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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 815 KB, 1439x1738, 20160910_154507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11737850 No.11737850 [Reply] [Original]


my white gf wants to get her nose pierced! what do I say?!?

>> No.11737853

you're already dating a girl with a belly piercing

you already lost

>> No.11737855

What's the big deal?

>> No.11737857

It'll ruin your face and you're a dirty whore

>> No.11737861

>my white girlfriend
Are you also white?

>> No.11737864

>tfw no qt stoner gf with a nose piercing to dress boho with and go hot air ballooning and camping with

Only acceptable nose pierced girls hare hippies. Edgy girls are fucking lame.

>> No.11737867


>> No.11737871

it's trashy

>> No.11737873

Let her if i love her
If thats ur gf for the sake of having a gf then keep telling her that its shit

>> No.11737877

Just tell her you'll lose a lot of respect for her, cause while she can hide her bellybutton piercing, she can't hide the nose one, and no one thinks highly of a girl with a nose piercing. It just screams "compliment me and buy me drinks and my legs are open" depending on how long you too have been dating, pull the "if you love me you won't do this"

>> No.11737882

I think nose studs on one side are hot

the rest are completely unacceptable

>> No.11737885

You're kinda being a cunt there man, if she really has wanted this piercing for forever then let her get it and don't fuck up a relationship over a piercing, sure she'll never be super effay but she'll be your girlfriend so you're already a step ahead of most of the autists on 4chan

>> No.11737891

Let her you robot. You're not her father.

>> No.11737936

I'm black. please don't be mad at me.

>> No.11737945

disavow women and read the bible

>> No.11737958

Then why mention? It would be trashy if you weren't, but anyhow, back on topic.

Just tell her it looks ugly. Piercing your belly or ears or wearing jewelry on your neck is okay because no one thinks ears or bellies or necks are beautiful in the same way faces are.

Impaling your face is just... no.

>> No.11737968

dont let her, women expressing themselves is a slippery slope. next thing you know, shes gonna want to vote or something. make sure you chain her up in the basement whenever youre not around, so she cant go out and commit adultery. here is a set of handcuffs that you can order online with which to restrain her: https://www.amazon.com/VIPERTEK-Double-Police-Professional-Handcuffs/dp/B00NG3CRS6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1473538660&sr=8-1&keywords=handcuff

>> No.11737969

>similar feel incoming

Mine wants to get a tattoo just for the sake of "it's cool lol".

How to talk her out of it?

>> No.11737974

two things:

1. there are a lot of plebs out there man

2. nigga did you really just say "fashion emergency"? fuck outta here

>> No.11737976

I don't know man I'm not from around here. I figured that's what people on /fa say.

>> No.11737978

you don't own her

>> No.11737988

lol alright man

so is it a septum piercing or side of the nose kind?

>> No.11738047

the replies in this thread were pretty lulzy. thanks for posting OP.

>> No.11738101

both sides are best on femals desu

>> No.11738121
File: 764 KB, 1439x1806, 20160910_170344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not working ffffuuuccccck

>> No.11738137

You're pretty pathetic and talk like a fag

>> No.11738147

Get matching piercings. Along with some black veil bride tattoos.

>> No.11738154

She's a whore and probably banging Chad, break up with her

>> No.11738167


1. The more you try to control her, the more she'll want it. And if she doesn't get it, she'll resent you and secretly become less attracted to you for being such a beta control freak

2. You shouldn't try to make her feel bad or gross about any decisions she makes with her body. It's not your body. Love and support her. That doesn't mean you have to like her decision to get a nose piercing, it just means that you respect that it's not your choice. You can voice this with language like "Personally, I don't think it's a great idea. But it's your body and I think that you should do what you want. I think you're beautiful the way you are, but I respect your right to choose what's right for you." In addition to being the only decent way to express your disapproval, you will find that it probably has a stronger effect in influencing her to not go through with it.

