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File: 405 KB, 1083x634, manlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11401124 No.11401124 [Reply] [Original]

5'4 manlet here. How do I become effay?

>> No.11401129
File: 127 KB, 480x480, sipcymaetbal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely that's not real

>> No.11401130
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>> No.11401138

Is there hope for 5'4 manlet like me?

>> No.11401142
File: 38 KB, 303x297, sad anime girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that's just mean

>> No.11401158


Be or look Asian.

>> No.11401199
File: 358 KB, 300x169, 1458603332235.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'4 holy shit thats just bad luck in the gene department

>> No.11401204

Holy shit plz tell me you're a real smurf

>> No.11401207
File: 5 KB, 365x378, 1465433730163.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'8 here

>> No.11401213

5'8 - 5'10 is medium size

>> No.11401221

Also, I'm asian, 106 lbs. and balding (NW5)

Should I just give up on becoming effay?

>> No.11401234

Nah never give up also do you think you can pull off the buzzcut

>> No.11401244

isnt that 5'11?

>> No.11401263

Sucks for him. How tall do you think that guy is? 5'5? He's pretty handsome nonetheless, I'd fuck him.

>> No.11401345

dont wear those shirts

>> No.11401372

shhh anon

>> No.11401404

5'6 here
>Receding hairline
>shit hair texture
>Chicken skin on upper arms and legs
>Size 7 feet
>Shit posture

Should I just kill myself?

>> No.11401414

Yes. There's no point of living if you're a man under 5'11. I'm serious.

>> No.11401418

and there's no amount of proper clothing will compensate for your short stature

>> No.11401420

get your shit tailored to give your look the proper proportions, also get otter mode.

>> No.11401444


at least you have that going for you
find worth in what you have you little crybaby

>> No.11401511

hey man atleast your not fat

>> No.11401726

165cm here, at least decent jaw, hair, and ottermode
another con is i look mentally ill in pictures

>> No.11401759

i love cunts worrying about shit they can't change. If you can't start liking who you are then just kill yourself mate. Why bother fantasising about being 1 inch taller? When does the pile become a mound anyway?

KYS if you don't like how tall you are

fyi i'm 5'9" and its so negligible if i was 5'4" or 6' I wouldn't give the tiniest bit of shit

>> No.11401761

If that guy was half a foot taller, he'd be out of her league

I have a lot of flaws, but at least once a week I find myself feeling thankful for genetics blessing me with at least 6 feet of height

Now I just have to wait for dick enlargement surgery to take off and I'll be slaying

>> No.11401767

>implying freckles are good
>implying I have anything good about me

>> No.11401776

height insoles + high heels

don't even bother otherwise

>> No.11401800

>if i was 5'4

sure m9

>> No.11401803

you can't be a manlet as an asian unless you're under 4 feet, also asians have the most effay frame
good luck anon

>> No.11401875
File: 10 KB, 363x349, Feels bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I really hope that guy is like 5'4.

Anyway, get your shit tailored to perfection. If you have the money, buy things bespoke. If you're short, it's that much more important that everything fits extremely well so as to not give you fucked up proportions.

>> No.11401878

freckles are dope af
especially a lot

>> No.11401888

Good friend is probably 5'4, he met a same height gf, they're super happy.

I image they live in dolls house somewhere doing tiny stuff together

>> No.11401958

Accept yourself. You CANNOT change your height, work on what you can change if you don't like how you look. I know le manlet reddit meme xd is so popular here but your height says nothing about you as a person, your idiocy does though.

>> No.11402036
File: 35 KB, 412x371, 1463872189710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're under 6'4 you're a manlet.
Heck, people under 6" don't even exist.

If you're a manlet you might as well just give up on life. More so, if you're a fat/chubby manlet, I don't even know why you're still alive Tbh.

>> No.11402053
File: 33 KB, 480x536, 1465658892118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People under 6'0 are confirmed to have dicks smaller than 4 inch.

>> No.11402057

>tfw a clean 6'2 with a small dick

i wanna die

>> No.11402069
File: 71 KB, 220x166, Screen Shot 2016-06-14 at 8.59.11 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's married? nice hands btw

>> No.11402074

Thanks to sports I know that's not always true

>> No.11402075

don't be fat, have nice fits. most tall girls have self esteem issues.

