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/fa/ - Fashion

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11975444 No.11975444 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw wearing size 32 jeans
>tfw i will be fat forever

>> No.11975454

bitch i'm 33 and slim what are you like 4'8"

>> No.11975495

>33 waist
There's no way you're not a tubby in denial

>> No.11975506

I want to be slim so bad, I don't even eat like a retard and I do sports 4 times a week, why is the process so slow.

>> No.11975511
File: 34 KB, 493x585, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>today I ate a burger, chicken cheese fries, a shake, tacos, a few beers
>all my exercise is like 10 laps swimming one day a week
>yfw 28 waist
Git gud fags lmao at ur inferior jeans and genes

>> No.11975513

Yes, good job 17 year old high schooler, who should be banned anyway. However, wait about 5 to 10 years and see what's left of your body and face and general effayness after stuffing your face for years thinking you're invincible.

>> No.11975540

>t. hungry skellington
You only get away with it because you barely eat on daily basis, even if you don't think so (because you know dogshit about nutrition). One large pizza a day and captn crunch for breakfast isn't a lot of food and you won't get fatter from it when you're young.

Try eating constantly on a caloric surplus and you WILL get fatter, no way around it.

>> No.11975608

You can't judge shit from just waist size.

I think the rule should be that you're fat if your waist measurement is bigger than your inseam.

>> No.11975856

>wear size 36 jeans
>Don't look fat at all

>> No.11975897
File: 893 KB, 482x1066, rp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iktf OP

I wear a 32x32 and I don't fucking understand how to get any thinner without literally starving myself,

>> No.11975902

big boned: the thread

>> No.11975903

why are you bending your knees inwards like that? looks painful
also do cardio

>> No.11975910

Jeans size is literally worthless. It completely depends on the cut and is completely inconsistent among brands. When I still wore jeans almost all the ones I owed were from Dior Homme. Most of them were 28, but some gave me trouble fitting into a size 30 because of the way they were cut. Its probably even worse with shit like SLP.

>> No.11975913

I'm 26/34 and slightly insecure about it. Please validate me /fa/ ;_;

>> No.11975923

gain weight and get up to a 28 waist you skinny freak

>> No.11975930

i went from 31 to 26/27 in 3 months, it was easier than i thought. only dietary changes and easy life style changes.

>> No.11975933

Didnt even know mens jeans are being sold that small. Always thought they start at 28.

>> No.11975940

I order everything online. Can't remember ever buying a 26/34 in a store.

>> No.11977023

post pic

>> No.11977028

bruh im jealous, my bmi's like 17 and im still 28/34

>> No.11977035

>People being proud of being skeles outside of the designated thread
Absolutely disgusting. You faggots have your own thread for a reason.

>> No.11977054

>tfw 29x30
It hurts being 5'9, but at least I'm a skeleton.

>> No.11977060

You being fat only stems from your lack of will power to exercise and the ignorance of what you put in your body. Get bigger and the problem runs deeper because you need to maintain that upkeep and it ain't gonna do you any favors in terms of losing weight. You'll have to put in more effort to lose weight because you didn't stop the problem when you were slimmer. A venti vanilla caramel frappuccino a day takes up 1/5th of your daily caloric intake and it's all sugar which turns into fat. So stay ignorant and be in denial alll you want because complaining ain't gonna help. Reap what you sow!

>> No.11977073
File: 139 KB, 298x654, IMG_1329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn u right

>> No.11977076

>tfw when squats put me from a 32/32 to a 38/32

My quads are too big :(

>> No.11977079

You really need to start doing upper body.

>> No.11977080

I know this feel

>> No.11977082
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>> No.11977086

>implying i lift at all
those jeans are just baggy, my legs aren't big

>> No.11977087
File: 231 KB, 895x895, IMG_0753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm a size 34 waist and lower bodyfat percentage than you

>> No.11977094

It sucks.

All my old suits are useless because my shoulders are too big for the jacket and my pants are too small.

