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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 112 KB, 1600x1032, scientists-have-cloned-the-worlds-most-handsomest-skater-1413293028816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11854563 No.11854563 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11854570

did he actually die???

>> No.11854576
File: 55 KB, 500x447, meh.ro12242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight sweet prince

>> No.11854584

i loved this shoes

>> No.11854588

seriously is this real or what?

>> No.11854597

Literally who?

>> No.11854605

he had some kind of cancer, treatment didnt work

>> No.11854606

shut the fuck up

>> No.11854608

Dylan Rieder, probably the only efay skater.But I don't know if this is bait.On his instagram, people are posting rip.

>> No.11854628

fuck, couldn't believe it
Rest in Peace

>> No.11854629

he had leukemia, cancer of the blood

>> No.11854648

It's real, Sean Pablo just confirmed it on his instagram. RIP

>> No.11854649

what hair product would give me a similar finish? love the damp look.

>> No.11854654
File: 137 KB, 1080x1080, 14693720_183938832011181_35998955586191360_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11854655

god fucking damn this is so sudden. RIP:(

>> No.11854656

>some faggy skater
>relevant to fashion
Tell me when someone who actually contributes to the fashion community dies.

>> No.11854669

rest in peace ;(

>> No.11854670

dude show some respect.

>> No.11854675

More relevant than you'll ever be.

>> No.11854676

he influenced A LOT of people
definitely relevant

>> No.11854677
File: 11 KB, 240x193, 1476029310669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11854680

why? I don't respect him at all, what has he done that is even at all related to fashion?

>> No.11854684

Been a model, designed clothes.

>> No.11854695

Yeah fuck off scum, I will show my respect when Yohji dies but not some ratty faggot claimed as "iffoy" by the bunch of retards. Rest in piss lmao

>> No.11854698


>> No.11854699

I'm with this nigga. I dont care about some shit skater who influenced some teenagers.

>> No.11854701

he started the whole tucked in shirt with slim cropped pants look that every sskater and wears now

>> No.11854702
File: 144 KB, 1066x1600, IMG_0866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done more than you. Probably influenced more people in the fashion world than you keyboard trolls ever will so tie a noose and take a nap because you're not gonna be as relevant and when you do die no one will post a thread about you here.

>> No.11854705

Salty Señor Slant Eye

>> No.11854708

I'm not trying to influence anyone you fucking idiot. Why do people think that just because someone doesn't respect someone that insulting them for something they never tried to do holds any weight?

>> No.11854711

Wow I bet people never did that before

>> No.11854715

Triggered. How does it feel that you're gonna die an irrelevant piece of shit and the only thing people will remember about you in the fashion world is your comments on an anonymous website lmao you're really pathetic.

>> No.11854721

yep, he was definitely the first real fashionable skater and he caught allot of flak for it. his style/personality inspired an entire new generation.

>> No.11854723

>started the whole tucked in shirt with slim cropped pants look

I find that hard to believe

>> No.11854731

Kill yourself seriously, he was an incredible skater and very important to a lot of people. Not to mention extremely effay

>> No.11854736

Goddamn im actually shocked. Such a good dude, did so much for the skating community. Rip to the legend

>> No.11854740
File: 71 KB, 593x626, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rip to the young god

>> No.11854741

I'm laffing at all you triggered skaters mad because others don't respect your idol. Fuck him and fuck all of you. /asp/ is that way

>> No.11854746

Were not mad that a faggot like you doesnt respect him, were mad that youre even in this thread at all. He just died, Show respect or dont post at all

>> No.11854749

no way what the fuck how when

>> No.11854751
File: 160 KB, 499x750, tumblr_n6apd7IYQi1r3xdsro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night Dylan.

Also >>11854741 /b/ is that way you edgy 12 year old kid.

>> No.11854753

This, if he wasnt the first one to do it, he was definitly the one that made it cool

>> No.11854755

>Post on a public fashion forum
>Gets mad when someone who thinks this thread should be on a more appropriate board posts.
goddamn you teens need to quit sperging out

>> No.11854756

rip my dude

>> No.11854759
File: 38 KB, 500x641, 1476306778069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11854760

leukemia, today

>> No.11854762

Lmao he contributed more to the fashion world then you ever will, its 100% appropriate. Theres not one skate core thread that doesnt have a pic of dylan every time. Do your research

>> No.11854767
File: 178 KB, 800x1203, 7401d5824ae9f5e149910c3e704306af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how you're actually using so much energy to convince us that a guy you don't even know isn't worthy of respect here. You have such a sad pathetic life I actually feel sorry for you. Also no one will post a thread about you anywhere on this board when you die so...