>> No.11402089

5' 6" shortarse here.
My personal advice is well fitting clothes are everything, get a tailor and try clothes on before you buy if you can. Also be very wary of anything baggy/oversized.

>> No.11402092

I'm 5'4.5 I just tell everyone I'm 5'5 and nobody ever made fun of my height yet,

>> No.11402154
File: 124 KB, 625x474, LLcoolpotter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop shitposting.
>build some self-confidence.

>> No.11402162

/thread. Pretty nice advice doe.

>> No.11402465


>> No.11402467

>implying asians dont look good in loosewave

>> No.11402484


>> No.11402485

5'7 here. I usually buy my shirts at ted baker and they fit me really well.

>> No.11402632

181 cm, 21, 60kg

am I doomed? :(

>> No.11402646

6'2 here, skinny and lanky af though

>> No.11402682

5'3 manlet here.

I have been dating girls my height or shorter my whole life. That's the only way you're gonna make it.

>> No.11402689

That's a good height, idiot.

>> No.11402698

6'2 here, sorry manlets you'll never be preferred

>> No.11402705

gain some weight my friend

>> No.11402724


>> No.11402740


>> No.11402752


>> No.11402753

sorry but your height doesn't matter when you're ugly

>> No.11402762


>> No.11403868

6'4, even I feel short sometimes. "Tall" isn't really until like 6'7.

>> No.11403892

Tfw 6ft manlet

Im genuinely insecure and Wear 1" insoles just to not feel small in crowds

>> No.11403900

Pretty much this

>> No.11403941

>being in denial this badly

>> No.11403974

5'7 here

6 and 1/2 inch dick

get rekt faggot

>> No.11403982

Are you fucking retarded? Nobody can't gain weight. Just start counting your colories and lift weights faggot. It's not hard.

>> No.11404003

I gaurantee many girls would fuck that handsome manlet

furget his height, this manlets got facial aesthetics most boys pray for

>> No.11404306
File: 108 KB, 250x317, 1462823490014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to rub my cunt all over that qt sad little manlet's face tb.h.

>> No.11404404

Here is how to be effay as a short man.
1.Stop saying effay
2. FUCK what people think

>> No.11404419

5'11 here.
You're right, fuck my asian genes.

>> No.11404423

So long as you balance out your height and width you'll be fine. Even guys 6ft+ can look like midgets if their silhouette gets too wide.

>> No.11404426

everyone realizes the comments on the side there are fake and written by a self-hating manlet right

>> No.11404430

So he should be 6 feet wide is what your saying. Because in theory that's how balance works.

>> No.11404439

Not always, when people say to have a balanced diet they don't mean have 1/18th of everything. The same applies here. The shorter you are the narrower you have to be.

>> No.11404469

Dude you are comparing like 2 different things

>> No.11404476

that's how comparison works

>> No.11404488

Stop listening to 4chan, basically.

4chan and similar sites jump on immutable characteristics (height, skin color/ethnicity, dick size, etc.) in order to make you feel bad. Unlike easily modified characteristics (e.g. weight), it's an easy way to piss off people and make them insecure without recourse.

It's certainly true that some girls give a fuck about height, but that's similar to the demographic of guys who obsess over tit size or other largely irrelevant things.

>> No.11404501

mmmmm nah not at all man, a 6 ft tall fat guy looks like a huge person on account of being both tall and fat. A 5'4" stick looks like a pixie or an 11 year old on account of being tiny all around.

Height is DEFINITELY one of the things girls actually give a shit about, from dumb chicks to smart they generally all find taller guys more attractive. Have a conversation with them, it's undeniable. Hate to break it to you but they generally like big dicks as well, unless you're really good with your small dick - it's just more likely you'll be good with a big one. 4chan isn't ganging up to make you insecure lol, these are just some facts that are unfortunately true.

>> No.11404524


>> No.11404532

are you for real?