3. You're an asshat

>> No.11738168

just play it cool

>> No.11738181

>absolutely disgusting
You're single now senpai

>> No.11738196

t. cuck

kill yourself

>> No.11738204

>and don't say it's trashy. I have my belly pierced, that's more trashy

neglecting to grasp the cumulative property of trashy body modifications.

dump her
i bet she doesn't even know what multiplicative identity is

>> No.11738214
File: 701 KB, 902x693, when death comes for me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is she not aware that having her nose pierced is a signal for wanting to ride the cock carousel? Tell her if she gets her nose pierced she can expect her rape count to exponentially increase

>> No.11738231

why do you talk to your girlfriend like she's a child or a pet

>absolutely disgusting
made me kek

>> No.11738278

virgin detected. OP's going about it wrong but girls certainly enjoy being controlled if you do it right

OP you need to make clear you think it's stupid but don't admit to being invested in not letting her get it or try to force her hand - as he said, it'll just make her resentful and push her to get it more. Women are children, never forget that. They want to play adult, so you have to let her have the opportunity to feel like she made the decision on her own.

And if you're not a total cuck, she'll make that decision based on your own preference. Because it doesn't matter what bullshit they internalized off tumblr, everyone knows they're not getting it for themselves - and if she's not getting it for her boyfriend, it can only mean she's getting it for potential boyfriends.

tl;dr: make clear your preference but don't force her hand. let her feel like she made the decision on her own.

>> No.11738311

You talk in memes and have a low res DFW background

It is a miracle you aren't single, pal. Be grateful for what some higher power has inexplicably blessed you with

>> No.11738382

what's wrong with nose piercings?

>> No.11738384
File: 890 KB, 500x545, tumblr_m60lweMkKw1qbovnfo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your life is ruined anon..Go get another cutie girl

>> No.11738436
File: 98 KB, 460x690, b9dd26f5ee255e6fd72c609f6f46eadd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pseudo-exoticism. how it's done by hoes is tasteless, gaudy and doesn't accentuate natural feminine beauty. Pic related is doing it right.

Too bad western women are hellbent on destroying their inherent beauty.

>> No.11738449

>western women

>> No.11738451

b/c they like it lol

not op but girls liked being babied

>> No.11738478
File: 534 KB, 2136x3216, fedora088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing that's disgusting is your tone in these replies. That's not how a REAL man would EVER talk to a lady. Enjoy being single pal. You blew it.

>> No.11738483

he's clearly just fucking around. ITT single betas try to give advice.

>> No.11738490

>be a whiny, possessive bitch
Don't listen to this garbage advice. If her getting a nose-piercing is really that much of a problem to you, tell her you'll break up with her if she does get it. That's it. (you type like a pussy bitch "ugh")

>> No.11738497


>> No.11738517


>> No.11738527

life is just one infinite jest my friend. might as well have some fun

>> No.11738591
File: 1013 KB, 1439x2204, 20160910_191926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11738596

itll heal if she leaves it alone and not have anything in it dummy.

>> No.11738603
File: 34 KB, 298x268, 1472801452379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you tell me how you got a girlfriend

>> No.11738613
File: 133 KB, 736x736, Small-Cross-Tattoo-FT137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went through this same shit. My gf got a tattoo like this and I think it looks fucking awful.

Every time I see it, it really pisses me off.

>> No.11738616

Telling her she's not attractive is worse than telling her you don't love her

either dump her right now or keep fueling the fire and post screens.

>> No.11738649

tell her you are a straight edge faggot

absolutely disgusting

>> No.11738659

holy fuck that's worse than OPs bitch getting a gross nose ring.

>> No.11738704

Yeah its awful.

We've been together a long time and she earns really good money though, so I tolerate this stupid shit.

>> No.11738715

At least that's pretty low key and concealable, a nose ring is not

>> No.11738742

Lmao you said exactly what the guy you quoted said

>> No.11738946
File: 328 KB, 600x736, golub_franco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no that guy thinks they actually have a choice and believes in body positivity bullshit. subtle but very important difference. OP cucked himself because he couldn't commit to his opinion and followed that white knight's advice >>11738591

all he's done is try to guilt her out of it.

>> No.11738952

fuck off with that shit dude, you don't own her

>> No.11739057
File: 32 KB, 453x500, 1366566811894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>absolutely disgusting

>> No.11739332


>> No.11739336

holy shit officially autism-tier thread

>> No.11739344

>all the OMIGOD, IT'S WRONG 2 SHAME HER megafags in this thread
Can't tell if lisping flamers or actual femanons

>> No.11739442


lmao we are so gay.

>> No.11739606

>lol wtf why
You already lost you pee wee cuck. You sound like the kind of punk that buttons up a dress shirt all the way to neck when theyre not wearing tie

>> No.11739610
File: 1.36 MB, 800x800, 1470138210889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>absolutely disgusting

>> No.11739614

tell her don't do it, straight up. I wanted one once and was told not to for multiple reasons. I look back on it now and I'm glad someone fucking stopped me.

