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/fa/ - Fashion

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11915152 No.11915152[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is it worth it? is /fa/g ready? i occasionally still check in on here and sometimes see threads like this but its mostly the blind leading the blind.

since lifestyle and other OFFTOPIC SHIT like (((thinspo))) generals are allowed i figure anything goes as along as you can tangentially relate it to fashion.

topics could include clothing, lifting, literature, diet, 'alt-right' shit and anything else that could help you subvert the ZOG's grip on your life.

the goal is turn you from wide-hipped, POINTY KNOCK KNEED, niggerloving goyim into a white nationalist ubermensch using the handy tips and tricks discussed herein.

then again these things need constant attention and maybe i am just feeling fleetingly charitable atm so who knows if ill even bother.

yes this is the real pigfuck.

heres my old guide to get the ball rolling but its pretty barebones in hindsight.


blacks, cucks, and nonwhites of all stripes not welcome below this line


>> No.11915173
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>tfw you realise pigfuck worships sam hyde who is a self loathing hypocrite
>tfw you realise the man he looks up to is an obese neet who can't even grow a beard
>tfw pigfuck doesn't have a degree in anything or any qualifications because of 'cultural marxism' in education
>tfw he's a dirty wop who's not white
>tfw he still lives at home
>tfw he race mixes
>tfw he still posts here for attention
>tfw he used to be exactly like the average /fa/ user and still is which he despises
>tfw you realise 4chan attracts the same stereotype of a person and at the end of the day pigfuck is a 4chan user and as such has had a terrible childhood and is riddled with social anxiety which is why he's lonely,frustated and above all

>> No.11915192
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i dont think any of thats true, i think you're projecting and i think you should stop.

>> No.11915197

ok 'goober'

>> No.11915201

pigfuck is what would happen if r9k, pol and maybe fit were to get fused into one

>> No.11915202

What is a white nationalist approved red pilled designer? Or is high fashion just another jew?

>> No.11915214
File: 13 KB, 228x221, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glad to see you back martin

what are your thoughts on the band death in june

are they /fa/scist approved even if its just aesthetics?

>> No.11915223
File: 464 KB, 847x1253, QVenhlk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping with some white man only fits

>> No.11915227
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>> No.11915229
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>> No.11915234
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also wtf dude????

did you not read the rules of this thread?

>blacks, cucks, and nonwhites of all stripes not welcome below this line

you just violated the rules

r9k are too nihlistic, self loathing, meanspirited and asian. pol, fa and fit would be more accurate, but still kind of gay way to describe human being IMO

you have to choose IMPLICITLY white designers or brands since obviously none are explicitly pro white. ie brands whose style and designs mesh well with WN aesthetic.

fred perry, stone island, RL, cahartt are a few that come to mind.

i've heard talk of them and other folk acts acting as a WN musical subculture type thing but i havent listened to any.

i really like this WN folk song though.

>> No.11915239
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a lot of normie 90's looks are very implicitly white power as fuck, been trying to cultivate something like this myself using mostly thrift store shit and stone island.

>> No.11915240

I wear a lot of dark business casual clothes (black, grey, white, drab) because I am an IT cuck.

I couple that with some expensive tech wear brands, and a variety of boots. Along with a richard spencer cut.

>> No.11915244
File: 15 KB, 175x172, 175px-Whiphand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but i think even though he used to be a leftist. there is some truth to it. i mean what sane man would write lyrics like this for irony

they have like 20 albums of white nationalist lyrics. even if they are leftists its still good because it makes leftists think they are excused to listen without guilt


>> No.11915250

This is sad but true, I used to make black cuckold threads, but I'm jsut an angsty white teenager with a 4.3 inch erect penis

>> No.11915255

tfw you will never be jewish

>> No.11915257

every day i wear a white bogo because im a white supremeiocist

>> No.11915260
File: 91 KB, 530x749, 218e5c3cc60c11b79f5b407f4907bdff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

national action wear a lot of techwear type shit, i think windbreakers, anoraks etc. are good functional and attractive winter options.

fred perry and RL polos, belted dark pleated pants plus nice pair of derbies like postmans would be nice casual business apparel.

richard spencer's cut is good but i think his iteration is the normie macklemore version, the undercut or hitler youth shouldnt be so short on the back and sides, also the buzz is too far up his head leaving only a little bit of length on top, its too severe, i prefer shaving only an inch or so past the ear with a light fade as well, its more traditional and you wont look like some normie who asked for the 'macklemore haircut'

>> No.11915264
File: 11 KB, 310x162, NA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting, i hadnt read too much about them, looking at his wikipedia its hard to tell whether hes sincere or not but it doesnt really matter i suppose, its nice to hear pro white music.


>Pearce, who is openly homosexual, has collaborated with various ethnic Jews throughout his music career[citation needed]. The official Death in June website site featured the flag of Israel, and Death in June played a concert in Israel on June 18, 2004 for a predominantly Jewish audience. The Crisis song "Holocaust" accuses those who deny the existence of "Belsen" and "Auschwitz" of trying to put "[England] in chains" and of letting "six million die in vain.

