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/fa/ - Fashion

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11819391 No.11819391 [Reply] [Original]

Hair is becoming like pic related. Are there any /fa/ hairstyles for me or am i just fucked?

>> No.11819455
File: 196 KB, 853x1280, 1386824800760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep it short on sides and back and then spikey/slicked back on top. When your hairline gets way back, shave it all off. Do not do the fuckboy haircut aka hitler youth aka undercut unless you like to look like mohawk man.

>> No.11819486

Thanks. Gonna try it out next time i cut my hair

>> No.11819507


ride it out until it gets reallly bad and then shave.

im in the same boat, and i am also lacking in the facial hair department so if anyone has advice for stimulating facial hair growth, letcha boi know

>> No.11819523

That's a bummer, literally everyone I know who is balding early has a thick beard -- one of the drawbacks of high test.
Looks like you got the short end of both sticks, anon.

>> No.11819536

OP with beard here. Just eat healthy and lift weights

>> No.11819544

The same with me. Sadly I came to the conclusion that I will not be able to keep long hair anymore. If I keep my hair short on the sides and a little bit longer on the top (but not too much) it looks fine. But I guess I will have to go bald sooner or later...

>> No.11819587

lots of inspo here http://www.stylist225.com/mens-receding-hairline-hair-cuts.html

>> No.11819627


if you want to keep what you have start using ketoconazole shampoo like lipogaine. Then also start using minoxidil foam once or twice a day. This is what i've been doing for a few months and noticed some good growth.

The thing with minoxidil is once you start using it you cant stop. But its really not bad and not too expensive. The foam is so easy to put on and dries very quickly.

Id much rather take a few mins a day to put foam on my hair then turn into a bald faggot. Plus its been helping me brush my teeth at night because sometimes I forget to.

Do this for 6 months, if no gains then see doctor and go on finasteride.

>> No.11820007

anon with shit hairline @ 20 y/o reporting in

>> No.11820026

You need to increase testosterone production to stimulate facial hair growth. Eat more red meats, workout more, things like that. Even with these things you still might be fucked genetically and not be able to grow much.

>> No.11820046
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>>11820007 here - what do?

>> No.11820286

oh wow, this is truly deeply saddening. such a young age and such extensive JUSTery of hairline.

>> No.11820489

honestly not that bad. what hair you have looks thick.

>> No.11820502

Looks pretty good DESU don't stress about it

>> No.11820506

I had this at 16, with thin hair as well.
I just did a buzz cut when I had the balls for it at 18 (I was an edgy metalhead for a long while so I wanted to grow out my hair)

>> No.11820544
File: 25 KB, 345x450, EdgarAllanPoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grow a moustache

>> No.11820580

i wouldnt stress about it, looks okay to me

>> No.11820592

thanks anons

>> No.11820601


Thanks anons, rather self conscious about it desu lol

Thinking of doing as the other folk advised, getting sides/back shaved, and keeping it either slick back or styled messy.

>> No.11820603

ye i have the same exact thing @ 21. sometimes im self conscious about it but realize you're probably the only person who even notices. you might just have a big forehead, or maybe it receded a little, but that doesnt mean it wont stop there for a while. ur fine bro

>> No.11820605


been visibly balding since 23 or so. Tried having haircuts for a couple of years but i kept constantly lookin in mirrors to see if it was showing, which took a lot of unnessecary energy.
Decided to buzz cut it off and it's the best decision i ever made.
Today at age 32 i'm more bald than i've ever been before (ofc) but i've never felt more attractive.
Believe me or not, it's up to you, but right now i have 3 girls that i could bang or who wanna be in a relationship waiting (can't decide which or if i even want) and at least another 2 that i could fuck just for the heck of it.
It's not in the hair.

>> No.11820616
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>> No.11820638

You're right - nobody actually notices really. I guess its just about finding a style that compliments it.

Cheers pal

>> No.11820732

>implying he wouldnt look good with a buzz-cut

he took care of himself, not just the hair

>> No.11820794

This here nigga knows

>> No.11821132


>> No.11821263
File: 489 KB, 612x692, kms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a "mature hairline" or am I fucked?

20 yrs old, dad/grampa bald, mom/grampa long hair

>> No.11821537

Fucking how

>> No.11821543


The thing is that Finasteride only tackles the final link in a long chain of hormonal fucked-upness. Male pattern baldness is genetic, I'm not denying that, if you're Caucasian you most likely carry the gene.
But! There are basically two subsets of prematurely balding men:

Your typical nu-male who lacks androgenic hair, sports a skinny fat physique and a neotenous face.

High testosterone males with loads of androgenic hair, this would be rugby players and some lifters.

