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/fa/ - Fashion

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12106807 No.12106807 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/, are you insecure? I mean, my wardrobe at this point is pm /fa/, I'm 6'1, attractive, with a deep voice, skinny and all that shit but whenever I have to act in a way to match my looks I completely sperg out. Have you been there, /fa/? What would you suggest for getting over it?

>> No.12106838

>actively trying to match your personality to your wardrobe

I'm pretty much a walking ball of insecurities but that's pretty autistic dude

>> No.12106847

your clothing needs to fit you and your personality anon, not the other way around

>> No.12106963

>are you insecure

yea, I'm 5'6" and ugly. can you blame me?

>> No.12107003


>> No.12107015

maybe you just aren't a conventional person

not everyone is charasmatic

>> No.12107041

im pretty much unphazeably confident 99% of the time

but if i get into a large group of people i dont know i always feel overwhelmed and unable to truly be myself

thats probably normal though im more of a 1 on 1 kind of guy

but it is pretty annoying if i need to make a good impression

>> No.12107103

I'm opposite. I feel more comfortable with more people, one on one is fucking terrifying.

>> No.12107802

how helpful is getting /fit/ in building self esteem?
not confidence just self esteem, mine fluctuates so bad, one day im like an 8/10 and feel like gods gift to earth, the next im a 5 and feel like the biggest uggo there is. i want to be able to feel like the 8 all the time

>> No.12107812

>how helpful is getting /fit/ in building self esteem?
it doesn't. just do drugs if you want self esteem

>. i want to be able to feel like the 8 all the time
get some cocaine or just do meditation an accept the faCT you will not feel like an 8 all the time its impossible. honestly feeling great all the time is bad for productivity anyway

>> No.12107817

you're like me, we're just introverts, not the bullshit /fa/ke introvert but genuine introverts

i have lots of friends and am really quite popular but i irritate all my friends because to see me they either have to come to my flat, or i come to theirs, i don't like just being outside. i live in busy london, i don't like being surrounded by people, and i don't often meet all my friends at once, i just meet them often 1 to 1 and get all the pieces of the puzzle separately, i like it though, it's like i'm the mediator of all my friends and i guide them

>> No.12108201

Stop clinging to your height like it's so important. Without good facial genetics and a good personality/confidence it means nothing.

>> No.12108208

this desu

as soon as you approach a group of people/girl with that mindset of "i hope they'll accept my clothing/height/weight/hair" it'll come across to people ... people can smell insincerity and insecurity like crazy

>> No.12108222

you can tick of all the boxes but still give bad vibes

Know some guy who's tall hench/moderately good looking and very extrovert, but everyone can tell he's extrovert to hide his insecurities and that means he just comes across as abit of cunt.

>> No.12108315

Everyone around me would tell you that I have the biggest Self-esteem in this world.
Yet, I have none. I constantly hate myself, Every fucking picture of me I just know that Im ugly.
Thinking about plastic surgery..etc..
Im constantly trying that people would give me any kind of approval, of my looks and all that.
Yet i get none.
Even how hard I try.
..I try to hide my insecuretis, with joking about myself, with sarcasm etc...Yet im so fucking hurt inside, and I just wish someone would just fucking see through the fake ME.

>> No.12108320

lmao how the fuck can you be attractive while having literally no confidence?

>> No.12108825

you just can
i was and thought i was ugly for so long but then i pulled an ugly duckling and got better, but i developed no confidence or self esteem

>> No.12108851

Then get fit. If you don't look at yourself in the mirror and think "damn I'm sexy" then you should do something about it.

>> No.12110262

By having shitty hobbies. I spend my time reading Dostoievsky and Camus, going to the gym and whenever I get invited to a party I can't socialize with strangers or dance, even when I know how to dance, bc I think I won't be good enough and people will laugh. Shit doesn't change even when wasted.

>> No.12110517
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manlets rationalizing

>lmao how the fuck can you be attractive while having literally no confidence?

by being extremely good looking?

>> No.12110540

where the fuck do i get those jeans Elias is wearing???

>> No.12111784

pretty sure you can just buy jeans and wear them out

>> No.12112496

>have a shit tone of nice, expensive clothes
>have a pretty decent style
>be 1,57m small boobs and hirsutism
tysm genetics

>> No.12112509


I could get down with this if you shave often

>> No.12112531

i have to wax like 80% of my body, if i shave it gets rlly rlly bad
i'd rather have an ugly face than having to go through this shit

>> No.12112539

sounds cliche, but just be yourself.

embrace your inner autism

>> No.12112563


youre a poser faggot OP