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/fa/ - Fashion

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11572837 No.11572837 [Reply] [Original]

What's up /fa/

Let's get this shit started

>> No.11572843
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All Google Drive resources posted ITT will be made unavailable after the thread has died

>> No.11572852
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Only interesting pages from reports will be posted, rest can be found on the full .pdf file

>> No.11572871
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>> No.11572883



>2018 will be a juxtaposition of tech dependence and self-reliance. Code-to-cure technologies will transform the healthcare and wellness-related industries, but will not replace the importance of physical activity, as strong becomes the new healthy. Smart fabrics will shake-up the apparel industry, but will not replace the need for tactile materials. New apps and social networks will further global relationships, but our most important connection will be with nature.


>The speed of technology is erasing traditional identifiers, allowing people to redefine age, gender, body image, and even ethnicity. In a future where people can be whoever they want, old demographics will become obsolete, and more fluid ones will rise in their place, forcing designers and companies to rethink what they make, and how they sell it.


>A new industrial revolution is underway, driven by the consumer demand for corporate accountability. Sustainability will no longer be a buzzword but an expected business practice, energised by small steps that can make a large impact.


>Technology will be the great unifier, allowing for the formation of global youth tribes, driving borderless micro-economies, establishing refugee safe-zones, enabling greater house-to-human interaction, and innovating materials infused with
human ingenuity.


>Design will be less about designing things and more about designing systems and experiences. Design-to-order will be the new order, increasing customer creativity and decreasing unnecessary production. When goods are produced, they will be designed for the greater good: sustainability will become sophisticated and we will purchase beautiful, conscious products for life, not labels.

>> No.11572897
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>As the tech-connected home finally gets a heart, with the emergence of more intuitive and human-centred innovations, the desire for nesting will be intensified. Everyday spaces and products will have a warm, tactile quality. Sleep will increasingly be viewed as a resource, and celebrated as a place of wonder. Moments of solitude will be embraced and sought after, rather than avoided.


>New technologies allow us to view our planet like never before. Ranging from micro to macro viewpoints, our new Earth perspectives will challenge our existing relationships with nature, resulting in a fierce desire to reconnect, protect and inspect the world we live in. We will see nature in a new light, working with it as it becomes a recognised part of the design process.


>Lack of economic trust, the rise of mobile connectivity and a conscious consumer demand for business transparency is changing the value proposition, both in the purpose of an item and its monetary worth. This new value system will be based more on ethics, product life-cycles and emotional, not financial, gain.


>> No.11572901
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>> No.11572913
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>Workwear becomes premium

>Design that lasts

>Loungewear is smartened up

>The 1950s is a key reference

>> No.11572930
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>> No.11572935
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>> No.11572937
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>> No.11572941
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>> No.11572946
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>> No.11572949
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>> No.11572955
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>> No.11572959
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My personal favourite

>> No.11572968
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>Retro influences are minimal and sophisticated

>Luxury is understated

>Performance and active influences are lo-fi

>Modern tech meets retro sport

>> No.11572973
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>> No.11572977
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>> No.11572983

Is this like your project for a college course on fashion? This is impressive.

>> No.11572985
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>> No.11572991
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>> No.11572994
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>> No.11572999
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No, they're just trend forecasts for the upcoming Fall / Witner 2017 season from WGSN, a trend forecasting subscription service.

>> No.11573004
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>> No.11573013
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>> No.11573018
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>> No.11573023

Alright that's it for now, nobody here really seems interested in what actually goes on in fashion

Might post the other 2 trend forecasts later + textile / print / accessories forecast if anyone is interested

>> No.11573067

w2c pieces like this?

>> No.11573068

Cool man post more

>> No.11573079


>> No.11573085


mainstream comfycore seems dope

>> No.11573088

Don't be a pussy, post more

>> No.11573095

i was lurking, keep going

>> No.11573098

this is more than enough content to discuss and dissect, that's what this board needs, in depth discussion and dialogue.

>> No.11573101

Thank you so much for the link! Please post more if you have time. There are people here who appreciate your contribution )

>> No.11573130

What's interesting is how closely all of this resembles the Japanese fashion scene over the past few years. Like mostly there's just been pockets of brands who revolve around each of these specific inspirations.

>> No.11573131

please post more this is really good

>> No.11573142
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yall are pussies, trend forecasting but yall r gonna wear the same ol fuccboi shit

>> No.11573148


I've definitely been feeling it. The world is just "ON" 24/7, people are confused and looking for meaning amidst the ever increasing speed of things. Feel like there's going to be a slowing down or stepping away of some sorts.


This is interesting, always been into newsboys and early 1900s workwear, love Paul Harnden, etc. Would love to see it come back with a twist.


First time I noticed this was Vetements using the rubberised picnic tabletop fabric a few seasons ago. Corduroy been seeing a lot too. It's so much about juxtapositions of textures nowadays.


Feeling it

>> No.11573170

It's all about fabrics and color palettes, there's no big swing in fashion, just small additions pilling up

>> No.11573219


Goddamn that coat looks really good.

