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/fa/ - Fashion

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11797893 No.11797893 [Reply] [Original]

Between the death of /rog/, all of the awful shit posting going on, that idiot Eliza person pretending they're a girl, and the sudden influx of people who can't put a fit together I personally believe this board is on it's death bed if someone doesn't do anything soon. I think I remember someone posting a discussion like this about a week ago, but I'm sure nothing of worth came of it.

So lets open the discussion back up, what can the mods do to improve this board?

For starters I think more people should be getting banned for shit posting, I don't know if it's the mods just not doing their job or what the situation is but it just seems like there's an incredible influx of people that just want to derail and conversation that's going on and literally NO ONE is stopping this.

Being one of the "slower" moving boards, every single post that is counter productive and not taken care of is one more thread that pushes the board into the grave.

>> No.11797895

amazing blog post can I have a link to your livejournal to subscribe for more

>> No.11797902

The user base here are 16-20 years old at average and it shows. Mods cannot "fix" this and there's no need to because /fa/ works for them.

>> No.11797906

t. 16 year old

Yeah I guess you're right it's without hope

>> No.11797909

We really need mods.

I tried for about a week to help move shit along, but the pushback was clear. No one here cares about fashion as an art, they just want to know how to dress.

>> No.11797919
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>call others teenager
>instead of positively contributing to the "dying" board, they post a thread whining and moaning and further saturate the board with shit

>> No.11797921

>We really need mods.
Also less irrelevant tripfaggots who bring nothing to the board

>> No.11797924

Agree - tripfag

>> No.11797935

it was on the death bed if there was a better board. there isnt.

>> No.11797936

Nice trip

but yeah, I'm not even saying THAT is a bad thing. I think any discussion relating to fashion is better than the sheer amount of shit posting that happens all the time. I think if we took the time to update the sticky that might alleviate the amount of dumb threads, then again if posters are intelligent and keep their questions in fuccboi generals then there's almost no spill over or problem.

The problem (which seems to be spread across almost all boards) is that the mods are corrupt and really don't give a shit about the content of the boards.

I called that person a teenager because they're behaving like a child. If you had any reading comprehension you would see that this thread exists as a means to talk about the issues that happen with the board, and a way to solve them. As far as things are concerned you're just shit posting in this thread rather than trying to come up with solutions.

>> No.11797943
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>If you had any reading comprehension you would see that this thread exists as a means to talk about the issues that happen with the board, and a way to solve them.
Not even that poster but it's childish to think that the great minds of /fa/ are going to come together in a committee to make /fa/ great again and actively lead us back to the light; what do you expect? This thread is doing nothing but shitting the board up more with stupid off-topic.

>> No.11797944

Lmao when isn't this board at an all time low

>> No.11797950

Okay so you're attacking me (calling me childish) rather than contributing to the discussion. Yeah as I said earlier there's no hope for this board.

>> No.11797961

>I called that person a teenager because they're behaving like a child
Blind to the irony of your own post, if you want to improve the quality of this board then contribute to it positively instead of making a thread for the express purpose of moaning about it and lashing out at people who point this out.

>> No.11797969

I fully understand the "irony" but you (and or that person) are doing nothing to contribute to the thread. You can view it was "moaning" and "lashing out" but if there's something that can be done to improve the board, why not do it?

>> No.11797975
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Do it then

>> No.11798003

Just give up man. Its a lost cause. The Reputation of /fa/ and 4chan in general is bad enough to steer away all legitimate posters. People who really care about fashion as an art, and discussing sed art are no where to be found here. For good reason. Anonymity works counter productively for the platform of fashion discussion because there is no way to establish the reputablility of the person talking about fashion. So you have ignorant individuals giving criticisms that hold no value because they are not substantiated by any proof of knowledge. This means the kid who posted in Cop or Not about if Common projects are okay, is the same kid who is telling you that original Helmut Lang isnt relevant. In a scene like fashion where knowledge and being "in the know" is paramount, having a bunch of people who may/may not know fuckall is very counter productive.

>> No.11798014
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So how do you explain good discussion circa 2012-2013?