>> No.11915284
File: 361 KB, 1133x1509, hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DiJ started as leftists but moved to the right
Douglas is not a Nazi though
I have this hat as well as a pin and 2 tees

>> No.11915285
File: 61 KB, 650x550, Triple-Aught-Design-Stealth-Hoodie-LT-Gear-Patrol1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've scaled back on mine, I used to have a full on hitler youth which is really just a high and tight with very long hair on top.

Right now mine is a switch between the tactical bowlcut, or if i comb it a very simple comb over.

Techwear is good. It hints at the uniform of a coming urban insurrection.

>> No.11915288
File: 78 KB, 418x640, 1475730360313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know this is /fa/ and all but if you're into the whole saving the white race from extinction and defeating jewish tyranny thing you need to be lifting weights, you also need to be lifting heavy and not farting around with 3X12 SETS OF CURLS, MAKE SURE YO FOCUS ON SQUEEZING THE CONTRACTION AT THE TOP FOLLOWED BY A SLOOOOOW ECCENTRIC MOVEMENT FOR A NICE PUMP HEH JUST LIKE ARNOLD ILL BE BIG IN NO TIME

that wont get you anywhere unless you're on gear.

my main sources of lifting information these days come from these two

eric bugenhagen, freak of nature, total testament to aryan excellence and will, inhumanly strong and natty


and this autistic manlet, who is also natty, unfortunately 5'5 and weird looking and can be a little bro-sciencey at times but his approach to lifting is really good and hes strong as fuck.


>> No.11915293

this pigfug guy is a son of a bitch

>> No.11915299

do you wear it out. i bought a pin a couple months ago but it never arrived

>> No.11915300

Did you remove the Made in China tag with a hem cutter?

>> No.11915303
File: 159 KB, 940x627, 59d444119068c66bb0a5919445050675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a good classic look, nothing new here since fred perry has kindve been a WN staple for decades but this look, maybe with a belt and heavier pants + boots is very versatile.

>> No.11915307

had a girl in my bed chewing my ear off about racism while she wore the shirt I thought it was pretty funny
was wearing this outfit except the polo was dark green to the club saturday night
classic look will probably buy some more

>> No.11915314
File: 329 KB, 287x471, pigfuck deadlift.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres some new pigfuck OC

lmao!3plate deadlift, average as fuck but only been deadlifting 3 months so its not too bad, i wanna get dat 1/2/3/4 within 10 months.

>> No.11915318

Why do you type like an uneducated nigger?

>> No.11915321
File: 173 KB, 635x448, img54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

navy blue is a go to for every proud white man

>> No.11915327
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i think you're being uncharitable with this assessment.

>> No.11915334
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This loser is who I'm supposed to be taking advice from?

>> No.11915339
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did you vote for pauline pig

>> No.11915340
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>> No.11915342
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fucken oath i did mate

>> No.11915344

lol only fags film themselves in the gym. Bet everyone around you thought you were an idiot

>> No.11915345

weight liftings good but it should never become your identity

>> No.11915350
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oo i hope not :O

got a nice little 80s fash wave dump coming now lads

>> No.11915353
File: 490 KB, 603x640, 74f4ea6df462c0873ce1e193740dbc498cca953c59d4349acb18044e043d8cef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of young people have no ethos or identity aside from consumerism and hedonism, weight lifting is a good way to sart to develop yourself and start down the road of self actualisation. better weight lifting than cummies and iphones.

>> No.11915354
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>> No.11915358
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>> No.11915360
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>> No.11915364
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>> No.11915366
File: 23 KB, 400x300, 4061028162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be back in a little while friends.

>> No.11915369

weight lifting can be very unproductive if you take it too seriously. Its one of those things that sucks you in but really doesnt mean anything in the grand scheme of things. I think realistically if the greatest accomplishment in your life is weight lifting you have failed yourself. weight lifting should always be a side piece

>> No.11915397
File: 409 KB, 1024x1023, 1472487363493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weight lifting is a means to an end, the end being self actualisation via mastery, mastery of something difficult in the pursuit of excellence is a part of the aryan tradition and mythos.

there are other noble pursuits to achieving a similar thing but heavy weight training requires dedication, work ethic, determination and self reliance, it is a kind of catch-all embodiment of many of the attributes and qualities that make whites great. couple that with the fact that the results are strength, aesthetic cultivation, self confidence etc. and you have an outlet that is probably the most effective means of achieving a form self actualisation that eludes so many modern men in today's world.

working a hard labor job like concreting, brick layer, labourer etc. will achieve similar results as well.

physical labor, lifting things, doing things with our hands, is a foundation of masculinity, it nourishes the soul and rejuvenates the spirit, it has extreme mental and physical benefits that many modern 'males' are no longer experiencing, the effects of this on society and the individual are observable all around us.

physical atrophy sedentary lifestyles are slowly eroding our souls and mental well being, you need to weight lift if you dont work a physically demanding job, its not just a hobby, its required for your aryan spirit.