>> No.11854770

i like the dude but we don't need a fucking thread dedicated to him

>> No.11854773

u seem mad

>> No.11854774

Uhh yea this definitly requires a thread, if you know skateboarding you know what hes done for skateboarding fashion and fashion in general

>> No.11854778

I'm literally not trying to influence shit you retard. Stop trying to use this argument you idiot. I don't care about skater fashion because its for teens like you who get emotional about this type of shit

>> No.11854786

skateboarding is for faggy teens and has no relevance in the fashion world

>> No.11854788

stating the truth =/ mad. You're irrelevant and that's the truth, nothing personal.

>> No.11854791

Obviously theres a lot of people who DO care about skate fashion so you can fuck off if this thread triggers you this much

>> No.11854795

>fashion in general

do teenagers really think this?

>> No.11854797
File: 43 KB, 500x332, tumblr_mdxvcndkzv1qkp6rpo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So young, cancer sucks.

>> No.11854799
File: 203 KB, 650x650, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no relevance
>dylan modeled for multiple big name and designer brands

If you cant recognize how much skater fashion influences normal fashion you dont kow shit

>> No.11854813

>skater fashion

underage b&

>> No.11854820

>all these assholes

you really got nothing better to do?
I would sacrifice you all to save him

>> No.11854823

You obviously dont like dylan, we get it. Leave

>> No.11854828
File: 260 KB, 563x542, 21476632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry buddy, this is MY board

i'm not going anywhere

>> No.11854829

what did you expect on 4shit?

>> No.11854832
File: 88 KB, 500x500, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably morons who follows alpha m. religiously and uses Jersey Shore for inspo. Anyway rip Dylan

>> No.11854835

>dylan modeled for multiple big name and designer brands
to think the man who gave us "like a roling stone" would sink so low...

>> No.11854836

Haha yeah sure dude. Remember to do your algebra homework teenie

>> No.11854842


>> No.11854843

Fuck. I'm sad.

>> No.11854844

This board is literally infested by twelve your olds and fouseytube impersonators. Talking shit about a dead person is so lame.

>> No.11854850

final nail in the 4shit coffin was late 2012

>> No.11854851

Ouch I touched a nerve there douche.


>> No.11854855
File: 121 KB, 800x480, palace-skateboards-spring-summer-2016-street-style-london-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we get some skate inspo here?

>> No.11854861

gtfo loser u really think this is the time?

>> No.11854865
File: 32 KB, 436x436, inline_nnmvvfkPvJ1sj0hte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waaahhh some faggy skater died, i have to grieve on 4chan

>> No.11854867

Ask me if you need any help. I'm quite good at higher maths.

>> No.11854873

Wow man I bet you sure are a hit with your friends!


>> No.11854874

Dang. I would of flipped his tip. Suck in peace Dylie Rog. Smackcentral

>> No.11854876
File: 48 KB, 552x623, unnamedee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip Dylan '

heres a rare one :(

>> No.11854885

It's I'm glad a skater died Season :) this is funny that he died of cancer :)

>> No.11854887

Youre not worth selecting store fronts over but ill do it anyway to say fuck off

>> No.11854889

Please do tell me the most effay way to shave my pubes so I can get girls to finger my belly button.


>> No.11854895

>admiring someones hair whom ive never met
>showing disrespect
also, kys faggot. my mom died of cancer ive seen death up close. if i wanna ask a question i will

>> No.11854898

damn, didnt realize how androgynous he looked since he seemed to always be rocking the stubble.
he definitely made androgyny fashionable

>> No.11854902

Ryder didn't influence shit.

We were dropping hammers way before all that shit came out of left field.

Hollywood HIgh. Whats up.

>> No.11854903

No one cares about your mom pussy why even bring that up. lmao truly pathetic.

>> No.11854909

>he was definitly the one that made it cool
>he definitely made androgyny fashionable

you faggots are fucking worthless

>> No.11854915

This thread cant be srs.


Im triggered...my faggy loooking BFF on the internetz is fucking dead. Hes a rotting corpse now. Waaaaahhhhh.


>> No.11854920
File: 31 KB, 500x755, Hairstyle-Men-Long-Hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck his hair was glorious.

>> No.11854926

Not anymore m8

>> No.11854927

>he was definitely the first real fashionable skater
Learn some history before you start talking out of your ass

>> No.11854930


Dont worry. Its a known fact that hair keeps on growing even after your body has died.

