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/fa/ - Fashion

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11602156 No.11602156 [Reply] [Original]

everyone greentext your day
everyone rate how /fa/ lifestyle is 1-10

Choose a weekend day (today/yesterday) because it's fucking boring to just post that you went to work/school. Please include outfits and meals. I'll post an example below

>> No.11602179

>wake up at 9:30
>get dressed (muji tee, Acne ace cash, roshe runs)
>go out for breakfast with a girl I've been hanging out with
>drink coffee and order granola
>she gets a stack of pancakes AND french toast
>try not to show my disgust and pay the bill even though her meal cost three times mine
>go home
>lie in bed thinking about girl's pros and cons
>read The Old Man and the Sea
>hang up my daytime clothes and put on an OCBD and CDBs
>go out for dinner with my family (grandmother's birthday)
>order steak tartare
>my grandmother tells me it is an appetizer and I should eat more
>excuse myself from the table to take a note in my notebook (muji) about how delusional my grandmother is
>return to table to find that the family has already started eating without me
>come home
>read the news
>get ready for bed (wash face, brush teeth)

>> No.11602297


>> No.11602306

0/10, get a life

>> No.11602317

You're a fucking faggot

>> No.11602318

pretty effay, like a 6,5 mby, but v pretentious as well
not like im better lol
>wake up like 7am
>make coffee
>get clothed (SLP jeans, raf tee, vintage adidas tracksuit)
>eat cereal
>roll and smoke a cig
>waste time on the internet
>go to my school to meet ppl who im doing a film with
>talk about postproduction while drinking coffee
>go buy some for poppy seeds for PST
>go home
>drink PST
>play video games
>read up on history of photography
>watch an ep of stranger things
>eat a leftover slice of pizza/smoke a cig
>get into my pyjamas
>watch some olympics
>waste some time on the internet
>eat some raspberries and yoghurt
>go to sleep
>can't fall asleep for a few more hours more

>> No.11602337

>wake up
>do some stretches
>surf the internet for useful information
>get breakfast and wash my face
>surf the internet
>listen to music, get inspired
>attempt to make music myself
>play guitar
>read a book or exercise
>going for an evening drive by myself around city
>eat some meal and watch a movie
>go to sleep

>> No.11602364

What's pst

>> No.11602373


poopy shit tea

>> No.11602393

pretty much

it's bitter af and it also fucks your life up, would not recommend

>> No.11602395
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>> No.11602421

Stop forcing that shitty meme

>> No.11602426

>vacation in Cyprus
>wake up in ancestral home on mountain at 5:30am to the sound of roosters and the dawns sunlight
>go drink coffee in village square
>go eat fresh fish in restaurant on the beach
>comfy breeze
>chill on beach all day

>> No.11602457

>wake up
>drink water
>wash face, brush teeth, run fingers through hair, take off pyjamas
>get dressed (Zara sweater, Ann Demeulemeester skirt, Ferragamo shoes, LV bag, H&M sunglasses)
>go to a tour of a private art collection in a former Nazi bunker
>wonder why I thought this was a good idea to book on a Sunday morning (n.b. I booked this three months ago)
>meet a friend at the flea market
>buy a vintage leather waist pack and sugarcane juice
>watch buskers and people
>take the tram home
>put in leave-in conditioner, a face mask and Crest whitestrips
>change into a Gap body night dress
>hand-wash my underwear
>drink water
>eat an orange
>make + drink a cup of tea
>open the windows
>read a chapter of a book (Der Klang der Familie)
>work on an essay for a bit

I'll cook """dinner""" (just broccoli and wild rice) soon and work more on my essay, maybe at a nearby coffee shop if it continues to be nice out I plan to meet a friend later and we might go see Ben Klock (probably wear black N&F jeans, a black MA-1, a tank from Brandy Melville and White Reebok classics)

>> No.11602460

Vacation is so cash, I miss that

>> No.11602462


you're either the gayest dude on here, or a potentially attractive female

>> No.11602463


are you a grill? id spend time wif u desu

>> No.11602495

4/10. You're getting there but you're probably young and don't understand everything yet

7/10. Making a film is cooling, being addicted to opiates is not. How did you wear a whole tracksuit with jeans?

6/10. "get inspired" was the highlight of this post

8/10. Simple and nice and calm. It'd be nice if your life was always like that

8/10 if girl. 6/10 if boy. Don't wear night dresses if boy

>> No.11602501

>wake up
>morning beauty routine (wash face with facewash brush teeth floss etc.)
>drink coffe and eat breakfast on balcony so it doesnt take 1h+ for hair to dry.
>play around on phone for 20 min
>walk french bulldog
>get properly dressed (sandro tee tiger of sweden jeans acne shoes)
>bike to nearby park
>read 100 pages of current book
>get fucked by rain go home fuck around on computer for 1h
>make plans with friends
>change clothes again (black polo (cos) black sweatshirt (acne) black chinos (weekday black postmans (our legacy)
>go eat dinner with friends
>go to pic related
>drink cheap cava until about 2am
>walk home
>buy hotdog on way home
>fuck around on phone for 30 min

>> No.11602506

ben klock is gucci

>> No.11602509


>> No.11602514
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Forgot picture

