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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 58 KB, 564x613, f253fc6f9fdeb031202833e47e131315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12390530 No.12390530 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>12381440

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hidhratted


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

>MyFitnessPal: "/fa/ friends"

New /thinspo/ tumblr:

>> No.12390549
File: 103 KB, 1279x1017, stay away fit creeps!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12390557
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i'll post some /boispo/ i try avoiding reposting stuff from here but

>> No.12390558
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>> No.12390560
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>> No.12390565
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>> No.12390566
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>> No.12390569
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>> No.12390576
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>> No.12390578
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>> No.12390582
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>> No.12390586
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idk if anyone here into full skeleton

>> No.12390588
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>> No.12390596
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i need to organize this better so I know what i've posted b4 i'll b back

>> No.12390611
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>> No.12390680

more boispo please

>> No.12390698
File: 292 KB, 1200x1600, 1465441426288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in high school and Jr. High, there was an endless supply of cute boys I could fall in love with. They were cute, skinny, and optimistic with this type of energy that just forced you to fall in love with them. They were the types of boys who you could genuinely be friends with, you could have a good time with them AND date them. They were everything I could ever want in a guy and more. And then high school ended. The second I enter the adult would, BAM. These cute and endearing boys turned into gross, fat hairy douchbag old MEN with beards. Why the fuck do adult men think that working out and having some muscles tone on their arms gives them the right to be a fat fuck? I fucking hate adult men. Everything about them makes me sick and pisses me off. Is there something about the male brain that makes guys turn to shit the second puberty ends? At what time do guys go from cute young boys to gross old men? I miss all the skinny, horny cuties who would pretend not to be starring at my cleavage in Jr.High. The types with those cute, rock hard little bodies with the slight muscle tone on their chest, not an inch of fat on their belly. They'd be on top of me, their heart thumping in their hard little chest, tongue in my mouth, so so happy that they finally got a girl to make out with them. Eager, but at the same time, scared to push the limits for fear I would make them stop. And you could feel their hard teen dick rubbing up against you in their pants, the heat generating from their crotch as their excitement heightened. They were perfect. And they're fucking illegal to me now because adult men know they can never compete with the simple beauty that is a teenaged boy.

I hate, HATE adult men. I hate how they put on a fake persona to be "cool". I hate how they abandoned their old personalities to become something so disgusting for the sake of being "cool". I just hate them.

>> No.12390703
File: 1.17 MB, 2916x2080, justin-bieber-adult-male-fans.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men delude themselves every day with this shit
>Slender and muscular men aren't attractive!
>G-get bulk weenie!
Ever notice how boybands and male celebrities that have raging thirsty fangirls always get a massive amount of hate from less than attractive males? They're pissed off because they want to consider themselves attractive and these guys crush their delusions. The fact that they're so fucking jealous of cute, young, energetic guys fills me with rage to no end. They sell their souls so they can become a fucking tool and blend in. They've read every PUA handbook in existence, changing everything about themselves in a pathetic attempt to acquire woman. They intentionally removed themselves from the vigor and quirks of their youth. They try and try so hard to rid themselves of the emotions and life that make us human, just because they've convinced themselves that being a shell of their former selves is the only way to get gurls.

And then, they turn on the TV and see these cute young guys, just being themselves and doing their thing, yet attracting a herd of fangirls begging for their dick. Wouldn't you be fucking pissed too? After all that research, after all those other men telling you that these are the guys woman hate. And yet these boys have girls fawning over them, just by being themselves. Wouldn't you be fucking pissed? All that research, down the drain! You sold your soul for nothing! But, of course, they'll never admit that cute tween boys are better than them. And so, they attack these cute boys to protect their cognitive dissonance.

>T-they're faggots D:

I'm so fucking sick of this shit. I hate adult men so much. So spiteful. So full on hate. Void of everything that adds to the human experience. Kill them and let me piss on their graves.

>> No.12390707
File: 71 KB, 600x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no problem
nice blog post

>> No.12390709

Homosexuals are ruining /thinspo/.

>> No.12390710
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>> No.12390712
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apologies, friend

>> No.12390715
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>> No.12390718
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>> No.12390719
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>> No.12390722
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>> No.12390726
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>> No.12390728
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>> No.12390732
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>> No.12390734
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>> No.12390737
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ok i'm done spamming for now. bit of motivation for the lads/content for the thin inspo tumblr. apologies to everyone else

>> No.12390746

How much is keto supposed to fuck with my test levels? I haven't masturbated, or felt the need to, for a week now, I'm 20 days into keto.

I eat 60% fat, 30% protein, 10% carbs, give or take. Fat is mostly saturated and monounsaturated, carbs are usually below 10% and mostly fiber.

>> No.12390750

What kind of meals do you eat on keto? And do you think it's effective?

>> No.12390765

this thread went full homo quicly

>> No.12390773

How do you guys deal with hunger? I'm cutting (currently down 12kg with a few to go) and it's just so fucking slow and annoying

>> No.12390777

usually I eat something

babybels and mini chicken bites ate 50kcal a pop and tasty

>> No.12390786

should've said inb4 eating

i'm talking about when you're at your daily limit/ trying to sleep e.t.c

>> No.12390788

go to sleep?

that's one of the reasons I convince myself I don't need to eat, because I'll be asleep soon and I'm never hungry when I wake up

>> No.12390789

yeah i'm also not hungry at all in the morning until like 2-3 p.m, but falling asleep is literal hell since i'm the hungriest late at night and i hate eating before going to bed

>> No.12390791

i just find male thinspo more relatable and inspirational as a guy. My folder is mostly editorial or runway photography but w clothed men it doesn't really illustrate their thinness as well, didn't intend to make the thread any gayer

>> No.12390814


fuck off you vapid cunt

>> No.12390819

I don't know if this is shitposting or not, but thank you so goddamn much for this.