So now he'll never loose those lushious locks.

>> No.11854934

You sound like a tard

>> No.11854936

not true

>> No.11854940



Get a fucking life kid.



>> No.11854949

fuck, the guy had everything at 28 and it's all gone just like that

>> No.11854951

no he fucking didn't shut up.

>> No.11854954

Don't do drugs kids.

See what can happen.

>> No.11854958

kek this desu

he wasn't even that good at skating either and had shit fuck to do with fashion

get this bullshit off my board

>> No.11854959
File: 516 KB, 1024x683, 8806173919_daf2d32dec_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes he fucking did dude. you obviously dont follow skateboarding to know that

>> No.11854960

One day someone you care about will get cancer and you'll stop being such an edgelord

>> No.11854965

Not true, when you start decomposing, skin shrink, that's why seems like your hair and nails grow.

>> No.11854966


he's not even fashionable he's just attractive.

>> No.11854968


Nah. Not gonna happen m8.
I'll be fine.

Your faggot skater will still be ded. :(

>> No.11854970

Fuck it must suck to die that young:( But I'd rather die young like Dylan, fashionable and relatively well known than live to my 90s but in the body of the sperglords shit talking in this thread.

>> No.11854974

>no one will post a thread about you anywhere on this board when you die so...
you act like that matters or actually means anything to anyone

>> No.11854976

im pretty sure he got leukemia from smoking cigarettes so damn much...apparently the 2nd leading cause of leukemia is exposure to the chemical called 'Benzene', which is found most in tobacco smoke...
TL;DR tobacco is fucking terrible.

>> No.11854980

Maybe if he wasn't a filthy smoker he would have lived longer

>> No.11854986


What a retard.

Lests cry like faggots beause someone was too much of a twat to take care of himself. Good riddance.

>> No.11854990

you have a 50% chance of dying from cancer

>> No.11854994

i know no one cares, and no one should. you never met her faggot, im giving you perspective on how stupid it is to get butthurt over me asking a question about his fucking hair.

>> No.11855004

how am i a retard lol? i just scientifically explained the reason why he probably died...plus i dont smoke or do drugs myself, (not even alcohol) and i workout almost everyday, including cardio...
i agree its his fault for falling for the smoking meme but ultimately its the jews fault for promoting/introducing degeneracy and drugs to non-jews

>> No.11855007

Too bad it wasn't Alex Olson that bit the bullet instead.

>> No.11855008

He had leukemia, not lung cancer.

>> No.11855015

It should have been you to be honest, no one would have cared.

>> No.11855017
File: 146 KB, 1366x768, disapoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey dumbass , see >>11854976

>> No.11855023

Cigarette smoking is associated with a 50% increase in leukemia risk. There is benzene in cigarette smoke and this is likely to be a significant cause. You fucking idiot

>> No.11855034

Its alright. I'll be in Hell while Dylan sucks my dick.

>> No.11855035

He was also known to abuse drugs. Sad he seems to be getting better but then just like that.

>> No.11855055

Well he deserved to kick the bucket. Dumb junkie loser

>> No.11855063

It's a surprise more pro skaters don't die prematurely with the kind of reckless lives they live and glorify

>> No.11855078

>then just like that

Well its not surprising, no amount of "fashion" can save you from a drug addicted, cigarette smoking lifestyle

>> No.11855088

That's sad and all but why post here? Fuck off.

>> No.11855089


>> No.11855092

He modeled for VOGUE and DKNY and many more. He's the definition of /fa/.

>> No.11855097


both irrelevant and shit

>> No.11855106

>fuck, the guy had everything at 28

Except healthy blood..

>> No.11855111

K then leave

>> No.11855115
File: 531 KB, 389x400, 4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit hahahahahahaha

>> No.11855116

Vogue had Rodney Mullen do stuff for them. He's no spring chicken m8. They just get skaters in to attract the teenage edgy skate crowd. Dylan was perfect for this

>> No.11855119

>see dylan died, check fa for first time in a year or two because he always used to be posted in inspo threads, and get his own threads often
>autistic shitposting at alarming rates

can't tell if its intentional or just the newest rotation of /fa/ users because it's always been a board full of people 15-18

>> No.11855172


>> No.11855177

wow I'm done. I'm so fucking done with this site.

he did more for fashion than any of you lame fucks ever will. show some fucking respect. I can't fucking believe this is happening right now.