>> No.11798022

>/fa/ is at an all time low
is it that time of the month again already?

>> No.11798025

contribute or fuck off.

>> No.11798027

Yeah I get it fashion is an art, but I'm having a hard time understanding why using /fa/ as a means to dress better is a bad thing. I would wager that's why most people are here.

t. 24 year old

>> No.11798030

"Good discussion" is highly subjective. Having been on /fa/ since then it has never been great. Maybe before it was slightly on topic. Back then only looks good now because we are staring into the current abysmal state of things. Fucking 16 years olds talking about vans shoes, what shitty band tees they should buy etc. The birth of "is x effay" threads are never fashion related but more focused on "effay" being a synonymous with "cool". Its a ton of insecure children being tryhards. So this is the current issue. The influx of these fuccbois has made a toxic state of things, so anyone who is genuinely interested has migrated and moved on to different forums.

>> No.11798032

To elaborate the so called "peak" of effay had several very influencial tripfags. Which proves my initial point exactly, those tripfags had proved their knowledge and understanding of fashion through insightful posts and fit pics.

>> No.11798033


2bh the recent pants thread that was up where people pretty much unanimously didn't understand why cropped pants are a thing was /fa/'s death knell.

>> No.11798039

lmao, just go outside
talk with people who actually know stuff

>> No.11798064

>please ban shitposters

>> No.11798468


I agree with basically everything stated, and you're probably right that /fa/ (or 4chan as a whole) has reached critical mass. As I stated in OP there's been a greater and greater influx of people here who have no clue what they're talking about, and have no intentions on learning. In part I blame it on the wide spread of names like Raf Simons, Rick Owens, Comme Des Garcons, and all of those "hyped fashion" labels, but that doesn't explain why this is happening to other boards as well.

Again all I can say is that 4chan as reached it's point where it's no longer a mix of interesting discussion and stupid memes and mostly just people shitposting over and over.

Again as a broader discussion, not just /fa/, this is going to be what kills this site, because as you stated there's a much smaller crop of knowledgeable people here. If they don't change the way things are handled on this site then it's going to just continue to dissolve.

>> No.11798491

I dont know either.
Its kind of gotten slower here too
Even for people like me who come here just to improve overall appearance
Doesnt feel the same

>> No.11798805

You just need hardcore totalitarian mods who will whipe out and ban irrelevant shit with no mercy. The russian /fa/ have those, it's shit though, but thank god we have no shit like "is x effay", rate your face, effay movies, straigt b8 threads, even random "where do I get this hoodie" threads get deleted because there is a questions dedicaded thread.

>> No.11798847

If there's one thing I've noticed, it's the amount of irrelevant threads being made. Soooo many threads that could be condensed into generals if only we had mods or janitors to enforce it.

>> No.11798888

Its because the constant hypeculture and validation of things like
>fashion doesnt/does get you girls
Brings a bad enviornment for any other type of discussion.
You can see a clear difference in those interested in fashion on a higher level than those looking for the base.

>> No.11798894

How does one become a mod on here? Or a Janitor?
Seriously, I've been the one bumping most of generals and answering more questions related to fashion in general. I'd be more than willing to be a mod than jump ship.
Also, does anyone have the invites for the discords?

>> No.11798903
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4chan as a whole has been dead since ~2011. We are just riding out it's dead corpse now.

>> No.11798929

oldfag here. been around for just under a year. dunno why everyone is always bitching about this place. It's great!

>> No.11798944

We just need more active moderation. /pol/ bait gets posted on all boards, but it's deleted in a heartbeat on boards like /v/. Here, you can have some race-bait thread up for days.

Honestly, the angry post-Gamergate political posting has turned this whole site to shit (e.g. on /v/ or /tv/). 4chan always had shitposting, but it's just so angry now, with an agenda.

>> No.11798962

Honestly, I think all politics should get removed, unless it's directly connected to fashion (acne having feminist messages on their clothing, fascist uniforms, runway shows about climate change etc etc). In threads walking the line the fashion/clothing related posts would remain and the posts derailing from actual fashion discussion should be removed. The bad thing about this is that it could be considered censoring, but I think it is necessary for the board and it's not only rightwing stuff that would get deleted, liberal stuff and anything political should get removed too.