You have essentially summed up my phobia of maturation. I've been told that I look like I'm 12 (18 now) and I just think I'm going to off myself when I start looking manly.

You might be a pedophile but idfc, your posts have given me more thinsperation than any of these pictures ever will.

>> No.12390825
File: 710 KB, 576x864, 1433032257872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shouldn't be focussing on getting thinner. Rather, you should be eating better and going out for exercise as often as possible. I don't think there was nearly enough irony in the last thread, with the posting of those hapless anorexic boys and girls, and the weird approval from most posters. At its worst, anorexia is just as damaging as over-eating. Join a gym: you'll find that your taste for fatty, high corn-syrup foodstuffs decreases, and your urges for healthy food increases.

>> No.12390878


This is exactly what I've done, more or less. I've got this daft little exercise routine I'm doing daily, and I gave up sweets and chocolate about two weeks ago. The first week was so bad I started wearing an elastic band around my wrist to fiddle with whenever the urge to defile myself with refined sugar came over me, but now I'm basically alright.

>> No.12390889

That's awesome mate. I just know so many people aspire to achieve the ultra-thin look, and a lot of the time it translates to eating crap outside of meal times and skipping meals.

>> No.12390926
File: 13 KB, 597x519, 1491706301657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw the thinspo girl at my uni again before a lecture

Was TOO SCARED to talk to her

Killing myself now

FUCK she wears skirts and leggings and her thigh gap gave me a heart attack

>> No.12390949
File: 145 KB, 760x1243, 1489100226628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bonganon, you need to update us or we'll assume you're dead.

>> No.12390954

what is the monster from rec doing in a bathroom taking a selfie

>> No.12391002
File: 18 KB, 199x200, FingerTwiddle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You think she's got the same tongue?

>> No.12391003

I pretty much only eat eggs, chicken meat, veal liver, cold cuts (mostly pepperoni and smoked turkey breast), solid dairy products, peanuts, sunflower seeds, spinach, green peas and beans, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, tomatoes, garlic and onions (low amounts), squares of 85% dark chocolate as a treat here and there, and drink a ton of magnesium rich mineral water. I'm mostly sedentary apart from trying to walk an hour every day, I'd love to go to the gym but I've got a bum shoulder which no one seems to know how to fix.

I eat at a deficit of around 500-800 calories below maintenance every day as well, which I also suspect to be the culprit. My main goal is losing body fat, which I'd personally say I'm effectively doing, plus I get the bonus of a clean tongue, never feeling puffy, and hopefully getting my insulin sensitivity in line (I was never diagnosed with a problem but it's still something I'd like to get a head start on since my grandparents had insulin problems).

>> No.12391014

me 2

>> No.12391039
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>> No.12391040
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>> No.12391207
File: 32 KB, 400x600, 41196_106941382699188_100001499813626_63739_2788763_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leyla's proportions are godly...I wish I had the same body as her.

>> No.12391208
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>> No.12391211
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>> No.12391213
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>lost 4 lbs in 3 days
Is this even possible or is my cheap scale messing with me?

>> No.12391215
File: 62 KB, 576x864, 4fc565220d541f8ccec4bc2c489c6dbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12391220

water weight

>> No.12391221

Loss of libido is a symptom of the reduction in calories you're eating, not keto itself.

>> No.12391225

I have 10-15 lbs left to lose, what's more on my mind is body hair. I have a pretty ridulous amount of chest hair but I find it acceptable, opinions?

also best way to remove chest + back hair if I decide to do it?

>> No.12391226

mums making brownies
the whole house smells of chocolate

>> No.12391229

get waxed

>> No.12391231

have one and don't hate yourself, it'll be nice to your mom

>> No.12391272

I was going to say that, but I know that eating one would make me binge the rest of the day.

>> No.12391293

Eat ONE. Practicing self control is important

>> No.12391301

Chill the fuck out, cute boys don't like batshit crazies like you

>> No.12391304
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>> No.12391331


She looks about nine ffs.

>> No.12391339

is it?
I can avoid temptation indefinitely

>> No.12391417

I'd love some Ben & Jerry's Topped Salted Caramel Brownie right now.

>> No.12391418

"Diet: Carbohydrates and Salt. Carbohydrates and salt both cause water retention." so if you start eating less of those you'll lose water, thus water weight

>> No.12391430

Peanut Butter Cookie Core is my shit. I ate two pints on Saturday night when I wasn't even hungry. Not even sure I enjoyed it but I'm sure I'll do it again sometime in the next 6 months.

>> No.12391460

Thanks senpai. I'm definitely trying.

>> No.12391622

>got new job
>new job has a buffet/cafeteria fully stocked everyday for workers
>gain 7lbs
I wasn't even eating that much of the food! I'm guessing they use alot of butter and other fatty things/high carb components . So i'm back to pre making my every meal. I aint trusting that food at all >:(

>> No.12391637

Just start taking hormones and be a cute femboy forever.

>> No.12391638

I'm always amazed at how much money companies are willing to waste.

>> No.12391643

Eating a small meal that is really starchy helps a lot, especially when combined with water. Progresso soups are my go to. I can barely get through them because of all the potatoes and veggies, but they're only like 200 calories. If I drink a lot of water after too then it feels like I've got a brick in my stomach that will last me at least a few hours.

>> No.12391653

Most people here do diet and exercise, they just supplement it fasting every now and then in the hope they will get quicker results

Weight can fluctuate by that amount in one day. I've had days where I've fluctuated as much as 7 lbs due to water and eating. The best way to counteract this is to take a daily reading in the morning nude or in just your underwear then average at the end of the week to get your 'real' weekly body weight.