>> No.11855186

suck my cock you fucking loser, this is completely the wrong board for this shit and you know it

>> No.11855191

why don't you shoot up some dope for him m8

>> No.11855197

chill out, he just died, the thread is going to be gone in like 2 hours, dont be so fucking butthurt about the fact that it isn't extremely related to being fashionable. he did influence a lot of skaters and modeled for some companies which is probably more than we'll ever do in our lifetime, i've seen him a fucking million times on inspo threads here so his face will never die, rip

>> No.11855208

he LITERALLY set trends that all you fucking followers copy. tucked shirts, cropped pants, androgyony. talk to me when you accomplish something of that level.

>> No.11855217

Expect I don't wear any of these...

>> No.11855220

Literally who

>> No.11855221

>tucked shirts

Fuck i didn't realise this drug addict discovered the art of shirt tucking. What a hero. I'm in awe right now

>> No.11855230

dude youre such a shithead

>> No.11855244

he didn't set any of those trends you mongoloid

>> No.11855246

fuck off dude. just fuck off

>> No.11855250

ID on the new balance?

>> No.11855251
File: 40 KB, 550x550, fc,550x550,wh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's literally shaking right now

>> No.11855262

Check out these soft cunts. Maybe a relaxing cigarette will help. It will increase your chances of leukemia just like your androgynous friend!

>> No.11855268

lmao youre either baiting or just autistic on a whole new level

>> No.11855274

please stop you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.11855299

>sheltered teen confirmed

how proud were your parents that you made honor roll this year!?

>> No.11855333

Lol at the one guy shit posting this thread to death

>> No.11855336

I'm gonna kill myself soon

>> No.11855357

from looking at his instagram you would have never known he was battling leukemia. rip dylan see you on the other side

>> No.11855358

Say hello to Dylan for me. May you tuck your shirt in for eternity

>> No.11855383
File: 1.23 MB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idono man he looked pretty ill here

>> No.11855393

lold. rip the god tho, so much disrespect

dylan did for skater fashion what kanye/rocky did for hip hop fashion, pushing the boundaries of the scene and actually being original

>> No.11855402
File: 903 KB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His face looked really fucked here. Poor guy rip

>> No.11855417

so damn effay he even ends up dying young. bummer.

>> No.11855425

this is clearly shopped dude, dylan doesnt look anything like this

>> No.11855429

false dude go on insta

>> No.11855431

It's literally on insta

>> No.11855442

look how much it matters to you, and this aint even about you lol

>> No.11855457

oh man ;_;

i used to call him a fag on here but it was only bc i was jel of his good looks and talent, damn. guys i'm actually sad about this damn

rip homie

>> No.11855458

how long ago was this, it well could have been the lighting.

here's a thread for all those interested. rumors of mr. rieder's battle have been floating around since earlier this year march 2016


>> No.11855461
File: 119 KB, 632x632, dylan-6-632x632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was having a hard time

>> No.11855510
File: 53 KB, 528x384, gordoubles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edgy faggot

>> No.11855516

My depression is so strong I pretty much have a terminal illness. There is a 99% chance I will be dead within the next few months

>> No.11855527

maybe when you're dead you'll stop trying to steal the spotlight huh?

>> No.11855531


why is it bad things happen to good people? good night dylan you'll be missed

>> No.11855543


>> No.11855546

Let a sad man shit post in peace please you fucking Paul blart forum cop wanna be

>> No.11855570

life and death happens to everyone, dylan just happened to be good

>> No.11855579

no it's okay I have tourettes

>> No.11855591

>finally have the perfect bod for ysl

life can be pretty cruel

>> No.11855620

holy shit, looks like a dead man

rip dylan, may you skate 4eva

>> No.11855665

he is a dead man lmao

>> No.11855673

I haven't cried since I had the realization to quit heroin and get my life together, until now. Watching Dylan's videos inspired me to get back into skating which I had been out of for a couple years because of depression. I respect the shit out of this guy. Didn't think this would hit me this hard.

>> No.11855675

Allah y Rahmou.

>> No.11855677

right there with you man, shit completely caught me off guard.