>> No.11404535
File: 24 KB, 255x478, marvbla4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mean fat, I mean silhouette wise. The worst I've seen is the big body bodybuilders. Even the tall ones tend to look almost like muscly toddlers if they get too big. Since we're on fa that won't be a problem, but clothing fit is just as important. Balance is key. Unless you want to look tiny some bulk is good, but overcompensating with muscles or trying to wear unflattering clothing just makes you look like a literal midget. I don't how tall this guy is but he looks ridiculous and like he has t-rex arms.

Humiliated/hurt guys is my fetish desu. He's also got "Chad" tier looks.

>> No.11404539

Samefagging but this is the 5th time today I've forgotten the word filter. I really need to stop.

>> No.11404545

Absolutely true. I should probably recast my point a bit: if they do, who cares?

Case in point: I know a lot of girls who want a 6'5" model with a Ph.D, a million dollars, and who is devotedly Jewish but who looks anything but Jewish. Problem is, those same girls are dumpy 5'2" Jewish princesses who are aging like milk and who are about as pleasant and intelligent as a cave troll. That fact doesn't prevent them from sitting on Facebook sharing idiotic articles (written by other cave trolls) about what men they deserve.

It just seems like an exercise in futility to be all fucked up about stuff you can't change. If you have a small dick, that sucks, but that doesn't mean you have to jump off a cliff, proverbial or not.

>> No.11404550

lmao where do you live where this du aint average as best?

>> No.11404559


>> No.11404589

I'll agree that height and dick size is something that girls care about, but more so at extremes (like 5'4", or 3" dick tier).

I'd like to imagine most girls won't be trading up from a 5'11, 6" dick guy to one that's 6'2 with 7" dick

>> No.11404590

Women care as much about height as men do about tits. Less so but it's the most accurate comparison.

Dick size is a meme on the other hand. Girls don't care about length unless it's too big and causes pain or it makes penetration impossible. 5 inches is average for everyone. Girth is a tricky subject, women feel girth way more than length so it's most important. But preferences vary a lot. Some (like me) need to be extremely aroused, really wet, and masturbate for literally at least an hour just to take something around 3 inches wide without extremely bad pain while others say they can't feel much with 1-2 inches wide. Women that actually like coke can dicks almost don't even exist and they have to train literally several times a week for months just to fit it in period much less to get it in without pain.

>> No.11404619

Yeah, totally agree. No point getting hung up on it, but also no point in denying it either. Both will slow you down and shit up your quality of life a wee bit.

They wouldn't trade up (probably) if they're already committed but yeah you'd way prefer the second guy. Fuck I mean I'm barely into guys and the second guy sounds way more attractive hahaha, so I wouldn't say it's reserved for extremes. I'd say the difference between 5'10 or 5'11" and 6'2" and the difference between 5" and 7" is pretty "important" when deciding which you prefer.

Girls care about height noticeably more than guys care about tits (a lot of girls won't date short guys, most guys will take a girl with small tits)

Dick size, on the other hand is not a meme at all, it just varies from girl to girl. For every girl, like you, that dislikes big dicks (because of a physiological issue, I might add) there's one that salivates at it.

I used to sleep with a chick on occasion who had this fucktoy who was average looking, meh physique, dumb as a sack of hammers and just the most tragically dull personally you'd ever encounter. Basically just an unfortunate white trash dude who got very few things in the genetic lottery. One time I straight up asked her why she bothered dealing with him (he used to harass her all the time for a relationship) and she said the one reason was he had a big dick. If that's not irrefutable proof that some chicks love hung guys (this guy had literally no other positive attributes) then idk what is

>> No.11404648

I'm literally flat-chested believe me they care and they never shut up about it. Comparing d-cup vs dd-cup is like comparing 5'11 to 6'0 only people with fetishes or who want "status" will care. But being 5'4 is like being an a-cup, generally unless someone has a fetish they're guaranteed to be settling and wishing you were better. The difference is girls don't think about height constantly and when they look at hot guys in pics things like face and body are the only things that matter. Sure guys will take a flatchested girl, but they'll spend literally everyday talking about how much they love big tits and throwing huge fits if you ask them to please not tell you about it literally every single day and to not constantly send you pics of busty girls. I've never even really heard girls talk about height unless they were tall and salty about guys shorter than them calling them a tranny and etc. I can't say anything too objectively because I'm one inch away from legal midget territory, but other than a mild preferrence for 5'8 or below I honestly don't care at all. Tall men can be really scary at times and seem like they'd be a pain during sex and for things like kissing, but I wouldn't let that stop me.