Not to mention my old wardrobe

>> No.11977100

Mirin those back aesthetic brah. I'm trying to gain more muscle but i dont want clothes to fit like shit and be limited in the aesthetics I can achieve. Right now ive got a 28" waist with a the 40" chest and shit already is /loose/. 6'1" btw.

>> No.11977102

How tall are you? I'm size 32 and 6' and I'm pretty happy with my body. Slimming down a notch wouldn't hurt either.

>> No.11977105

where are your traps bruh

>> No.11977136
File: 297 KB, 452x424, back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my 6'+ 31W dyel aesthetic /b/ros
arms are laggen

>> No.11977161

You've got an okay V taper which is the only thing that matters with the ladies but you need to do pull ups, shrugs, and dead lifts if you want more aesthetics. Target those lats, traps and lower back. Pull ups will get the upper back as well

>> No.11977172

pulled downwards and relaxed

>> No.11977178

couldnt do DLs at my old gym :(
thanks 4 the advice brah, gonna try to work more pullups into my routine.

>> No.11977232

looks like a case of lordosis

>> No.11977237
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>> No.11977270
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soft body bro

>> No.11977274

maybe you're just a 32? dieting won't make your hip bones shrink, dummy

>> No.11977286

33 inch waist
6´3 200 lbs
six pack abs
git gud twink

>> No.11977292

No point in being shredded during the winter tho

>> No.11977326

That's loser talk for not clean bulking. If the progress ain't constant then you aren't gonna get where you want to be.

That's cool shit and all but remember what board you're posting in. You'll never be thinspo. /fit/ would be more appropriate. Posting aesthetics will be related.

>> No.11978510

>mfw 5"11
>Mfw when I'm a manlet

Should i just end it all. I'm a manlet

>> No.11978733
File: 235 KB, 600x503, d50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stop raiding my /fa/ you /fit/ fatasses

>> No.11978735

>tfw 6'1
>wide hips
>pants will either not fit at the hips or crumple at ankles

Every time.

>> No.11978738

How can you look fat but have abs at the same time?

>> No.11978739

>33 and slim

haahahahahahah im 30 and could do with losing a few kgs

>> No.11978745


Im 29" waist, 25 years old 11 stone (70kg/150lbs)

I have a few black versaces in 32 one even 34 for that 90s SWAAAAAGG

>> No.11978749
File: 1.58 MB, 1201x984, manastash2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was at my lowest weight at 68kg/182cm I still needed 32 inch waist.

>> No.11978755

>6"2' 82kg
>32/33 inch depending on fit
Do I have wide hips? I want to be aesthetic not thicc

>> No.11978757

Give birth to my child

>> No.11978758

>all these cucks who post upper body shots for validation
How insecure do you have to be to go on a fashion board (when /r9k/ and /fit/ exist) and ask people to rate your physique?

>> No.11978780


but lately i ditched skinny jeans, selling all my diors and acnes and slps on grailed

>> No.11978787

no worries mate I'm 34 in waist, and I feel beautiful.

>> No.11978797

34/34 or 36/34
>tfw not fat
>tfw tall and semi athletic

>> No.11978799

>"not fat"
>"semi athletic"

Tell me how do I know you're a little plump porky in denial?

>> No.11978806

Because I'm actually not lol. 6'4 desu, what would I gain by lying. How do I know you're not a fatty trying to "prove me wrong" because you've gotten the ability to somehow judge peoples appearance through the internet

>> No.11978820

If you're a grown ass man, 32 isn't fat. Y'all want to be women or something?

>> No.11978822

Because he doesnt have abs.
Hes pushing his gut out to reveal the abdominals. Most any skinny persons can do this.
If youre fat and do this youd wanna pull down the skin, with your hand just out of shot, under the belly button/pubes area.

>> No.11978825

are you eating healthy tho

>> No.11978826

Dont see how shit like 26 waist can be considered attractive either. That doesnt even look good on someone who is 5'7.

>> No.11978842

how tall are you? size 32 isn't 'fat' and I'm saying this as somebody who wears 28/34 jeans

>> No.11978844

Some people just have different ways of slimming, you dont need to be thin or slim as long as you are healthy

>size 30, 6'2"

>> No.11978846

Are those claw marks?