>> No.11855683

pussy, reevaluate your life if this faggots death made you cry

>> No.11855688

I already did 10 months ago

>> No.11855692
File: 34 KB, 500x333, IMG_1807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I care if some entitled faggot dies? He was bound to get lung cancer anyway

>> No.11855696

R.I.P. Dylan, was one of my favorite skaters, can't believe he had cancer. For you oldfag skaters, when his time to shine part came out, his style was so legit and flowed so well. When he started dressing nice for the workshop vid, I was probably the only one of my friends that fucked with his fits. Dude was a style icon, plenty of inspo from him. RIP

>> No.11855699

ill pass on the bait today thanks

>> No.11855707

i remember when everyone was hating on his style after the workshop vids and then within the year everyone looked and skated exactly like him

>> No.11855719

glad to see there's a few other people who aren't sociopaths in here, shred extra hard for dylan tomorrow

>> No.11855738

should've been dill

rip rieder

>> No.11855773

RIP and all but how is this fashion related

>> No.11855774
File: 91 KB, 758x1137, DylanR4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had close people die from cancer and sucks ass. And Dylan dying is also horrible because he was 28 which is too young for such a role model to many young skaters and to myself. Regardless, I think I can help you though, he has a particular style of hair which is the type that just grows straight out and is slim and straight. What kind of hair are you working with? I might recommend an undercut and growing it out for awhile with lots of neglect (as in not using shampoo every time but just cleaning) this will take depending on your hair about 3-5 months to achieve this long style.

>> No.11855802

this man was a lot of peoples fashion inspo

>> No.11855856

not shopped. He legit looked like this. Had a friend who knew people at huf and they all knew about this a long time ago so i knew he wasn't doing well. Was always hoping for a comeback of sorts but he accomplished so much at 28, he left a lasting imprint on skating forever.

>> No.11855879

im not even the guy he was replying to originally.

but he kept saying that over and over again like it was something to care about

>> No.11855902

Lmao we have threads dedicated to absolute bullshit yet you complain about this one?

>> No.11855912
File: 998 KB, 400x225, tumblr_n5aeq7WSGd1ro6hi1o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say what you will about what this board is, but for once i'm actually ashamed to be a part of it. how bitter do you have to be to start an argument//talk shit about a dude who just passed away from leukemia? he was only 28. doesn't matter if you care about him or not, have some humanity for fuck's sake. rest in peace dylan, one of the best ever to do it.

>> No.11856017

>made a Sonie Rykiel RIP thread when she died in August
>3 replies
>literal who that has never contributed anything of worth to the world fashion getting all these "hey show some respect" posts

This board is filled insta fash faggots.

>> No.11856026

I was one of those replies. It's sad this is the state of /fa/ now...

>> No.11856037
File: 76 KB, 750x496, 1467148162889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is retarded. this thread is retarded. supreme is gay. fashion skaters are gay. kyrselves

>> No.11856041
File: 47 KB, 480x480, IMG_0577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>193 replies
>66 posters
>one faggot posts thread about (literally who???) and responds to anyone who doesn't "show respect" on mongolian sock puppet board.

>> No.11856047

muh diiiick,.who is this thicc orient woman?

>> No.11856057


I'm fucking depressed now

God fucking dammit

He was too handsome to die

>> No.11856065
File: 162 KB, 800x1203, 1475021599859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11856094 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 455x73, lolidk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked out the skate thread on /asp/

Was this he even good at skating? Cause it seems the only people that care about this faggot croaking are a bunch of autists on a fashion chat room of a Mongolian Tapestries Exchange obsessed with the fact that he tucked his shirt in once.

>> No.11856102
File: 49 KB, 614x401, tumblr_o4ikxhbgj11rauxc9o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11856104
File: 76 KB, 420x633, tumblr_o39z30Fl3J1rauxc9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11856108
File: 14 KB, 455x73, lolidk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked out the skate thread on /asp/ and apart from two people, even they don't give a shit.

Was this guy even good at skating? Cause it seems the only people that care about this faggot croaking are a bunch of autists in a fashion chat room of a Mongolian Tapestries Exchange obsessed with the fact that he tucked his shirt in once.

>> No.11856160

He's on Time, Vice and Rolling stone right now and you're complaining that people made a thread to remember his style by just because you don't know him

>> No.11856197

He had good style and some gnarly smith grinds and impossibles. Nothing he did looked sketchy. Always smooth.
Not the best skater though. There are instagram folks who are more technically proficient but he just made simply stuff look really really good. Watch the Gravis video.

>> No.11856204

if he were ugly, no one would care.

that alone makes it relevant to /fa/

>> No.11856205

/asp/ is filled with newfags who have only just got into skating

>was he even good at skating?

One of the best in my opinion. Has great style and trick selection which made him a joy to watch and hence why many people idolised him

>> No.11856213
File: 878 KB, 1280x720, impossible-tailgrab.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was this guy even good at skating?

lol he was pretty fucking good dude. he was a known commodity in the skating world for sure. watch this to get an idea of his skill level:


>> No.11856216
File: 15 KB, 480x360, quicksilver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also he's been sponsored since he was like 13 or so. it's not like he's some model dude who only went pro because he was famous outside of skateboarding or looked cool or something. all the extra shit for him came after his skateboarding success.

