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/fa/ - Fashion

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11675494 No.11675494 [Reply] [Original]

just copped a pair of very expensive very natural colored contacts because my eyes were absolute shit and i've always hated them

mine look 100% black, completely plain and boring, can't even see my pupil, the ones i got sort of look like this, nothing too crazy/obvious because i don't wanna look retarded like those black people that get gray contacts

and holy shit... this is truly what i was missing, best decision ever, people suddenly start treating me better, sloots be mirin, fits look better, confident as fuck... life's just better in general

and then when i take them off at night i can 'literally' see myself dropping like 5 points, like how did i live without them for so long?? god damn

so if your eyes are absolute shit tier like mine go ahead and do get them, probably just a lighter tone of the eye color you already have so people don't call you out for being a flamboyant faggot

>inb4 dear diary

>> No.11675522

Honestly it sounds incredibly lame, but if you're desperate for peer acceptance do whatever works I guess.

>> No.11675530

I look like pic related with dark brown eyes (less handsome though). Would I look better if wore contacts, probably. Will I do it? Fuck no.

>> No.11675531

Do w/e, although black eyes sound cool it must be your own preference.
However, as someone who's been wearing contacts most of his life, DO NOT fuck around with cleaning them. And for the love of god, don't go swimming with them in. Thats how you get all sorts of nasty shit, almost lost my cornea twice to a waterborne parasite. Please OP, be a responsible contact lens wearere

>> No.11675556

I used to hate my really dark eyes but now I kinda like how they look with my pale skin, otherwise I would have liked to have grey eyes but whatever I find using contacts dumb

>> No.11675562
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>> No.11675570

i do it so i feel good when i look in the mirror, like anyone here on this board does anything, it's no different than dying your hair, getting a tattoo, a new haircut, etc... you wanna improve the way you look, the acceptance is just a nice by-product

>> No.11675576

holy shit /pol/ must have really triggered whoever made this one

>> No.11675580

switch high tier with god tier and i agree

>> No.11675584

changing the color of your eyes is being deceptive about your genetics and should be ruled out just like nose jobs

>> No.11675597

so is shaving, my genetics don't care, if someone has a fucked up hook nose and getting a nose job makes him look/feel a million times better, who the hell cares?

>> No.11675600

to be fair, it's very possible that a person with dark eyes is a carrier of light genes. it's just the dominant allele masking it.

you can determine this if you have siblings or family members with light colored eyes.

>> No.11675601

Wow Henry Ford is really asymetric

>> No.11675607


you should also walk around with printed copies of your 23andme reports

>> No.11675609

There's an eye procedure which can turn dark eyes blue.

Anyways, I like my dark eyes. I like the dark sultry look I have

>> No.11675616

it's not open to the general public yet, they're just doing trials sadly

>> No.11675622

Sometimes it can go a very long time without being expressed. My brother-in-law's entire family has brown eyes, but both of his children have blue eyes (yes, they're legitimate).

>> No.11675628

Yeah, I'm Middle Eastern and it's happened in my family. I have three other brothers, but only one of them has green eyes. From what I know, my grandma has blue eyes, and my great grandfather has green eyes. The rest are all varying shades of brown.

>> No.11675957

daily reminder that people with brown should kill themselves

>> No.11675964

In which European country do you collect welfare?

>> No.11675966

i lol'd

>> No.11675976

No seriously, i guess Germany or France

>> No.11675982

I guess england or sweden

>> No.11675987

Brown eyes are like pretty little secrets. They look like nothing special in most situations, but really shine in the right light.

>> No.11675998
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>brown eyes
>anything but shit tier

>> No.11675999
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I have dark brown hair and very light brown eyes which look almost golden in sunlight. The other day at a party some qt girl would not stop staring at my eyes and calling them beautiful. I never liked my eye color until now, /fa/, but maybe brown eyes really are god tier.

>> No.11676014
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Depends on the shade. I have brown eyes, and they're pretty lame.