>> No.11739637


>> No.11739652

lol everyone can see through that shitty aloof reverse psychology, it just makes you look smug and autistic

>> No.11739665

wow op ur pathetic, you do realize even if you stay together after this, she'll always remember how you acted like a child when she thought about trying something new, right?

>> No.11739668


>> No.11739671
File: 927 KB, 2384x2332, WHY GUM IT UP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11739686

does she know you're gay, OP?

i mean, with the way you talk there's no way you're hetero


if i didn't know beforehand i'd think it was 2 girls talking

she seems nice, you should stop fooling her

>> No.11739709


>> No.11739740

woah neat you made me a little meme picture. this is the keenest thing anyone's ever done for me. thnx.

>> No.11739748


>> No.11739766
File: 213 KB, 1399x771, ill miss that girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who here /abusive and/or controlling/?

>> No.11739767

Pretty sure it was in Leviticus that says tattoos are sinful...

>> No.11739771

Exact opposite feeling, my man.

Studs look like shit to me. Like a diamond mole.

>> No.11739775

Not you, apparently.

>> No.11739781

Pretty sure hebrews said don't eat pork.

>> No.11739797
File: 30 KB, 214x200, stop-it-boner.-no-meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11739864
File: 90 KB, 540x540, dogehasalaff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the keenest

>> No.11739880

came here to post this

millenial trash, please stop at any time.

>> No.11740016

Why do you have DFW as the background you autistic mememing faggot

>> No.11740022

Only right option

>> No.11740033


>> No.11740037

How is a beta cuck like you even able to get a gf?

Pisses me off.

>> No.11740059

this thread

>> No.11740095


>> No.11740099

>that fucking chat layout
das. it. mane

>> No.11740168


>> No.11740229

It's kind of primitive, hooking shiny bits of metal through your flesh

>> No.11740305



>> No.11740324

honor kill her, it's the only way

>> No.11740478
File: 1.75 MB, 970x1124, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never visited /fa/ before and was merely linked here by my girlfriend who visits here and /mu/

Holy fucking shit you're a total beta male and she deserves better.

My girlfriend is reading this topic RIGHT NOW and knows full well if she got a nose ring when I said no she'd be taken out to the curb with the rest of the trash.

>> No.11740480


>dates girl with belly button piercing

Holy fucking shit you're stupid lmao

>> No.11740514

OP, the best way to do this is to drop the subject now and say "it's your decision, and I respect it and you". If your convo hasn't gone too far, at least.

Let her get the piercing.

BUT- Start having sexual problems. If you're able to have enough control over your dick, start going limp in the middle of sex. Refuse to have sex in positions where you can see her face. Only have sex when she asks; stop initiating.

Don't tell her why. Say it's nothing, no big deal, it's just me. She'll put two and two together, she already knows you hate nose piercings.

She'll start feeling guilty, because you're clearly trying to respect her decision and not nag but it's ruining your sex life.

She'll decide to take the piercing out on her own.

>> No.11740538

just "accidentally" rip it out during sex and dump her disfigured face afterwards

>> No.11740559

It's trashy

>> No.11740567


>> No.11740574

>hey guys i have a girlfriend
>did i mention that i have a girlfriend

>> No.11740577


>> No.11740589


don't look like an insecure faggot who controls their girlfriend, its going to happen, just embrace it, you might even like it, you're just going to look like someone who's insecure, and is worried what other people will think, you're literally begging and pleading with your girl, that's unattractive dude, which is why it's lose/lose.

>> No.11740602

wow you're a faggot

>> No.11740606

Also this! It's just annoying to watch at. Septums are many times better but still trashy tumblr bs

>> No.11740610

I didn't realise i was on /r9k/

most people have girlfriends, tard

>> No.11740617
File: 63 KB, 520x720, face tattoo tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao at all the triggered females and virgin faggots in this thread

it's no different than dating a girl who wants to walk around with a temporary face tattoo. OP has every right to tell her it's unattractive and he'd rather she not get one because that's the truth. he is always free to dump her.