Now, what do both subsets have in common? Both have elevated levels of prolactin and cortisol, but most importantly: SUBNORMAL levels of SHBG. In the case of subset A I'd also think that their estrogen dominant / low testosterone hormonal profile causes DHT conversion to go in to overdrive to compensate for the estrogen's feminizing effects.

Not to mention that prematurely baldness is associated with an assload of nasty things such as hypertension, central fat, metabolic syndrome and Cushing's syndrome.

Go to a doctor, then assess what you need to do.

>> No.11821576

the fuck did i just read

>> No.11821585

What I'm saying is that Finasteride should be your last resort if you're under 25. Not because of "le dick shrinkage gyno" meme, but because DHT acts as a neurosteroid and is crucial in the development of the brain which keeps developing up until your mid-20's.

>> No.11821604

Could just be a mature hairline, yeah. Guess it depends what your hairline looked like from the start too. If your maternal grandfather's got a full head of hair then the genes are likely to be on your side; but it's no guarantee.

That said; this board loves to tell people that they're balding for some reason. I don't know why.

>> No.11821615

>But! There are basically two subsets of prematurely balding men

too much /redpill/ and /r9k/

>Both have elevated levels of prolactin and cortisol, but most importantly: SUBNORMAL levels of SHBG

>A I'd also think that
you have nothing to do with medicine no one cares what you would think rofl

>their estrogen dominant / low testosterone hormonal profile causes DHT conversion to go in to overdrive to compensate for the estrogen's feminizing effects

??????? its wrong on so many levels, first of all in males estrogen is metabolized from T

>Not to mention that prematurely baldness is associated with an assload of nasty things such as hypertension, central fat, metabolic syndrome and Cushing's syndrome.

[citation needed] [citation needed] [citation needed] [citation needed] [citation needed] [citation needed] [citation needed] [citation needed] [citation needed] [citation needed] [citation needed] [citation needed]

>DHT acts as a neurosteroid

it doesn't "act" as a neurosteroid, what the actual fuck. but i get what you trying to say, however finasteride only inhibits type 2 which cant be found in the brain

overall this was embarrassing to read, please no more bro-science

>> No.11821640

>The frequency of subnormal values in SHBG, FSH, testosterone and epitestosterone (but not in free androgen index) was significant in the balding men. A borderline significant trend was recorded with respect to increased levels in 17OH-P and prolactin.


>Criteria for metabolic syndrome were met by 57.1% of the patients with androgenetic alopecia compared to 14.3% of the controls (P<0001).


>Metabolic syndrome was diagnosed in 60% of male patients with AGA (odds ratio [OR] = 10.5, 95% confidence interval [CI] 3.3-32.5), 48.6% of female patients with AGA (OR = 10.73, 95% CI 2.7-41.2), 12.5% of male control subjects, and 8.1% of female control subjects (P < .0001).


>We were limited by a relatively small study sample but in this study androgenetic alopecia was strongly associated with hypertension.


>AGA is an independent predictor of mortality from DM and heart disease in both sexes. This finding may have significant implications for the identification of risk factors for DM and heart disease in patients with moderate or severe AGA, regardless of whether MetS is present.

>Associations between androgenetic alopecia (AGA) and chronic diseases, including hypertension,1- 8 abnormal serum lipid profiles,6,7,9 obesity,7 insulin resistance,7,10 and cardiovascular disease,1,11 have been reported.


>> No.11821665
File: 60 KB, 863x493, PNAERJB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the picture illustrates, balding men's SHBG levels are shot to shit.

>> No.11821668

>all these sri-lankan studies from 10 years back with (p=20)

kek. you realise there are millions of people premature balding

>> No.11821683

Still haven't seen any counter arguments or sources, boyo.

>> No.11821700

mate, your post is happens when someone who has nothing to do with medicine start google-ing complex biology. same goes on hairlosstalk. you cant link me studies with p=20 when millions of premature balding people exist. of course you gonna find some with other disases, but a control group of 20-30 is not enough to confirm that. if youre balding just process the fact, move on, start working out and do your thing. consider taking meds, or just get a shorter cut, whatever. but dont start to live on hairloss forums searching for studies you dont understand and help.

>> No.11821740

follicle implants, duh
My step-dad got some several months ago and it really filled out a lot of his thinning regions. If you want the effect of Elon, though you might have to do it a couple of times, because the out of the initial follicles only about 50% will "take root".

>> No.11821778

any way for me to get Minoxodil in Canada? Wanted to buy that kirkland brand but it wont ship internationally and can't find rogain anywhere though im sure i could order some.

>> No.11821790

Do you know how much your step-dad payed? I'm not even 20 and my hairline is receeded as fuck, feels shitty man

>> No.11821800

honestly man being bald prob isn't that bad as long as you dress well and stay fit. At the end of the day if you're worried about girls not liking you because of your lack of hair, they're shallow anyways so why bother with them.

