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/fa/ - Fashion

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12186696 No.12186696 [Reply] [Original]

Other than /fa/ what are some good places to get fashion advice and have discussion? I find KTT to be just be a hivemind and r/mfa and r/streetwear are fucking awful

>> No.12187289

Ill give you a bump OP
/fa/ is so toxic
Its just a bunch of insecure twink boys insulting each other instead giving constructive criticism

>> No.12187465

i use to browse KTT frequently about 3 years ago and desu it's only a slight step up from r/streetwear cause they will flame any trash fit

but like you said they circle jerk i will see boring fits posted there but people will act like it's great cause a certain well liked poster posted it. it's dumb

that's why i came to /fa/. the anonymity (unless you're a tripfag) helps get rid of that

but i've been seeing it happen in our waywt lately with frequent/regular posters, like the chair guy and that other chair guy that takes his pics outside

most of their fits are trash but they get a lot (yous) for being a frequent poster i feel like

i say stay on /fa/ and lurk the inspo threads and find what you like and go from there. as far as advice do us a favor and keep it in the fuccboi general or browse the archive before asking something dumb.

>> No.12187496

this is the best place on the Internet for fashion and that should say something. everywhere else is dead. sz, sufu, sf, ct, 8ch, not sure if 2ch or 2chan had a fashion board but that's pretty much it. this is the best. but /fa/ has been a roll lately there's actually some fashion threads and discussion happening here as of late. all we need to do is keep the ball moving.

here's how to fix /fa/
>remove/ban face rate threads
>remove/ban thinspo threads
>remove/ban car threads
>remove/ban political threads
>remove/ban fake items threads
>remove/ban personality threads
>remove/ban qtdntot threads
>remove/ban specific questions threads
>remove/ban tumblr threads
>remove/ban instagram threads
>remove/ban cringe threads
>remove/ban tattoo threads
>remove/ban predict trends threads
>remove crossboarders
>ban crossposters/crosswebsiters

we are in serious need for a mod or jany. since we have almost none, /fa/ has to come together as a whole and have to be the change we want to be made. if you see any threads like this right now or in the future, just sage and report them.

>> No.12187502

/r/streetwear wouldn't be so bad if the mods cracked down on the posts

like 75% of the posts are pickups of meme clothes or flat out shitposts

>> No.12187507
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>> No.12187516

I just started hiding threads that bother me
board looks great with only 15 decent threads on my catalog =)

>> No.12187534

mfa is the autistic cousin of /r/malefashion. A lot of the good posters from waywt threads also post there

>> No.12187563

>based post

also remove any of those mods that let that tranny thread stay on here for like 3 days

>> No.12187608

All true and good except for possibly qtddtot and prediction threads.
The first helps weed out at least a little bit of the newfag, and the latter helps more inexperienced anons think more analytically about fashion.
The rest is great though.

>> No.12187660

I see what you mean especially the prediction thread. but the reason I put qtdntot up there is because it's the exact same thing as the Fuccboi General. and we don't need two of those

also, not a big deal but what kinda bothers me is that, no one uses the original "17 Fuccboi" or "00 Fuccboi" jersey picture and original waywt. it's been so long I even forgot. but I digress

>> No.12187671

>Ban "Is 'X' /fa/" threads

>> No.12187678

there are none

fashion shouldnt even be discussed online

>> No.12187682

Why are you here

>> No.12187685


>> No.12187708

Ah, yeah, you're right

>> No.12187865

here is how to fix /fa/. remove it from 4chan and put it somewhere else.


>> No.12187970
File: 368 KB, 1008x955, 1484925719608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ban is x effay?
>ban race baiting threads
>updated sticky
>ban threads unrelated to fashion.

Threads regarding dressing better should be removed and thrown into fbg.

Other than that, ban trip fags that aren't that sthlm or something dude and Bateman. Fuck off Arab poster and that igor loser and that eliza slut too.

I also think there should be a better variety of threads. Most threads seem to be similar.

I only wish cop or not was more detailed and constructive. It promotes insecurity and indecisiveness but it can be lessened with less autists mass replying and anons posting their stats so people can critic constructively as well as offer alternatives

>> No.12188009


>> No.12188039


>> No.12188293

>remove crossboarders
What boards exactly? /soc/? /r9k/? /pol/? Topics of boards can intertwine with each other.

>ban crossposters/crosswebsiters
I guess you mean reddit? Stop caring about reddit so much. Stop caring about a stupid conflict that doesn't exist.

You are not going to get a mod or a janny.

>> No.12188350

let me go into deeper detail

>remove/ban face rate threads
this can go to /soc/
>remove/ban thinspo threads
can go to /fit/
>remove/ban car threads
can go to /o/
>remove/ban political threads
can go to /pol/
>remove/ban fake items threads
can go to leddit
>remove/ban personality threads
can go to /soc/
>remove/ban qtdntot threads
no need for this one
>remove/ban specific questions threads
no need for this one
>remove/ban tumblr threads
>remove/ban instagram threads
both can go to /soc/
>remove/ban cringe threads
can got to /b/ or /r9k/
>remove/ban tattoo threads
can go to /b/
>remove/ban predict trends threads
always goes down in smokes
>remove crossboarders
>ban crossposters/crosswebsiters

>What boards exactly? /soc/? /r9k/? /pol/? Topics of boards can intertwine with each other.
yes, but there has yet to be a good thread posted that has included another board. /soc/ threads are just insecure teenager face rates. /r9k/ threads are just incels and autistic children, funny though. /pol/ threads are just thinly veiled or blunt racist threads with people spouting "NIGGERS" "KEKS" "JEWS". /a/ threads turn into everyone spouting "SHIT TASTE" and waifu battles. we had a /biz/ thread that was actually somewhat successful. /cgl/ doesn't even post here anymore, it's been years. /fit/ threads are always "/fit/ is making fun of us again" which people can't seem to acknowledge that it's bait and still post in it. /fit/ already has fashion related threads in the last. /g/ threads turn into Mac v. Think pad shitposts. /k/ threads are meh. /lgbt/ threads are just trap shitposting. /mu/ threads turn into graphic tee and hoodie and "SHIT TASTE" shitposting. /o/ threads shouldn't even be on here, they already have fashion related threads. /out/ has been meh. /tv/ goes to baneposting and spiderman "times were different back then" and "what did he mean by this" shitposting. yes they can intertwine but they never work, it always ends with who can shitpost the best.