>> No.11740623

yes anon

>> No.11740632

>everyone refers to a brother,sister,cousin or parent with mine or my
>when it's a girlfriend walk of a sudden it's offensive
Fuck off

>> No.11740665
File: 18 KB, 480x360, H.Carlton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dingus, what you should have done is said whatever. Then when she asks how it looks you just nod, giving an obviously insincere smile. When doing so try to suggest with your eyes that you've lost respect for her but you know she's too fragile for you to honestly say its bad. As a result she'll feel inadequate as she realises you don't really care enough about her to tell her the truth. Eventually resentment and repressed frustration lead to you or her realising you don't actually care about the other and a break up is inevitable. You can speed this process along by meeting another girl who exhibits the traits you like and becoming that charming, caring person you once were when you first met your current gf, except now with this new girl. The next step is to realise that you only really cared about the physicality of having a girlfriend, and don't care about her personality, sense of humor, interests or beliefs. Actually you only did the things you did because you thought that this is what boyfriends are supposed to do. Really you're happier on your own or just messing around with your guy friends. So you end it and hope you might find that perfect qt who loves your goofy awkwardness and adores you, but then you realise your shitty inadequacies are going to rise again and eventually make that qt miserable with you too.

>> No.11740714

Why does she keep telling you to shut up

>> No.11740724

because he keeps trying to control her, so she has no respect for anything he has to say

>> No.11740727

she's probably not even really reading what he's saying, because he's just being weak and childish so is just telling him to shut up because its the easiest way to let him know

>> No.11740763
File: 85 KB, 600x600, TONYASHIRLEYROSE-600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP's girlfriend

>> No.11740789

It's obvious that people have girlfriends
having to announce it every sentence tho...
makes me fel like im on /r9k/

>> No.11740812

It's okay mate.

One day you might find someone, no need to be salty.

>> No.11740817

I'm gay and have a boyfriend. You're embarassing yourself

>> No.11740829

It's okay mate.

One day you won't feel as offended and prosecuted by a heterosexual statement. I'll be sure to use partner as to not trigger you in the future.

>> No.11740847

Why you going to such lengths to defend yourself from a simple jab man? Just chill

>> No.11740938


>> No.11741268
File: 329 KB, 1022x1433, a82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm gay

>> No.11741290
File: 1.98 MB, 250x158, 1433692007580.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: OP gets dumped

>> No.11741296

op is a fag
deal with it faggot
If your GF looks bad with it then she's fucking hideous and you need to work out and get plastic surgery, or get rich

>> No.11741306

Give me your gf's number. She deserves a real man, not some beta faglord like you, fucking omegacuck.

>> No.11741315

you think maybe the person you were responding to was fucking around as well?

fucking moron

>> No.11741539

hey ill cum on your face if u dont behave

>> No.11741602
File: 1.03 MB, 1439x2250, 20160911_134122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you guys never joked around with your gf before? she knows I'm kidding. you guys are fags kek.

>> No.11741619

You still seem autistic, that's all most people were saying.

>> No.11741624

true. I don't take life very seriously.

>> No.11741629

Tell her beautiful faces don't need piercings or sth shitty like that.

>> No.11741646

Page would be super hot if she were 30 kilos less and w/o tattoos and piercings (septum is not that bad tho..)

>> No.11741653

>DFW phone background
>surprised your gf is white trash

>> No.11741665

the hottest girl i ever knew got a tattoo like this and a stud nose piercing

so disappointing

>> No.11741708

>it was just a prank

>> No.11741742
File: 14 KB, 238x192, 1466663041702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this much of an autist

>> No.11741781

jesus christ this is passive aggressive and autistic as fuck

what he should have said right off the bat is "I will break up with you if you do that". she will laugh and think he's joking (and he mostly is) but there is usually some truth behind every joke so she will realize how repulsive it would be to him.

>> No.11741783

"haha baby, I was only pretending to be retarded! Lets go get matching nose rings and sick cops for your boyfriend"

>> No.11741808

lol its just a joke lolololol ecksdee

No op fuck you and your trash girl. If you dont want that shit dont be a cuck and just say "I was joking" there are other chicks out there dont be a fucking loser enslaved to the first girl that would have him (If this doesnt bother you whatever but dont be a fucking pushover)

>> No.11741853

i didn't think it was possible to be this bad at women

she's probably dating you out of pure sympathy

>> No.11741904

god damn this is tragic

>> No.11741914

You want your girlfriend to remain your girlfriend?
Don't tell her what to do or what to wear. If you are really that shallow that you can't stand the idea of your girlfriend having a nose piercing then you have no business being in a relationship either way.