>> No.11602540

>wake up at 13:10
>play guitar/bass or whatever, depends on how i feel
>have rehearsals with my indie rock band
>come back for dinner
>at 22:30 go to the studio
>5 hours of session for my post punk song
>come back home at 4 AM
>browse /fa/

>> No.11602556
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>Wake up
>Wash face and fix hair
>Say good morning to grandma
>Drink a powerade in one gulp (I sleep with my mouth open so my throat gets dry
>Turn on my PS4 and play
>Its lunch time, pasta and chicken
>Keep playing until my GF showers, dresses, fix her hair and puts on make up
>I shower and shave, brush my teeths and comb my hair
>Put on a grey t shirt, dark blue distressed jeans, brown boots, silver earrings, a gold casio and perfume while listening to music
>Meet gf at cinema
>Buy movie tickets
>Buy a tasty combo
>Watch movie
>Movie is over, go to his apartment
>I have some beers and smoke some more
>We eat left over bbq
>Time to go, she gives me head and proceed to swallows in the stairs of her apartment
>Uber gets me home
>Time to sleep

Yeah Im pretty basic

>> No.11602563

This is honestly nice. I don't care much for your first outfit but your day is good. 9/10

ps what country

>> No.11602566

Sweden! also first outfit looks more interesting than it sounds

>> No.11602568

>his apartment

are you bisexual and cheaitng on your boyfriend

>> No.11602574

>wake up with the sun
>black tea and a cigarette
>slice of toast
>play guitar aimlessly for about 2 hours
>practice songs for about an hour
>smoke another cigarette
>band practice
>post band practice beers at our favorite brew pub
>misc bullshit
>listen to music while browsing listings for used amps and pedals
>show face at local music venue, have beers with the owner
>walk home slightly intoxicated
>drunk text my ex

>> No.11602585


> 05:30 - wake up, drink water/herbal decaf tea, mediate, yoga
> ~06:00 - small fruit/protine smoothie, read
> ~07:00 - if it's day 1,3,4, run 5 to 10 km, shower, am skincare // if it's day 2,4,6, workout - high intensity interval training, weights, calisthenics - shower, am skincare
> ~08:00 - breakfast - healthy portion of fats, lean protein and carbohydrates - something like half a grilled chicken breast + quinoa + avocado + raw vegetables
> ~09:00 - 3 hours of still life drawing / painting
> ~12:00 - lunch - raw salad + small portion of lean protein
> ~13:00 - study / work on other projects
> ~16:00 - dinner - cooked vegetables + slow digest protein
> ~17:00 - read / continue work on other projects
> ~19:00 - go for walk along the coast, maybe smoke a cigarette if i'm with my boyfriend
> ~21:00 - pm skincare, meditate
> 22:00 - sleep, stay warm

>> No.11602586

Maybe english is not my native lenguage

>> No.11602604

You run ten kilometres and take a shower and do skincare in less than one hour?

>> No.11602605

>drunk text my ex

>> No.11602630

Oh no, those are just average times, since my routine changes every other day and am skincare is just moisturising after washing, it takes me about 50 to 60 minutes to run 10k, but it's about 6k - 7k most days

>> No.11602652

>wake up slightly hungover
>make a coffee
>play sm4sh for like an hour
>browse /fa/ and /mu/
>more coffee
>contemplate suicide

>> No.11602656

>everyone rate how /fa/ lifestyle is 1-10
this thread is the cancer destroying /fa/

>> No.11602678

How long have you been posting on /fa/? When do you think it was "good"

>> No.11602680

>wake up a little hungover at about 9:30
>make omelette and black coffee
>eat it outside in the sun
>have a cigarette
>shower, wash face, shave
>get dressed (511s, white tshirt - too hot for anything else)
>have another cigarette
>go out and take some photos in London
>have a sandwich for lunch at Pret
>go and drop off film for developing on way home
>it's now
>going to the pub with some friends later

>> No.11602682

>immediatly upon waking up check pics I snapped of group I was out with yesterday
>Throw on some of that Prisma filtering on some already hillarious shots
>Send the primo Prisma individual shots to the people on them through the fb messenger
>Gather my lost dreams and hopes from the floor
>Put on a messy as fuck tee(don't got anything else, senpai)
>Blue stretchy jeans to accomedate for my big butt and thighs
>Phone up the local Durûm place
>Go pic up 50/50 kebab
>Eat while watching that Bojack Episode 10
>Listen to RIff Raff while posting this.

First time poster here so I know nothing about the /fa/ lifestyle.
I'm a solid 10/10 though ;)

>> No.11602683

it was never that good but it's still at it's worst right now
it's a fashion board, how fucking hard is it to stay on subject

>> No.11602696

Comfy af

>> No.11602699
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>wake up, don't remember when
>wash your hair in cold shower
>don't eat
>go do sales work that you hate
>come home
>eat sugary shit
>notice your eyebags are a bit darker and bigger, today, again
>wonder when that next cop is going to arrive
>order something new to fulfill the void that having the clothing actually arrive creates
>listen to shoegaze
>repeat until inevitable stress related death

>> No.11602781

brrrretty fckkn neaaaaaatt

>> No.11602926

okay , cool sounds like you really have your life together :) you seem very disciplined and interesting