Shaving body hair isn't that much of a pain once you get in to the habit of it, and depending on your genetics/gender it can take a bit to grow back.

>> No.12391660

I work for a hotel...and i'm talking one of the really nice high end ones.
Trust me these fuckers have money to spend.

>> No.12391666
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>taking hormones and not trans

>> No.12391670

Plenty of people do it, lgbt has a whole thread devoted to boys who aren't trans but still take hormones because they keep them cute and young looking. Honestly if you don't try to present female, chances are other people aren't going to see you that way unless you already look like a girl.

>> No.12391674


/fem/gen, git! Git!

>> No.12391682
File: 74 KB, 932x458, IMG_0023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I doing?

>> No.12391685
File: 1.44 MB, 284x342, tumblr_on6zzn7u0G1rvf7pso1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ree get off my board

>> No.12391689

You're doing great, Mohammed Goldberg.

>> No.12391747


Come here while I feed you a pasty.

>> No.12391818
File: 209 KB, 320x480, 431321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you me?
i can avoid eating anything i "shouldn't" eat for practically forever, but once i approach that cliff i have to jump, ya know?
tried to treat myself to an ice cream cone last weekend as a reward to myself for falling under 110lbs, ended up eating with reckless abandon the rest of the day

>> No.12391832


are these all bonganon?

>> No.12391854

now leave

>> No.12391917

She just looks like a kid

Happens to everyone but the chaddest of chads

Going by the average femgen poster it's probably just a tranny in denial

>is this a pigeon?

>> No.12391918

i might not go the whole day but often that's the pattern it follows
snacking is fatal for me and must be avoided at all costs, usually OMAD but often get weak at night. usually i try to just think of what kind of large delicious meal i'll have tomorrow and how disgusting cheating will make me feel during and long after

>> No.12391948

Will I grow breasts and a vag

>> No.12391966

>implying /fa/ isn't 90% fags and trannies.

You might grow small breasts but you can just pass that off as gyno or if it gets really bad you can wear a binder or something. You'll get clearer softer skin. your face will get prettier, and you'll look overall younger though. It's a trade off. If you go a lose dose you might still be able to minimize breast growth, getting all the benefits with less of the drawbacks.

>> No.12392048

hey people, share your stories about how your acquaintances reacted to your weight loss !

I will start

>be at college
>some faggot I know approaches me
> he says "why did you get so thin ? you know that guys like girls with shapes right ? what's the point if nobody's gonna check you out lol"

what a cunthole, he makes it sound like people do stuff only for attention.

>> No.12392065


Far more food is offered. And far more declined.

Well done either way, keep at it.

>> No.12392070

idont even know how I used to do these hard diets

I've lost more weight and feel way better just eating 1700. I honestly don't think it's possible to eat under 1.2k cals and still remain a functioning human being

>> No.12392195

>tfw can't pass as a tranny so I head to /femgen/

>> No.12392217

That's your queue to inform him of his shit taste

>> No.12392225

No, that's his cue, you ape.

>> No.12392258


Dunno man, you're skinnyfat and still need to suck in. You have little muscle but still a bit of bodyfat, ideally you want a little muscle with low bodyfat. You really need to hit the gym honestly.

>> No.12392318
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>> No.12392335
File: 5 KB, 212x249, 4567890-=4567890-=4567890-=4567890-=567890-=.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had 720 calories today and didn't exercise and i feel like absolute shit having eaten so much. It's only been 5 days into my diet and I was pushing 200-300 calories a day and burning 200 at the gym. Why am I like this, I feel like I fucked up so bad when 700 cals is nowhere near a lot.. Am i ed chan now??

>> No.12392343

wtf are you me

I had 800 calories today and I feel like utter shit too.

>> No.12392344

So I'm 185cm and 65 kg. My scale says my body fat is 7.5%. Can this be accurate if I never lifted and I don't have a huge amount of muscles? Or what would be a more realistic body fat percentage?

>> No.12392390
File: 27 KB, 419x304, 02393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya'll on that mentally ill shit
you could have 800kcal every day and still have lost weight at the end of the week unless either of you are *actual* midgets

>> No.12392402
File: 180 KB, 848x1136, IMG_1666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much more should I lose? Guess my weight I'm 5'7"

>> No.12392405


>> No.12392409

None and I'm saying this as a diagnosed bullimic. Your body is nice, v cute

>> No.12392411

I weigh a LOT more than that :/

>> No.12392418

you asked how much more should you lose first

>> No.12392420

How much do you think I weigh?

>> No.12392426

103Ibs i'm guessing. I looked like that at my lowest

>> No.12392429

'round 115? less?
you look underweight so i'm using that as a reference lmao. im also nowhere near 5'7 so im not sure how one carries weight at that height

>> No.12392437

ever since I was a child I was always skinny, but never had a flat tummy. I figured that was only a model thing, that my body was just like that, acceptance, etc. But then I found you guys and tried IF and realized my tummy can actually get flat, its amazing. Looks like I have some sort of problem digesting food so I was always bloated (I was eating all the time so my stomach was always full). Well, I found out now so I'm adjusting my diet. Thanks guys, I feel so much better about my body. I suspect leaky gut and/or candida is the problem.

>> No.12392489
File: 19 KB, 236x314, df7d9cb4df67c8d4d00b8fdd57e892e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to say thanks for you all. Today I finally reached my weight goal.

I'm mostly a lurker on those threads, I interacted a little but those threads always helped me to not give up.

I was a major fatty when I was a teen, lost some in adulthood, but still chubby.