>> No.11978847

you mad i could snap you in half like a twig with one hand?

>> No.11978848

Same problem anon

>> No.11979131

>be me
>don't eat a lot due to depression and other things
>lose more wight
>28s are now too big
It was hard enough to find jeans before I was this skinny.

>> No.11979135

this happens to everyone who can eat everything. >>11975511
You're fucked

>> No.11979141

>Tfw cursed with wide hips
At least I might make a good trap

>> No.11979162

yah true, but still i love fashion, i think fashion look good as long as you hae a low bf

>> No.11979187
File: 25 KB, 139x160, 1452907342543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw been starving myself for about 2 months
>down from a 32 to a 29

feels hungry

>> No.11980688

>tfw 28 is too small in some brands now
>tfw 29
i feel like a pig

>> No.11980703
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>> No.11980823

>Wearing a size that starts with a 3

Maybe one day you'll learn

>> No.11980830

How much u letting those Diors go for my guy

>> No.11980952

Me too. But im solid like a rock. I can pull it off well. Im sure you can too man.

>> No.11981017

>skinnyfat loser wearing 32 all my life
>it bumped up to 33 in the last couple of years

I'm crying desu.

>> No.11981038

y u mad lol

>> No.11981724


>> No.11981727

are you guys gooks?

>> No.11981784
File: 29 KB, 640x480, ZP948Mt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling other people fat

>> No.11981815

Should I just kill myself?

>> No.11982315
File: 228 KB, 1192x830, 1479268916861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw 30 waist an 34 inseam
No pants that fit correctly for me I guess...

>> No.11982333

I'm a 160lbsish 5'7 man that wears a size 30 pants. Am I fat?

>> No.11982406

Lol im 6'2 with about a 36 waist. But i lift almost daily.

I dont have a belly, i mean i have some fat, but you can tell im not fat. Also i have to get bigger pants cause my thighs are huge :(

>> No.11982416

>shops at Baby Gap, and Gymboree

>> No.11982697
File: 256 KB, 965x707, countyhell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6' 5" and 140lbs
>tfw need 30x35 pants
>tfw they don't make those
>tfw too lazy to go to a tailer

>> No.11982720

idk. i was fat at 150 5'7" wearing a 30

130 5'7" wearing a 28 now and still could stand to lose a couple.

>> No.11983419
File: 142 KB, 886x703, 1475101102827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

28/29 inch at ~122lbs
but i can finally wear abercrombie skinny jeans

except there are models taller than me that are 23 inches

>> No.11983457
File: 53 KB, 256x256, thinking-face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>26x32 at 18.5 bmi

>> No.11983467

you're fat

>> No.11983472

you're fat and you have a small dick

>> No.11983501

He is probably not erect in the photo, which means size doesn't matter

>> No.11984809


As this morbidly obese butterball clearly demonstrates, a thirty two inch waist is land-whale tier. Lay off the crisco, fatass.

>> No.11984849
File: 48 KB, 605x806, 1459481906350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit why did I step out of fit.

Is this where the disgruntled hungry skeletons lurk? Muh skinny jeans? lmao

>> No.11984902

are you autistic?
6', 145 lb with 32 waist here
im underweight ffs

>> No.11984939

ID on those New Balance?

>> No.11985084 [DELETED] 

Genetics doesn't change over time, fatass.

>> No.11985086

Genetics don't change over time, fatass.

>> No.11985090


>> No.11985093

>skinny, muscular and fat at the same time


>> No.11985101

>year ago was getting fat
>lost some wait this summer climbing montains and hiking trough the forests
>first sweating like hell and coughing out my heart, two weeks later it's all cool
>lost some weight
>now all clothes i bougth in 2014-2015 is too big, pants need belt to hold

well, at lest my face is not round-ish anymore. Last year I was like Drake from hotline bling and our bodies had frightening resemblance

>> No.11985103

*are too big