>> No.11602957

i'd really go see ben klock if i were you, his sets are amazing

>> No.11602967
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> wake up to alarm clock playing Death Grips
> tfw still falling for the get-out-of-bed meme
> change out of vintage 1800s linen night shirt and sleeping cap
> go downstairs where mom is making oatmeal and toast
> tell her again that natural colors are out this season, I will only eat artificial
> she sighs and pours me a bowl of the Froot Loop meme
> "And make it brunch instead"
> She looks confused and gives me a Krispy Kreme meme with sprinkles
> roll my eyes
> tfw your mom is a pleb
> Finish and go back upstairs to dress
> 4hourslater.mov
> decide on printed meme tee, raw meme denim distressed by a child soldier from Uganda, and meme Y-3s
> no wait, meme Rick Owens
> no wait, meme Vans
> no wait, meme Stan Smiths
> fuckit.jpg
> put on chuck taylor all meme stars
> go to girlfriend's other boyfriend's house
> ironically get a blowjob
> tfw not falling for the climax meme
> go to the park
> old man feeding pigeons meme
> young couples smiling and holding hands meme
> nig-nogs loitering and selling looseys and smoking blunts meme
> decide to leave, this place is not effay at all, what was i thinking
> go home and post on /pol/ ironically
> watch meme anime ironically
> decide to go out
> head to illegal club located in a ditch on side of the road
> ask bartender for a vodka and meme
> "sorry, we only serve gasomeme here"
> guzzleit.mkv
> look around bar
> see only woodland animals, no one here to appreciate my outfit, decide to leave
> stop by bathroom, throw up drink
> tfw no one hears your bulimia
> it's been a long day, head home
> buy another pair of shoes on the way
> climb into bed
> still falling to sleep meme

>> No.11602992

>illegal club
>implying you didn't mix at least 3 hard drugs

>> No.11603112
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>get up at 9
>brew some coffee, go sit in the garden and light a ciggie
>proceed to shower and get dressed, Rick Owens boots, Japanese denim and a linen shirt
>read a Brief History of Infinity, browse some 4chan
>go for a swim (usually at least a mile) or go climbing if my buddy is available
>go home, and either consume some more knowledge or contemplate about everything wrong in my life
>cook a healthy meal, usually some chicken or pasta salad
>go to my usual bars, try and chat up some girls
>leave for home, decide to take the highway on ramp instead and speed across empty highways at a murdering rate wallowing in loneliness
>have a nightcap and hit the beds

>> No.11603131

>wake up 11am
>drink cup of nescafe
>eat beans from can
>drive to Seattle
>drive back
>go to bed

>> No.11603133

drunk driving isn't cool anon

>> No.11603143

>>drink cup of nescafe
oh boy

>> No.11603169
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I have no words

>> No.11603178

never said I drink and drive, you projecting cunt

drunk is very relative anyway

>> No.11603200
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>wake up at 8am
>shower, shit, shave, dress
>percolator coffee, banana, cracker
get moving
>grab bag, edc, fanny pack, longboard
>board to uni
>get in (chem) lab, do research from 9:30am till 5:30pm
w/ halfhour-hour break for lunch
>play football from 6:30 till ~9pm
>dropped off home
>cook, make a bit extra
>shit, shower, sleep

>> No.11603216

>wake up at 8:30 with a big hangover
>In Barcelona for the weekend to see a friend (from Switzerland, live in Toronto)
>take a massive shit
>by the time I've done this it's like 10:00
>go to find a breakfast place with my friend
>egg and avocado on toast with an espresso and water
>walk around aimlessly, go up the mountain to castle, feel it's too crowded and just hang out and drink a few cervesas half way down in the forestry empty part
>aimlessly wonder some more
>go to this Michelin starred restaurant I wanted to go to (Dos Palillos, Asian tapas fusion, highly recommend)
>walk down the beach
>stop for some more tapas because small portions at restaurant
>get a few six packs from those poor motherfuckers selling 1€ beers on the beach
>just drink and walk down the beach
>at about 2 AM some pretty chill drunk British tourists (all girls) come up to us just saying some random shit but it gets the conversation going I guess
>get some long drinks with them
>find relatively empty part of beach
>skinny dipping
>make out with one chick (8/10 imo)
>drunkenly walk back to arrive at hostel where I have a single room at 4:30~5:00
>pass out

that was yesterday
Pretty good trip overall but I actually wanted to do some shopping but found out most shit was shut today

>> No.11603289

>wake up at 5
>eat breakfast
>dress up for work at a bakery (rayban eyeglasses, uniform shirt, uniform apron, black Levi jeans (511's), nonslips
>work till 2
>I typically sit alone and watch cars go by on my breaks
>sometimes I talk to coworkers, shoot the shit
>go home
>30 min nap
>wake up, surf the internet for useful info
>eat dinner
>make myself a cup of tea or two
>work on an electronics project
>take a shower
>go to bed

>> No.11603326

where in Toronto do you live? would hang out with you

>> No.11603345

>wake up at 5pm
>go to gym workout 2 or 3hours
>go to the shower
>girls call me to hang out with them or go to their house
>go home at 1 or 2 am
>call my bro and go out with him
>return to my home at 7am
>go to sleep

>> No.11603352

I am on vacation with my family in London before I go back to college.