Since I started for real I lost 55 pounds. I'm pear shaped and I'll live with some loose skin, unfortunately, (no thigh gap for me, at least until I remove it)

Sorry for the blog. Stay hydrated and never give up guys!

>> No.12392494
File: 16 KB, 141x100, 243422.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats anon! its an amazing feeling to finally reach your goals but its important to show people that it CAN be done :)

>> No.12392500

Looking very good Anon, congrats!

>> No.12392508

are you from dump.fm? be honest. Only someone from there would use that gif ever.

>> No.12392520

no i got it off ..................... tumblr

>> No.12392536

that figures.

>> No.12392549
File: 18 KB, 498x498, 9b44e9a87ad86384b31cf36b018930ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you kind anon! I always loved to see people from here reaching goals, so I decided to do the same.


It's not me, unfortunately. Lose skin on thighs is not effay, so I'll post pictures when I remove it.

>> No.12392652


>> No.12392682

you can't deny that clothes look significantly better on an underweight body though, anyways, this isn't /fit, no one here has a primary interest in health

>> No.12392700
File: 64 KB, 540x540, tumblr_n90w27mq0o1thzjo0o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the /fit/ anon and I get what you are saying but a healthy regimen IS /fa/ because your body looks better when it's healthy. People with actual anorexia with no regard to their health have bad nails, thin and shedding hair and sometimes straight up baldness, gross looking skin, etc.

Even from a vain standpoint, it's important to have regard for your health.

>> No.12392765
File: 997 KB, 160x160, pig in blanket.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fast all day
>eat entire daily calorie budget in icecream

>> No.12392992
File: 319 KB, 935x623, Kitty_0290_Web-935x623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's possible to be anorexic and still retain beauty and youth. Hardcore ana chans with like bmi 14 are fucked tho

>> No.12392996
File: 73 KB, 640x515, 4a60103da7ae0a1c905e42ab0c2c3007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12392999
File: 80 KB, 768x1024, a5a179fa82f4ce9da7392b7bbc7931d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12393026

i'm glad that's the front. thought it was the back for a second and was creeped out. actually still might be creeped out.

>> No.12393191

>Hardcore ana chans with like bmi 14

14 is not hardcore lol

>> No.12393232

Idk, man. I just eat whatever I like and I'm 105 at 5'9". I think you guys are fucking yourselves over with the ana lifestyle. You just end up binging due to the hunger. You're willing to eat anything when you're hungry and your rational side goes down the drain, causing you to binge on junk. Then, your metabolism is so fucked from your lifestyle that you gain a lot more from it than you normally would.

>> No.12393239

Reminder: mia is not /fa/

>> No.12393388

>tfw 1400 TDEE

>> No.12393392

been averaging 900 for about 7 months now
If I hit 1000 then I'm disappointed with myself and double down for the rest of the week

>> No.12393409

metabolism is a meme

>> No.12393468

DSM defines anything below 15 as "extreme"

>> No.12393480

Waxing is very comfy desu.

>> No.12393581

1 pound in 9 days
fucking tempted to get on speed

>> No.12393584
File: 2.32 MB, 2448x3264, WP_001576 .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are my legs okay, i feel like my calves and thighs dont go well together

>> No.12393589
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>tfw no thinspo gf

>> No.12393623

i like them

>> No.12393714

You know anon there's a thing called self control

>> No.12393823

You look amazing

>> No.12393830

that means "whatever you like" is coincidentally not all that much. i ate whatever i wanted and less and still ended up with a bmi of 25, and that's not nearly as bad as it could have been.

your heart is in the right place but you really don't understand 1. how mental illness works and 2. how other people's bodies work differently than yours.

>> No.12393833
File: 1.22 MB, 1500x1001, DSC_5383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 11 weeks I'll be posting inspo with myself as motive. I'm 3 weeks in and so far it's looking pretty good, so maybe it'll be earlier.

>> No.12393862

Don't lose anymore. You'll enter uggo skelly mode if you

>> No.12393895
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>> No.12393897
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>> No.12393903
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>> No.12393907
File: 118 KB, 634x951, 3F291BA100000578-0-image-a-1_1491927815006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to her?

>> No.12393926
File: 12 KB, 225x225, 1387577830454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no body, no matter how nice, is saving that face

>> No.12394319

I'm not saying to eat junk all day, I'm just saying that letting yourself go hungry will fuck you over in the long run. Ever notice how these threads are always filled with "I binged on X and Y whaaa my day is ruined"? That's what happens when you let yourself go hungry. I'm well aware that I don't take in many calories, I'm not blaming it on metabolism, I just think you guys are doing it wrong is all.

>> No.12394510

Stats, if you don't mind? You are perfect

>> No.12394735

I've recently moved and I've gained about ten pounds over four months. My friends are coming to visit me in two weeks, what's the most foolproof way of losing ten pounds in two weeks? I'll follow any meal plan, I just went for an hour long run this morning and did a quick at home workout and had chocolate milk.

5'5 female, currently 130 lbs

>> No.12394743

Calculate your maintenece. Eat less than it. As much as you can and still function.

>> No.12394749

>10 pounds in two weeks


>> No.12394752

she wont get there but if she eats little enough she might get close
still gonna look 10lbs heavier though

>> No.12394753

>tfw thin
>tfw still ugly
>tfw still huge hips
>tfw still huge ribcage
>tfw still no bf

well, fuck

>> No.12394762
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if you have personal style you can overcome these things
this is /fa/ after all

>> No.12394764

I'm also poor

>> No.12394770

The thing is I gained it so suddenly that it doesn't show that much in the first place. But I definitely fluctuate a lot now, whenever I eat I look bloated immediately when before I'd still have my flat stomach. I think it's possible if I eat very little and exercise?