>> No.11741958

lmao this thread

>> No.11741981


>> No.11741999

you sound like an insecure fuck. he doesn't have to passively support every single decision she makes, specially when it's something as stupid as a septum piercing. my reply would have been:

>I don't like piercings but it's your decision

>> No.11742002

>never sharing your true feelings is key to any healthy and successful relationship

god damn you guys are delusional

>> No.11742004
File: 9 KB, 408x408, 1451421178867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>absolutely disgusting

>> No.11742007

this has got to be the most high school aged board on 4chan

>> No.11742011

Found the betakike

Please kill yourself ASAP

>> No.11742017

nah fuck that, you should exchange honest opinions in a relationship. sugar coating stuff leads to no good and will catch up with you sooner or later

>> No.11742034

grow up

>> No.11742042

>you silly boys just need to grow up

teenaged girl detected

>> No.11742055

I'm >>11742017 and my relationship couldn't be happier. we don't go all autist on each other like OP here but we tell each other our honest opinons and take them into consideration. because honesty is like top priority in a relationship.
but by all means tell me how immature I am.

>> No.11742093


real talk you sound like a fag who has literally never had a single girlfriend except maybe some fat whore who you got with just to know what it feels like. The type of person to support feminism and progressive liberalism just because its hip and you think girls will like you for it. I bet you have a literal fetish for interracial cuckoldry and wear Vans Eras to liberal arts college. And I'm not even from /pol/, you are just that fucking gay and pathetic

>> No.11742098
File: 5 KB, 400x400, 1434929947677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11742132
File: 21 KB, 768x576, 1408012788786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>absolutely disgusting

>> No.11742134

I think this would be a good time to grow up OP

>> No.11742135

lol funniest thread on /fa in a long time. thanks OP.

>> No.11742145
File: 26 KB, 242x500, sadboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11742149

Just whip your dick and and start fucking each other already you fat homo

>> No.11742168

B-baka desu... I-I... I dont like it but do it anyway... Baka...

>> No.11742180

her body her rules, sperg

>> No.11742193
File: 332 KB, 1380x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

v underrated post

>> No.11742217
File: 26 KB, 353x352, 1415964502551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this uncompromising in a relationship

>> No.11742218

H-Her... Body... Her rules... Baka... OR IS BEATDOWN! TIME!

>> No.11742226

Yes but he chooses to date her. A relationship is a series of compromises.

>> No.11742241


>> No.11742248


>> No.11742281
File: 18 KB, 180x153, 1408747679563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people like you are why meaningful, lasting relationships are so rare these days - no one listens to each other because they feel their 'personal space' and freedom are threatened, people refuse to compromise out of their own hollow pride. please remove yourselves from the gene pool already so that people who are worth something can build a better society.

>> No.11742333
File: 66 KB, 640x640, 1462217287898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you tell her how it is

>listen bitch, everyone and their grandma wears these gay nose rings, its played out. I don't want to be seen with a fucking normie. Might as well buy a pair of stan smiths and I'll grow out a fucking top knot. Lets be original, eh? Why would you want to look like everyone else?

>> No.11742348

Fuck bro I wish we were friends IRL

>> No.11742381

Um... We were joking too
You just got Prank'd

>> No.11742398
File: 37 KB, 577x424, dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>absolutely disgusting

>> No.11742427
File: 112 KB, 800x800, 1472774981745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HA jokes on you guys im on PRETENDING to be retarded

>> No.11742524

>linking 4 chan site to gf
you are living walking meme,arent you?

>> No.11742541

If your definition of 'growing up' means I have to sugarcoat everything and never-ever actually voice my opinion, adulthood can fuck right off.

If my gf wants some trashy piercing, she can go right ahead. But don't for a second think that I will hesitate to tell her how disgusting it looks

>> No.11742584

Jesus Christ you're an asshole.

>> No.11742592

OP's gf here. What the fuck is wrong with you guys, i can do whatever i want with my body so please just stfu

>> No.11742597

/fa/ is full of low test beta males and and low test females who have little to no idea how bizarre their worldviews actually are

>> No.11742610

this is what you have to do OP

>> No.11742620
File: 43 KB, 421x599, 1268256035488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I've fallen in love with my sugar momma who has good taste in clothing and is a sensible girl instead of some whiny trashy bitch who dreams about getting her nose pierced
>tfw it's socially unacceptable for an older female and younger male couple to exist

I fucking hate girls my age

>> No.11742626

how do i get a sugar mama

>> No.11742632
File: 202 KB, 730x500, witch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same here senpai. it's not really socially unacceptable unless you're like college aged though.