>wake up at 8:30 a bit hungover
>dodge actual breakfast, hide at downstairs cafe with my black coffee and fruit
>get dressed: plaid skirt, Drop Dead sweatshirt, knee socks
>time to go to the museum with my parents
>this is a really cool museum
>sister is too lazy to go to the museum but she calls and wants to get food
>i'm not going back for her
>parents go grab her on tube while i continue to lunch at 2pm
>maybe i can avoid real food
>realize i'm meeting parents where i went for dinner with the guy i've been hanging out with that my parents don't know about
>be forced to eat antipasto
>shop around, look at nice clothes and records at outdoor market
>tube home
>watch olympics and eat fruit n veg for dinner

>> No.11603400
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>wake up at 5.45 am
>crawl in the sheets till I can't feel my skin
>take .5 of aspirin in isotonic drink
>smell ashtray
>call my mom 2 times to remind her some thing bad happened in the past
>jog for 1 hour in the woods around my complex
>fridge cell break for 20 minutes
>smell cigarette ash
>go to work at wedding design company
>move repot trees from a truck into random medieval villa now owned by rich fux
>1 hour cigarette break
>smoke 24 cigarettes
>drink isotonic juice
>take out the company trash
>go to home
>listening and producing acid techno music from 7 pm to 0 am without eating
>go to bed

>> No.11603402

>wake up
>lie in bed until 14:00
>surf the www
>get dressed (button down, skinny jeans)
>go buy some food
>cook & eat food (soy bean pasta, mushrooms in creme fraiche)
>read(I Love Dick)
>work on some writing
>go for a walk
>see some kids trying to steal a car
>surf the www
I'll probably read and then watch seinfeld until I pass out

>> No.11603456


>> No.11603459
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>Wake up 5:00
>go skate
>Come home shower
>Make omelet
>Practice french
>Read (The Master and Margarita)
>Get dressed (SLP, Maison Margiela, Vintage Sonic Youth tee)
>Go to casting
>Meet friend for green tea
>Take subway to the MoMA
>Enjoy art
>Go back to her dorm
>Smoke some weed
>Watch some films
>Drop some X
>Go to times square
>Skate around time square
>Take some pictures in Time Square
>Get Macaroons
>Walk back to her dorm
>End up making out until 4:30
>Walk home

I'm still in bed as we speak becuase ecstasy takes a lot out of you

>> No.11603477


>> No.11603508


>> No.11603542

I need to move to NYC already... fuck.

>> No.11603548

Why were you too beta to fuck her?

>> No.11603578

Nah. I didn't want to go into detail but X makes it kinda hard for you to get it up so now sex. I did get a blow job and get to go down on her.

>> No.11603588

*no sex

>> No.11603592

post pectoralis majors

>> No.11603747

yesterday was sunday so ill do that
>wake up 830
>dress (acne eightys, long sleeve and hoodie because its quite cold out)
>make shortlist of some new clothes im going to buy
>watch mtg pro tour coverage
>take dog out at 1130 to walk along stream
>eat pancakes with bacon yohgurt maple syrup and mixed berry compote at cafe
>put off assignment and continue to watch pro tour
>homemade pizza for dinner
>attempt to find scrim (practise match) for my overwatch team but one of the players is hungover and passed out on his couch
not bad

>> No.11603760

please step on me

>> No.11603770


a manchild but a girl? wow thats new.

>> No.11603776

>get to go down on her
>get to
3rd wave feminism my man

>> No.11603858

>go to bed 0500
>wake up 0650
>go back to sleep
>repeat this process until noon
>make food
>nap again
>shitpost on /fa/
>go to the gym
>eat again
>here I am. Probably going to start drinking some gin p soon

I love lazy sundays

>> No.11603971

Not that anon but has it ever occurred to you that some guys like to give girls head?

>> No.11604615

>wake up 12:30
>drink water & eat apple
>chat shit with friend
>walk dog
>watch TV show
>guitar practice
>time waste online
>getting late
>change clothes

>> No.11604630 [DELETED] 

>excuse myself from the table to take a note in my notebook (muji) about how delusional my grandmother is

Do you also take notes about your wife's BBC schedule you fucking cuck?

>> No.11604644 [DELETED] 

Are you the weird elf Lord Farquaad looking dude?

>> No.11604659
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HQ Bait

>> No.11604681 [DELETED] 

>wake up anywhere between 5-11 AM
>go have breakfast at a nearby cafe, take my laptop and browse /fa/ while eating rye bread with avocado/cream cheese
>have a tonic espresso
>go ride my bike if it's nice, thrift shopping if it's raining etc.
>grab some kebab/tacos for lunch
>go home and do my own thing, masturbate, post listings on grailed, watch netflix, get a nap, contemplate suicide etc.
>hang out with friends in the evening, usually semi-ironically go to karaoke bars, catch pokemon, or just smoke weed in the park
>go back home
>go to sleep/drink aperol spritz until I black out

Pretty much how my summer has been so far. Sounds fun but I'm actually pretty fucking depressed.