>> No.12394772
File: 212 KB, 600x849, 01-Vranopoulou-Waliszeska.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no nice innocent depressed girl to lay next to you and touch your ribs

>> No.12394775

exactly what

>> No.12394780

honestly, 130 at 5'5" isn't really that bad. if you can get back down to about 126 they probably won't even notice.

>> No.12394792
File: 48 KB, 500x420, gallery_87874_8007_75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a QUESTION guys. I fell for the muscle meme and I'm relatively compared to those around me. My mom was a competitive bodybuilder and thanks to her genetics I gain muscle really easily. I'm also a sponsored skateboarder, skating is like all I do, so there's really not much I can do to not have jacked ass legs. So what should my plan be? I'm down with the thin image but even if I lose all my fat and muscle up top my legs are still gonna be pretty ripped. Should I just go as lean as possible while preserving muscle? What do you friendly twigs think?

>> No.12394827
File: 250 KB, 751x1000, 1489513081999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you starve yourself you're going to have a much harder time skating. just don't be fat and don't worry about it.

the thinspo look is more for wannabe high fashion models or muh SLP, anyway. fit guys still look good in typical dickies/t-shirt/sneakers.

though, if you are actually fat on top of the muscle, disregard all this and just do CICO.

>> No.12394855


Gotta get that charity shop swag. Nasty old plaid shirts and ratty third hand Vans.

>> No.12394906

i think i memed myself into anorexia
im only 2 lbs away from my goal weight so i just wanna starve myself to get it done asap
its gotten to the point to where i felt guilty for eating a sandwich that was only 1/6 of my tdee (2300 kcal counting exercise 1900 kcal w/out) 2/3 into the day even though i barely ate yesterday and did a shitton of walking
binged on a lot of pastries today too but luckily it was still under my tdee
wouldnt be surprised if i gained since it was just carbs and sugar : (
at least i killed my carbs cravings for the following week

>> No.12394917

fuck i just realized that i just reached """underweight""" too
hope if i did gain that its all water weight
on another note my cheeks look a bit sunken now which is great since i thought i would never see that happen due to having fat cheeks from my father
not as sunken as i would like but still better

>> No.12394944
File: 27 KB, 831x508, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi thinspo

>> No.12394949

just out of curiosity, what was your starting weight, and how long have you been losing?

>> No.12394958
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>> No.12394959

Hi guys, did you know magnets (north side) reduce appetite? I'm even less thirsty. Bought 12 1 1/4in x 1/8in neodymium magnets that get here on saturday but the small ones I have work really well.

>> No.12394965
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>> No.12394975
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wheres sugar column ?
also hows your satiated, that all for today?

>> No.12394988

I switch between sodium and sugar depending on what my diet's been like, though I should just replace the fiber one since I'm almost always in 20-30g when I eat normally. Not like I've been paying attention to my macros the last couple weeks though.

Anyway, my stomach is pretty small at this point, so a sandwich is enough to more or less fill me up. Drank a bunch of coffee today, so the apple was enough to keep me from being hungry for a few hours. I wasn't even gonna have the bar originally but it was the last one left, and I kinda wanted desert.

>> No.12395087
File: 27 KB, 908x548, rt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain this.

>> No.12395115

>200cal under goal
>not hungry, have no idea what to eat, just want to go to bed
>know I will feel like shit tomorrow if i don't eat enough


>> No.12395118

Source site please, looks fun

>> No.12395156

I think over time skin can shrink, hopefully that works for you. Regardless, good job anon

>> No.12395187

white women are a lot fatter than you think, and they include all sorts of random races under 'asian' while you're only thinking of east asian

>> No.12395188

how to lose stomach fat ?

Used to exercise frequently but a recent string of shitty times and just eating junk has made my stomach all fat and disgusting; any tips for just slimming down that area ? Rest of my body I'm pretty happy with.

>> No.12395213

targeted fat redction is not a thing

>> No.12395214

stats is just like height and weight and stuff right? i'm 5'5 and 100 lbs ish

>> No.12395224

Any general tips then ?

>> No.12395226

calories in < calories out

>> No.12395235

What are everyone's stats?

>90 lbs

should I lose any more weight? I feel like if I get down to the 80s I'll legitimately have a problem

>> No.12395264

lul "omg im so anroexic guise..." "also i only just hit bmi 18.5" thats not even low fckoff lmao

>> No.12395266

??? 200 calories wont make you feel better tmrw??? its not big enough a difference
but if you absolutely need fast calories have a glass of milk

>> No.12395278

im 5'3" (thought i was 5'2 at the time tho) and 89 is where i always felt best. when i was lower i was kinda sick/weak/obsessive over food/bingey/anorexic af lul but any higher and i didnt rly feel particularly thin

unrelated longass blog, yw; im so damn happyyyy bc i weighed myself for the first itme in a million years nd im 96 lbs,, ive gained a lot over the past couple months
(^re being bmi 14-14.5 a while back, p sure 1. my metabolism died 2. my ability to think normally abt food died so ive been eating whatever i want for a long time trying to get back to normal attitudes, gained a bit more weight than i wanted to so am now trying to slowly and more healthily lose back down to 89/90)

>> No.12395279

>165 lbs

>> No.12395297

2 weeks of staying 500 below my bmr
this past week i've been letting myself get to my bmr tho

>> No.12395306
File: 340 KB, 1336x820, Screen Shot 2017-04-13 at 10.03.02 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi. that's a very clean plate, nice job.

i don't track anymore, but i had three orders of this, some whipped cream, coffee, and tea today. will go heavy veggie tomorrow.