>For every girl, like you, that dislikes big dicks (because of a physiological issue, I might add) there's one that salivates at it.

They really don't, it's basic biology. At most they like the looks and idea of it, but it will be painful no matter how much they like it unless they somehow have an above average vag. If the average man couldn't satisfy the average woman it wouldn't be average in the first place. This is ofc assuming you're like the usual robots who mean a foot long coke can dick when they say big. If you mean "just" 7inches long and slightly thicker than average sure, but those women are the female versions of guys who'll hang out with women they hate because they have big boobs.

>> No.11404650

ayy we match

>> No.11404666

Wow you must date pieces of shit.

>> No.11404692

I've only ever actually dated one guy. I'm still with him right now, it's a ldr and we had the exact same problems constantly for months. I think it might finally tone down a bit now. The others couldn't even ask me out without telling me how much of a sacrifice dating me would be and how hot big boobs are.

Never even consider "nerds", anyone into anime, watches a lot of porn, plays video games, or reads comics if you're flat chested. A lot were obvious robots too who complained about how high women's standards were. I mean tbf having at least tiny breasts is a perfectly reasonable requirement for someone to have for a woman, but why ask me out then? But honestly you don't have a choice if you're flat chested, especially not if you want someone interested in the same things you are.

>> No.11404696

Yeah you definitely dated some assholes lol I prefer bigger tits, but I've been with every cup size below E and in the long run it hasn't mattered at all. If your girl doesn't have a great rack, you focus on whatever else it was that made you attracted to her and you forget she doesn't have big tits, guys are pretty simple like that. Idk where you managed to find your guys but they are certainly not the average.

Obviously you wouldn't be into taller guys if you're that short, that's just impractical. Doesn't really count for you. As for the dick thing, I have known 3 chicks I've personally been with who prefer larger junk and only 1 who actually couldn't take bigger dicks. I definitely don't mean foot long coke can dick, that's ridiculous, you'd have to be a freak to be into that aside from an aesthetic point of view. I mean like 7.5" to 8.5" and then a bit girthy, which is still pretty big.

>> No.11404706

>Long distance relationship
There's your problem, I guess if you're living off of nudes and cyber sex (if you even do that much) it can't be easy if you're flat. Why people continue to engage in ldrs is beyond me. I still can't believe you'd get people saying openly that it's a real sacrifice to have to go down to a flat chest, like that's still some next level douche

>> No.11404723

>Women care as much about height as men do about tits.
ehhh not really. lots of women completely cut out shorter than average men from the dating pool. meanwhile most men prefer big boobs, but will gladly settle

>> No.11404724

That's a bit more reasonable. Every other time I've seen the usual "kys if you're a manlet/have a "small" dick" it's the robots who legitimately believe women have blackholes hidden in their vags and can only be satisfied by that.

I still stand by about what I said about breasts though. I can't even fill out a children's training bra. Literally every single guy I've had an extended conversation with tells me about how hot big boobs are and sends me pics of busty women where boobs are the focus than backtrack and say they just liked the music video or the game scene or whatever. Imagine if you had a 1 inch long dick and your gf sent you picks of huge dicks literally almost everyday and every single game and movie they wanted to play and watch with you had them and they commented on them literally every single time.

"Nerds" aren't known for their social skills. It's just considered a concrete fact to them that I'll always never be enough for anyone so to them it's just honesty and something I need to get over.

I'm just bitching now, but I can honestly say I have never seen a guy actually not care about a flat chest. My bf even says he likes flat chests, but he's never once brought it up on his own or linked even a small girl without me bringing it up first. That's been my experience with every guy who claims to not care or love all kinds as well.

So yeah disagree if you want, but I've never once seen anything different.

