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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 150 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.11917504 [Reply] [Original]

hey /fa/, what are you all doing for Halloween?
post your costumes and see if theyre effay or not, tell us your plans or just tell us why you hate halloween!

me and my bf are waiting til it gets dark so we can go trick-or-treating, then were going to one of our friends house party to spend the rest of the night :-)
>pic related

>> No.11917506

He looks liek all of 14yo nigger. Why are you posting this shit here?

>> No.11917507


>> No.11917516

can you kindly fuck off to >>>/pol/ ?
making money is nice

>> No.11917519

Wtf is METS.GNIWQ? WHy are you posting this pig disgusting ugly underage nigger in /fa you stupid little cunt?

>> No.11917529
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Went to an early Halloween party last weekend dressed as The Flash. Went as a witch to work today. Tonight, I'm gonna chill in my PJs watching Harry Potter movies and drinking spiced rum with the husbando.

>> No.11917532

whats your bf mixed with? he looks like a mix between me and that 21 pilots dude

>> No.11917533

why are you being such an autist? i bet my bf is more attractive than you and he definitely has a better personality
also no one is underaged here retard. were both 18+

>> No.11917545
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You are throwing into trash countless generations of ancestry. Good goy

>> No.11917557
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It goes both ways a lot of biracial people date whites and wash it out. 9 times out of 10 OPs child will be white

>> No.11917562

>falling for /pol/ memes
come on
hes half black, half white, basically he has the best traits/characteristics from each race

>> No.11917565

do me a favor and fix his eyebrows

>> No.11917567
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I hope that boy gives you beautiful children. Good luck!

>> No.11917575

I'm Jewish and i don't do to /pol/

>> No.11917578

he looks more amerindian and white mix desu

be happy

>> No.11917593
File: 173 KB, 722x1280, IMG_1129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore this trip, it's someone pretending to be me. Sorry about the trouble, I'm talking to a lawyer and the police about this impersonation on Wednesday. Here's my costume.

Not with that boy.

>> No.11917619
File: 282 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore this trip, it's someone pretending to be me. Sorry about the trouble, I'm talking to a lawyer and the police about this impersonation on Wednesday. Here's a timestamp.

>> No.11917627

I'm going to finish writing a short film, maybe work on a couple comedy bits, and then get drunk and watch a horror movie alone. But first I'm going to lift weights.

>> No.11917628

Omg fuck off you ruin everything

>> No.11917630

The good: you are living proof that even an ugly underage niglet can tap a pretty white girl.

Clueless bitches are plentiful like fish in the sea.

The bad: nothing really

White genocide best day of my life

>> No.11917632

Both of you should go to tumbler where stupid attention seeking white girls with stock opinions belong.

>> No.11917633
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which one do i believe!?!?

>> No.11917647
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Someone doesn't get any..
Stop living in your fantasy world, it's unhealthy. I hope you get the help you desperately need.
>being triggered this hard by a girl

>> No.11917648
File: 211 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't download the Webm on my phone, but here

>> No.11917663


>> No.11917668

How can you continue posting and being a creep when you know that girl is in the thread? Why are you mocking a teenage girl? I feel really bad for her.

>> No.11917685

You forgot your trip

>> No.11917688

just stop, dude. it was fun and all before because you managed to bait people but now everyone knows

what's the point of keeping this up?

>> No.11917695
File: 91 KB, 605x517, IMG_1066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, it was funny at first but now it's harassment and it's clearly upsetting the girl. she used to post on r9k then stppped in about may, right when this guy started.

>> No.11917711

It's actually unnerving how much they post. If it was once or twice a week I'd be less worried, but they post multiple times throughout the day. The police and my lawyer are going to find out who it was, which is easy enough since they've been using a trip, and I should be able to get something done, might have to sue. It's especially upsetting that they keep posting a half nude picture of me, which is borderline cp.

>> No.11917714

Fuck off

>> No.11917725

Lol what heritage ? It doesn't mean shit. You can't monetize it, you can't feed your family with it, etc etc do you know how pathetic it is ? Not pathetic maybe more like stupid. You'll never grow up if you take childish egocentric obsession too seriously.

It's like being proud of your allergy or something

>> No.11917732

This one is the real one. I know that her name is ciara, not eliza, and she's also an /fa/ resident. Ciara did you delete your instagram account ? I can't find it, like, i know i followed you.