This is how my summer has been

>> No.11604701

Fucking hour long dookie

>> No.11605397

We're actually looking for a new apartment with my friends so the best guess would be near U of T

>> No.11605479

>wake up
>play League of Legends for 7-8 hours straight
>shit post on /fa/
>eat a Hot Pocket
>go to bed

>> No.11605510

While I'm on break:
>Wakeup at 10 and call GF
>Lie in bed until 11
>Brush teeth and use bathroom
>Eat breakfast, drink coffee, watch netflix
>Workout, swim, shower
>Face wash routine
>Eat more
>More netflix
>Leave to work around 4
>Eat more
>Come home around 12
>Eat more
>Sit in my phone until 2-3am.
>Rinse and repeat

If I'm not on vacation, spending time with GF or friends, or in school, then this is my life. Have to pay bills and there is very little excitement during my day.

>> No.11605515

>wake up at 5:00
>sleep again
>wake up again at 6:30
>get up at 7:00
>buy Nasi Uduk for breakfast
>watch TV
>sleep again at 10:00
>wake up at 13:00
>eat lunch at 4:00 (so that i don't get hungry at night, you know, diet)
>jerk off
>internet again until sleepy
>go to sleep at 1:00 AM
>can't sleep
>jerk off

it's the holiday week so no college. means i have no reason to dress up.

>> No.11605538
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>wake up at 14:00
>lie in bed til 15:00
>check messages, friends want to go out
>I stay home
>listen to music while I browse for another hour
>shower at 16:00
>work on sewing projects
>eat at 22:00
>netflix/music until 6:00
>see sun rising
>get sad
>finally sleep at 7:00

wtf am I doing

>> No.11605591
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>wakeup up 7:30 AM
>put on work clothes, carhartt cuttoffs, beige tee
>drive to work, listening to Hope Sandoval
>sun is up but not high, v pretty drive
>bakery business, baking hella bread
>finish up by noon
>go home, shower, change
>go to smash bros. tournament
>play melee for 6 hours
>come home and finish watching the cowboy bebop movie
>meh, its pretty good as far as series movies go. opening and closing sequences are pretty effay
>fall asleep at like, 8:45
>wake up an hour and a half ago

>> No.11605600

>wake up at 9
>get dressed
>go for a surf
>go back home and have lunch
>play vidya and shitpost for the rest of the day

>> No.11605607

Please don't

>> No.11605625

and why ?

>> No.11605626


>Wake up 6 am
>Water plants
>Accidentally water dogs food, dont change it as I have to watch the sun rise
>Take silk shirt and jeans off line
>Go to work
>After 2 hours of working (cashier) take 3 hour break
>work 2 more hours
>Go home and smoke some weed

good day.

>> No.11605633


>Wake up 8:30 am to go to work
>Stayed at friends grandparents house because they own a mansion in the city and its a lovely place with food n shit
>Get dressed, go to the toilet, eat my friends food, and laugh at the vomit on the wall
>Notice there are poppers on the table
>Do poppers for an hour while shitting
>Get to work hour late because doing poppers
>Prep my station, and wash left over dishes that didnt get finished the night before
>Cook some food but slow day
>Managements gone so make 4 pizzas
>Eat chips
>Wearing nice clothes cuz got called in last moment, nice clothes dirty
>5:30 PM
>Take train into city, get off to go to gay sauna to get poppers
>Women spills coffee on my new pants exclain "ahhh fuck"
>Go to gay sauna
>Buy poppers and gtfo out there
>Muslims give me death stares as i exit
>Go home, drink apot of coffee

typing this, hittin poppers, 9pm , might get make something to eat.

>> No.11605641

>Wake up 7:34am
>Get dressed in comfy tracksuit - addidas jumper w converse track pants
>Have milo cereal with milk
>Glass of crystal clear water
>Go to bathroom
>Brush teeth wash face contemplate suicide
>Grab phone and wallet
>Put macbook into void black nike backpack
>Walk outside
>Catch tram into City
>Buy a medium mocha
>6/10 mocha
>Go to uni class
>Do pointless work
>Next class is lecture
>Sit in back play pokemon go
>Building has 3 lure stacks
>Happy as fuck
>Farming pokemon
>Leave lecture early
>Catch tram home
>Get dressed into gym clothes
>Small white tee, Grey short shorts
>Pack gym bag
>Go to gym, while listening to motivational music
>Chest and triceps
>Happy as fuck
>See friends talk for 16 minutes
>Organise a date to do shrooms in the near future
>Leave gym
>Pokemon go
>Get home
>Shower, browse this and watch family guy

>> No.11605669

why mention me
what is this life
I want it

>> No.11605821
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>excuse myself from the table to take a note in my notebook (muji) about how delusional my grandmother is

>> No.11605830

>get up at 9.30
>rabbits have escaped their pen
>catch them
>feed them
>go back to bed
>get up at 10.30
>take a bath
>sleep in the tub till 2.30 pm
>have breakfast (bread + fresh pineapple juice)
>take morning meds
>lie down on my bed and think about suicide
>post on /fa/

I sound like a whiny drama queen. Lovin' this effay life, guys.