>> No.11404731
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>> No.11404740

Yeah man gotta say sounds like you've encountered a bunch of shitcunts hahaha, either you're being paranoid or they really are douchebags for bringing that up. I "care" about flat chests, like I'll perv on a girl with big tits as she walks past and I prefer large C and larger in my porn, but once it gets to actually being with the person it goes entirely out the window. Easily the worst sexperience I've had was with a chick with double ds, I really was not that attracted to her. Would never get with her again. Best sex I've ever had was with a b cup, and there was a flatchested girl who I at first thought was meh cos of her boobs but got really into her after a while. You're definitely being paranoid I'd say, which is pretty fair desu, I would be too if the roles were reversed

>> No.11404756

I know it might sound hard to believe, but when I say commenting on it I mean saying how "lewd" and hot they are instantly. Usually even before I notice it myself. By scenes obviously focused on boobs I mean like GOT boob scenes kind of thing where it can't be mistaken for anything else and pictures that are literally just disembodied boobs.

Even you're saying you'll still be wanting more and eventually just stopped disliking as much. I'm not saying guys who don't like it and just tolerate it are shallow or assholes at all. But you can't lump in flat chests with b-cups. I know tons of guys that love those and genuinely prefer them over dds. And I'd rather not be reminded how I'll never be more than something they'll eventually learn to tolerate while fantasizing over big breasts exclusively every single day.

>> No.11404775


>> No.11404782

This boards obsession with height is so fucking sad

No wonder why y'hall cunts are insecure as fuck. Own your manletness!

>> No.11404798

>Now I just have to wait for dick enlargement surgery to take off and I'll be slaying

yeah I hate when I get a girl to the point where she wants to fuck, and then she turns me down based on my average cock. they always storm out mentioning how they are going to go watch "blacked videos" instead (wtf is blacked???). then the couple of times I've tried to text girls after these incidents they mention how "white bois cant even compete" or something.

if only I had a bigger dick I would be getting so much more pussy.

>> No.11404810

5'7 here dating a 5'9 girl
Girls smell lack of confidence, they don't care about ur height unless you look ridiculously small or somethin.
Having a nice body helps too so if you're a manlet you might as well be fit.

>> No.11404840

>implying that being able to get a chick off doesn't affect whether or not they wanna fuck you more/keep fucking you
Wow anon. Also I didn't say anything about race, don't be projecting now

This, the one huge benefit to being a manlet is how easy it is to get jacked. You might look like you're compensating but at the end of the day it's still better to be ripped than not. Just don't make it obvious that you're compensating through your personality, nothing less attractive than insecurity imo

>> No.11404862

Insecurity in manlets is pretty bad, especially when people are quick to jump to "Napoleon complex lmao"

>5'7" here, you just have to learn to stop giving a fuck really, helps if you've got other things going for you

>> No.11404948

You're using greentext incorrectly anon

But yeah personally if I was short I'd go hard on the advantages you get in sport. Even in basketball, most casual players won't be tall enough to get the advantages of height, so if you're short your way better coordination and agility should be super helpful. Just go around stunting on tall people with mean dribble moves in bball and football, and whatever other sports people play casually

>> No.11404967
File: 20 KB, 396x385, 1465934964842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That feel when manlet

>That feel when was malnutritioned my whole life and not relise how important eating was until I was over 20

>> No.11404986

what a cunt though

>> No.11405071
File: 1.19 MB, 200x200, man rubs chin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you compared your dick for the first time ever to an iPhone 6s and you're actually roughly 7 1/2 inches

>> No.11405075

Any tips and or links?

>> No.11405086

>Tips or links
For what, anon?

>> No.11405112

wrong for me

>> No.11405344

be ian connor

>> No.11405436

I'm 5'4 and a half but tell people I'm 5'5 am I fucked???

>> No.11405495

isnt it like a demon trap ? i cant remember where its from

>> No.11405508

true desu desu senpai

>> No.11405513

>implying any of us can be harry potter

>> No.11405520

100% true.
It's why I became gay.

>> No.11405521


>> No.11405533

I was always skinny as fuck
Barely ate at school and in the morning. I regret it so much

>> No.11405607

A cups are most aesthetically pleasing, both in fits and in the nude. Titty monsters are especially bad because you're always rolling the dice that their nipples haven't been stretched to oblivion. I don't consider it a fetish that I prefer small breasts anymore than my preference for a small waistline. On the other hand I have yet to meet any girl who prefers me at 5'6" to a 6' guy of relative facial attractiveness.