>> No.11917740

I changed the name because this faggot posted it. What two letters does your username start with? I'll accept

>> No.11917741
File: 576 KB, 491x621, 1477350044312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having a social media account

>> No.11917775

it's : vd
Idk i mean you've accepted me but now i can't find you

>> No.11917779

>forcing yourself to not have one because you hate most of the users

You're just as bad

>> No.11917830

its https://www.instagram.com/grubage/

>> No.11917844

Holy fuck stop posting my instagram

>> No.11917908

why would you want to sue and have me arrested? :-( what is wrong with you?

>> No.11917917
File: 368 KB, 1008x955, How_to_deal_with_tripfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder

>> No.11917975

I could write you an essay on why I don't have social media. And none of the reasons include that.

>> No.11918001
File: 1.73 MB, 2513x1440, GetFucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11918012

The two worst trips gathered onto one thread. What a sight to behold

>> No.11918026
File: 2.23 MB, 720x1280, 1477965434758.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For months this shit has been going I think years

>> No.11918040

not true, its only been like 2 months

>> No.11918089
File: 361 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_1188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tell us why you do it. Please...

>> No.11918091

No last year this shit was still happening you posting in WAYWT with her wearing her pink snuggies

>> No.11918114

because im a better eliza desu and eliza isnt even a real person, its just an online personality.

>> No.11918119

He's probably not half cus noone is pure

>> No.11918123

RP somewhere else

>> No.11918144
File: 178 KB, 860x800, 0027491544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you insult people and make pepole angry under her name? SINCE she's an underaged girl she could play a victim and get you in trohb k e. her eliza personality stopped months ago

>> No.11918149
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>> No.11918155

shes not underage shes 18, or else she wouldnt be able to post on the chans in the first place

>> No.11918190
File: 78 KB, 600x800, 0-weu-d2-5f0b5f0a2d4b49821ff2e0b5087b0aa0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is underaged, its been confirmed multiple times. she has been banned for being underaged multiple times.

there's a magazine from her old school from 2014 which says she was in 8th grade.


>> No.11918230
File: 76 KB, 1080x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>age is confirmed from a magazine that said what grade she was in 2 years ago

>> No.11918236

damn shes cute can you pretend to be her next

>> No.11918246

Best traits? Those are the best? I'd hate to see the worst.

>> No.11918274
File: 90 KB, 675x1200, 0-cus-d1-2331f363e2129858a704dd99ef3bd038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's admitted to being 15/16 multiple times, said it in videos, there's a pic form last her of her holding up a picture that says "i'm 15", videos of her being driven by her mom, videos of her in school, pictures of her classes which are all 10th grade. your argument that "she has to be 18 to post" wouldn't excuse that she is underaged and you're harassing her.

what would you require as proof?

>> No.11918278
File: 858 KB, 268x155, 1476430915063.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you in love with eliza?

i'm asking because you seem to have hundreds of pictures of her. and you sought her attention by provoking a confrontation with her by so consistently impersonating her on a website that she frequents

maybe you hate her at the same time, i don't know. it just seems unlikely that you would be so obsessed with her unless there was some kind of intense attraction

>> No.11918319

once again
>age is confirmed by writing it on a post-it-note
come on.. and seriously, im 'harassing" her? because i post her pics, which she posted on 4chan and are all archived and available for anyone to save and re-post?
no. do you not know that theres a torrent with hundreds of pics of her on tpb and every other torrent site? why doesnt she go after that uploader? why me?
i never sought her attention either. everything would be fine if she just minded her own business and left 4chan altogether like she said she would but its all satire anyways, everything she says. idk why shes butthurt at me for making her popular on /fa/, just because i used her pics. and she wants to sue me and have me arrested for it? wtf
all she had to do was ask for my tripcode and id give it to her.

>> No.11918324

dont act like youre some reasonable person. shes asked you to stop before and every time youd just go back to it after a couple days.


>> No.11918336

eliza is just a personality, like pupina, it IS satire.
i am a reasonable person, its her who isnt. like i said, it went from joking around to "im gonna call the police and sue you now" and how am i supposed to even know when shes serious or not? for instance she told that youtube guy to stop re-uploading her vids or else she would sue him but apparently she was just joking and nothing happened, shes even subd to his yt channel and is friends with him now

>> No.11918354

don't act like i'm being unreasonable here. i did go after those people, and el presidente did remove the videos so i stopped going after him for that. what upsets me is that you have caused a lot of images to be saved on google images from your /fa/ shitposting, and when my family is involved, you're posting half naked pictures of a 15 year old girl, and your making me sound like an idiot and saying mean things about me and my boyfriend, that's where it draws the line. i don't care if people just repost my images and say whatever they want about me, it's that you're pretending to be me and defaming me. i have asked for contact info multiple times.

when you stopped i stopped worrying, but now its starting back up again and i'm not going to fuck around anymore. my lawyer says i have a lot of good arguments for how you hurt me. i would only do those things so that this would stop. i stopped making videos of myself and posting under a trip a long time ago and you're starting it back up. this is entirely different from posting threads with pictures of me because you like me or hate me or as a reaction image, you are tricking people into thinking you are me.