>> No.12188391


>I guess you mean reddit? Stop caring about reddit so much. Stop caring about a stupid conflict that doesn't exist.
never said a websites name. but yes it does go for them. KTT (hypebeasts some good posters), HB (good source for news, and archive topics), Vogue Forums (stay at home "fashionista" mom midlife crisis drama), r/streetwear ( white teenage hypebeast), r/mfa (good for beginners at age 23~, bad for everything after that), r/fa (all black avant garde rick/ann/julius/yohji fit #62720472718), r/tfa (r/streetwear v.2), Tumblr (normecore, Mac DeMarco taken to the extremes), Instagram ("fitness models", clueless hypebeasts, soho fashion kids, makeup sluts), Facebook groups (good for b/s/t and information, bad for everything else).

>You are not going to get a mod or a janny.
I wish we did. I wish we did, anon.

>> No.12188570

You wish, so try to come up with more realistic solutions instead of 'ban x'. Support the /diy/ thread and create collage/moodboard to get some creativity going in this place. Share information to tackle the lack of knowledge. Try to get some discussion about fashion shows. The thread about Margiela was bitching about the proportions of a face.
Maybe then, if you have some positive threads, you can start to filter out the bad ones. It seems like a matter of action and reaction. Create a place mods want to moderate.

Some other guy was talking about an updated sticky. I believe there were problems getting editing rights.

>> No.12188644

Please see:

As for the thread discussion: /fa/ is a lost cause.

>> No.12189977


>> No.12189995

>remove/ban face rate threads
Possibly. Being attractive is a big factor in being fashionable. As long as there's one thread at a time, I don't see a big issue
>remove/ban thinspo threads
Don't you dare, that's how I lost fatty status
>remove/ban car threads
>remove/ban political threads
Please god yes
>remove/ban fake items threads
I don't see any need for this as long as there's one general
>remove/ban personality threads
>remove/ban qtdntot threads
What? Why? If you get rid of those you'll just end up with dozens of shitty threads
>remove/ban specific questions threads
Yep, those should go to QTDDTOT
>remove/ban tumblr threads
I don't think so, these are a good source of inspo
>remove/ban instagram threads
See above
>remove/ban cringe threads
I don't see an issue as long as there's only one. It kinda comes with the website
>remove/ban tattoo threads
What? No, that's absolutely fashion related
>remove/ban predict trends threads
Why? Those are fun and allow for the sharing of ideas and info
>remove crossboarders
Good luck but yes
>ban crossposters/crosswebsiters
Good luck but yes

>> No.12190011

Why are we a lost cause?

>> No.12190328

read my post up here >>12188350 it goes on to further details with the sequential posts.

>> No.12190838

A vast amount of human capital has gradually wasted away over the years. The board is lacking both width and depth in terms of knowledge, inspiration, discussion, and interest. Unfettered shitposting turned away most of the serious users, and a more cancerous, shallow, and juvenile board culture took hold.

The board wiki itself has been open for editing, and we have had multiple threads about it - but the amount of actual contributions is very low. This is fueled in part by that we now have quite few knowledgeable and serious posters left, but also because most (not all) of them realize that the /fa/ users are generally very ungrateful. /fa/ is then deemed to be not worth the time it takes to make serious contributions.

Informative posts get drowned out, as the board signal/noise ratio is shit. This could possibly be a self-regulating process though on a smaller scale, as board shitposting speed slows down as fewer people visit.

Moderators have not been open to board improvements or sticky changes in years. Direct requests have been made. There is, for unknown reasons, no way to create lasting board improvements from 'up top' through moderation. The moderation we require to create a healthier board is simply not something we are getting - and it doesn't seem like we're going to get it. The new owner seems mainly interested in capitalizing on the site and selling user information, so... that's that.

>> No.12191916

Everyone says update the sticky, but no one here is willing to do it. The only changes to the sticky recently is the addition of an actual guide to Techwear a rising community in many people of /fa/

>> No.12192077

I have 65 threads blocked on /fa/ and it looks better all ready

>> No.12193430


>> No.12193471

What happened to Bateman? I haven't seen him on for a while

>> No.12193765

how to fix /fa/:

you can't. because you're elitist trash and your idea of what /fa/ should be is limited only to the things you are interested in. if /fa/ transformed into the ideal in your head the audience that frequents it would be so small and activity so low that it would suffer a slow death anyway. all of you are such hypocrites. you put individuality on a pedestal and shun anything embraced by the mainstream, labeling things "memes" or labeling people "normies". all the while you're so desperate for validation from these very people, hopelessly trying to get ahead of the curve to impress them down the line, even though you fail to realize that makes you the biggest slave to these very trends

tl;dr you're an oblivious fool.

>> No.12194943

here is the real answer

>> No.12195590

False premise

Fa never was a cause, we are and always wil be a clothing related shitposting board