LGBT(QUIA+*) issues

The good news is that now everyone in the media understands gender is a spectrum

>> No.12452662

She looks weird be because her hips are so wide even though she's /thinspo/. Good for her for losing all that weight tho.

>> No.12452665
File: 47 KB, 564x723, Roving_Knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

left is too fat, right is too skinny. GO for something in the middle, with a little toned muscle so you can arm defend your land from invaders!

>> No.12452670

not that guy but i don't even know what those letters in brackets mean. is it queer, intersexual, asexual? what does the 'u' stand for? and the "+*" symbols?

>> No.12452672

>Non-queer homoseuxal men
I... finally understand /pol/

>> No.12452673

Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, (Anyone Else) and the star, has something to do with trannies, but fucked if I know and I spend college with SJW friends.

>> No.12452676
File: 99 KB, 650x646, IMG_3735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I can see what you mean. I love pics like these though, or reverse thinspo as fucked up as that sounds.

>> No.12452749

>japanese maymay

>> No.12452820


No it didn't, stop being manchildren.

>> No.12452822

How much water daily income is too much water?

t. male

>> No.12452869

Well males are recommended to drink about 3 liters worth of water a day, I think. I tend to drink between 4 and it seems to work well.

>> No.12452879

Take up swimming. It's a nice sport.

>> No.12452881

Male 20 2skinny4love
thin arms and unappealing chest
legs are fine tho

>> No.12452912

being in shape doesn't matter when you literally don't interact with anyone

>> No.12452930

It helped my back feel better. Unfortunately my wrist is still screwed up.

>> No.12452942
File: 50 KB, 400x400, Flavor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>when you're an empty non-person who despite regular social interactions can't make a single friend

I'm like Ted Bundy without the sex appeal.

>> No.12452943

woooooh stop
I remember that adults take in 2L of liquid a day.
That also includes veggies and fruits, so you can drink less.
Too much water means you're flushing out minerals.
Lack of minerals means a lower osmotic pressure, thus slight decrease in the ability to absorb water.

Drinking too much will dehydrate you

>> No.12453001
File: 175 KB, 960x1280, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo thinspo niggas.
Enlighten me about water fasting.
Im fat as fuck and i need to look good for summer.
Pic of me now

>> No.12453018

kill yourself

>> No.12453026

go fuck yourself

>> No.12453035
File: 94 KB, 1280x720, IMG_4722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Therapeutic Fasting, a lecture by Dr. Jason Fung. Search for it.

>> No.12453075

i will begin with 24 hour not eatin. then 42 hours. then 72 hours. then keep doing the 72 hours for a month. then i will see the progress ive made. i will begin on the 18th of may. see you on 18th of june thinspo niggas

>> No.12453081

>Gender is a spectrum and not just a thing that says you have a penis or vagina
>This is now considered a left wing issue
>The concept of following gender roles is considered a left wing issue

I think that's pretty much "world gone insane on an issue"

>> No.12453112

Shave, you look gross

>> No.12453121
File: 170 KB, 960x1280, unnamed (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I regret gettin a haircut tho

>> No.12453129

not true, right looks good, and if she feels good it's even better

>> No.12453155

glhf, we'll all make it.

>> No.12453160

thanks bro, still real niggas out here

>> No.12453163

You look like you could be a Georgian Coke Dealer. Not a bad look desu, you can get a lot of girls this summer if you act like you have drugs

>> No.12453178

i deal in weed actually.