>> No.11605838

>Wake up at 11.00
>admire myself in the mirror for 10 minutes while doing my skincare routine
>go get dressed
>try 4 different outfits, all of them suck so I just wear a plain tee + jeans
>admire myself on the mirror some more, then head out for lunch
>go to friend's house, talk about random shit for a while and then eat
>waste the entire afternoon at his place watching shit, other friends join us
>leave his place very late at night
>head home, love myself in the mirror again
>stay up reading for another hour

>> No.11605849

>wake up at 10:00
>procrastinate getting up from bed while browsing phone for half an hour
>go to shower, brush teeth etc at 10:30
>put on black björn borg boxers and a plain white tee
>drink coffee and eat breakfast (toast with cheese, ham and cucumber) while listening to radio at 11:00
>study for ~2 hours
>dress up in slim charcoal jeans, stan smiths, an oversized grey sweater and a blue dad cap
>at ~13:45 leave home and cycle through the town to a comfy vegetarian lunch restaurant where you can eat for cheap a f as a student
>for food there's potatoes with spicy soy curry sauce, I give it 3/5, the food's usually better there
>14:30 come back home, discover that the maharishi t-shirt I ordered for a week ago has arrived
>14:30 onwards try it on with different fits and browse /fa/
>two hours later I'm still on my computer contemplating on whether I should get back studying

>> No.11606210

enjoying this thread.

jesus christ you shoud feel bad.
what money are you living off of?

spotted the aurstralian

go back to studying

>> No.11606212

>wake up at 4PM
>catch up with all recent posts on /fa/
>friend comes to pick up some gear he forgot at my place
>eat some chicken and rice
>go play csgo for the rest of the night
>watch a couple edgy movies afterwards
>don't leave the house

>> No.11606234
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>wake up at like 2:30 am
>stay in bed, lazily check facebook n stuff
>get out of bed at like 5
>get dressed, brew some coffee
>take my dog for a walk while listening to Chet Baker
>find a LG K8V phone on the ground, score
>get some good shots of the sunrise and some steam coming off ponds
>jog back to the house
>clean up my record player and get it EQ'd to sound good, move speakers around for better acoustics
>its only 9:30

>> No.11606252
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>Vacation in Rome
>Wake up
>run along the river to olympic stadium and do a few laps around pic related track
>coffee at hotel
>see roman ruins
>hot as hell
>walk to cafe on terrace for lunch
>look around some stores
>go back to hotel by Vatican
>resting until nice dinner with family later

>> No.11606266


holy shit i think you win,

is the running track open to the public? or do you ahve a season pass or something?

>> No.11606310

>wake up at 2pm after drinking all night
>make coffee and eat frosted flakes
>watch baseball and eat
>shit shower and shave
>get dressed (white tee, black jeans, wolverine 1000 miles, sunglasses)
>driver takes me and roommate to first casting
>second casting right after
>get back to office, take some digitals
>make noodles for dinner
>last casting of the day at around 8:30
>lots of people at the casting, loads of girls
>wait around and shoot the shit with some russians and australians
>get back to the apartment drink some beers
>go to bed at 11 cause i've got a job at 4am tomorrow

this is the model life
some days are better than others
most days are great

>> No.11606360
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>> No.11606491

>went to sleep at 8 am
>wake up at 3 pm
>eat cereal wrapped in blanket watching Persona
>sit around all day sometimes strumming guitar
>happy with nothing

>> No.11606492

pure bs, models dont eat frosted flakes or watch baseball, you sound like a preteen in suburban flyover state hell

>> No.11606512

>life the life a skinny shut in NEET
>occasionally venture outside wearing nice clothes bought with NEETbux

I live the /fa/ goal desu

>> No.11606534

>wake up
>feeling sad
>all day

I can't :(

>> No.11606546

You mostly sound like my bf

>> No.11606629

>Milo Cereal
Wtf this is a thing????

>> No.11606670

>wake up at 8:20
>brush teeth and get ready for work, I showered the night before
>get a bagel on the way to work
>eat at work
>see a thing about an ex's bachelorette party and how she's getting married in a month
>start thinking about how I haven't really been in a serious relationship since her
>start thinking about how my only real relationship was a teenage romance that ended years ago
>start thinking about how a number of factors, including porn addiction and self-imposed introversion, has left me essentially retarded in getting girls romantically
>start thinking about how I don't really miss her and just miss my life back then
>start thinking about how im not exactly 100% sure on that last point
>feel worse than I have in months, maybe a year
>coworkers note I'm in a bad mood, try to laugh it off and deny it
>remember I have no weed, which has basically been my crutch for the past 6 years
I'll feel better later, but meh

I'm wearing khakis, a button down shirt and loafers like I do every day to work in the summer

>> No.11606671

Ya but he wrote the wrong dates on his facebook page. he was at dekmantel last night and will only be in Berlin this weekend when I'm not there :(

yes I am a girl

you sound like someone I know, but could be really wrong

>> No.11607052

ya open to pubic as far as i could tell

>> No.11607284

>GF alarm goes off for her to go to crossfit at 6:15
>I go back to sleep until 7
>Clif bar, yogurt and banana for breakfast
>work from 8:30 to 2:30, La Pita for lunch
>bike to gym, upper body, bike back
>dick around on internet
>turn on scent infuser mister that my mother bought me hoping it motivates me to draw, self teaching currently
>make spaghetti, it's good
>will either realize that I know I'm not going to draw and play Divinity: OS or draw until I go to sleep

>> No.11608789

obviously genderfluid gf, what are you insensitive?