>> No.11798977

this is the kind of thread you find on every board. it's some kind of phenomenon. where people think shit used to be better back in the day. just look at your parents. saying "movies, TV, music" was all better back in the day. it's some mind fuck that I'm not smart enough to figure out. but the point is, every board has always been shit. 4chan is a shit website. I told my gf I was on the fashion board on 4chan and she walked away laughing.

>> No.11798987

How long have you been here? Yeah it's always been shit but it definitely wasn't this bad. We reached a tipping point about 6 years ago.

>> No.11798994

I'm a year older than moot and I've been on 4chan since 2005. I go on different boards as the times change but usually I go on /fa /lit /ic /p /wg. everything's always been shit and people have always been saying this kinda shit

>> No.11799014

Oh, I agree. The issue with injecting politics into non-political shit is that it only exists to exclude, not include.

For example:

>You shouldn't wear X because tumblr SJWs wear it!
>You shouldn't wear Y because it's too militaristic, and makes you look like a fascist

Fashion isn't about exclusion, it's about inclusion and experimentation. Having a board consisting entirely of "you shouldn't wear this!" does nothing for fashion discussion. If something is labeled as unfashionable, it should be for aesthetics (with reasons given), and/or some alternative should be given (which the political shitposters never do).

For example, saying you hate Doc Martens because tumblr supposedly wears them is plain shitposting. But, saying you hate them because of the look.and quality is perfectly acceptable.

>> No.11799029

>it's shit though
What site?

It seems that the state of this board is also a part of the users responsibility. Asking for changes in moderation is not enough?

>> No.11799040

>is X /fa/ffy
This type of question doesn't deserve it's own thread but I've seen it happen repeatedly. Also it's stupid when the question has nothing to do with clothing.

>> No.11799057

i honestly don't get how cdg and rick got popular, their designs are really niche

>> No.11799113

cdg was never popular. you only see fuccbois wearin play but nobody here wears their mainline stuff

>> No.11799121

>nobody here wears their mainline stuff

speak for yourself, homo

>> No.11799144

i meant that as an exaggeration obc. i wear cdgh+ constantly

>> No.11799146
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HERE, thats the problem. A number of people here only wear rick because he's well known because of niggers spouting his name during their latest rap song. /rog/, which has since moved to discord, seems to actually like the designer regardless of how clowny they dress.

I'm looking at making a thread on /qa/ requesting the seperating of /fa/ into two boards - /fa/ for fashion and /clo/ for clothes. /fa/ will deal with runway shows, clothing production techniques, industry discussion and anything else directly related to brands that aim for a higher than normal standard, such as Gucci, Visvim, Rick, Julius, HBA, CDG, Yohji, Techwear etc as well as less well known designers that I can't even name off the top of my head.

/clo/ will deal with everything else - how to dress well for everyday wear, discussion of streetwear and basics, thrifting and feels and a WAYWT accessible by anyone.

The split would also introduce mods and janitors to each board who are familiar with the past issues of /fa/ and would take a much harsher approach than what we have now, which appears to be 'delete porn, everything else is fine'.

>> No.11799171

Why does every newfag claim that a board is dying and 5 years later it's still chugging along?

>> No.11799180

yeah junya's stuff is wearable but idk about homme+

>> No.11799190


>> No.11799210

>sudden influx of people who can't put a fit together

uh..................... have you been on /fa/ at any point in the last 5 years?

>> No.11799215

Don't we all wanna dress good, sure some take it as an art but some just wanna look and discuss about nice fits and styles.

>> No.11799221

What is the discord? Is there a link to it?

>> No.11799248
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I wouldn't go to the board and ask Hoot for change without results from a representative questionnaire.

How many of you visit /tg/? How did the split with /qst/ turn out?

How about /improve/ instead of /clo/ or does /adv/ cover that.

I doubt the moderation would improve with separation. I doubt the mods know anything about fashion.