>> No.12453185

Find shadier connections, you look the part and chicks love stimulants more than dudes and addicts don't see sucking and fucking dick as a big issue

>> No.12453199

i dont know man. I know people doing coke and i dont want them to suck my dick.
Plus weed is more fun. Alot of young people do it which means they cant pay me on time, which means i get to extort them or gang up on them and beat them. Never stabbed someone though, i normally ask people to do that shit for me. But they never did it

>> No.12453369
File: 85 KB, 640x625, 600b2035-d52e-460f-be4d-818a776ec383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any tips on toning your butt without working out your thighs as well? what kind of excercises work?

and yes im grill

>> No.12453370

nice cutting scars sweetie

>> No.12453375


Tragic cunt, kys :D

>> No.12453379

go away

>> No.12453384

not her pic

>> No.12453413

Subbing mayo for no fat greek yogurt works. You could also mix the two, to get a lower calorie version.

>> No.12453452

more like GAYONNAISE am i right haha

>> No.12453493
File: 70 KB, 640x434, goats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you not want to work your thighs


why is that a bad thing

you absolute pillock

>> No.12453506


>wants toned ass
>doesn't want toned legs

Darling, you can't work your ass without working your legs.
Glutes and Legs are so intimately linked isolation is impossible, Every exercise in which the primary muscle are glutes also has legs as a secondary muscle.
By legs I am referring to every muscle in the leg area, so if you wanted to reduce the impact alternate between exercises in which the secondary muscles is specifically hamstring or thigh.

but I'm dumb so what do I know :^)

>> No.12453521
File: 659 KB, 1180x787, aboriginalcrocodilehunters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to lose weight
>develop vertigo
>get unbelievably disoriented whenever I skip meals / eat too lightly
>can't do proper cardio without getting dizzy
>can't tough it out because I can't focus in class
>overeat to compensate / stress
>5'9 manlet at 190lbs

I just wanna be /fa/ man.

>> No.12453894


this has always been fairly accurate for me.

leave it on "sedentary" for best results, it takes too many calories lost in account when you set the activity level higher

>> No.12453906
File: 3.57 MB, 2594x2913, 20170508_191045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12453933

I hate probably 500 calories a day for 6 weeks and I lost 35 pounds. But I was also working out twice a week.

>> No.12453954

>lost 8 pounds this week
>it wasn't water weight
Feels fucking good

>> No.12454045


>> No.12454166

My pants feels a lot looser. So happy.

>> No.12454171

medium, 6.75". i have a medium-large frame and i'm 6'1

>> No.12454186

My roommate makes it almost impossible to fast. He's going on a several day vacation soon though so I'm planning on fasting while he's gone.
I've haven't lost a single pound in a few months because he keeps insisting that I eat.

>> No.12454237
File: 39 KB, 375x281, san_diego_pride_3751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-queer Gay men are gay guys who just like men but it doesnt define them as a person
and aren't SJWs and or Pride sluts

>> No.12454240

Basically gay but not a fag

>> No.12454245

anon is bi but doesn't want to be with fag

>> No.12454256


Ohh... the really annoying gays who have to make a big deal about how gay-but-not-like-that they are? Yeah. Fuck those guys.

>> No.12454283

there is one.

>> No.12454294

you'd look ok if you lost probably upwards of 60 pounds.
whats the best workout for straight legs? i'm 125 6'0 and the only place i'm unhappy with is my legs, i'm not sure if i should work them out or let them lose the muscle they have on them.

>> No.12454330
File: 72 KB, 1024x975, 1492023094999m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ready to take the thin pill bruhs, but I need to know: can I still feel healthy while getting /thin/? I don't want to jeopardize my psychological well being, but I want to achieve my aesthetic dreams.

>> No.12454491
File: 148 KB, 764x764, IMG_0123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many pounds do y'all aim to burn a week? On a 1000 calorie diet, running 3 miles a day 4-5 times a week. Currently dropping about 4-5 pounds a week. Just weighed myself at 158 coming from 170, going into week 4. Soft goal is 145, depending on how I look, hard goal is 130.

Idk just seems slow considering my old lazy lifestyle+shitty diet.

>> No.12454503

>Alot of young people do it which means they cant pay me on time, which means i get to extort them or gang up on them and beat them
i hope you know you're a piece of shit and you're not thinspo and you're not welcome on thinspo. cheers ;^)

>> No.12454551

Why has someone brought warm pastries onto the train? Does he want me to make him a rape victim?