>> No.11608963

tomorrow since it will be my day off
>wake up at 7 and run trails first thing for 45 50ish min then shower, eggs spinach banana and lots of water
>walk dog and coffee then either: read, diary, or 4chan(/mu of /fa)
>search google earth for pool to skate
>call homie and bail out pool then barge for like 30 min
>drive to skatepark and listen to /mu rec
>practice foreign lang with tourist at skatepark
>flyouts/backside airs or pools for like 4 or so hours with homie
>try to front smith a bump to box until i inevitably give up
>watch sunset and wait for traffic to die down
>drive home and more /fa
>shower and get ready for bed

>> No.11608983

>wake up 1pm
>get my new warby parker gellhorn glasses in the mail
>get dressed - lady gaga tour shirt, banana republic jeans, dolls kill pink sock boots with lucite heel.
>go to bank with my friend to get my new debit card since i lost my old one at the boston airport
>go to salvation army
>find an amazing vintage skirt and jacket set
>i dont really wear skirts, i got it for the jacket
>a man compliments my boots "wow!! those are fly!!!!"
>catch multiple other people looking at them
>go to ihop
>i get a splashberry and brioche cinnamon french toast
>go to the mall because my friend wants to go to victoria's secret (ew)
>go to sephora
>boring - makeup is misogynist and dumb
>depression kicks in
>get baskin robbins
>single scoop mint chocolate chip with brownies
>sit outside together
>go home
>practice oboe
>win an auction for hermes jeans and a dior scarf
>back to bed

>> No.11608997

>Wake up at 1:30 in the afternoon
>Slightly disappointing I didn't die in my sleep
>Browse 4chan for hours
>pass out, while I silently cry myself into a new dawn

>> No.11609016

>wake up 10am (early for me)
>get a egg and cheese bagel from local bagel store
>take train to city
>get frozen chai tea
>go to a black film festival
>see Free Cece
>attend workshop with Cece herself
>take pics with her
>buy rose water spray
>take trolley to mac and cheese mart
>they are closed
>get fried green beans instead
>check out buffalo exchange
>everything they have is shit as usual
>try on some of their vintage clothing which is actually good but doesn't fit
>go to rite aid to buy chocolate
>foreign tourist is yelling at cashiers because he has to show ID to buy cigarettes
>buys stuff
>still have time before train home
>go to starbucks. they're closed
>well i guess i'll get on the train
>train's late so i have time to get tea and a donut
>the woman next to me has a smelly fucking pussy
>get on train
>text friends
>walk home because my mom didn't feel like driving me (rip)
>practice oboe
>the end

>> No.11609112

yo if that one in cyprus is an 8 wtf is a 10?

my life is boring at home, i'll do an avg weekend at school
>wake up sunday morning w model gf, usually around noon
>head to brunch
>part ways, i head to shower
>get distracted and play guitar for like 30 mins
>shower for long af while listening to Sleep Cycle
>head to friends place
>chill, listen to music, shoot the shit, etc etc
>head to coffee shop to get some homework done w homies
>usually wearing some band tee and jeans and cp's
>get distracted and read and listen to music at shop
>barely finish hw before its due at 6pm
>head for pizza next door
>should probably see gf again
>go to her place, catch up
>maybe watch first half of a movie, have sex
>usually fall asleep for a bit
>head home, chill and catch up w roommate for a bit
>read, listen to music, surf internet, etc til sleep, 2 am those days

weekends at home tho
>wake up like 10am, call it saturday
>chill around parent's house, surf internet or read or guitar
>eat that good takeout lunch
>chill in office w my dad for hours
>listen to music we both like (mark hollis lately)
>head to dinner w family
>come back and chill and read and surf internet, til bed

>> No.11609430
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>Wake up 3:30 pm
>roll out of bed hungover still
>grab dirty work shirt, pants and apron
>run out and miss first bus, wait at bus stop smoking
>"fuck i wish i had a coffee"
>get bus, get too work.
>buy coffee at the cafe beside my restaurant
>"why am i too awkward to ask the servers to just make me one for free?"
>cook rich people italian food till 10
>oil burn from calamari frier
>smoke break durning downtime so you don't have to embarrase your self making small talk with servers
>cook more
>clean kitchen, leave
>hit trendy bar on the way home, too bad it's a monday and there's no one there.
>get moderately drunk
>get corner store fried chicken and cry while eating it at the bus stop at 1am
>get home and tell gf you're sorry you're so late
>fall asleep crying in her arms
>Cat comes and sits on my head while i fade away, finally crack a smile

>> No.11609456

Tfw this is unironicly what I do every day, just change around the wake up time

>> No.11609534

Wow you sound like such a fucking faggot

/fa/ is way to gay for me

>> No.11609923

>I have a boring life and like it
ya thats me too man:)

>> No.11611058

Lol who the fuck buys hermes jeans? If it were an Hermes scarf and Dior jeans that would be one thing but wtf

you're obviously just buying things for the brands and your lack of interest in makeup shows that you don't understand social coding by other women.