People tend to sugarcoat it saying brown eyes are "deep" and "mysterious" and all that bullshit because "everybody is beautiful."

But the fact is that it's extremely rare for people to go up to someone with dark brown eyes and be like, "OMG! Your eyes are gorgeous!!!" It just never happens, and there's a reason for that. No point denying it.

>> No.11676022

light brown/hazel eyes are beautiful, dark brown/black aren't

>> No.11676030

your eyes aren't a big enough object for people to suddenly be 'mirin just because you changed the color of your eyes

thats just the way you're perceiving it due to confirmation bias

there's also a good chance that you feel more confident so you're actually looking UP more instead of looking at the ground as you walk

the point is, your eyes aren't noticable enough for a change in color to change you from shit tier to walking sex god

>> No.11676046

Or both. Of course eyes change the way people perceive you. It's probably the first thing they notice about you.

>> No.11676047

What eye colors are generally the most appealing? I've had people compliment mine but I don't think they stand out at all. I'd call them "steel blue" I guess. Super light blue to the point where they're almost grey. I don't personally have a eye color preference.

>> No.11676054


blue green some light shades of brown can be attractive

>> No.11676163

I used to hate my eye color for not being bright enough, but right now I absolutely love it. Light hazel.

Under lots of light they can look very bright.

Most of the time they look this dark greyish undefinable color. You literally cannot describe it, it's a weird and cool mix of everything.

And occasionally they can look real dark. Which is cool cause dark tones in irises defines them more and adds points, and if you get close enough you'll see how amazing they are up close.

Basically it's the same as OPs pic. Absolute god tier color.

>> No.11676169

I'm American. Thankfully, I don't have to deal with yuropoors. :^)

>> No.11676179

You're not a speeshul snowflake.

>> No.11676193

Actually I am. Hazel eyes are one of the rarest. On par with green eyes. Gray are the rarest. But I'm definitely up there.

>> No.11676194

see >>11676022

>> No.11676205

>Hazel eyes are one of the rarest

LOL, no. My mom has hazel eyes.

>> No.11676208
File: 67 KB, 491x585, img_4260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm American.

>> No.11676211

Absolutely not.

Out of the colors he named only hazel are good. Light brown is bullshit. It looks like watery diarrhea. Boring ugly garbage.

Hazel on the other hand...

>> No.11676227 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 640x640, acute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is true, but only if you have a good face shape and pale skin.

>> No.11676229

Middle Eastern =/ Muslim
Arab =/ Muslim

I'm a third generation American. There's no debate about my citizenship. Did you know Syrians/Lebanese have been immigrating to the US since the 1880's?

But, why do I bother to argue with a shitposter.

>> No.11676245

So the generations prior to you stuck to only getting with other browns? While living in America. Intentionally avoiding assimilation into American culture.
This makes you Arab.

>> No.11676246

who said anything about muslims?

>> No.11676251

Are you brown?

>> No.11676254

Not going to bother.

The picture you posted is a Muslim guy.
(This >>11676208)

>> No.11676258


>> No.11676264

Do you know how analogies work? Just replace him with yourself, his name with yours and "Sweden" with "America." Get it now?

>> No.11676271

youre right

i dont see how its different from a sicilian American whos grandparents came on ellis island in the 1920s

very few Americans are descendants of English colonials, the rest are descendants of immigrants

>> No.11676281

>be me
>have brown eyes
>always wanted blue eyes
>people always tell me i look like a young Jonny Depp, especially with my longer hair
>realize that i would look weird as fuck with anything other than brown eyes

i actually like them a lot now, i wouldn't be caught dead wearing colored contacts

>> No.11676284

Kek. Okay, Mr. Analogy Expert.

Let's replace myself with him.

My name is Mark. His name is Hasan

Apparently he dresses in Muslim attire.. that won't work for me because I have never worn one and I'm an atheist. Nice comparison.