>> No.12454580
File: 102 KB, 500x625, 1491863798548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good opportunity to prove your discipline, anon

>> No.12454583

What do I do when my stomach keeps making noises? I'm always paranoid in the library.

>> No.12454587


Stop caring, no one else does.

>> No.12454592

Its fucking constant and loud. I'm pretty sure it's awkward especially in a silent area.

>> No.12454603


See >>12454587 and keep at it.

>> No.12454611

Had the same problem, drinking more water fixed it for me.

>> No.12454621

Maybe you should eat something and lose weight like a normal human being, you fucking autist

>> No.12454622

if you read everything in this thread you would be able to see that you clearly can't you fucking autist

>> No.12454630


>you fucking autist
>you fucking autist


We're not even the same person

>> No.12454723


>calling people autist

come on grow up

>> No.12454732

Did you see what they said?

In fact, have you seen this whole thread?

Better yet, have you seen thinspo threads in general

Even better, have you seen the whole of /fa/?

Actually, have you seen 4chan in general?

>> No.12454745


Do you call people autists in real life or just on the internet?

>> No.12454754

Just on 4chan, I separate my life from 4chan because my life doesn't revolve around 4chan

In person I just call people retarded because getting specific offends people lol

>> No.12454815


Unless you've got a trombone sticking out of your belly button then you're alright. The acoustics of the human stomach aren't that great.

>> No.12454943
File: 850 KB, 955x669, right through the brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, please help me. I'm trying to find an online calculator that showed the daily projection of calories used and weight loss. I just can't find it.

>> No.12454945


As in a day by day chart

>> No.12454956


>> No.12454966
File: 1.53 MB, 844x1160, tom bagshaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you so very much anon. Here I give you some nice art.

>> No.12455016
File: 723 KB, 2080x2604, 20170510_000548~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12455022

I am you fucking moron. I'm doing IF but I'm still eating I'm not mentally challenged like the majority of people in these threads.

>> No.12455032

out of curiosity

>> No.12455036

w2c umaru merch

>> No.12455038
File: 52 KB, 416x720, 18424865_1511268415574189_553770137_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12455041


>> No.12455068
File: 3.92 MB, 7121x6783, 1469740975282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Autistic keyboard

>> No.12455082

You can't type without looking at your keyboard?

>> No.12455098

I have the same keyboard, how do I do that?

>> No.12455099


Yes, but eventually I make mistakes. Let alone typing symbols.

>> No.12455104

Buy blank keycaps (Assuming you're using a mech keyboard)

That is what the tiny bumps on F and J key for

>> No.12455128

You can still look skelly while having a healthy BMI. I'm the same height as you and was 133 before starting to gain weight, I'm now 151 and still look skinny but have more muscle since I'm going for ottermode. Just eat lots of healthy calories, and do cardio to keep fat down.

>> No.12455169

those better be pbt doubleshot

>> No.12455234
File: 792 KB, 3264x2448, IMG_0266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12455239

you don't have long enough clavicles to have that little muscle mass, train your shoulders more

>> No.12455267

>be me 100-105 lbs
>start effexor
>don't weight myself entire time because of increased appetite
>come off effexor
>weigh myself about a week off effexor
>118 lbs
>thought it would be around 110
>decide to cut cals in half
>can usually drop 3-5 lbs per week by doing so bc fast metabolism
>decided to weigh myself a week after cutting cals
>17.8 lbs
>can't fucking believe it
>don't know what i'm doing wrong this time
>can't tell if effexor fucked my metabolism temporarily or my metabolism happened to change completely within 9 months
>will add extra exercise in but still angry at the amount i haven't lost

does this sound like effexor's doing?