>> No.11573241

I am still here senpai..keep posting

>> No.11573245

i care

>> No.11573282

Good shit, post more anon

>> No.11573308

Where da pdf at

>> No.11573336

Was lurking, don't get discouraged because there's not too many comments.

>> No.11573407
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>baggy pants fucking everywhere

>> No.11573422


You only think that because we've been on a skinny pants cycle, nothing wrong with baggy if it fits the silhouette

or unless you're a non-sasian manlet then it looks bad

>> No.11573428

Yea, can we get a link to the PDF pls and tanks u

>> No.11573496

id on the shoes?

>> No.11573517

Quality thread, OP

>> No.11573746

Everything you posted is artificial bullshit, post something interesting and natural, not any of this Corporate crap

>> No.11573775

That timeless design thing is what I've been talking about for some time, there's no worrying about looking dated these days.

>> No.11573789

why don't you do that yourself genius

>> No.11573799


>> No.11573813

They gonna come back big, it's inevitable - even double breaks on suits/work wear

>> No.11573837

Downloaded, and gonna read the whole thing at work. I already kind of disagree with some things (they're hyping 2018 as the god damn fashion apocalypse where everything changes forever, though it seems kinda unlikely that twenty or even five years from now people will look back and say "Yeah, 2018, definitely the pivotal year, you really can divide human history into pre 2018 and post. That said they're selling hype and nobody would pay for "shit currently happening will continue with these variations") but it looks like a good resource anyway. Thanks for posting something other than meme garbage arguments.

>> No.11573864
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>people like dressing like shit on purpose because "muh fayshun"

>> No.11573903


Just because you aren't aware of the scope of things going on, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. If you're an informed follower of fashion, these things would make very much sense to you, they are simply progressions of things that have been going on for a while.

>> No.11573923


The reports encompass main ideas and movements, revolutions don't happen overnight. The reports are meant to cover the forefront of these things, and the collections / products / services that reflect these movements come afterwards, then it trickles down and maybe 3-5 years later the masses will have fully caught on. You don't take them at face value like that.

>shit currently happening will continue with these variations

That's what they are selling, and lots of people pay for it. It's very very helpful from the creatives / industry perspective.

>> No.11573944

muh skinny jeans

>> No.11573996

>not Corporate crap

>> No.11574021


>> No.11574203

Enjoy working spending all your hrs earned cash on over priced corporate '''''''''''''''''fashion''''''''''''''''

>> No.11574216

i appreciate you making this available on google drive, but where is the rest?

>> No.11574231

they're way behind, even by this board's standards

>> No.11574251

Way to literally react the way they're saying people are going to be reacting lmao.

>> No.11574256

rehashing now-defunct trad magazine staples is not going to be a new trend
cuz it happened
and it's already dead
rip free&easy

>> No.11574257


they might, probably in a different style but not like in the fucking early 2000's when there were baggy ass jeans because everyone treid to act manly and called people gay for wearing slim and skinny jeans

>> No.11574258

Read the thread

Posting for interest.

>> No.11574273

They could've just said "90s streetwear juggernauts are gonna blow up" not "we're gonna make up a subculture and it'll probably backfire until we start stocking SSUR and Milkfed at Target"

>> No.11574280

i had this missus who was a fashion designer and this is exactly the kind of retarded airhead shit she'd come up with

this is good as a school project or something

>> No.11574319

Trends refers to shit plebs eat up. All trends start out as things enthusiasts are sick of. See the popularity arc of zombies and what shit with zombies looked like at various points in that arc if you still don't get this.

>> No.11574339

There's like....an actual timeline of the zombie trend?

>> No.11574362

I'm not aware of a nice infographic or anything but just think about how popular they were and with who and what the result was. If you really want a graph I'll make one when I get home from work because computer.

>> No.11574373

>I assume you want to see an infograph
I assume you're underage

>> No.11574425

well said.
/fa/ is inundated with trends and ideas that are far from fresh and that fail to deliver value.

Threads like these with robust, informative content is a return to form.

Continue to post more or at least compile a mega. I'd be happy to share this in the future

>> No.11574635

Are you going to post the pdf?

>> No.11574657

yep u can tell they got some unpaid intern fashion school grads to whip this shit up just look at these titles

>soft industrial
>home workwear
>1950s interiors
>new mod
>the outsiders
>going underground
>minimal retro
>modern opulence
>luxury lounge
>dressed-up team kit
>Valet parking
>LA pool powl

real trend forecasting uses actual data like google analytics

>> No.11574701


did you guys watch the normcore trend analysis/forecast a couple years ago? this is the exact kind of shit the industry does. hard data has its place but it's not as predictive as eyes on the streets and inside fashion houses.

>> No.11574704

time to start pre-gaming on these two

>> No.11574756

yea no more of that shit lol. nobody will ever dress like those pictures haha. so gay

>> No.11574983


lel that shit lasted exactly 3 months before disappearing

if anything it's a testament to how worthless these subversion instruments are for mass marketers who would barely have the time necessary to build any kind of associations

>> No.11575459

>not recognising the business from normcore like NB is still being eaten up

>> No.11575478

nice thread, pls keep it alive

>> No.11575582


>thinking NB is normcore