>> No.12395341

damn me

>> No.12395361
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>> No.12395389
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Back when I was cutting weight for wrestling.

>> No.12395422

post pics in your tights

>> No.12395450

Nah, you could tell what school I went to and I don't want that on the internet.

>> No.12395478

Its ok kid everyone already knows you're gay, its ok to come out of the closet.

>> No.12395495


like you're thin but why suck in? It doesn't even show what you actually look like

>> No.12395497
File: 2.12 MB, 2448x3264, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic a bit old, but pretty much where I'm at
177cm, went from 71kg-->59kg
just wanna get skinnier legs now ;_;

>> No.12395521


are you 59kg in that pic?

>> No.12395524

>tfw finally drop 0.8 kg after maintaining for three days
good feel, senpai

>> No.12395528
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>> No.12395534

59 or 60, yeah
that's where I've been hovering the last month or so

>> No.12395592

Weird. Im 177 too and 61 kg and still look fat.

>> No.12395593


>> No.12395598
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>> No.12395600

Why do you type like such an annoying cunt?

>> No.12395601

that second paragraph makes very little sense

>> No.12395626

because you probably eat a horrible diet

just losing weight does conclude with you having a good body

if you want a good body you actually have to workout and eat healthy

>> No.12395641

ok thanks for the tip

>> No.12395660

What do you guys think is the ideal height for guys and for girls? Possible to be too tall? What about too short?

>> No.12395666

I'm 5'2 and the perfect human height

>> No.12395670


>> No.12395696

Are you a grill?

>> No.12395698


How long it take to go from 71-60kg? I'm at 70kg now and it's starting to slow down a bit.
Whats your diet and training like?

>> No.12395701

5'1-5'3 and 6'2-6'4

>> No.12395712

Did hydration frog poster die? I keep forgetting to drink water

>> No.12395716

Not orignial poster, but i went from 71 kg to 60 kg in 2 months and i weight train 3-4 times a week. My diet isnt anything special i just do IF and try to avoid processed food and carbs as much as i can.

>> No.12395722

I am a very special boy

>> No.12395788

Me too. Maximum jelly of your height

>> No.12395803

oil and butter have so much calories compared to veggies damn

>> No.12395805

Well duh

>> No.12395840

How many cals?

>> No.12395876


>> No.12396262

Ive been eating 900kcal daily and im having problems with my blood pressure. My blood pressure is usually low but lately it started to get worse. I was eating 1200kcal per day and was doing okayish but now that im eating lower its starting to give me troubles. Should i go back to 1200? Im 5'2 and about 110lbs

>> No.12396305

>tfw trying hard to fight off my urges

does gum help sooth eating?

>> No.12396327

Try vaping

>> No.12396328

are you serious?

>> No.12396664


>> No.12396689

damn those triceps are thicc

>> No.12396729

Where to cop belt

>> No.12396755

works in theory but not in practice

>> No.12396772

for a guy as tall as possible, especially if youre hetero, height is the number 1 thing women love, even ahead of income. For women doesnt matter

>> No.12396882


>> No.12396921

its true, women can look good at any height as long as theyre slim

>> No.12396938 [DELETED] 

>For women doesnt matter


>> No.12396959

because nobody cares about womens height. it doesnt make us more or less attractive - for men it almost defines their attractiveness. TALL, dark and handsome. dark is a matter of preference, even handsomeness is somewhat subjective, but height is prerequisite to be an attractive man, and effay is just a synonym for attractive

>> No.12396969 [DELETED] 
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>because nobody cares about womens height. it doesnt make us more or less attractive

I do. 5'9" is really the shortest I find attractive. On images you may not be able to tell but in person short women lack presence. Tall girls catch my eye while short ones go unnoticed.

But then again maybe that's just me~

>> No.12396994


>> No.12396998

r u srs

because i dont believe you

>> No.12397006

I think that wherever you gained fat last goes away first when losing, but don't quote me on that. Mostly just CICO will solve it though

>> No.12397023

not true, I'm 5'2" and being slim only makes me look like a little kid
and my head looks disproportionately large

>> No.12397036

But if you were a man you'd die a virgin with severe mental health problems...

>> No.12397042

I'm not saying men don't have it harder, dumbass, I just said that women can't necessarily look good just because they're slim

being slender works on tall girls, but not short ones. i have never seen a short skinny girl who is model-tier

>> No.12397045

Yeah. I'm serious. South side made me hungry as fuck. Not even hungry really just compulsively eat. And gave me a stuffed nose. But north side is GOAT.

>> No.12397058

of course you havent models are all tall, thats not the same as 'looking good' you fucking idiot

>> No.12397091

sex isn't a right it's a privilege

>> No.12397099

privelege isnt a sex its a right

>> No.12397174

>I think that wherever you gained fat last goes away first when losing,

>> No.12397241

this post is /broscience/

>> No.12397287

those legs were amazing til i got to the part with her head.

>> No.12397313
File: 22 KB, 408x352, 1467098369636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive made no progress

>> No.12397314

I hit my goal weight today

>> No.12397362


congrats! stats?


>> No.12397377

Is this pasta? Lol wtf. I can safely say most girls don't think like you. If you want to live the "niceeee" pedo meme I suggest you teach high school

>> No.12397383


Look at their bodys
Are there any more pics where the girls are thin AND sexy? Like, in an attractive way? Those motivate me more than the skelly fashion models do.

>> No.12397421


that said he obviously has some serious brain damage

>> No.12397457
File: 101 KB, 654x1045, IMG_0499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working on it... drinking only water

>> No.12397458


>> No.12397508

Do men have tits now?

>> No.12397511

It's pasta written by me and posted to various sites. I want the world to know of my pain.