>> No.11742640

Be good looking, have a big dick, fuck like a tiger, flatter older successful women.

A hairy chest helps.

There's a 17.5 year difference, I'm a year or two out of college.

>> No.11742647

nose piercings look good though and they're not trashy at all

>> No.11742649

You're wrong on both counts.

>> No.11742651

>There's a 17.5 year difference, I'm a year or two out of college.

I wouldn't fall in love with a sugar mama if I were you but that big of a difference would stop being that weird at all within a few years.

>> No.11742663

holy shit kys

>> No.11742668

>Should I do X?
>If you want
>She does X

now she's laid out her values and principles clear as day, she can't manipulate her way out of this, as her choice is plastered permanently on her face.

>I can do what I want I'm a independent female

Yeah, you sure can! Just like I can, because I'm an independent man.

To break a woman, make it clear you don't need her.

>> No.11742718


>sharing 4chan post

I don't believe such autistic people exist. This is b8.

>> No.11742781


>> No.11742809


>> No.11742818

>absolute kek

>> No.11742995

When she's dead.

>> No.11743008
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>absolutely disgusting

>> No.11743034
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>absolutely disgusting

>> No.11743062
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>absolutely disgusting

>> No.11743073


>> No.11743110

If you're so fucking obsessed with controlling her actions, here's a thought: find a new girlfriend who agrees with your opinions. If you can't find a girl who can stand you and the 99.9999% chance you don't find that girl, just stick to jacking off to your anime girls in your mom's basement.

>> No.11743134

I bet you feel real clever with that one, go on and have a victory fap

>> No.11743142


>> No.11743175

You don't. Just suggest she gets something she won't regret

>> No.11743239

>writing paragraphs
how to detect damage control

>> No.11743261

would be pretty cool desu if it was done better

>> No.11743276


>> No.11743324

jesus man. your joke wasn't funny. you're making yourself the laughing stock of this thread.

>> No.11743332

>carefully posted 10 minutes apart

>> No.11743349

tell her shes beautiful and to do it

>> No.11743365


>> No.11743389


>> No.11743428
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>> No.11743560


>> No.11743697


>> No.11743994
File: 21 KB, 364x214, disbelief followed by disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dating a girl with a belly button piercing

>> No.11744018

This thread makes me realize how delusional everyone on this website is.

>> No.11744061

Shes fucking disgusting.

>> No.11744072


I'm this guy >>11743034

>> No.11744230

how tf does a faggot like you even get gf

>> No.11744242

dumb frogposter

>> No.11744300

Tell her it is mutilation and it will mess with her facial aesthetics. Also, holes in the face will get fucked up over time, especially with age.

I'm not gonna lie though, white girls with nose studs make my dick hard

>> No.11744331
File: 864 KB, 1391x833, BOY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


don't lay these feels on me

>> No.11744349

I-i like piercings.


>> No.11744367


>you must be 18 to browse 4chan

>> No.11744634


>> No.11744649

>damage control

and fyi, i'm pretty sure that most people here have had more girlfriend experience, and have better success because they don't act like fucking controlling fags and then post a thread moaning about their GF and then try back step and say it was all a joke when you get called the autistic, shitty boyfriend that you are

"the ones saying im being rude are probably serious lmao
but they have also never had gfs before so they dont know what they are talking about"

what your girlfriend is reading:

>i posted a thread moaning about you, rather than deal with my problem, and everyone here thinks i'm rude to you, but i don't care

you're just showing her that you know you're being a dick, and you don't care, this is why she doesn't respect you

gg post back here when you break up so i know how long it took

>> No.11744653
File: 86 KB, 347x540, cringeoc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Linking your gf to 4chan

Hey at least you produced quality content other than 'IS X EFFAY PLEASE RESPOND' or 'SHOULD I BUY ADIDAS STAN SMITHS ARE THEY FA???'

>> No.11744732
File: 41 KB, 500x397, a065c295-edee-4a9a-b142-a82e25c29595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk nose rings can be cool if done right

>> No.11744812

can you post an example?

>> No.11744857

both responses you gave were good i think you're on the right path op just tell her how u feel

>> No.11744861

well that means she's already a degenerate for fucking niggers a nose ring doesn't mean shit then

>> No.11744870

good save i guess but you still let her know ur secretly judging her

>> No.11744872

God damn it, best thread on /fa/ in a while

>> No.11744955

OP here. thanks guys this thread has convinced her not to get a nose ring. my plan worked. thanks a lot kek.