>> No.11405650
File: 345 KB, 451x463, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how was he so successful with women

>> No.11405665

He wasn't

>> No.11405690

Because the script said to do that

>> No.11405755

5'11 is above average, even in my country (germany)

>> No.11405781

Credibility of this post plummeted after "they always storm out"

3/10 try harder

>> No.11406559


You're already effay

>> No.11406603

Practice good posture. It's kind of a meme at this point but so many people slouch that you can end up having as much presence as people that are a little taller than you. But don't overdo it. Wear well fitting clothes/ don't wear baggy stuff

>> No.11406613

wrong hand fgt

>> No.11406648

Size 7 feet is ok for 5'6

>> No.11406664

6.2, 7 inch


>> No.11406667

In what shoe size? I'm 5'6 and a 9 1/2

>> No.11406682

I'm 5'1 and haven't had any trouble with women. I bulked and bought clothes that fitted me. Skinny jeans make my legs look longer which is nice, but the best thing you can do is not give a fuck. Confidence is probably your best bet.

>> No.11407052

your attractiveness doesn't matter when you're short.

>> No.11407056

thats not even big lmao

>> No.11407087


You're literally a midget kek
t. a 5'8 brolet

>> No.11407115

>tfw 6'5
>8 inch cock

Life is good

I just dont understand how men who are below 5'11 or have penises smaller than 6 inches believe in god.

>> No.11407500
File: 250 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_npbtyzYfyn1sytl5io1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never give up, man. Just dress to your proportions. The most different things you'll come by are pants and jackets.
Tailor your pants and buy xs jackets if you can. If not, stay with small, or just order things off of Asian websites.

We're all going to make it, anon.

>> No.11407501
File: 1.93 MB, 244x201, 1430019089713.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Difficult *
I'm a fucking retard

>> No.11407723

>tfw 7'1
>9 inch cock

Life is better.

I just dont understand how midgets like you have to act like a cunt regarding penis size.

>> No.11407819

I have nothing to add to this thread but I once had sex with a girl that was 6'4, so I guess I was a manlet to her, but she was still into it. it was all around a pretty ok experience.

It IS fucked up that girls that are like 5'2 will complain about short guys showing up to Tinder dates but I know some short dudes that got WAY more action than I ever will, so there's no rules out there, only odds. you can overcome them


if guys are sending you pics of other girls and telling you how hot they are, you are fucked. I have never heard of an adult doing this. you sound like you have some real issues as well. you are right tho, men love tits. my gf is an A cup though and I love big tits too. it's not settling it's just preferring certain things about the person, im sure she would love me to have a six pack but it doesn't mean shes settling just because i dont

>> No.11407893

>tfw 5'9
>9 inch dick.
height makes it look even bigger, faggots

>> No.11407899
File: 37 KB, 600x425, 3d diamond model.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 2'4
>42 inch dick.

>> No.11407907

damn you fucking nigger

>> No.11408005

6"5' feet
6.5 inches

>> No.11408035

should i kill myself
dirty blonde hair thats super thick and coarse
mild acne scarring
size 10-11
7 inches
mildly tubby but im working on it
what do

>> No.11408358
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>> No.11408366
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>> No.11409286
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Hey that's not true. I'm 5'4 and my dick is 6.2 inches. My shoe size is 11 so I look like a clown as well. Shit sucks senpai

>> No.11409486


>> No.11409501

>im suck a fucking whore hahaha
>let´s talk shit of people behind their back but never say it to their face

>> No.11409513
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>gf left me for an unemployed 6'3 junkie

>> No.11409519

triggered manlet detected

>> No.11409524

as you can see people dont give a shit about $$$$ they want happyness and more adventurous lifestyle, not some douche who sits in front of PC all year

>> No.11409749

Gain some weight. I'm the same height but I weigh 66-67kg after an extreme cut, I look pretty slim at about 11% bf. You must be insanely skinny, I mean below 60kg at that height is considered to be an unhealthy weight. Buy some weight gainers, protein, creatine and go to the gym, its literally impossible for you not to gain some size if you eat like 3000-4000 calories a day and work out.