>> No.12397548

do you use your potbelly as a drum

>> No.12397580

all the (you)s are trashing you, but you honestly sound like a decent person who gets it

>> No.12397640

You're a slut

>> No.12397663

i'm so autistically bad at staying away from "bad foods" in general. i figure writing out a strict diet plan with exact meals will help me. i also want to try keto. does anyone have any meal plans that i could try?

>> No.12397680

protein + fat

>> No.12397683
File: 116 KB, 1000x660, yukkuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice shirt

>> No.12397716

you're autistically bad because you have no willpower

>> No.12397719

nice observation any idea how to work around it

>> No.12397796
File: 1.86 MB, 3000x4000, 23264562133_1b5d7cf2eb_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12397980

holy shit im so glad there are actually people out there who think this


>> No.12398029

>when maybe you're thinspo or maybe just skint

>> No.12398037

i like to grab my boobs while wearing that shirt and pretend theyre two yukkuris, and then torture them like how yukkuris deserve

>> No.12398148


>> No.12398206

>ate 1500 calories yesterday
>up all last night being sick
serves me right I guess
never again

>> No.12398447

Is bulimia /fa/?

>> No.12398448

>trying my hardest to gain weight
>ate 1.1k cals in the past 30 hours

just fuck my shit up. what's some cheap tasty food that i can get my weight up with? ((without getting major acne))

>> No.12398464

peanut butter is pretty great as an 'i need a ton of calories fast' option.
(make sure you get the real shit with just peanuts and salt as the ingredients)

>> No.12398472

i think a lot of models do it so yeah i guess technically.
don't do it though you will feel like shit and getting your appetite under control the legit way will keep you skinny forever.

>> No.12398533

i wasn't purging, I just had intense stomach cramps and I couldn't sleep through the pain, so I just forced myself to vomit

it was at least 6 hours later and there was still a lot of it in my stomach
wonder how many calories I lost

>> No.12398573 [DELETED] 
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I still got a long way to go... Yet i still managed to binge

>> No.12398576
File: 26 KB, 584x700, wojak-tears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I reached my goal, and have been eating increasingly poorly since. How do I get re-motivated, lads? I've gained two pounds back :o(

>> No.12398579

kek i hate them too

>> No.12398588

>tfw still huge ribcage

man I know that feel for real. I always have a weird little barrel chest even though I'm very skinny :((

>> No.12398592

corset is the answer. but it's painful and you have more chances of fainting.

>> No.12398604

I'm not gonna be able to go to the gym for the next week and a half roughly. What should I do in the meantime?
Don't want to lose muscle but would rather not add any fat (already disgusts me desu) to my body.
>5'8 130 lbs
Any and all advice appreciated friends <3

>> No.12398606
File: 1.90 MB, 360x199, This+is+the+kid+from+the+mac+ad+grown+up_27601d_4870333.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12398662

>this is the kid from that one gif

>> No.12398722


>> No.12398814

this, wtf senpai.

>> No.12398871

I've been really sloppy with my calorie counting as of late
need a firm kick up the bum

>> No.12398883

>tfw no dubbo-chan "gf"

>> No.12398940

Everything is a cycle for me. If I force myself to eat really well for a week, then it comes extremely easy to stay doing that. If I let myself slide for a week, then I get in a negative cycle.

>> No.12398962

in my bad days I ate like shit like you wouldn't believe
I can't believe I didn't turn into one of those that you see on TLC that end up bed bound.

I'm kinda scared of turning into that again.
I live on a huge deficit despite being told I'm cutting too hard because I don't want to justify to myself that it's okay to eat more than I can survive on. It's just an excuse to stuff my face and I don't want to.
if that makes sense.

>> No.12398974

Yeah, I know what you mean. I get really disgusted with myself. Holidays are really bad because even though I'm pretty good about not eating a bunch of garbage, when I do I'm absolutely disgusted with myself and feel terrible.

>> No.12399046
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>be me
>already relatively healthy weight, decent muscle : fat ratio but unfortunately thick legs and chubby face
>ED comes back hard last winter
>finally lose 10 lbs after 3 months (with some weeks of maintaining here and there)
>still at least 10, maybe 20 lbs to go

why was i cursed with these midget genes

also not really directly related but i already ate over 400 calories this morning and it's not even noon

>> No.12399125
File: 38 KB, 667x720, 1490251089771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aight so I'm a long time/b/,/fit/,/r9k/ lurker, but I'm new to here and I'm a little confused. I love the slender woman bit, but are moderately muscular dudes not considered fashionable or good looking? Where does one draw the line? I'm not sure where I stand here.

>> No.12399127

I feel that situation too. stats?

>> No.12399135


>> No.12399138

5'3" 125 :(

>> No.12399141

similar to myself. I'm 130 lbs @ 5'7", male (male).

>> No.12399153

Oi, what're some excuses I can use to dodge "why don't you eat something, anon?" questions?

>> No.12399159

>I had a late breakfast
>I'm sick
>lactose intolerance
>I'm taking medication that limits my diet

>> No.12399179

Eloquent. Thanks a bunch, saved me

>> No.12399196

Hi guys I made a discord! please join


>> No.12399292

What are your best meals to keep yourself full as long as possible? Idk but for me it only works if i do low carb

>> No.12399299

low carb, high opiates

>> No.12399319
File: 136 KB, 1080x1349, 17931857_246834825788956_1633811890180194304_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my waifu, say something nice about her!

>> No.12399324

hmmmm so i should lose 10kg...

why the fuck does alcohol have to have calories

>> No.12399337

>prefer by body at <100 lbs
>prefer my face at >110 lbs
do I just get cosmetic surgery to graft fat cells onto my face?