>> No.11744972
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>> No.11744984


>> No.11744989


>> No.11745003


>> No.11745008

and you could also be a man and tell her you hate nose piercing but like her enough to get over it

you think like a fucking woman

>> No.11745068
File: 383 KB, 768x666, 1470688159471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is proof, that a huge chunk of /fa/ lacks social awareness.

Let her do what she wants, OP -- will you like it? No, maybe not. Maybe you will.
If you don't like it, then deal with it rationally. It's not your place to try to fetishize your ideas of an ideal woman and force it upon her.

>> No.11745099

>you can't have taste

yeah okay turboslut

>> No.11745109

>If you don't like it, then deal with it rationally

>> No.11745518


>> No.11745655

How the fuck are those "paragraphs?"

>> No.11745679


>> No.11745690

this thread is proof a huge chunk of /fa/ are single teenage girls with absolutely no sense of humor

>> No.11745810

pic not related

>> No.11745931

you only *have* to wear a ring for the first six weeks or so. after that you can get away with putting it in as infrequently as once or twice a week.

god, it's not like she's gauging her ears or something

>> No.11746373

>dont tell her who to fuck. If you really are that shallow that you cant stand the idea of your girlfriend getting gangbanged by 23 niggers then you have no business being in a relationship anyway.

>> No.11746468

>t. Beta cuck
Women want to be told what to do by a confident man

>> No.11746496
File: 20 KB, 344x279, OPsGirlfriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>already have my belly pierced
you lost brah

this is your future

>> No.11746501


>> No.11746507

what the fuck does that mean?

why does this generation think having any standards whatsoever is somehow oppressive and evil?


>> No.11746534

Why do girls feel compelled to ruin their bodies? It's not like they do it to stand out, every girl these days is doing this shit.

The ones who don't do this stuff(tattoos/piercings/chola eyebrows/dreadlocks/etc) and are still cool and fun to be around are the ones who actually stand out.

>> No.11746565

>why does this generation think having any standards whatsoever is somehow oppressive and evil?
Do you seriously need to ask this question? You know why. It's wrong to have standards for girls because this generation's girls have been brought up to believe that all preferences a man might have are oppression and stopping them from EXPRESSING WHO THEY REALLY AAAARE (which purely statistically is going to be an average pleb most of the time anyway, inb4 someone crawls up my ass for pointing out a statistical inevitability as well).

You never see this same reasoning brought to bear on girls having standards for boys, then it's all "knowing your worth" and hardeblar.

TL;DR Feminism... is cancer.

>> No.11746613


having standards for yourself (including what kind of relationship you want to be in and with whom) is not the same thing as trying to manipulate someone into meeting those standards.

have whatever standards you want. but don't try to impose them onto other people--they are just about you. if someone doesn't meet them, don't try to manipulate them into changing for your preconceived notions. just move on to the next.

>> No.11746626

>if your wife wants to tattoo a dick on her forehead, don't try to talk her out of it -- that's oppressive
>just get the divorce right away

Yeah, you're an intelligent bitch, huh.

>> No.11746635
File: 57 KB, 485x364, main-qimg-fa56ab64d8e24e048d9e7cf3289e2802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol ok

>> No.11746751
File: 74 KB, 411x411, 1428271283817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buddhism helped me a lot anon.

>> No.11746756

It's trashy.

>> No.11746759

>white gf
oops u already lose

>> No.11746762

>Today's feminism is cancer
FTFY. When the movement was originally founded, it looked NOTHING like this.

>> No.11746783

People only say this when they don't have standards for themselves.

>preconceived notions
A nose piercing looks trashy universally. A lot of people agree on this, it's not like OP is pulling random shit out of his ass. The world will see her this way, and OP is the only one close enough to tell her that. I had dreads a few years ago, and I had wanted them my entire life too. People treated me like shit, across the board. So I shaved them off. Your appearance is your billboard to the world. The last thing you want that billboard to say to others is "I look like a white trash HS drop out".