>frozen chai tea
>mac and cheese mart
>fried green beans
>tea and a donut

RIP your metabolism hon

>> No.11612553

>wake up at 1pm
>lay in bed for an hour reading and jacking off
>get up make breakfast
>jack off again maybe
>fa pol fit
>go to gym
>go to work as bartender
>hang out at bar after we close
>go home
>what am I doing with my life
>what a failure
>go to sleep

>> No.11613102

im screaming this is actually a compliment. im not a guy though
ok living for this drag. they're really cool jeans though, and your insult doesn't really make sense. it was cheap hermes, why wouldn't i buy them? i literally got 500 dollar jeans for 50 dollars....... that's a steal!!! im sorry you're jealous that im more fashionable than you babe. also i dont understand how dior jeans would be any different.....
you're totally right about my diet though lmfao i need to do better. TO BE FAIR i didn't eat the chocolate that day, the chai tea was a medium, the mac mart was closed, and i had a healthy breakfast.

>> No.11613605

You sound like an underage pretending to be a woman online. Go out and play, it's summer.

>> No.11613610

>he fails to believe that there are women on /fa/

>> No.11613613

>woke up at 9:30 (no work today)
>check email and clearance designer shit on farfetch and ln-cc
>put on robe
>coffee then shit
>browse /fa/
will shower in about 20 min and get ready to go to the zoo with the gf and hopefully pet a deer

>> No.11613665

>wake up at 10
>piss, rinse face, drink a glass of milk
>back to bed, fuck girlfriend
>get lunch at a cafe in town
>I get fried chicken and a vanilla shake, she gets a haloumi salad and a long black
>walk along the waterfront and sit watching the water for a while
>get picked up by her friend and drive to the shop for recycling stuff from the dump on the outskirts of town
>they look for functional film cameras
>I find a perfect condition Swanndri jacket for $5 that'll go for at least $50 online
>Get dropped home
>fish and chips for dinner because I need to go grocery shopping
>watch some Olympics with my flatmates

>> No.11613708
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Continuation of this but now at pic related
>Wake up at 9 at my hotel in Positano on Amalfi Coast
>go to hotel restaurant for breakfast
>good coffee and fruit
>go straight to private "beach" (which is more like a patio with a dock on the rocks) at hotel
>go in water
>stung by jellyfish
>can now cross that off list
>lay out on beach chair
>small salad lunch at beachside restaurant
>another dip in the ocean this time no jellyfish
>go up to room and shower
>sit on patio and type this while waiting to go to dinner

>> No.11613741

Fridays look like this

>Wake up 830
>Wash up, get dressed (avg outfit is black APC denim, black tee, harrington if cold, kaishis)
>Eat an orange and drink some water
>Head to work by 930 doing research for my lab
>Come home to make lunch @ 1230, usually a pound of chicken w/ spinach & rice
>Back to work until ~5
>Hit the gym for an hr
>Come home to make dinner, usually the same shit as I eat for lunch
>Hit up friends to see what they're up to
>Grab vodka, go meet up @ 10
>Come home fucked up @ 230
>Shower, sleep
>Worry about breakouts for the next few days b/c binge drinking isn't good for u

>> No.11613767

>wake up at 5
>try and make at least a couple eggs and some toast for bfast
>leave fore work around 5:30 get there at six
>get off work anywhere from 2:30 to 4. Work at a meat plant
>get home and either get dressed for the gym or to skate
>buy groceries from asian market
>make food or hit up taco truck
>come home and work on some songs in ableton
>play some fire emblem on ds or smash bros with roomies
>browse /fa/ for some inspo or /b/ for some porn.
>go to bed

>> No.11613821


>wake up at 5:30am
>piss / shit
>make BCAA / Amino shake and eat banana
>run to park, run once around park, run back home, 3.7 miles total
>slam amino shake
>stretch and do my planks and flutter kicks
>make breakfast: 4 whole eggs with turkey, onion, poblano pepper, and some cheese
>just freezing cold water for first shower
>brush teeth, floss, mouth wash, and contacts
>pack gym bag and food for work
>throw on american eagle slim straight jeans, timberland earthkeepers, and work tee
>head to work (small vitamin / supplement shop)
>grab an absolute zero monster at the gas station next to my house
>get to work
>spend time browsing internet, 4chan, reading books or drawing
>close store at 6 pm
>head to gym for weight training
>get home at 7:30ish
>heat up premade dinner and make a giant salad
>second shower
>room tempish water, nivia moisturizing bodywash, almond oil or head and shoulders (every 4th day) for hair, exfoliant scrub for face, jolt of freezing cold water for about a minute before I get out
>nivia face moisturizer
>meet friends and qt. Coworker sex /cuddle buddy at bar
>drink 2 Michelob ultras, play darts, and hangout
>leave at around midnight
>go back to crash at coworkers place
>fall asleep cuddling

Summers are fun

>> No.11613859
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>wake up at 10
>I want to lose weight so my breakfast is a ton of water
>brush my teeth, mouthwash, take a shower, maintain my light stubble, pluck my unibrow
>dress up slowly, wear comfortable old clothes
>blast Queen while I clean the entire house
>be done by lunch time
>cant deal with hunger anymore, order fish and chips and a bottle of coke
>wash the dishes
>read on my kindle while I sunbathe
>dress up casual fit
>visit my parents and check if they are doing ok
>go back home and have a long Dota session
>order fish and chips again
>wash dishes again
>go for a jog
>go back home and have another long dota session
>read for a little bit
>go to bed

r8 m8

>> No.11613887

why don't you cook your own food if you want to lose weight? baka

>> No.11613931

im slowly learning, but im just too lazy on the weekends, I miss my mother's food

>> No.11614008

Quality time with family, friend