>> No.11918355


>> No.11918364

You're a fucking degenerate creep lmao you aren't fooling anyone but yourself just stop. You're nothing but a huge annoying shitpost.

>> No.11918365
File: 119 KB, 539x307, Screen Shot 2016-11-01 at 1.36.18 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me or my family didn't think that you describing a 15 year old girl's boobs in detail or posting pictures of me and my sister to be "joking around", even from the beginning.

>> No.11918379

no he didnt remove those videos, theyre all still there, just set to private, so anyone with those vids favorite or liked can still easily access them, not to mention the links still work for them.. and the way he did it was totally disrespectful, plus some of your vids are still there. so yeah, i dont get why youre making such a big deal about what i did.
i never made fun of you or your bf either, heck, i think youre pretty interesting and funny, if anything your personality inspired me.
you barely stopped using a trip here last week and only cause you got called out for it by multiple people.
if youre really serious then i am too. its not like im gonna upload all your info and pics somewhere like actual assholes have done. like i said, i AM a reasonable person. ill give you the trip and call it quits if you give me a real chance.

>> No.11918388

the /r9k/ stuff was more damaging and an actual "persona", me posting normal pics of my outfits is not me doing satire. i've dealt with stuff like this before, like people making fake facebook profiles, and i never really am too hard on them but i got in a fight with my boyfriend because of a post you made that said i was getting too good for him and want to dump him. it hurts the people i care about and it makes me feel out of control. if you have skype mine is adidas_shill. and i didn't know they were privated and not deleted, i'll talk to him about it.

>> No.11918391

i really do hope she does take action for your sake. you need help, man.

>> No.11918411 [DELETED] 

doesnt skype give away your ip address though

>> No.11918430
File: 2.62 MB, 4032x3024, 20161029_201241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not partying tonight, partied Saturday night instead, might go rip around the streets on my dualsport later

I was a mormon, it went over pretty well and the helmet came in handy when I got way too fucked up

>> No.11918442

looks like I picked the wrong time to jump into this thread

oh geez

>> No.11918454
File: 1.06 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no worries, i'm glad you had fun anon. i can't wait to grow up and go out and do lots of fun shit instead of trick or treating still. went to a concert tonight which was pretty fun.

>> No.11918462

be careful what you wish for, enjoy being young! hopefully all this shit gets left far behind!

stay hydrated friendo

>> No.11918467

ciara i stand in solidarity with you

>> No.11918485

what the fuck hpw did i miss all this tripfag shit

what happened to this place

>> No.11918487

>got a nasty cold, missed class,and spent the day resting
I feel terrible I love Halloween.

>> No.11918489


>> No.11918490

Love you Eliza. Stay happy.

>> No.11918505

call me a moralfaggot but i dont think a 15-16yo should be spending much time here. i feel i should report you but changing ip is so easy i wont even bother to fill in the captcha

hope the freak stops harrassing you. good luck

>> No.11918509

Hello m'lady. Would you like to be the gal who takes my virginity?

>> No.11919118

oh good its a tripfags all gather, make a thread into a chatroom and any rational people can filter them all episode

>> No.11919140

this has got to be the most redpilled, autistic attempt to win over a girl ever

this is negging at a level previously unseen

>> No.11919245

PREETTTTYYYYYY????? i wouldn't fuck her for anything less than 1000 sterling pieces. She probably fuckin smells like shit, so make it 1200.

>> No.11919485

is that frank turner?

>> No.11919673

> Live in third world shitskinistan.
> Halloween doesn't exist here.

So how's your day going guys?

>> No.11919748

>going to a lawyer about someone impersonating you on an anonymous image board

good luck with that.

>> No.11919792

who did you go to see?

>> No.11920697



>> No.11920713

>accidnetly open /fa/
well time to leave for another 6 months

>> No.11921874
File: 75 KB, 448x545, 1457589223639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my heritage isn't my race you fucking fool

>> No.11922247
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>borderline CP
>of yourself

>> No.11922253
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>> No.11923282

shes done it multiple times tho

>> No.11923358

ooooh you sweatin

>> No.11923454
File: 1.13 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20161029_001053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not Halloween anymore but idc