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11977179 No.11977179 [Reply] [Original]

Are skinheads effay?

>> No.11977183

They can be

>> No.11977306

not modern skins

>> No.11977335
File: 281 KB, 1600x1200, 1471787853681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never feel love from a skinhead gf

>> No.11977347

>inb4 some buttblasted fag posts the "nazi skins fuck off" pic

>> No.11977358

god it must smell like shit in there

>> No.11977410
File: 53 KB, 728x546, aid269009-728px-Be-a-Skinhead-on-a-Low-Budget-Step-2-Version-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11977414

only if you're an actual skinhead and not nazi scum

>> No.11977421

always makes me chuckle

>> No.11978091

>supposed to be the "superior race"
>literally living in their own shit
>living just as bad if not worse than niggers and spics

White "people" are a fucking joke.

>> No.11978101

I really wanna lose a ton a weight, shave my hair short and dye it blonde.

>> No.11978103

literal faggots/ communists. I'm saying this as a gay socialist

>> No.11978488

I think it's the other way around

>> No.11978493

I would say dressing like one is effay but having a bald head as well makes it shit

>> No.11978500
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I think I saw a legit skinhead on the train today here in Aussieland. He was wearing tight rolled up denim jeans and a tucked in white shirt like ops pic as well as doc 1460s with yellow laces. Had a full head of hair tho kinda looked like a greaser as well.

>> No.11978587


>> No.11979172


>> No.11979575
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>white people constantly speak of themselves as if they were beings of light
>their skin gets burned if they spend a few minutes outside in the sun
Fucking kek. They are the race of darkness and their history proves that

>> No.11980509 [DELETED] 

>their skin gets burned if they spend a few minutes outside in the sun
I wish I had this problem, I can be outside for hours and not even get a shade redder / darker.

>> No.11980716

lol that fucking bottle of Vault Soda.. I miss that shit more than I'd like to admit

>> No.11980961

>those huge greasy udders
would molest after fighting her mates

>> No.11980988

those are slavs, not white ppo

>> No.11981003

we wuz kangs!

>> No.11981014

southern europeans are the master race, not germanics

tan in southern climates, get sufficient vitamin d in northern climates, best of both worlds

>> No.11982389

They're manlets

>> No.11982427


Then why the fuck are you doing so poorly in everything?

>> No.11982441

>white people constantly speak of themselves as if they were beings of light

You've clearly yet to learn what metaphors are.

>> No.11982551
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>> No.11983070


>> No.11983754

i want to see a bald mexican skin head

>> No.11983767

The entirety of Europe is doing poorly.

>> No.11983780

>tfw no WikiHow shirt to complete my skinhead look

>> No.11983894
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Tfw northerner blood from my mother's side made me a tall wog. Feels good man.

>> No.11983902

Im wearing this outfit right now. But I have my long hair tied back in a pony tail. I like metal more than I like RAC but I'll probably end up shaving it off in a few years.

>> No.11983938

>red lases

probably didn't even earn them

>> No.11983939

Do you earn then through spilling blood in fighting or through murder?

>> No.11983980

it's for having spilled blood for your race, so being in a street fight against black gangs, getting shot, etc

>> No.11983994
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>> No.11984004

Am I effay?

>> No.11984017
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Danny raddy did it pretty well

>> No.11984018

Hell yeah my man.

>> No.11984021

wow you're fucking retarded

>> No.11984041

You're so shit at nicknames its fucking hilarious

>> No.11984050

I haven't seen it yet but Davey from Romper Stomper will always be my favorite skinhead.

>> No.11984098

imperium is meh as fuck, not worth watching imo

>> No.11984131
File: 20 KB, 427x344, 1478299892444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might give it a try anyway.