>> No.11799276

Effay has been dogshit for a long time. The circlejerking needs to end. Get rid of generals. Get rid of WAYWT and Thinspo. These threads are cancer.

Secondly the board needs to broaden its tastes. A post about anything other than the four or five 'effay approved' designers inevitably gets sagebombed and shitposted to death. We're all fucking sick of this shit. Muh rick and raf. Muh Pyrex. Muh Uniqlo. It needs to stop.

Model discussion is borderline off topic and probably belongs somewhere else. These fucking Cara threads are repulsive and repetitive.

Finally the retarded shit needs to go. No more 'is______ effay' or 'what's the most effay______'. These threads should be a bannable offense.

Every week we should have a special thread devoted to one designer and their work, a kind of spotlight on etc. Give the board a chance to expand its horizons and learn about something new with being meme'd to hell and back by the goofnigger shitposters

>> No.11799283


without being *

>> No.11799297

Like a book club?

>> No.11799298
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Don't be retarded, an WAYWT thread is essential to any fashion community. To make it better imo we should persecute newfags/normies with extremely shitty fits redirecting them to a new and improved sticky. And that goes back to the fucking mods that don't listen to us.

>> No.11799305

Exactly. The sticky wouldve been a great platform of discussion had it not been for none of the mods chiming in and actively on their way to fixing things.
One can report and sage threads for so long.

>> No.11799318

But can't you edit the wiki yourselves? We had threads about that (>>/fa/thread/S11694931))

>> No.11799326

Only a mod can make a thread sticky.

I am convienced /fa/ has no mods

>> No.11799347

yeah we dont have any fa-specific ones. the only ones are global mods

>> No.11799363

But why can't we communicate with a global mod and give him the information that he should put on a sticky thread? What's stopping us from doing this?

>> No.11799384

I don't think taking into account cultural ideas on clothing is a bad thing. It doesn't really make sense to say these aren't valid criticisms because they reference some cultural idea. ex I say it's bad to wear a swastika because it makes you look like a nazi and people will think you're racist and probably stay away from you. You think this is a bad criticism because it doesn't criticize the quality or the aesthetic of the swastika. Taking into account your cultural surroundings and how you will be perceived is important.

>> No.11799395

Yeah, but it shouldn't be the main focus of judgement unless it's something like your example.

>> No.11799401

fa has abandoned its artsy roots for objectivity
it triggers me

>> No.11799407

make a change

>> No.11799542

The people who come to /fa/ are normies first and anons second, I'd wager 70% of the people who browse this board don't care for 4chan outside of it.
This is the problem, really, and there's nothing to be done about it unless board-specific mods are brought in like has been requested for fucking ages and newfags are made to feel unwelcome which would encourage lurking.

>> No.11799561

I agree

>> No.11799563

i suspect laziness for the most part

>> No.11799595

Improve the sticky! Ban threads that ask for:
Is "x" effay like how /pol/ bans threads that ask for redpill.

>> No.11799605
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OK nerds:

1. everyone posts in WAYWT every day they try IRL
2. more people learning how to sew or at least getting clothes altered

/fa/ is the midpoint of /fit/ and /cgl/. those two boards hate each other because they're not as cool as us in terms of lifestyle (drugs parties etc.) however we still have a lot to learn from them:

- threads about skincare but never about wearing makeup?
- more people need to work out because after a certain point it's the easiest way to look better than other people

if you post here a lot you need to be directly involved (i.e. you need to post fits). I don't want to see MS paint stock photos of what you bought.

also, I think there needs to be more crossposting between these three boards. /cgl/ can't be like their characters because they don't exercise, /fit/ can't get laid because they hate older white women, and we can't get laid because /cgl/ is too fat.

>> No.11799626

I like your point of view

>> No.11799627
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>this entire post

>> No.11799643

also 4chan to me has always been about being able to give extremely honest specific personal feedback without fear of what other people think, so fuck all of you insinuating we need more moderation and not less. if you don't like the board you need to be the source of that feedback.