>> No.11821911
File: 722 KB, 727x686, Screen Shot 2016-10-02 at 7.46.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been on Finasteride for over 9 months now


>> No.11821913
File: 603 KB, 686x595, Screen Shot 2016-10-02 at 7.46.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I had been worried about my hair for about a year. Last fall I notice that my shedding was heavy and that I couldn't style my hair the way I normally would. Been on 1.2mg of Fin daily and no sides. Added in minoxidil and dermarolling to thicken up my temple points a little.

>> No.11821992
File: 107 KB, 800x342, 1418151175345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

balding inspo thread?

>> No.11822055

mature hair/minor recession=/=balding

>> No.11822087


>> No.11822116

From what I've heard about a lot of hair treatment, they won't even allow you to till you're 30, because the hairline is changing so much it'd be a crapshoot. They need it more "stable"

>> No.11822180

but like seriously who is this girl?

>> No.11822211
File: 88 KB, 768x768, 1464754463383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't grow a beard and balding

>> No.11822212

eh i dove into that a while ago. got the same parent/gpa thing goin. turns out its like a 45/55 chance of bald or night when its like that so basically a coin flip

>> No.11822236

What about if you moms side grandad is bald but your dad and dad's side gramps didn't bald until v late

>> No.11822429

I know that. I'm also to the skinny side, intending to eventually get into otter mode. It just sucks to never being able to achieve a "full potential" aesthetically due to genes, y'know?

Didn't know about this. Guess I'll be on minoxydil until then.

>> No.11822799

what does this mean and what should i do?

>> No.11822811

hahaha wow! i would KILL myself if i had a hairline like that! LOL

thank god i am 19 and with a super thick head of hair and a god tier hairline. since im already 19 with no recession that means i will never lose my hair at all.

Feels GREAT man :^)

>> No.11823185
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>who is balding early has a thick beard
Can confirm. Shit sucks, its an evil joke desu.

>> No.11823193

Guys just so you known, when you pull your hair back like that you're making it 10x worse then it actually is

>> No.11823198

how's your dick? have you noticed anything different dick/sexually-wise?

>> No.11823207

He explained it weird, but he is mostly true.
Free testosterone coverts to both DHT and estrogen, so high estrogen and DHT suggest high free T levels.

>> No.11823210

It's not perfect, but transplants go a long way

>> No.11823400

I started receeding at 25

>> No.11823429

or maybe just high levels of aromatase or 5alpha-reductase you fucking spazz

then there`s also individual levels of androgen and estrogen receptor sensibility and so on
there are literally thousands of factors in MPB, hormonal profiles and related issues.

you guys act like you know stuff but you just read a random bro science article on gawker

>> No.11823441
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>> No.11823444
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>> No.11823563
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Im glad people have the same problems as me

Used to have a manbun so my hairline became that of a 47 year old man so im forced to have a comb-over for the time being

Im not really sure what to do with it when it grows out more, suggestions?

>> No.11823613

Lmao if this ain't bait you've been brainwashed by /fa/. Immaculate hairlines are the exception, not the norm. His hairline doesn't even look that bad ffs. You guys are way too obsessed with perfection.

>> No.11823700

that guy is just baiting mate. seen hair in multiple hair threads

>> No.11823884
File: 21 KB, 450x800, 14528391_1114561978611984_735242920_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fucked am I?
Should I buzz or go for the manbun?

>> No.11824017

Doesn't look very bad at all desu. Show from the side?

>> No.11824088

Kinda hard to find but she used to go by 'schoolgirlonline', if I'm remembering the name right, I have an album saved somewhere, will link when I find it

>> No.11824102

In retrospect its not actually as hard to find as I remember, just google the name. There's some god tier vids.

>> No.11824133

I'm going to need you to spoonfeed me a little harder
All I'm seeing is a bunch of articles on wives posing as school girls to entrap their husbands

>> No.11824152


>> No.11824287

wash your hair! warm then very cold water.

>> No.11824289
File: 88 KB, 744x605, IMG_20161003_141752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I do with my hair bros? Is buzzcut the only option for shitty curly hair?

>> No.11824297

manbun will make your hairline worse

>> No.11824318

Not anon but why?

>> No.11824556
File: 24 KB, 450x800, 14555935_1114562101945305_785205322_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think i will keep the sides short

>> No.11824709

shave it all off your hairline looks retarded

>> No.11824719

it looks great, what the fuck

>> No.11825328
File: 28 KB, 331x221, 5Head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I supposed to do with a shitty hairline and a giant forehead?

Just off myself?

>> No.11825826

Hairline? But it's not visible in that pic

>> No.11825870

got bad news for you kid
you can still go bald at any age