>> No.11856220

kids overhype the fuck out of him but he's p good, not a legend or anything by any means but he sort of fostered a cult following after cherry. the skate community is small but regardless what anyone thought of him, everyone knew who dylan rieder was

>> No.11856221
File: 893 KB, 1280x720, flip-out.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean look at the way he pops out of this tailslide. rare stuff.

>> No.11856222


it's part of the tough guy /pol/ification of 4chan. enjoy the ride.

>> No.11856223

>fostered a cult after cherry
>after cherry
LMFAO >>11856216

>> No.11856225


so you know what cherry is and when it was released? so why are you posting? for le epic trolls?

>> No.11856226

>not a legend


>> No.11856230
File: 13 KB, 378x301, 103408671931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does /pol/ have to do with b8ing on a skateboarders death from cancer?
spotted the liberal tho

>> No.11856231

now someone tell me what product to put in my hair to achieve that look

>> No.11856235

>spotted the liberal tho

lol this is what im talking about ffs

and yeah I'm a liberal.

jesus this is a fucking fashion forum btw

>> No.11856237
File: 139 KB, 1279x712, 1476243561315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hey its the alt-right mememaster who gets triggered every time someone says mean things about /pol/

>> No.11856240

don't you have a hashtag to force-trend or something

>> No.11856250

after reading this thread I feel like I'm officially too old for 4chan.

>> No.11856288

man same, and i'm only 19. i dont think i used to do this shit though; did we?

>> No.11856294

I post on /pol/ and huge fan of dylan. Shut your dark ass up

>> No.11856302

This thin blooded faggot isn't even /fa/ related. The magazines put him in as a poster boy to attract the edgy skater fag crowd. Which worked as i can see from this thread. If you underage fags are seriously mourning this drug addict then you need to get out into the real world

>> No.11856309


>> No.11856311

Maybe a round of chemo m8

>> No.11856316
File: 120 KB, 640x446, IMG_4002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"He was a skater boy, she said, 'See ya later boy'
He was not good enough for her..."

>> No.11856389

He was really fucking good and honestly had potential to be one of the best imo. Dude was always good but blew up after his gravis part. Crazy high pop and effortless style that pretty much inspired the younger street rats.
Don't listen to these newfags, they got into skating when "muh supreme cherry is so effay" came out. And Skating is much more than flip in flip out shit, although he was very good at that too.

>> No.11856392


>> No.11856412

It's not bait sadly. Rip

>> No.11856431

Tucked my shirt in as a tribute today. Oddly enough i saw many older men with this tribute as well. Didn't know how much he influenced fashion. Truly transcended generations with this groundbreaking "tucked in shirt" style. RIP Dylan Raider one of the best scooter riders in his town

>> No.11856434



>> No.11856506

not fa related lol, ask alexander wang or cara delevingne. What have you contributed to this board besides shitty opinions and most likely shitty fits?

>> No.11856516

my sides now i get why he was acting so edgy all the time

>> No.11856525

>cara delevingne

Literally a meme model for XD XD teenage girls. No wonder they paired her up with the cancer patient. Attracts the teenage skater boi demo like you

>> No.11856536


>> No.11856604

What that gravis shoes ? i don't understand why that brand is dead. I have a Gravis cap since more than 13 years now and it's still in good shape.

>> No.11856621

saviour every healthy day lads

wish i did before i ran into all kinds of fucked up digestive problems

might be colon cancer desu but have to wait two months for a screening

hopefully just ibs

>> No.11856631

Death always saddens me, especially suicide.

>> No.11856638

Like, this world is still too pretty to be left behind. Very sad. No, more like scary actually i'm really scared of death

>> No.11856656

get off your high horse, even his dead corpse is better looking than you no matter what non-meme brand you wear lul stay jelly

>> No.11856671

owell this guy died an effay smoker, worth it?

>> No.11856675

some of you guys get grumpy over nothing

>> No.11856678

Me too, completely. Just realized what a steaming cesspool of shitheads is on this board.

>> No.11856684

Hey man, show some respect. He was like, the first to ever tuck his shirt in. Absolutely revolutionary. Respect.

>> No.11856738

kek m8

>> No.11856764

literally who

>> No.11856803

some loser junkie

>> No.11856813

another junkie bites the dust
good riddance

>> No.11856814

guys how do i know for sure if i have colon cancer or not

literally terrified

despite how pathetic and useless i am deep inside me something tells me i have a life worth living

>> No.11856821

Who the fuck is this, and why the fuck this thread is here? It's fashion board, not fucking Facebook or MFA.