>> No.11799660

I'm not asking to change that, but instead to make the banter more on topic and of better quality by getting rid of newfags spouting their shit opinions. Like any other board, people should lurk first.

>> No.11799673

fashion is a meme

this board is just a tool to trick newfags into buying dumb shit, and judging by the waywts it works

>> No.11799676

kill yourself

>> No.11799687

Fuck off
Leakage of board cultures is never a good thing
/fa/ just needs to learn to learn lifting won't instantly ruin all their fits

>> No.11799698

You're retarded
People want mods for newfags like you and shitposters

>> No.11800101

Anyone have an invite link for the ROG discord?

>> No.11800272

I don't agree with splitting the board. It's dead enough already.

Proper moderation should be good enough. If users were discouraged from posting basic self-help "what Vans sneakers do I buy" shit as separate threads (really enforce posting in fuccboi general) - along with a proper removal of off-topic/bait threads in a timely manner - things should improve.

>> No.11800592

this would probably help

I lol'd. it's true

They have open applications for janitors once in a blue moon on here, pretty sure they just closed it up a couple months ago. I'm pretty sure the only way to become a mod is to become a janitor.

OP here, I hate to admit it but I've been on 4chan since day 1 and the climate of the site in general has changed due to the sheer amount of people (much more than a niche) that lurk now. I remember the saying that 4chan was "a bunch of intelligent people pretending to be stupid" but now it seems to be the reverse.

tl;dr Bring back Snacks


That's exactly what I'm saying a couple brands get tossed around and suddenly everyone with "daddy money" thinks they're fashionable when they have no clue the basics of building a good fit.

I think that splitting the board could be detrimental, the simple answer is to bring more mods on, and update the sticky to avoid stupid threads. Personally I'd rather the board be slow with a lot of good content than fast with a bunch of shit.

Again my problem is not with people who want to improve how they dress. Personally I like helping people build their wardrobe. A lot of times on this board it's simply just stated "you're better off going to mfa" which is dumb because we have people who can help here. I think posters who genuinely want to improve themselves should have a responsibility of researching how to improve, but that's not to say they can't receive feedback from here.

Anyone who's saying "that this board doesn't need more moderation" is a lunatic and probably here for the wrong reasons. From what I've extrapolated the people who say that kind of thing generally just want to shitpost.

>> No.11800613

Tripfags are one of the biggest problems on this board. All they are are attention seekers.

>> No.11800649
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rude t b h

>> No.11800657

>thinking /rog/ was good

It was the same shit every time.

>> No.11800874

shut up

>> No.11800918



>> No.11800924

>is x effay

I agree these are worthless

>rate your face

gets you over your insecurities faster, also, your face is part of your fit especially to grills

>effay movies

it's useful to have common ground for discussing aesthetics and contexts for certain fits, e.g. techwear and cyberpunk

if you think this doesn't belong you're just diluting the board because fashion doesn't exist in isolation, only within the context of lifestyle and image

>> No.11800943

>it's useful to have common ground for discussing aesthetics and contexts for certain fits, e.g. techwear and cyberpunk

I think their should be a /culture/ general where people can discuss their interests in things outside of fashion.

>> No.11800963

Face-rate posts are attention-whoring cancer. I think they're fine when they're confined to a specific thread, but there are far too many threads made with some random person wanting everyone to ogle at their face.

>> No.11801198

Too much streetwear and poor people

>> No.11801866
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The board just needs good moderation, and similar to /fit/ constant referral to the sticky. There needs be at least a basic encouragement of "lurk moar" with inspo threads kicking around. The sticky goes on and on about developing taste and ideas about what you like but retards just want to hop in and ask w2c superstars

>> No.11801890

Weak b8

>> No.11801927
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no u

>> No.11801931

>fixing a board that is 90% retarded high schoolers who just want to look cool to normies


>> No.11802178


>> No.11802301

I think we should have a seperate board for fashion/art advice general, and one for fashion discussion a la /r/mfa and /r/malefashion

>> No.11804224

bumping for fa restoration discord link

>> No.11804602

I think this is actually one of the most mature boards, would say 18-28, but that's still just young people, so

I agree, and Eliza should definitely be banned

>> No.11804651
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wait, why should i be banned? im 18 dingus

>> No.11804748

Because you're an idiot
An annoying idiot, the worse kind

>> No.11804755


>> No.11804821
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>has a 3.8 gpa

>> No.11804824

>sub 4.0 gpa
>mentioning your gpa in any context other than a suicide note

>> No.11804830
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Dude, kill yourself for force feeding the guy with a tripcode.