>> No.12399385

My go-to omad is just a lazy meat+veggie sautee. Go generous with the oil as needed. Tasty and filling af.

>> No.12399386

w2c heroin?

>> No.12399397
File: 68 KB, 400x604, 1488501937494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it okay to get one take away meal a week because you've been so strict for so long and feel like you're going to go out of your mind?
asking for a friend ._.

>> No.12399416

>not stims

>> No.12399420

Hell yeah. Do what thou wilt as long as you're keeping your weight. Your metabolism will purge away anything you put into your veins, bet it dew, meth or take away. ;)

>> No.12399432

how to make oatmeal made with water taste good while still keeping calories low?

>> No.12399438

soak overnight rather than cook, gets more natural sweetness I find

>> No.12399445

Also use like 2/3 or even 1/2 the water that the package suggests.

>> No.12399474

gret tummy :o)

who is your waifu?

>> No.12399479

Yeah, I believe in cheat meals rather than cheat days. One meal per week, eat whatever you want as long as it doesn't make you sick. So, that one meal wouldn't be a binge, but rather a nice big meal that would leave you comfortably full in the end (rather than stuffed and sick)

>> No.12399484

i buy sugar free oatmeal and add in splenda
i kno im gonna die 1 day whatever

>> No.12399489

i forget what it is for 1/2 a cup but its perfect and very low cal

>> No.12399499

I like to put in salt. If you do that always ofc this will look like shitty advice, but if you don't: salt really takes it to the next lvl. also, cinnamon. you can add some sugar to the cinnamon if you leave it to dry rather than soak it after you eat it. then you'll damn near burn the calories just by scrubbing it clean.

>> No.12399501

why bother
just eat something else

>> No.12399519
File: 7 KB, 130x125, 1360203990461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just don't want to like slip into a binge
im in too deep bros

>> No.12399556

Yeah, that's the danger. Some people can't just have one meal, like they can't just have one drink, or one cigarette, or whatever.

Being /thinspo4lyfe/ is all about finding what works for you. If a cheat meal works for you, then do that. If you try it and it causes a problem, then try something else to stay sane.

>> No.12399571
File: 630 KB, 2048x2048, CeCQjp6WwAAfkdz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's super /thinspo/ and /fa/. :3

>> No.12399586

You're scared of a binge? Find something to do. cba to find something to do? Well, that's exactly when you ought to find something to do. Literally can't find anything to do? Wait for it to pass while you drink tea or coffee, while planning for something, etc. wearing an outfit for a specific occasion, a partying with a friend, going ot a café, whatever. That's what works for me. Doing plans and making plans. By doing that, eating is put into context, and then it's easy to find motivation not to eat.

>> No.12399632

I've been the same weight for 2 weeks now
my average calories in that time has been 871

gonna kill myself and donate my body to science for infinite energy

>> No.12399636

you're underestimating

>> No.12399648

I always round up to the nearest 50
I drink nothing but water and zero cal soda

unless I'm sleep eating, or drinking pure salt water, something is wrong

>> No.12399658

you fucked your metabolism from eating so little.

>> No.12399665

so donating my body it is.

>> No.12399664

but what are you eating

>> No.12399667

no. just boost your metabolism by eating a little bit more and start a better diet.

>> No.12399671

chicken wraps, porridge, cereal bars, sausage rolls, the occasional brownie (2 this week)

>lose weight by eating more
not calling you a liar but I'm going to need an explanation of your logic

>> No.12399677

are you weighing it

>> No.12399683

seems like I didn't explain myself clearly. eat slightly more, so that your metabolism will resume its normal pace. and then, lower your calorie intake BUT NOT TOO MUCH.

>> No.12399686

I'm going off the packaging
work out the total in the bag, divide by how many are in it
I only tend to eat single serving foods like instant porridge, cereal bars and chicken chargrills because it makes counting calories easier

what would 'slightly more' be?
100kcal extra a day?

>> No.12399690

500 calories under your TDEE.

>> No.12399693

that would be 1,725
I've been eating less than half of that for at least 9 months
would that not cause the rebound effect that comes with crash diets?

>> No.12399703

honestly, I don't know. my metabolism got slower too, so I tried the advice I gave you and now I'm doing fine. don't trust me too much though, I have no idea how your body is gonna react to it.

>> No.12399711
File: 101 KB, 500x683, 1477332341336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally all you can do
1. eat at maintenance for like 2 or 3 days, it won't kill your progress
2. come back at it ready to weigh [everything]
3. dont eat a single thing if you can't calculate how many calories it is (sauces, food you didn't make, any liquid calories)
4. make SURE you are drinking at least 2L of water every day
5. (optional) do more cardio, as long as it doesn't lead you to eat more

anything else anyone tells you is just a meme

>> No.12399720

I could always do DNP

>dont eat a single thing if you can't calculate how many calories it is
I don't think you understand how autistic I am about this
if a sauce says '12kcal per serving', I'll mark that down as 50

you know now that I think about it, I probably have tanked my metabolism.
but eating more than you're comfortable with when you've been fat before is a tightrope

>> No.12399736

i believe that you've been diligent, but i dont recommend estimating, even if you're over estimating. especially if you ever do that for fast food or some shit.
i can't stress the water enough tho. nothing makes ur body run smoother than being well hydrated

>> No.12399757

why is overestimating bad?
it makes it a lot harder, if not impossible to ever go over your limit

>> No.12399868

Holy shit I can't stop binge eating

>> No.12399918

New thread when?

>> No.12399919

tfw no friends

>> No.12399922

i'll be your thinspo friend anon. we can go out and do fun stuff that doesn't involve eating like it does with normie friends


>> No.12399942


>> No.12400023

Mix in a banana