>> No.11676313

If you are crazy and desperate enough

Wan't to be a guinea pig?
Stroma Medical

Google it

>> No.11676349

i'm not
yes i know them, bright ocular looks like absolute shit, the implants look faker than any contacts i've ever seen
stroma medical looks good and the most natural way considering it is your actual eye color underneath, maybe i'll check it out when it gets fda approved

>> No.11676402

Jesus christ lmao goddamn stop A P P R O P R I A TI N Gour peoples fucking traits

>> No.11676814

why did most Arab Christians migrate to South America instead of US and Canada tho?

>> No.11676817

why did most Arab Christians migrate to South America tho?

>> No.11676829
File: 21 KB, 381x327, c0a3f7e95ba1b144fec0e4dc72140804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Trips confirm brown eyes are god tier in men.

>> No.11676843 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 605x212, 20160718_142923-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mixed race black/white here. inherited mom's green eyes. girls definitely love light eyes. just wanted to flex on you pure whites with dark eyes.

>inb4 you have contacts

>> No.11676845

Loving those photoshopped blue eyed niggers

>> No.11676865

Anon if you didnt cum inside that QT grill i am very dissapoint

>> No.11677164

this. Every girl I've been with loved how my eyes change with light

>> No.11677242

i have hazel eyes and don't like them
would prefer either dark brown or blue eyes
but not so much to wear contacts

>> No.11678291

I don't know.. but I would assume because there's more cultural similarities.

>> No.11678371

This, I know the you are perfect as you are bullshit is a meme but I tried contacts and honestly they all looked weird af on me, I appreciate my natural eye color a lot more now.

>> No.11678674

The reality is (aside from your own colour eyes) most people's next colour choice is blue. It's the most interesting and appealing of all the eye colours

>> No.11679322

Actually, I really love super dark eyes. 100% my type is dark hair/eyes combo, usually Italian or Arabian.

>> No.11679445
File: 33 KB, 564x564, 9c79f4dfd56bf52b5b098d6459249630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not necessarily the blue-ness of them, but the ability to see the limbal ring around the edge
(which is easier to see in people with light eyes) that makes eyes look good

people with light eyes and no limbal ring are vile

>> No.11679451

>LOL, no. My mom has hazel eyes.
so it must not be rare bc ur mommy has them

>> No.11679502

I would have but I know her boyfriend and, while cucking him would have been hilarious, he's a decent enough guy and a friend of mine

>> No.11679662


>> No.11680631

is there anyway to lighten my eye color? Diet maybe?

They are hazel, but I want to get them a little lighter.

Also, dark hair and blue eyes are the masterrace.

>> No.11680694
File: 597 KB, 1524x920, 20160827_000948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I'm missing parts of my iris in both of my turd colored eyes?

>> No.11681033

Usually against getting retarded cosmetic surgeries(since they mostly make the person look even more ridiculous) but this anon has a point.
If something bothers YOU, then yes you should get a surgery. Not to get into others acceptance like to pick up chicks or dicks or such bullshit.

>> No.11681041

Got a fucking point.
But then muh cultural differences.

>> No.11681047

And some of his siblings are darker and have curlier hair than him.
Its strange considering daddy works in another state for weeks at a time and mommy used to send anon to bed some days earlier than others.

>> No.11681049

I have brown eyes and i remember that when i was in highschool a girl would just love my eyes saying they were really beautiful
I dunno maybe its just my eyeshape
Also my gf loves em

>> No.11681059

Tesla had blue-gray eyes

>> No.11681074

only insecure shitskins and plebs give a shit about eye color. Patricians realize that there's much more to eye aesthetics than color, but hey if you want to bag generic pleb women i guess it's a plus.

>> No.11681192

Girl once looked at my eyes and said "Blimey"

Brown eyes in the light make them look amber

>> No.11681216

>mine look 100% black, completely plain and boring, can't even see my pupil
Same, but I never really saw them as boring.
I mean, I'm always mirin at ppl with vibrant bright eyes, but I see pure dark eyes as sort of novelty, bc not everyone has em.
Again, though, it's probably bc a turk fucked my grand grand grand grand mother.