>> No.11409759


>> No.11409763

>people dont give a shit about $$$$

sure anon

>> No.11409779

If you are 5'8" and you think its about your height you are an idiot.
Nobody leaves someone because they are an inch below average.
You just suck. Sure she might have liked that he was tall but probably found him way more interesting. Dull guys get ditched.
Harden the fuck up and get an interesting life.
Stop thinking your height has any bearing on the shit you give yourself.
There are dudes half a foot shorter than you pulling chicks..

>> No.11409791
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>> No.11409794

anyone know name? I'd fugg her

>> No.11409835

i'm very tall and have dick smaller then average i think. there is no relevance

>> No.11409867

as a 190cm guy, i feel the same way

i mean i dont actually feel tall although im actually tall

>> No.11409884


>> No.11409919
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Get /fit/ and go full dwarfcore.

>> No.11410020

you're not tall

im 194 cm and in a western country, and it's not tall at all.

dime a dozen people my height and taller.

and once all old farts die out, you will be the new manlet, maybe even I will.

>> No.11410069

>be me 17yearold
>5ft6 and muscly
>got good hair
>decent face and chin
>got freckles as well but it's k
I use to care about my height but it's scary that girls in their 2nd or 3rd year if high school are my height, a bit smaller or a bit taller

>> No.11410089

I got a mate whos 17 and is 5,5 and is fucking a 5,8 girl they are also a couple

>> No.11410218

People care so much about this shit.
Being tall might help you get a long term relationship with some very tall women.
Past that it helps to be tall but barely.
When I look at my most successful friends they cover the spectrum of bodytypes.

A rich guy beats a tall one who's not 99% of the time.
An interesting guy beats a tall guy who's not 99% of the time.
There are not many rich, funny interesting, big dicked, great lovers, non drug addicted, kind men in the world that are also tall.
Really unless someone looks at you and goes "What the unholy fuck you look like a goblin" you can pull chicks if you have something going for you.
People love to use things like their height "oh I'm only 5'8" " As an excuse. You cant pull because you suck or you don't try.
Everyone wants them not getting laid to be anyone's fault but their own.
Unless you are majorly, majorly deformed or something it's not going to make a huge impact on your potential. Then again that guy who had his face melted of just got married so.... Maybe not even then.

>> No.11411859
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how tall do I look? I always feel short

>> No.11411866
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who /6'0 in Ramones/ here?

>> No.11411885


Picasso was 5'4" and he fucked more chicks than all the people in this thread

>> No.11411887
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me without receding hairline

>> No.11411918
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mild gyno
cystic bacne, mild now but still present
wide hips, but wide shoulders
prettygud face
size 8 shoe

I look like a little kraut
How fucked?

>> No.11413000

With how much you care about your flaws, pretty fucked.
Sorry dude but thats the truth.
These are things, maybe half the women out there would overlook if you were funny as fuck, or really rich or gifted with your hands and tongue.
If you focus too hard on your flaws so will girls.
One of my good friends is a redheaded skinnyfat dude with pretty bad acne on his face. I never actually noticed half his flaws for years because he was so damn confident.

He sleeps with more girls a semester than I have in my life.
And I'm average height at 5'9", pretty wealthy with an above average body. The dude slays me with his confidence.
Keep your chins up Anon.

>> No.11413010
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>> No.11413036

Statistically slightly over average.
average height of a adult man averaged over the planet is 5.57743.
Average height in USa 5'9.4
So yeah average in USA and where I'm from. Slightly below in the 15 or so countries that are the tallest on average.

>> No.11413040


Take out hispanics and asians and get back to me.

If you're white and male, the average is 5'11.

>> No.11413056
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Poor attempt to troll.
I'm 26 at 180 cm (5'9")so...
Slightly above average for a while male.

>> No.11413060


180 cm is 5'11
5'9 is 175cm

Get it right you dumb cunt

>> No.11413065

Oh well I fail at imperial.
haha this is quite embarrassing.
Guess I should never travel to
United States of America.
The only countries who use the weird system.

>> No.11413401
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you fucking moron

>> No.11413471