>> No.11746791


>> No.11746827

>When the movement was originally founded, it looked NOTHING like this.
No, but it was still cancer then. There's a straight line from there to this irresponsible selfish bullshit where everyone else has to cater to your whims. Divorce laws were this. Loosened divorce laws were this. The modern sex crime laws where if both are drunk the man's a rapist, that feminists pushed for the whole way from Steinem are this. That "zipless fuck" shit was in the Sixties and there's NO WAY you can tell me it isn't the exact same bullshit as this. "Objectification" is literally as in non-figuratively this.

>> No.11746858
File: 153 KB, 990x500, 36e782fa9311ba2a19af18e56df78b89bfec1bd08507d7da549a972216d9f9d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying what it is today wasn't an inevitability
It was always a cancer right at the root with the only result to massively destabilize society. It doesn't make a difference that it took until the 60s before destruction of our civilization became its explicit goal. Suffrage was a mistake and the last nail in democracy's coffin.

>> No.11746876

If you bother to actually read up on feminism, you'd know that there was a divide right after the movement was founded. One group wanted true equality with men, and the other group wanted what amounts to female supremacy. The former group are the silent majority, and the latter are the faggots who gave birth to today's tumblr/SJW "feminist" crowd. So when I say that it looked nothing like this, I mean it factually did not look anything like today's feminist agenda.

No one knows about this divide, and that's why everyone hates "feminism" overall. They confuse neo feminism with the traditional values the entire movement was founded on and the two just flat out aren't comparable.

>> No.11746894 [DELETED] 

Don't listen to these pathetic faggots that replied to you. This is actually how you talk to a woman you love. The guys who replied have probably fucked a few women and think theyre hot shit, but can't keep a woman for more than 6 months because they're toxic; like our good friend OP here. Guaranteed OP hasnt been with this chick for more than half a year.

>> No.11747006
File: 72 KB, 800x727, 4ba900c8611bc9cf5b8c8e33ac65fc291c96cacd12a64da0e52f3fc317fe8f1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure I've read more works of feminist literature than you have, and the inner conflicts in the movement are well known - and a lot more complicated than you seem to be aware of. Wanting "equality" with men still accepts a delusional liberal dogma (which, FYI, is not based in any "traditional value") and translates to the denial of gender roles' veracity.

Radical lesbian feminism and its ilk (e.g. kill all men) are, at the end of the day, more justified in their inanity because at least they present some theoretical utopia to follow after their program is achieved, whereas second wave's equality/end of discrimination is nothing but destructive. Where shall we go once we dismantle civilization? Into the abyss

Last reply because you're clearly underage, new as fuck and unfamiliar with the topic you're derailing the thread with.

>> No.11747584
File: 5 KB, 437x121, samefaggery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is the real samefag here?
you decide!

>> No.11748400


>> No.11748979


>> No.11748985

really don't care if the girl im dating puts on her body. i don't plan on marrying her. Will just dump her if she takes it too far

>> No.11749007

It's trashy

>> No.11749193


>> No.11749223


>this thread is max kek

>> No.11749296


>> No.11749948

this guy knows

>> No.11749991

yeah, this. If she wants to do it, she can and will. Don't be a dick OP

>> No.11750363

its trashy.

>> No.11750402


>> No.11750541

Can't believe you missed 4:20 on either side.

>> No.11750565


>> No.11750574

it's stupid and it looks like shit

>> No.11750674

>being this controlling

lol k

>> No.11751147

it's trashy

>> No.11751167

Every basic bitch has her nose pierced. Its the goto look for the "mommy and daddy pad my bank account but I'm still rebellious" type. Very popular in WestMichigan.

>> No.11751339

it's effay

>> No.11751382

I can't see something wrong with it either.
Maybe I'm too old and don't know many of pierced people in real life (except for ears), but few of those I know are either hippie artists or metalheads. Not white trash that I can see in American movies

>> No.11751423

Girls don't want to be controlled in a relationship. You are talking about sex which is completely different topic where everyone has their personal taste. Imagine a super clingy man just calling his girlfriend every 5 min wanting to know where she is and sends messages constantly and then controlling what the girl is wearing when she goes out. Nobody wants a bf like that.
Too bad that 4chan autists believe anything when you mention the word "cuck" in it. Changing your partner almost never works and you are probably around the age where you haven't had a relationship yet because wouldn't use kiddie swearword "cuck" otherwise.

watch less MGTOW videos and don't hang out with stereotypical teens who fall into few categories according to their appearance

>> No.11751437

think about if you wanted beard/mustaches and your gf reacted the same way

>> No.11751500

Girls do react the same way.