>> No.11804840

the thing is that im not even trying my hardest in school right now so shut the fuck up with your superiority complex. your insults dont bother me anyway

>> No.11804859


>> No.11804884

desu this guy is so pathetic he's probably just samefagging all day. Anyone who has spent time on this board should know to avoid attention whores

>> No.11804970

Board has been shit for a long LONG time. Damn goof niggers acting like Rick was the Golden age.

>> No.11805097
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new-ishfag here (started frequenting at the beginning of the year). I can agree with a lot of points in the thread, less shitposting would be sweet and the "is ___ effay?" threads are bullshit, I've probably seen more "most effay drug?" threads that I've seen threads actually discussing runway shit.
I love the threads about runway shows and particular designers/brands, despite the fact that I don't know much about it (I want to know a lot more, but there are hardly any threads for it).
Updating the sticky would be great, at least just to provide some resources on where to read about fashion news/upcoming shows/designers. I think a guy posted some potential "getting started" additions to the sticky a few months back, it was pretty good but I'm pretty sure the mods just ignored it..

>> No.11805133

Every time there's a runway thread it only gets like 50 replies. It's true that people come here for basic advice and not to actually discuss fashion. Nothing we can do about it. The board's changing, memes and circle jerks come and go. Runway on the other hand...
Also the lack of effort people put into their posts is absolutely disgusting.

>> No.11805214

remembr baldchan?

>> No.11805227
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They belong in /soc/.

They bring in the attentionwhores posting their Zara fits in WAYWT, but that's not as controllable as destroying the lure in the first place.

>> No.11805238

>Every week we should have a special thread devoted to one designer and their work, a kind of spotlight on

This is a great idea. But we have to do it, no mod will set this up for us. With the state of /fa/ mods need to prune all the useless generals before I can bother putting effort into something like this. As /fa/ is, these kind of theads fall to the bottom of the catalog in a few hours.

>> No.11805260

This boards been dead for ages, you just have to really hunt for anything worthwhile. Its really like looking for a needle in a haystack but you know more like a good fit in a pile of dog shit. Just cop it and stop complaining

>> No.11806668
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This board was always shit, the fact that it's just shit and you don't like it now doesn't mean it suddenly took a nose dive.

How can you go below rock bottom?

>> No.11806741
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This is fucking retarded, why would they split a board that has not had mods ever into two boards and then assign a mod to each?

Not to mention, it's a slow board so it's even stupider to want to fragment the low number of users between two boards. That is unless you want to kill /fa/ in which case I wholeheartedly support you.

>> No.11806749


Sounds like you want this place to turn into reddit.

>> No.11807256

I'm completely new to /fa/ and I have to agree, it certainly seems like the dialogue on here is mostly idiosyncratic babble with very little content.
I want to get into fashion as a means of artistic self expression, and I'd like to think fellow lurkers are here for the same reason. I just don't know where to go, certainly not r/mensfashion. I think /fa/ is the best option as of now sadly, so to complain about it seems pointless unless the mods can get their asses in gear.
t. an 18 year old fuccboi

>> No.11807344

More people need to start posting in WAYWT threads and bump limit needs to be increased. Having a limit of only 300 posts per thread doesn't allow people to receive proper feedback on their fits unless they repost in multiple WAYWT threads. Also, people need to read the fucking sticky more.

>> No.11807403

>I'm not even trying my hardest in school
>shut the fuck up with your superiority complex


>> No.11807450

FA discord link


>> No.11808544

>this instant invite has expired


>> No.11808988

i remember those threads, those were refreshing, but /fa/ is dead now.
you'll be better off going on a discord desu.