>> No.11856861


maybe you should go back there

>> No.11856883
File: 1.27 MB, 1367x2023, J_London_writing_1905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would rather be ashes than dust!
I would rather that my spark should burn out
in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry-rot.
I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom
of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.
The function of man is to live, not to exist.
I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them.
I shall use my time.

Use your damn time man.

>> No.11856889

you get tested you fucking idiot

>> No.11856894

Nice poem loser. Fuck you sound like a poofter m8

>> No.11856897

It's not a poem, you retard.

>> No.11856917

gentle reminder skeleton tree is the GOAT album of 2016 and if you disagree ur an edgy teen who has never dealt with loss

>> No.11857073

fuck, i've never seen this photo before.

>> No.11857098


>> No.11857145

>fostered a cult following after cherry
Kiiiiillll yourself my man

>> No.11857193

Believe what you want, but Dylan is who succeded at bringing it to skateboarding, and through skateboarding into the fashion world.

>> No.11857354

ITT: people who have never heard of dylan telling other people why they shouldnt care about his death

>> No.11857466

Damn NIGGA you WOKE af

>> No.11857482


Don't smoke and take drugs kid or you'll end up like your junkie friend. Not even nice hair can save you from cancer

>> No.11857489

this fucker smoked cigs wayyy too much...hate to say it but he would still be alive if he had smoked wead instead of tobacco..

>> No.11857492


>> No.11857493

i am but i have to wait 2 months u cunt

ample time for that shit to spread to my lymphnodes

>> No.11857546

damn some of you niggas salty af rn

>> No.11857566

>Was this guy even good at skating
not really.

had the skills of someone on a flow team desu

>> No.11857630

Lmao you have no idea what youre talking about. Style is everything these days its not about being technical anymore. Dylan was a pioneer of the new wave style of skating. Do your research

>> No.11857632
File: 38 KB, 400x380, sk8fagplsleave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11857636

Dylan had a brief period of drug use.... He was a great dude. How pathetic do you have to be to hate on a dead man.

>> No.11857642

How pathetic do you have to be to idolize some druggie who wore his basics a bit differently than everyone else?

>> No.11857643

Burning anything and inhaling still causes cancer you fuckwit.

And before you spout off that "DUDE WEED CUREZ DAH CANCER", there have only been THREE in vivo trials on mice that say "maybe it can help with stuff".

Which means "more research needs to be done", not OH EM GHEE WE CURED DAH CANCER GUYZZZZZZZZZZ."

>> No.11857650

Im not gonna get triggered by your bait or argue with you cause its pointless but dylan was extremely important to skating either way so whatever fuck off if you dont like him

>> No.11857654

Yes inhaling any smoke is bad but cigarettes are FAR worse. Half a million deaths a year from cigs. Zero directly related deaths from weed smoke inhalation so your argument is shit and youre a faggot

>> No.11857658

Not as pathetic to glorify a drug addict

>> No.11857673

>Zero directly related deaths from weed smoke inhalation

There's a direct link betwixt cannabis use and heart.problems

(April, 2014: Researchers writing in the Journal of the American Heart Association investigated marijuana’s effects on cardiovascular health. They reviewed 1,979 incidents from 2006 to 2011, and found, “there were 22 cardiac complications (20 acute coronary syndromes), 10 peripheral complications (lower limb or juvenile arteriopathies and Buerger‐like diseases), and 3 cerebral complications (acute cerebral angiopathy, transient cortical blindness, and spasm of cerebral artery). In 9 cases, the event led to patient death.” )

There have also been several cannabis-caused strokes

(2004: A study in the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics examined case studies of three otherwise-healthy adolescent boys who were admitted to hospitals due to stroke following heavy marijuana use; two of the boys ultimately died, and the study concluded marijuana may cause stroke and death.)

>> No.11857674

8/8 gr8 b8 m8

>> No.11857682

Also keep in mind that this is only from RECENT research.

If we'd known this shit as long as we've known that cigs were bad, the numbers would be even more comparable.

>> No.11857695

it's definitely still bad but the body is surprisingly resilient (also depends on genetic predisposition) and ultimately most people don't consume marijuana in the same amount as they consume cigarettes.