>> No.12455307

don't listen to anyone else, i think you're cute and you only need to lose maybe 20 pounds

>> No.12455318
File: 82 KB, 536x800, 1490367855528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Currently dropping about 4-5 pounds a week


my diet/exercise pattern is almost exactly the same, but my tdee is like 1500 so im only losing 1-1.5 lbs per week maximum

kind of just want to see if i can fast for a couple weeks straight and get these last ~8 pounds off all at once though

>> No.12455319


>> No.12455330

m8 people can water fast on 0 calories for a month

>> No.12455400

yea and then their metabolism is fucked afterwards

>> No.12455401


>> No.12455427

official thinspo anthem

>> No.12455519

Bruh thats basic anatomy

>> No.12455754
File: 1.60 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get in on this wrist action
My hands look like they belong to a 60 y/o I know

>> No.12455824

Darling :•)

>> No.12455862

I want to get into the black SLP aesthetic.
I've always been a skinnyfat - pudgy teen.
What weight would make me skinny enough to see muscle definition and low bodyfat in general?

Currently 174lbs 6'1, was 190lbs. / Down to 79kg from 85,2

My stomach fat is getting really soft. Is it adapting and disappearing?

Been at this diet for 1,5 months.

>> No.12455878
File: 64 KB, 482x427, 1491536052420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what vidya do you guys play to take your mind off the hunger/food

>> No.12455886
File: 1.19 MB, 3004x3427, IMG_5751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many pounds should i loose to have thinspo thighs?

f 5'5" cw 125

>> No.12455891

Post a thigh gap pic in your undies or bikini bottoms

>> No.12455903
File: 1.31 MB, 3004x3104, IMG_5434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds sus
Heres a pic of my legs in normal position I don't have a thigh gap

>> No.12455909

are you sure you're f

>> No.12455918

You look like a man and taller than 5'5"

>> No.12455924

yea that just how i dress
wow thanks i wish i was taller than i actually am

>> No.12455943

i bought a pull up bar

im gonna make it lads

>> No.12455953

you're gonna be stoked when you finally go outside

>> No.12456010

low key anorexic
highest bmi like 18-19, lowest 14, current 16.5-17 ish

>> No.12456058

I am

>135 pounds
>~15% bodyfat

My fat and hips are still pretty fat. With a lot of fat near my chin.

What do I do? I don't expect all of it to go away, but reducing a lot of it would be great

>> No.12456162

I'm similar height, currently ~73kg. Had massive thighs, but they're improving but too big still to perfectly pull off Hedi's SLP. At 6'1, you need to be a size 30 in jeans at absolute max, but the sweetspot is around size 28.

>> No.12456245
File: 128 KB, 500x345, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha, fucking hell. I look deformed.

>> No.12456337

>My hands look like they belong to a 60 y/o I know


>> No.12456341

take morning meds
> not hungry for eight hours
take evening meds
> intense cravings

ohhh Godddddddd

>> No.12456449

In hindsight this totally looks like fishing and my hand looks completely normal. but I legitimately thought you tear me apart for it.

>> No.12456458

How do you get such cute hands??????

>> No.12456460

her fingers look like sausages, how is that cute?

>> No.12456462


>> No.12456513
File: 2.05 MB, 3024x4032, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might just be the angle. I might have sausage fingers and never noticed though. Which would be life changing

>> No.12456528

>What do I do?
Accept your body dysphoria, date a qt girl with body dysphoria, have the most mutually reassuring sex imaginable.

>> No.12456592

thinking you are a girl doesn't make you one

>> No.12456604

yes you do have cute hands now tell me how you got them to that point

>> No.12456662

and i thought you had learned something about fishing....

have some restraint, nobody needs to see another picture of your hand.

>> No.12456690

i was born with a vagina so that makes me a girl

sorry ur not going to trick me in to posting pics in my panties, you can enjoy the lame boring fit i posted though.

>> No.12456693

I do, she has cute hands

>> No.12456984

Has anyone tried fasting for extended periods of time? I wanna try a twelve day water fast.