>> No.11915404

w-what if I'm a girl and I like to weight train

>> No.11915412

What's pigfuck's stance in the emerging trend of tech wear?

>> No.11915415
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same thing applies, though you wont get a smuch out of it as a man.

>> No.11915460


>> No.11915511
File: 104 KB, 738x787, 1477822116536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we will stop you globalists

>> No.11915541

how long until AJ goes full 1488? 2 years max imo

>> No.11915570
File: 41 KB, 604x453, 1399548127600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure you will

>> No.11915578
File: 217 KB, 750x500, alex_jones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try globalist

were coming for you

>> No.11915605
File: 31 KB, 500x666, alex james.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do we crush nigger culture once and for all?

>> No.11915607
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>> No.11915665

god you are sooooo old why are you still here? nothing going on in your life?
if i was 28 and still hanging out on /fa/ I would literally KILL myself kek
you are pathetic you old gay cunt

>> No.11915669
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whats got you so worked up there?

>> No.11915670

nothing. just funny how sad your life must be that u havent managed to break away from /fa/ even being as old as you are. no family or career yet? if u havent started big progress towards those by 23 u are a degenerate failure desu

>> No.11915675
File: 524 KB, 559x519, parka styling for autumn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my race war outfit

>> No.11915678
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hmmm you sure you arent mad???


>> No.11915679
File: 182 KB, 600x517, scale1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this good enough for racewarTM or too mexican looking?

>> No.11915680

yea. sorry if the truth hurts. arent you some old loser in new zealand or something? must be so boring there so i understand why u got nothing better to do with ur time

>> No.11915683

ok as long as you got that off your chest, i hope you feel better now anon :^)

>> No.11915686


>> No.11915688
File: 23 KB, 454x627, aad0218e4d96be34eacfb002624fa08a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you feel about this type of "style"?

>> No.11915691

kinda bland, unless you're a cubicle worker in some middling office job or something i think you can do better.

>> No.11915696
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not today globalists

>> No.11915697

Show me something better then. Also what type of winter coat would you reccomend?

>> No.11915834
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dont say i dont do anything for you

>> No.11915842

Why doesn't nationalism or any right wing ideology fit us Mexicans-Americans? I wholeheartedly support your cause and are aware of the Zionist dindu shill, yet we are always excluded.

"Only whites"

Like fuck, other people want to help your cuck asses and to fight such a cabal, you need all the people possible.

>> No.11915864

all you need to know about lifting is the Colorado Experiment

>> No.11915888

>tfw some weird fucking mixture between Nordic and East Baltic

>> No.11915897

because we dont want any emotional baggage when the hard decisions have to be made

you're better off attempting to improve the living circumstances of your own people

>> No.11915903

im somewhere between alpine and mediterranean

>> No.11915936
File: 422 KB, 1920x1080, 7172ff340b64468982ca6c04cc63ae7ad64ce01b15880bd33bbd5e7217673496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.because most mexicans are sub human aztec shitskins.

2. because mexico is - unlike white countries - always going to be filled with mexicans

3. it is white people who are targeted by the zog for genocide, not mexicans, maybe if they succeeded and whites were eradicated they'd turn on the talented tenth of mexicans(who are white anyway) but it is whites who pose a threat to jewish hegemony. whites and kikes have been at war for centuries.

4. our problems are our own and unique to us, if you want to combat the kike do so with your own people.

5. because mexican-american is an oxymoron. mexican-american is as absurd as chinese-mexican or african-indian or german-japanese person, it is only white countries that have become proposition nations in which the world's brown hordes get to hyphenate their nationalities with our own. you are not american, america was founded by white men for white people, if you want to help the white race go back to mexico and take as many of your countrymen with you.

>> No.11915958
File: 76 KB, 600x791, richard spencer zine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11915962

you seem like a nice guy, we'll gas you last

>> No.11915970

who willing to give their life for their race here

>> No.11915982
File: 57 KB, 500x500, artworks-000168638631-hg42as-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

richard's OK

greg johnson is the superior alt-right intellectual though

>> No.11915989

>greg johnson

d-uh! RS isnt much of an intelectual, more of an organizer (or pyramid skemes) but still kudos. GJ knows his stuff, he is gay btw

>> No.11916000

fucking disgusting. Fuck outta here.

>> No.11916003

He's jewish, so never

>> No.11916006
File: 335 KB, 878x1971, cb99035f09ad3849c621a9cd3e126647a3b132220793f0ceb1cb4459fbf5e5cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeh it is unfortunate that greg is a fag but it is what it is, i respect the fact that he's not open about it and doesnt discuss it. when hes just discussing politics hes one of the most articulate and effective people we have in the movement.

>> No.11916011

show me your fits for the day of the rope