>> No.11857697

>asking questions is disrespect
kill me

>> No.11857707

you're kinda dumb. The argument about weed curing cancer is not so much that it does it it's more that it is strategically understudied, often bills get passed that flat out refuse to study medical marijuana because, particularly in America, pharmaceuticals are a multi-billion dollar industry that depend on over prescribing drugs. If you could make thousands of a single patient through various drugs they take on a daily basis, potentially for the rest of their life why would you want to challenge that by introducing a cheaper, less controllable substance that they could potentially grow themselves?

>> No.11857718

>idolizing some faggot skater

this really is the youngest board on 4chan

>> No.11857742


>> No.11857747


>> No.11857749


>> No.11857755


Which is bullshit, because pharmaceutical companies would love nothing more than to make a ahitload of drugs based around weed IF further research shows a legitimate medicinal benefit.

The main reason that research gets shot down is because the DEA is still pretending that's it's on the same level as heroin, which it isn't.

It's on par with booze if we're gonna be fucking honest about it.

>> No.11857760


>> No.11857785

And I'll go even further and say that there won't be a "universal cancer cure" (which is what weed gets passed off as.) anytime soon.

There's what, 10 octillion variations of cancer?

You won't be able cure them all with one singular thing. Not for a long while at least.

And fuck, the HPV vaccines are effective at preventing HPV-derived cancers, but they still happen because the same people that want the active chemicals in cannabis to be isolated and used as therapy for cancer by the pharmaceuticals industry think that already-extant preventative measures are a "BYG FARMUH PLOT TO CONTROL OUR MYNDS MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN".

>> No.11857801


>Not even that good at skating

He has the ability to blast like 5 foot backside airs in a pool. Doesn't matter if he only does basic stuff in his video parts, he can still murder you and your family when it comes to heavy tricks.

>> No.11857848

So in the grand scheme of things virtually no one has died directly from weed is what youre saying with this. They also went back on that study and clarified that some if these people had preecisting heart and cardiovascular problems and shouldnt have been smoking either. Nice try though

>> No.11857855


>> No.11857870
File: 70 KB, 499x750, tumblr_noyvj0bTq11qfi3f0o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ride in peace big brother

Can all the edgy kids itt just do one pls

>> No.11857889

>People die from causes directly stemming from their weed use, such as cancer, stroke, as well as heart and respiratory problems


Fuck off back to your Cannabis Meme FB page.

>> No.11857993

this doesn't help the image of a self-absorbed asshole that most people attach to fashion

>> No.11857996

If you can't see that Fucking Awesome is a nod to this board then you're retarded.

>> No.11858007

>after cherry
Dylan is a fucking legend and it doesn't matter what the fuck you think because you don't know shit about skateboarding my man.

>> No.11858029

Let him never be forgotten and forever rest in peace.

>> No.11858035

Word. I will remember him for the drug addicted cigarette smoking cancer patient he was

>> No.11858038

>I'm not getting attention wAHHHHHH

>> No.11858060

reminder that the people shit-talking dylan are probably scrawny little bowl cut faggots who wear thrift store hats, cuffed jeans, and the crappy asian made doc martens

they're sad, lonely, devoid of any personality and they're usually the ones sharing all the memes on facebook


>> No.11858069

>projecting this hard

holy shit lmao

>> No.11858082

>ITT junkie apologists BTFO

>> No.11858091


it's like a wall with you people

> implying there isn't a base level of faggotry and insecurity in anyone browsing a fucking fashion board

>> No.11859013

>he can still murder you and your family
too bad cancer murdered him first

>> No.11859036

Please turn off your projector Anon, I can see smoke coming out of it.

>> No.11859072

christ this thread is cringy as fuck

why is it so easy to forget that half the posters on this board are literally underage high schoolers

>> No.11859181

Skater boi fashion is literally high school tier. Sad really. They will grow up and realise Dylan Rider was a junkie faggot

>> No.11859228

I dont even know who he is but no need to get salty over a thread

>> No.11859231


>> No.11859279
File: 108 KB, 491x515, 1461096335200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his "fashion innovations" couldn't keep his blood healthy, good riddance the junkie deserved it.

>> No.11859304

A fitting analysis of this Dylan faggot. May this thread die like Dylan. Bump limit is here like his life

>> No.11860118

thanks bro, thats kid of where i am right now. my hair becomes more wavy the longer it gets. im about 2-3 months deep since my last haircut. my hair reaches my eyes, but there is a lot of volume, so it still sometimes looks like im trying to rock some nu-wave hairstyle. neglect, as in no shampoo/conditioner, will give me this sort of greasy, longer look?

>> No.11860462

RIP in peace ;_;