>> No.12456994

Twelve days might be a bit excessive just on water, I'd recommend at least watching your electrolyte balance by having soup broths and salts etc. Supplements too, to get your necessary vitamins and minerals.

To be completely honest, for something of that length I'd strongly consider 50 cal "meals" of at least daily frequency.

>> No.12457243
File: 57 KB, 540x405, o4er3msLEB1voerr0o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really into platformers with good soundtracks. When I'm fasting I try to avoid headache-inducing shit as much as possible, and those types of games tend to put me in a really good state of mind.

>> No.12457264
File: 62 KB, 540x536, o83ajkwU3h1sd6kvvo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not >>12453026, but thanks for the recommendation! That was actually an incredibly helpful video.

>> No.12457358
File: 407 KB, 405x452, 1492090958415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started taking Paroxetine, day 3, my appetite is way down. Noticeably so. It's like I have that warm feeling after I've just eaten, except I haven't eaten. Fricken sweet!

>> No.12457406


Gender is a spectrum, sure. But gender traits are a bi-modal distrubution. If you have a female trait, you're more likely to have another - same goes for male traits. For example, if you have a testicles you're more likely to have XY chromosomes, you're more likely to have a masculine face (Can't remember the term right now), and if you have a dick you're more likely to have balls.

These are all correlations, and before you dipshits grovel "Correlation isn't causation!" most of these defining traits have a >.95 correlation rate with others. Being pregnant is correlated with having a vagina. Genders aren't based on absolutism, they are based on pragmatism.

Sure, people fall somewhere on the spectrum, but the overwhelming majority are either mostly female with a few male traits, or mostly male with a few female traits. Around >99.7% of adults classify themselves as cisgendered.

>> No.12457427

>For example, if you have a testicles you're more likely to have XY chromosomes, you're more likely to have a masculine face (Can't remember the term right now), and if you have a dick you're more likely to have balls.

And this is why Trump's president

>> No.12457437

>clothes get baggy
>Belt gets loose
>body dysphoria makes me think my clothes are stretching out
>Step on scale
>Lost 8 lbs last month

I still think my jeans are stretching out and shit

>> No.12457475


Same thing is happening to me brother. Not sure whether to buy new clothes, or suck it up until I hit my goals. Jeans feel the baggiest, which is weird because it seems like I didn't lose much if any there.

>> No.12457484

Yeah, had that problem... got new jeans last month and a new belt. Jeans are already looser, getting to the point where department stores don't carry my size

>> No.12457531

Trump is president because people wanted someone who was self-evidently lying versus lying at a pathological level.

>> No.12457586


Your country's proper fucked, mate.

>> No.12457628


Agreed. Too many SJWs and libtards. America will never be great again

>> No.12457653

>Too many SJWs and libtards

Oh, and you're fucked too, mentalist.

>> No.12457681

And yours isn't

Nigga if we go down, everyone goes down

>> No.12457725

Just started a shitty extreme calorie deficit, having 1 cup of kashi cereal + a small amount of almond milk, then eating ~100 cal of edamame/asparagus/various greens, then I suppose a significant weekly margin is saved for my drunk Fridays/Saturdays (~100cal/shot of 80 proof vodka a good rule of thumb?). Anyways, will I survive long?

>> No.12457740

Fat fucks btfo'd

>> No.12457746
File: 25 KB, 320x320, 1494366998409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know what queer means, you fucking idiot?

>it's another "b-but i'm not like other gays" episode

>> No.12457749

Who here on 600 calories a day?

Wasn't seeing any progress, but add it to exercise and it's working pretty fast (thank u god for fast metabolism)

>> No.12457768

Thanks for the advice anon!! I'll give it a try

>> No.12457826



>> No.12457957

what's your routine bro, looking good. I want to tone my chest like you, but I gain bulk when doing so ._.